Q&A 10.11.18


I’m a 23 year-old female wildland firefighter looking to jump to a hotshot crew next season. The biggest challenge I’m looking at is improving my hiking up super steep hills with a 45 # pack 35 # chainsaw. After trail -running and crossfitting all fall and winter I completed your hotshot training program this last spring with mostly great results- I was performing really well among the guys during critical training in running, push-ups, pull-ups, and work capacity but still gapping/dropping in PT hikes with the saw. I attribute some of my lack of success in packing the saw not to programming but to a lack of intensity and realistic terrain in my pre-season hikes, which will be corrected this year. I also think a lack of overall strength and power is to blame. Luckily I’m looking at 6 months of off-season time to fix my hiking problem. I’m wondering about which programs you’d recommend and in what sequence for that 6-month timeframe. Besides being able to hump a saw up the hill with the best of them, my goals are to improve my 3-6 mile runs to a 7-minute mile pace (currently around 7:30-45) increase pull-up and push-up scores, and pack on some muscle and increase strength and endurance for running the saw or digging all day.

Here’s my pt scores from last spring’s critical:
1.5 mile run: 10.30
Pull-ups: 10
Push-ups: 40
Pack test: 42 minutes
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 155

Thanks for your time, and for all your excellent programming, research, and essays. I really appreciate what you guys are doing at MTI.

How do you carry the saw when hiking? In the back, by hand? – Rob

I carry the saw balanced on my right shoulder. I included a link that shows a picture. Last year I through a 16# sledge and a 15# bumper plate over my shoulder during step ups and hikes to sort of simulate that weight.
The obvious disadvantage you have is your size at 155#, humping a total load of 80 pounds. This is over 50% of your bodyweight. Getting better at this mode will likely impact your other fitness goals – fast unloaded runtime, for example. I’d recommend you keep your eye on the goal and weakness – which is improving this uphill movement mode.
Now – I’d recommend you complete the Peak Bagger Training Plan – but use a 10-12″ step for the step ups, and wear a 45# pack and carry a chainsaw – or your sledge + plate combo. See if you can push and develop this mode.
After Peak Bagger, take a week off and drop into the plans/order of the Greek Hero packet of training plans. These are designed as day to day fitness for “green” tactical athletes – which includes military SOF and wildland fire. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, chassis integrity, endurance (run, ruck run), and tactical agility.
13 weeks before your season, re-complete the Peak Bagger Plan, take a week off, then complete the Hotshot Crew/Smokejumper Training Plan directly before your season. For the step ups in both plan, again use a shorter step, 45# pack and carry a saw.
This all is going to suck, big time …. but it is focused training for your goal.
– Rob


I have been a big fan for a few years now. I was hoping to get your guidance on something. My question is:
 “Can I do the APFT plan in the morning and the PSYOP selection plan in the evening, or is that overtraining is some way?”
 I was just Picked up by Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) for Psychological Operations  (PSYOP), I am currently in Maneuver Captain Career Course  and attend Selection in May 2019, about 9 months out. I take my first Army PFT in 6 weeks. Also I see ARSOF website puts out a 4 week workout plan, can you tell me how that differs from yours? I have always been a huge fan of your programming and really want to use your knowledge to my advantage to be successful at Selection.
I am 6 feet 250 lbs and currently do very little running (need to change that) and bodybuilding workouts.


1) It would be redundant. the PSYOPS Selection Training Plan includes specific programming for the APFT.
2) I’m not familiar with the Army plan, and can’t comment there.
– Rob


I’m preparing for SFAS and I’m giving myself 6 to 9 months and I want to know what plan you recommend.


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Ruck-Based Selection Training Packet – this is our SFAS prep programming. This is a 52 week train up.
Because your timeline is squishy, I can’t give you a specific week by week plan recommendation.
When you decide on a timeline – email back and I’ll give you specifics. For sure, you want to complete the last plan in the packet, the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before SFAS.
From the plans in the packet, skip the Military OnRamp Training Plan and Big 24. Start with Humility and begin working through the remaining plans.
– Rob


I am moving through the BUD/S packet of plans and will be starting valor Monday. My question is concerning the ruck, since I do not need rucking for my job and am not actually preparing for BUD/s is the rucking the best exercise for that day or should I replace with running? I’ve heard that rucking is rough on the body (even though I enjoy it) but want to know if the extra core strength and mental toughness it provides is worth it.


Follow the programming as prescribed. The load carriage (chassis integrity), aerobic, and work capacity gains from ruck running are significant.
– Rob


Awhile back, I reached out about certain programs. Since then, I’ve completed the Humility and Fortitude cycles per your recommendations. I started the Valor training program, but stopped it just recently since my ROTC competition team and I are now training for an event that is similar to and would qualify us for the Sandhurst Competition. We just completed week 1 of the Sandhurst Competition training plan and will continue it until our competition is complete on 04NOV.

Also, as I mentioned before in previous emails, I will be graduating in December and hopefully heading to IBOLC sometime between January and March. When this competition is over, what program do you recommend I start? Also while I’m using the Sandhurst Competition training plan, is there additional programming or strength work I can do to help me continue my pursuit of IBOLC and Ranger School?

Looking forward to hearing your response.


Don’t double up with the Sandhurst Plan. After the comp, move to the plans in the Greek Hero series, beginning with Hector – these will train your “base Fitness” then 6 weeks before complete the IBOLC Training Plan before IBOLC.
– Rob


I am a firefighter that is looking to become a SWAT Medic in the near future. I would have to attend the police academy and SWAT school and wanted to see what plans you have that you could recommend. Thanks


I’d recommend starting with the LE Academy Training Plan.
Complete the SWAT Selection Training Plan prior to your SWAT try out.
– Rob


Good morning, active duty marine seeking training plan guidance. I have an intermediate-lower level advanced base fitness. I have completed marsoc’s assessment and selection course but was a non-select (not due to pt event failure). I didn’t let that hold me back and I have since secured a blue to green transfer to the army with an 18x contract. I have almost exactly 6 months before I execute those orders and want your opinion on what training plans if any you’d recommend I purchase from you guys. I see a lot of good things about your plans and would consider the ruck based SFAS plan but don’t have the 52 weeks to complete it. As per your FAQ, I am seeking guidance here. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration on this matter!


By my count you have 41 weeks between now and July 1.
Here’s what I recommend you complete from the Ruck-Based Selection Training Packet:
Weeks    Plan
1-5          Military OnRamp (First 5 weeks)
6-12        Humility
13-19      Fortitude
20-26      Valor
27-33      Resilience
34-41      Ruck Based Selection Training Plan
As you learn more and get a solid SFAS date, modify this plan so no matter what, you complete the Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before SFAS.
– Rob


I’m curious if you have any programs that are structured towards a back injury? Should be good to go in a few months after some physio.


Our Low Back Fitness Training Plan is designed to build athletes back up after they are done with Physical Therapy. My sense is that you’re still in therapy, and so the plan won’t be appropriate now.
You would try the Core Strength Bodyweight Only plan now to begin building strength – but check with your PT first.
– Rob


I purchased the back country big game hunting plan in January. I enjoyed the work out & the plan & progressively got my boys onto MTI. That said I am 50, I own a construction business, I raise performance quarter horses (a joint venture between my wife daughter and one son) and I enjoy archery & spend the time I can shooting with one son in particular & the other two when we all shoot or hunt.

Long story short there are not enough hrs in the day to work out 5&7 days a week. I would love a 3 day a week program that focuses exactly in the focus of the plan I have (even if it were spread out over a year). I want to stay in shape, I want to work out but I’m not a “lab rat” I have other interests, I have a demanding work schedule & 5-7 day a week workouts become so inundating that I get behind & tend to neglect.
I actually even thought about screen shooting the plans I have, convert to word & turn them into 3 day a week (lot of effort).
Do you have any thoughts.


We design our programming for the fitness demands of the event, not the fitness, work schedule, age, etc. of the athlete. A self-supported big game backcountry hunt had specific fitness demands – which our sport-specific plan hopefully addresses. Ideally, you’ll complete the plan directly before the hunt – so a few weeks of focused, intense training will prepare you for the hunt, then after you can scale back your fitness programming as it interferes with your other life.
That doesn’t mean you can’t stretch it out – so instead of 6 days a week, do the plan sessions in order, 3x/week …. but understand it will take you twice as long to complete the programming – so start 4 months out, instead of 2.
Base fitness training now? Most of our base fitness cycles are mostly designed as 5 or day/week plans. But again, there’s no reason you can’t do the programming as described, just complete 3x sessions/week. I’d recommend our SF45 programming – which is designed for athletes 45-55 years old (I’m 50 too).  Again, completing 3x sessions/week will strength out the cycles, but that won’t matter that much. Complete this programming throughout the year, the 4 months before next year’s hunt, complete the big game hunting directly before your season (if you do 3 days/week).
Bigger picture – you’re not the first person to ask about a 3 day/week program, and it’s something I can certainly look at designing.
– Rob


I’m looking for a day to day plan for federal law enforcement agent. Would you recommend the Spirit Series or the SWAT/SRT Program?


