Q&A 3.1.18


“Just have to say, I started to dread Quadzilla complexes as I progressed in the Dryland Ski training, but holy shiitakes! I have never felt so strong on the mountain! You really helped elevate my skiing experience and I’ve been telling everyone I know who enjoys skiing about this program. Now I embrace the Quadzillas!  My husband has been using your programs for years and finally convinced me last year to start. Not going to lie, I was intimidated at first even with some CrossFit experience, but I’m so glad I started because I haven’t been able to experience such improvement in strength and endurance that carries over so well in my every day life and outdoor adventures. He’s happy too, since it’s a rare occasion when I admit he’s right. 😉  Thanks again for your awesome customer service, recommendations and all the work you guys do!! ”


First of all, I wanted to say that I used the Big Mountain V2 plan to prep for a Mera/Island Peak climb and it was spot on exactly what I needed.  I am looking to do a winter summit of Mont Blanc and would like a little guidance on which plan to work with.  I was looking at the Peak Bagger or the Rainier training plan.  I intend to start my climb around 18-25 March. So that would give about 6 weeks here to prep.
Also, I am working on a small camp in Afghanistan about a quarter mile around, so most of my running will be on a treadmill and stairs.
Any info or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Good luck and be safe downrange.
– Rob


I am currently a 2nd year law student and am looking for a new program that will help me lose some of the body fat I have accumulated, as well as become faster, stronger, and leaner. Prior to law school I was a police officer, so fitness was, and still is, a big part of my life.
After law school I plan to apply to Army Judge Advocate General, FBI, and other federal law enforcement positions depending upon availability. I am looking for a program that can help me achieve these goals.
Thank you in advance for your help.


I’d recommend you start our stuff with the Fat Loss Training Plan.  Then move on to the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
– Rob


What program do you recommend when it comes to preparing for a week long heli ski trip.


– Rob


I’m looking to be joining the army and heading to Rasp in about 34 months, Im trying to figure out which programs I should be starting with and which to progress to in order to get to highest level of fitness possible before my selection. I’m currently doing the couch to 5k plan to build my running endurance and give myself a base for future running training. I purchased your bodyweight foundation plan to begin with and get my fitness to a level where I can complete the more advanced plans, so my question is what plans should I be completing in order to get to my goal?

I appreciate any advice and appreciate you making these plans.


I’d recommend you follow the plans and order in the Greek Hero Packet, beginning with the Military OnRamp Training Plan, until your 7 weeks out from RASP. Take a full week’s rest, then complete the RASP I&II Training Plan the 6 weeks directly before RASP.
– Rob


I am wanting to get back in to shape. I am 37yo, I am 6ft tall and weigh 265. I am looking to get in to BJJ but I am also am just wanting to get into good overall shape, specifically to drop weight, increase strength, and endurance. I also love backpacking and hiking. Appreciate your help and time. Thank you.


Start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, and follow it up with the BJJ Training Plan.
Don’t be fooled by “Bodyweight” – the Bodyweight Foundation plan is no joke.
Also – fix your diet. Here are our dietary recommendations.
 – Rob


Your workouts involving lower back strength really helped after my injury. I work in the EP (Executive Protection) world, and we literally travel and work in every environment you can think of. We actually hit all seven continents this past year, and the company I work for has operated in over 150 countries. I was wondering if you all would be willing to make a packet for that type of work, or if you already have it please point me in the right direction. As far as water goes, we do not operate in it much, but when we have to, we have to be ready for it Everything else, whether jungle, mountain, desert, etc., the environment may change day to day. Thanks for the time and help.


I’d recommend our Spirit’s Packet of training plans for LE Patrol/Detective. The plans concurrently train strength, work capacity with a sprinting emphasis, upper body hypertrophy (mass), chassis integrity (core) and tactical agility. My guess is the Executive Protection fitness demands are the same or very similar.
Follow the plans in the order they are listed in the packet – beginning with Whiskey.
– Rob


Which plan would you recommend for an approximate 30 minute workout window with pull up bar only. I initially thought of the pull up pushup progression but it recommended only doing it twice back to back, and I’m looking for more of a regular routine I can do longer term. Thanks


Bodyweight Foundation – and do as much of each session as you have time for.
– Rob


Hi id like to ask something I am planning to go to greek buds and I am thinking of purchasing your pirate packet but I have to report to buds just 4 weeks before the training ends what should I do ?


