Plan Focus: Top 5 Exercises for Military Athletes Training Plan


By Rob Shaul and Charles Bausmann

Some training plans can use a wide variety of exercises to train the elements which we believe are criticial to the Military Athlete – Strength, Endurance, Work Capacity, and Chassis Integrity. This plan utilizes a simple list of five exercises inspired by one of our most popular articles, Rob’s Top 5 Exercises for Military Athletes with straight forward, scaled progressions to train those fitness attributes. Keep it simple, train hard, and get the results you’re looking for.


This training plan is straight forward, no-brainer solution for Military Athletes looking to improve their overall fitness. It includes an initial assessment in Week 1, and percentage based progressions in the following weeks to immediately scale to the athlete’s fitness levels. Week 5 is a reassessment to record your improved scores.

The 5 exercises are as follows:



  • Sandbag Get Ups –  the best overall exercise to train a military athlete’s “Combat Chassis” – leg, core, and lungs. With each rep, the athlete works core flexion, rotation, and extension. He or she also must do a loaded lunge or squat to stand up, and finally, at high reps, his heart and lungs will be burning through the work capacity hit.
  • Craig Special – 1x Craig Special is a Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat and is my favorite total body exercise. Technique issues can quickly crop up with Olympic movements, and I’ve found the hang squat clean to be the easiest for athletes to master. The clean trains explosive power, and catching the heavy barbell in the squat helps train the athlete to take impact – a valuable attribute for a military athlete. Finally, with each rep, the athlete gets in 2x front squats – my favorite squatting movement.
  • Rope Climb – My original lab rat, Josh, called the rope climb the “sled push for the upper body” – and it’s my favorite pulling movement – even when using the feet. I find the rope climb more functional than the traditional pull up – plus it’s a 3-for-one exercise …. pulling strength, grip strength, mid-section strength, and when loaded (weight vest or IBA) all of the above plus leg work. The Rope Climb is a great total body exercise
  • Three Mile Ruck Run for Time @ 45# ruck, plus 10# sledge, hammer, dumbbell or rubber rifle – Rucking is a huge fitness demand for military athletes and the best way to improve rucking is to ruck. The mid-distance 3-mile ruck run is long enough for fitness to transfer to longer efforts, but short enough that the athlete can ruck run the entire distance and train overall rucking speed. Finally, ruck running with this load further trains the “Combat Chassis” – legs, core and lungs.
  • Push Press – While the old meathead in me lusts over the Bench Press, the Push Press is the top upper body pressing exercise for military athletes because of its total body element and simple, mission-direct transferability. Strength Coach Pat O’Shea called the Push Press the “King” of upper body exercises. A vertical pressing movement to balance the vertical pull in the Rope Climb, the Push Press is really a total body exercise with an upper body finisher. Everything gets worked – legs, core, chest, and shoulders. Even better, this exercise can be completed with just about anything heavy – sandbags, dumbbells, kettlebells, big rock, barbell, girlfriend….

Weekly Schedule

  • Mon: Strength (Craig Special, Push Press, Rope Climb)
  • Tues: Ruck Run Intervals
  • Wed: Strength / Work Capacity (Craig Special, Push Press, Sandbag Get Ups)
  • Thurs: Ruck Run Intervals
  • Fri: Work Capacity (Sandbag Get Ups/Rope Climb, Power Clean + Push Press)

Required Equipment

  • Fully Equipped Functional Fitness Gym (Barbells, Bumpers, Climbing Rope, etc.)
  • Sandbag @ 60# (Women) or 80# (Men)
  • Ruck with 45# of Filler + 10# sledge, hammer, dumbbell or rubber rifle
  • Track or course of known distance for Rucking
  • Timer or Stopwatch


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Arete 9.7.17

The Baldwin Articles – Leadership and Volunteers vs Conscripts, Soldier Systems
A Funeral of 2 Friends: C.I.A. Deaths Rise in Secret Afghan War, NY Times
ISIS After The Caliphate, Small Wars Journal
US troops in Syria battle anti-Assad rebels once funded by the CIA, Intel News
Anatomy of a Taliban ambush, Long War Journal

Homeland Security/Terrorism
Democracy and Terrorism, Brookings Institute
The Terrorist Diaspora, its Returnees, and Disrupting the Rise of Homegrown Violent Extremists, Small Wars Journal
In Texas Flooding, FEMA Asks ‘All Citizens to Get Involved’ to Help, NY Times
Challenges of recruiting and retaining a Cybersecurity Workforce, Homeland Security Committee

AT Crushed: ‘Stringbean’ Sets Fastest Speed Record, Gear Junkie
48 Skiers Who Shaped Our Sport, Powder
Hamstring Injuries in Climbers, Training Beta
The Worlds Hardest Endurance Race, Outside Magazine
Hunters, the Surprising Saviors of Our Public Lands, Outside Magazine

First Responder
War Stories, Law Enforcement Today
Female deputy district attorney badly beaten before closing arguments in gang murder trial, Law Enforcement Today
Resilience Defined, Police Mag
Dozens of wildfires very active in Montana and Idaho

First Look: Patagonia ‘New’ Micro Puff Hoody, Gear Junkie
Seven Day-Hiking Essentials, Outside Magazine
7 Important Weapons Used By the United States in the Vietnam War, Small Wars Journal
Black Diamond Rope Review, Training Beta
How to Choose a Sleeping Bag, American Alpine Institute

How We Learn, Breaking Muscle
The Perils And Pitfalls Of Fitness Absolutes, Breaking Muscle
What I Learned from Sweet Spot Training Outside Magazine
Special Bacteria May Aid Athletic Performance, Science Daily
Power Training – Still Keeping It Simple, Ross Training

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Q&A 9.7.17


Hoping you can point me to some work you have already done on this topic. I wasn’t unable to find anything when looking at your knowledgebase online.

What is your philosophy on training when sore and I’m not talking about minor soreness? I see two thoughts with one having muscle soreness that is such that it impacts movement (like you struggle to walk normally which is a good outcome of leg blasters/quadzilla complex, etc..) and then ultimately joint soreness.

For the first and I guess the last I have always had the power through it attitude. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve had times where I push and I react well during training and end up able to perform better latter after a recovery taper. I didn’t lose much performance during training and made incremental steps forward. Other times performance has declined and the end result suffered by pushing through. Partly due to getting older I suppose.

Any general thoughts? Again I’m nearing 43 and ready to admit that I’m not 23 anymore. However I still want to train at an intensity that keeps me functional for skiing, running, chasing kids, etc….


We push through.

– Rob


I am a recently graduated IBOLC lieutenant, currently I am doing your Push Up/Pull Up improvement plan concurrently with heavy strength training and that is going well. I also try to run 4-6 times a week and ruck at least once, my issue arises that while I know how to program strength quite well, my understanding of how to program an intelligent rucking and running plan is not quite there. I tried the Ranger School program some time ago and that program was simply too high volume in terms of rucking and running, I couldn’t recover well at all. So my desire is to try and find a happy medium as I am gearing up for ranger right now and I could not find a specific plan that applied to both rucking and running improvement, so I was hoping I could get some direction so I don’t feel like I am going around in circles.


What you’re asking for/want is Fortitude, which combines strength with running and rucking endurance. 

What you need is to get out of the weight room and focusing on strength, and start conditioning your body and mind for the volume/intensity of Ranger School, including RAP week, via the Ranger School Training Plan

– Rob


First, off I’d like to thank you for the excellent information you give out for free every week. I always am sure to save your emails so that I can reference them in the future. Second, I recently just subscribed to the athlete program this month and have a question as to which program to begin once my training is complete. I will be finishing Infantry Officer training for the Marine Corps at the end of the month and want to be as prepared as possible for any future fight we may encounter. I’ve been looking at the Busy Operator II, the Daily Operator Sessions,  the Urban Conflict Pre-Deployment Training, and the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plans. I’d say my fitness level is relatively high, but while at school most of my training has been surviving as opposed to improving physically. I personally want to improve my strength levels without gaining much size. I’ve also realized at this school how important stamina and endurance are to maintain tempo and continuous operations. Any advice would be very much appreciate. Please let me know if you need clarification on anything or if you have questions. Thank you for your time Rob.


Move into the 6 plans and their order in the Greek Hero series, beginning with Hector. These are designed as day to day training for military athletes an concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (running/rucking), chassis integrity and tactical speed/agility. 

All these plans come with your Athelete’s Subscription. 

