Most Recent Plans and Packets Updates


Over the past six months, we’ve updated or added 31 plans to the MTI Library. We now offer 247 Plans for Military, Mountain, Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue and General Fitness Athletes. Below are the most recent additions.



Greek Heroine Training Packet:

Backcountry Big Game Hunting Training Packet:

Dryland Skiing Training Plan

In Season Skiing Maintenance Training Plan



Canadian Special Operations Regiment CSOR Fitness Gateway Training Plan

USAF TACP Training Plan

•  ACFT Limited Equipment Training Plan

•  Ranger School Recovery

•  Bataan Death March Training Plan



Fat-Loss Training Plan

Obstacle Race Training Packet:



SWAT/SRT “Gun Maker” Training Packet:


FBI HRT Selection Training Plan



Wildland Fire Training Packet:

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Q&A 1.2.19


“I want to thank you for what you do. I’m 45 and an active duty Marine. I took my CFT today and scored a 291.
I’ve used a couple of your plans and I really appreciate your approach. I told the young guys that I may not be as fast or reliable as I was 20 years ago, but I feel a lot better every day. I also enjoy your blog posts and outlook.
Anyway, I don’t want to take up much of your time, but want to say again, thanks.”


I have been researching for a while now & have come to the conclusion that you guys know your stuff.

I am reaching out as a 22 year from Ca, in hopes of some guidance. I am giving myself 2 full years to train mentally & physically for the chance to join the United States Army Special Forces. In pursuit of being top of class in the Q course & achieving my Green Beret.

I am asking you how to go about the next two years in regards to the packets I should use & in what order?  I am in pretty decent shape but have a long road ahead of me. Any help would be much appreciated.


Now – complete the plans/order in the Greek Hero Packet, beginning with the Military OnRamp Plan. This is 49 weeks of training, if followed concurrently. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run/ruck), chassis integrity (core) and tactical agility. They are designed as “base”, day-to-day fitness for military SOF.
Follow it up with the Plans/Order in the Ruck-Based Selection Training Packet. Several have used this packet successfully for SFAS. Start with Humility. This will add another 45 weeks of programming.
You’ll want to time it so you complete the final plan in this packet, the Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan directly before bootcamp.
– Rob


I’ve been looking at your website, plans, programs, and content.  I’m wondering where to start.
Me: I’m 56 and in good condition.  I’ve done alot of strength training over the past 30 years but not much cardio until about 8-9 years ago when I started doing backpack elk hunts in October in several states.  I have no problem getting around the mountains and packing out elk – but its getting harder every year.  I currently train 5 days/week with a mix of strength and cardio.  I tend to concentrate on pure strength, while maintaining cardio, this time of year.  I move to endurance with more cardio about June or so.
I noticed in the past couple years high elevation and steep terrain is what I need to work on.  Training in high elevation isn’t going to happen in Tennessee so don’t have much of an answer for that piece of the puzzle.  I’ve noticed after 2-3 days of hard hunting in steep terrain, and carrying a pack, wears me out and I usually take every 3rd day or so off to recover.  I’d like not to do that if possible.
For strength I stick with the multi-joint basics – squat, push, pull, hinge, core. I keep weight high, reps low and switch to lower weights/higher reps in summer.  I trail run 4-5 miles 2x per week and do a long hike (15-20 miles) with 20 lb pack in the Smoky’s or another trail run depending on time/daylight.  I usually add in rucking with 40-50 lbs in summer to replace one of the trail runs.
With 10 months until elk season, what do you recommend with respect to your training programs? Where would I start?


10 months = 43 weeks
Here’s what I recommend
Weeks    Plans
1-33      Plans/Order in the Wilderness Professional Packet. These are designed for game wardens, rangers, biologists and concurrently train
               strength, work capacity, chassis integrity, and mountain endurance (running, uphill movement under load
34         Total Rest
35-43     Backcountry Hunting Pre-Season Training Plan – complete the 8 weeks directly before your season
Understand this is intense programming. I’m 51, and can still do it – but my joints feel it and I recover slower. Don’t be afraid to skip sessions/take more rest as needed. Train smart.
– Rob


I recently purchased a membership to the fitness plans provided by your company. I am currently in the pipeline for CSOR’s Operator Selection and had a look at the program corresponding to this selection. I have to admit that based on other programs and resources that I have found, the program that you have made best address my needs. That being said I still have quite some time before Selection, happening in April 2020, and would like your help with finding programs to follow in the meantime.
Below are some of my current restrictions:
  1. 4 Dec 2019 – Jan 18 2020: No restrictions, will have access to a ruck and gym
  2. 19 Jan – 8 Feb: Will be out of the country, will only have access to a gym but no ruck
  3. 13 Feb – 23 Feb: Will be out of the country, possibly no access to a gym but access to a ruck
I’m looking for a program that will build me up to tackle the CSOR Selection program that your company has designed.


Time Period           Plan
4 Dec – Jan 18       Fortitude
19 Jan – 8 Feb       Humility (first 3 weeks)
13 Feb – 23 Feb    Valor – Replace rucking in the plan with runs in your body armor
– Rob


I’m interested in pursuing career in TACP or SF. I’m 36, former Marine/SWAT guy, that’s gotten fat and out of shape and need help starting over. I still exercise sporadically but need a good plan that won’t injure/kill me to start preparing for either of these selections. My most recent PT test results were

1.5mi Run: 12:20
Pushups (1M): 56
Sit-ups (1M): 50

Where should I start?


– Rob


Hey just got you guys subscription and I started the skinny hy program I’m currently deployed and I plan on going to A&S when I get back state side , what do you recommend to be hit MTI Tactical athletes standards and maintain good endurance I weight about 150-155
Sent from my iPhone


– Rob


I am Federal LE and a USMC reservist. I am being transferred from a city HQ office to “Indian Country” which will involve a lot of time driving to reservations.

What do you recommend for maintaining mobility/durability while spending so much time hunched in a vehicle? Any programs or specific movements?  I expect to have access to a YMCA with a pool.

I have followed operator and LE programs in the past, currently I am recovering strength and following your low back program while recovering from a chronic low back injury/pain.


