Q&A 12.26.19


Starting to ramp up for a June 2020 RAAM 4-person relay.  Looking for program that works well with 3 training rides a week (generally 15 min off + 15 min at threshold-repeats type of riding) but helps me maintain muscle mass and some manliness.


Big 3 + Run Training Plan. Replace the running in the plan with your training rides.
– Rob


I recently purchased a 6 month subscription to MTI. I had a quick question about the HRT prep plan. Before I do that I wanted to give a brief background…I went to HRT selection back in 2016. I failed out due to missing qual times on several of the pass/fail events during the first week. The failures were all due to missing run/ruck time hacks.  I was training throughout the year, but I was also nursing a PF injury I developed after doing an Ironman while also training for selection – I know now, it was a bit much.
I’m now 40 years old and Selection is at the end of March. I’m currently (loosely) prepping for it, basically taking a temp as to how my body is feeling. I have been reviewing your plan and my question is this, do you have a plan that is similar to the HRT prep plan but with a reduced number of 2/day workouts? My current position doesn’t allow me to get in 2/day workouts; however, I do have weekends and I could probably squeak in several 2/day workouts a week. My biggest thing right now is also recovery. I have noticed the moment I start focusing on a training plan, I begin to skimp on the warmup/recovery until its too late.
Anyway, this may be outside of what is provided with the 6 month membership, but I wanted to reach out to you and inquiry. I appreciate your help and any guidance/suggestions is greatly appreciated.


Quick answer is I don’t have another plan which will prepare you for HRT. That plan is designed specifically for the selection, and it’s what you need to complete the 9 weeks directly before selection. Do your best to get in all the training sessions.
By my count you have 17 weeks until the last week of March. The FBI HRT Selection Training Plan is 9 weeks long – between now and beginning the HRT Plan I’d recommend Fortitude, then a full week’s rest before beginning the HRT plan.
– Rob


I am looking for some advice or guidance on choosing a plan to stick with. I am currently in the USMC and will be attempting to become a Game Warden in the state of Washington when I EAS in June. So far my physical training has been whatever the Sergeant has planned for the morning and then lifting some weights in the afternoon on my own time. I am looking for a more specialized approach for my goals. When looking over the multiple programs, the 3 that stood out the most to me were the Greek Heroine Packet, the Greek Hero Packet and the Wilderness Packet. I understand that all three of these programs have their benefits, especially for mountain-based fitness. I also want to make sure that I am able to build strength and possibly some muscle as well so I am interested in the 357 and Big 24 programs. Would one of these packets/programs have a plan that is better for me than the others, or would they all provide essentially what I am looking for? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Wilderness Professional Packet – which is designed for game wardens, forest rangers, etc. Start with Jedediah Smith.
Good luck on your journey to game warden!
– Rob


I am 22 and am currently enrolling in the Canadian armed forces as a combat engineer. I wanted to complete one of your programs to get me more than ready for my basic training and my physical fitness tests. I am interested in increasing my distance in running but also becoming more explosive, durable and athletic so I can be the best soldier I can be. Thanks for your help.


Good luck!
– Rob


I am finishing up the Big 24 plan next week. The strength gains have been impressive, I’ll have final numbers and send them along as you guys seem to be very attune to the metrics from the plans. And you weren’t kidding, the Big 24 was more intense than I would’ve expected and the hang squat cleans were a kick in the nuts.
That said, looking for your recommendation for a follow on to the Big 24.
My long term goals, improve running times, my running has definitely atrophied from the last 7 weeks. The running distances I want to aim for is no more than roughly 5k. I’d like to maintain my strength gains from the Big 24, and improve overall core strength. I don’t need ‘operator’ level fitness. I’m well versed in Olympic style lifts and I have access to a full gym, so I’m open to all suggestions.


Move to one of our multi-modal plans. Specifically, I’d recommend Johnny from our country singer packet of plans. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (primarily running) and chassis integrity (core).
– Rob


I just completed the 7-week dryland training program. What would you recommend I do for training if I’m not skiing till March? And in the meantime, I am kitesurfing or mountain biking 4-5 days per week?


That plan is designed to be completed directly before you ski …. so you’ll lose some of the sport-specific fitness gained between now and March.
By my count, you have 14 weeks until March.
What I’d recommend is one of our multi-modal general fitness plans for the next 7 weeks, specifically, Johnny, which concurrently trains strength, work capacity, endurance and chassis integrity (core).
Then, the 7 weeks directly before your ski trip, re-complete the Dryland Ski Training Plan.
– Rob


I made it past Ranger Schools RAP week, but recycled Darby due to failing patrols.

The next 2 weeks, I am essentially in a barracks/prison (no access to weights, not allowed to run anywhere, etc.). All I have is some pullup bars. What plan do you suggest these 2 weeks?
After those 2 weeks, I go home on Christmas Leave for 3 weeks and will have full access to gym equipment, what plan for those 3 weeks?
After that Darby starts again.


Now? Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. Do step ups instead of running, if you can’t run. 50x Step Ups = 400m in running.
Leave? First 3 weeks of Fortitude.
– Rob


I’ve been trying the legacy program MTN athlete for crossfiters.  Is there a more recent version of this? I dig the strength/power component, but always have to keep my endurance going.

My goal is to maintain my current strength but add endurance without losing weight/muscle mass.

