MTI’s Most Read Articles For the Last 6 Months (Jan-Jun 2019)


So far, we’ve had close to 2 million page views in the last 6 months and our most read article was an opinion piece about the Army’s deactivation of Long-Range Surveillance (LRS) Companies (see below). These are our Top 10:


  1. Fixing the Army’s Deep Reconnaissance Problem: Rebuild It’s Long-Range Surveillance Capabilities
  2. What Does It Mean to be a Quiet Professional?
  3. MTI’s Recommended Outdoor Gear List – Updated Feb. 2019
  4. Equipment Recommendations for a Home/Garage Gym
  5. Officer Fitness and Use of Force
  6. A Day on Rob’s Diet – 2019 Update!
  7. MTI’s 3 Favorite Lower Body “Pull” Strength Exercises
  8. My Failure Resume
  9. Best Way to Improve Pull Ups? We Tested 3 Methodologies to Find Out
  10. The Fundamental Four Strength Cycle: Front Squat, Weighted Pull Up, Hinge Lift, Bench Press, 2 Days/Week

Learn more about MTI and our promise that Our Stuff Works. Guaranteed.

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Q&A 7.11.19


What plan would you recommend for improving both my apft( pushups need most improvement) and ruck during a seven week period.


Air Assault Training Plan. It includes focused training for the APFT and a 6-mile ruck.
Skip the Wednesday sessions in the plan to focus just on the APFT and the Ruck.
– Rob


I’m planning an Ama Dablam expedition this November and want to know what MTI training program would best prepare me for it. It’s a 22,000 ft Himalayan peak. The expedition is about a month and the climbing will be semi-technical near the summit (jumaring/rappelling on fixed ropes). Thanks.


Over-prepare and do the Everest Training Plan. It’s a 23-week plan and you’ve got 23 weeks until Mid-Nov.
– Rob


If body weight foundations is too difficult, and I believe it is your easiest product, what would you suggest?  Should I do P90X or something for a month and then try again?  Just use my miserable numbers to calculate the work loads and go with it? For instance, after the 30 warm up squats, my legs get totally locked up and running the 1.5 after is almost impossible.  Not sure if I’m not stretching enough or something but I assume I shouldn’t be that smoked after just the warm up. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Stick with the plan and see how much you improve on the re-assessment in 3 weeks. You can walk/run the running portions as needed. Just keep grinding and don’t overthink it.
– Rob


I am focusing mostly on endurance (3 days a week, with interval work) and want to add the most appropriate and efficient strength program on top that won’t negatively impact my endurance days (running, trail and treadmill, mountain hiking under load whenever the snow starts to melt).
I’m kinda trying to build up strength and endurance before I have my first of two hip replacement surgeries in mid August.  So I will have a month of down time after that surgery before I start the backcountry touring pre season.
Let me know what you think?


I’d recommend the strength sessions from TLU Strength.
– Rob


I am a newly commissioned FA 2LT and will be reporting to another duty station in early July.  I am looking for recommendations for how to change my fitness routine.  My main change will be that I will have PT in the mornings for an hour. A few weeks into BOLC I plan to try or for the Pre-Ranger Course at Ft Sill which will extend PT to 90 minutes and increase the intensity and focus the training specifically for Ranger School.  I am not really concerned with my fitness in regards to succeeding at FA BOLC, more so getting an early start to preparing for Ranger School.  Which program would you recommend on your sight to pair with regular BOLC PT and Pre-Ranger PT?  My understanding is both FA BOLC PT and Pre-Ranger are mixes of CrossFit style workouts, endurance runs, rucks, sprints, calisthenics, and occasional ACFT/Deadlift work.  I am looking for a 4 to 5 days split for my personal training.  Does MTN have a program that will fit my requirements? If not would the MTN help me build a split?  Thank you and excited to keep on training.


From what you describe, between PT and Pre-Ranger, your endurance/cals will be covered. What will decline is raw strength – so I’d recommend strength, 3 days/week as a two-a-day.
From our stuff, I’d recommend the strength sessions from the MTI Relative Strength Training Plan. This programming is focused, scaled and progressed, and super efficient in the weight room.
– Rob


I’ve got the full package (Athlete’s Subscription). How would I plan a year with a short to medium distance OCR in mind? Race season will be summer of 2020. Can you walk me through a suitable base for the remaining 9 mths?


Then drop into the plans/order in the Country Singer Packet I. 
Complete the 6-week Obstacle Race Training Plan – Short Distance, or the 7-week Obstacle Course Race Training Plan – Medium Distance (whichever is appropriate), directly before your race next summer.
– Rob


I’m currently on the “Swimming Improvement Plan”.  I currently have a herniated disc causing sciatica and some weakness in my left ankle and calf.  This leads to fast exhaustion as well as ankle and shin pain on finning days.  I was wondering if there was a decent supplement routine you might recommend for finning days while my disc heals.  My goal is to prepare for the CCT pipeline, and improve PAST swim time.  I also could improve my underwaters; maybe there’s a hypoxic routine you’d recommend?


I’d recommend decreasing the distance of the prescribed finning as needed … i.e. when it gets painful, stop.
Hypoxic … a simple way to do it is to swim 25m underwater repeats, but steadily decrease the rest between intervals each training session… …
8 Rounds
Swim 25m underwater
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
8 Rounds
Swim 25m underwater
Rest 1:45 between efforts
8 Rounds
Swim 25m underwater
Rest 1:30 between efforts …. etc.
– Rob


I joined a new station for this year’s wildland season and my Chief gave me a ‘challenge!’

We got two brothers, the younger one is 162 kgs, the older one over 200 kgs (maxed out my scale).

My goal is to get them healthy and pass the ‘pack test.’

I plan on keeping detailed records…

Would you be interested in their transformation story?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Not interested in transformation stories – it’s outside of our wheel house.
For your brothers I’d recommend the Rucking Improvement Training Plan … and that they fix their diet.
Email questions.
– Rob


Really quick one, why does Bench/PU equate to better Ruck performance? Is it the strengthening of the Posterior chain?


In general, stronger athletes and/or bigger athletes (who are usually stronger) ruck better. Reason is simple …. 2 athletes are rucking 6 miles with 60#. One is a 120-pound woman, the second is a 240-pound man.
The 120-pound woman is rucking with 50% of her body weight. The 240# man is rucking with 25% of his body weight. He should move much faster.
– Rob


Is there options to perform the gym based exercises in humility in a garage, in regards to the 30ft dumbell crawl in the grind portion can I get some Curtis Ps in there?.. I know it’s not the same, but an awesome exercise


Curtis P is a total body strength exercise … db crawl is a chassis integrity exercise. You can add curtis p’s … but don’t use them to replace the prescribed exercises … and go heavy on them.
– Rob


I am going into the final week of the SWAT prep programming and love the progress I had made. Unfortunately my agency cancelled the assessment. Maybe 6 months before the next one. The way they work is they will make an announcement for the assessment about 4 weeks prior. Usually there are rumors floating around a week or so before the announcement.
I am looking for advice on what to do now. I would like to do another cycle of the SWAT prep unless you advise against that and then move to something that will maintain what I have gained, but maybe some more variety.


Sorry about the cancellation…. here’s what I’ recommend.