Train hard daily. Continue with the LE Patrol Programming – I’d recommend the Spirit’s Packet of Plans – just updated these a month or so ago. Start with Whiskey.
– Rob


Thank you for creating your programs. Incredible results from this programming, and super intense, in just 7 weeks.

I wanted to pass along my results. I’ve been lifting since I was about 15 (37 now), but I’ve been out of the weight room for about two solid years focused on jiu-jitsu. I’d say I have a fairly high lifting age but I’d also say I was untrained going into this.

The timing protocol I followed was 1:30 between every set, and lifted as you prescribed. My only change was I did not do weighted pullups, just strict dead hang pull ups. On some of the later days, I didn’t even do the stretching between sets, just walked around the gym to recover. The gym here also has a grip strength dynamometer, my grip strength was fairly consistent at around 140lbs on each hand. I know that’s high but I attribute it to 7 years of hard jiu-jitsu.

75” tall

Body weight: 235 -> 229; 2.5% (ate literally everything in view). Body fat went from 18% to 15%, lost a little over 1” off the waist.

Squat: 260 -> 330; 26.9%

Lunges: 50 -> 95; 90%

Hang Squat Clean: 160 -> 230; 43.8%

Bench: 205 -> 250; 21.9%

Pull ups: 5 -> 16; 220%

Push Press: 155 -> 210; 35.4%

From here, you had recommended Johnny but my cardio is such I need to improve on that first. My thought is to complete the ultimate meathead to get 3 more weeks of hypertrophy, in conjunction with the 2-mile improvement plan and then transition to Johnny once I’ve improved my cardio. Or would Big 3 + running be better? Thoughts?


Glad the plan worked for you!
Stick with Johnny. It includes plenty of strength work.
– Rob


I’ve followed your programming and company for years. I just finished up IBOLC and blew my chance at Ranger due to a torn ligament. During my rehab I’m trying to get myself back into my fighting shape now that I’m getting pushed out to the big army. I have the utmost respect for your programs and plans and I know you’re not a fan of people pairing and mixing your plans together but if there was a combination of plans to get back a generally high level of cardio and weight lifting what would be the ones? And I follow your nutrition guidelines but do you think that a no/low card diet is sustainable for an IN platoon leader in the big army while in garrison ? As always, thank you for your incredible work and guidance.


1) Plans/order in the Greek Hero Packet, beginning with Hector.
2) Yes. Our recommendations are not “no carb” – just not shitty carbs. Plenty of carbs in fruit/veggies. Stop overthinking it.
– Rob


I’m an LE professional with skinny, chicken legs. I also want to improve my run time.
Will the leg training in the 2-mile run improvement plan (leg blasters, etc) be sufficient to gain some leg size?
Alternatively, how should one train a lagging muscle group (like my skinny legs) to catch up with better developed muscle groups?


Hypertrophy training is pretty direct …. sets of 8-15, at a “hard but doable” load.
Leg Blasters for hypertrophy? Not programmed for that, and anecdotally, some of our lab rats have seen leg growth, and others not.
Best would be to 8 sets of 8 reps – increase load each round until hard but doable, of Front Squats, and Walking Lunges with Dumbbells. Say Tuesdays – Front Squats, Thursdays – Walking Lunges. Replace the leg blasters in the plan with this.
– Rob


I live Alaska. I am 58 years old. I have worked construction all my life and an avid sheep Hunter. Over the last 10 years I have slowly gone downhill physically, due to sitting behind a desk, earlier low back injury, and years of abusing my body in construction work. I have Stenosis, bone spurs on lower back, arthritis in hips. Chiropractors said that they could adjust me but before I walked out of the office I would lose the adjustment. They said my only option was surgery.
Not wanting to go the surgery route I began seeing a Nutritionist/Chiropractor. At my lowest point I was in constant pain and functioning at 10%. By cutting out all nightshade vegetables, grains and sugar, and not lifting things that I shouldn’t and taking supplements I became relatively pain free but still functioning at 10%. Last year some friends convinced me to take them sheep hunting so I began very simple core exercises and 1 hour speed walking. Closer to the hunt I added a loaded pack to the walk and climbed Crow Pass in the Chugach for a tune up for the hunt. Uphill was no problem but downhill the left knee definitely did not like.
The hunt got cut short as one of my partners injured his leg but overall I was pleased with my performance.
I am planning on going again next year in August.
I started your Low back injury recovery plan. I have taken It very slowly, I am 2 months in but on week 4. I have only felt a twinge of pain twice and I stopped and took a day off.
My goal is to do your Backcountry hunting plan which will take 28 weeks. I have 35 weeks. Should I do low back injury recovery a second time or do you have a suggestion as to how to proceed.


Low backs are a mystery. In our experience, our programming has helped bring athletes back from an episode, but not prevent a future episode. What did happen was the athlete knew they could come back, and they came back quicker.
You? It seems you’ll have 5 weeks between the end of the Low Back Fitness Plan and when you’ll begin the Backcountry Big Game Training Packet. I’d recommend Jedediah Smith, which is the first plan in our Wilderness Series for wilderness professionals – rangers, wardens, etc. It’s 5 weeks long.
All the strength work in Jedediah Smith is bodyweight-based, it continues with the Founder exercises – which have worked super well for us in terms of building low back durability, and will ramp up your endurance with running and step ups.
In all the programming, be smart/conservative on the loading, esp. the chassis integrity sandbag work.
Good luck.
– Rob


Cool news here, I decided to commit to bow hunting this year and have picked up a new compound bow and have started shooting.
I am currently in Week 3 of the first plan of the Backcountry Big Game Hunting packet (Body Weight Foundation) and was wondering if there was anything I could do to help build up myself to draw, stabilize and hold the bow for hunting scenarios? And, if so, how I would program it into this plan and the ones to come.
Or do I even need to? Maybe shooting by itself will take care of it?
Thanks a lot!!