(I’m 220, and more of strength/power guy less overall endurance, 475+ back squat, 290ish bench 405dl,  about an 8-815 mile. )


No. I’d recommend the plans/order in the Country Singer Packets, beginning with Johnny. These plans are designed for civilian athletes and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance and chassis integrity (core).
– Rob


I have been browsing your site for a program to suit my goals.  There are so many, and need a little guidance on which program would be best for me.  I am looking to build up my long distance running game to be able to complete a 100miler in the next year.  I would also like to maintain and build strength as well in the four main lifts(bench, squat, deadlift, press).  Are there any programs y’all offer that might be aligned with those goals?  Appreciate any feedback.  Thanks.


Big 3 + Run Training Plan. This plan does hit squat, dl, bench and pull ups, – not the press. You’d need to replace the pull ups in the plan with the press and follow the same progression as the bench press.
– Rob


I’ve been programming with you guys for a few years now ever since I was introduced to one of the KB programs while deployed. I’ve done several of the programs and honestly love all of them. What I’m of course now struggling with is how to develop larger cycles of years or longer. Do you have any articles or guidance about how to logically stack training programs for much longer cycles? I just finished the eccentric training, I’m now doing TLU, was thinking about doing something with more endurance next, but I really feel like I’m just being random. Any advice?


You’re stacking training programs with super-focused linear goals … i.e. strength for 7 weeks, strength for 7 weeks, then maybe a running plan. What this means practically is during the 7 weeks you’re doing a running plan, you’re not training strength
I’d recommend moving away from choosing plans like this and move to one of our Base Fitness packets of plans. With these I’ve done the macrocycle programming for you – the plans follow in a logical order. As well, each plan is multi-modal – trains strength, endurance, chassis integrity, work capacity and other attributes based on the job profile.
Out of the military? I’d recommend the Country Singer Packet 1 to start. Follow the plans in order …. beginning with Johnny. This is 28 weeks of programming, which you can roll right into Country Singer Packet 2 for another 4 plans and another 28 weeks of programming – so a full year. Each plan is 7 weeks long, with week 7 being an unload/taper week.
Still in the military, young and on the tip of the spear? Do the Greek Hero Series. Again, follow the plans in order, beginning with Hector. These plans are designed as Base Fitness for military Infantry/SOF and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run, ruck), chassis integrity and tactical agility.
Still in the military, more senior, (35+ years old) and in leadership? Do the Busy Operator Packet. Six Plans, with the training sessions designed around the 35-50 minute time frame. Super efficient training.
Not only will these base fitness packets take care of macro programming for you, but they offer a lot of variety in terms of strength progressions, work capacity events, endurance programming …. they are purposely designed to combat training “staleness”.
– Rob


I am inquiring if you still have daily operator sessions focusing on Strength, Endurance, and Work capacity? I want to rejoin the team but i want to make sure you still offer Operator sessions.


Yes, we do – the Operator Sessions no concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run/ruck), chassis integrity and tactical agility, and are only available with a subscription.
Another option is to purchase the Greek Hero Training Packet, or and individual plan (Hector) – this is a one time purchase and no subscription is needed. The Greek Hero plans deploy the same programming methodology as the Operator Sessions.
– Rob


I am currently doing Humility. I recently did session 16 and 17 and increased all my numbers from my initial assessment, except for the burpee ladder (down from 60 to 50) and 2 mile assessment (went up to 15:20 from 15:13.)

Would you recommend adding more running or even adding a running plan to use in conjunction with Humility in order to get my run times down where I want them? If so, how would you incorporate more running into my current plan.


Humility is too intense to add any extra training to. It is surprising your run time didn’t drop and I’m wondering if you perhaps had an off day.
Regardless, continue with the programming as prescribed.
– Rob


I live I Sweden. I’m currently undergoing boot camp in the Air Force and will now after Christmas start my training as force security personnel. My question to you is what plan you recommend to someone who wants to qualify for SF? What would be optimal sense I’m already in a military school but I need to ramp it up to get my fitness top notch before selection?
I have applied for the Swedish costal rangers (similar to MARSOC).


Now I’d recommend the plans/order in the Pirate Packet of plans which are designed for military SOF with water-based mission sets, and include swimming. Start with Barbossa.
9 weeks out from selection, I’d recommend you complete the MARSOC A&S Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m currently deployed aboard the Lincoln and my workout “routine” has gotten a little stale. I started the Running Improvement Plan with an eye toward our fall PRT cycle, but after a series of extensions that has been OBE and as a result my motivation has waned. I also have a history of shoulder injuries and have noticed a lot of atrophy and stiffening with the lack of focus on strength/upper body.

Snatches and overhead squats were something that really helped me strengthen and mobilize my shoulders after surgery years ago, and I’d like to re-incorporate them into my workouts. Do any of your plans use either of these exercises, or are there any places in an existing plan they could be substituted for a more “traditional” exercise (such as cleans or back squats, respectively)?


We moved away from prescribing snatches/overhead squats in our programming several years ago – just too many men had shoulder mobility issues with these exercises and I could get the same training effect with another exercise.
I consider both a “Total Body” exercise, and as such, in MTI programming, you could substitute them in for any of the total body exercises in my programming … power cleans, hang squat cleans, power clean + push press, heavy thrusters, ect.
– Rob


Looking for a good program to start to get back in shape. Work, baby and time traveling has wrecked my routine. Looking for a good program to follow that doesn’t require a lot of equipment/or mostly body weight, cardio and workouts aren’t 2 hours.
Basically looking for something that will help get back at it, lose that extra weight and get back in good shape.


– Rob


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