Continue with and complete the SWAT Selection Training Plan.
After completion, take a week off – total rest, then complete the plans and order in the Gun Maker series of plans for full-time SWAT/SRT. These are designed as day to day fitness for full time SWAT/SRT.
Then, after 7 weeks before selection, drop out of the Gun Maker plans, and re-complete the SWAT Selection Training Plan.
Good luck!
– Rob


I was shopping around for some Father’s Day gifts for my husband and came across your site. My husband is just starting background investigations for the California Highway Patrol and is hoping to get into academy starting in the fall or early next year. I thought getting him a training program to help him prepare physically would be a good gift.
He would be working out from home but we have a garage gym with barbell and weights, dumbbells weight vest etc. He used to be a CrossFit coach and isn’t new to fitness but the training for Law Enforcement is different than what he usually does for workouts and he feels he needs to build his stamina.
Do you think any of your programs would be a good fit?


I’d recommend the LE Academy Training Plan.
– Rob


About to start Tequila, just wondering about the strength days. When there are three dumbbell exercises in a row should I be doing the same weight for all three or different weights if I’m stronger with certain exercises?


Treat the exercises individually and increase load until the reps are hard but doable for each exercise.
– Rob


I’m a new EMT working through the F/R On-Ramp plan.  I understand the importance of running to prepare your body for the rigors of the job.  Are there other forms of cardio you would recommend as a way to get variety for cardio, such as swimming, biking, air assault bikes, etc.?

And if so, what distances would be equivalent to a 1-mile run? And how would you recommend appropriately pacing the other forms of cardio?


Aerobic fitness is mode-specific. What this means is that you should train in the same mode as your mission-set.
As a F/R athlete, this means running or rucking.
Will swimming/biking/rowing, etc. transfer over to running/rucking fitness? Somewhat, but what happens fairly soon is if you’re biking, for example, the transfer to mission-direct running/rucking ends and all you get better at is biking. So, unless you bike on the job, it’s dead-end mode if you’re training for work.
At MTI we’re not concerned about variety. The programming focus isn’t to keep the athletes entertained and interested. The focus is to design efficient, mission-direct programming for the mountain or tactical athlete we’re working with.
Sometimes injury or something else prevents athletes from running/rucking and they’ll ask for substitutes. In general, a 500m row, 250m swim, and 800m bike are equivalent to a 400m run.
– Rob


Thanks for your diet breakdown but thanks as well for your honest, detailed delivery.  I’m just a couple of years behind you and live a similar life.  Try and train with you guys when I come out to visit my folks in Wilson.  I can’t get as deep into my squats or lift as much as I could once and my goals are different as well; more longevity/maintenance based, less goal accomplishment.
Happy to see and read about others and how they are meeting these challenges with age and body changes.


Glad you liked the piece. Thanks for the note.
– Rob


Supplements / vitamins?
My experiments /initial thoughts would be no, but I still find my way to buying fish oil from Costco and I take 2 tabs after breakfast along with some vitimins D.  I take a vitimins B complex every other day, or so.  I had found some krill oil in the commissary for cheap, but I didn’t feel anything and won’t buy the stuff again.
Water intake?
I chug 16-24 oz when I wake to replace fluids that I lose overnight.  I’m usually good about drinking enough water during the day.
Sleep quality / Fasting period before bed?
I had a keep apnea problem, properly diagnosed by my wife since 1997… I snore.  Two sleep studies later and it had gotten worse with age and I was getting worse.  One CPAP later and I have been getting solid awesome sleep since December 2018… And the machine measures my sleep quality in an application on my phone.  Point of this is that now I’m trying to dial in my sleep “Performance”.  I asked my eye doc about blue light from the computer, I now have $150 basic yellow tinted screen glasses for work on the 2x screens on my desk.  Also I’m using the blue light filters on my devices.
I’ve noticed that my body is recovering better.  I feel better.  So now I’m hitting all the variables around sleep. Temperature, duration and body position. I know that I’m supposed to fast for a couple hours before bed. Just curious about your pattern.
Keep up the good work.  Your USMA neighbor from 1988-89….


Supplements/Vitamins? – None. All the research shows little to no effect. Eat clean and you’re covered.
Water? Don’t track it … and likely don’t drink enough.
Sleep Quality / Fasting before bed? I get 5-6 hours/sleep night – and pretty much have been that way forever. Haven’t heard of the 2-hour fasting rule … and might try it.
Computer Glasses …. I kept increasing my reading glass power to read the computer screen before I discovered these things. They are awesome.
I’ve written this before – I do have a prescription for testosterone .. which is pretty awesome. And something I recommend to every man over 40. Makes a huge difference.
Oh the B4 Buffs!!
– Rob


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Q&A 7.4.19


Love your plans. I am going to Ranger School in February of next year and wanted to put together a plan for training. I was going to do your ruck based selection plan. But wanted to know how would you put together the plan with only 33-35 weeks left?


Weeks    Plan
1-8          Fortitude (repeat week 6)
9-16        Valor (repeat week 6)
14-24      Gratitude (repeat week 6)
25            Total Rest
– Rob


My husband was in the Marine Corps and introduced me to MTI. I love the workouts and was so excited when you created the Country Singer Training program for civilian athletes. I’ve been working my way through Country Singer Training Packet Part 1 and will be starting Willie in two weeks.
Though I’d run quite a bit in the past, I now suffer pain in my knees and ankles if I run beyond 5-6 miles. Is there something I can do instead of the longer 7-9 mile runs (scheduled on Thursdays)?


1) Drop the run to 5-6 miles.
2) Double the prescribed run distance and bike it.
– Rob


Always enjoy your mini-studies. You’re one of the few programs to openly test their programming and you put all the caveats out there and let people judge which I appreciate. Over the course of a three-week cycle, how much of the improvement do you think is simply “grooving the move” versus actual strength gain? Especially with the new athlete who had limited strength experience. I’ve wondered many times how to tease out neurodevelopment from actual muscle strength. Perhaps it doesn’t really matter as both are components of functional strength but I’m curious. Thanks.


I used to get into arguments with an old coach of mine educated via the typical university BS/MS system. 6 weeks makes sense for the “untrained” athlete, not used to the movements, and new to strength or endurance training.
But, not true for trained athletes. As well, MTI isn’t after publishable research, but rather research which we can quickly deploy, learn from, iterate if necessary, and then apply to our programming.
For the ultra athlete in this study, your point is well taken, but not for the other lab rats.
– Rob


I’ve been working through Quick Operator 1 which has been a good level of challenge for me. I’ll be on leave and away from the full gym for a week or maybe longer.
I’ve got minimal kettlebells and possibly the sandbag (if it gets delivered by my leave dates). Is there a program you’d recommend sliding over to for a week or so before I head back to work and my quick operator schedule?


– Rob


What’s your recommendation on best recovery practices for elbow pain, tennis/golf elbow? Thank you in advance for any help you can give.


We’ve had some luck with the Ultimate Elbow Stretch.
– Rob


I’ve been using MTI for a couple months now and absolutely love it. I’m currently deployed overseas and have applied the Grunt PT programming to our platoon PT plan. I’ve also been following the “1 lift per day” plan at night.

…Anyway, myself and a buddy are going to compete in the festivus games in September and we’re hoping to gain some insight into what plan we should be focusing on or altering to reflect these WODs. Any suggestions?


