Arete 4.2.20


North Macedonia Officially Joins NATO, Small Wars Journal
COVID-19: US Troop Deployment To America’s Closed Borders Is Coming, In Homeland Security
DoD Order to Plan for Escalation in Iraq Meets Warning From Commander, Small Wars Journal
Boris Johnson’s government is reportedly furious with China and believes it could have 40 times more coronavirus cases than it claims, Business Insider
Crisis in African Region Is Becoming France’s Forever War, NY Times
Has The U.S.-China Cold War Now Begun?, Hoover Institute
DoD Isolating Critical Troops and Commanders, Small Wars Journal
The military has suspended all travel, deployments, exercises for the entire force, Defense News
Trump issues order to bring former troops back to active duty to assist in coronavirus response, Stars & Stripes
US-led forces pull out of third Iraqi base this month, Al Jazzera
More Than 9,000 Responded to the Army’s Call for Medical Personnel, Real Clear Defense
Spain ‘shifts to a war economy’ and calls on NATO for help with COVID-19,
Okinawa-based CH-53 squadron commander sacked, Marine Corps Times
Someone slipped a water gun into Army’s pistol competition photos to imply its a joke, War on the Rocks
Russia grounds all airplanes, Moscow takes unprecedented measures, Pravda Report
Pentagon Seeks to Classify Future Year Defense Spending Plans, Small Wars Journal
‘Hunger will kill us before coronavirus’, say Rohingya in India, Al Jazzera
India says no plan to extend coronavirus lockdown as poor struggle, Reuters


First Responder / Homeland Security / Wildland Fire

NYPD: First active-duty officer dies of coronavirus, Police One
NJ police shut down another wedding for violating state shelter-in-place order, Police One
Starbucks offering free coffee to those on the front lines of COVID-19 pandemic, FireRescue1
Australia: Grim Story of Heat, Drought and Fire. Homeland Security Newswire
Crime Drops 25% in New York City During Coronavirus Shutdown, Police One
This police commander was ambushed and murdered Sunday night. He was a father of four and a husband., LE Today
Honolulu police: 2 arrested, 70 cited for violating stay-at-home orders, Police One
Treasury secretary says first responders could receive COVID-19 hazard pay, FireRescue1
Mental Health and being a Hotshot, Wildland Fire Research
U.S. Announces Narcoterrorism Charges Against Venezuela’s Maduro, Homeland Security Newswire
How COVID-19 spread through the Detroit Police Department, Police One



What Happens When You Need a Rescue During a Pandemic, Outside
Snowmobilers Rescue Moose From Tree Well in Canada, Unofficial Networks
5 Of The Most Unique Powder Skis Ever Made, Unofficial Networks
FIVE THINGS: Watch these classic Matchstick Productions movies online right now, Freeskier
Our Gear Guy Tests the $800 Yeti Cooler, Outside
Hoka One One Speedgoat 4, Backpacking Light
The World is Adjusting to a New Reality. So Should Skiers., Powder
Hikers, Climbers, Mountain Bikers Reconsider Plans Amid COVID-19, REI Co-op Journal
Amazon Is Having Supply Chain Issues. Here Are Some Trustworthy Alternatives., Wirecutter
You Probably Shouldn’t Be Backcountry Skiing Right Now, Outside
This Man Plans to Hike 8,000 Miles to Form a ‘Greater Western Loop’, Gearjunkie
As Resorts Close, Sales of Backcountry Touring Gear Spike, Backcountry Magazine
The Rules for Going Outdoors During Coronavirus, Outside Magazine


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

Ventilators explained: Key device in fight against coronavirus, Al Jazerra
Your Warm-Up Doesn’t Matter as Much as You Think, Outside
Ask an Editor: How Do You Get a Job in Climbing Media?, Climbing Magazine
Jigsaw Puzzles We Love, Wirecutter
How I Finally Got Rid of Plantar Fasciitis Once and For All, Adventure Journal
The New Rules of Running Now, NY Times
27 Books All Athletes Should Read, Gear Patrol
How to mitigate mild symptoms of COVID-19 at home, according to doctors, Business Insider
More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection, NY Times
This Is the ‘Cozy Catastrophe’ Americans Have Always Wanted, Wired
This one decision by the CDC will likely haunt the nation for months to come, Salon
Should You Consider Taking a Loved One Out of a Long-Term Care Facility Now?, RAND Corp
The U.S.’s Slow Start to Coronavirus Testing: A Timeline, NY Times
A Guide to the Vaccines and Drugs that Could Fight Coronavirus, Homeland Security Newswire
Marines Told to Cut High-Intensity Workouts During COVID-19 Outbreak, Real Clear Defense
Do Homemade Face Masks Actually Help Fight the Coronavirus?, Wirecutter



How retailers vie to be considered “essential” in a lockdown, Business Insider
How to Prevent the Internet from Tracking You, Gear Patrol
Sunday Strategist: More CEOs Should Have Seen This Coming, Bloomberg
Hoarding during coronavirus: Not much has changed since WWII, Air Force Times
Read This Before Booking a Cheap Flight Right Now, Outside
S&P Sees Dubai Property Prices Dropping to Levels Seen in 2010, Bloomberg
It Wasn’t Just Trump Who Got It Wrong, Defense One
Lockdown, what lockdown? Sweden’s unusual response to coronavirus, BBC
It’s Your Money and They Want It Now — The Cycle of Adversary Pursuit, Fire Eye Threat Research

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Q&A 3.26.20


In regards to Range Fitness, I don’t have a rifle but I have a pistol is there potentially a way of adapting the carbine plan to be done with a pistol.

I live on a rural area so the range of engagements can potentially be very far especially for a pistol, although short range work in a house is also a priority given a rise in armed robberies in my area.
I appreciate your assistance in advance.