Best would be to train sport specifically and shoot. Try for 25-50 arrows per day. The big issue with shooting is the small rotator cuff muscles in your shoulders. I’ll start shooting in the winter and actually turn my bow down 5 or 10#. When I can shoot 3-4 days in a row I’ll bump up the poundage.
Key is to stop shooting when you begin to fatigue. Rotator cuff injuries are killer.
From our Programming, you should add in 2x Shoulder Blasters, 2x/week. Start unloaded and work up to 10# plates. These are killer….
– Rob


Not to puke up my personal history, but I am seeking guidance before I register and purchase a plan.
Background: 46 years old in SOF, arthritis in knees and back, ruptured ACL and torn meniscus in R-knee W-bone spurs. Bone spurs in lower back. Umbilical Hernia X2 with abdominal repair (5 in incision from naval to sternum). I have ballooned up to 275 pounds. I have completed physical therapy and all that jazz. I work at a desk but there is a 1.5 day Law Enforcement Sniper competition I want to participate in in May. I need to ease into a program but I don’t want to blow anything out again. And I need to drop chunk, build stamina, stabilize the knee and build core. Please shoot back with any suggestions on plans or courses of action.


90+% of fat is diet-related. Fix your diet and you’ll shed fat. Here are our nutrition recommendations. Follow these except cut out the cheat day. Understand there are no caloric restrictions …. you should never be hungry … just don’t eat/drink “crap”.
Plan? Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. This plan deploys an initial assessment and follow-on progressions are based on your assessment results. This way the plan automatically “scales” to your incoming fitness.
Good luck.
– Rob


Is it equivalent to sub a weighted vest for rucksack if weight is the same?


No, especially if during the real thing you’ll be wearing a pack.
– Rob


I’m trying to find a training plan… I am currently in the Navy as a Corpsman and am going to have a few schools coming up, starting in January with Cold Weather Medicine at Mountain Warfare School. They are using this course as a screening process to see how I do to [hopefully] start the process to become an instructor at the school. I have been doing some relatively intense training, loaded stamina based training (1-2 hour gym sessions, So. Many. Step-ups.), some running (probably my weakest area) some shorter distance loaded running. I would like to train as if I’m going to get selected and would have the following courses: FMTB in July (not concerned about passing, but still want it to be an easy crush) and then Mountain Leaders Course (MLC). MLC is a 3 month, mountain/ tactical intensive school. I’ll be working at elevation during these schools, but am currently at sea level. Plan to do some elevation training before January just to get the lungs accustomed, not that I’ll actually be acclimated.
A little of my history: used to be a big runner, got a stress fracture in my femoral neck 2 years ago and running hasn’t been the same since, but it’s all healed and I am perfectly able to hit it hard, as I try to do. Used to live in Colorado and have done plenty 14ers, now living in WA still do some mountaineering.
Could you name a plan or two, maybe a couple that build on each other for this type of extended training?  Need to be able to carry roughly 50# for mileage, up to 10 miles of trail running unloaded, and just the basic loaded mountain ruck humping. Oh and in the snow.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing back.


I’m a little confused by your timeline, but in general, I’d recommend plans from the Wilderness Professional Series as your “Base Fitness” – starting with Jedediah Smith between now and your January Course. These plans are designed for rangers, full time mountain SAR, wardens, etc. and concurrently train strength, work capacity, mountain endurance (running, uphill movement under load) and chassis integrity (core).
After the January course roll back into the Wilderness Professional Plans until  you’re 6 weeks out from the Mountain Warfare course, then complete the Mountain Warfare School Training Plan the 6 weeks directly before starting the course.
After, roll back into the Wilderness Professional Plans. If/when you burn through these, pivot to the Wildland Fire Packet of plans – which are similar in focus, but designed as base fitness for wildland firefighters. They also will transfer well to your goals.
– Rob


I wondering if your CFA training plan includes any strength training or is it just composed of the main exercises that are in the test?


The CFA plan is focused on the exercises in the test.
I’d recommend the Military OnRamp Training Plan for an intro to all around military fitness.
– Rob


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MTI’s 10 Most Read Articles from 2019


Our most-read article in 2019 was an opinion piece about the Army’s deactivation of Long-Range Surveillance (LRS) Companies, followed by Rob’s original Quiet Professional essay, and a breakdown of the 5 Types of Tactical Athletes & Their Fitness Demands.


MTI’s 10 Most Read Articles from 2019


(1) Fixing the Army’s Deep Reconnaissance Problem: Rebuild It’s Long-Range Surveillance Capabilities

(2) What Does it Mean to be a Quiet Professional?

(3) The 5 Types of Tactical Athletes & Their Fitness Demands

(4) MTI’s 3 Favorite Lower Body “Pull” Strength Exercises

(5) MTI’s Top 3 Strength Exercises By Category

(6) Equipment Recommendations for a Home/Garage Gym

(7) MTI’s Recommended Outdoor Gear List – Updated Feb. 2019

(8) The Fundamental Four Strength Cycle: Front Squat, Weighted Pull Up, Hinge Lift, Bench Press, 2 Days/Week

(9) Officer Fitness and Use of Force

(10) A Day on Rob’s Diet – 2019 Update!




You Might Also Like MTI’s Top Selling Plans of 2019

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Arete 1.2.19

Military / National Security / Foreign Affairs

Protesters set fire to US embassy in Baghdad, Al Jazerra
Russia-Poland row over start of WW2 escalates, BBC
Angela Merkel: ‘Dedicating all my strength’ to fighting climate crisis,
Xinjiang’s Descent Into Darkness, Foreign Policy
How to Succeed at Seceding, Foreign Policy
Is Liberal Democracy Always the Answer?, Foreign Policy
Strategies for the Indo-Pacific: Perceptions of the U.S. and Like-Minded Countries, Hudson Institute
US bans Pentagon use, procurement of Chinese UAVs, Janes 360
Taliban says it ‘has no intention of declaring a ceasefire’, Long War Journal
Several American troops wounded and a US contractor killed in rocket attack on Kirkuk base, Military Times
How the border wall work-stop could affect troop deployments, Military Times
Strategic Folly and the Consequences of America’s Unending War in Afghanistan, Modern War Instititute
Don’t Let Kabul 2020 Look Like Saigon 1975: The Dangers of a Precipitous Afghanistan Withdrawal, Modern War Institute
Starting With “Why”: The National Security Strategy and America’s National Interests, Small Wars Journal
What ‘The Afghanistan Papers’ Got Wrong, Small Wars Journal
U.S. Troops Have Not ‘Died in Vain’ in Afghanistan, Joint Chiefs Chairman Says, Small Wars Journal
Army colonel files federal lawsuit accusing vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of sexual assault, Task & Purpose
NATO’s Most Elite Operators and their Biggest Challenges, Cipher Brief


