Mini Study: 4 Weeks of the Barbell Complex Leads to Overall Strength Gains in Well Trained Athletes

Kat finishes a heavy Barbell Complex, as Jen recovers from hers.

By Rob Shaul



This 4-week Mini-Study investigated the total-body strength-building capacity of the MTI Barbell Complex.

The Barbell Complex is a complex of six exercises, six reps each, completed in succession, without putting the barbell down. The Barbell Complex is choreographed in a way such the barbell begins in front of the body with the deadlift and finishes behind the neck with the back squat. Again, 6 reps of each exercise are completed before moving onto the next exercise:

1x Barbell Complex =
6x Dead Lift
6x Bent Over Row
6x Hang Power Clean
6x Front Squat
6x Push Press
6x Back Squat

At heavier loads, the Barbell Complex is very intense and can include time under tension of upwards of 90 seconds. It challenges not only strength, but also work capacity, grip strength, and especially, mental fitness.

Eight highly trained subjects (veteran MTI Lab Rats) completed 1RM (1 Repetition Maximum) assessments for three strength exercises, Back Squat, Bench Press and Hinge Lift, as well as a max rep pull up effort.

On a separate day, the subjects then worked up to a maximum Barbell Complex load, and over the next three weeks completed a Barbell Complex progression, two times per week. The progression was based on the individual athletes assessed maximum Barbell Complex load.

After three weeks, the Back Squat, Bench Press and Hinge Lift 1RMs, and max pull up effort were reassessed. Overall, the study subjects improved in each assessed exercise, with the highest average increase in the Bench Press (5.57%) and lowest average increase in the max rep pull up effort (.77%).

This narrow study both in duration and number of study subjects seems to demonstrate that the MTI Barbell Complex alone, has promising total body strength building capabilities.



Romanian Strength Coach Istvan Javorek is credited with the initial development of barbell and dumbbell complexes.

“My Original Goal with the Complex exercises was to find an efficient and aggressive method of performance enhancement that saves time and makes the program more enjoyable,” writes Coach Javorek at his website,

The MTI Barbell Complex is a modification of Coach Javorek’s original concept, and its rep scheme (6 reps each of 6 exercises) and choreography designed with simplicity in mind.

For several years the MTI Barbell Complex has been deployed routinely in strength-focused training sessions as a warm-up. In the past, we’ve briefly experimented with heavy loading, but at this point, never designed and tested strength cycle around a Barbell Complex progression.

Often I’ve commented to athletes that if they could only do one thing to get stronger, it would be the Barbell Complex. This mini-study tested this assertion.

Specific to this mini-study, this cycle began with a max load Barbell Complex assessment, and then applied MTI’s Big 24 strength progression methodology over a 3-week period.

The study subjects completed their individualized progressions, two times/week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. After the Monday and Wednesday Barbell Complex work, the Lab Rats completed a short Chassis Integrity Circuit (Monday) or a short work capacity effort (Wednesday).

On Tuesday and Thursday, the Lab Rats completed 30-60 minute uphill movement endurance effort – “Climb the Hill, Run the Ridge.”

See the chart below for the Monday/Wednesday schedule and Barbell Complex progression deployed in this study.


The Monday and Wednesday Barbell Complex progressions were intense efforts that pushed these veteran Lab Rats’ strength and mental fitness.



Below are the mini-study results:



In general, with well-trained athletes and a focused 3-Week cycle which assesses and progresses the same strength exercises, we’ll see around a 10% strength improvement in max effort strength.

This cycle differed in that the assessed exercises we were primarily interested in – Back Squat, Bench Press, Hinge Lift and Pull Up, were not progressed through the cycle. The only time the Lab Rats did these exercises over the course of the four weeks was the pre-and post-cycle 1RM assessments. In-between assessments, they completed a Barbell Complex Progression.

My guess is this lack of focus on the assessed exercises accounts for the lower overall average gains that what we’d regularly see for the Back Squat, Bench Press, Hinge Lift and Pull Up.

As well, all the Lab Rats in this study were highly trained coming in. In general, a highly trained, fit athlete coming into one of our studies will see lower overall gains than an unfit athlete. Why? A highly trained fit athlete coming in is arriving closer to his/her genetic potential and therefore has less room to make gains.