We developed the Range Fitness system for pistols as well, but I never built a full plan like I did for carbines.
Here is one of the Pistol drills we developed:
– Rob


I was wondering if I purchase the usaf PJ packet (which has the 8 workout plans) would it show me when to implement the different programs?


You’ll want to begin the packet exactly 53 weeks before selection.
The 8 plans, in the order you’ll complete them, are:


I am an LEO in Vienna, Austria.
First I want to tell you that all of your plans seem very engineered and seem to be on point when it comes to the outcome that is targeted by each individual plan. I still have a question though and that ist as follows.
I have a selection for a particular unit of the police coming in May.
The selection consists of a very intense parcours which is about 450 meters (a quarter of a mile) long and should take about 2,5 to 3 minutes.
It consists of sprints and 29 obstacles (ladders, ropes, jumping,
Unfortunately, I have not found a training plan on your website that targets this specific goal. I do have access to it. My question now is if you could tell me which one of your plans fits my demandings the best or if there is no such plan, would you create one when I sign up fir your membership?
By my count you have 11 weeks until May 11. I’m not sure when your selection begins, but you’ll want to time it so you complete the second plan recommendation – the SWAT/SRT Selection Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before your selection … here’s what I’d recommend:
Weeks    Plan
1-4          Ruger – First plan in our Gun Maker Packet of plans for full time LE SWAT/SRT. Trains strength, work cap, endurance, chassis integrity and tactical agility.
Obstacle Course – what we’ve found is familiarity and obstacle technique expertise are almost more important than fitness to completion time.
Since you have access to the obstacle course now, what I’d recommend is for Weeks 1-4, complete the O-Course 3 times on Saturdays, with a 5 minute rest between efforts.
For weeks 5-11 and the SWAT Selection Training Plan,  replace the Friday Dirty Dog Repeats with 3 more runs of your O-Course, with 5 minute rest between efforts.
– Rob


I’m currently using your Bataan Death march race program to prepare for the event in March. After that I am planning to do the Monte Rosa Spaghetti Traverse in Switzerland Sept 3rd through 10th. I will have about 6 months after the Bataan Death March to prepare for the Monte Rosa. Any thoughts on what programs you would recommend directly after Bataan and in prep for MR?
As an FYI- I’ve used your Rainier and Big Mountain Plans for Ecuador and Mt Rainier climbs.
I appreciate your help and love your programming.


6 months = 23 weeks. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks    Plan
1-7          Jedediah Smith
8-14        Frank Church
15-18      Wrangell St.-Elias (1st 3 weeks)
19           Total Rest
The first 4 plans are from our Wilderness Packet for Wilderness Progressionals and have a strong mountain endurance (running, uphill movement under load). Complete the Peak Bagger Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before your trip.
The route seems to be mostly scrambling and snow travel. Not sure there is enough rock work to dedicate much time rock training, but if so, I’d recommend working in a V-Sum at a local bouldering gym weekly.
– Rob


Love the work that you do, love MTN, best thing out there I think. So, my wife is struggling a bit to find a workout regimen that is helpful to her. She works as an accountant and during high peak seasons (Feb to April, July to Sept) can only get to the gym about 3 times a week. What plan would you recommend? She is most concerned these days about how her legs are conditioned, but I always remind to her to not forget her upper body conditioning as well. I recommended to her the Big 3 + Run, but she saw that it was a 6 times a week program, what plan do you recommend for her? Looking forward to your response. I’d say cardio wise she’s very fit, can run and swim with anyone in her age group with ease. She is 30 years old. She has good knowledge grasp around the gym, is familiar with other MTN plans (hypertrophy, push up improvement). She struggles with strength, she can do about ten pushups (chest to deck with good form), close to squatting her body weight, knows how to deadlift, bench, etc. She definitely uses the videos you all have, very helpful! Hopefully that helps.  Happy Friday brother!


Johnny from our Country Singer Packet. This is a 5 day/week plan – but just have her follow the sessions in order when she gets to train.
Johnny is multi-modal (strength, work cap, Chassis Integrity, Endurance) – and the strength in the plan deploys our TLU progression …. which means each session is self-scaling and she won’t need to remember past 1RMs, etc.
– Rob


What is the recommended rest between sets on big 24 lifts.


Each strength set is followed by a stretch or mobility drill. Ideally is your “working rest” between rounds.
However, in our experience, we’ll be able to finish the session in 50-60 minutes at the beginning of the cycle (-10 pounds), but at the top of the progression, it was taking 75 minutes simply because of its intensity – and we simply needed more rest to be able to make the lifts. So do the stretch, and then lift. If you’re not making the reps, rest a little after the stretch.
– Rob


I am into your mountain base program (Helen).  So, here my questions/recommendations so far.

– part of the program requires running. I am in a winter climate (Colorado), and running is quite difficult and often impossible.  Part of my intent was to have a strong indoor program for the winter months. I get out there to ski, etc.  But in lieu of running, I am using a rower/in door bike for cardio.  Can you develop goals/metrics for alternate cardio?  In the summer, I will be running mountain trails, and won’t have as much time to be in the gym, so this program can be seasonal.  Indoor PT in winter months and more outdoor in summer months.  Or do you have a program like that?

– in the App, once you’ve established your 1 RM, it should auto calculate the weights for you for the following weeks. Yes, I can do math, but during a workout, sometimes I have to refer back to the 1RM and then do the math.  It would be nice to just have the designated weight auto-populate. A more user friendly app.


1. Spin 8 miles for time and complete 2-mile spin intervals at a threshold pace, in lieu of the 1 mile run repeats. Do the step ups in the plan as prescribed.
2. Understand. We use a notebook.
– Rob


I just started the busy operator 1 program. I am looking to add in some rowing during the rest days to keep me moving and keep my stress levels down. Will this negatively impact the strength progression of the program? Or should I use the days off to foam roll and stretch?