First Responder / Homeland Security / Wildland Fire

3rd firefighter dies fighting Australian bushfires, Firerescue1
Police investigating after Ohio firefighter’s grave robbed of decorations, Firerescue1
10 fire service incidents that defined the decade, Firerescue1
Kansas Police Officer Fabricated McDonald’s Coffee Cup Story ‘As a Joke’,
37 Fired Over Nazi Salutes by West Virginia Corrections Cadets,
Florida Sheriff Blasts Amazon for Not Cooperating in Porch-Pirate Case,
Sheriff: Almost all upgrades from Vegas shooting implemented, Police One
Residents of Australian city threatened by fire directed to go to the ocean, Wildfire Today



Our Favorite Culture Stories of 2019, Outside
A Dusty Road, a Trusty 4×4, Surfboards, and Spirit Are All You Need, Adventure Journal
Saying Bye to Fossil Fuels, Hello to Human and E-Powered Adventure Is Possible, Adventure Journal
The Best Insect Repellents, Backpacker
The Outdoor Books that Shaped the Last Decade, Outside
Turn of Mind, Patagonia
Best Static Ropes, Backpacker
Ask an Editor: What Do You Think About the Olympics?, Climbing Magazine
The Latest Science on Purifying Backcountry Water, Outside
11 Reasons Why Snowmobiles are the Best (and Worst) Vehicles Ever Made, Powder Mag
5 Best Ice Climbing Routes in the United States, Osprey Packs
Winter in Moab: 7 Must-Do Adventures, Osprey Packs
Have Drones Fully Replaced Helicopters in Snowboard Movies?, Unofficial Networks
Meet the Woman Behind the Most Unconventional Ski Movie of the Year, Powder
He Lost Both Feet in the Mountains—But He Survived, Outside
I Loved Bike Touring—Until I Got Paid to Do It, Outside

Fitness / Health / Nutrition

Why a Higher VO2 Max Isn’t Always Better, Outside
These Will Be the Biggest Health Trends of 2020, Outside
Transcript Highlight: Josh Larson on Training Team USA for the Olympics, Training for Rock Climbing
Make 2020 the Year of Maximum Enthusiasm, Outside
Moms’ obesity in pregnancy is linked to lag in sons’ development and IQ, Science Daily
Our Best Advice on Performance and Wellbeing in 2019, Outside
Caffeine may offset some health risks of diets high in fat, sugar, Science Daily
Close to half of US population projected to have obesity by 2030, Science Daily
A Fitness Regime Planned by Your Genes, Fortune
Intermittent fasting: Live ‘fast,’ live longer?, Science Daily
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Go Beyond Weight Loss, Men’s Journal
Make 2020 the Year of Less Sugar, NY Times
Regular Exercise Cuts Odds for 7 Major Cancers, WebMD
A Decade of Fitness, NY Times
A Year In Fitness 2019, Muscle & Fitness
Meet the Powerlifter Who Can Lift Three Times Her Bodyweight, Muscle & Fitness

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MTI’s Top Selling Training Plans for 2019


MTI’s Top Selling Training Plans for 2019


  1. Athlete’s Subscription

  2. Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Training Plan

  3. Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan

  4. APFT Training Plan 

  5. Military On-Ramp Training Plan

  6. Running Improvement Training Plan

  7. Humility

  8. Big 3 + Running Training Plan

  9. Core Strength Bodyweight Only

  10. Fat-Loss Training Programm

  11. FBI Special Agent PFT Training Plan
  12. 2-Mile Run Improvement
  13. Big 24 Strength Training Program
  14. Hypertrophy for Skinny Guys
  15. Ruck Based Selection Training Plan
  16. Chassis Integrity Training Plan
  17. Ranger School Training Plan
  18. 3-Week Push Up & Pull Up Improvement Training Plan
  19. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Training Plan
  20. 5-Mile Run Improvement Training Plan


Learn more about our Plans and Subscription HERE


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Arete 12.26.19

Military / National Security / Foreign Affairs

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2020, Foreign Policy mall Wars Journal
Pentagon proposes big cuts to US Navy destroyer construction, retiring 13 cruisers, Defense News
The Space Force is officially the sixth military branch. Here’s what that means. Military Times
New in 2020: ‘No-fail’ PT testing, Air Force Times
Marines actively searching for two missing rifles on Camp Lejeune while NCIS investigates, Marine Corps Times
Pentagon advises troops to not use consumer DNA kits, citing security risks, Air Force Times
U.S. offers $15 million for information on IRGC and commander behind Karbala attack, Long War Journal
Results of scientific inquiry into malaria drugs used by US troops expected in March, Military Times


First Responder / Wildland Fire

Spotlight: 911 Seats Incorporated offers custom options designed with firefighters in mind, FireRescue 1 Daily News
Criminal background checks will now be done on emergency responders who act as witnesses, Law Enforcement Today
New Suicide Prevention Number Could Lead to Surge in Calls, Officer
PPE preliminary exposure reduction for firefighters, FireRescue 1 Daily News
Country Star George Strait Raises Money for Texas First Responders, POLICE Magazine
Naughty and Nice: Policing During the Winter Holidays, POLICE Magazine
Policing Matters Podcast: The top trends in a tumultuous year, PoliceOne Daily News
WTREX provides prescribed fire training for women, Wildfire Today
Senate holds hearing about powerline-caused wildfires, Wildfire Today