The Spirits Series unless you are full-time SWAT/SRT. If you are full-time SWAT/SRT, complete the Gun Maker Series.
If you’re part-time SWAT, still do the Spirits plans.
– Rob


Hello, I completed a workout series from atomic athlete last year in preparation for the Mt Killington Ultra Beast.  The program was designed for multi-day mountain hunting and while it prepped my legs for the elevation and endurance it did not focus much on the demands of 60 spartan obstacles. I see that MTI has a beast plan, but I’m curious what you’d recommend for the ultra distance, two laps of the beast, 8-10 hours for completion depending on the course and typically some decent elevation gains.
I’ll be running the South Carolina course this November so certainly not the elevation like Vermont but they’ll make it tough.
Appreciate the insight,


We have a sport-specific plan for this event, the Spartan Ultra Training Plan. Complete this 8-week training plan the 8 weeks directly before your event. It includes a taper week.
– Rob


I am 54 and pretty strong. I used to do meathead training and now do more athletic stuff. I love the sled and farmer carries. I dont run…but would like to start. I have some low back issues and have gotten my core pretty strong. Not so strong on squats but i love deadlifting. The sandbag stuff looks really fun and hard w little skill needed:) I would love to do a go ruck sometime and keep my back healthy and strong for digging up all the buckthorn in my yard.


I’d recommend you start out stuff with the Military OnRamp Training Plan – This plan will get you introduced to bodyweight strength training, work capacity, running/rucking, but still includes some barbell work.
Follow it up with Sandbag Ethos.
– Rob


I am about to finish up the Pirate Series and am wondering what your suggestion would be for the next program?
I head to A&S in April, and plan to do the prep program the 9 weeks prior to my report date. I am looking for something to fill in the space in between, that will help my preparation.
As always, you and your team rock!


I’d recommend doing the A&S plan now, then dropping back into the Pirate Series, then re-doing the A&S plan directly before selection.
This is going to suck, but you’ll learn alot about your self and your fitness doing the A&S now and you’ll get more out of the program the second time around.
– Rob


I’m having a very, very, difficult time finding a good balance between maintaining running endurance and keeping my strength.

I’ve done several programs, RAT 6, Barbossa, achilles, big mountain, and many more, but running is typically one, maybe two days a week in the programs.

I’ve found that in order to maintain the same speed and intensity for running, at a minimum I have to run 4 times a week combined with strength training.

Eventually, something, “strength or endurance”, suffers…my question is programming.
Not particularly rucking, but leaning out and maintaining strength.
Can you offer any advise?

Thanks for the hard work you all do!


Few of our 5 day/week plans have doing endurance 3 days/week. One which does and you may want to try is Patsy. Patsy has you rucking one day – but you could do the same assessment and intervals and run instead.
Another option is to move to a 6 day/week plan and run on Saturdays. This is the programming deployed by SF45 Alpha – which has a significant running emphasis.
– Rob


I am an aspiring Battlefield Airman. I am definitely going into the service, but I am not entering soon. I noticed that on your plans it says to complete the programs just before you go for selection/assessment. What program do you recommend that I can complete multiple times a year to build my stamina, strength, and athleticism before the selection/pipeline programs that you have on MTI? Thanks for your time.


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Virtue Packet.
Just one plan from this series? Fortitude.
– Rob


I see that you don’t program sled drags very often and I don’t ever see wall ball shots programmed.  Is there a specific reason for this?


1) Sled Drags? Issue here is equipment for the athletes who follow our programming remotely. My guess is few have the sled and space necessary to follow the programming. Here at our facility in Wyoming, we use the sled frequently for work capacity efforts – including 20 minutes of sled push repeats in our last lab rat cycle. But because of equipment issues, I don’t program these in our remote programming.
2) I consider Wall Balls “garbage reps” which unnecessarily grind knee joints with little transfer to the real work. More on Garbage Reps HERE. You may disagree.
– Rob


Thank you for all your help thus far. Having completed week one of the Monster Factory I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how to still get some exercise on the days off without compromising the strength building program. Specifically is there anyway to safely incorporate cardio training within this program?


Depends upon your fitness level. In general, rest it best. You could do some light, easy running/biking/swimming.  – Rob


I am a 51 yo male, with five wonderful children and a sometimes demanding job.  Trying to get back in shape, primarily focusing on strength and work capacity. I typically swim competitively for two months in the summer (most years without much prep) and like to hike/fish/hunt when I can.   I am currently two weeks into Starting Strength (not gaining every workout), with some cardio (rowing or swimming).  I typically get three days in a week, with some weeks only two and others four or five. I am 6’8″ at 235lbs.  Working out is feeling good, but recovery is definitely needed.  Starting Strength is good but boring.  Looking at your programs, I am a little confused about which way to go and I am concerned about having enough time.  Any ideas?  BTW, my endurance sucks.


Our SF45 Programming is designed for high impact athletes ages 45-55.
Start with SF45 Alpha.
This is a 6 day/week program, as prescribed … but you can complete it as your schedule permits. Just don’t skip a session – do the sessions in order based on your schedule. SF45 Programming is no joke and has a significant endurance component.
– Rob


I am 69, do construction work most days and need a way to get in shape for skiing this winter (sporadically since I live in PA with little hills). I plan to ski New England a few times though. What is the best program(s) to get in shape, stay in shape for the season? The eccentric thing makes a lot of sense to me! My season will start in Dec. if I am lucky and run thru March….hopefully longer. I am currently lifting weights 3 X per week and try to do some aerobics 2-3X. I walk mostly with 1 minute jogs a few times mixed into 30 minutes. My old knees won’t let me run anymore! I am not as flexible as I use to be. WIll these workouts help with that or should I add yoga? What I have seen so far makes me think your workouts incorporate both strength and aerobics? Also is there a program for me off season to keep me tuned up and possibly help me stay strong for my construction work?


If you were 39 I’d recommend the Dryland Ski Training Cycle, but I’m afraid it would be too intense for your knees.
What would recommend is our stripped down, 30 min/day Dryland Ski Training Plan. As written, this is a 4 week, 4 days/week program. I’d want you to stretch it out to 8 weeks and complete it the 8 weeks directly before your ski season starts and complete it 2 days/week (Monday and Thursday).
You will likely need to restrict your movement/knee flexion as your knees allow – just do your best.
– Rob


I’m a cadre member for an Army ROTC program and have been charged with coaching the Ranger Challenge team. Amongst the numerous technical challenges of the competition, the team will have to complete the new Army Combat Fitness Test, as well as, be prepared to do a lot of rucking, for time, in between events (distances varying from 2 to 6 miles, and maybe even a 12 mile). I noticed that you have already made a plan for the ACFT, however we have limited equipment to complete the training plan. We have an 11 person team (2 females)going to compete. We’re somewhat limited with our equipment. We have: 6 hex bars for the deadlifts, 6 – 45lb plates, 4 – 35lb plates, 4 – 25lb plates,  and 8 – 10lb plates, a quarter mile track, 3 station pull up bar, and 1 – 10lb medicine ball. The competition is on 25-27 OCT.

How should we adjust the ACFT plan based on our equipment and the need for rucking? Should we maybe train with another plan?