Taking a look at the Barbell Complex Max Load gains over the course of the cycle, we did see an 11.62% average gain – which mirrors what we’ve seen in the past for highly trained Lab Rats.

Coming into the Mini Study we wanted to test the ability of the Barbell Complex alone to increase overall strength. Based on that measure, and our average gains for the four exercises we assessed, the results are mixed. Would these athletes have seen these 1RM and max pull up increases without doing the Barbell Complex and just by re-assessing? Perhaps.

However, what we didn’t have in this cycle are new or untrained athletes. We hypothesize that the results for an untrained and/or new athletes would significantly greater.

As well, because of the long time under tension (45-90 seconds) and significant work capacity hit, and overall intensity, heavy Barbell Complexes are not pure strength efforts like heavy, low rep sets of back squats.

The Barbell complex is a different animal.

For the highly trained, veteran Lab Rats in this mini-study, what we observed and experienced first hand is a focused, intense, Barbell Complex cycle has a “hardening effect.” Athletes come out on the other side with more strength, bigger engines, and more mental fitness.

See the video below to see Lab Rats Emmett (145#) and Jen (115#) complete their end of cycle Barbell Complex max load re-assessment:



We’ve taken what we learned in this Mini Study and designed a focused cycle, Gladiator. Also, a 4-week cycle, Gladiator’s programming differs from that in this mini-study in that the athletes perform heavy Barbell Complexes three days/week, vice two. This 33% increase in Barbell Complex exposure we feel will have an even greater “hardening” effect on athletes. But we need to test it to be sure.

Finally, a Barbell Complex cycle deployed to new or unfit athletes could have dramatic impacts on overall strength and exercise instruction/familiarity. One of the great things about the Barbell Complex, especially for athletes new to barbell lifting, is how many reps these athletes get each Complex with six fundamental barbell exercises.

Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email



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ACFT Limited Equipment Sprint-Drag-Carry

Start from Prone …. Then

– Sprint down 25m and sprint back to start

– Drag 80# Sandbag down 25m, and drag back to start

– Lateral Shuttle down 25m, and back 25m to start

– Clean 80# Sandbag to Right shoulder, and sprint 25m, Drop Sandbag, Clean to left Shoulder, and sprint back 25 to start.

– Sprint 25m, and back 25m to start


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“Little Boy” as Career Choice

By Rob Shaul

“When I grow up, I want to be a little boy.” – Joseph Heller

Several years ago when I first started programming for military athletes I took a September and traveled to several units to learn, and also teach pilot programming courses.

One of the units I visited was an Air Force National Guard SOF unit in the Southeast – PJs and Combat Controllers.

Even though this was a National Guard unit, these were full-time jobs, but because it was a National Guard unit, the unit’s members weren’t forced to move around from duty station to duty station … they could stay in at their current location, indefinitely.

The guys were older – all in their 30s, and I’ve never met more happy guys at work. I conducted a programming course, and we spent a day at the range doing Range Fitness drills, and I don’t think I ever laughed as much over two days in my life.

Don’t get me wrong, these guys were professional – attentive in the course, trained hard in the gym, shot well and were open-minded at the range. But I’ve never seen a bunch of full-grown men, and colleagues, be as professional, yet have so much fun at work.

“I go to work each day with a bunch of 8-year olds,” one Combat Controller commented to me. It wasn’t a complaint.

I’ve read some research on some of the reasons adult men have shorter life spans than women – and why husbands usually die before their wives. One of the theories is that for many men, after high school, or college if they go, their number of adult male friends declines rapidly. In my own experience, and what I’ve observed with others, is that adult women, in general, have a large number of casual friends, and most have one or two really close friends.

Not so for many adult men. I’m not sure why or the dynamics of it, but most adult men don’t have a wide circle of friends and few have a close male friend or confidant who isn’t a family member.

I haven’t seen statistics or research on this, but my sense is men in male-dominated occupations like the tactical professions (military, LE, Fire Rescue) have more male friends – other men they work with daily, and closer friends they’ve kept in touch with after transfer to a new duty station. Part of the reason, I assume, is that the physical nature of the work, the dangerous mission sets, and the shared difficult experiences and suffering all act to bond the men in these professions together.

