Dryland Skiing Training Program
- 7-Week Plan specifically for lift-assisted skiing
- Focus on eccentric leg strength, leg lactate tolerance, and core strength
- Same programming used for professional FreeSkiers
- Intense, focused, effective
- This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
This is a focused, intense, limited equipment, 7-week, training plan specifically designed to efficiently and effectively prepare athletes for lift-assisted alpine skiing. Complete this program the 7 weeks directly before your ski trip or season. Week 7 is a taper/unload week.
This is Version 5 of our Dryland Ski Training Plan – updated in July 2019.
Program Goals:
- Build the eccentric strength and strength endurance in your legs to prepare you for the eccentric loading which occurs during alpine skiing.
- Build the lactate tolerance and recovery in your legs so you can ski harder longer, and recover quicker during stops or between runs.
- Build your core/midsection strength and overall strength to add stability during skiing and increase overall durability.
- Build your lower body connective tissue, landing mechanics, hamstring strength and overall stability to help protect your knees from injury during the ski season.
This training program is set up to be completed sequentially. Exercises and volumes build as it progresses, so don’t skip around. Start at the beginning and follow the sessions in order.
Here is the weekly schedule:
- Monday – Leg Lactate Tolerance, Total Body Strength, Hamstring balance work
- Tuesday – Eccentric Leg Strength, Total Body Strength, Chassis Integrity (core)
- Wednesday – Recovery Run or Bike/Spin
- Thursday – Leg Lactate Tolerance, Total Body Strength, Hamstring balance work
- Friday – Eccentric Leg Strength, Total Body Strength, Chassis Integrity (core)
- 12-15″ Box or step for touch/jump/touch intervals.
- 60 pound sandbag for Men. 40-pound Sandbag for women.
- 25-pound pair of dumbbells for Men. 15-pound pair of dumbbells for women.
- Pull Up Bar
- Foam Roller
How long should the training sessions take?
50-60 minutes.
What if I can’t keep up the Monday to Friday Training Schedule?
The days you train are not as important as completing the training sessions sequentially and taking 2 full day’s rest between weeks.
What if I can’t complete the exercises using the prescribed loads?
Drop, or “scale” the load or weight as necessary to meet the prescribed number of reps. For example, if the training session calls for 6x Sandbag Cleans with 60# and this is too, heavy, drop down to 40#, – whatever is required, to get 6 reps.
What if I miss a training day?
Ideally, you will train 5 days in a row, and take 2 full days off for rest. If for some reason miss a session, do not skip ahead. Start again where you left off and complete the sessions in order throughout the plan.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
What if I can’t do the whole session?
If you don’t have enough time to complete the whole session, you can split the session into two.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
How do I access the plan?
Access is online, via username and password. You can login either through our website or through our app (Mtn Tactical Fitness) available for IOS and Android.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.
What if I have more questions?
Email coach@mtntactical.com
Required Equipment
- 12-15" Box or step for touch/jump/touch intervals.
- 60-pound sandbag for Men. 40-pound Sandbag for women.
- 25-pound pair of dumbbells for Men. 15-pound pair of dumbbells for women.
- Pull Up Bar
- Foam Roller
Sample Training
Below is the entire first week of programming from the plan:
Obj: Leg Lactate Tolerance, Upper Body Strength, Total Body Strength, Hamstring Strength
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
- 10 Squats
- 5x Walking Lunges
- 10x Box Jumps @ 12-15” Box
- 5x Hand Release Push Ups
- Instep Stretch
(1) 20 Rounds
- 10 Second Touch/Jump/Touch to Box @ 12-15" Box/Bench
- 30 Second Rest
(2) 6 Rounds
- 4x Sandbag Clean & Press @ 40/60#
- 2/5x Pull Ups
- Lat + Pec Stretch
(3) 3 Rounds
Obj: Eccentric Leg Strength, Upper Body Strength, Chassis Integrity
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
(1) 8 Rounds
- Mini Leg Blaster
- 3x Scotty Bob @ 15/25#
- Hip Flexor Stretch
(3) 4 Round Grind …
- 5x Backwards Sandbag Drag @ 40/60#
- 10x Kneeling Slasher @ 15/25# Dumbbell
- 10x Sandbag Good Morning @ 40/60#
“Grind” = work steadily, not frantically
Obj: Recovery Run/Bike
(1) Run 3 Miles or Bike/Spin for 30-40 minutes at an Easy Pace
"Easy" = you can speak in full sentences
(2) 2 Rounds
Obj: Leg Lactate Tolerance, Upper Body Strength, Total Body Strength, Hamstring Strength
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
- 10 Squats
- 5x Walking Lunges
- 10x Box Jumps @ 12-15” Box
- 5x Hand Release Push Ups
- Instep Stretch
- Training:
(1) 20 Rounds
- 10 Second Touch/Jump/Touch to Box @ 12-15" Box/Bench
- 30 Second Rest
(2) 6 Rounds
- 4x Mr. Spectacular @ 15/25# Dumbbells
- 2/5x Pull Ups
- Lat + Pec Stretch
(3) 3 Rounds
Obj: Eccentric Leg Strength, Upper Body Strength, Chassis Integrity
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
(1) 8 Rounds
- Mini Leg Blaster
- 3x Scotty Bob @ 15/25#
- Hip Flexor Stretch
(3) 4 Round Grind …
- 5x Backwards Sandbag Drag @ 40/60#
- 10x Kneeling Slasher @ 15/25# Dumbbell
- 10x Sandbag Good Morning @ 40/60#
“Grind” = work steadily, not frantically
Keep up the great work.
Rob, Back in October I did the Dry land ski training program which was awesome, I had a great year highlighted by a trip to Colorado where I skied 6 days in a row, charging all day long. Thanks. --J
Thank you for this program. I used to compete in the IFSA comps, coached the Winter Park Juniors and now patrol at Vail. I use this program for injury-prevention as well as to further enhance my working ability and skiing. I cannot sell this program enough to my friends and co-workers (though most of my co-workers are old curmudgeons who are stuck in their own ways). My strength has improved dramatically with each training session. My injury recovery time is almost nothing (I had an old knee injury resurface last winter and was back within the week), and my general fitness is the best it has ever been. I trail-run on my lunch breaks at work in the summer, on the hill and have never been able to run as far, as fast or enjoy myself as much as I do since starting Mountain Athlete. Gym-wise, my bench has gone from a 135# 3rep max to a 180# 4rep max (I have never been able to bench my weight, let alone more), and my squats are now up 50#, my cleans are up 30# and my sprints are faster than ever. My job requires everything from skiing hard, fast and safely, to carrying everything heavy on skis or in boots, to hiking, to running rigs in the winter and I am stronger than most of my co-workers, even at 168# of personal weight. Thank you again. --J
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