I don’t have programming for fitness competitions like Crossfit. My quick read is these games are very similar to CrossFit competitions.
In general, best would be to focus mostly on strength further away from the comp, and then as you get closer, focus on the work capacity by completing the specific events in the comp. None of MTI’s programming does this well. Closest would be 357 Strength, but it’s work capacity events and strength programming doesn’t match the fitness comp events exactly, and to do your best, you’ll want to train exactly what you’ll see at the event.
– Rob


I am currently training for my 1.5 mile with the running Improvement plan. When I’m done with week 5, should I continue with week 6 or restart at week 1, since the 1.5 mile is my highest priority right now?


Restart Week 1 and stick with the 1.5-mile distance.
– Rob


I recently got the itch for a meaningful career change. I passed for a potential job with the Dayton Fire Department. I have a decent physical ability base. I’m not a super athlete but I can hold my own. I ruck a lot, do a lot of GORUCK events and run quite often. I love OCR’s so I feel like my endurance isn’t complete shit. I’m going to be 35 in September so I’m slower than the kids right out of school but my life experiences have taught me perseverance.  I don’t have a date yet to take the actual CPAT and I’ll be moving for the next three weeks or so. My question is training wise should I just jump into your CPAT plan? I have a pretty extensive home gym available to me. Air dyne. Treadmill. 500lbs or so of plate weights. Trap bar. Oly bar. Bench. Squat rack. Adjustable dumbbells. Sandbags. Battle ropes. Pull up ropes. Pull up bar. GR1, a GR Bullet and plates to go in the rucks, 20, 20, and a 30. And my current job has a great selection of gym equipment available.


Ideally, you’ll complete the CPAT Training Plan the 4 weeks directly before your official CPAT.
Between now and then, work through the plans/order in the Big Cat Packet of plans for urban firefighters.
– Rob


I completed a few of your programs several years ago when I was active. I am currently looking at getting another one specifically to be able to hit 20 miles a day with weight, in the Colorado high country. This will be for Deer/Elk hunt. I know that your programs are then best in the business for getting legs/back in shape. 

Which program would you suggest that I get for this? My hunt is October 19-27.


Complete the Backcountry Big Game Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before your hunt.
Between now and then work through the plans/order in the Wilderness Packet of plans for wilderness professionals (rangers, guides, wardens, etc.)
– Rob


I purchased your ACFT workout plan.  In reviewing it, a few questions came to mind.  

Question 1, How to progress through this plan without readily access to a gym, i.e. mainly using bodyweight resistance to train.

Question 2, How to complete a basic assessment when unable to complete the ACFT, i.e. leg tuck.  

Since I first joined the Army in 1985, the emphasis has been push-up, sit-ups, and 2-mile run.  With the addition of new tests, new muscle groups are being tested.  As a 51-year-old in the medical field, there has been little to no emphasis on upper body pull strength.  How does one train these groups when faced with the natural physiologic decline associated with aging.


1) I don’t have a bodyweight only plan to prepare for this assessment. The reason is the assessment itself uses the equipment. This is the problem with the ACFT.
2) 2 options … 1) bring your knees as high as possible. 2) build up using the Cheater Ankle to Bar exercise:
– Rob


Tweaked my shoulder pretty bad doing Valor Wk 1 Day 2 last week. Rested, got better, and restarted this week with same result. Think it’s the Mr Spectaculars. Can you recommend an alternate exercise until I heal up? Still want to do valor but will just substitute that one exercise in the program.


10x Box Jumps @ 24″. Heal up.
– Rob


I recently purchased the “Bodyweight Build” program. I’m finding my current training situation makes EOs externally uncomfortable (scraping my back from uneven concrete). Is there a suitable replacement exercise that activates the same muscles?


– Rob


I am taking my Alpine Guide Course in August and I am wanting to prepare for it as it has been several months since I have deployed any of those skills or level of conditioning. Your online courses seem great, however I am wondering if you have any partner trainers situated in other locations that use your program to help train athletes? I am recovering from some injuries and am getting back into normal functioning and I also am interested in individualized help around my nutrition being mostly vegan and gluten free and needing to retain sustainable levels of energy for endurance and performance. I guess I am just looking for some mentorship here rather than just a course that isn’t necessarily catered to me and where I am at.
Do you either 1: have advice for how I can go about this and get what I am looking for?
2: do you have one on one training locations?
Thanks so much for your time reading this! It means a lot! I am an iranian woman striving for my alpine guide cert and it is hard not to already have imposter syndrome all the time, worried that they are just admitting me to fill a quota on their courses and that my skill level or fitness level doesn’t measure up. I have tried to tackle this alone as finances have been a barrier, but I am realizing that this is what has lead to my injuries and burnout (which then makes my imposter syndrome worse. I know i know I need to work on my mindset too) and I am finally open to biting the bullet to financially invest in my own success by having some actual support and intentional plan.
Any guidance or advice would be so appreciated!


It seems you’re asking for two things: (1) Technical/Alpine mentorship and (2) Fitness Programming.
MTI’s programming is only fitness …. not technical/alpine mentorship – ie. mountaineering skills, climbing fundamentals, mountain awareness, etc. I can’t help you there – and I’d recommend you reach out to the AMGA for help. Angela Hawse – the current president of the AMGA – has trained with us and could be a great resource for you to find a mentor.
MTI only has one training location – in Jackson Wyoming.
Thousands of athletes around the world – both on the mountain and tactical sides – follow MTI programming. From the fitness perspective, you don’t need a personalized training plan. You need to get to work. The AMGA Alpine Guide Course Training Plan is designed specifically to prepare you for the fitness demands of the course.
– Rob


I’m looking at your plans and one caught my eye in the limited equipment packet. It is the Sandbag/ Weight Vest/ Dumbbell training plan. I’ve searched for it on your website, but I can’t seem to fine it as it’s own program. Do you sell that as a program and I simply can’t find it, or do you not sell that as its own program?


Sorry, this plan is only available through the packet or with a subscription.
Look at Humility.
– Rob


How much “downside” is there to using “squat rack on rails” vs true free barbell for squats?   I know it is cheating regarding balance/proprioception (sp?) or at least that is my understanding.
Asking because nearest gym is Planet Fitness….no heavy free barbells.   I’m 60, ex-runner and not a previous lifter so not using a lot of weight.
Considering dryland ski training program or maybe a general fitness program to start first then ski training.  Live too close to sea level.   Goal is better skiing. Still ski pretty hard for up to 2 weeks at JH or Canada, some bootpacking at Silverton but not a great skier….blacks, get down some double black
thanks.  Enjoyed your website.


Better to do freeweight, but if all you have is the slider squat rack, that will work.
The Dryland Ski Plan is intense – so start with a general fitness plan …. Bodyweight Foundation.
– Rob


What did you find was the most effective training plan for Rucking?
I run and organise the COPS30MILER event in the UK.