I’d recommend modifying the ACFT Training Plan like this:
Mon, Wed, Fri: Complete as prescribed, but add in Thursday’s 1 Mile Run Intervals after the Leg Tuck work.
Tuesday: 6 Mile Ruck for Time on Weeks 1, 4 & 7. 2 Rounds, 2-Mile Ruck using the Ruck Interval Calculator and your 6-mile ruck time. Rest 10 min between efforts. Use the same load you’ll carry at the Ranger Challenge.
Thursday: Longer rucks at a moderate pace (comfortable but not easy) – 6 miles on weeks 1/2, 8 miles on weeks 3/4, 10 miles on weeks 5/6.
Note – you’ll skip the power throw work and spring/drag/carry work in the plan … but this is okay.
– Rob

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Arete 10.11.18


Erik Prince, in Kabul, Pushes Privatization of the Afghan War – and is Everywhere, Washington Post
US May Not Be Able to Fight Two Wars at Once, Defense News
Mike Pence’s Tough Talk on China: The Trump Administration’s ‘Evil Empire’ Moment?, The National Interest
6 charts on how Russians and Americans see each other, Pew Research Center
Nuclear Weapons Time for Australia?, The National Interest
USAF Special Tactics History, Soldier Systems
It Is Time to Update the President’s Nuclear Command Authority, The National Interest
The Mountains Weren’t Enough for Marine Dan Sidles, Outside
The US military is planning a serious showdown with China, a significant show of force on tense tides involving American warships and aircraft, Business Insider
More Than 7,000 Marines Could Get the Boot, Marine Times
Army, Air Force Struggle to Finalize New Deploy-or-Out Policy, Military Times
A Staggering Number of Troops Are Fat and Tired, Military Times
Top Marine in Australia Relieved for Drunk Driving, Wall Street Journal
Mike Pompeo and His Chinese Counterpart Trade Harsh Words, NY Times


Homeland Security / First Responder / Wildland Fire

Ford’s 2020 Police Interceptor Utility Fastest Police Vehicle at Michigan Test, Police Magazine
Trump Ignores Latin America’s Biggest Challenges, Council on Foreign Relations
One of the USFS’s First Female Firefighters Tells Her Dramatic Story, Adventure Journal
Full Conceal Firearm System is Flexible and Practical, Law Enforcement Today
Law Enforcement Legacies – The Evans Family, Officer.com
Michigan K-9 Dies after Ingesting a “Foreign Object” Following Training Exercise, POLICE Magazine
IACP Quick Take: How police agencies can effectively communicate with Generation Z, PoliceOne Daily News
Miami PD hopes new ‘cop car’ will catch eyes, open minds, PoliceOne Daily News
FBI Says Crime is Down, So Why Does It Feel Like the Opposite is True?, Police Magazine



The Stay-at-Home Mom Turned Falconer, Outside
Decoy Test: The Best Mallard Floaters and Canada Goose Full Bodies Rated and Ranked, Outdoor Life
Department of Justice Believes Russia Hacked Anti-Doping Agencies Linked To US Ski & Snowboard Teams, Unofficial Networks
Freeride World Tour Dates and Stops Announced – In 2019, FWT athletes will return to five challenging venues, Powder
Best Bolt-Action Rifle Bargains, Outdoor Life
The Climbing Q&A:  Pro Photographer Savannah Cummins, Climbing Magazine
Ski Touring Kyrgyzstan, Outdoor Research
Quantifying Isometrics Part 2: Program Auto-Regulation and Its Implications on Finger Training, Training Beta
NEWS: Jan Hojer repeats Es Pontas, ~9a+ DWS, UKClimbing.com
To Look the Bear in the Eye; The Life of Yasushi Yamanoi, Alpinist Weekly
The Top 10 Hikes in the North Cascades, Outbound Collective
Top Status Symbols for Hunters, Bowhunter.com


Fitness / Nutrition

Breaking Down Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Breaking Muscle
The 7 Day Meal Plan To Get Ready For Spartan Race, Men’s Fitness
Fitness Machines Aren’t All Bad, Breaking Muscle
Are the Big Lifts Essential?, Breaking Muscle
The New Rules of Healthy Living, Outside
Congress Let the Land and Water Conservation Fund Die—and the National Parks Could Pay the Price, Backpacker
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!, Nerd Fitness
Milk Isn’t Bad For You (But 6 Types of People May Want to Avoid It), Born Fitness
What Is the Optimal Human Diet? Chris Kresser
Raw vs. Cooked Garlic and Onions for Blood Thinning, NutritionFatcs.org
Leg Press Versus Squat, Breaking Muscle
Evaluating the Proposed Tier 2 Operator Physical Fitness Test for USAF ALO/TAPC, Rand Corp.



Why huskies have blue eyes, Science Daily
It Sucks Being a (White) Guy, Psychology Today
Rethinking lethality in youth suicide attempts, Science Daily
Are Asian Americans the New Jews? – Bias against Asian Americans at Harvard Heads to Court, Heritage Foundation
Bernie Sanders to McDonald’s: Raise your minimum wage to $15, CNBC
These are the 25 companies with the happiest employees in 2018, Business Insider
The Vikings: Everything You Always Wanted to Know, The National Interest
What Killed Anthony Bourdain?, Psychology Today
Three Must-Do’s To Deliver An Amazing Speech, Forbes
Personal Health: Unlocking the World of Sound for Deaf Children, NYT
Are Single People Happy Because They Are Free?, Psychology Today

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The Surefire Sabotage of Self Importance



By Rob Shaul


Self Importance is incredibly effective in its effort to convince us we’re not getting ours.

“I work so hard, harder than anyone else, don’t I deserve to coast just this one time?”

“I’ve toiled in the trenches doing the grunt work for years, while Johnny takes the credit, gets the medal, receives the promotion. Why shouldn’t I demand a “hero” assignment, just this once?”

“I’ve been covering for Johnny for months – with no thanks, recognition, or acknowledgment. Not today. I’m not going to cover for him.”

We can’t avoid these Self Important, arguments. Self Importance is natural, feels righteous, and shouts its way into our mind space, uninvited. 

But thinking, and acting, are different animals.

Thinking selfishly is natural. Listening to our selfish thoughts is unavoidable.  We must fight instinct not to act.

Not to act is to put Mission First. Not to act is to embrace Humility.

None of us is perfect. More than we’d like to admit, Self Importance wins and we act selfishly.

Self Importance beats humility in my own mind, daily. I don’t put Mission First despite knowing better, and acting selfishly

While the regret of my failure isn’t instant, it always comes, bringing with it disappointment and a step back in my progress toward quiet professionalism.

“But aren’t there times when you should put yourself and your interests first?” you may ask. “When are those times?”

I don’t have a complete answer. I’ve thought about this for a long time and the question is still grinding away in my mind.

But, two instances are clear.

First, we all have different roles in life, and sometimes our responsibilities in the role will conflict with our responsibilities in another. An example could be a great, service-oriented but low-paying job which conflicts with financial responsibilities to provide for your family – home, college education, etc. Mission First with work conflicts with Mission First for your family – and you chose the family, quit your job, and find another which pays more.

Second, often our individual interests and goals change, and to align with our current selves, we much change positions or occupations.

People are not static – and ideally, we are growing and changing daily. It’s possible to “grow out” of a job or career, and have to move on even if that sets the organization back temporarily. Staying on artificially will lead to personal integrity issues – where what you’ve been doing doesn’t align with who you are now.

One difference between these two examples, and those above, is after you’ve made these decisions, regret doesn’t come knocking.

“Whoa!,” you may point out, “So you don’t know if your selfish decision is okay until after you’ve made it!  You have to wait for regret to tell you!”

Yep. But wisdom can help. Learning from past mistakes, and visits from regret can help you recognize instances where acting selfishly can be the right thing to do – and where it can be the wrong thing. Remember, wisdom isn’t given – it takes work: reflection, self-examination, ownership. 

More on wisdom, HERE.


Questions, Comments, Feedback Email: rob@mtntactical.com

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Arete 10.4.18


U.S. Threats Haven’t Led Pakistan to Restrict Taliban, Report Says, Small Wars Journal
Marines award contract for lighter, better fitting plate carrier, Defense News
Difficult Decisions: Practical Policy for the Air Force’s Pilot Retention Crisis, War on the Rocks
Social Media as War?  War on the Rocks
What is the Point of a Forever War in Iraq?, The National Interest
Is Erik Prince Pointing the Way Out of Afghanistan? Real Clear Defense
USSOCOM Replaces EOTech Sights With EOTech Sights, Soldier Systems
America’s Dilemma in Cameroon: Supporting an Abusive Military, Council on Foreign Relations
MWI Podcast: Iraq and Afghanistan Through the Eyes of the Men and Women That Fought There, Modern War Institute
It’s a Mystery What British Special Operators Did With This Silenced Pistol, War is Boring
Insider Attacks Are the Ultimate Treachery, War is Boring
The Battle of Mogadishu 25 Years Later: How the Fateful Fight Changed Combat Operations, Small Wars Journal


Homeland Security / First Responder / Wildland Fire

Experts on U.S. National Cyber Strategy (cont’d), The Cipher Brief
Envelopes containing deadly ricin poison intercepted at US Pentagon, intelNews.org
Homeland Security Agency’s Computers Couldn’t Track Separated Families, Report Finds, Homeland Security Department
Roosevelt Fire destroys at least 22 homes, Wildfire Today
A firefighter analyzes how the Carr Fire burned into Redding, California, Wildfire Today
Stop & Frisk Done Right, Police Magazine
Portland State protesters pledge to stay put until campus cops disarm, Police One,
House Passes Bill Allowing Concealed Carry Across State Lines, Police Magazine
How Durable Are Bulletproof Backpacks Against Gunfire? Officer
Border Patrol agent pleads guilty to starting 46,000-acre fire with exploding target, Wildfire Today
400 Guns Stolen From UPS Facility in Tennessee, Officer.com