You’ll want to work back from your report date, and complete the plans and progression in the BUD/s Training Packet, so you finish the final BUD/s V2 Selection Training Plan (last plan in the packet) the week before you report.
– Rob


I am 46 and have a partially torn left shoulder rotator cuff. Dr. Said 30-40% tear. He advised me not to do pullups and lift any heavy weights using my arms. I need to get back into shape so I can retire from my agency and apply for another LE agency that’s very physically demanding. Lots of running and calisthenics. Which program would best fit my situation? I have purchased a program from you before but it no longer fits my current situation. Thank you for your time.


I’d recommend SF45 Delta, which deploys bodyweight training, and running. You’ll need to avoid the pulling exercises which aggravate your shoulder.
– Rob


Im a active duty Navy and I have a couple of questions for you. My first is I noticed that a lot of your training has Olympic Lifts. I have never learned how to properly do some of these exercises. Can I switch them out with kettlebells or do you have programs that do not have the Olympic lifts. My second question involves the Spartan Beast program. I am signed up for one in September, when do you recommend completing the program? Thank you.


Best would be to learn how to do the Oly lifts … it’s not that complicated and with youtube these days, it would be much easier than when I taught myself 20 years ago.
All of our Oly lifts can be done with dumbbells or kettlebells – so that’s an option.
We do have 3 training plans specifically for DBs and KB only training:
– Three plans in the 3-Stooges Packet (Larry, Curly and Moe) – these plans can be purchased in the packet or individually.
Spartan Beast Plan? You’ll want to complete it the 7 weeks directly before your event – give yourself 2-3 days rest before competing.
– Rob


I am 37 years old, a dentist, not an extreme sport athlete (yet, I just moved to Colorado), not trying to break any records, BUT I really love to maintain as high of a level of general fitness as possible for myself. We are big into hiking but no 14ers (yet). Also, I am always aiming to increase my weightlifting PRs. I’m to the point of 5 lb gains being a big deal for most lifts. Currently I would like to lean out a bit and was thinking about starting with the Fat Loss Plan for the next 6 weeks, then getting back to strength and general fitness. I see the daily training programs for Military, Mountain, Law Enforcement, etc., I just wasn’t sure which is best for me for daily training.
Our gym is in our unfinished basement and is pretty well stocked. We have two squat racks with pull up bars, dip attachment, flat bench, incline bench, 35# and 45# bars, 15# and 25# med balls, 60# sandbag, step-up boxes 20″, 24″ box, dumbbells (5#-55#), kettlebells multiple weights, treadmill, aerodyne, rower, lots of plates (2.5#-45#), GHD. I think thats most of it. No hang board or climbing wall 🙂


Couple recommendations –
SF45 Alpha – this plan is designed for older high-impact athletes (45+) – but it’s no joke – 3 days in the gym, 3 days endurance (running), including a day of threshold 2-mile repeats.
Gratitude – from our tactical side, this plan has an endurance emphasis – esp., gym-based endurance. Killer.
– Rob


I am using weights lift 315x3x3,  deadlift 225x5x3 and squat 225x10x3.  I am 75 yo and weigh 190lbs and
beginning to study Muy Thai, any suggestions for appropriate program.


I’d recommend Big 24 Strength. Skip the work capacity days – use your Muy Thai for that – but the strength training in the plan is intense, and awesome – and likely a new methodology to you. Plus – the plan deploys initial assessments (3RM) and automatically “scale” to the individual athlete for the follow-on progressions.
– Rob


I am interested in starting your RASP 1&2 prep program, and I see that it calls for swimming in certain portions of the program. I recently PCS’d and haven’t found a pool in the area yet, is there a recommended substitute for the swims or are they a set in stone part of the program? Thank you in advance for your assistance.


You could row.
– Rob


I am an 18 year old going into the Navy to be a rescue swimmer. If I were to start a program which one should I do? More on the general Navy PST side or maybe the Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer program. I’ve been a swimmer all my life and it’s always a big part of my workout. I also do a lot of crossfit but i want a more focused plan to get me conditioned for Rescue Swimmer, Thank you.


– Rob


I am looking at your programming in preparation for completing my first Ultra, Tenerife Blue Trail, I was thinking of doing the preseason followed by the 50 mile ultra plan starting soon.  This 16 week combo puts me a week out from the start.  My biggest concern is the vertical gains associated with this event.  For this reason I’m considering doing the trail version which is 67km vs the 101km, http://www.tenerifebluetrail.com/en/modalidad/trail.  I live in a coastal area and it is a drive to get to any hilly areas (30 min) and further for mountainous (60-90 min).  I have access to treadmills at the base gym that I can use for the hill portion if needed.  I also have a well equipped garage gym.
I’ve ran a marathon and multiple halves.  I’ve been doing crossfit 4-5days/week for the past 5 years with longer runs mixed in on the weekends.  I can still easily do a 10 mile run on the weekends and my normal midweek runs are 4.5-6 miles.  I keep the longer weekend runs at slow pace but push the 4.5 into lactate threshold once a week.  I also try to get in the pool in the morning once a week and my normal workout is a 50m to 250m pyramid, 1250m total.  Also, are the training seasons set up so I can do the weights in the morning and then run at night or should they be done in combination?
Thanks for any help you can give.