For up to 12 miles we like to combine assessment base intervals 1/3 the assessment distance, and longer rucks (20% or more) than the assessment distance at an easy pace.
For a 30 miler, however, doing a 30 mile assessment and 10 mile intervals woudn’t work, so I’d do a 6 mile assessment, 2 mile intervals, and combine that with steadily increasing distance rucks at a moderate pace – up to 40 miles over 2 days …. so at the top of a progression you’d do a 15 miler at moderate pace followed the next day by a 25 miler at moderate pace.
– Rob


I am a 28 year old tactical athlete who attended SFAS in the Army last June. I sustained a torn meniscus while on the course and had it surgically repaired (five stitches in the posterior horn) last August. I have recovered and rehabbed well. I asked for a conditional release to go active duty and was granted it starting July 24th. I am very familiar with MTI programming. I will be going through the school of Infantry in July/August and have signed a volunteer for RASP. Given the strictness of AIT for Infantry reclass I doubt I will be able to get a train up like the RASP program before I attend post infantry OSUT. My question is what program should I use prior to Infantry school with longevity to RASP in mind? Just curious about the recommendation for an athlete post injury with some mileage on the body. I appreciate the time and consideration in the matter.


Do the RASP I&II Plan …. will it carry over? Not sure, but there’s not much choice and it will at least familiarize you with the assessment/events.
 – Rob


I’m a law enforcement officer currently on aesthetics based programming which utilized almost completely bodybuilding exercises (dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell etc) in addition to your regular pull-ups, pushups and sit-ups.

I’m not currently trying out for any tactical teams, but plan to in the future. So would probably be looking for more everyday programming. I really enjoy lifting and bodybuilding type training.

I have been looking at Mountain Tactical programming for a while now and am curious about how it will change my aesthetics and if the programming is more performance based than aesthetics based or if you have programming that you recommend for both?


Programming? Plans/order in the Spirits Packet of plans designed as day to day programming for LE Patrol/Detectives.
Aesthetics change? I’m not an aesthetics coach but I assume you’ll lose mass and gain work capacity/cardio/endurance, plus greatly improve your mission-direct fitness. The Spirits Packet does include some upper body hypertrophy work, but not to the extent you’re likely used to.
– Rob


I’m just recovered from a prolapsed disk at L4/5 in my lower back. Its been 13 weeks since it first happened, I’ve been swimming for the last 4 weeks and this has really helped. I’m interested in the lower back fitness plan.
Just a question about the first sample week, it doesn’t have any warm ups included like the other plans I have purchased.
1) Should I do my own warm up or is it intended to be completed as is written?
I was planning on going through the bodyweight foundation afterwards, but I was going to replace the runs with swims because I feel brilliant after a good swim session, so basically following the BW strength progression.
2) Any plans that are BW/Swim focused?
3) What would be a sensible plan of action after that to stay in good health and protect my back?
I don’t have any sport specific needs just to keep myself healthy and strong. I would prefer swimming as my choice of cardio if possible.


1. You need to do the warm up prescribed. You can do your own warm up prior to the prescribed warm up, but you need to do the one prescribed.
2. None without included running. But some that do have bodyweight/swimming are the USCG Rescue Swimmer Plan, USAF PAST Training Plan, BUDs V2 Plan.
3. Our experience with low backs is that our low back fitness plan will help increase overall functional low back strength & durability, increase mental and physical confidence, and speed up recovery from further issues, but not always prevent future tweaks from athletes susceptible to low back issues.
Low backs are a mystery, and no one approach seems to work for every person. Many in the low backfield differ on what are the causes of issues – everything from stress to sitting, to too much lifting, to too little lifting, super geeky movement stuff, etc. The goal of the Low Back Fitness Training Plan is to increase an athlete’s low back/core strength in a functional/transferable to the real world manner, improve the athlete’s physical and mental confidence, increase durability, but also let him/her know that if the back injuries if the future, there’s a way back.
– Rob


I really enjoy the articles on your site.  I’m a contract LEO instructor and I’m interested in extended endurance events like the GORUCK HTL.  I completed my first HTL in November and want to do another at the end of August – in Texas.  I’m a pretty stocky guy and would definitely be more efficient if I lost some weight, but moreover, I want to focus on a plan that would require minimal equipment (I’m living out of a hotel until September at least).  I have a ruck and two sandbags.  Interested in any recommendations you could provide.
I don’t have an HTL plan, but do have a GoRuck Selection Plan – which is what I’ve recommended for others. It’s a limited equipment plan.
Another option would be Humility.
– Rob

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Mini Study: Stress Decreases Archery Accuracy 23%

By Rob Shaul


This mini-study investigated the effect of stress on archery accuracy and found that a simple stress event which applied a small fitness demand and shot time limit decreased archery accuracy by an overall average of 23% for two subjects.



Previously, MTI has done extensive work on stress marksmanship using firearms, including the development “Range Fitness,”  a system to train stress marksmanship for carbines and pistols. We’ve also conducted several marksmanship studies including the effect of dry fire practice on marksmanship, the effect of airsoft practice on marksmanship, and the effect of lighter trigger pull on marksmanship.

Somewhat surprisingly, given our extensive work in developing the Range Fitness system, we never actually tested the effect of stress on marksmanship … until now, and with archery.

In a bowhunting context, marksmanship under stress is a major concern. Every shot on game includes significant stress for all but the most seasoned hunter, and several bowhunters report suffering from “target panic.”

This mini-study tested the effect of stress on archery marksmanship over two shooting distances, 20 yards, and 40 Yards.

Two experienced bowhunters shot two no-stress, and two stress trials from each distance (20 yards and 40 yards) for a total of8 trials.

Three arrows were shot each trial, one each from standing, kneeling and sitting position. The same three arrows were used for each trial.

For the No-Stress trials, the subjects were allowed to shoot their arrows without a time limit and while rested.

The Stress Trials applied two stressors, a 30 second time limit, and the shooters were caused to run a 40 yard shuttle sprint prior to shooting. The 30 second time limit included both the shuttle and the shot. Shooters had a 30-second rest between shots from different positions during the stressful events. Here is the event.


    • Subject stands ready with arrow knocked.
    • 30 Second Time Limit. 9″ Round Target.
    • On “Go” Subject runs down 20 yards, and back 20 yards, then gets into the shooting position for that specific shot (standing, kneeling or sitting) and releases his arrow before the 30 seconds is up.
    • He then has 30 seconds rest to knock another arrow, and beginning the shuttle for the shot from the next shooting position.


The short clip below shows Travers complete one of his stress shots at 40 yards:

Three arrows were shot for each trial, a metric fabric measuring tape was strung around the outside of all three arrows, and the total circumference in centimeters used to measure accuracy.

The average circumference for the No-Stress and the Stress trials was then calculated, then compared to identify the effect of stress on marksmanship.



Below are the mini-study results:

We understand this mini-study has a small subject size (2) and it should be understood that small sample size likely skews the results. Regardless, the results were interesting in the consistency of direction and extent from the effect of stress.

Stress certainly has an effect on accuracy given the consistency demonstrated by the poorer shooting by both subjects at measurement distances.

From the results chart, “Plus 35.9%” means Rob’s 3-arrow average group circumference under stress at 20 yards was 35.9% larger than his 3-arrow average group circumference during the no-stress trials at 20 yards, or he was 35.9% less accurate. This is a significant decrease in accuracy.

Overall, both subjects at both distances shot 23% less accurate 3-arrow groups during the stress trials than the no-stress trials.



The stress event deployed in this trial put two stressors on the shooters, a fitness/physical stressor (shuttle), and a time limit (30 seconds) to great effect. Moving forward, it would be instructive to conduct this mini-study on a much larger sample size of archers to see if the trend and results remain the same or similar.