– Rob


A new offseason, new goal, which means another question for you (sorry!). Looking at tackling the Bigfoot 200 Ultra next August: But looking at the plans I am trying to structure a “packet” like you have done with Delta section packet etc. 

I have two weeks left of the run improvement plan currently. Would you run that, Ultra Pre-season, 100M ultra plan? One thing I think I would def need is mode specific work for all of the elevation changes (50k gain/48k loss)



Working back from the event, I’d complete the 100-Mile Ultra Plan, 50-Mile Ultra Plan, Alpine Running Plan, Ultra Pre-Season Training Plan and plans from the Green Heroine Packet. 

So … after you finish the Running Improvement Plan, roll into Helen, Artemis, etc. from the Greek Heroine Packet … 

Then … 

Ultra Pre-Season

Alpine Running Plan

50-Mile Ultra

100-Mile Ultra directly before your event. 

– Rob


Rob, what’s the spacing between the 5 positions for the DOT drill?


Use a 2ft x 2ft box with the dots in each corner and in the middle. – Rob


First off I’d just like to say how great the programming is! I’m 6 months post hip surgery (labral repair and had a lot of boney adhesions addressed). I’ve just left the military and into a job where I have a large amount of free time (maybe too much). I am currently running the meathead program and am at the start of week 3, I’ve noticed awesome results however I hate resting. My energy levels are good and I feel better doing something every day even if it’s just 40 min of rowing/ski erg/airdyne. My main question is there anything else I can run concurrently with the meathead program in terms of a bit of extra conditioning/met cons. 


You could complete the Running Improvement Training Plan concurrently. 

Lift in the AM. Run in the PM.

– Rob


I have a decent fitness baseline (good enough to start taking on a serious training plan) since I actively backpack/hike and climb in CO in evenings and weekends. I am interested in two near-term fitness goals (Denali unguided May 2018 and big game hunting Nov. 4-12) and came across your site as I researched training plans online. I am interested in your website plans for both goals but am a bit overwhelmed with how to manage separate plans with separate time frames. Could you please offer some strategic advice on how I could use your products to start training for Denali today, 8 months out, and incorporate the Big Game training plan at 13 weeks out? Both plans seemed to be designed for 8 and 9 weeks in advance.


In general, the further out from your season/event/mission/climb, the more “general” your programming can be. The closer to the event, the more “sport” or “mission” specific the programming should be. We call the “general” programming “base” programming.

Here’s what I recommend for you, starting with your backcountry big game hunting trip:

Weeks   Plan

1-5         Mountain Base Helen – Helen is one of the plans in the Greek Heroine Series of Mountain Base training plans. 

6-13       Backcountry Big Game Hunting Training Plan

Post Hunting Trip … 

This somewhat depends upon your winter and your winter activities – i.e. skiing, backcountry skiing, mountaineering, etc. 

But in general, use Helen and the other plans in order from the Greek Heroine Series until you’re 9 weeks out from your Denali departure date, then drop hard into the Denali Training Plan. This training plan will prepare you sport-specifically for your climb. 

Note that our sport specific plans – the Backcountry Big Game Hunting and Denali plans, are no joke. The “base” fitness built by the Greek Heroine plans lay the fitness foundation upon which to layer this more focused sport specific programming. 

My guess if you’re self supporting your way up Denali, you’ll have an active winter and there won’t be much time between the end of the hunting season and strapping on your skies. We have options there too – including an In-Season Ski Maintenance Training Plan

Finally, I’m assuming you’ll be hiking/scouting on the weekends between now and hunting season. Helen is a 6 day/week plan – you can substitute your weekend trips for the Saturday work in Helen and the hunting plan. 

– Rob


Hi there. Just signed up for the athletes subscription and needed some help identifying what plan plan of attack should be.

I go to Air Assault school in January, and then home for two weeks and then right to mountain warfare school. I want to get started getting in shape next week. I have already completed your on ramp program ( older version) two months ago.

Any advice!



Roll into the plans in the Greek Hero Series, beginning with Hector. 

Six weeks prior to Air Assault, complete the Air Assault School Training Plan

If you have any break between Air Assault and Mountain Warfare, complete what you can of the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plan.

– Rob


First of all, you’ve got some great looking programs! I’ve already recommended your site to a bunch of friends and I haven’t even purchased a program yet. I’m training for a ruck event and an obstacle course race at the same time. As such, rucking and running are being given equal priority right now. Do you have any suggestions for programs that can help me focus my efforts? I’m limited on equipment, but I’ve got a homemade sandbag collection, some kettlebells, and a limited selection of dumbbells. I like Sandbag Ethos and Work Capacity, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how to fit my running and rucking mileage into those two programs. Any advice that you can give would be appreciated. 


I’d recommend Humility. Humility is a limited equipment plan which combines strength, work capacity, running and loaded running. 

For the weight/vest loaded running in the plan, substitute your ruck and weight you’ll need for your event. 

– Rob


Hey Rob! Just had a quick question regarding the hypertrophy program. Are the round supposed to be done in sequence, for example: 8 rounds of 8 bench press 8 bent over barbell row. Am I to do all of the bench press then move onto the rows or do them consecutively? Thanks for any help brother!


These are circuits … 

Do 8x Bench Press, then 8x Row, then stretch, then repeat…

– Rob


I want to ask what plan or packet you would suggest for me.

A little about myself. I’ve been platoon leader for a Scout/Recce unit the Danish Home Guard for about 2 years and have no problem with carrying a 50 lbs ruck for 10-15 miles, but have had some issues with my left leg when it comes to running and therefore haven’t run further than 2 miles for about a year (3 miles once in that year). 

I have taken your relative strength test and ends with a score about 4.4, and complete a 1.5 mile unloaded run in 10m50s

Next week I start Officer’s Basic Training in the Danish Army, which is 10 months, before attending the Royal Danish Army Military Academy for 18 months…

For the first 6 months, I’ll be going on a field exercise 1 week every month.

My goal is to get my relative strength up, but more importantly get my endurance, work capacity, and chassis up to a high level – preferably so that I would be able to complete something like the Australian SAS, Ruck-based selection or SFOD training program within the 10 months

Any suggestions for a plan or packet that would make that possible?

I will most likely only be able to work out once a day. 


Start our stuff with the Military On-Ramp Training Plan

This plan is no joke, and will lay a solid base of fitness for follow on programming. It will also get you running again in a safe, progressed, way.

Email back on the other side. 

– Rob


I’ve got a few programming questions for you, but first a few facts:

A-Race (Skimo): Patrouille des Glaciers, 53km, 4000 meters ascent, April 17 2018

Age: 45

Tall skinny guy, 6 feet 1, 150#

Not too good off piste descending (need more technique, stability and anti rotation control)

How do you recommend I make the best of your programming?  Anything new coming? I took a look at you ski rando program, but due to my age and weaknesses, I was planning on keeping some gym work.  I need a strong core and strong legs for the downhill and I tend to lose strength and muscle mass quickly.  I also looked at Monster factory which is a very attractive plan and was considering it for December since the snow will only be here in January.  How do you usually time it?  

Basically, here’s how I see it at the moment:

Autumn: Alpine Running Program

December: Monster factory

January – April: 2x week gym + xc ski during the week and skimo during the weekend inspired by the Rando race program

Would I be better off with the Backcountry ski V2?  Am I timing Monster factory right?  Is Alpine Running program a good choice?

Any comment would be appreciated.  

Can I have a scoop on what’s coming after Helen on the daily program? 🙂

Happy training and thanks for all the hard work you’re putting in.  I’m always looking forward to your newsletter.


I’d recommend now you complete Monster Factory Strength. 

Then, November 1, Start the Randonee Race Pre-Season Training Plan. 

Once you start skinning/skiing in January, you’ll want to combine your skinning with training for your race. Best way to do this is to build your programming around vertical feet gain. From our stuff, I’d recommend 8 weeks out from your race you complete the vertical gain programming in the Alpine Running Training Plan – which is just about perfect for your race. You’ll need to dedicate 2 days/week just to skin programming and this will interfere somewhat with your recreational backcountry skiing. But this programming will mean you won’t be “winging” it for your race. 

– Rob


Do you recommend everyone start at the beginning and progress though all the cats?  Or if you have some experienced people with a decent base level of fitness can you start further along the list?


The Big Cat training plans aren’t progressive in terms of difficulty – i.e. Lion isn’t harder than Jaguar. 