Snowshoe Thompson Had to be the Most Badass Backcountry Skiing Mailman Ever, Adventure Journal
Jackson Hole’s Kings and Queens of Corbet’s propelled sit-skier Trevor Kennison into the spotlight, FREESKIER
How a Weekend Warrior Mom Scaled Every California 14er in Record Time, Adventure Journal
New Mexico’s White Sands Is Officially a National Park, Outside Magazine
Mountain Gear is closing after 37 years in business, SNEWS
Winter Climbs 2020: German Team Arrives in Everest Base Camp as Season Commences, The Adventure Blog
The Ultimate Backcountry Skiing Experience in the Canadian Rockies, The Outbound Collective Journal
Fatbiking the Midwest: Where to Go and Best Trails Once You Get There with Backcountry North, Osprey Packs Experience
Caught in a Storm, a Skier Dreams of Japan, POWDER Magazine


Nutrition / Fitness / Health

6 Marathons that Are Actually an Excuse to Travel, Outside Magazine
Is Drinking Fruit Juice Healthy? (Is Fruit Juice Really as Bad as Soda?), Nerd Fitness
Are You Overtraining? (Here’s How to Tell), Born Fitness
Save Money by Traveling to These 9 Places in Winter, Outside Magazine
The Benefits of Working on Your Explosive Power, Breaking Muscle
Coach, Trainer, or Entertainer – The Fitness Industry Conundrum, Breaking Muscle
Intermittent fasting: Live ‘fast,’ live longer? Diet and Weight Loss News
RHR: Are Lyme Disease and Celiac Disease Connected? with Dr. Ramzi Asfour, Chris Kresser
All That Blue Light Exposure Might Not Be Keeping You Awake After All, Men’s Journal


Pentagon warns military against threat of at-home DNA kits, Law Enforcement Today
Russia Returned Captured Ukrainian Ships With The Toilets Torn Out, Foxtrot Alpha
Germans think Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un and Putin, Deutsche Welle
Adding Ski Runs to Google Street View | 11k, Unofficial Networks
Why Activated Charcoal Has More Health Risk Than Reward, Born Fitness

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Q&A 12.26.19


Starting to ramp up for a June 2020 RAAM 4-person relay.  Looking for program that works well with 3 training rides a week (generally 15 min off + 15 min at threshold-repeats type of riding) but helps me maintain muscle mass and some manliness.


Big 3 + Run Training Plan. Replace the running in the plan with your training rides.
– Rob


I recently purchased a 6 month subscription to MTI. I had a quick question about the HRT prep plan. Before I do that I wanted to give a brief background…I went to HRT selection back in 2016. I failed out due to missing qual times on several of the pass/fail events during the first week. The failures were all due to missing run/ruck time hacks.  I was training throughout the year, but I was also nursing a PF injury I developed after doing an Ironman while also training for selection – I know now, it was a bit much.
I’m now 40 years old and Selection is at the end of March. I’m currently (loosely) prepping for it, basically taking a temp as to how my body is feeling. I have been reviewing your plan and my question is this, do you have a plan that is similar to the HRT prep plan but with a reduced number of 2/day workouts? My current position doesn’t allow me to get in 2/day workouts; however, I do have weekends and I could probably squeak in several 2/day workouts a week. My biggest thing right now is also recovery. I have noticed the moment I start focusing on a training plan, I begin to skimp on the warmup/recovery until its too late.
Anyway, this may be outside of what is provided with the 6 month membership, but I wanted to reach out to you and inquiry. I appreciate your help and any guidance/suggestions is greatly appreciated.


Quick answer is I don’t have another plan which will prepare you for HRT. That plan is designed specifically for the selection, and it’s what you need to complete the 9 weeks directly before selection. Do your best to get in all the training sessions.
By my count you have 17 weeks until the last week of March. The FBI HRT Selection Training Plan is 9 weeks long – between now and beginning the HRT Plan I’d recommend Fortitude, then a full week’s rest before beginning the HRT plan.
– Rob


I am looking for some advice or guidance on choosing a plan to stick with. I am currently in the USMC and will be attempting to become a Game Warden in the state of Washington when I EAS in June. So far my physical training has been whatever the Sergeant has planned for the morning and then lifting some weights in the afternoon on my own time. I am looking for a more specialized approach for my goals. When looking over the multiple programs, the 3 that stood out the most to me were the Greek Heroine Packet, the Greek Hero Packet and the Wilderness Packet. I understand that all three of these programs have their benefits, especially for mountain-based fitness. I also want to make sure that I am able to build strength and possibly some muscle as well so I am interested in the 357 and Big 24 programs. Would one of these packets/programs have a plan that is better for me than the others, or would they all provide essentially what I am looking for? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Wilderness Professional Packet – which is designed for game wardens, forest rangers, etc. Start with Jedediah Smith.
Good luck on your journey to game warden!
– Rob


I am 22 and am currently enrolling in the Canadian armed forces as a combat engineer. I wanted to complete one of your programs to get me more than ready for my basic training and my physical fitness tests. I am interested in increasing my distance in running but also becoming more explosive, durable and athletic so I can be the best soldier I can be. Thanks for your help.


Good luck!
– Rob


I am finishing up the Big 24 plan next week. The strength gains have been impressive, I’ll have final numbers and send them along as you guys seem to be very attune to the metrics from the plans. And you weren’t kidding, the Big 24 was more intense than I would’ve expected and the hang squat cleans were a kick in the nuts.
That said, looking for your recommendation for a follow on to the Big 24.
My long term goals, improve running times, my running has definitely atrophied from the last 7 weeks. The running distances I want to aim for is no more than roughly 5k. I’d like to maintain my strength gains from the Big 24, and improve overall core strength. I don’t need ‘operator’ level fitness. I’m well versed in Olympic style lifts and I have access to a full gym, so I’m open to all suggestions.


Move to one of our multi-modal plans. Specifically, I’d recommend Johnny from our country singer packet of plans. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (primarily running) and chassis integrity (core).
– Rob


I just completed the 7-week dryland training program. What would you recommend I do for training if I’m not skiing till March? And in the meantime, I am kitesurfing or mountain biking 4-5 days per week?


That plan is designed to be completed directly before you ski …. so you’ll lose some of the sport-specific fitness gained between now and March.
By my count, you have 14 weeks until March.
What I’d recommend is one of our multi-modal general fitness plans for the next 7 weeks, specifically, Johnny, which concurrently trains strength, work capacity, endurance and chassis integrity (core).
Then, the 7 weeks directly before your ski trip, re-complete the Dryland Ski Training Plan.
– Rob


I made it past Ranger Schools RAP week, but recycled Darby due to failing patrols.