You should be able to add rowing as long as it’s not super intense – easy pace.
– Rob


I have done the hunting package workout for the past few years. This year you changed it, in the past you had more military/full body workouts (Ex.Humility) for the few months before the sport-specific backcountry workout 7-8 weeks before the hunt. Why the change?


I was concerned the lead-up programming wasn’t adequately preparing hunters for the focused intensity of the final plan in the packet. The build plans do this now.
– Rob


I am attending OCS in July and want to get a jump start on preparing for the test. I know the PT test recently changed and was wondering if this was reflected on the OCS training program? Is the current program still up to date?


Our understanding is the ACFT will take over for the test at OCS in October.
Let me know if you have any documentation which says different. Our current plan uses the APFT.
– Rob


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Mini Study: Grease the Groove Beats Density for Push Up & Pull Up Improvement

By Rob Shaul


This 3.5 week, 3-day/week Mini-Study compared the effectiveness of two progression methodologies (Density and Grease the Groove) to improve 75-second max rep Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups (no time limit).

The results found that the Grease the Groove progression (Group B) out-performed the Density progression (Group A) in both Hand Release Push Up and Pull Up improvement.


Two 3.5-week, 3 or 5 day/week cycles were designed to test the study progressions above, and MTI advertised for Lab Rats via our weekly newsletter, Beta, which has 35,000+ weekly subscribers.

Lab Rat volunteers were randomly assigned into groups: Group A (Density) and Group B (Grease the Groove).

Group A completed MTI’s Density progression for Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups, three days/week.

Group B will completed MTI’s take on a “Grease the Groove” progression 5 days/week. “Grease the Groove” is made popular by kettlebell guru Pavel Tsatsouline, and involves completing multiple sets of both Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups each day, but far below max effort. More HERE on the general theory.

The Study was completed in March 2020, and the study subjects self-reported their pre and post cycle Max Rep Hand Release Push Up and Pull Up assessment results.

The Mini-Study was designed to complement the athletes’ regular training. We asked participants to avoid other push up and pull up work during the study duration.


A total of 26  individuals completed the study.

Twenty-eight Lab Rats in Group A (Density) started, and 18 completed.

Twenty-five Lab Rats in Group B (Grease the Groove) started the study, and 8 completed. 

Group A (Density) athletes saw an average 18% increase in their max rep Hand Release Push Up and 20% increase in their max rep Pull Up results over the course of the study.

Group B (Grease the Groove) athletes saw an average 35% increase in their max rep Hand Release Push Up and 49% increase in their max rep Pull Up results over the course of the study.

Results below:

Study design elements that could have impacted these results could include it’s a relatively short duration (3.5 weeks), and how other training may have impacted performance.

By design, this study didn’t dictate the athlete’s full training regimen during the study period as we wanted to test the ability to study a focused fitness attribute change without dictating complete programming. This was done to encourage lab rat participation and decrease attrition.

One interesting element of this study is the much greater attrition in the Group B (Grease the Groove) lab rats. This programming required a greater time commitment – as the individual athletes had to do 8 sets of Hand Release Push Ups and 8 sets of Pull Ups, 5 days/week.

I wonder if there had been less attrition, if the differences between both groups’ performance would have been narrower. As well, I wonder if the greater time demands affected the Grease the Groove group attrition, and if this should be a consideration for including this progression in program design.

Overall, I was somewhat surprised by these results as I expected there not to be a significant difference in performance between the groups.



The out-performance of the Grease the Groove group was impressive and moving forward, I will formalize this progression and begin adding it as a progression method for bodyweight calisthenic exercise improvement.

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Arete 3.26.20

Military / National Security / Foreign Affairs

The Marine Corps is Axing All of its Tank Battalions and Cutting Grunt Units, Small Wars Journal
China, America, and the International Order after the Pandemic, War on the Rocks
Four coronavirus cases confirmed at coalition bases in Afghanistan, Stars & Stripes
It’s Time for the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to Break Up, Defense One
How the World Will Look After the Coronavirus Pandemic, Foreign Policy
Trial dates moved for SEAL, Marine Raider charged in Green Beret death, Marine Corps Times
COVID-19 Is Revealing Problems the US Military Has Ignored for Far Too Long, Modern War Institute
Will The Costs Of A Great Depression Outweigh The Risks Of Coronavirus?, Hoover Institution
Covid-19: Chinese-donated military hospitals deployed in Argentina and Ecuador, Janes 360
JNIM kills dozens in Mali base attack, Long War Journal
Nearly a Million Children Left Behind in Venezuela as Parents Migrate, NY Times
Dozens of Afghan security personnel killed in Taliban insider attack, Long War Journal
Special Tactics airman dies in swim training incident, Marine Corps Times
The Russian Understanding of War, Strategy Bridge
The Manned Fighter Jet Era Has (Almost) Passed, Real Clear Defense
Assessing U.S. Relative Decline, Divergent Options


First Responder / Homeland Security / Wildland Fire

2 Jersey City police officers in serious condition with coronavirus, Police One
Miss. fire lieutenant killed in gas station robbery, Fire Rescue 1
Seattle opens first COVID-19 testing site for first responders, Fire Rescue 1
7 police tenets to live by in 21 words, Police One
Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region postpones all prescribed fires, Wildfire Today



Is Sweden’s “Mellow Maniac” Skiing’s Most Creative Photographer?, Powder
Backcountry Skiing Isn’t the Brilliant Idea You Think It Is Right Now, Backpacker
Colorado Sheriff Bans All Backcountry Recreation, Gearjunkie
Major Parks Close, Rural Residents Urge You to Stay Away (For Now), Adventure Journal
The Best Climbing Movies on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, and More, Climbing Mag
How to save your local gear shop, SNEWS
‘Pucker Factor 100’: Crazy-Steep Mt. Shuksan Ski Descent, Gearjunkie
How Coronavirus Is Impacting the Outdoor Industry, Outside
Big Game Hunter: A Ground-Up Zion First Ascent, Climbing


