Programming Questions I’d Have if I Were You

MTI Dryland Ski lab rats hammer through 35 minutes of step ups and sandbag get ups on Tuesday.

By Rob Shaul

I answer dozens of questions from athletes daily, mostly in regards to what type of training plan I recommend. However, a lot of our athletes want to understand why they are doing a certain exercise or even the methodology behind our programming. So here are some answers to questions I would ask if I were you.


How often do you update your training plans? How do you decide what plans to update?

It depends upon the training plan. In general, the more popular the training plan, the more it gets updated. However, this isn’t always the case. If we make a significant change to one of our programming approaches, we’ll update a training plan accordingly, even if it’s not a bestseller or used much. I do all the programming myself, so time is somewhat limited, but I have a working list of new plans to build and updates to make and try to build/update 1-3 plans per week.


How often do you build new training plans and how do you decide which plans to build?

I try to build one new plan per week. Which plan I build, depends somewhat on the number of requests I get for a specific plan. But sometimes it’s only one request, but it’s an interesting event/mission and programming challenge.


Are there any types of plans you avoid building?

In general, I try to keep programming within our wheelhouse of programming for mountain and tactical athletes and so focus on programming missions and events in these areas. Sometimes we venture outside – for example, I recently designed 8 general fitness training plans – but usually, I try not to stray often.


Why don’t you do custom, individualized, programming?

When I first started coaching I did little personal training and designed custom programming for athletes working remotely. I found I didn’t like personal training, and the athletes who worked remotely I couldn’t hold accountable. More importantly, as my coaching experience and confidence grew I learned a life truth … no one individual is “special” when it comes to mountain and tactical fitness missions or events. The fitness demands to summit the Grand Teton or getting through Ranger School are the same for everyone. There is no “special” Grand Teton summit for old, short, weak, out of shape, uncoordinated, etc. athletes. There is one summit and everyone who makes the trip has to climb up and down 8 thousand feet with a 25-pound pack. So, after those early years, I refused to program for individuals and instead focused on programming for missions/events/objectives/schools/courses, selections, fitness assessments, etc.


What area(s) of your programming do you feel is strongest?

Strength programming, chassis integrity programming, and Fluid Periodization.
What’s unique about our strength programming is the eight different strength progressions we’ve developed and tested over the years. Unlike most strength and conditioning coaches who deploy the same progression, again and again, I’ll cycle through progressions to continually challenge athletes, and also address the “burden of constant fitness” with variety.
I developed our Chassis Integrity core strength and strength endurance theory in 2015, and strongly believe it is the most functional and transferable core strength theory around. Certainly for mountain, tactical, and other industrial athletes, and likely for team sports athletes also.
Fluid Periodization is how I program cycles at the macro and intermediate levels to concurrently train multiple fitness attributes. What is so different about mountain and especially tactical athletes, is the fitness demands they face in the field are not certain – unlike team and individual competitive sports where games can be analyzed and broken down.
What this means is mountain and tactical athletes must have a solid level of all around, mission-direct “base fitness” across multiple fitness attributes. Fluid Periodization tackles and solves this programming puzzle.


What area(s) of your programming do you feel needs the most improvement?

Work capacity progression. We’re still deploying time-based progression which has certainly been effective but isn’t as agile or data-driven as I would like it to be. I’ve begun work on developing a power-based progression but it’s a complicated problem and I can’t seem to get far into it before some other programming job to do pushes this work aside.


How does your programming differ from typical CrossFit programming?

I’ll refer here to the programming on the website …. in general MTI programming is much more multi-modal (strength, work cap, endurance, chassis integrity, agility) than CrossFit programming. We also deploy focused progression across most fitness attributes – and nothing is random. See below for more on “progression”.


How does your programming differ from typical “stick and ball sports” programming?

It’s more “fluid” in terms of the fitness attributes trained, both at the macro and meso (intermediate/cycle) levels and the individual training session level. Also, our deployment of progression is more focused, and widespread than what I’ve seen from even collegiate-level programming. Finally, we don’t nearly as much emphasis on movement or mobility.


How do you choose what exercises to deploy?

Experience and practicality. I aim to choose exercises that train the goal we’re after best, but also are “weight room functional” based on common equipment and the majority of athletes I work with. “Weight room Functional” is an important programming priority I see many coaches ignore as they deploy exotic or trendy exercises many simply can’t do well. Over the years my exercise menu has shrunk significantly.


What are some exercises you’ve stopped programming because you found they weren’t “weight room functional”?