These are designed as day-to-day programming for full time Fire/Rescue professionals and all the plans are intense. We recommend athletes follow the plans in the order prescribed not because of increasing intensity/difficulty, but because of the fitness emphasis order in the plans, and, it keeps things simple.

– Rob


I’ll be running a marathon this fall and would like to maintain as much upper body strength as possible. Which plan would you recommend? I figured I’d complete one of the Greek or Virtue series, without the running. I plan on lifting 3-4x a week in addition to running 6. 


I’d recommend our Meathead Marathon Training Plan. I built it just for guys like you. 

– Rob


I’m planning on heading to the Q course in about 6-8 months, my rucking isn’t up to par at the moment (currently 15m/mi) and my run isn’t consistent. I’m pretty short so I normally have to run to make 15 or under on the ruck. As for my run, today I could run a 9 minute 1.5 mile tomorrow it could be a 11 minute 1.5 mile. What would you suggest to get me back on track?


Congrats on selection! 

I’d recommend you complete the MTI Special Forces Qualification Course Training Plan now, then complete Hector and Apollo from the  Greek Hero Series, then recomplete the SFQC Plan 6 weeks directly before you arrive at the course. 

– Rob


I’m looking at jumping on the Big 24. I’m a former 18D and Commercial Fisherman, I also a Mountaineer and practice Krav Maga. I ruptured a cervical disc back in April, I’m just now ready to get my strength back and this looked like a good option. Can I supplement 3-5 mile runs as well as Krav 2x a week and be successful on this program?


Depends upons your incoming fitness …. you’ll need to watch for overtraining. You’ll know because you won’t make the progressions in the plan. 

– Rob 


Hey rob I am getting geared up to go on my first back country elk hunt where I will be hunting anywhere from 7-11 days. I started training more specifically for the hunt back in March. I started with hiking with my weighted pack 3 times a week with lifting the other 3 days. I started crossfit and oly lifting about mid June til now and typically only get out 1 time a week to hike with my pack. I listened to you on a podcast (either hunt back country or gritty bowmen I can’t remember) and checked out your online mountain course and honestly I am very interested, but I like the crossfit stuff. My question is will your online backcountry course better prep more for this hunt? Or is what I am doing now good? I just feel that what I am doing now is not “mountain hunting specific” and worried I get there and get my butt kicked the first 3 days. I leave in exactly 8 weeks and want to best prep my body for the hunt so I can hit it everyday I am there. Please let me know your thoughts on what you recommend, I would greatly appreciate it.


Obviously I’d recommend our approach. It’s mountain specific, and I’ve tweaked and improved it every year. It’s sport-specifically designed to prepare your legs and lungs for uphill hiking under load, overall mountain endurance, focused mid-section strength, and focused rucking work at heavy load. 

The Backcountry Big Game Training Plan is 8 weeks long and designed to be completed directly before your hunt. You won’t need much equipment – a pack, step up bench or steep hill, pair of dumbbells and sandbag. 

Right now you’re “working out.” Time to start “training.” 

The difference? Progression, intent and focus on mountain performance. 

– Rob


I’ve had the joy of you trainingprograms now for a couple of years and I am very satisified.

I am now a retired officer and work fulltime at a office where I sit most of the time. I have 2 wonderful kids who are 1 and 3 years of age.

I have tried to complete the Bodyweight Foundation program recently, but the lack of sleep and the timing makes it difficult for me to complete the program as it is intended.

I have a gym close by which have most of the equipment I need to stay in shape and also an outdoor training park. I have a bicycle which I use to commute to and from work, it it’s about a 5 km uphill to work, and from work it’s a easy ride. I love training strength, and I am a novice using calisthenics, but I enjoy the exercises.

Just to add to my frustration, I can not run long distances due to injury.

My question to you is, do you have a fullbody trainingprogram that is max 4 days a week, with focus on strength. The sessions duration approx. min 30- max 60 min.


The LE-specific plans in our Spirits Series include optional Fridays, so can all be completed 4 days/week. I’d recommend Bourbon – which is specifically gym-focused, and 4 days/week. 

– Rob


Hi Rob, I found your company through an Outside Magazine video on the Ultimate core workout.  I will be 60 years old in the next couple of weeks and have 12 months to prepare to do my first 14er in CO next summer.  If all goes well the doctor will let me start exercising again at the end of July after breaking my elbow in a mountain bike crash in early June.  I have really let myself go since last Oct and know I need to take these next 11 to 12 months to get ready to do a 14er.  I live in the absolute flattest part or WI.  I have a meniscal cyst on one knee and would like to know were to start before purchasing the Peak Baggers Plan, as I really do not think I can do 1,000 steps ups with a 25 Lbs pack on in 60 mins, although I have not tried to know for sure.

So if you have any suggestions or programs for not so young, flabby butts, like myself to get me to a point were I can do the Peak Baggers program, I would be interested.



I’d recommend starting with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan

At the link above, click the “sample training” tab to see the entire first week of training. Try it and see how you recover. 

At 60, expect needing more recovery plan – perhaps a full day between sessions to start out.

– Rob


I’ve been working my way through the low back training program.   I’ve been feeling great after months of pain and I was through week 7, but have been off for two weeks with a vacation.  Is there anything I should do before starting back into week 8 or can I go straight into week 8?

Also, after I finish the low back training program, are there any programs I should do to continue strengthening my core and building back confidence?


Start back again with Week 7. 

Next Plan? Chassis Integrity Training Plan.

– Rob

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Advice to my younger self: Ranger school

By Gordon Stock


Hey bro, I know you’re pretty excited to start Ranger School soon, but I got some bad news for you.  After about 50 days, you’re going to be leaving Ranger School, but without a tab.  You’re going to be dropped for failing patrols, twice, and having no case to stay.  But don’t worry about it; it’s going to be simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen to you. 

So here’s some advice that you learned the hard way, hopefully, it helps. 


1. Taking it seriously means all of it

Ranger School is supposed to be a simulation of combat.  The physical stress is real, you’re going to be broken down, and you’re going to be hurt.  So getting ready for Ranger School doesn’t mean making sure your fiancé is ok with you leaving, or that your gear is sorted and labeled 1000 times over, and that your lease is going to be paid on time, though that is important.  Getting ready is putting your body through the ringer more than once and doing the workouts that hurt your body as well as your mind.  It means mentally rehearsing the push-ups on the RPA over and over and not trying to war-game what spot in line you’re going to get to try to get one over on the RIs. It means being ready to re-test and taking every opportunity you have to prepare, even if its an uncomfortable two weeks at pre-Ranger.    

2. Your chassis is going to keep you alive out there

It’s great if you can barely pass the RPA and the ruck, but what happens after that?  The rest of Ranger School is going to greatly rely on your ability to carry weight and keep moving with that weight.  And the bare minimum isn’t good enough if you want to be a team player and a man that others can respect; you need to be able to carry the 240 or the litter.  So stop doing pushups and sit-ups and pick up a barbell.  Make your core stronger with some deadlifts and make your legs as strong as possible with some squats.   You know you’re not strong enough, so don’t ignore it, embrace it and fix it. 

3. You don’t know anything yet, accept it

You’re one of a million new lieutenants to go to Ranger and a mediocre one at that.  When you get there, pay attention, try to learn from the RIs, and don’t bitch about “the game” or “RI roulette”.  Even if it exists, the fastest way out is through, so learn the Darby systems, listen to the RIs, and give 110% at everything.  Use the little you know to help your squad out, but otherwise shut up and listen to the experience around you that has seen combat or spent a few years in the force actually doing their jobs.  This advice is going to be the hardest to swallow for you, but your arrogance and entitlement is going to be why you leave without a tab. Ranger School is not something you just suck through on your way to be an infantry officer.  It’s something you have to earn your way through in order to earn the respect of much harder men later on. 

Honestly, it might be too late for you to take some of this stuff to heart, but I hope you can change a few things sooner rather than later. 

But here’s the good news.  Even if you fail, it will probably be a wake-up call, and you’ll get your house in order.  Yeah, it will suck showing up to your unit without a tab, but it will make you appreciate what is given to you.  Eventually, you’ll get a platoon and maybe a chance to go back to Ranger School, where you’ll probably realize every tiny thing you messed up on as a younger man.  And someday you’ll get to feel the inflation of pride that you deserve as your wife pins on a little black and gold tab.  But until then, good luck.


About the Author: 
Gordon Stock is an infantry platoon leader in the US Army. He enjoys reading, hanging with his dogs, and putting in hard work at the gym.