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

WHO Launches Global Megatrial of the Four Most Promising Coronavirus Treatments, Homeland Security Newswire
Do My Clothes Have Coronavirus?, Gear Patrol
The Best Canned Tomatoes, Ranked by Wirecutter and NYT Cooking, Wirecutter
Learning to Cook? The World’s Best Chefs Are Posting Free Lessons All Over Instagram, Gear Patrol
The Older I Get, the More I Love Foamy, Cushy Shoes, Outside
Everything You Need to Know About Ski-Touring Bindings, Outside
Body positivity isn’t enough, SNEWS
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Plank but Were Afraid to Ask, Breaking Muscle
Protein controls fat metabolism, Science Daily
How Coronavirus Tests Actually Work, FiveThirtyEight
Loaded Stuffed Sweet Potatoes, Mark’s Daily Apple
Melanoma is killing fewest Americans in decades, Science Daily



Coronavirus Cancellation Tracker: More Than 45 Million Affected After Events Cancelled Or Rescheduled, Forbes
As Science And Business Go To War With Each Other, President Trump Pours Fuel On The Fire, Forbes
The 15 Absolute Best, Wirecutter-Approved Mother’s Day Gifts Under $35, Wirecutter
VW Says It’ll Keep Building Cars With Stick Shifts As Long as We Keep Buying Them, Gear Patrol
Martial Law: What to Expect If All Hell Breaks Loose With COVID-19, Tactical Life

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MTI’s Kettlebell/Dumbbell Training Plans


These plans and packets focus on different fitness attributes and can mostly be completed with a set of Dumbbells/Kettlebells, pull up bar, box /bench, and open space for sprints and shuttle runs.

Learn more about each plan by clicking the links below:


Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email


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Q&A 3.19.20


What would be your best program before RASP? Before you do the actual 6 week program I mean. I’d like to stay strong but mainly work on work capacity and durability. I am old and can’t afford to get kicked out from injury! Thank you for all you do.


Valor – for work cap. Understand the best thing you can do for durability is be as event-specifically fit as possible going in to ramp. Nothing in the literature has shown that mobility, flexibility, recovery, etc. has as much to do with durability as sport-specific fitness.
– Rob


I recently purchased your TACP training plan. When I did the 10 mile ruck assessment, my time was 2:27. When I enter the time into the calculator, it says my 3 mile interval time is around 35min. That is a considerably faster per mile pace than the 10 mile. Is this on purpose or am I entering something wrong. Thank you.


It’s actually between 36:47 and 37:40, and it’s accurate. Shorter Distance, Faster pace.
– Rob


Good afternoon from Hawaii.  A little background info.  I have been an avid cross fitter for 4 years and also a service member for 9 years.  I was looking for something more job specific and came across your program.
I just have a couple of questions for you regarding fortitude program that I started.
1.  Time between sets during the strength portions.  Is there a recommendation for rest
Btw sets?
2.  Steady effort on the time amrap events like sand bag get ups.  Does that just mean keep working at a pace where you don’t need a Break?


1. Each strength circuit includes a stretch or mobility drill – hold for 30-45 seconds – this is your working rest between sets.
2. Yes …. if it’s a Grind. If it’s an AMRAP …. It means As Many Rounds As Possible – threshold effort.
– Rob


I have taken your advice and purchased the BJJ Training Plan. I had a few questions about the program before I get started.
How long should the breaks be between rounds (especially the ones where you “increase load rapidly”)?
How much weight should I be increasing by every round (warm ups, main strength movements, etc)?
Is there any alternative item I can use for a sandbag? Like a ruck sack? Or should I make a sandbag?
Thanks again for the support. I really appreciate it.


1. Each strength circuit includes a stretch. This is your working rest between rounds.
2. I can’t dictate loading for you remotely. In general – light on the warm up if the load is not prescribed. Increase rapidly until “hard but doable” on these sets. Aim to be at your “hard but doable” load by round 4 or 5.
3. No sub for a sandbag. You’ll need to make one. Be resourceful.
– Rob


I’ve been a wildland firefighter with the hotshots for 9 seasons. I was dealing with some health issues most of the winter so now I’m a month and a half from the season in absolutely horrible shape. Wondering what my best choice for workout plan would be. I’m afraid the hotshot/jumper preseason one might be too intense for me coming back from these medical issues.


Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. This plan is no joke and assessment based – so it automatically scales to your incoming fitness, then, via re-assessments, continues to push you as you work through the program.
– Rob


Hope you are doing well.  I am in a funk and was wondering if you could recommend a new program to try out.  I currently have the Helena Dumbbell, Johnny and Resilience programs that I have been rotating for quite a while and I think that I would like to try a strength program.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the programs but I am just a little burned and looking for a change, or might want to just stand around and push heavy weight for a change.  Do you have any recommendations on a 4 or 5 day a week program that mostly trains for strength with a day of endurance work?  I am 5 minutes from two different mountains here in Phoenix that I like to hit once a week with a 60# pack.  I would love to gain some strength but don’t want to loose anything on the endurance side.
I was looking at the “1-Lift Per Day” routine and I like the look of it but I am also having some issues with pain at the ball of my left foot.  I can ruck but running and box jumps are a little tough for me right now.  Could I substitute the runs with rucks and is there an alternative to box jumps so I can give my foot a rest?
What about the “Hypertrophy Program for Skinny Guys” program?  I know there is supposed to be total rest on Saturday and Sunday but would a ruck every so often be too much?
Any input would be appreciated, thanks!


