Gladiator: Strength Emphasis
- Intense, 4-Week, 5 Day/Week Strength-focused Training Cycle build around MTI’s Barbell Complex
- Endurance, work capacity and chassis integrity are also trained
- This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
Gladiator is an intense 4-week, strength-focused training cycle built around the MTI Barbell Complex. This gladiator workout also includes endurance, work capacity and chassis integrity programming, but Gladiator’s primary focus is strength.
This is a 4 week, 5x Day/Week training cycle. Week 4 of the plan is an unload/taper week.
The Barbell Complex is a complex of six exercises, six reps each, completed in succession, without putting the barbell down. The Barbell Complex is choreographed in a way such the barbell begins in front of the body with the dead lift, and finishes behind the neck with the back squat. Again, 6 reps of each exercise are completed before moving onto the next exercise:
1x Barbell Complex =
6x Dead Lift
6x Bent Over Row
6x Hang Power Clean
6x Front Squat
6x Push Press
6x Back Squat
At heavier loads, the Barbell Complex is very intense and can include being under the barbell upwards of 90 seconds. It challenges not only strength, but also work capacity, grip strength, and especially, mental fitness.
Work hard to complete the complex without setting the barbell down. The push presses are the “crux” of the complex – the hardest, most challenging part. Don’t linger. I coach my athletes to sprint through the dead lifts, bent over rows, hang power cleans and front squats in order to get to the push presses as quickly as possible. Don’t linger!
In this cycle on SESSION 1, you’ll work up to your max load for a full barbell complex, and then this load will be used to determine your barbell complex loading throughout the rest of the training plan. In this way Gladiator automatically “scales” to each individual athlete’s incoming strength level, and continues to push him/her through the entire program.
On Week 4 of this gladiator workout, you’ll re-asses your max Barbell Complex load.
Watch the video below to see two MTI Lab Rats fighting through their max load barbell complex.
Work Capacity
Gladiator deploys one work capacity event, a gym-based multi-mode event involving hinge lifts and prone to sprints. You’ll train work capacity once per week.
Chassis Integrity
Gladiator workout trains chassis integrity 2 days/week, on the strength days. One day you’ll complete ARE Circuits which deploy an Anti-Rotation, Rotation, and Extension core strength exercise. One day/week you’ll train a Low Back Circuit which trains 3 extension exercises in the same circuit.
Gladiator deploys a 3-mile run assessment and then moderate-paced 4-5 mile runs through the rest of the cycle.
Required Equipment
- Barbell and full set of plates.
- Pair of 35# Dumbbells and/or 16kg kettlebells for men, 25# dumbbells and/or 12kg kettlebells for women
- Stopwatch and/or smartphone
- Foam Roller
- Monday: Strength, Chassis Integrity (ARE Circuit)
- Tuesday: Endurance (3-mile run assessment or 4-5 mile moderate-paced run)
- Wednesday: Strength, Work Capacity
- Thursday: Endurance (4-5 mile moderate-paced run)
- Friday: Strength, Chassis Integrity (Low Back Circuit)
Questions? Email
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.
Required Equipment
- Barbell and full set of plates up to 185# for the strongest men
- Pair of 35# Dumbbells and/or 16kg kettlebells for men, 25# dumbbells and/or 12kg kettlebells for women
- Stopwatch and/or smartphone
- Foam Roller
Sample Training
Below is the entire first week of the training program:
Obj: Strength Assessment, Chassis Integrity
Warm up:
3 Rounds
- Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
- 6x Hand Release Push ups
- Instep Stretch
- 5x Shoulder Dislocate
(1) 5 Rounds
- Barbell Complex - Increase load each round and reach your Barbell Complex Max Load at Round 5
- Hip Flexor Stretch
Heavy Barbell Complexes are an intense effort. See example loading below for a strong male athlete:
Round Load
1 85#
2 105#
3 115#
4 125#
5 135#
(2) 4 Round Grind …
- 5x Kneeling Plate Half Moon @ 25/35#
- 5x Kneeling Slasher to Halo @ 12/16kg
- 10x Dumbbell/Kettlebell Hinge Lift @ 35/45# dumbbells or 16/20kg kettlebells
“Grind” = equals work steadily, not frantically, through this circuit for 4 Rounds
(3) Foam Roll Legs, Low Back
Obj: Endurance Assessment
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
- 10x Squats
- 5x In-Place Lunges
- Run 100m
- Instep Stretch
(1) Run 3 Miles for Time
(2) 2 Rounds
Obj: Strength, Chassis Integrity
Warm up:
3 Rounds
- Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
- 6x Hand Release Push ups
- Instep Stretch
- 5x Shoulder Dislocate
(1) 6 Rounds
- Barbell Complex - See loading below
- Rest as needed between rounds
Round Load
1 Max Load minus 30-40 lbs
2 Max Load minus 20-30 lbs
3 Max Load minus 10 lbs
Example for Part (1) - assume your Barbell Complex finishing load from SESSION 1 was 135#. Below would be your loading today:
Round Load
1 95# (135 minus 40#)
2 115# (135 minus 20#)
3-6 125# (135 minus 10#)
(2) 5 Round Grind …
- 8x Hinge Lift @ 95/135#
- 4x Prone to Sprint
- Rest 30 Seconds
“Grind” = equals work steadily, not frantically, through this circuit for 4 Rounds
(3) Foam Roll Legs, Low Back
Part (1)’s rounds 3-6 is an intense effort ... rest as needed between rounds. During the barbell complex, don't put the barbell down. You’ll have to fight.
Obj: Endurance
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
- 10x Squats
- 5x In-Place Lunges
- Run 100m
- Instep Stretch
(1) Run 4 Miles @ Moderate Pace
“Moderate” = Comfortable but not easy
(2) 2 Rounds
Obj: Strength, Chassis Integrity
Warm up:
3 Rounds
- Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
- 6x Hand Release Push ups
- Instep Stretch
- 5x Shoulder Dislocate
(1) 6 Rounds
- Barbell Complex - See loading below
- Rest as needed between rounds
Round Load
1 Max Load minus 30-40 lbs
2 Max Load minus 20-30 lbs
3 Max Load minus 10 lbs
Example for Part (1) - assume your Barbell Complex finishing load from SESSION 1 was 135#. Below would be your loading today:
Round Load
1 95# (135 minus 40#)
2 115# (135 minus 20#)
3-6 125# (135 minus 10#)
(2) 4 Round Grind ...
- 10x Good Morning @ 45/65#
- 15/15 Low Back Lunge
- 15/15 Standing Founder
“Grind” = equals work steadily, not frantically, through this circuit for 4 Rounds
(3) Foam Roll Legs, Low Back
Part (1)’s rounds 3-6 is an intense effort ... rest as needed between rounds. During the barbell complex, don't put the barbell down. You’ll have to fight.
I completed the Gladiator program last week. I increased my barbell complex 1 round max from 115 to 145 and cut my 3 minute mile from 26:38 to 24:00. Great program! Thank you for the workout. Purchasing the 357 Strength now.
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