Likewise, conducting a similar study using firearms and paper targets, or firearms and counting hits on metal targets would be valuable. We’ve seen firearm studies which assessed the stress on firearm shooters from CQB training and other events, but none which systematically tested the effect of stress on accuracy.

Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email




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Arete 7.4.19

Military / National Security / Foreign Affairs

Gunmen kill 16 in attack on Niger military camp, Reuters
Why America Remains a 2nd-Generation Military, Small Wars Journal
The Army is considering overturning Bowe Bergdahl’s sentence, Marine Corps Times
Houthi drone attack on Saudi Arabia’s Abha Airport leaves nine injured, Reuters
Are war fighters closer to AI-enhanced situational awareness?, Defense News
Navy fires commanding officer after collision, Navy Times
Opinion: Germany’s awkward search for a national identity continues,
Report: NATO jets escort Russian aircraft six times last week, Stars & Stripes
NATO ally Turkey rebuffs US, poised to receive Russian weapons system, Stars & Stripes
New Army Green Service Uniform Sighted At The Kremlin, Soldier Systems


Homeland Security / First Responder / Wildland Fire

Google tweaked algorithm after rise in US shootings, The Guardian
In New Turf War, Treasury Dept. Seeks Control of Secret Service, Homeland Security Newswire
US Border Patrol agents mocked migrant deaths on Facebook: report, Al Jazzera
Does America face a threat from within?, Brookings Institute
After Handling of Mass Shootings, Broward Sheriff’s Office Loses Accreditation,
The Lynching of the American Police Officer, LE Today
Portland mayor under fire for failure to stop multiple violent antifa protests, LE Today
Documentary on the Honda Canyon Fire fatalities, Wildfire Today
Granite Mountain Hotshots — Six years ago today, Wildfire Today
FBI: Terrorists are looking to strike America on Independence Day, LE Today
Wildfire Episode Six: The Language of Wildfire, REI Co-op Journal



My Favorite Piece of 2019 Gear Costs $12, Outside
Opinion: Is Competition Climbing a Team Sport?, Climbing Magazine
Go Skiing This Fourth Of July @ One Of These OPEN Ski Resorts, Unofficial Networks
Big Mountain Skier John Collinson Is In Insane Shape, Unofficial Networks
New Jersey Doctor Sentenced To Jail Time In “Ski Rage” Attack Against Child, Unofficial Networks
When Your Dirtbag Passion Isn’t Enough Anymore, Adventure Journal
Freesoloist Austin Howell Dies in Fall, Outside
The Best Gear From Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2019, Backpacker
An Arctic Fox Thru-Hiked 2,000 Miles from Norway to Canada in 76 Days, Adventure Journal


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

The Best Fitness Apps for Your Specific Goals, Muscle & Fitness
Sports Medicine Market 2019 Comprehensive Research Study, Size, Global Trends, Development Status, Opportunities, Future Plans, Competitive Landscape and Growth by Forecast 2024-The Revert News, Revert News
Teens Are Probably Drinking Too Much Caffeine, The Atlantic
Disrupted sleep in one’s 50s, 60s raises risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Science Daily
Extreme exercise can strain the heart without causing permanent damage, Science Daily
Mini ‘magic’ MRI scanner could diagnose knee injuries more accurately, Science Daily
Doing these 3 little things on weekends can help you live a happier and longer life, science says, CNBC
Everything You Need To Know About Fasting, Longevity Live
U.S. Army Physical Demands Study: Differences in Physical Fitness and Occupational Task Performance Between Trainees and Active Duty Soldiers, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research
Combined Effects of Self-Myofascial Release and Dynamic Stretching on Range of Motion, Jump, Sprint, and Agility Performance, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research
Obese people outnumber smokers two to one, Science Daily
Quorn protein builds muscle better than milk protein, Science Daily
Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise, NY Times
The Flawed Science Behind Walking 10,000 Steps Every Day, Yahoo Science
The Many Faces Of Work Addiction, Psychology Today



First whales caught as Japan resumes commercial hunt after 30 years, Reuters
No exceptions: New York, Washington, Maine abolish religious exemptions for measles vaccine, California looks to limit medical exemptions, Homeland Security Newswire
What slumping demand for cruises says about Chinese tourists, The Economist
Any single hair from the human body can be used for identification, Homeland Security Newswire
The Gear We’d Buy If Price Was No Object, Gear Patrol
Can a $2,500 E-Bike Replace Your Car?, Outside
Rethink environmental regulations in Africa, study urges, Science Daily
Murder in the Paleolithic? Evidence of violence behind human skull remains, Science Daily
Amazon Confirms It Keeps Alexa Transcripts You Can’t Delete, Gizmodo
Roaches Are Getting Harder and Harder to Kill, Gizmodo
Facebook’s image outage reveals how the company’s AI tags your photos, The Verge

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MTI’s Top Selling Training Plans for June 2019

MTI’s Top Selling Training Plans for June 2019


  1. Athlete’s Subscription 
  2. Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan
  3. Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Training Plan
  4. Big 3 + Run Training Plan
  5. APFT Training Plan
  6. FBI Special Agent PFT Training
  7. Military On-Ramp Training Plan
  8. Running Improvement
  9. 2-Mile Run Improvement Plan
  10. Humility
  11. Core Strength Bodyweight Only
  12. Hypertrophy For Skinny Guys
  13. Gladiator
  14. Ranger School Training Plan
  15. Air Assault School Training Plan
  16. Chassis Integrity Training Plan
  17. 5-Mile Run Improvement Plan
  18. 357 Strength Training Plan
  19. Operator Hector
  20. 3-Week Push Up & Pull Up Improvement


Learn more about our Plans and Subscription HERE


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Negative Pull Ups

Jump up until your chin is above the bar.

Let yourself down slowly to full elbow extension, on a 5 second count

Video shows pull ups (palms away from face) but can also be completed with chin ups (palms toward face), mixed grip chin ups, horizontal pull ups and Tarzan Pull Ups.


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Q&A 6.27.19

Readers Note on “Little Boy” as Career Choice


Good essay. Consider yourself lucky to work in the field you’re in and have the opportunity for friendships and extended childhood-like fun.

A couple thoughts. Grown men suck at friendship. It’s because we don’t value it so we don’t work at it. Big mistake, in my opinion. I looked around 20 years ago or so and realized I was isolated socially. I was married at the time but we hung out with her friends. She always found some reason not to like my guy friends and she sure as hell didn’t want me having gal friends.

I vowed that would change. I reignited old friendships and cultivated new ones. I put the work in. If I didn’t hear from friends they heard from me. I looked for reasons to get together and stay in touch. The spouse became an ex-.  I made sure the new partner liked the friends I had and my friends liked her. She encouraged me in my male friendships and wasn’t threatened by them. I took up diving with my non-athletic son and always made sure just the two of us took annual diving trips together. All good.

Back to your essay. I suspect that the reason the public-service guys you train and interact with have the friendships they have is because their work is dependent on functioning as a team. Also, they’re not in a zero-sum world where one more dollar for him is one less dollar for me in sales commissions, partnership draw, etc. They’re probably all compensated roughly the same. They all went through the same training. For that and other reasons they’re not as overtly competitive in terms of status, educational background, material possessions, etc. Competition is often the fatal flaw in male friendships.



Hi Coach,

Long time listener, first time caller.