Did you experience something similar in your line of work? Share your lessons learned with other tactical and mountain athletes!


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Quiet Professional: Humility & Humor

Pronghorn Antelope – great professor of Humility & Humor.

By Rob Shaul

I’m approaching four dozen failed bowhunting stalks on pronghorn antelope between last year and this year.

Mostly the antelope “bust” me … they have incredible vision and a “6th” sense I’ve yet to overcome.

But on several of these failures, I’ve made the mistake.

Last year I snuck up to within 15 yards of a young antelope buck, went to put my release in my bowline and “click” – I’d failed to set my release prior. Know that by this time I had taken hundreds, if not thousands, of shots at the range – each time setting my trigger – but this time I didn’t.

That “click” from my release was all it took for that young buck to explode out of there.

This year I was putting a stalk on a bedded buck antelope from a perfect elevated approach, when my broadhead caught in the sagebrush and pulled my arrow out of the bow string. The barely audible “pop” when the arrow pulled free was all it took for the buck to explode away.

My last fail …. I was so focused on finding this one bedded doe antelope my tunnel vision prevented me from seeing the other three does 20 yards to my left standing there watching me creep forward on all fours. When I turned toward these three does, they exploded away, taking the bedded doe with them.

At 29 years old, and perhaps even at 39, I would have been the one to “explode” at this last failure in anger and subsequently blame the antelope, “stupid sport,” nature or myself.

Now, at 49, I laughed at my mistake, and stood in awe, humbled again by these animals and the subtle, sophisticated art of bow hunting.

Instead of stomping away upset, disappointed and feeling sorry for myself, I felt warmly serene, and immediately my attention moved from the missed opportunity to golden morning sun rays ricocheting off silver-green sagebrush tops.

Humility and humor are brothers, and together offer a path to solace.

On humility …. I’m not sure which comes first … the hard life lessons which squeeze it out of you, or the wisdom which hopefully evolves and teaches you that you’re nothing special, thus making you humble.

Regardless, humor lubricates the process. For whatever reason, everything in life is hard, and at some point you’ll find you can’t help but smile at difficulty’s arrival, rather than be surprised and upset.

Ultimately the spiritual weight of self-righteousness begins to lift, making room for solace to elbow in.

This doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not like one day you wake up humble and smiling all the time and experiencing a zen-like serenity.  This certainly hasn’t been my experience.

I’m ashamed of the hissy fits I still throw over little shit. Too often humor is overpowered by petty anger and disappointment. I have much work to do.

But I’m able to laugh at myself and smile at life’s issues more and more all the time. Life isn’t any easier, but is more enriching, because of it.

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Research Round Up

By Charles Bausman

Effect of Energy Beverage Consumption on Pistol Aiming Steadiness in Law Enforcement Officers
Monaghan, Taylor P.; Jacobson, Bert H.; Sellers, John H.; 
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research . 31(9):2557-2561, September 2017.

“Oklahmoa State University and the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine worked together to study the implications of commercially available Energy Shots and Energy Drinks on pistol marksmanship. Previous studies have “shown that caffeine may provide enhancements in both anaerobic and aerobic exercises. Also, consumption of caffeine may increase cognitive performance in sleep-deprived individuals and in tactical situations, caffeine reduces friend-foe identification errors and decreases time in target detection exercises.

According to the article, previous studies have “shown that caffeine may provide enhancements in both anaerobic and aerobic exercises. Also, consumption of caffeine may increase cognitive performance in sleep-deprived individuals and in tactical situations, caffeine reduces friend-foe identification errors and decreases time in target detection exercises.”

However, other studies showed that caffeine consumption can reduce fine motor skills, a critical component of pistol marksmanship. The study analyzed 10 police officers with laser-practice pistols (no live fire) in order to ascertain marksmanship, comparing those who had consumed energy shots against the control group.”

“The ES group demonstrated significant (p ≤ 0.05) within group pre-to-posttest detrimental effect in the arm-hand aim steadiness after consumption of the ES. In addition, the ES group was significantly less stable in the arm-hand aim steadiness than the placebo group after ES consumption, illustrating the detrimental effect on steadiness resulting from ED consumption.

Energy shots may reduce marksmanship. It is not stated if this is due to the caffeine consumption, the “energy mix” found in energy shots, or the combination of both.

A Review of the Biomechanical Differences Between the High-Bar and Low-Bar Back-Squat
Glassbrook, Daniel J.1; Helms, Eric R.1; Brown, Scott R.1; Storey, Adam G.1,2
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: September 2017 – Volume 31 – Issue 9 – p 2618–2634

Researchers at the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand examined the mechanical and practical differences and applications of the High Bar Back Squat (HBBS), and the Low Bar Back Squat (LBBS).

“During the traditional HBBS, the bar is placed across the top of the trapezius just below the spinous process of the C7 vertebra. Conversely, during the LBBS, the bar is placed on the lower trapezius just over the posterior deltoid, along the spine of the scapula…the LBBS may result in an ability to lift greater loads in comparison to the High Bar Back Squat. Differences in bar position between the HBBS and LBBS result in an altered center of mass. Therefore, different movement strategies are used to ensure that the center of mass remains within the base of support to maintain balance during the execution of these lifts, which will be covered in this review. These movement strategies manifest as differences in joint angles of the lower-body kinetic chain, vertical ground reaction forces (Fv), and the activity of key muscles.

The LBBS is presented with a greater forward lean and reduced knee flexion (i.e., reduced depth). This results in greater posterior displacement of the hip, and a maximization of the associated force-producing ability. Such displacement of the hip engages the stronger posterior hip musculature (i.e., gluteal, hamstring and spinal erector muscle groups), as supported in this review though analysis of muscle activity studies on each back-squat variation. By contrast, the HBBS presents with greater activation of the anterior thigh musculature (i.e., quadriceps)”

Training to improve Olympic lifts? Use the High Bar Back Squat. Training to improve maximal strength and/or field related performance? Use the Low Bar Back Squat.

Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study
Dehghan, MahshidDiaz, R et al. The Lancet

“The relationship between macronutrients and cardiovascular disease and mortality is controversial. Most available data are from European and North American populations where nutrition excess is more likely, so their applicability to other populations is unclear.

Dietary intake of 135 335 individuals (from across 18 nations, age ranging 35-70 years) was recorded using validated food frequency questionnaires. The primary outcomes were total mortality and major cardiovascular events (fatal cardiovascular disease, non-fatal myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure). Secondary outcomes were all myocardial infarctions, stroke, cardiovascular disease mortality, and non-cardiovascular disease mortality. Participants were categorised into quintiles of nutrient intake (carbohydrate, fats, and protein) based on percentage of energy provided by nutrients. We assessed the associations between consumption of carbohydrate, total fat, and each type of fat with cardiovascular disease and total mortality. We calculated hazard ratios (HRs) using a multivariable Cox frailty model with random intercepts to account for centre clustering.”

“High carbohydrate intake was associated with higher risk of total mortality, whereas total fat and individual types of fat were related to lower total mortality. Total fat and types of fat were not associated with cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas saturated fat had an inverse association with stroke. Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings.”

Dietary guidelines often prescribe a higher carb intake with low fats. This would appear to be less effective for long term health and life span in comparison to higher fat diets.

The Relationship of Heart Rate and Lactate to Cumulative Muscle Fatigue During Recreational Alpine Skiing
Seifert, John; Kröll, Josef; Müller, Erich
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: May 2009 – Volume 23 – Issue 3 – pp 698-704
“Common indices of fatigue may not respond similarly between downhill skiing and other activities because of the influence of factors such as snow conditions, changing terrain, and skiing style.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship and predictors of common fatigue indices during downhill skiing. Ten healthy female recreational skiers skied for 3 hours under standardized conditions. Feedback on heart rate (HR) and finishing time were given to each skier at the end of each run to maintain a relatively stable load. A chronic stress score (Cstress) was calculated from creatine kinase (CK), cortisol, and isometric endurance.Finishing times and HR from runs 2, 12, and 24 were similar.
Heart rate averaged 82% of HRmax. Heart rate was an insignificant predictor (p = .65) and was poorly correlated (r = 0.16) to Cstress. Blood lactate (LA) was a significant predictor of the Cstress (p = 0.05; r = 0.62). Pre- to postskiing peak forces were not different (p = 0.62), but skiers experienced a significant decrease in isometric endurance from 106.1 ± 29.6 to 93.2 ± 24.0 seconds. Endurance decreased by 13%, whereas cortisol and CK increased by 16 and 42%, respectively. Isometric contraction endurance and blood LA were significant predictors of overall stress. Individual compensation mechanisms and skiing style contributed to highly variable responses during skiing.”
“Whereas HR may indicate stress within a given run, it is not a significant indicator of Cstress and fatigue during recreational alpine skiing. However, the cumulative stress variables and LA can be used in field testing of skiers. It is suggested that LA is a practical on-hill marker of chronic stress.”
The major contribution to endurance during downhill skiing is the heavy eccentric and isometric muscular demand which leads to increased levels increased of blood lactate, reducing performance. Aerobic conditioning does not appear to play a particularly important role in ski performance.  Muscular endurance specific to the eccentric and isometric demands are significant and should be trained prior to ski season.