I’d recommend the Big 3 + Run Training Plan. You can replace the running in the plan with rucking.
As prescribed – it’s running. Do the 2-mile assessment – but ruck, and use the rucking calculator for Tuesday’s intervals.
Skip the Thursday intervals, and on Saturdays, ruck instead of run.
– Rob


How do you feel about treadmills for the timed runs? For example, today was 4 sets of 800m sprints, so I set up the speed I needed on the treadmill and ran that. Is that hurting my progress?


I’m not sure the transfer is direct … i.e. if running on a treadmill transfers directly to running on ground. So, unless there is a very good reason, run outside.
– Rob


I have about 7 weeks until I report to 7th Special Forces Group. I’m in the middle of moving so I was wondering which plan would be best that uses little to no weights at the house. I’m in ok shape but want to tune up my cardio a bit but still keep/ gain strength and endurance.


Humility would be best. You’ll need a pair of dumbbells, sandbag and IBA/Weightvest or 25# pack.
Next would be Bodyweight Foundation.
– Rob


Since low back spasms are a regular occurrence, i’ve not been lifting heavy at all.
Mostly between episodes, i’m digging out, and then when i’m actually able to do some work – i’ll lift relatively lightly 4-6 times per week and run every so often. workouts usually consist of push one day and pull the next. hit legs most days and try to do lifts that at minimum don’t light me up.


I’d recommend you begin our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. This plan is no joke, and includes bodyweight core work.
Follow it up with your Low Back Fitness Training Plan.
Email back on the other side of the LBFTP.
– Rob


I’m wondering if you’d be able to suggest a program based on my goals.
I’m a novice trail runner planning to run a half marathon in the next 6 months and avid hiker looking to complete the Tahoe Rim Trail (161 miles) in 8 days and scale Half Dome in under 12 hours.
I’m looking for a suggestion on plans that will allow me to accomplish these goals and still allow for me to run and hike for active recovery.


MTI’s approach is to complete “base training” programming relevant to your athlete type (mountain, tactical), and then do event-specific programming directly prior to your events.
So for multi sport mountain athletes like you, you’ll be moving between base fitness, and event-specific training ups.
For your Base Fitness, I’d recommend the plans/order in the Greek Heroine Series, beginning with Helen. Overall, these plans have a mountain endurance emphasis (running, uphill hiking under load), but concurrently train strength, work capacity, climbing fitness (rock), and chassis integrity (core). Start with Helen.
7 Weeks prior to your Half Marathon, drop out of the Green Heroine Plans and complete the Half Marathon Training Plan.
…. then drop back into the Greek Heroine Plans
8 Weeks prior to your through hike, drop out of the Greek Heroine Plans and complete the Ultra Running Pre-Season Training Plan. For the Friday/Saturday sessions, Ignore the heart rate restrictions in the plan and complete these sessions hiking, or hike-running, on trails, wearing the same weight pack you’ll carry on your trip.
…. then drop back into the Greek Heroine Plans
8 Weeks prior to Half Dome, drop out of the Greek Heroine Plans and complete the Big Wall Training Plan.
– Rob


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Arete 3.19.20

Military / Foreign Affairs / National Security

China Announces That It Will Expel American Journalists, NY Times
Senate passes emergency bill protecting GI Bill benefits as colleges go online, Stars & Stripes
Trump sparks anger by calling coronavirus the ‘Chinese virus’, The Guardian
Al-Qaeda Lauds Taliban’s Great ‘Victory’ Over America and Allies, Real Clear Defense
Why the UK May Be Sending Troops to Mali, Rand Corp
US Army battles skepticism in Congress after Bradley replacement failure, Defense News
After Discovering a Sailor With Coronavirus, the US Navy Crowded Dozens Into One Space, Defense One
Soldier, airman identified as US troops killed in rocket attack on Iraq base, Air Force Times
The Army in a New Era of Competition—for Labor, Modern War Institute
Marine Corps Selects Trijicon VCOG as Squad Common Optic, Recoil
Two more sailors on board warships have the coronavirus, Navy Times
Constitutional Court confirms Putin can stay as president for life, Pravda Report
U.S. Re-Positioning Some Troops from Smaller Bases in Iraq Following Deadly Rocket Attack, Small Wars Journal
Junior Officers’ Role in an Apolitical Military, Proceedings
Marine lieutenant colonel, sergeant major are fired, nearly three months after rifles went missing, Stars & Stripes


First Responder / Homeland Security / Wildland Fire

Retired FDNY fire marshal dies from COVID-19, FireRescue1
Will coronavirus lead to martial law?, Air Force Times
Deputies monitoring home of COVID-19 patient who ‘refused’ to self-isolate, Police One
Manchester Arena bombing: Hashem Abedi guilty of 22 murders, BBC
31 NYPD cops call out sick after officer tests positive for COVID-19, Police One
Miami Commissioner Suggests First Responders Voluntarily Get Infected, Tactical Life
3rd FDNY member tests positive for COVID-19, 30 waiting for test, FireRescue1
Three Area Command Teams activated for COVID-19 pandemic, Wildfire Today
France to deploy 100,000 police to enforce coronavirus lockdown,
Police department urges residents who have run out of toilet paper to stop calling 911, Stars & Stripes



We Just Tried TNF’s Most ‘Advanced Mountaineering Kit’ Yet, Gear Junkie
Even Mount Everest Is Shutting Down, Outside
Measuring Waterproofness in Outdoor Performance Fabrics with a DIY Hydrostatic Pressure Test Device at Home, Backpacking Light
10 Ways To Improve Your Climbing Footwork, Globo Surf
I Tested the TenNine, Hoka’s Craziest Shoe Yet, Outside
The AJ Interview: Hilaree Nelson on Aging, Obsession, and Life as a Role Model, Adventure Journal
Everything You Need to Know About 4-Season Tents, Outside
If You’re Stuck Inside, Might As Well Enjoy This List of Animal Cams, Adventure Journal
In This Sufferfest, the Last Skier Standing Wins, Outside
Natalia Molchanova, World’s Best Free Diver, Vanished During Final Dive, Adventure Journal
The Strange Underworld of Competition Ice Climbing, Outside
The High Endurance Kit, Patagonia
The Ultimate Guide to Free Ski Videos, Powder
Boats, Backpacks and Booze: Why You Should Try Island Backpacking, Outbound Collective