My father (58 years old) and I (male, 28 years old) are going on a week long backpacking trip at an unspecified point next year.  My initial thinking is that we could do the Backpacking Pre-Season Training Plan together in the lead-up to the trip. However, we both want to improve our aerobic conditioning since both of us are admittedly terrible runners with a laughable amount of roadwork between us.

Do you a sequence of other programs in mind that would best suit us before starting that plan? I know his age will probably play a factor.  We’ve both been doing barbell training for several years and have no major injuries.

Thanks for all that you do.


– Rob


I’m just starting your on-ramp program on Monday, and saw that it ends with a ruck run of up to 65 lbs. What sort of pack is suggested, and how do we run? Like, a shuffle?
Sorry for all the questions, I’m just thinking about my knees and back. Lol


Pack? We like used ALICE Packs with a frame, but any internal frame pack will do. Load the weight high as possible in the pack … i.e. put a volleyball in the bottom of the pack and the weight on top of it.
Run = move as fast as possible. I kinda run/jog, I’ve seen others run 9 min miles with this load ….. You’ll figure it out.
– Rob


I’m a big fan of MTI. I have purchased 3 different programs all have worked great for me. I like to try to train to build an all-around athlete, and I feel like no other methods of training work as well as yours. I’m a college basketball coach and implement a lot of your ideas into our training.
I’m looking at the country singer plans and I like them all. Is the intent to do them in order? Or pick one that fits out needs best?


Either do them in order or pick the one that fits the need. The plans can be deployed both ways.
But … if you’re just winging it, do them in order. There is a progression in terms of cyclic emphasis.
– Rob


Love your programming and appreciate all that you do. I recently completed Military On-Ramp, I am going to selection in 6 months. I have the athlete subscription package. So I have reviewed the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet, with this needing approx 13 months of training. I was wondering if you could advise in which programs I should do leading up to the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan V5. Thanks in advance for the help and support.


Weeks   Plan
1-7         Fortitude
8-15       Valor (repeat week 6)
16          Total Rest
17-24     Ruck Based Selection Training Plan (8 weeks directly before reporting)
– Rob


I’m 5 months out from Infantry BOLC. Plan on doing the IBOLC plan just before I head there. But, I want to get into better shape before I start that plan. I’m in decent mil athlete shape but would like to drop some unneeded body weight (6’2 218).
Should I start with military on-ramp or humility?
Thanks a ton!


– Rob


I am currently active duty in the Coast Guard and have put my name on the list for an upcoming screener/ selection for positions available in the Coast Guard’s MSRT (maritime security and response team). I have heard rumors of what it will be like but the only thing I know for certain is that everyone attending will be tested on their physical fitness through the standard coast guard PT test (push ups, sit ups, 1.5 mile run), a pull up/ chin up test, basic swim test that will also involve a water confidence test (swimming underwater for a certain length with a brick, and treading water for a certain amount of time). As well as running through an obstacle course. The rest of the time will be mock boarding scenarios and range days with full kit on.
I was wanting to know what fitness plan would be best to help me prepare for this. Thank you in advance for any help you can give! The screener is in September so I have roughly 3 months to prepare.


From what I do have I’d recommend the USSS CAT Selection Training Plan. This plan should cover your PFT, endurance and work capacity. You’ll want to complete this plan the 7 weeks directly before selection
But the plan doesn’t include swimming. What I’d recommend for that is the swimming in Barbossa, which is focused on treading and underwater crossovers. You’d want to add this work as 2-a-Days with the USSS CAT Plan.
I’m not sure how far out from selection you are, but between now and starting the USSS CAT Plan I’d recommend the plans/order in The PIrate Series (it starts with Barbossa). These are designed as day to day programming for LE/Military SOF with water-based mission sets.
– Rob


I was a member of your subscription plan a few years ago.  I have a question about rucking that I thought you could answer.  I’m a crossfitter and hiker/backpacker.  My strength is endurance on long events/WODs.  I’m not the fastest but I make it steady to the end.  I write my own programming now, and workout during open gym, typically lifting (Olympic and Power), cardio endurance (assault bike and row), classic CrossFit WODs and strongman type sessions (sandbags, sleds).  I go backpacking every year when the weather is right, so I start rucking to build myself up for the long miles and inclines under load.  My question is this, how does rucking cross over into a benefit for my CrossFit training?  Is it my imagination or is it true that rucking actually slows down my runs and explosive power?  During my mile runs for Murph this year I was so slow, just telling myself that its ok and normal because of my ruck training. But on the other hand, I haven’t been running at all since January, so maybe it’s just rusty.


I doubt that rucking slows down your running. My guess is you just haven’t been running.
However, if you want to improve running time, don’t ruck. Run.
In terms of CrossFit – unless rucking is a new “event” or mode in CrossFit, I’m not sure how it will transfer. In general, the more “sport specific” your training to your sport or event, the better. We ruck because rucking is significant “mode” for both mountain and tactical athletes.
– Rob


Love your programming on MTN,  lots to choose from,  I’m training for the Eco-Challenge Race in Fiji this year and wanted to add some variety,  the race is a 10 Day adventure race on the Fijian Islands and will incorporate,  Trekking, Mtn Bike, Stand up Paddleboarding, canoeing, sailing, skin diving,  lots of uphill climbs, Running, some rope work,
What do you think the best plans are for the challenge.


I don’t have an adventure race plan, but in terms of general fitness between now and when you start your race train up, I’d recommend the plans/order in the Wilderness Professional Packet. These plans are designed as day to day programming for wilderness professionals (rangers, field biologists, guides, etc.) and include strength, work capacity, endurance (loaded uphill and running), and chassis integrity (core).
– Rob


So I’m about 12 weeks out from a hunt. Which programs do you suggest to bridge the gap from now till the 8 weeks before the start of the backcountry hunting program?


Jedediah Smith from our packet of plans for Wilderness Professionals. The plan includes strength, work capacity, chassis integrity and mountain endurance (run, step ups).
– Rob


My fiancé is wanting to possibly join the army national guard. She lives a pretty sedentary lifestyle and works a desk job. We were wanting to know which program would be best for her to get started. We would also like to be able to workout at home. I myself have my own kettlebell set with a wide range of weights and also a sand bag, weight vest, and pull-up bar and gymnastics rings. Thank you in advance for your help.


Don’t be fooled by “bodyweight” … this plan is no joke. It also deploys an initial bodyweight strength assessment and follow-on progressions based on your initial assessment results. In this way the plan automatically “scales” to your incoming fitness.
– Rob


Coach, I recently finished the Greek Hero series and retook the Operator Ugly today. Its still a bear and great at revealing what needs work! I did not specifically train up for the Operator Ugly.  I improved my score from about 95ish to 114 from a few years ago.  My scores were:  Front Squat 10 Bench Press 2, Deadlift 16, Sprints 39, Pullups 17, Sandbag Getups 60, Run 25:30.

Over the course of the Greek Hero program I have noticed significant gains for my lower body, improving my max Back Squat from 235 to 255 and subsequently my max Box Squat from 245 to 285.  At the end of the Greek Hero series my Military Press improved from 125 to 140 over the last 6 week program.  Midway through the series my max Bench Press improved from 195 to 205.