My guess is a group of bankers or stockbrokers working together don’t develop these deeper bonds and friendships.

For those on the civilian side, sometimes these friendships can develop outside of work. In my own experience, the 2 older lab rats – my training partners James and Cody –  are valued friends, and our training time a cherished, protected part of my daily routine.

I’m over 50, and they are both in their 40’s, but from 6-7 AM Monday through Thursday we’re not much older than 8 years old. We joke, mess around, train hard, and have a lot of fun. It’s my 6-7 AM “play” time.

“Little Boy” doesn’t require like-minded buddies, thankfully. You can do it on your own.

It’s an attitude of playfulness, sense of adventure, curiosity, and open-mindedness we can bring to every experience and opportunity, every day.

Kids have helped me. I firmly believe kids keep you young. I had countless little boy adventures with my eldest two sons … stuff like tubing down creeks, swimming in irrigation ditches, endless games of whiffle ball, cold lake skinny dipping, brutal wilderness backpacking trips, scary drift boat fishing trips on unfamiliar water, power ski days followed by hot tub poaching missions at Jackson motels.

It would be inaccurate to say I did this stuff to show my sons all this fun. I did it because I liked “play” as much as them. The fact is I would have not have had all that adventure if they weren’t there. I would have been too old, or too busy to do a silly float tube trip, swim in an irrigation ditch, or skinny dip in the lake. This experience with my sons taught me a great lesson about how to live life.

I can’t speak for women here, as I simply don’t know the female experience, but for men, I can’t find a better way to live or a better “career” than Little Boy.  This is different than being a “Peter Pan” – a man who never develops beyond adolescence never commits to a partner, place or job – someone who isn’t “solid.”

It is possible to be 49% all business, and 51% Little Boy.

Now, I have a 3-year old little boy at home and a little girl on the way. I’m counting on them to keep me young into my 70s!

“Little Boy” as my career choice!


Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email

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Q&A 6.20.19


First off, I wanted to say your Navy PST programming was great and really worked out my weaknesses in my sit ups and run time and I attribute it to getting my SEAL contract a few months ago. I wish I knew about your programs years ago. It would’ve saved me a lot of time.
Long story short, I got medically separated for a upper back injury that I got a week or so before I went in. It’s healed now, it was mostly just a muscle strain/injury that was solved with medicinal massages, and appropriate mobility/rest. I could technically go back into the Navy in a month with my separation code, but I’m looking at more 6+ months due to family and just life happening.
Onto my question, I noticed I wasn’t as hardened a runner as I would like, or as good at treading as I needed to be. I’ve been considering starting Fortitude then Humility and then back into the BUDs prep program realm after those. Is that a good idea? I also lost a lot of muscle mass in one month of basic, not that I’m trying to be bigger or anything (I’m 6’3, 218lbs) I’d like to be lighter and fast. But given I don’t have a huge knowledge of strength and conditioning, should I start a more strength focused program to build back first and then move into the body weight/endurance side? Sorry for the longwinded question. Just trying to figure out the smartest path.
Thank you for your time and what you do.


Seeing you’re coming off an injury, I’d recommend you start our stuff with Bodyweight Foundation, then move to Fortitude, followed by Valor.
– Rob