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

How to Handle Packages During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Wirecutter
Opinion: A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data, STAT
This Dietitian Wants to Burn Diet Culture to the Ground, Outside
Peloton vs. Wahoo: Which Makes the Best Stationary Bike? Gear Patrol
Training Load: Find Your Right Volume, Breaking Muscle
A more balanced protein intake can reduce age-related muscle loss, Science Daily
How Fasting, Calorie Restriction, and a Fasting-Mimicking Diet Can Encourage Longevity, Mark’s Daily Apple
How Long Will Coronavirus Live on Surfaces or in the Air Around You?, NY Times
We Can Now Estimate the Effect of Blood Doping, Outside
10 Ways to Stop Secretly Sabotaging Yourself, Mark’s Daily Apple
5 Online and Virtual Fitness Classes to Try Right Now, Gear Junkie
Is a $3,500 Indoor Bike Worth It?, Outside



Why the US Sucks at Building Public Transit, Vice
Tom Brady And The Bucs Are A Good Match — Unless Brady Shows His Age, Five Thirty Eight

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Gym Closure Training Plans


1) Gym Closure Training Plans

Due to the current situation, we’ve designed specific training plans for athletes affected by a social distancing related gym closure.

Both plans, Gym Closure Training Plan I and Gym Closure Training Plan II are both multi-modal training plans that deploy bodyweight strength,  multi-modal work capacity, single-mode endurance (run, ruck), and chassis integrity (core).

You’ll need:

  • Backpack with 45# of filler
  • Pull Up Bar, rings, TRX, tree limb, door jam or anything else for pull ups. Be resourceful
  • 16-18″ Step, box or bench for step ups
  • Jump Rope – if you’re stuck at home and can’t run or ruck

The sessions take 45-90 Minutes. “Gym work” is designed to take 45-60 minutes. Weekday endurance days will extend to 75 minutes. Saturday’s optional endurance extends to 90 minutes.


Gym CLosure Plan I




2) No Equipment / Limited Equipment Training Plans

In addition, we offer several other plans (that each focus on different fitness attributes) that you can complete without a gym.

Below is a list of our current no equipment/limited equipment training plans and packets:






Not sure which plan? Email

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Q&A 3.12.20


I am about to complete TLU, and I previously completed Big 24.  I was wondering what you would recommend next.  I am currently deployed, but it is easier to do gym-based workouts then incorporating any rucking, due to space on storing our rucks in our rooms.


1) Ultimate Work Capacity – you may need to modify/cut the Saturday endurance work depending on your location.
– Rob


I am in the military and I am a comm dude in the community I need something that will maintain my cardio but I need to build my all around strength, my rucking could be faster, my running Is good but I really need to work on my strength I have started a better diet to support something to work on my strength I just don’t know what exercise to do could you please point me in the right direction please, thank you


I’d recommend beginning our stuff with Apollo. This is a multi-modal training plan designed for military athletes but has a slight strength emphasis. This should help build your strength while maintaining your running/endurance fitness.
– Rob


I do heavy back squats once a week
5X5 and after the back squats I do three 3X10 front squats for a burn
out. Not sure if doing back squats then front squats is beneficial.


Difficult to answer you question without seeing the overall program – as this isn’t mine.
I will say that training to burn out with the 3×10 front squats is what I’d call hypertrophy (mass building) rather than strength training and will work to add mass to your legs.
– Rob


I just read your Programming Holy Grail post and it mentions the idea of hybrid training- the example was a tactical/mountain athlete I believe.
When I am done the backcountry hunter packet and heading into October/November this year I’ll want to head into a strength/hypertrophy biased program I’m thinking for a period of time.

I am a firefighter so figure maybe a hybrid approach might be good??

What program(s) would you point a fella in for that type of programming?  Obviously not in a hurry but curious as I like to do my research ahead of time!


We don’t recommend hypertrophy training for most tactical, and all-mountain athletes. Extra mass, possibly without more strength, is just more weight to move around. The exception is for certain LE athletes – patrol/detectives and corrections – where a bigger upper body can be an intimidating factor to bad guys. That said … here are your options from MTI programming:
1) Ultimate Meathead Cycle – gym-based, 4 day/week plan with 3 days focused on strength (lower/total) and hypertrophy (upper body). Think heavy sets of 3 reps of back squats supersetted with sets of 10 reps of dumbbell flys. This plan most closely matches what you ask for.
2) Plans/Order in the Notorious Prison Packet beginning with Rikers – these plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, grip strength, upper body hypertrophy, chassis integrity (core) and tactical agility. Great, multi-modal programming.
3) Plans/Order in the Big Cat Series for Fire Rescue, beginning with Jaguar. Mission-Direct for Fire Rescue (strength, work capacity, chassis integrity, tactical agility) – but no hypertrophy.
– Rob


I did the body weight program and I participated in the trap bar deadlift trail. I’m getting over a pretty bad back injury that lasted for years. I just want to improve my overall strength and fitness level. I feel like an out of shape disgusting pig. I’m Marine Arty guy, so I don’t necessarily have to be SOF level but I would like to get back to above the average Marine. Any suggestions?