12 Types Of Nightmare Outdoor Shop Customers, Semi-rad.com
Killington Makes Move To Combat Employee Shortage By Buying Local Hotel, Unofficial Networks
‘Free Solo’ Is the Best Climbing Movie Ever Made, Outside
Best Men’s Winter Jackets, 2018, Outdoor Gear Lab
OutdoorGearLab Revamps Best Hangboards for Home Training Review, Outdoor Gear Lab
Resi Stiegler is Tired of Talking About Injuries, Ski Racing
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This Lab Ranked the Safest Bike Helmets, Outside
The Best Backpacking Sleeping Bags, Outside
Who Lives and Who Dies After Climbing Accidents, Outside
What? Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrison Just Skied the Lhotse Couloir, Adventure Journal
Learning from Mistakes of Others: Causes of Climbing Accidents in Boulder, Colorado, American Alpine Institute
Avalanche Airbag Packs Get Lean – Weight was always the biggest drawback with avalanche airbag backpacks. Not anymore. Powder Magazine
How To Bivy On A Climbing Route, Outdoor Research
Hilaree Nelson, Jim Morrison Ski First Descent of Lhotse Couloir, REI Co-Op
For Idaho’s Schweitzer Mountain Are Faster Chairlifts Really Better?, Unofficial Networks
How a Mountain Guide Makes It Work on $35,000 a Year, Outside


Fitness / Nutrition

Larry Wheels Benches 225 Pounds for 70 Reps, Muscle & Fitness
80,000 Americans Died From Flu Last Year, WebMD
Caffeine May Increase Pain Tolerance, NY Times
The Best Protein Powders, According to You, Outside
What Pro Cyclocrossers Eat for Breakfast, Outside
NEWS ANALYSIS: More Evidence That Nutrition Studies Don’t Always Add Up, NY Times
Virtual reality can reduce pain and increase performance during exercise, Science Daily
Physical exercise improves the elimination of toxic proteins from muscles, Science Daily
Try These Top Triathlete Training Tips From Pro James Cunnama, Men’s Health
3 Ways to Avoid Back Pain at the Office, Home, and Gym, Men’s Journal
In Australia, Cervical Cancer Could Soon Be Eliminated, NY Times
Will a Low-Carb Diet Shorten Your Life? Chriss Kresser
A New Way to Reduce Sugary Beverage Consumption, Rand Corp



The annoying habits of highly effective people, Economist
Can Too Much Screen Time Dumb Down Your Kid?, WebMD
Bitcoin Dominance Is Crashing — Here’s Why, Forbes
Facebook Uses the Contacts In Your Phone to Sell Ads to Your Friends, Popular Mechanics
Why Disagreeable People Often Come Out On Top – And Three Ways To Become More Of A Jerk, Forbes
For Just the Third Time in 117 Years, a Woman Wins the Nobel Prize in Physics, NY Times
In Australia, Cervical Cancer Could Soon Be Eliminated, NY Times
Teen cannabis use is not without risk to cognitive development, Science Daily
Here’s How Much You Need To Earn To Buy A Home In Each U.S. City, Forbes
The Best Notebooks, NY Times
10 of the Highest-Ranked Cars to Own, According to 3.2 Million Owners, Gear Patrol
This Is How G-Shock Watches Are Tested and Built, Gear Patrol

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Q&A 10.4.18


Currently on Humility as part of my train up for CAAS. However my unit is starting to prep for a Diagnostic ACFT in January. I start my final CAAS train up in December and my Selection is on the 29th of January.
Do you have any tips to implement training for the ACFT? Some events I am strong in, such as: max Sprint/Drag/Carry, strong in Deadlift (but not maxing), HR push-ups (Not Maxing), and the power throw (not maxing). I’m weak on the heel touch and will definitely pass my run, but need to work on maxing.


Couple things going on here …. your wish to max the ACFT and your wish to pass/prep for CAAS. These may be conflicted.

We have a training plan specifically for the ACFT here: http://mtntactical.com/shop/army-combat-fitness-test-acft-training-plan/.
What you could do is replace the APFT prep in the CAAS selection plan with the events in the ACFT …. but would this hurt your APFT performance at CAAS?
So I don’t have an obvious answer for you. If/when the Army fully adopts the ACFT, and it replaces the APFT at selections, I’ll update our plans accordingly.
Until then you’ll need to chose what is most important – ACFT performance, or CAAS prep. The answer should be obvious.
– Rob


I just hit six months post op from shoulder labrum repair, the surgeon and PT both cleared me good to go back to normal physical training. I’ve used your operator subscription in the past with great results and am planning to get back to that as soon as possible. My question is which plan you would recommend to start with? I haven’t started lifting much overhead and my bench and pull ups are obviously very weak. Would you recommend sticking to a specific plan and scale as needed? Thanks


I don’t have a post-rehab plan for shoulder surgery, so yes – just be smart. If you’re already lifting overhead and bench, there should be no restriction on your programming – just be smart/conservative with loading.
A good place to start back would be the MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan.
– Rob


I am looking at buying your Country singer training package, but will need some alternative exercises. I tore the long head of my biceps (proximal tendon) a little over three years ago and I am not to sure about rapid pulling exercises like power cleans. What are your recommendations?
Thank you for your time and help.


We like loaded box jumps or loaded jump squats as alternatives to power cleans.
– Rob


If I wanted to incorporate more strength focused training into the Backcountry Hunting Packet, what strength plan would you recommend & where would you insert it in the packet sequence?


– Rob


I’m looking for a three-month training program that focuses on endurance and strength. I currently do Orange Theory five days per week and F45 two days per week, which has improved my running tremendously but hasn’t improved my strength. I have access to a full gym. Please let me know which of your programs might be best for me.


I’m not familiar with Orange Theory or F45. From our stuff I’d recommend Johnny. Johnny is a multi-mode general fitness plan designed for general fitness. It concurrently trains strength, work capacity, chassis integrity (core) and endurance.
Our base fitness cycles are 7 weeks long – not 12 weeks like you request. After Johnny, complete Waylon.
Pls note our cycles are intense – and I wouldn’t recommend doubling them up with additional programming.
– Rob


So I’ve got a few questions I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me out with. I’m a Pararescue trainee out at Kirtland right now. Our team graduates in Oct, and then I’ll be headed to an ST unit down south. I’ve lost a great deal of strength and some mass while negotiating the apprentice course. I was hoping you would be able to point me in the right direction as far as programming cycles for after graduation (when we can finally do our own crap).  I’d like to put back on some mass (currently 5’10” and 173#) and then work towards your strength standards for the big lifts while maintaining operability. My thought was your hypertrophy program, followed by “Greek Hero”. Any input you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!


Congrats on graduation!
Your plan is close – the Hypertrophy Program for Skinny Guys but follow it up with the plans/order in the Pirate Series. The Pirate plans include swimming.
– Rob


I am currently using your Work Capacity Cycle and I was wondering what the recommendations are for doing a separate strength based workout a few times a week for upper body. The plan focuses heavily on legs, core, power and endurance but only hits upper body slightly. Would it be too taxing to add additional strength workouts or is it acceptable as long as they are offset to enhance recovery times? Thank you.

Note: I will be going into a training program for RASP II at the end of this program.


In general, I don’t recommend doubling up on programming. If you go ahead, be smart, keep your loading high and your volume (number of reps), low.
– Rob


Suggestion for western hunting guide/packer/wrangler?


I’d recommend our Backcountry Big Game Training Plan the 8 weeks before your hunting season.
After the season, I recommend the Country Singer Plans as your day to day base fitness training.
– Rob


Just wanted to say I’m loving the programming so far and appreciate how you make everything mission focused. I’m just curious as to why you use the same methodology every workout. For example, the navy pst program utilizes your density EMOM protocol every session. Wouldn’t the law accommodation lead you to believe that one day of density, one day of volume, and one day of weighted progressions would be superior or does your research suggest sticking to one methodology for a six week block for every session is more optimal?


Six weeks and we see accommodation. We still see improvement over 6 weeks – most come in the first 3 weeks, then a smaller jump in the second 3 weeks. But after 6, I’d want to change methodologies. I have plans where we deploy different bodyweight methodologies in the same cycle but have not compared it’s improvement to one like this where only one methodology is deployed. Might be a future mini-study!!
– Rob


I have started the Military OnRamp and I am really enjoying it so far. I am on week 3. My times are not fantastic but I am able to get through them all. Should I just jump on the Daily operator sessions after this? Or do you have a new one starting? I want to also slowly up my Ruck and Coupon Ruck miles as well.