Differences in Climbing-Specific Strength Between Boulder and Lead Rock Climbers
Fanchini, Maurizio1; Violette, Frédéric2; Impellizzeri, Franco M.1,3; Maffiuletti, Nicola A.2,3
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: February 2013 – Volume 27 – Issue 2 – p 310–314
“The purpose of this study was to compare maximal muscle strength and rapid force capacity of finger flexors between boulder and lead climbers of national-international level. Ten boulder (mean ± SD, age 27 ± 8 years) and 10 lead climbers (age 27 ± 6 years) volunteered for the study.
Ten nonclimbers (age 25 ± 4 years) were also tested. Isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force and rate of force development (RFD) produced in “crimp” and “open-crimp” hand positions were evaluated on an instrumented hold. Climbers were stronger than nonclimbers. More interestingly, MVC force and RFD were significantly greater in boulder compared with lead climbers (p < 0.05), in both crimp and open-crimp positions.”
“The RFD was the most discriminatory outcome, as the largest difference between boulder and lead climbers (34–38%) was observed for this variable. The RFD may reflect the specific requirements of bouldering and seems to be more appropriate than pure maximal strength for investigating muscle function in rock climbers.”
Lead climbers on big walls have less power requirements than boulder climbers in respect to hand/finger strength. Those athletes who focus on bouldering problems should likely train power moves more frequently, while lead climbers have a broader spectrum of fitness training requirements.

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Help Needed Developing Nordic SOF Selection Training Plans

Norwegian SOF in Syria.

By Rob Shaul & Charles Bauseman

We’re currently researching the various Special Operations Forces in the Scandinavian region to design the Selection-Specific training plans.

While we’ve found the names of units in these countries, we’re having a tough time finding more information on the units and various selection courses for entry in to the units. Have information you can share?

Let us know at

Here are the units we’ve found so far:


  • Fromandskopset (FKP)
  • Jaegerkorpset (JGK)


  • Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK)
  • Jegertroppen
  • Marinejegerkommandoen (MJK)


  • Special Operations Task Group (SOG)


  • Utti Jaeger Regiment
  • Erikoistoimintaosasto

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Plan Focus: Mountain Sledding Training Plan

Hill Climb World Champion and MTI Athlete, Jess Tutur. Photo courtesy RTL Photography.

By Rob Shaul

Western Wyoming where MTI is headquartered is a mecca for mountain sledding and Jackson itself is home to the Hill Climb World Championships.

I work with both “granola” and “redneck” and a mix of mountain athletes in my gym. Granola mountain athletes are the alpine climbers, skiers, ski mountaineers, etc. The “redneck” athletes are the sledders, mountain dirt bikers and backcountry hunters.


Several of us, myself included, are mix of both.

One thing I’m not is a mountain sledder. It’s too hard! Ridding a snowmobile in deep powder is much more athletic and physically demanding than just aiming the skis and pushing the throttle.

A couple years ago a couple of my pro sledders dragged me out for a day. I spent much of it stuck … digging my sled out … or getting “muscled” by the sled. At the end, I was worked. To watch those who are good at this sport is to experience a beautiful melding of finesse, athleticism, and strength between person and machine.

This program is designed to prepare snowmobile athletes for the mountain sledding season. It is intended to be completed the 6 weeks directly before your mountain sledding season begins.

It is a  progressive, gym-based training program. You will train 5 days/week for a total of 30 training sessions. The intention is that Monday through Thursday are are training days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are rest days.
You will need a commercial gym, with basic equipment. The only unique piece of equipment needed to complete the program is a sandbag. Men will need a 60 pound sandbag, and women will need a 40 pound sandbag.


  • Build Lower Body Strength and strength endurance for shifting weight back and forth across the seat, as well as digging out and lifting stuck sleds.
  • Build Grip Strength and grip strength endurance for long days working the throttle and handle bars.
  • Build All around mid-section strength and strength endurance, especially isometric, rotational and extension strength.
  • Build Upper body strength and strength endurance with a single limb and rotational component.
  • Build Multi-modal work capacity for intense top marking efforts.
  • Build Multi-modal endurance for dawn to dusk days of mountain sledding.


Monday: Leg Strength, Strength Endurance, Upper Body Press/Pull Strength Endurance, Chassis Integrity (mid-section strength)
Tuesday: Grip Strength, Gym-Based Endurance
Wednesday: Total Body Strength
Thursday: Leg Strength, Strength Endurance, Upper Body Press/Pull Strength Endurance, Chassis Integrity (mid-section strength)
Friday: Grip Strength, Multi-Modal Work Capacity



How long should the training sessions take? 
Generally around 60 minutes, though near the end of the program, training sessions may take up to 75 minutes.

What if I can’t keep up the Monday to Friday Training Schedule?
The days you train are not as important as completing the training sessions sequentially and taking 2 full day’s rest between weeks.

What if I can’t complete the exercises using the prescribed loads?
Drop, or “scale” the load or weight as necessary to meet the prescribed number of reps. For example, if the training session calls for 5x Bench Press @ 135# and this is too, heavy, drop down to 115#, – or whatever is required, to get 5 reps.

What if I’ve never training in a gym before?
This training program is going to be quite an adventure in athletic training for you! Wednesday’s strength work is built primarily around classic barbell exercises. These are not complicated exercises, but they can be awkward at first. If needed, you can seek exercise instruction from a local coach or personal trainer. You can also teach yourself these exercises by being patient, using lighter weights, and sticking with it. Practice helps! There are many web-based sites and resources to find information on performing these common exercises. You’re not helpless. Be resourceful.

What equipment do I need?
Fully Equipped gym including barbells, plates, squats racks, dumbbells. 14-16″ Box or bench for hippity hops and step ups and a Sandbag:  60# for men. 40# Sandbag for women.

What if I miss a day?
Begin where you left off when you return to training. This programmed is progressed – each session builds upon the prior session – so don’t skip a session or skip around. Follow the training sessions in order, regardless.

Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Run/Ruck Calculator is listed as an exercise.

What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.

More Questions?

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Arete 8.31.17

Afghanistan: The Empire Stopper, NY Times
Deciphering the Taliban, Stratfor
British Counterinsurgency: Returning Discriminate Coercion to COIN, Small Wars Journal
Musk Warns Against ‘Arms Race’ in Autonomous Weapons, Defense Tech
Want to Avoid Nuclear War? Reject Mutual Vulnerability with North Korea, War on the Rocks

Homeland Security/Terrorism
How Should the Trump Administration Respond to Right-Wing Extremism?, Brookings Institute
Guam on Alert for North Korean Missile Test, but Residents Take It in Stride, NY Times
Shutting Down the Long Island MS-13 Pipeline, House Committee on Homeland Security
Defense By Design: How Developers Are Countering Terrorism, InHomeland Security
North Korea Fear Drives America Back To The Bunkers, Forbes

Gunman Opens Fire On Climbers in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Unofficial Networks
Like It or Not, Snowmaking Is The Future, Powder
The Story Behind the 52-Year-Old Woman’s K2 Summit, Outside Magazine
Falling on Lead and “Cratering”, American Alpine Institute
Timeless Jackson Hole: Good friends and enough snow to swallow you whole, Freeskier

First Responder
The Rook, Police Mag
Man Attempts to Smuggle Heroin Into Jail Using Prosthetic Leg, Law Enforcement Today
Trump lifts ban on military gear to local police forces, USA Today
747 SuperTanker receives CAL FIRE contract, Wildfire Today
‘Ghost Guns’ Concerns Grow Among L.E.,
Border Patrol Agent Reportedly Kidnapped, Has Fingers Cut Off, Law Enforcement Today

Personnel Change at Heckler & Koch, Soldier System
Provisions 040: 5 products you need before your next camping trip, Snowboard Mag
Best Bushcraft Knife, GearJunkie
Staff Picks: The Gear We Always Have On Our Desks, Outside Magazine
Space-Age Surfing: Putting the Latest High-Tech Board to the Test, Mens Journal

The Science Behind Why “I Think I Can” Actually Works, Breaking Muscle
Green Tea Therapy For Memory Impairment, Obesity, And Insulin Resistance, Breaking Muscle
Are Elite Athletes Healthy? Outside Magazine
Are Endurance Athletes More Susceptible to Diabetes? Outside Magazine
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Can Inhibit Muscle Growth, Science Daily
HIIT Releases Endorphins in the Brain, Science Daily
Can You Develop Food Allergies at Any Age?, NY Times
Clean Eating vs Flexible Dieting: Putting the Argument to Bed

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Q&A 8.31.17


Helen and Hector look like they have roughly equivalent goals but different exercises. What’s the difference between the operator and mountain training plans?