1) Plans/order in the Greek Hero Packet beginning with Hector. These are designed or military infantry/SOF and concurrently train strength, work capacity, chassis integrity (core), endurance (running, ruck), and tactical agility.
2) Plans/order in the Country Singer Packet beginning with Johnny. These apply MTI base fitness programming for athletes who are not tactical or mountain and concurrently train strength, work capacity, chassis integrity and endurance (running).
Both options are high level programming.
– Rob


I’m an active duty Marine stationed aboard MCAS Miramar in San Diego. I was an avid bodybuilder my first few years in and just last year I started feeling burnt out and lost interest in the sport. Not to mention that being “big” didn’t help my functional fitness or PFT scores. I’ve been looking for a program that is more conducive to my career as a Marine and I found out about MTI after doing some research.

I’m interested in your Greek Hero series, but I can’t afford the entire packet right now. What would be the best program in the series to improve speed and endurance? That’s my biggest weakness. Would it be Actaeon?

I look forward to hearing from you!


Yes on Actaeon. Enjoy the 800m ruck run repeats …
– Rob


I’m working on the bodyweight programs (currently on week two of bodyweight I) and I have some renovations at my home gym so I had to take down my pull up bar and not every gym I go to has a pull up bar. Any suggestions for a good substitute for pull ups in the short term? Obviously pull ups are the best but I’ve been doing rows with a barbell and some weight and rows hanging from a barbell on a bench press rack (body almost horizontal). I’m open to suggestions though.


Horizontal Pull Ups — Hanging from a barbell on a bench press rack.
– Rob


Hope all is well-I thought I remember reading awhile back that MTI had started a programming site for young athletes, but can’t seem to find it. Was I hallucinating?


– Rob


Long time follower of your work. Recently Im just finishing up Ironman training and looking to move back into the Daily Operator cycle. Before I do, I wanted to double check my understanding-
The plan is to again go from Bodyweight Base, to Ramp Up, to the Daily Operator Hector through Actaeon.
Lets say though that loaded runs and ruck running isn’t what I’m looking for. Does it affect the goal of this cycle to exchange it with running or cycling? In addition, adding the swimming in the morning is another thing I’m interested in.
All in all, would you recommend my combination of ideas or should I look at spacing things out a bit smarter~
Regardless, love your plans. I added +100lbs to every compound the last time I ran your cycles and am hoping for the same effect.


Replace rucking with running or cycling?  – Yes, it will affect the goal of our military programming as one of the fitness demands of all military athletes is movement under load. The most mission-direct method we’ve found to train for rucking is to ruck – which is why it’s in our programming.
We understand from a long term durability perspective rucking may not be the best on the body, but that’s part of the job you chose, and the last thing I want as a coach is to have you arrive at a deployment or some other mission where rucking is a daily reality, and not have you physically prepared. This is the path to injury.
But, you’re a professional athlete, and inescapably responsible for your physical job preparation.
Swimming? Best not to double up with our programming. Better would be, after Military OnRamp if your current fitness is suspect, to drop into the Pirate Series of plans designed for military/LE units with water-based mission sets. These programs include swimming.
– Rob


I’ve purchased a few programs in the past and I decided to humble myself and start with your body weight foundation followed by the body weight build. I was wondering, what was your opinion on doing the ultimate work capacity immediately after? Is it too ambitious?


You could try – the only thing I’m not sure about is some of the prescribed loading in the Ultimate Work Capacity events – which you may need to scale down.
Best would be to do a multimodal program first, which includes free weight strength, work capacity, endurance, and loaded chassis integrity – then do UMC.
So, after Bodyweight Foundation, I’d recommend Johnny, then Ultimate Work Capacity if you want to focus just on work cap for a cycle.
– Rob


I’m 44, airport police and firefighter and just completed police Academy as well as Fire Recert. (Cpat was a breeze thanks to your program). I will recommend your CPAT plan for the upcoming potential recruits. Best anywhere and well worth the nominal price.

I am switching over to SF45 due to knee problems. I work two jobs and though the time to work out is not the problem but enough rest is.  I’ve found that when I kill it with the Humility plan or the Hypertrophy for Skinny guys  I can’t get enough rest and still work my 2 jobs, kids, etc.

Is SF 45 the right choice and should I start with Alpha or skip to packet 2 Echo?

Just trying to keep my weight down,  tone up and keep some good cardio fitness going.


Start with SF45 Alpha.
– Rob


Just finished week 4 of Jaguar.  I was wondering if you have a standard or an average of how many reps your athletes normally get on the 80# SB Get up and on the step over assessment.
Thanks.  I absolutely love this program!!


The plan and assessment calls for a 60# sandbag, not an 80. I had some lab rats do the full assessment years ago and can’t remember what the scores were for this event … but they completed it after all the other events prior … so that would push their scores down quite a bit.
But … use a 60#.
– Rob


I love what you guys are doing and thank you for providing a hard program. I’ve seen the bullshit programs from other sites ( or and none give me the confidence nor challenge me enough.
So I’m finishing up week 2 and I’m trying to follow the program to the T, but I had a question. On days where it’s 35% or 40% Max push up or sit-ups based off the RPFT. I typically start hitting muscle failure around the end of the third set. If I can’t do a push up with solid form, I begin to finish out the set doing modified push ups.
Is it more beneficial to take a knee,  and knock them out in mini sets of 2 or 3 until I finish the set. OR should I continue with doing modified until I hit that number for the set?
Also, is this typical to hit MF Midway through?
Thanks for your help.


Everyone is different on the push ups, but it’s not uncommon to have trouble with these  by the 3rd rounds, esp. later in the cycle. It’s okay to go to your knees to finish the prescribed reps. I have to.
– Rob


I’m not in Army yet but I’m training to enter and to go through SFAS and I was just curious what programs I should do and what order I should do them before I do the ruck based training. Thanks.