The next 2 weeks, I am essentially in a barracks/prison (no access to weights, not allowed to run anywhere, etc.). All I have is some pullup bars. What plan do you suggest these 2 weeks?
After those 2 weeks, I go home on Christmas Leave for 3 weeks and will have full access to gym equipment, what plan for those 3 weeks?
After that Darby starts again.


Now? Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. Do step ups instead of running, if you can’t run. 50x Step Ups = 400m in running.
Leave? First 3 weeks of Fortitude.
– Rob


I’ve been trying the legacy program MTN athlete for crossfiters.  Is there a more recent version of this? I dig the strength/power component, but always have to keep my endurance going.

My goal is to maintain my current strength but add endurance without losing weight/muscle mass.

(I’m 220, and more of strength/power guy less overall endurance, 475+ back squat, 290ish bench 405dl,  about an 8-815 mile. )


No. I’d recommend the plans/order in the Country Singer Packets, beginning with Johnny. These plans are designed for civilian athletes and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance and chassis integrity (core).
– Rob


I have been browsing your site for a program to suit my goals.  There are so many, and need a little guidance on which program would be best for me.  I am looking to build up my long distance running game to be able to complete a 100miler in the next year.  I would also like to maintain and build strength as well in the four main lifts(bench, squat, deadlift, press).  Are there any programs y’all offer that might be aligned with those goals?  Appreciate any feedback.  Thanks.


Big 3 + Run Training Plan. This plan does hit squat, dl, bench and pull ups, – not the press. You’d need to replace the pull ups in the plan with the press and follow the same progression as the bench press.
– Rob


I’ve been programming with you guys for a few years now ever since I was introduced to one of the KB programs while deployed. I’ve done several of the programs and honestly love all of them. What I’m of course now struggling with is how to develop larger cycles of years or longer. Do you have any articles or guidance about how to logically stack training programs for much longer cycles? I just finished the eccentric training, I’m now doing TLU, was thinking about doing something with more endurance next, but I really feel like I’m just being random. Any advice?


You’re stacking training programs with super-focused linear goals … i.e. strength for 7 weeks, strength for 7 weeks, then maybe a running plan. What this means practically is during the 7 weeks you’re doing a running plan, you’re not training strength
I’d recommend moving away from choosing plans like this and move to one of our Base Fitness packets of plans. With these I’ve done the macrocycle programming for you – the plans follow in a logical order. As well, each plan is multi-modal – trains strength, endurance, chassis integrity, work capacity and other attributes based on the job profile.
Out of the military? I’d recommend the Country Singer Packet 1 to start. Follow the plans in order …. beginning with Johnny. This is 28 weeks of programming, which you can roll right into Country Singer Packet 2 for another 4 plans and another 28 weeks of programming – so a full year. Each plan is 7 weeks long, with week 7 being an unload/taper week.
Still in the military, young and on the tip of the spear? Do the Greek Hero Series. Again, follow the plans in order, beginning with Hector. These plans are designed as Base Fitness for military Infantry/SOF and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run, ruck), chassis integrity and tactical agility.
Still in the military, more senior, (35+ years old) and in leadership? Do the Busy Operator Packet. Six Plans, with the training sessions designed around the 35-50 minute time frame. Super efficient training.
Not only will these base fitness packets take care of macro programming for you, but they offer a lot of variety in terms of strength progressions, work capacity events, endurance programming …. they are purposely designed to combat training “staleness”.
– Rob


I am inquiring if you still have daily operator sessions focusing on Strength, Endurance, and Work capacity? I want to rejoin the team but i want to make sure you still offer Operator sessions.


Yes, we do – the Operator Sessions no concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run/ruck), chassis integrity and tactical agility, and are only available with a subscription.
Another option is to purchase the Greek Hero Training Packet, or and individual plan (Hector) – this is a one time purchase and no subscription is needed. The Greek Hero plans deploy the same programming methodology as the Operator Sessions.
– Rob


I am currently doing Humility. I recently did session 16 and 17 and increased all my numbers from my initial assessment, except for the burpee ladder (down from 60 to 50) and 2 mile assessment (went up to 15:20 from 15:13.)

Would you recommend adding more running or even adding a running plan to use in conjunction with Humility in order to get my run times down where I want them? If so, how would you incorporate more running into my current plan.


Humility is too intense to add any extra training to. It is surprising your run time didn’t drop and I’m wondering if you perhaps had an off day.
Regardless, continue with the programming as prescribed.
– Rob


I live I Sweden. I’m currently undergoing boot camp in the Air Force and will now after Christmas start my training as force security personnel. My question to you is what plan you recommend to someone who wants to qualify for SF? What would be optimal sense I’m already in a military school but I need to ramp it up to get my fitness top notch before selection?
I have applied for the Swedish costal rangers (similar to MARSOC).


Now I’d recommend the plans/order in the Pirate Packet of plans which are designed for military SOF with water-based mission sets, and include swimming. Start with Barbossa.
9 weeks out from selection, I’d recommend you complete the MARSOC A&S Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m currently deployed aboard the Lincoln and my workout “routine” has gotten a little stale. I started the Running Improvement Plan with an eye toward our fall PRT cycle, but after a series of extensions that has been OBE and as a result my motivation has waned. I also have a history of shoulder injuries and have noticed a lot of atrophy and stiffening with the lack of focus on strength/upper body.

Snatches and overhead squats were something that really helped me strengthen and mobilize my shoulders after surgery years ago, and I’d like to re-incorporate them into my workouts. Do any of your plans use either of these exercises, or are there any places in an existing plan they could be substituted for a more “traditional” exercise (such as cleans or back squats, respectively)?