Couple options – you can certainly jump into the Operator Sessions.
Another option is to complete Fortitude next – this plan hammers endurance (running, rucking) and strength, while also training chassis integrity.
– Rob


Hello, I was referred to your programs by a friend who has used the “mixed ice alpine” program for the last decade.  I’m active via biking, running, hiking, kayaking, and climbing.  I’m a public school teacher without a family so I have ample time for training.  I eat well but like beer and ice cream.  Who doesn’t?  I’m 42 years old, 6’4″ 183 lbs and started climbing 20 years ago.  I took 10 years off and have been back at it for about a year or so.  I’m back at the level I was before I stopped, but I have noticed that between age and lack of climbing specific training, I’m weaker than I’d like.  My shoulders become sore after a 15 hour day with a 20 lb pack and my legs retain soreness after car to car pushes on mountains like Dragontail in the Leavenworth, WA, area.  I recently climbed the North Ridge of Mt Stuart in WA, a 2000+ route with a lot of hiking in and out and lots of simul and a few roped pitches of climbing to 5.9 in 22 hours and I took 3 days to fully recover.  I can climb up to 5.10-5.11 but lack the endurance to do this for multiple pitches.

My goals are to get stronger, climb harder, go faster (and therefore safer) and recover more quickly.  It seems that a program like yours might help me achieve these goals. I’m not accustomed to “training” and have never been a weight lifter.  I trained for marathons over the past few years and completed a few including some runs in the 30-40 mile range.
Would you please recommend a program?  It seems to me that one of the Alpinist programs would be best but I’m not sure which will most closely fit my goals.  If you need more info from me, please just ask.
Thank you for your time and thank you for creating programs for mountain athletes.


I’d recommend you begin our stuff with the Alpinists Fitness Assessment Training Plan.
I developed the Alpinists Fitness Assessment in 2015 and feel it’s the best current assessment of the all-around fitness demands for Alpinists. It specifically assesses strength, work capacity, climbing fitness, and technical ability, endurance (uphill hiking under load), and overall stamina … the entire test takes 3.5-4 hours.
– Rob


I am from Australia and will be entering the Australian military early next year (infantry with aim to go to SF later on), i am also completing a marathon in 6 weeks and a 50km spartan ultra in November
I am just asking for guidance as to which program would suit me?
Currently I am quite in shape but always looking to improve ;
5’10 84kg
55 push-ups in 2 min
180kg Deadlift for 5 reps
90min half marathon
18 pull ups max
6min 40 2km
Hope you can help, can do 2 a days.


You’re current training for the marathon and spartan ultra are endurance focused.
I’d recommend you use our stuff for strength now, via two-a-days. Specifically, the MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan.
On the other side of your spartan race, I’d recommend Fortitude, followed by Valor.
– Rob


I enjoy your programming and I’m interested in your general approaching to programming for the running specific programs you have (I’m currently working through Running Improvement).

I notice that in Running Improvement you schedule two (same distance) interval sessions at the start of the week (often Days 1 +3 ) with a longer one on Day 5 (moderately-paced) and longer still on Day 6 (Longest run, slower pace).
In your more recent running programs (2 mile and 5 mile) you’ve changed that third run (Day 5) to a session of slightly longer intervals (than days 1+3) instead of a moderately paced longer one.

Does this reflect a change in your broader programming in which you’ve seen better results, thus putting it into the new running programs? If so, is this likely to be reflected if/when you review the Running Improvement packet? Or is it something else entirely?

Many thanks and keep up the great work.


Some endurance coaches claim “moderate” paced running is a dead end for overall running performance – or any endurance mode – improvement. Either go short and fast or long and slow, they argue.
I haven’t run our own mini study to compare the two approaches. I do know that most people run at a “moderate” pace if it isn’t dictated. It’s mentally difficult to run at the prescribed “slow” pace – most feel they aren’t working hard enough!
Specific to these two plans, we’ve had great success with both.
Specific to your question, we use many tools to achieve a goal, and I haven’t thrown out moderate-paced running as one of these tools.
– Rob


I am putting in an application with the FBI and DEA and I was wondering which program I should get. Would either be good choices to get me ready?


Since you don’t know which agency you’re headed to, I’d recommend the LE Academy Training Plan. 
– Rob


I was wondering which LE plan would be best to prepare for the AZ POPAT? Thanks!


I don’t have a specific plan or this assessment, and based on the assessment, several of the events – wall climb, fence climb, are those where technique is important and you’ll want to practice ahead of time.
Fitness-wise, it seems the most important event is the 500m sprint. For this, and overall fitness, I’d recommend the LE Academy Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m going to be training for an ultra and was going to use your preseason plan followed by the 100 mi plan. A few questions on execution:

  1. Do you recommend a break between finishing the preseason plan and starting the ultra plan?
  2. It doesn’t seem like there’s much taper on the ultra plan. Is that intentional? I can’t imagine I’m really supposed to run 10 miles the day prior to a race.
  3. Since this is a long term training effort, I imagine there may be some illness, injury, or tough work schedules to work around. How do you recommend coming back from a week off? Pick up where I left off? Repeat the last week completed prior to moving on?


1) I’d recommend the Ultra Pre-Season, then 50 Mile Ultra plan, then 100-mile Ultra Plan – if you have time. Yes on the break – 4-7 days.
2) We assume athletes will take 2-3 days full rest after the completion of the plan before the actual event.
3) This depends upon how long you take off. Use your best judgement.
– Rob


I’m thinking about purchasing the backcountry skiing preseason plan. About how much time per session would I need to plan on?


60 minutes for the Mon-Wed gym-based sessions.
60-90 minutes for the Thurs/Fri endurance sessions.
– Rob


I am a big fan of your programs. I used them when i was in the military for better pt scores. I am now out of the Army amd I’ve gained A LOT of weight. I am wanting to join border patrol and go into one of their special units. What track of your plans should i take to accomplish that. Also i only have access to a regular gym.



So I stepped in to MTI at the 30 MINUTES PER DAY DRYLAND SKI TRAINING PLAN. In the program description it says “specifically designed to be completed the 4 weeks directly before your ski season.” We’re probably about 10 to 12 weeks from the start of the season here in the Lake Tahoe area, any comments on starting the plan now this early?


If you complete it now, and take 6-8 weeks off, you’ll lose all the ski-specific fitness before the season.
Options –
1) Complete the 30-min/day plan now, complete the Monster Factory Strength Plan, then re-do the 30-min/day plan directly before your season.
2) Complete Monster Factory Strength now, take a week off, then complete the full 7-Week Dryland Ski Training Plan directly before your season.
– Rob


I am a rock climber based in France (from the US originally but living here for work). 

I am recovering from a finger injury and I am interested in developing or starting a strength training plan that I can focus on in the meantime, and eventually work into my climbing training.  I am currently climbing 3 days a week (or training for climbing specifically) and doing simple bodyweight circuits (core exercises, pull-ups, dips, handstand progressions, push ups etc) and a fair amount of mobility work about 6 days a week.  Do you have an existing program or something that you think would be helpful?  I am hoping to increase my general strength and fitness levels as well as eventually increase my climbing abilities once I am fully recovered.  I’m imagining that adding back some weight training would probably be the best way but not sure what would be best.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!


I’d recommend Johnny – one of our new general fitness training plans. I’m not sure if you are intending two-a-days where you train general strength and climbing fitness in the same day, or if you plan on alternating climbing fitness and general fitness training on successive days.
Johnny will work for both. If you intend to alternate, I’d recommend the Monday/Wed/Friday sessions from Johnny.
– Rob

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MTI’s Top Selling Training Plans for September 2018



MTI’s Top Selling Training Plans for September 2018

  1. Athlete’s Subscription
  2. APFT Training Plan
  3. Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan
  4. 2-Mile Run Improvement
  5. Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Training Plan
  6. Running Improvement Training Plan
  7. 5-Mile Run Improvement
  8. Military On-Ramp Training Plan
  9. Core Strength Bodyweight Only
  10. Big 24 Strength Training Program
  11. Fat-Loss Training Plan
  12. Chassis Integrity Training Plan
  13. 357 Strength Training
  14. Backcountry Ski Pre-Season Training Plan
  15. Hypertrophy for Skinny Guys
  16. 30 Minutes per Day Dryland Ski Training Plan
  17. 3-Week Push-Up & Pull-Up Improvement Training Plan
  18. TLU Strength Training Plan
  19. RASP 1&2 Training Plan
  20. Sandbag Ethos