On the days where the session combines gym-based work and running you can split it up – AM and PM – if needed.
The plan includes Leg Blasters – which will help train your legs for the eccentric stress from running down hill.
Drive to the mountains for your weekend runs … do those on trails with vertical gain/loss.
Do the same for the 50-Mile Ultra Plan.
– Rob


I recently got out of the Army as an infantryman and looking to go into the Air force for TACP. My question was about a work capacity/endurance training plan. I want to find a plan that focus on work capacity and endurance without sacrificing barbell/Bodyweight Strength. I was looking at a few plans, such as “Valor” and “Ultimate Work capacity 1.” I would like the plan to incorporate rucking and strength as well. What are your suggestions for the correct plan to include all of that?


I’d recommend Valor – which includes barbell strength work, and has a significant gym-based work capacity component. The plan also includes a running and ruck running assessment and threshold intervals based on the assessments.
– Rob


I am considering a new training plan and last year purchased two of the plans and enjoyed them.

My one concern is the last program I purchased took me longer than the prescribed time to complete and when nearing the end I lost access to the plans I had purchased.

If I purchase the big game training plan I am considering is there a way to download the plan so that if it takes longer than advised I won’t lose what I paid for?


You can access our programming 3 ways – via an Athletes Subscription, packet of plans, or individual training plan.
If you purchase the Backcountry Big Game Packet, you have access to all of the plans in the packet for as long as we’re in business.
You likely purchased a subscription before, and lost access when you cancelled.
Here is the difference:

What is the difference between purchasing an individual training plan, packet of plans or an Athlete’s Subscription?

  • Plan – Like purchasing the DVD of the first Star Wars movie. You own it forever, including any updates we make to the plan.
  • Packet – Like purchasing the DVD’s of all the Star Wars movies. You own them forever, including any updates we make to the plans.
  • Athlete’s Subscription – Like subscribing to Netflix. You get access to all 200+ plan in our library, but lose access if you unsubscribe.

– Rob


I’m a PL with 5-7 CAV at Ft. Stewart, GA and I’m interested in subscribing to the Grunt PT plan since I am heading to Korea soon. I’d like to try the PT plan out for myself and then potentially implement it as the Platoon PT plan after testing it. How do I subscribe to the Grunt PT programming? I noticed there is no link to add to cart or anything on the page.


We no longer have a subscription for Grunt PT  …. it wasn’t successful – not enough guys signed up.
We do have a Packet of Grunt PT plans here: http://mtntactical.com/shop/grunt-pt-packet/
– Rob


I’ve enlisted as with an 11B Option 40 Contract, and I am schedule to leave in early August. What series of programming would you recommend for me to complete before I head out to OSUT?


I recommend the plans and progression in the Ranger School Training Packet – completing the final plan in the packet – the Ranger School Training Plan, directly before OSUT.
Work back from your OSUT date – to find where to start in the packet.
Email back if you have any questions.
– Rob


I am a member in a leadership role on the Northern CERT team for the Alabama Department of Corrections. I have looked at your SWAT/SRT programs and they are for the most part what we need as a training program. My only question is how would you make those programs different to be tailored to what we do. We need to be a bit bigger and stronger than your average SWAT guys because we are in alot closer quarters and unless it’s a full out riot we only go in with our less than lethal gear. What I’m getting at is that we are alot more hands on and rely on our physical strength individually and as a team to get alot of the job done. But we also need the stamina and endurance work just like the SWAT/SRT guys do. There are times when we will be in full gear and working for more than 24 hours. Not the most ideal situations but that’s what we do. We are pretty much full time as of now and our whole team is wanting to take everything to another level. Thank you for your time.


The Gun Maker packet of plans for SWAT/SRT will definitely address strength and depending on where guys start, size. The programming is no joke.
I’d recommend taking your team through the first plan in the series, Ruger, and see how you recover/respond.
You could add in an upper body hypertrophy element in the subsequent plans simply by increasing the reps for the upper body exercises, where appropriate, to 8-12 reps/set.
– Rob


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