We moved away from prescribing snatches/overhead squats in our programming several years ago – just too many men had shoulder mobility issues with these exercises and I could get the same training effect with another exercise.
I consider both a “Total Body” exercise, and as such, in MTI programming, you could substitute them in for any of the total body exercises in my programming … power cleans, hang squat cleans, power clean + push press, heavy thrusters, ect.
– Rob


Looking for a good program to start to get back in shape. Work, baby and time traveling has wrecked my routine. Looking for a good program to follow that doesn’t require a lot of equipment/or mostly body weight, cardio and workouts aren’t 2 hours.
Basically looking for something that will help get back at it, lose that extra weight and get back in good shape.


– Rob


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Q&A 12.19.19


“I am a long time subscriber, over 9 years using your programs, mostly for mountain related activities
I recently finished Wrangell St Elias and wanted to share that’s it’s close to being perfect, kinda like Humility.  I found it very effective as a fall prep for backcountry skiing in between a long summer of mostly mountain running.   This package of programs was really needed for those of us that don’t climb(much) but need mountain specific programming.

What I liked most about this program is the dumbell focus.  I just turned 56 and the balancing requirements using dumbbells vs a barbell were surprising – something I didn’t appreciate until I read about deteriorating balance as one ages.  So as a suggestion for us SF45 people is to keep some concentration like this in those programs as you have in the WSE.

Second, the sprints were brutal and perfect after an endurance focused summer.  Your message of simplicity was top of mind as I almost heaved during the first few weeks.  So more of that, even for us old guys.

Lastly I’m now into the backcountry V4 program and it’s better than v3.  I struggled last winter using v3 both in the gym and on skis, and midway through had considered pulling my old copy of v2.  V4 combined with Wrangell St Elias has made for a good couple of first days on the snow already.  Thanks for your valuable work”


I was thinking about using your programs as I prepare for a highland games competition in April.  I just came off a high frequency squat program and realized that I am bleeding force through the trunk. Would you recommend using the Chasis Integrity program with my regular programming or switching to some of the MTI programs between now and the competition?


Because we don’t have a highlands games specific train up, best would be to use your current programming to train specifically for the events of the games, and supplement the training with the daily circuits from the Chassis Integrity Training Plan.
– Rob


I just wrapped up the Crossfit Open and am looking for a program to focus on getting brutally strong the next two months. I am competing and training for competitions and have loved your programs but am struggle which strength one to follow? I lost a lot of strength the past month and a half and need something that will pack on muscle and that strength.


– Rob


I’ve developed a stress fracture in my lower right leg by rucking in horrible shoes…I was working through the Valor program when the situation occurred.

What would you recommend I do while the fracture heals?


– Rob


The Mammoth is a 3 day endurance event where we leave starting line on Friday morning and return on Sunday afternoon, we will cover approx 40 miles in this time, my ruck weight will be 51lbs to start , weight will decrease as I shoot my ammo and eat my food thru out the event. We must maintain a min of 16 min mile for the entire event. There will be obstacles, hills, ect.


SFRE Training Plan – it’s 7 weeks long, ruck intensive, and should prepare you well for this event.
– Rob


I’m looking to compete in Bataan this year and plan on doing well. (Was 4th ya Best Ranger last year).

I’m looking at your chart and I’m faster than row 1. Current assessment is 6 miler at 53 min and 12 miles around 1:55. Is there a percentage I should use for my pace?

Also being about 16 min out would it be dumb to just do the 8 week program back to back?

Appreciate the help!


Ignore the chart and just complete the ruck at a moderate pace, moderate = comfortable but not easy.
This plan is designed to prepare guys to complete the distance, not necs. compete – which I understand is the goal of the event – a memorial, not a competition.
Back to back? No. I’d recommend Hector now (7 weeks), week total rest, then complete the Bataan plan.
– Rob


I Just subscribed.

Im overweight and getting help with diet and i want to do a obstacle race in around 18 august 2018
I started at 324 lbs and im now at at 304.
Doing the fatloss program, do you have any tips on how to lay up the timeline?
My first goal is to lose weight but in around 8 months perform okey.
8. Months and 20 days to be exact


After the Fat-Loss Training Plan I’d recommend the plans/order in the Country Singer Packet of plans beginning with Johnny.
Six weeks before you event, drop out of the Country Singer plans and complete the Obstacle Race Training Plan – Short Distance.
Good luck!
– Rob


I’m a 27 year old male from Sweden, training for the selection for the Swedish army in 9 weeks. The selection is basically an exercise bike test with the resistance increasing steadily until you basically can’t continue any more.
And then it’s a strength test: a kind of explosive deadlift ending with a upright row (all in the same movement) against an isomteric machine.
I work out at a commercial gym at the moment, with only the basic equipment plus some.
So this 8-9 weeks I’m only focusing on this selection test.
I wonder what plan you would recommend for me?


I’m sorry – but I don’t have a plan specifically for this test.
What I’d recommend is 4 sessions per week – starting with power cleans, or clean to high pulls. I’d recommend 3 rounds of our Barbell Complex warm up, followed by 8 Rounds of 3x Power Cleans – or Cleans to High Pull, increasing weight each round until 3x is hard but doable.
For the Bike I’d recommend 10 rounds of 1-minute sprint, 1-minute rest or slow spin – going all out each work interval.
– Rob


I would love to use a plan of yours as I am coming off of a 6 month body building cycle and looking to formulate myself back into more endurance and performance based. I have access to my colleges gym with bumpers, kettlebells, and weights, but no sandbag. ON sand bag or rucking days, till I can get a good ruck, what are some things I can do instead? Im looking to purchase the Q course.


Sorry, there are no good substitute exercises for the sandbag work. Others make their own and bring it to the gym with them. Be resourceful.
– Rob


What’s a good plan to get back into shape? I’ve been in active for 10 months due to injury. I’m cleared to work out. I have the fbi plan, but plan on using that 6 months prior to my police physical testing. I need something to get me back into shape, before I use the fbi program. 
– Rob


So I know you get a ton of emails like this, so I’ll try to keep it short, but a small backstory might be, well, annoying but necessary.

I’m a full time backpacking guide in the Grand Canyon and Rocky Mountain National Park.  All this really means is that I carry a 55-70 lb pack, walk slow, and take care of peeps for 3-7 days at a time.

I ice climb and backcountry snowboard as much as possible, but to be honest that’s only been 1-3 times per week when conditions allow.  I’ve ridden about 15 Colorado 14ers, but not a single one in the last 5 years.