Learn more about our Plans and Subscription HERE


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Arete 9.27.18


Army Debating Future of War College’s Peacekeeping and Stability Institute (Podcast Interview), Small Wars Journal
Fort Trump?: Poland’s Request for Permanent U.S. Military Base, Real Clear Defense
Trump Continues His Two-Front War on Iran With Planned U.N. Address, War on the Rocks
Army, Air Force Fielding New Compact Drone-Hunting System, Real Clear Defense
A U.S. Military Intervention in Venezuela Would Be a Disaster, Council of Foreign Relations
The Army Finally Made Edible Pizza With This New MRE, Muscle & Fitness
The Death Toll for Afghan Forces Is Secret. Here’s Why., Small Wars Journal
How Modern Wars are Changing the Definition of Heroism, Small Wars Journal
The CIA is Returning its Central Focus to Nation-State Rivals, Director Says, Small Wars Journal
The Coming Crime Wars, Foreign Policy
An Air Force ‘Way of Swarm’: Using Wargaming and Artificial Intelligence to Train Drones, War on the Rocks


Homeland Security / First Responder / Wildfire

Understaffed Dallas Police Department Struggling to Respond Quickly to 911 Calls, Officer.com
How far is the .22 effective?, Police One
Inside the SWAT Team That Took Down the Austin Bomber, Officer.com
217 scientists sign letter opposing logging as a response to wildfires, Wildfire Today
How fighting wildfires works, Wildfire Today
SWAT training and technology products showcased at Urban Shield 2018, Police One
FBI Launches Study on Psychology of Mass Shooters, Officer.com
This is not a drill: 5 reasons why the experts are worried about the next pandemic, Homeland Security Newswire
Muslim Officer Suing California Department Alleging Racism and Harassment, Police Mag
Border Patrol Launches Operation Blazing Sands in California Desert, Officer.com
FBI releases 2017 crime data, Police One



Tanner Hall has a Serious Conversation About His Struggles With Sobriety, Unofficial Networks
Hate E-Mountain Bikes? Specialized’s New One Might Convert You, Gear Patrol
Study: Bighorn Sheep and Moose Learn Migration Skills from Previous Generations, Outdoor Life
VIDEO: Griffin Post On Importance Of Disconnecting From Social Media, Unofficial Networks
Grizz that Killed Outfitter Never Slowed Charge, Jackson Hole News & Guide
Outdoor Recreation Is 2.2 Percent of the U.S. Economy, New Report Finds, REI
This Is the Tastiest Fly Fishing Trip, Outside
Huntings Top 5 Foes, Bowhunter
Small but Mighty—Testing the Garmin inReach Mini, Adventure Journal
TRAILER: Jackie Paaso & Eva Walkner Journey Through The Highs and Lows of Professional Skiing, Unofficial Networks
How to Hunt Late-Season Geese on Public Rivers Outdoor Life

Fitness / Nutrition / Health

We tasted the first lab-grown sausage made without slaughtering any animals— here’s what it was like, Business Insider
30 Million Americans Now Have Diabetes, WebMD
How the medical-tourism business thrives, Business Insider
Coca-Cannabis? Coke Analyzing Cannabis In Wellness Drinks, Homeland Security News
4 Tips to Mastering Pistol Squats, Muscle & Fitness
Workloads of Competitive Surfing: Work-to-Relief Ratios, Surf-Break Demands, and Updated Analysis, JSCR
The Workout to Fine-Tune Your Chest in Four Weeks, Muscle & Fitness
An Eighteen-Minute Submaximal Exercise Test to Assess Cardiac Fitness in Response to Aerobic Training, JSCR
The Perceived Psychological Responsibilities of a Strength and Conditioning Coach, JSCR
The Best, Cleanest Whey Protein Powder You Can Buy, Muscle & Fitness
Full, but still feasting: Mouse study reveals how urge to eat overpowers a signal to stop, Science Daily
Why Quick HIIT Workouts Are Just as Effective as Slow Strength Sessions, Men’s Journal



The Best Deep Fryer, NY Times
I spent 6 weeks in China — here are 5 things the country does infinitely better than the US, Business Insider
The Wall Street Journal: Facebook sought access to financial firms’ customer data for years, Marketwatch
Why Cannabis Companies Look Like They Will Be Gobbled Up By Tobacco And Alcohol, Forbes
More than 100 Australians say they’ve found needles hidden in strawberries and other fruit, Business Insider
4 reasons anyone who cares about credit card points and miles should be using Chase Ultimate Rewards, Business Insider
How fascism works, Vox
Scientists grow human esophagus in lab, Science Daily
Spray-on antennas could unlock potential of smart, connected technology, Science Daily
These six — yes, six — siblings of a Republican congressman just endorsed his opponent, Washington Post
This 48-year-old mom owes $600,000 in loans, as the student debt crisis worsens, CNBC
Parents Fret Over Fussy Eaters – but What Works?, WebMD
The Shopping Malls and Big Box Stores Gutted by E-Commerce, Wired
Take a Look at How Quickly a Forest Can Recover From Fire, NY Times
Google ends cryptocurrency ad ban, CNBC

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Q&A 9.27.18


I’m a new subscriber to the MTI site and am prepping for 30 days of kite-skiing across Greenland in May 2019.  I’d love advice on which plan is best for me, and how to maximize the resources available to MTI subscribers.
Here are some training considerations:
  • Will be kiting and pulling a sled with ~150 pounds.
  • Elevation will be steep for 3 days (approaching ice sheet, 30ish degree slope angle), then very gradual elevation increase from 6000ft to 10,000ft over 15 days, then similarly slight downhill to the end.
  • I will be rafting the grand canyon for October, then working on ships in Antarctica with very limited time and fitness resources for December and January.
  • Current fitness level is moderate: can climb a cascade mountain (Hood/Adams/Helens) “off the couch” at a slightly above average pace and be sore for a day or 2 after.  That said, I am just getting back from working in Greenland for a month with no fitness training and moderate activity level and am not feeling strong.
I’d be so grateful for any advice you can offer.  Thanks in advance for your help.


Now before your rafting trip, I’d recommend Waylon from our Country Singer plans. A multimodal plan with a slight strength emphasis.
During your rafting trip, I’d recommend Bodyweight Foundation.
November, move to Willie from the Country Singer Plans – a multi-modal plan with a slight endurance emphasis.
December/January – use our Shipboard Training Plan.
Email back when you return from your shipboard duty in February.
– Rob


I have been training for selection the last few months. I am currently on fortitude and stacking it with the 5 mile improvement plan.
Yesterday I broke my hand, I’m getting surgery and will more than likely have an 8 week recovery. I expect to be comfortable running 3 weeks post surgery.
At my disposal I have a road bike with a stand that I can ride in my house, access to a full gym, 60/40 pound sand bags, weighted vest, various dumbbells in my house along with a pull up bar.
Here are my current stats:
5 mile run: 42 mins
2 mile run: 13:30 min
2RM craig special: !85
Push up max 79
pullup max 14
sit up max 80
What would you recommend I do to maintain fitness while recovering?


Stacking Fortitude with the 5 mile plan is not a good idea. One plan at a time.
Moving forward? Easiest would be to continue Fortitude but do one-arm lift substitutions  – 1-Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell Craig Specials, Walking Lunges holding the DB/KB in 1-arm, 1-arm Bench Press, 1-Arm bent over row for the pull ups/chin ups.
Use the same set/rep scheme, but do “hard but doable” loading instead of messing with 1RMs. For example:
8 Rounds
2x 1-Arm Craig Special – increase load each round until 2x is hard but doable
Hip Flexor Stretch.
Replace the running in the plan with spinning on a spin bike. Assume you would have run 10 min/miles and spin for that time. So, if the plan calls for a 5-mile run, bike for 50 minutes.
Replace the ruck running in the plan with step ups. 400m = 50x step ups, so a 1-mile run = 200x step ups. Wear a 25# pack for the step ups.
When you can run/ruck run, start back where you left off -you’ll repeat the 3x weeks.
– Rob

Really love MTI and the programming, but as a big ish guy with no running foundation all of the running programs are too heavy on the volume for my knees. I’m 10% body fat and 90kg so I’m not a fat or overly huge, but I’ve rehabbed from
tendinitis in my knee and can’t jump in and run 2-4 miles for time and do intervals like the plans call for without flaring up my knee.
Is there any plans for a ‘return to running’ program? If there isn’t and you think of one I’m happy to be a guinea pig ha.
Thanks for the programming and for putting together a great website.


There’s nothing about being 90Kg that automatically prevents you from running, and 2-4 miles is not a long distance. And I’m not sure what you mean by a knee flare up.
You could do another exercise – spin/bike or row, but these are not transferable, nearly as much, to outdoor activities as running.
What I’d recommend is you get your knee looked at by an ortho doctor, and also you read Chi Running or POSE running, and look at your running form. Also – look at Hoka One One running shoes. Finally, run/walk the distances as necessary until you solve your knee puzzle.
– Rob


I have a six month school coming up that I will be able to concentrate on improving my fitness and diet programs. My goal is to cut my body fat percentage from approx. 28-30% to under 15%. Would you be willing to recommend a program progression that could help me in this endeavor? I am about halfway through the 357 strength program now. Any assistance would be appreciated.