Last summer I started training for USAF TACP. I took elements of your TACP program and mixed them in with my own (limitations on equipment, etc. required a hybrid approach). Unfortunately, in November I tore my Bicep and had tenodesis surgery in December to repair the torn muscle (it required some cutting, drilling, and a considerable amount of pain). I’m finally starting to get back into training and looking to get back into reaching my goal. Prior to my injury, I was pushing 70+, Pulling ~20, sit-ups ~70, and running around 10:00 in the 1.5 mile.
Now, given that it’s been awhile and my arm tends to feel like a wet noodle after a workout, I’m pulling a shaky 4, pushing ~40, and sit-ups are returning slowly (~60).
My current workout routine to get my baseline fitness back is a mix of running and weight lifting at my apartment gym.
Running 3 Miles on Off-days 
Lifting 3 times per week: Three sets, with dumbbells 
  • Bicep curls: 20# (40 reps – alternating)
  • Chest Press: 35-40# per arm (20 reps [35# is max in right arm])
  • Dead-hang Pull-ups: 3
  • Cable machine: 50# Squat rows (30 reps)
  • Bent rows: 30# (20 reps)
  • Shoulder shrugs: 35# (20-30 reps)
  • I have no idea what it’s called, elbows in, arms parallel to the ground, weights in hand, squeeze shoulder blades and arms come outward. 15# (25 reps)
  • Some band work gets incorporated for additional resistance training
  • In-between reps I typically do squats and lunges with 20-30# in each hand.
Rinse and Repeat
I feel that for someone who less than six months ago had the long-head of their bicep detached and drilled through their arm, I’m doing okay, but I know I’m not as efficient as I can be. I’m also the biggest danger to myself.
TLDR Question: Is there a program that will safely build my baseline back to where it was? I get frustrated looking in the mirror knowing where I was, and I’m still determined to reach my goal of TACP (ANG). I’m also in the recruitment pipeline for FLETC as a DSS SA (I figure train for TACP and FLETC will be a breeze – assuming I make it through the last phase of that recruitment process).
Programs I’m looking into:
  • dumbbells, cable machines, alice pack with sandbags.
I was working with a Crossfit gym prior to my injury and was considering going back, I’m not sure how “safe” it is given the injury and the dynamic movements required, but the owner of the gym has been in constant contact checking in on my progress since the injury. It’s a good team there.
Any advice would be appreciated it. I’m still new when it comes to working out seriously, all I’ve ever done is what’s required to pass the AFPFT and obviously my aspirations require more. Love the service you provide, and I apologize for the long email.


From our stuff I’d recommend our Single Limb Strength Plan – and that you load your bad arm as heavy as it can go, and your good arm as heavy at it can go.
Also – no reason you can’t significantly pick up your cardio and endurance work. A good combo would be to combine our 5-Mile Run Training Plan with the single limb strength plan – doing 2-a-days, and skipping the strength work in the running plan.
– Rob


Can you tell me if I start doing a hiit program 3 days a week, when could I start seeing results on the scale?


80-90% of fat loss is diet related. You can’t outwork a shitty diet. So, no, I can’t tell you – it depends on if you have the discipline to clean up your diet.
– Rob


I’m still doing physical therapy for my arm surgery this past January,but I am looking to start getting back into shape. I have the arm injury program,and I’m wondering if Inshould start with that,or something else? Also,towards Oct/November,I want to start training for a law enforcement pft, which mirrors the FBI pft plan you guys have. Is the FBI plan what I should use after the arm injury plan. I haven’t worked out in over a year,due to injury and recent surgery. My end goal is to max the police pft, 300 m run, 1.5 mile run, max pu & su in 1 min.


Yes – now do the Arm Injury Training Plan until you’re released from PT.
Follow it up with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, then the FBI SA PFT Training Plan before your assessment.
– Rob


I am set to begin the Relative Strength Assessment program as per your recommendation. Due to a non dominant side shoulder injury ( no tear, or rips, ortho believes it is just pilled muscle, and due to my work, etc… rehab is on my own ), I am unable to do traditional pull ups. I can do neutral grip pull ups but still have shoulder issues and struggle with those.
Is there any exercise I can do in place of pull ups for the time being, until shoulder is able do withstand the motion/pulling, etc… ?


Bent over barbell rows. Work up to your “safe” 1RM (be smart with your shoulder), and then follow the same rep scheme/progression as the bench press and front squat. Be smart.

– Rob


Sir, I work for the Des Moines Fire Department and recently went through the programming you have set up for the academy. I like the volume and specific loading that the program details that pertains to where the loads would be for job specific tasks. However, I did notice that when I was done with academy my big three had decreased significantly in weight. My question is how do the programs compare? I’d like the best balance there is, if there is such a thing. However, I’ll always pick volume over loading. If you could email me when you have a moment I would greatly appreciate it.