  • Snatch and variations – great total body power exercise that 60% of men can’t do well because of shoulder mobility issues
  • Jerk – super athletic exercise 50% of athletes struggle to do well


What Is your current list of favorite strength exercises?

  • Lower Body Press Strength – Back Squat
  • Lower Body Pull Strength – Walking Lunge
  • Upper Body Press Strength – Bench Press
  • Upper Body Pull Strength – Rope Climb
  • Total Body Power – Craig Special (hang squat clean + front squat)


How big is the MTI coaching/programming staff?

Just one – Me … a couple of years ago I had a staff of 5 but due to regular attrition people left to pursue new opportunities and I haven’t replaced them.


What is your favorite work capacity training mode?

Sprint repeats. Nothing is as simple, or hard, as sprint repeats for training transferable work capacity to mountain and tactical athletes. 300m shuttle sprints are a great example.


What is “progression?”

Where you increase the difficulty over the course of a training cycle. Here is an example using 300m shuttles:
Level         Progression
1                4 Rounds, 300m Shuttle every 2:30
2                4 Rounds, 300m Shuttle every 2:20
3                4 Rounds, 300m Shuttle every 2:10
Progression can be applied to strength, endurance, chassis integrity, climbing, and tactical agility programming.


What is the difference between “Base Fitness” and “Sport Specific” programming?

Base Fitness programming lays a solid foundation or “base” of mission-direct all-around fitness upon which more focused, “sport-specific” programming can be built upon. “Sport-specific” includes focused programming for specific mountain seasons (ice climb, ski, Denali) and tactical missions/events/schools (urban conflict deployment, SOF selection, Ranger School). Sport Specific programming is super focused on the fitness demands of the event and is not concerned with all-around base fitness.


Why can’t you design a training plan which makes me good at all things at all times?

Because focusing on being good in one area comes at the expense of decreased fitness in another area. For example, training to perform your best for a 12-mile ruck will negatively affect strength gains. Instead of trying to design one training cycle which trains both “base fitness” and “sport specific” fitness, we want athletes spending most of their time training “base fitness”, but then in the weeks directly before a mission/event, drop out of “base fitness” programming and complete the appropriate “sport specific” plan for the mission/event. After the event, drop back into base fitness programming.


What is your “hardest” training plan?

It would depend upon your individual strengths. I suck at swimming, so for me, the “hardest” training plan would be one with a lot of swimming – likely the CDQC Course Training Plan (Combat Diver). In general, any of our Military SOF selection training plans are super intense and demanding.


I don’t have a specific training plan but want something different and to be challenged. What do you recommend?

Any of the military SOF selection or course training plans which include swimming/pool work such as BUD/s V2USMC MARSOC A&S, USMC Basic Recon or USAF CCT/PJ/CRO. Each of these plans involves high levels of multi-modal volume (run, ruck ruck run, swim/tread), work capacity, PFT work, and intense work capacity. Each also includes 6 day/week training with multiple 2-a-days,  and most have long weekend “mini events.” They’re all pretty terrible – but in a good way….


I’m not in the military or a mountain athlete – what is your best all-around training plan for general, all around fitness?

Just this summer, after dozens of requests, I designed 8 training base fitness training plans for civilian athletes. which deploy MTI’s Fluid Periodization. I named them after country singers (Thursdays are “country music” days at MTI), and separated them into two packets of plans, Country Singer 1 (the men) and Country Singer 2 (the women).


What is your best training plan for general, all around endurance?

Operator Pentathlon Training Plan. Running, ruck running, swimming, plus bench press and pull ups!!


What is your best training plan to gain just pure strength?

Big 24 Strength. Killer….. the closest I’ve ever come to throwing up in the gym.


Do you have any training plans appropriate for pre-teens or teens?

For pre-teens, just Bodyweight Foundation. High-school-aged student-athletes can complete any of our strength training plans. I’m currently designing specific programming for prep-aged athletes which will offer through another website, We hope to have it up and running this Fall.


How come you never program sit-ups?

In studying functional core strength demands during the development of our Chassis Integrity theory, I found little demand for flexion.


How come you rarely program deadlifts?

I’ve found the Hinge Lift to be overall safer, and more effective at targeting the posterior chain.


How come you never program snatches?

Great total body strength exercise, that 60-80% of the men I work with don’t have the flexibility to perform well or safely.


How come you never program wall balls?

I consider them “Garbage Reps.”


How come you never program rowing? Assault Bikes?