Despite my job and where I live, I’ve literally forgotten how to be fit. I’m currently probably 15 lbs overweight and it’s disgusting.

While I think it’s weird to pay someone else to get fit, that’s where I’m at and with the multitude of awesome programs you offer, I’m a bit lost.

Soooooo, my question is this (knowing me, it’ll take a sentence or two 🙂 ): I want to get back to snowboarding 14ers and have tentative plans to snowboard Baker and Ranier next spring, but I also just crave to be generally fit again all the time. I really want to be fit enough to spend long, demanding days in the mountains (or in the canyon), whether it be snowboard mountaineering related, or climbing and scrambling long alpine routes.

Other than snowmobile guiding, I have plenty of time in the winter to devote to training (that changes when I start backpacking guiding where I’m in the field for 20 days out of the month), so which training plan(s) would you recommend? I’m gross and want to be fit again, but I also want to focus on backcountry riding, mountaineering, climbing, and general fitness.

Sorry this is so long-winded, hopefully you’ve read it to the end and get an idea of just how freaking desperate I am 🙂


Do the Backcountry Ski Pre-Season Training Plan now. This plan includes programming for loaded uphill endurance, eccentric strength training for riding, core and upper body strength general strength, and running for general endurance. While it’s specificially designed to prepare you for backcountry riding, it will transfer well to your job and other mountain sports.
As well, the program is intense, and requires limited equipment. You will need a 40-pound sandbag. Old duffle bag + wood pellets for a wood stove + duct tape and you should be set. Be resourceful and take you sandbag to the gym where you train.
After, best would be to follow it up with the plans/order in the Greek Heroine Packet of plans. These are designed as “base fitness” for multi-sport mountain athletes and will align with where you live and your interests. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, mountain endurance (uphill hiking under load, running), climbing fitness (rock) and chassis integrity (core).
– Rob


First off I should say I just finished my 8th fire season with the Mt Taylor Hotshots. I was fortunate enough to be selected with the Redmond SMKJ in 2016. Unfortunately I did not make it through my rookie training due to a knee injury that was most likely due to over training or lack of knowledge in such. So anyway, I’m putting in again for SMKJ. Just wasn’t too sure what plan to start with since I intended on doing the MTI SMKJ plan upon selection. So I’m the mean time I thought I’d try the work capacity plan. I’m 2 days out from finishing my 1 st week and I enjoy what I’m doing. But, I was thinking after I purchased the plan, is it the best plan for me during the off season? Will this help with running? Will it be too much to then turn around and begin the SMKJ plan? Etc… although there can’t be anything wrong with moving often. Would stacking this plan with a running improvement plan be ok? Or is what I’m doing going to be fine.?


Follow up the plan your working on with the plans/order in the Wildland Fire Training Packet – beginning with Blackwater. I built these plans last summer and they are designed as off-season programming for wildland firefighters and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run, uphill movement under load, rucking), and chassis integrity (core).
Follow these plans in order until you begin the Smokejumper Selection Training Plan 8 weeks directly before reporting.
– Rob


I have just started the Ultimate Meathead Cycle after completing your GORUCK Challenge workout. So far this has been quite the program. In order to facilitate the superset requirements of the programming, I have had to shift my workouts to the AM. To my surprise, this was really easy and has given me a real sense of satisfaction throughout the rest of my day. I am brand new to a lot of the movements that you have included in this programming, but I have been able to put up pretty decent numbers by the final sets (I have found a tendency to start too light but I can fix that through trial and error). Finally, the upper body hypertrophy training had an almost instantaneous effect on my body. I have never had much of a chest to complement my squat dominate legs so this is a real reward for me. I am very happy with this program so far and I am looking forward to completing it. Gladiator is next before going back to the GORUCK Challenge training for a February event down in San Antonio.


Thanks for the note and update. Gladiator next is killer! – Enjoy!
– Rob


I just began my athlete’s subscription and I am looking to improve running and strength overall to prepare for a military selection course in the future. My running is not where I need it to be to begin a selection course training plan so i would like to do the running improvement plan first. If doing so, could I train twice a day by adding strength? do you recommend another plan I could pair?


Rather than doing two programs at once I’d recommend the Big 3 + Run Training Plan, which combines heavy strength for the dead/hinge lift, bench press, back squat and pull ups, with focused, programmed running.
– Rob


I work for a Sports Performance Department in Rochester, MN. First, I just wanted to say thank you for all your great content you put out. I check in regularly on your site and love the informational articles that are posted. So thank you!

I have been in charge of training our local fire fighters for 2-3 years now. I train them in house at our facility when they are off shift  as well as at the stations when they are on shift. The fire stations and myself have been trying to continually promote a wellness initiative throughout the whole organization and I wanted to pick your brain on  performance assessments. Every year we need to approach the city with goals and data of this initiative. We have already had great data on decrease in injuries on duty but I believe that getting some data on the fire fighters as individuals would be a great addition to deliver. I was looking at your relative strength assessment and was interested in maybe implementing it with our fire fighters. I have not however implemented many Olympic style lifts as of yet. I  was wondering what the changes you would make to the scoring sheet if you were to not include the power clean. I did the numbers on myself and without power clean it drops my score 1.25 thus not making the scoring sheet accurate. I am just wondering if you have any ideas of changes I could make to make this fit for my situation.


Easiest would be to adjust the scoring system. Alternately you could replace the power clean with a dead/hinge lift, but again you’d have to adjust the scoring as most will be able to significantly deadlift more than they could power clean.
But best would be to use a more comprehensive fire/rescue assessment. I’d recommend the MTI Urban Fire/Rescue Fitness Assessment.
– Rob


I have an SFAS date of April 22nd. I am free to train from now until then with the exception of NTC. I’ll be at NTC from 1-20 March. What order or programs would you recommend I complete?


You have 14 weeks between now and March 1 – here’s what I recommend:
Weeks   Plan
1-6        Fortitude (first 6 weeks)
7-14      Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan (entire plan)
Repeat the last 4 weeks of the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan the 4 weeks you have between the end of NTC and the start week of SFAS.
– Rob

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