I don’t understand your question.
I will say that you’re a firefighter, not a powerlifter, and that is a significant difference in terms of fitness demands, and time spent training.
Our Big Cat series of plans are designed for full-time firefighters and should be the focus of your day to day training.
It’s okay once in a long career to split off from mission-direct training to focus on other stuff – whether it be a powerlifting competition or an ultramarathon, but you should always return. Job-related fitness has to be the focus of your physical training.
– Rob


I’ve been trying to improve my 1.5 mile time but since training by myself didn’t help I purchased the Cooper test-Plan. Ran the 1.5 mile two days ago and my time was exactly 12 minutes (it usually is). Now, today I wanted to do Session 3 of Week 1. Did the warmup, bodyweight exercises, the 300m run (1:01) and the 3x 100m full effort sprints. Now, after resting 5 minutes I wanted to do the 800m intervalls (maximum time 3:37). But I couldn’t do it. Took me almost 4 minutes to run the 800m. My legs were already really tired from the exercises before. This isn’t supposed to happen, right? Do I need to pick lower 800m intervall times? Or am I doing something wrong?


This depends upon your incoming fitness.
As your fitness improves, your recovery will as well. Just run as fast as you can if you can’t make the intervals. What would be a problem is if you don’t increase 1.5 mile time on the next re-assessment.
– Rob


I am very interested in purchasing some of your programming, but I’m having trouble deciding which one and was hoping you could give me some guidance. I am currently working towards joining the National Guard and have an APFT upcoming that I would like to do well on. However, I work as a professional firefighter and would also like to continue to lift weights and improve my overall strength and conditioning.  I have considered one of the Greek Hero series with one that has a slight emphasis on endurance or the APFT program. I understand that I may have some conflicting goals, but what do you feel would be the best program for me to choose? Thank you in advance for any help.


Focus on the APFT and start the APFT Training Plan 6 weeks directly before your test. Between now and then you can do one of the Greek Hero plans – Hector.
– Rob


I do obstacle course races; however, lately I have been falling behind the pack.  Clearly what I am doing is not working.  I am 38 and a small but tall build.  I need some programs to get me back on track.  Running is a weak point for me and I am attempting to get my Spartan Trifecta this year.  I have completed the Super, and did the Sprint yesterday (I am not pleased with my performance so I am not accepting that as a finished race and will redo it in November), and I have the Beast in October.  I figure I have about 20 weeks until I run the Beast.  I plan on doing your medium distance plan leading right up to that point but I feel I need to build up to that.  What plans would you suggest for the 13 weeks prior to me starting the medium distance plan?  I have been the weak link in the past 2 races on my team whereas last year I was leading the way, and I am tired of being the weak link that holds my team back.


Humility followed by Valor.
– Rob


I am interested in the CFT program but would like to ease into it since I am currently only running 2x a week with cross training 1x a week with pull-ups and crunches daily. What are your thoughts on preventing overuse by starting your CFT program? I am able to stretch it out over 2-3 months.


You could alternate days – CFT one day, other stuff you’re doing the next.
– Rob


I’m a fit military female about to deploy to Afghanistan with the SOF community looking for advice in designing a 1-2 session a day session plan(s) focused on strength, mobility and endurance. I downloaded the urban conflict and Afghanistan pre-deployment and have been working on those intermittently but am looking for a more gym focused routine. I downloaded the athlete subscription and was overwhelmed with the amount of workouts so wanted to reach out for guidance.

I have great all around endurance and love to run (sprints and distance). I have recently gotten into power lifting (working on the wendler program) which I enjoy and would like to dive more into by integrating it into one of your plans. Balance, core and mobility is very important to me as well to avoid injuries and have dynamic, tactical strenght. I have loved the sandbag workouts. My mission set while deployed will consist of long walks under kit (but no ruck) across Afghanistan (in a female engagement team like position) which I already have the strenght and would like to build upon. I will have access to a gym both CrossFit style and with machines and will not have a ruck but have a weight vest.

What would you recommend as 1-2 plans to hit up next and maybe what to follow on after?