Great for general fitness work capacity, but not very transferable outside the gym for mountain and tactical athletes, who never row or assault bike somewhere. At some point, rowing and assault bike work stops training general, transferable work capacity and only keeps making you better at rowing or assault biking. Our focus is on outside performance, and thus, we work hard to select exercise modes we are confident will transfer.


How did you develop the paces in the run, swim, and ruck calculators?

We began with some general assumptions and then began testing these assumptions based on actual results with our lab rats. Based on the testing we modified the calculations, and continue to test and modify to this day.


What are the primary differences between programming for tactical athletes and mountain athletes?

  1. Mountain athletes don’t need to be as strong as military athletes because the loads they carry are generally lighter.
  2. In general, military athletes don’t need as much endurance as mountain athletes.
  3. Mountain athletes don’t need to train agility.
  4. Military athletes don’t need to train climbing fitness.


What are the primary differences between programming for military athletes and first responders?

Military athletes, in general, need more endurance.
First Responders – LE Patrol/Detectives specifically, can benefit from upper body hypertrophy (mass) – which doesn’t benefit military athletes.
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Arete 10.25.18

Military / National Defense

Why Won’t the US Leave Afghanistan?, Small Wars Journal
Human Rights Law is Harming Britain’s Armed Forces, Small Wars Journal
NATO soldier killed in apparent insider attack in Afghanistan, Stars and Stripes
The New MRG-G2000R-1A is the One G-Shock to Rule Them All, Gear Patrol
Tiny U.S. Base Assumes Outsize Role in Trump’s Syria Strategy, Washington Post
The Army Stymied Its Own Study of the Iraq War, Wall Street Journal
What Should We Make of Elite American Mercenaries in Yemen?, War on the Rocks
USAF’s Plan to Train 1,500 New Pilots a Year,
Series of Lapses Led to Army Soldier’s Death in Afghanistan, NY Times
VP Pence’s Speech on China Policy, Youtube


Homeland Security / First Responder / Wildland Fire

Baltimore puts 230 desk officers on streets as murders mount, Police One
NYPD Shelves Thousands of Body Cameras After One Suddenly Bursts into Flames, Police Magazine
No more fog of war: Predicting patterns of violence within wars and terrorism, Homeland Security Newswire
Competition for Police Recruits Growing, Police
Bill would remove barrier to criminally charging Wash. police, Police One
Some Police Dogs Now Have Cameras, Too, In Homeland Security
Dallas Police Ask City Council for Permission to Acquire, Deploy Drones, Police Mag



7 Secrets for Self-Supported Ultramarathons, Gear Patrol
New York Man Convicted Of Giving A False Statement For Claiming He Was Stranded On Ski Lift Overnight, Unofficial Networks
How to Pack for an Alaskan DIY Float Hunt for Moose, Outdoor Life
So Worth It: Jessica Baker’s Tips For Being Present, Outdoor Research
The 5 Best Camper Trailers for Any Adventure, Gear Patrol
The New Season of ‘Westward’ Is Awesome, Outside
The Most Successful Outdoor Kickstarter Projects of All Time, Gear Patrol
HEAD Skis New Backcountry Backpack Includes Built-In Spine Protector, Unofficial Networks
Patagonia Is Endorsing Political Candidates For The First Time Ever, Unofficial Networks
Opinion: The Free Solo Documentary Addressed Some Uncomfortable Truths, But Ignored Others, Climbing Magazine


Fitness / Nutrition / Health

Fitness trackers’ accuracy varies widely for calories burned, Reuters
Is HIIT as Effective as Longer Cardio for Fat Loss?, Muscle & Fitness
5 Mental and Physical Benefits of Strength Training You Might Not Know, Muscle & Fitness
When fathers exercise, children are healthier, even as adults, Science Daily
Should I Try Creatine? This Is What You Need To Know, Men’s Health
Do I Have to Eat Immediately After a Workout to Gain Muscle?, Muscle & Fitness
Dear Mark: Is There No Upper Limit to Endurance Training?, Mark’s Daily Apple
The Most Valuable Training Data Is Surprisingly Simple, Outside
What an Academic’s Downfall Tells Us About Food Science, Outside
This Man Won South Africa A Double Decathlon At The Age Of 49, Men’s Health
4 Mistakes You’re Making That’s Causing You To Gain Weight, Men’s Health



How Likely Is A New American Civil War? Surprising Lessons From Lebanon’s Conflict, Task & Purpose
Heritage Explains 056: Here’s How Much Red Tape Trump Has Cut, Heritage Foundation
Thieves steal a Tesla Model S by hacking the entry fob, Endgadget
Demand for Chocolate Labs Is Making Them Sick and Prone to Early Death, Gizmodo
The Best White Noise Machine, NY Times
How rants on social media can come back to haunt you, Science Daily
The 5G Tsunami Is Coming In 2019, Forbes
Here’s Everything Coming To Netflix In November (2018) And What To Watch, Forbes
Forget Portland and Seattle — people priced out of expensive California cities are buying homes in Idaho for ‘monopoly money’, Business Insider

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Changes We Made to This Year’s Dryland Ski Training Cycle, and Why

Dryland Lab Rats work through a 30-minute endurance event of step ups @ 25#, prone to sprints, and sandbag clean and press.

