Q&A 7.25.24

QUESTION I am preparing for RASP with an 11x option 40 contract. I have not received a ship date yet but it looks like I will be shipping around the first of next year. With the time I have to prepare, what plans would be the best to run until I ship out. 21 years […]

Q&A 7.20.24

QUESTION Army officer here, I’ve been using MTI plans for four years now. I’ve been very happy with fitness gains, resiliency, and the decrease in injuries. I’ve been rotating through the Greek hero series, daily operator sessions, and time-constrained sessions based on family and work requirements. I’m currently working through Acteon, which has a heavy […]

Q&A 7.11.24

QUESTION I was looking at your 3 mile running and 6 mile ruck improvement plan.  Does it include mobility work in the program? ANSWER The run/ruck improvement plan has limited mobility work within the program. However, it does have dedicated time at the end of each session for specific durability movements, some of which could […]

Q&A 7.4.24

QUESTION I bought the LE patrol training plan. When I open the workout there are multiple months and workouts to start from. Since this is June should I just start at the beginning of the month or is there another starting point I should start at? ANSWER Thanks for reaching out. You are correct.  Start […]

Q&A 6.29.24

Q: Good Morning coach, I retired from the Army 5 years ago, I am currently 53 years old. I used to be an avid MTN Tactical user, however I have fallen off the wagon. I am trying to determine which is the best plan to start with for an over 50, over weight individual. I […]

Q&A 6.22.24

Q: Good evening Rob, I am emailing you because I wanted to know if you had any advice on a workout program for bodybuilding/athletic training. I want to do a 50/50 training program that incorporates weight lifting but I also want to train like an athlete. I’ve been working for about 5 years now so […]

Q&A 6.15.24

Q: I bought the LE patrol training plan. When I open the workout there are multiple months and workouts to start from. Since this is June should I just start at the beginning of the month or is there another starting point I should start at? A: Thanks for reaching out. You are correct.  Start […]

Q&A 6.8.24

Q: I am trying out for my agencies special operations team at the end of September, should I start the FBI HRT program now? Or do you think I should way until later in June or early July. A: Recommend the following programs for your timeline: Begin: FBI HRT V2   22 July 2024   If you […]

Q&A 5.30.24

QUESTION I purchased the general fitness daily stream. A couple of questions: 1. Since it is near the end of May, which week should I start on? 2. Just want to make sure I have selected the correct plan: I am a 41-year old fairly fit trail runner/mtber and want to make sure I am […]

Q&A 5.23.24

QUESTION I’m in my early fifties and will be heading to FLETC sometime this year to hopefully begin my journey to be a DSS Special Agent. I’m decently fit, 6’00” 205 pounds, but with some spinal back issues that have kept me from the big lifts or sandbag work like get ups. I’ve been using […]