Hector is designed for our Military Athletes. Helen is designed for our Mountain Athletes. Both plans are “base fitness” for the specific athlete category.
Here are the Base Fitness demands for Military Athletes:
High Relative Strength (Strength per Bodyweight)
Multi-Modal Work Capacity
Chassis Integrity
Military Endurance (Running, Rucking)
Tactical Speed and Agility
Here are the Base Fitness Demands for Mountain Athletes:
High Relative Strength (Strength per Bodyweight – but our strength standards for mountain athletes are lower than for tactical athletes)
Multi-Modal Work Capacity
Chassis Integrity
Mountain Endurance Endurance (Running, Uphill Hiking under Load)
Climbing Specific Fitness
The quick difference between the two plans is Hector has Tactical Agility programming, Helen doesn’t and Helen includes climb training at a bouldering gym and Hector doesn’t.
Other differences include Helen’s step up work, it’s a 6-day/week plan as opposed to Hector’s 5 day/week, and in general, the work capacity and other loading in our mountain plans is lower than our tactical plans.
Note on endurance – not every Military “base” fitness plan includes both running and rucking. Some include both, some only running (like Hector) and some only rucking. Same is true for our mountain base plans – not all include both running and uphill hiking training. Some include both (like Helen), some only running and some only uphill movement.
– Rob


You used to have an offseason endurance training plan. It looks like you dropped it. What’s the replacement?



– Rob


I’m finishing up Humility and it’s been a complete smoker. I loved it! My overall fitness is the best it has ever been and I can definitely feel that “hardening” effect that you’ve mentioned a couple of times. This is my first real taste of your more difficult (but kick-ass) programming and I’m definitely hooked. Thanks for the work that you and the other coaches do!
A few questions if you don’t mind:
1) I’m going to take advantage of the one-month athlete subscription coupon I received from entering your recent sweepstakes and get a taste of your daily programming. Once the subscription ends, I plan to roll into Big 24 and then continue the rest of your Virtue series. This is my planned “base fitness” preparation for the SEALIFT KOKORO camp next July. About 8-10 weeks out, I will transition to sport-specific training. Do you think this plan is good or do you have other recommendations?
2) In preparation for SEALIFT, I want to incorporate your Run Improvement Plan and Rucking Improvement Plan over the course of my base fitness training but would like advice on how to do so given that the plans already have running and rucking in the them.
3.) Out of curiosity, what are the differences between your Virtue series and your Greek Hero series? I’ve noticed that you don’t train TAC SEPA in your Virtue plans (just an observation).


1) The Virtue Series seems solid, but not unless there is a strong swimming/water confidence component to your camp. The Virtue plans do not include swimming. Also – I’m guessing you’ll want to do a focused selection training program directly before the camp. I’m not sure what the camp involves, but am guessing our BUD/s V2 or MARSOC plans would be the best fit. I don’t have a plan specifically for that event.
2) Don’t double up.
3) The Greek Hero series of plans deploys our latest evolution of Fluid Periodization, and the Virtue Series deployed the previous version. Practically the cyclic emphasis in the Greek Hero plans is less intense and abrupt. These plans overall are more balanced. In application I think of the Greek Hero plans as having a little more finesse – in NFL terms – like a primary wide receiver – think Randy Moss, Julio Jones, Terrell Owens – big, strong, quick. The Virtue Plans are like NFL tight ends – not quite as much finesse, but more utilitarian – think Rob Gronkowski or Tony Gonzalez.
In generals, for focused fitness improvement, I recommend the Virtue Plans.
– Rob


Good afternoon,I’m a US Marine and  I’ve been doing body building styled workouts for a few years now, I’m 5’11 200 pounds so I have some decent size but I have gotten pretty bored, I would like to change up my workouts and have more functional training but want to continue to add mass and grow, the meat head training plan looks good but I’m skeptical because 3.5 weeks doesn’t seem like a long enough program to add any real size or make a difference but I’m not a pro or coach so I don’t know for sure, if you have any info for me on this or recommend a different training program of yours it’d be greatly appreciated.


While body building is common amongst many in the military, it doesn’t meet many of what we feel are the work-specific fitness demands of being a soldier or Marine. Here are our fitness demands for military athletes:
1) High Relative Strength – or Strength per Bodyweight. Excess mass is a detriment to movement. Click HERE for our relative strength standards for military athletes.
2) High Work Capacity for short, intense events. “Short” = less than 30 minutes. As well, work capacity should have a sprinting and repeat-sprinting focus, including sprinting under load.
3) Military Endurance – running, rucking
4) Chassis Integrity – functional, transferable mid-section strength and strength endurance focused on the tactical chassis (knees to shoulders)
5) Tactical Speed and Agility – sprinting speed, loaded and unloaded. Tactical agility – level changes, direction changes, loaded and unloaded.
For you specifically – you’re bodybuilding focus has become stale, but you want to do more of it? – What I’d recommend is breaking away from that focus all together – if your ego will allow it – and training the fitness attributes described above. From our stuff, I’d recommend you start with Hector – which is one of the plans from our Greek Hero series, and deploys our most recent iteration of Fluid Periodization. Hector trains the 5 attributes listed above concurrently.
To your specific question about the Meathead plan – we’ve regularly seen significant improvement gains in 3-week cycles – even in athletes with a high training age, like yourself.
– Rob


I’m hoping to partake in a guided climb of Mount Rainier in approximately one year. A friend of mine introduced me to your site and I’m very interested in your climbing plans!
I’m hoping you can help guide me on the best plans for my training. I’m 28-yrs-old and I hike once or twice a week in the Seattle area with my 2-yr-old daughter on my back. So! I’m hoping to start with a beginner program to get me up to speed.
Appreciate any advice you can provide!


In general, the closer to your climb, the more “sport-specific” you want your programming to be.
From our stuff, we’ve build a sport-specific training plan specifically for Ranier – the Rainier Training Plan. You’ll want to complete this plan the 7 weeks directly before your climb.
Between now and then start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, and follow it up with the plans in the Greek Heroine Series of mountain “base” fitness. The Greek Heroine plans are designed as the day-to-day fitness for multi-sport mountain athletes.
– Rob


I recall you used to have a program for female athletes with knee injuries. Perhaps it was just a testing program but I recall vaguely. Do you have information on helping females strengthen their knees in order to prevent knee injury?  Thank you.


The program is named Athena.
– Rob


i didn’t get to put in for a tag in Wyoming this time but got an over the counter in montana.  there  are 3 of us planning on hunting around the little belt mts.  we are going out september 6-13 to bow hunt.  I’m looking for some tips and suggestions.  This will be my first self supported back pack type hunt.  we are planning on going in 5-6 miles based on the maps and boundary lines on these areas. these areas are relatively small and have pretty extensive trail system according to the biologist.  if we aren’t on any fresh sign we probably will stay a day or two scouting then move to another area.  i don’t for see staying the whole 6 days in one spot without getting back to the truck for supplies or to regroup.  unless we luck onto elk quickly i would guess we won’t be in one area more than 2-3 days.  I’ve been reading and talked to several biologist and fish and game people in the area about the terrain and how to hunt these areas.  I’ve got time booked in the end of october also for rifle season if we strike out with the bow.  most of my questions are on gear, food, equipment, etc.  any hunting tips would be appreciated as well!!
1. what do you keep in your pack that you consider essential? external frame necessary for packing out meet or just game bags and a ruck?  I’ve got a mystery ranch through work thats there military version about 5000 cubic inches or so.
2.  food?  how much, what kind, what kind of jet boil?
3.  clothing-  what do you wear on daily basis?  what do you take for extra.
4.   anything you suggest to read books, articles, etc
5.   sleeping bag, pad, tent suggestions?  i have a north face 0 degree bag now and a mt. hardware 2 man tent that weighs about 4 lbs.
thanks for your time and everybody appreciates what you guys do
on a side not I’ve got some family that just moved to thayne and am planning on hunting there next year so i might hit you up to go with me next time.