I just graduated from USMC officer candidate school and would like to purchase a work out program but I need some advice. I entered OCS with around a 295 pft but it has now fallen to a 265 ( lost a lot of strength) I weigh around 184 pounds at 6 foot. Before OCS my average max deadlift was 415 with around a 345 squat and a 240 bench press. I come from a rugby player and football backround and have poor mobility. As someone who plans on going to IOC in the future what plans could you recommend to me.


I’m not sure your schedule, but I’d recommend the USMC TBS/IOC Training Packet.
If you’ve a lot of time before TBS, I’d recommend the MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan, followed up by the plans/order in the Greek Hero training packet …. until you begin the TBS/IOC training packet directly before TBS.
– Rob


Hello coach. I did your 3 week pull up improvement. It worked great. Improved 20 percent. Went from just barely squeezing out 10 (probably 9 and 3/4) to 12. Strict pull ups.

So question is what next? Can you keep repeating the program? I’m currently working through Whiskey. Can I do the pull up program as a warm up to the Whiskey workout for that day? Or is there another pull up methodology I should follow.  Whiskey has some pull-ups like chin-ups and Tarzan pull-ups but it doesn’t seem like it’s quite enough to keep improving.


You could do another 3 weeks with that pull up progression, but then I’d recommend changing up the pull up programming – look at our Pull Up Improvement Packet – and use either the weighted pull up progression or negative. You could put these in as part of the warm up for Whiskey.
– Rob


I want to start one of your programs but need direction. I am 47 years old  and I do some running (9-12 miles a week), some calisthenics ,jump rope and some dumbbell training.  I am a army veteran.  I am usually 12 days a month away from home with access to dumbells and pull up bar at hotel and dumbells up to 90 lbs at home with sand bags and pull up bar. I like rucking also. I want to be in the best shape possible. Where should I start and progress to?


Begin with our Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, and after move to SF45 Delta.
– Rob


I’m a 42 year old active duty SF guy who has had a staff job for the past three years and now finds himself operational again. I know I can’t “run with the 24 yearolds” but I’d like to regain the ability to at least not slow them down. My question is, which plan to I start with? I have no real injuries other than some nagging golfers elbow in my non dominate arm. I have taken a serious hit to my strength and endurance these past couple of years but have stayed pretty mobile through bjj and yoga. I am a monthly member as well. I have access to a gym and I am currently building a decent home gym too. I just need a doable starting point. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


– Rob


I recently commissioned and branched infantry in the US Army. I have until late November to get ready for Officer’s basic. I’ve hardly touched a barbell since I left for basic on the last day of January, so I feel like I need to get my strength back up (it never was amazing in the first place). I know I will proceed with the IBOLC program six weeks out, but am a little stuck on what to do from now until mid-October, to work at my base fitness with an emphasis towards being strong.

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 180

PT Test:
12:45 2 mile
79 Sit ups
65 push ups (army standard – not ranger standard)

Gym lifts (from January)
Deadlift – 390 x1; 315 x 4
Bench – 185 x 4
Push press – 185 x 2

Played hockey and rugby at a semi-pro + collegiate level respectively.


I’d recommend the MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan. Super efficient strength programming – and includes work capacity and some running.
– Rob


I thoroughly enjoy your website. Very informative in terms of programming and articles. I am interesting in finding the best packet of training programs for my fitness goals. I have always participated in team sports but have come to realize that I need to have more of an emphasis on general physical preparedness. I do not have access to a weight room, but in my garage i have med balls, pull bar, parallettes, and kettlebell. I am interested in doing goruck events and obstacle course races like spartan. I have recently started running again and would also like to do some triathlons. I do realize that is alot. Any thoughts and help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


I’d recommend you start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, and follow it up with Dumbbell/Kettlebell Moe – a train build around kettlebells or dumbbells which trains strength, work capacity, chassis integrity and endurance.
– Rob


Could you please recommend a workout for me. I am 48 years old and in good shape. Previously I have done your pre-afghanistan deployment workout. I have a small gym with boxes, pullup bar, dumbbells to 50lbs, and bench.


With your equipment restrictions, I’d recommend you look at Kettlebell Strength – Working Strength Progression.
You can complete this plan using dumbbells also.
– Rob


Loving the Achilles plan so far, only on week one. I have a power lifter background so it’s nice there is a lot of strength incunjunction with all the other training. My question is: with the exception of the built in stretching, do you have a recommended stretching/ cool down associated with the training plan?


No recommendation for additional stretching. You can do some on your own if you like.
– Rob


What plan would you recommend to go alongside the 2 mile improvement plan, in order to improve or make strength gains or have good functional fitness.


The plan includes bodyweight-based strength work – so nothing in additional, unless you want to replace the non-running days in the plan with lifting on your own.
If you purchased the plan to truly increase your 2-mile time, do it as prescribed.
– Rob


I am a 49 yo male from Germany, average or slightly higher fitness level by IFA assessment (https://www.ifafitness.com/book/fittest.htm). Last year I rediscovered my passion for skiing (alpine) and recently bought MTI’s Bodyweight Foundation and Lift-Assisted Skiing programs. I focus on Bodyweight Foundation currently.
Today I did the second assessment (Session 13). My question concerns the squat and lunge exercises. Unlike all other exercises, when I do the time prescribed in the assessment session, I do not manage to do the task until exhaustion or failure. That is, time is the only limiting factor, not strength endurance. I do 50 squats in 60 seconds and 50 lunges in 90 seconds. And I could go on – although it gets difficult towards the end.
Now, what do you recommend to do? Just take the max in the prescribed time for the calculation of my reps? Or would it be better to chose a variation of these exercises, i.e. loaded lunges or one-foot squats (while the other is backwards on a chair – pure one-footed are too difficult)? For a training of strength endurance, I would prefer to go to my limits here as well. If variations, which ones would your propose?
I like the programs and the idea of self-adjustment behind them, the library with the video clips is great as well. Looking forward to some leg blasters when season is approaching ; ))
Best regards from Germany


Re-do the assessments for squats and lunge wearing a 25-pound back pack, and then do all your follow-on intervals wearing the back pack.
– Rob


Hi, I recently injured my shoulder. I am wondering what a good plan would be to strengthen it.


I’d recommend starting with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan.
– Rob


I am an in-active Marine sniper. I am 42 years old fire fighter and Coach and Athlete. I find that the Pirate series workouts are fantastic for my physical conditioning for my job and coaching Lacrosse and playing lacrosse/soccer/soccer goalie and not sucking at life. I am also a giant fan of Kettlebells though. I would love to see if there was a way to substitute the bar and dumbbell work with kettlebell movements?
Would it be a case of just substituting the Bar Movements with double kettlebell movements?
I’m just trying to stress my body in a different way but also continue with a plan that is constantly effecting positive change.


Yes – sub the barbell exercises with double kettlebell efforts.
– Rob


I am a Midshipman at the University of Colorado Naval ROTC Battalion in Boulder, CO. This summer I completed SEAL Officer Selection and Assessment (SOAS). Overall, I was definitely prepared for the swimming and all of the running we did at SOAS, but I need to get stronger for being under a log or boat. I’m trying to find a good strength program that will last 8-12 weeks before I move back into more BUD/S specific training.
Background info:
1.) I grew up training endurance sports (swimming, running, triathlon), and competed in triathlon until Spring 2016. During this time I was not doing much lifting or upper body calisthenics.
2.) Starting in Summer 2016, I began placing a bigger emphasis on lifting and upper body calisthenics to start preparing for SOAS. Winter 2016/17, I had to take 3 months off of training completely due to tendonitis in both elbows and shoulders, a tibial stress fracture, and hernia surgery. I worked with a physical therapist to rehab everything and began a SOAS specific training plan that focused on PST performance.
3.) SOAS Performance:
PST: Swim- 7:40 (500 meter instead of yards w/out goggles/masks), Push-ups- 92, Sit-ups- 103, Pull-ups- 16 (first 10 on cadence), Run- 8:20.
I was always in the top 3 for any run or swim that we did and won a couple of them. I was also one of the top performers on the ruck that we did. I was average with boat PT and surf passage, my calisthenics were average, but I’d like to get them better, and I struggled more than average on log PT (specifically OH press and chest carry). I was probably one of the lower performers on log PT.
Overall, I was definitely prepared for the swimming and all of the running we did at SOAS, but I need to get stronger for being under a log or boat.
4.) Current Strength Performance:
Body Weight: 182 +/-2# depending on the week
Bench 5RM: 185#
Back Squat 5RM: 235#
Deadlift 5RM: 285#
OH Press 5RM: 100#
4.) I’ve been injury free since March 2017, and am currently working with a physical therapist on mobility and proper movement technique. I graduate in December, and regardless of whether I commission or enlist, I have about a 25 week training meso-cycle before I’m back in Coronado for BUD/S or at NSW Prep School in Great Lakes.
Right now I’m strongly considering doing the 4 week Hypertrophy for Skinny Guys then moving straight into 8 weeks of Rat 6 and re-evaluating from there. Please let me know if I’m on the right track or if you need any more information to help me select a good training program.