I am 6’ 4” and weigh 170.  I’d like to score a 125 or better on the Operator Ugly, and would like to improve my Bench Press and Military Press to meet MTN Tactical standards for military athletes.  What program/s would you recommend with this in mind?  I’d also like to maintain my overall fitness from the Greek Hero series as able.  Love the MTI programs and the work you all do to help us stay ready.  Thanks for your time!


I’d recommend some upper body hypertrophy work for you. You could just be a hard gainer and regulated to skinny forever, but trying to add mass to your upper body won’t hurt.
Our military programming doesn’t include this, but our LE programing does. Specifically I’d recommend Rikers from our Notorious Prison Packet of Plans for correctional officers. This is a multi-modal plan which includes mass effort strength training (upper/lower), work capacity, chassis integrity, grip strength and upper body hypertrophy.
Also – increase your protein and fat intake while on the plan. Simple ways are to drink a 1/2 gallon of whole milk/day, or eat a small jar of peanut butter daily.
At 6’4″, and just 170 pounds, your lower body strength (10x front squats) and overall work cap (60x SBGU, 39 shuttles) is impressive. I’ve gotten those number a little lighter than 170#, but I’m just 5’7″ …. and don’t need to move the barbell or sandbag nearly as far per rep.
Rikers includes a bench press and push press 1RM progression … so you’ll be able to see if we can add strength as well as mass as you work through the plan.
Finally, I’m thinking about changing Operator Ugly to replace the SBGU and Shuttle Sprints with the MTI Tactical Athlete Work Capacity Assessment, then increase the 3 mile run at the end loading from 25# to 45#. Any thoughts?
– Rob


I’ve purchased the GORUCK Selection plan, what program would you recommend leading up to said program? I am 5 months out.


By my count 5 months = 21 weeks. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks    Plan
1-3          Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan (1st 3 weeks)
4-10        Fortitude
10           Total Rest
– Rob


I’m in the midst of your strength 357, doing so I reawaken a shoulder injury from this winter. Still not sure that it is, hoping it’s not a torn rotator cuff. That being said I’d like to keep working out. Any suggestions? I have pretty much full range of motion seems like over the head lifts bother it.


Easiest is to continue with the plan and avoid movements or loads which irritate your shoulder.
If not, look at the Training Plan for Athletes Suffering Arm Injury – which is designed to leave your injured shoulder alone and train the rest of your body around it.
– Rob


I have been browsing your site for a while now and trying out a few of your workouts – the bits n pieces that i have seen.
I am a deer hunter here in South Australia who often travels over to the mountains to backpack, so your workouts are applicable.
My issue is that i am fairly long – six foot four and I have always had a small issue with my lower back. Its not that its bad, or causing me any immediate problems. But I am very weary of dead lifts – maybe this is because i have never been taught. I get a twinge when i use a chainsaw and things that are heavy and away from my body.
If I was to undertake the backcountry hunters program, what would you advise on the dead lifts? Or are there no dead lifts in the program.
Just thought id ask seen as though you offered to answer any questions.
Cheers mate and keep up the good work, its inspiring.


The Backcountry Big Game Training Plan is a limited equipment training plan that does not include dead lifts. You should be good.
Click the “sample training” tab to see the first week of programming.
– Rob


I am interested in taking part in your programming but am intimidated on what plan to choose. I am a soldier in the reserves and am looking to improve athletic performance that improves my fitness but as well as be ready to take a PT Test at anytime. I am currently 5 11 @ 190 and roughly 16.5% body fat. I want to keep dropping the fat and lean down w/o sacrificing the lean mass I have now. I am pretty weak at upper body movements (push ups, press, pull ups, etc) but I dont want that to be the sole focus. I am looking to strength train 3 days a week as I also do BJJ 3 times a week along with cardio 3 times a week. Thank you for helping point me to the right direction.


I’d recommend you start with the MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan. From your note, I read you want to train strength 3 days/week and let your BJJ and current cardio work suffice for those areas. This is a 5 day/week training plan, but the strength is trained Mon, Wed and Friday …. so just do these days in the plan.
– Rob


Good morning, I’m a tactical athlete that is planning on hiking the John Muir Trail during an extended block of leave in several months. Do you have any suggestions for how to supplement the Backpacking Preseason plan with some upper body exercises/chassis integrity work to meet the demands of a tactical environment while also getting ready for the hike?


The Backpacking Pre-Season Training Plan does include chassis integrity work, and limited upper body work (scotty bobs). You could add in some heavy bench presses and weighted pull ups if you wanted.
Another Option would be to complete plans from our Wilderness Packet of plans designed for Wilderness professionals (rangers, field biologists, game wardens, etc.) – which are more well rounded on the tactical side.
– Rob


I just wanted to reach out in the hopes I could receive some guidance on your Ruck Based Selection Plan. So, BLUF, I’m an IN XO currently deployed to Iraq and received my SFAS class date at 23OCT and started the 8 week Ruck Based Selection Plan on 06MAY.
I should be complete around 01JULY. Instead of beginning with a different plan, I started with this one due to the limited facilities we have at our location. Essentially, the Ruck Plan is more manageable from an equipment standpoint. Anyways, I was planning to run the 8 week plan again for my final weeks of redeployment leading into SFAS. I was wondering if you had any advice on changes I should make to the schedule, since my plan is to conduct it twice. For this first 8 weeks, I have been taking an extra rest day every week, since I’m still pretty far out from my SFAS date. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This plan is so intense, I’m hesitant to have you run it back to back … I’m afraid of overtraining.
Options … 1) continue as you are, but drop the long Saturday ruck the first time through.
2) drop out for the RBSTP and move to Humility now, then complete the RBSTP directly before selection. Humility is another limited equipment plan.
– Rob


I am a Firefighter for the San Marcos Fire Department. I am looking into buying one of the urban firefighter plans but i am having a hard time deciding which plan to pick. Can you give some suggestions or guidance into which one? My fitness level is moderate. I usually row the morning of my shift and then lift later that day. Thanks for your time and help! Have a great one!


Start with Jaguar, which is the first plan in our Big Cat series of plans for Urban Firefighters. These plans are designed as day to day training for full time urban firefighters, and concurrently train strength, work capacity, tactical agility, chassis integrity (core), and overall stamina.
– Rob


I just read your ‘Super Squats/6-mi run’ mini study report. Thanks for sharing!

In ‘92 I went through USAW’s Club Coaches course with Dr. Strossen at the OTC in C-Springs. Great guy and his IronMind products are first class.

Once, yes, only once, my training partner and I diligently followed his Super Squats program. For about 20 years, while in the Navy (26+ years total), I focused on powerlifting during the winter months and (road) cycling the rest of the year. I actually joined the Navy to ‘hopefully’ get stationed in Europe and race, which I was fortunate to do for more than a dozen years in Sicily!

I decided to do Super Squats after a decent season racing in order to get my squat back up for a powerlifting meet the base held right after the first of the year.

As per Strossen, you should pick a weight you can barely get for ten, but do 20 reps! Three DEEP breaths on the first ten reps, four on the next five, and five breaths on the last five! I remember the breathing was harder than the squats!

We squatted Monday, Wednesday and Friday and also participated in our command PT those same days! Additionally, we rode with the ‘gruppo’ 3-5 days a week and covered about 250 km/wk.