Answers below detail the kit I’m currently running and/or recommend. Note that many of these items are on – and with your job/history you should qualify.
1. Pack and Essentials:
Pack – What’s important is that you’re able to pack out at least 1/2 the boned out animal, plus your bivy gear after you kill something. So your pack should have more than enough room for your gear. I run a Mystery Ranch Metcalf Pack (4300 cubic inches) which is a hunting-specific pack. The back separates from the frame allowing me to stuff meat sacks between the frame and the bag. Your pack should be good. You don’t need an external frame pack.
The Metcalf is expensive. If you want to go with a specialized hunting pack, Eberlestock makes a Black Widow pack which you can get through your pro-deal on It’s an awesome pack too.
Cook Kit
Tooth Brush/Floss. I put a glob of tooth pasts in the bottom of a zip lock. I keep this in a baggy in by food bag.
Breakfast: Starbucks Via Instant Coffee and a ProBar Meal Bar. Meal Bars are great calorie per ounce fuel and you can get them on Promotive.
Snacks between meals: Honey Stinger Waffles These are awesome – and also on Promotive
Lunch: Hard Salami, Hard Cheese and Coffee
Dinner: Mountain House or other Freeze Dried Meal. Mountain House is on Promotive.
Emergency Kit:
Black DIamond Spot Head Lamp (Trick: Make sure you turn one of the batteries around before you pack so the lamp doesn’t get bumped on and drain the batteries)
Sunscreen (Trick: You don’t need a full container. I fill a small, empty medicine bottle and take it only).
15 Feet Paracord
Ace Bandage
Athletic Tape (doubles as bandaid)
Firestarter and Lighter
Extra batteries for Headlamp
Kill Kit:
Tags, Hunter Safety Card, Orange Ribbon
Knife and sharpener – I use a cheap Kershaw Chill knife and a sharpener. I tried one of the Havalon replaceable blade knives and it was so sharp I thought it was dangerous.
Water is a big deal deer hunting. I like to bivy on the ridges … which means I have to carry my water (4-5 Liters) up from the last water source – usually 1,000-2,000 feet below. I use a 2-3 Liter Camel Back reservoir and carry extra water with Platypus collapsable bottles.
In Colorado you’ll want a water filter. The Sawyer Mini filter is light, cheap and works great.
Delorme In-Reach (no cell service and I often hunt alone – not needed if you have cell service and/or are hunting with others)
Cell Phone – Photos, GPS (Gaia App), Maps (Topo Map App)Kindle Reader (I read a book at night). With apps, you can download topo maps and use your phone for a GPS. It’s awesome.
Sleep System:
Outdoor Research Helium Bivy – Light and bomber. I use a bivy over a tent – I’ve been rained on this thing and stayed dry. A bivy is lighter, faster, and you can sleep anywhere. I often sleep in deer beds!  OR is on Promotive.
Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite – Perhaps my most important piece of gear. This thing is awesome!! Last weekend I slept like a baby on rocks!
Enlightened Equipment Revelation Quilt: I replaced my bag with this and sleep in my fleece hoody or puffy jacket. Works awesome. You don’t need a 0-degree bag in early September. A 30-degree bag/quilt will work. Big Agnes and Therm-a-Rest offer quilt/pad systems together. Big Agnes is on Promotive.
HERE is  a Video of my Sleep System
Two things are key to your clothing system: (1) Fit and; (2) Material.
Fit is most important. If the clothes don’t fit, you’ll be wasting money. Spend what it takes to find stuff that fits.
What to avoid: 
– Choosing clothes based on camo pattern. They all work.
– Buying cheap stuff. Cheap stuff is wasting money … it won’t fit and you’ll replace it.
– Softshell Jackets. They are heavy and not needed. Don’t believe the marketing hype.
– Cotton
Note: It’s going to be HOT during the day, and cool, but not cold, at night. You don’t need super warm stuff.
Here’s What You Need:
Pants – Nylon Material, with side pockets
Shirt – Long Sleeve Camo Synthetic or Merino Wool Top. I like synthetic.
Mid-Layer – Camo Fleece or Merino Hoody
Puffy – Light down or synthetic hooded puffy jacket. Doesn’t need to be an expedition parka! Lightest level is fine. Does not need to be camo – green/brown/tan is fine.
Rain Jacket – Light and also doubles as a wind breaker. Best Choice: Outdoor Research Helium Jacket in Coyote
Gloves – Lightweight (You don’t need winter gloves!)
2 Pair Thick Wool Socks: You’ll wear one and keep another spare.
1 Pair Synthetic or Merino Underwear (You’ll wear the whole time)
Ball Cap – Again, it will be hot! You’ll need a hat.
Note: Don’t take any extra shirts or long johns, underwear. You won’t need them. Also, with a midweight hoody, you won’t need a warm beanie hat.
Fit  – Shirts … My Experience:
Sitka Gear shirts fit generally well, but I have to size up to Large from my regular Medium.
First Lite shirts fit generally well, but I have to size up for the base layers to Large, and stick with Medium for the mid-Layers
Kuiu – None of the Kuiu stuff fits me well
Cabelas’, Underarmor, etc: No experience
Fit – Pants … My Experience
Sitka Pants fit well. I’d recommend the Sitka Ascent Pant for early season
Kuiu – Don’t Fit
Pants don’t need to be camo … so you have more options. Check out the Prana Stretch Zion Pants, Outdoor Research Ferossi Pants and Arcteryx Gamma LT Pants. Again, you don’t need camo pants so you can purchase tan/brown and use them for stuff other than hunting.
You don’t need stiff-soled leather, gore-tex mountaineering boots! If you have strong ankes you can wear trail running shoes. The major demand on your footwear will be walking down a steep hill with 1/2 a deer right after the kill. Tread is important, and ankle support if you’ve got suspect ankles like me. Gore-Tex will just make your feet hot. Many companies don’t make boots that aren’t gore-tex so you may not be able to avoid it. Color is not important – your duty boots will likely work.
My recommendations:
What I Wear:
Baselayer Top: Sitka Core Lightweight Hoody. I pull the hood up over my ball cap when I’m glassing to keep the sun off my neck
Socks: Patagonia Wool Mid-Weight
I bring an extra pair of socks
Optics – What You’ll Need:
Your binoculars are most important. You’ll want high quality 10×42 or 10×50 binos.
I also take a lightweight spotting scope
Tripod – super important, mostly for your binos, not your scope. 90% of your time behind glass will be behind your binos.
Bino Harness
Bino Tripod Adaptor
What I Use:
RYO Ultralight Bino Harness … You don’t need a fancy, heavy Bino Pack
– The final 100-200 yards of the stalk take off your shoes and proceed stocking-foot. But … take one of your extra arrows and stand it up in your boot – fletching high. This way you’ll be able to find your boots after the stalk!! (I once spend 60 panic field minutes searching!!)
– There’s a good chance you’ll make a downhill shot. Make sure your bowsite has a 3rd Axis adjustment and you have it adjusted. Practice Shooting Down Hill
– Distance – be confident out to 50 yards, min. for Mule Deer. Standing, kneeling and sitting position. Chances are you’ll shoot Kneeling.
– Don’t be a Little Bitch! My first year I was one .. thought it was impossible, felt sorry for myself, didn’t try every stalk. Mule deer with a bow is a combo of extreme diligence in hunting skills, patience, enthusiasm, humor and grit. Just keep grinding … and understand the joy of hunting is the hunt, not the kill.
– Never Skyline. Never burst over a ridge or top without glassing first. Be diligent
– I carry my pack on my back so I camp on the ridges. This avoids the hike up early in the am, and down at night to a base camp and allows me to hunt longer each day.
– When walking a ridge which is treed on one side, have an arrow knocked, go slow and be ready. 3x I’ve jumped a bedded deer and once I got off a shot (I missed because I suck).
– Wind Indicator – I put baby powder in a small squeeze bottle made for travel shampoo. Works great!
Good Luck!!
– Rob


Good morning, I’m going to run SF 45 again after this week. Would you recommend pumping times upfrom the last go-round? In other words week one has a 20 minute grind should I bump that up to a 25 this time around? By the way I love this program. I’ve dropped 10 pounds since starting in my joints feel great at 57 years old


You could do that. Better would be to move on to SF45 Beta. I just built out the remaining 4 plans in the SF45 Packet.
– Rob


Howdy. I’m a fire fighter, bow hunter, military vet (22 years naval aviator), and avid outdoorsman/waterman. I’m going on an epic powder ski trip March 15 2018. Looking to do the ski plan but not sure how to program from now till March 2018???? Any recommendations?