Skip Hypertrophy and roll right into a strength plan. Rat 6 is awesome. I’d follow it up with Black Beard from our Pirate Series. You’ll still train strength, but also work capacity and endurance (ruck run, swimming) prior to beginning your BUD/s specific programming.
– Rob


I am looking to buy a training program or two.  First, some context:
36 Year Old Male
Army Civil Affairs Team Lead – Reservist, former Infantry Scout.
I have Airborne Jump School coming up in the next few months,
between December 2018 and June of 2019.
I am 5’10” and 183 pounds.
Mostly an endurance athlete (Marathons, Ultras on Skis, Wilderness Classic, etc)
Not interested in Bulking up – but I want to become stronger and lose weight.
I have limited time in my schedule right now, should I be looking a the Military OnRamp or one of the time limited operator plans? If the later, which one?
After this first plan, what follow on plan I should be aiming for?
I want a tougher body/joints for Jump School, and am always trying to get a perfect score on the Army APFT. I want to run a sub 12min two mile, and be able to do 75 push ups in 2 min. I think one Ruck a week would be sufficient, as rucking is not really on my horizon in the next year.

The key with this second phase is steady state, staying healthy and uninjured in my old age.

Hope to hear back from you with some direction.


I’d recommend beginning with the Military OnRamp Training Plan, then rolling into the plans/order in the Greek Hero training packet.
Understand I don’t have one program which will make you great at everything all the time. Rather, we use the concept of “base fitness” to lay a high level of foundational tactical base fitness, (these are the Greek Hero plans) and on top of these, complete sport/school/mission-specific training plans directly before the event.
So, 6 weeks before your APFT, drop out of the Greek Hero programming and complete the APFT Training Plan. After the APFT, drop back into the Greek Hero Plans.
Likewise, 5 weeks before Airborne School, complete the Airborne School Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m eyeing the Super Squats Strength Program once I reach a 315 back squat. The original Strossen program had no training on the off-days; will doing the prescribed running and circuit on Tuesdays and Thursdays inhibit my recovery in any way?

Also, what sort of strength improvement results are common with the actual Super Squats program? I understand the SS mini-study was done with a two-day version of the program.


1) Yes. Less time to recover. MTI’s primary focus is mountain and tactical athletes, not power lifters – who don’t need work capacity, etc.
2) 10-20% depending upon the training age of the athlete. New to training = more gain.
– Rob


I ran through the greek heroine series, and wondering what to do before getting ready for ice/mixed season (last year I did that plan in October).

Right now still climbing pretty regularly, but will climb less once I start my new job in two weeks.


– Rob

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Mini Study: Leg Blasters vs. Quadzilla Complex for Strength Gains

Pro Free-Skier Forrest Jillson completes a full Leg Blaster during week 2 of the mini study.

By Rob Shaul



This 3-week mini-study compared the strength-building abilities of two well-known MTI leg strength complexes: Leg Blasters and Quadzilla Complexes. Six veteran MTI athletes were split into two groups – the Leg Blaster Group and the Quadzilla Group. Pre and post-cycle, both groups complete a 1 repetition maximum (1RM) Front Squat assessment which was used as the measure of strength gains.

Two of the three Quadzilla Group athletes did not improve their front squat 1RM. All three athletes in the Leg Blaster group increased 1RM Front Squat strength. The overall average Quadzilla Group 1RM Front Squat improvement was 2.5%. The overall average strength improvement for the Leg Blaster group was 4.0%.

This narrow study both in duration and number of study subjects seems to demonstrate Leg Blasters are better at increasing max-effort leg strength than Quadzilla Complexes.


In a previous mini-study, we found that Leg Blasters match Front Squats in building lower body strength. With this mini-study, we sought to compare the strength-building abilities of Leg Blasters to their big brother, Quadzilla Complexes.

Leg Blasters are a well-known, much used, lower body, bodyweight complex we’ve deployed for multiple programming purposes. We initially deployed Leg Blasters to build eccentric leg strength as part of our dryland skiing training programming. But since that initial deployment, we’ve deployed Leg Blasters to train eccentric leg strength in mountain climbing, peak bagging, pre-deployment, and general strength and conditioning training plans.

I developed the Quadzilla Complex in an effort to intensify the Leg Blaster for the professional ski racers and freeskiers who we coached through dryland ski training sessions. Until this study, intuitively I felt the Quadzilla Complex was better at building leg strength, over the Leg Blaster, simply because of it’s loading via dumbbells.

This mini-study tested my assumption.

The lab rats completed their respective progressions, two times/week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See the chart below:


Below are the mini-study results:

Two of the three athletes in the Quadzilla Group did not see an increase in leg strength. All three athletes in the Leg Blaster group increased their Front Squat 1RM, for an overall average increase of 4.0%. Understanding the limitations of the small sample groups and short study duration, these results can’t be seen as conclusive. Regardless, they are somewhat surprising and reinforce our esteem for the simple, but super effective, Leg Blaster as a focused lower body strength training tool.



This result has increased our opinion of the Leg Blaster, and given some evidence that the Quadzilla Complex is a step back in increasing leg strength. So, if the Quadzilla Complex is not an increase in intensity over the Leg Blaster, what is? Perhaps the next study should compare the regular leg blaster progression to a loaded leg blaster progression – wearing weight vests.


Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email rob@mtntactical.com



You Might Also Like Geek Cycle: Leg Blasters Match Front Squat in Building Lower Body Strength

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Mini-Study Bench Press Progression: Classic Pyramid vs. Modified Big 24 Results Inconclusive

By Rob Shaul



MTI frequently tests progressions against each other in an effort to identify the most effective programming. In this mini-study, six experienced MTI Lab Rats were broken into two groups, and each put through a different 3-week bench press progression:

(1) Classic Pyramid, and (2) Modified Big 24

Pre-and Post-study all the athletes completed a 1 Repetition Maximum (1RM) bench press assessment. Post-study, both groups saw an average percentage increase in bench press 1RMs, but the differences between the two groups were minor, and as a result, the results inconclusive.



This mini-study compared a classic, body-building-style Pyramid Progression versus a modified version of MTI’s proven Big 24 progression on the bench press exercise.

A classic Pyramid Progression deploys percentage-based loading with a set rep scheme that begins with higher reps, and a lower load at the bottom of the pyramid, decreases reps and increases load as the athlete works up the pyramid, then works back down the other side of the pyramid by increasing reps and decreasing load.

On a whim, last winter, a group of older MTI lab rats (40 years + in age), including myself, completed a 3-week cycle of this pyramid progression for the bench press – with overall fairly good results.

The Modified Big 24 progression here deployed our classic Big 24 set/rep scheme and loading to a 1RM bench press effort, rather than the typical, 3RM effort.

The lab rats completed their respective bench press progressions two times/week during this mini-study – on Tuesdays and Thursdays.



Below are the two progressions, including set/rep schemes and loading, for each study group:

The results were inconclusive.

Overall the Pyramid Group saw an average 4.5% increase in bench press 1RM, but this result was skewed up by one outlier – Emmett – who saw an 11.1% increase. The female athlete in this group, Emily, saw no change in her 1RM bench press.

The Modified Big 24 Group saw an average 3.2% increase in bench press 1RM, but again, the female athlete in this group, Ally – saw no change in her 1RM Bench Press.

Overall, the 4.5% bench press 1RM increase for the Pyramid Group and the 3.2% increase for the Modified Big 24 Group were too close to identify a clear progression winner – especially given the few number of athletes involved.

See the results chart below:



Despite the inconclusive results of this mini-study, I’m intrigued by the Pyramid Progression and plan to conduct another progression comparison mini-study with a leg exercise – front squat or back squat, sometime this winter. From my youth, I remember many Pyramid Progressions in high school strength training sessions and body-building magazines which certainly seemed to get me stronger. Comparing this progression to one of MTI’s proven progressions but for a leg strength exercise is worth the effort.


Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email rob@mtntactical.com



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