At 34 yrs old and weighing about 135 at 5’9”, I decided to start the program with body weight for the squats and deadlifts. According to the program and Doc Strossen, no matter what (using good form of course) you must add weight EVERY workout!

At the end of 12 weeks I did 315 for 20…no belt or wraps and ATG! My weight increased about ten lbs, but I had one of my fastest run times on our fitness test four weeks from the end!

According to a ‘1-RM formula’ I should have been able to do about 420…but 405 buried me!!! However, I did get it at the powerlifting meet a month later as well as a 3X BW deadlift (435 at 145 lbs)!

After the meet I transitioned into a pre-season training cycle leading up to the spring races in March, but continued to squat pretty heavy up until race season was going full bore. It was my best season ever as I finished just outside the top ten (over 200 racers from southern Italy) in the Giro dell’ Etna, a one-day 210 km race around Mt Etna in Sicily!

Sorry this was so long…

Have a great weekend and thanks for all you do!

PS-I just got word we’re on standby starting next week for wildland firefighting season! This year I added EMT to my credentials so I’m looking forward to putting that to good use as well as our off-season training…our motto is ‘train as if your life depends on it…cuz it does!’


Thanks for the note and great “Super Squat” stories! We’ve had high school senior boys finish with 20x reps around 300# – the programming is amazing. My personal high was at 225 ….. at about 160# and 48 years old. That you got 305# at 135# means you’re a mutant!
My sense is part of the “power” of super squats isn’t the reps, but simply the time under tension …. as you say, the breathing … and having the mental fortitude to do slow breaths – is the worse part with that load crushing down on you. I’ve had many athletes melt under the stress of this their first or 2nd attempt.
Again, thanks for the note and be safe this fire season.
– Rob


I recently heard of your program and was looking at your site. My police department has been doing Cooper forever and we are now transitioning over to LEPAT. As I understand it the LEPAT is the Canadian National Police Fitness test? Anyway Cooper was easy for me and I’ve been doing some training for the LEPAT but as the Training Sgt I was wondering which program of yours would you recommend to prepare for LEPAT? I plan on taking that program and then recommending it to our officers who might struggle with this new test.

I’m sure you know but LEPAT is something like this. Thanks.


I don’t have a plan for this – first time I’ve been asked.
It’s an interesting programming challenge – and out of the box, if possible, the best way to train would be to do actual course multiple times, with a rest between … i.e. 3 Rounds, LEPAT, Rest 10 min between reps. Issue there would be if you as the training division would have the course set up so officers could train on it.
From our current programming, I’d recommend Dolly – which is from our general fitness side but is a multi-modal training plan (strength, work cap, endurance (3-mile run and 1-mile intervals) and chassis integrity. The strength work is bodyweight only.
I’ll add to my list a specific LEPAT plan.
– Rob


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Arete 6.27.19

Military / National Security / Foreign Affairs

Bringing UAVs to the dogfight: ACE looks to automate close quarters air combat, Janes 360
Navy issues new memo on political activity after USS John McCain and ‘Make Aircrew Great Again’ controversies, Navy Times
President Trump says war with Iran would not involve ground troops and not last long, Stars & Stripes
Senate moves to allow weapon sales to Cyprus, block F-35 to Turkey, Defense News
Poll: Australians Sour on China, The Diplomat
Putin and Trump will meet on June 28 in Osaka: Kremlin, Reuters
Hawaii Marine officer relieved of command following undisclosed ‘liberty incident’, Task & Purpose
German firms sent weapons-grade chemicals to Syria despite sanctions — report,
Remains of WWII service members found on remote Pacific island, The Hill
‘This country is worthy of any sacrifice’ — David Bellavia receives the Medal of Honor, Task & Purpose
Reload: Marine Corps replacing Beretta M9 with Sig Sauer M18 by 2023, War is Boring
Changing the Way America Goes to War, Rand Corp.
U.S. Carried Out Cyberattacks on Iran, Homeland Security Newswire

Homeland Security / First Responder / Wildland Fire

‘I told him not to follow the American dream,’ mother of drowned Salvadoran migrant laments, Reuters
Why Record Numbers of African Migrants Are Showing Up at the U.S.-Mexican Border,
Colorado’s ICE Restrictions Could Earn It ‘Sanctuary’ Label,
Two More Florida Sheriff’s Deputies Fired for Neglect of Duty in Parkland School Massacre,
Recruits resign from police academy for attempting to cheat on open-book test, LE Today
Boise FD hires first female captain in 143-year history, Fire Rescue 1
10 things your agency should be paying for, Police One
Governor Signs Bill Into Law Legalizing Marijuana in Illinois,
How this engineer helps firefighters switch red lights to green without ever stopping, Fire Rescue 1
FOP VP Decries Heckling of Officers Securing Scene of Murdered Rookie, Police Magazine
Utah man shot 11 times in OIS wants better training for officers, Police One
New Police Unit Delves Into 20 Years of Unsolved Rapes,
Breaking News: Police arrest man with previous DUI, charge him in deaths of seven Marines, LE Today
How to Be a National Park Ranger, Outside



How Do Deer Grow Antlers So Quickly?, Outdoor Life
Covering Ground: How to plan a dialed multiday traverse, Backcountry Magazine
WATCH: Blind Biker Uses Echo Location To Navigate Trails, Unofficial Networks
The BLM Has Released a Suite of Online Maps for Climbing on BLM Land, Adventure Journal
Rounding Up the Best New Gear of Summer Outdoor Retailer 2019, Adventure Blog
Arc’teryx’s New Used-Gear Hub Is a Game Changer, Outside
7 Ways to Secretly Train for Climbing—Anywhere, Climbing Magazine
New Speed Record Set on Denali, Adventure Blog
What’s the Best Back Up Bear Gun: A Magnum Revolver or a 10mm Auto?, Outside


Fitness / Nutrition / Health

Growing evidence suggests Parkinson’s disease starts in gut, The Guardian
Russian trolls are coming for 2020, smarter than ever, Clemson researchers warn, Homeland Security Newswire
Learn When to Hammer Your Workouts and When to Chill, Outside
The Mysterious Syndrome Destroying Top Athletes, Outside
How Instagram Became Divisive for Female Fly-Fishers, Outside
How Amelia Boone Trains, Eats, and Wins, Outside
In the Energy Drink Market, It’s Ads vs. Science, Undark Magazine
Many Young Men Putting Health at Risk to Bulk Up, WebMD
Polish Powerlifter Deadlifts 953 Pounds for a World Record, Muscle & Fitness
Scientists Just Discovered That Drinking Coffee Does Something Absolutely Amazing to Your Body, Inc.
Sugary drink taxes reduce consumption, major review shows, Science Daily



The Boomers Ruined Everything, The Atlantic
Robots ‘to replace up to 20 million factory jobs’ by 2030, BBC
Mitsubishi to acquire Bombardier unit, Janes 360
Q&A: what you need to know about America’s student debt crisis, The Guardian
How Americans became workaholics, The Economist
Is Social Media Simply Too Sick and Depraved To Continue?, In Homeland Security
The Murder of Venezuela’s Visionary Adventure Guide, Outside
9 mind-blowing facts about the United Kingdom’s economy, Business Insider
Stop Drinking Beer Out of Plastic Solo Cups, Outside
The Only 2019 Ford Ranger Review That Matters, Outside
How octopus arms make decisions, Science Daily

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