MTI’s approach is that training for your job takes priority. For your day-to-day training I’d recommend our Fire-Rescue specific programming found in the Big Cat Packet of plans.
In general, the closer you get to your event (in this case, your ski trip), the more sport-specific your programming should be.
So, the 7 weeks directly before your March ski trip drop out of the Big Cat plans and complete the  Dryland Skiing Training Program.
Good luck!
– Rob


What would you recommend for preparing the Army Mountain Warfare School in Jericho, Vermont? Based on what recent grads from my platoon have said, it it very ruck-intensive.

I would assume some mix of your civilian mountain athlete programs would fit (backpacking + climbing work), but I don’t want to leave out the “traditional” cardio work for long morning PT group runs.



We just built the Mountain Warfare School Training Plan

– Rob


I am in need of choosing a program that will fit my needs.I have a physical test coming up in the next couple of months. One of the physical requirements includes climbing a rope that is either a thousand feet, or equivalent if rope is shorter, arms only without the use of any legs. This physical testing was designed by two Army Ranger Veterans and I can see some similarities, for their whole test, in some of the military programs. The rope climb is giving me the most pause at which program would suite me the best.


I don’t have rope-climbing focused training plan for  you.
One progression we’ve used in the past is:
10 Rounds
1x Rope Climb every 2 Minutes.
If you can get this, you can progress it either in all-over volume, or density.
Volume = Increasing the rounds, eventually to reach 20x Rounds.
Density = On the Odd Rounds (Still do 10 Rounds), do 2x Rope Climbs every 2 minutes, and on the even rounds (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) do 1x rope climb, Once you can get this try to do 10 Rounds, 2x Rope Climbs every 2 minutes.
– Rob


I came across your training programs and was hoping to get more information about your programming for the GR Selection. I’ve been training on my own for the past few months, but am looking for more thoughtful programming in the lead up.
On the page for regular GORUCK challenges it says to NOT use that one for Selection, so I’m trying to figure out which program you would suggest? Also, don’t worry, I know what I’ve signed up for 🙂


We have a training specifically for the GoRuck Selection. CLICK HERE to check it out. Good luck!

– Rob


I am a retired US Army Special Forces Medical
Sergeant.  I was on active duty for 27 years and retired less than two years
ago.  I am tired of feeling sorry for myself after being forced to retire,
due to time-in-service at my rank not for disciplinary issues.  I have a lot
of physical, and some mental, problems.  They are due to both combat related
injuries and general military overuse.  I am 75″ tall and weigh about
230lbs.  I have a little bicycle tire around my waist but it is definitely
not excessive.  I however, have lost most of my musculature.  I was going to
start with one of your plans.  Which one do you recommend.  I am not looking
to be Arnold Schwarzenegger or Lance Armstrong.  I just want to not be old
flabby and out of shape and still be able to shit and get it if I ever need


We recently released the SF45 Packet… it’s specifically for older tactical athletes who have the unavoidable lingering injuries from a 27 year career. The packet includes 4 plans – you can buy it individually, or sign up for Athlete Subscription where you can also access it. The ‘old’ guys here in the gym have been doing to good results and really enjoy it.

– Rob


Enjoying the programming. Appreciate your work to get it dialed in. Have recently completed Fat Loss followed by Bodyweight Foundation (two days left). Will take a two week break with biking, hiking, etc with family on vacation.

Our group that works out each AM, consists of four, 40-45 year old guys, decent fitness, likely lacking strength for our size, OK runners (23-26 min. For recent 3 mile). Frankly, we could all use a kick in the rear to dial in diet. I’d appreciate any guidance or suggestions on next plan. Have full gym set up available.

Thanks in advance,


I’d recommend SF45 Alpha, for the SF45 Packet, next.
Diet? Here are our nutritional guidelines:
– Rob


I recently purchased the Large PJ/CCT selection packet. I am in fairly good shape and I’m maxing out my PAST tests however I leave in about 5-6 months so I will not be able to complete the entire 44 weeks. Is there anyway to modify and shorten it down or something I can cut out to save time? Thanks.


6 months = 24 Weeks.
Here’s the modification to the USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Packet I recommend:
Weeks:    Plan
1-4          Operator Pentathlon
5-11        Valor
12-15      Big 24 + Swim Improvement
17-24      USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Training Plan
– Rob


I have purchased several of your programs and have been impressed with each one I have tried.

About a decade ago I did the original 6 week Super Squat program, and saw about a 100 lb increase in my Back Squat. I am looking at several of your programs, like Achilles, that utilize the 1×20 set. I was unclear about a few things, do your programs start with a moderate weight and add 5-10 lbs each session, like the original Super Squat?

Do you have research on the benefits of doing the 1×20 on the bench press? When I did the original, I believe it was 2 or 3 sets of 12, and I saw significant increases in my bench in 6 weeks. I do not recall that program, or any other I’ve seen, using breathing reps on the bench.


Super Squat – we use a percentage progression, not a progression as you describe.
Bench Press … we are alone as far as i know in terms of applying the 20 reps and breaths requirement to the bench press. It’s killer. No “research” but our lab rats saw 10-15% 1RM gains post-program.
– Rob


I would first like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed your training
programs and have used the running program and body weighted training
program with great success. Your plans impressed me so much that I would
like to see what your opinion would be on making a training plan for a Ultra
Spartan Race? Or if there is a plan that is similar to getting ramped up for
the race I would like to do next April, I would appreciate your guidance
with that also.


I’m guessing you mean a spartan ultra beast race …. I couldn’t find any info on a “ultra” plan.
We don’t have a specific training plan for this.
From what we do have I’d recommend Humility with some changes….
– Don’t do any of the loaded running as prescribed.
– Double the prescribed running in the training plan, and again, do all the running unloaded.
– Rob


I am currently preparing for a February SFAS date using the ruck based selection packet. I am currently halfway through Humility and am planning to complete all programs in the sequence suggested outside of big 24 over the next 7 months or so.

Looking ahead to the programs that involve more rucking such as Fortitude, I noticed that “ruck running” is listed for several sessions. I am wondering if this should be a fast paced walk or a true run. I have heard conflicting arguments on pacing it out with a ruck versus running. Just looking for your input on this specifically with regard to improving ruck time and pace for SFAS.


Run. We ruck run and recommend it.
– Rob


I’m looking for some advice on what to do next. As background, I’m a 37 year old guy who’s been focused on endurance (just done an ironman) for the last few years.  I’m 6’3 and am at my lightest at 76kg (not acceptable!). I want to get back into the gym and put some muscle on (and get some decent strength back) but I’m also conscious of not totally losing my aerobic gains from the last few years, especially running.
I’m thinking ‘bodyweight’ as a starter then maybe something like ‘Humility’? Or should I go straight to something like ‘hypertrophy for the skinny guy’? What are your thoughts?
Appreciate your time and what you do.


Do Humility now, and follow it up with Fortitude.
The running volume in these plans are nothing compared to the volume you’ve been pushing – but both have loaded running, which will be new.
I’d recommend following the plans as prescribed for the first couple weeks, and if you are recovering well, add in a long, easy, unloaded run on the weekends.
– Rob


I’m 39, male, 5’8 215. Athletic background. Muscular build currently compromised by eating too much BS and having a desk job. Should be in 185-190lb range. Lower back issues, and I’m rehabbing a badly sprained ankle through Nov, so it’ll be a bit before I can run or jump. I can walk/ruck, cycle, and do squats on most days. Love lifting free weights, but gunshy on some Olympic lifts because of lower back. Can work out for an hour 5x/week at local gym. My diet is in check now. Which workout plan would you recommend to burn fat while the ankle heals? Thanks, you guys are hands-down the best.


Check in on the other side.
– Rob


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