Follow the plans/order in the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet.
– Rob


I’m interested in getting back into good all around shape and feeling overwhelmed by the volume of plans at MTN Tactical.

I’m not overweight and in average shape. That said I haven’t been active since last May when I ran a marathon (4:21:34).

I live out west in the mountains so the game hunting plans sounded interesting but might be too much for me until I’m more fit.

Can you recommend any mountain beginner trainings to get into overall good shape before progressing to another plan?


I’d recommend starting our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. Don’t be fooled by “bodyweight” – this plan is no joke and will lay a good foundation for follow-on MTI programming.
– Rob

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Labs Rats Needed to Compare Programming Methodologies to Increase Rucking Speed

By Rob Shaul

MTI is looking for remote lab rats for an upcoming, 5 week “Mini-Study” comparing three methodologies to increase rucking speed.

We attempted to complete this study in March 2020, but had to delay it due to pandemic-induced gym closures. We’re hoping now, enough potential lab rats have gym access so we can complete the study.



In previous research, MTI tested the fitness attributes (Ruck Deep Dive 1) which most correlated to rucking performance, and after a 6-week training cycle (Ruck Deep Dive 2), which increase in fitness attribute correlated best to an increase in rucking performance.

This mini-study (Ruck Deep Dive 3), will compare the effectiveness of three different programming methodologies to increase rucking speed: (1) Strength Emphasis Cycle, (2) Endurance Emphasis Cycle, and; (3) Hybrid Cycle (strength and endurance-trained nearly equal). In addition, this mini-study will also compare the correlation of strength and aerobic fitness to rucking speed.


This Mini-Study will test the following

1) Compare the correlation of relative strength (strength per bodyweight) to aerobic fitness (unloaded run assessment) to rucking speed, pre, and post-cycle.

Details: Lab Rats will be broken into three groups. All 3 groups will perform a Relative Strength Assessment, 6-Mile Ruck for Time @ 45#, and 6-Mile Run Assessment during Week 1 of the mini-study, and repeat these assessments on Week 5 of the mini-study. The study will compare the relative strength assessment vs. the 6-mile unloaded run time in an attempt to see which (strength vs. endurance) correlates best to ruck speed. We’ll make this comparison pre and post cycle.

2) Strength Emphasis vs. Endurance Emphasis vs. Hybrid Emphasis programming for improving Rucking Speed.

Details: Lab Rats will be broken into three groups. All groups will perform a Relative Strength Assessment, 6-Mile Ruck for Time @ 45#, and 6-Mile Run Assessment during Week 1 of the mini-study, and repeat these assessments on Week 5 of the mini-study.

Each group will perform different programming between the Week 1 and 5 assessment weeks.

  • Group A (Strength Emphasis) will train strength 3 days/week, and endurance 2 days/week.
  • Group B (Hybrid) will train strength 2 days/week and endurance 3 days/week.
  • Group C (Endurance Emphasis) will train strength 1 day/week and endurance, 4 days/week.

At the completion of the study, the improvement in rucking speed for each group will be compared in an attempt to discern which programming type is most effective.

Including the Week 1 assessment training, here is the total session type breakdown per Group:


Required Equipment

    • Squat rack, bench, barbell, and plates for Back Squat and Bench Press. Pull Up bar for Pull Ups.
    • Backpack or Ruck with 45 pounds of filler
    • Track or known 6-mile and 2-mile distances for the assessment and interval efforts.


Cycle Duration and Schedule

This MTI “Mini-Study” will take 5 weeks.

Weeks 1 and 5 will be the same for all groups:

      • Monday: Relative Strength Assessment – 1RM Back Squat, 1RM Bench Press, Max Rep Pull Ups
      • Tuesday: Total Rest
      • Wednesday: 6 Mile Ruck for Time @ 45#
      • Thursday: Total Rest
      • Friday: 6 Mile Run for Time

Below will be the Week 2-4 Daily Schedule for Group A (Strength)

      • Monday: Strength – Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull Ups
      • Tuesday: Ruck Intervals
      • Wednesday: Strength – Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull Ups
      • Thursday: Run Intervals
      • Friday: Strength – Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull Ups

Below will be the Week 2-4 Daily Schedule for Group B (Hybrid)

      • Monday: Strength – Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull Ups
      • Tuesday: Ruck Intervals
      • Wednesday: Long Ruck or Run
      • Thursday: Strength – Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull Ups
      • Friday: Run Intervals

Below will be the Week 2-4 Daily Schedule for Group C (Endurance)

      • Monday: Strength – Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull Ups
      • Tuesday: Ruck Intervals
      • Wednesday: Long Run
      • Thursday: Run Intervals
      • Friday: Long Ruck


To Participate

      • You’ll need to commit to train and 5 days/week for 5 weeks, and follow the programming.
      • You’ll need to commit to only do the mini-study programming for 5 weeks. Weekend recreation is okay, but no other formal fitness training.
      • You’ll need the required equipment (see above)
      • You’ll need to be an experienced, fit athlete, with rucking experience, age 18-40. This isn’t a cycle for unfit athletes, or athletes new to free weight-based strength training or rucking.
      • You’ll need to communicate back to MTI your pre and post-cycle strength assessment results, as well as your 6-Mile Ruck and 6-mile Ruck Times.


Want to be an MTI Lab Rat?

Please email, and put “MTI Ruck Study Lab Rat June 2020” in the subject line.

Please include:

        1. age
        2. sex
        3. height and weight
        4. Weight lifting/training experience.
        5. Rucking experience.
        6. Current training regime
        7. Verify you have access to the required equipment
        8. Finally, please verify you can commit to the 5 week, 5 day/week training cycle.

You’ll be assigned to Group A, B or C, and provided with further instructions the week prior to the study’s start date.

We’re hoping for training to start Monday, June 29, 2020.




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