Plans from the Greek Hero Series, Hector, then Apollo. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (ruck/run), tactical agility and chassis integrity (core).
Follow these up the remaining plans in the packet … Achilles, Ulysses, etc.
– Rob


I am out of condition but looking to do a 12 week expedition in October. I am not sure where to start with you programs. I can run 5km in 40 mins unweight, do 3 pull ups and 10 push ups. My core strength is ok, but my flexibility is terrible.

The expedition training is with gap force:

Would you recommend humility? Or a mountain program?
I plan to join a local gym to do some of the training.


Email back after completed.
– Rob


Over the next couple of months, I will have more time to work out and sleep. I was considering starting a program where I worked out twice a day. What are the pros and cons of working out twice a day and is there a good program on MTI that structures for twice-a-day workouts? Thank you for everything that you do.


Pros/Cons? You improve fitness by resting after training. Rest is as important as fitness training.
Our programming only designs 2-a-days for events which will push athletes throughout the day. A good program to look at is the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan, which includes multiple 2-a-days as well as long weekend rucks.
You could also pair two programs and complete them concurrently – one in the AM, one in the PM.
Strength in the AM – Big 24 Strength Training Plan.
– Rob


My son is going to be doing the SARC pipeline in the Navy and would like to up his fitness level, by training this summer for fall boot camp and courses to follow. can you recommend which course to do? I will be signing him up this week for your unlimited program.


Plans/order in the Pirates Packet – these are designed as day to day training for military and LE SOF units with water-based mission sets – and include swimming.
– Rob


First of all, thanks for the great training tools.  I love the access I have to all the different programs!

I just started the ultimate work capacity program and I was curious if I should alter the suggested diet you mention for several of the other programs (low/no carbs w a cheat day).  Any benefits in adding more carbs w this workout?


You can add more carbs without adding bad carbs. More carbs = veggies and fruit. Our dietary recommendations don’t limit your caloric intake, just the foods you can get calories from.
Stay away from bad carbs … wheat, sugar, etc.
– Rob


I have completed the Q course and have about 3-4 months before I receive orders to group and am looking for a good program for the summer. Is there any programs you could recommend? I was looking into the Greek Operator plans. any help will be appreciated Thank you


Awesome on the Q Course. Yes on the Greek Hero Plans – starting with Hector.
– Rob


Back when I started putting together a garage gym, I had acquired a large tractor tire. I did use it for some time but since I started in on your programming, it hasn’t moved. I’m getting ready to move and need to determine whether or not it comes with me. Do you suggest keeping it for the new gym? If so, how can I work it into the LEO work outs. I’ve been working through the spirit series as of late.


Up to you. You could use it as a total body core movement for chassis integrity circuits, step ups, etc.
– Rob


I need to improve my 1.5 mile time. It is about 11:30 at the moment. Should I go with “Coopertest”, “Running Improvement”, “2 Mile Improvement” or something else entirely?


The Running Improvement Training Plan begins with a focus on the 1.5 mile. Use that plan.
– Rob


I’ve encountered a bout of “golfers elbow “(medial epicondylitis).
I’m still pushing through the program but feel it slightly on pull ups and moreso on over head pushes.  I’m doing home PT:
-Flexbar – isolated eccentrics
-Stretching w/message on direct sore bone/tendone
– compex ems on forearm
Looking for input on PT and pushing through program or stop to recover or


I can’t answer your specific question, but in general, we advise to continue to train if you’re hurt, but not if you’re injured.
The difference?
“Hurt” = training won’t make it worse.
“Injured” = training will make it worse.
– Rob


I am a squad leader on a wildland fire crew. I have a young FFT2 (rookie) that has flat feet and has trouble building base cardio to keep up with the rest of the crew. I struggle to suggest any program because of his flat feet and I do not want to injure him or exacerbate his condition. We do not screen for flat feet and as long as the FF can pass the pack test, they can fight fire. I have been using your bodyweight programming with our crew but his flat feet can’t sustain the loading during the leg blasters and running seems to cause the most pain. Do you have any suggestions?


You’re asking a medical question neither you nor I can help with. Flat feet are a disqualifier for many military units for this reason. All I can offer is he see an ortho and get fitted for orthotics.
Wish I had more.
– Rob


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