By Rob Shaul


MTI’s Fall Dryland Ski Training Cycle is one of the few coached training cycles we open up to the public for training. It’s still a “Lab Rat” cycle where we test programming, however, the extra number of athletes provides more data points for our testing and overall evaluation.

Our process is direct. We take a look at the previous year’s programming, its results, make changes to the current year based on these results and other insights, design the programming and deploy it and then study the results.

Then, in the January/February time frame, we update the Dryland Ski Training Plan on the website with programming improvements based on our fall cycle.

In terms of program design, we’ve learned over the years that improvements generally come from cutting stuff, rather than adding stuff. Most programs begin “bloated” with elements which after deployment prove to have limited value. The hard part in programming is not cutting these elements, but avoiding the natural temptation to replace them with some other element. I’ve learned it takes experience and confidence to cut the unnecessary stuff, and instead of replacing it with more extras, find ways to increase the time spent on the programming that we know works and transfers to directly to the mission, event or sport.



Our Fall Dryland Cycle is designed to prepare athletes for lift-assisted downhill, side country, and backcountry, skiing. These activities have 3 specific fitness demands:

(1) Eccentric Leg Strength and Strength Endurance – During downhill or alpine skiing, gravity “bounces” the skier down the hill, and eccentric leg strength is demanded to absorb every drop and prevent gravity from driving the skier into the ground.

(2) Leg Lactate Tolerance – This is an MTI-specific idea and term I developed to describe the quad burn skiers feel in the middle to the end of a long ski run, especially through bumps, variable terrain, or powder. The concept does not include the obvious muscle fatigue, but also the anaerobic cardio hit.

(3) Uphill hiking/skinning endurance and stamina – both side country and backcountry skiing have significant uphill components – bootpacking mostly for side country and skinning mostly for backcountry. Preparing athlete’s legs and lungs for this uphill movement is a key focus of our dryland ski training cycles.

These are four days/week, 7-week cycles with the individual training sessions designed to last 60 minutes. Early in the cycle, we’ll have extra time after hammering legs and lungs for “other stuff.” As the athletes increase fitness, and our progressions develop, later in the cycle, more and more of each training session is spent hammering the legs, and less time is left for other types of work.

In past years we’ve spent this “other stuff” time on heavy lower body barbell training, upper body hypertrophy training, core strength/chassis integrity, calf strength and strength endurance, hamstring strength and strength endurance, glute medius strength endurance, and lower body explosive power.

Below is the basic weekly schedule for this year’s cycle:

  • Monday: Eccentric Leg Strength, Upper Body Hypertrophy, Chassis Integrity
  • Tuesday: Leg Lactate Tolerance, Uphill Endurance
  • Wednesday: Eccentric Leg Strength, Upper Body Hypertrophy, Chassis Integrity
  • Thursday: Leg Lactate Tolerance, Uphill Endurance
  • Friday – Sunday: Rest or light activity

Changes to the 2018 Cycle

1) Replaced Quadzilla Complex with Leg Blaster Progression and for select athletes, a weighted Leg Blaster Progression

In 2017 and a couple of previous years we used our Quadzilla Complex as the primary tool to train eccentric leg strength. This summer we conducted a Mini Study which compared the strength building ability of the Quadzilla Complex with Leg Blasters and found Leg Blasters to be slightly better. I was surprised by the results, as I’d designed the Quadzilla Complex as a more intense “big brother” successor to the original Leg Blaster, but I replaced the Quadzillas from last year with Leg Blasters for this year. As well, for a few experienced, veteran lab rats, including myself, I loaded the Leg Blasters by having the athletes wear a 25# weight vest. I’m interested to see if the athletes loaded with the vest can make the progression and if they notice greater strength on the ski hill during the early season.


2) Touch/Jump/Touch To Box – Inside Hand Touch and increase to a straight 20 minutes of Intervals

We deployed the Touch/Jump/Touch to a Box exercise last year with great effect. This is my primary training tool to train Leg Lactate Tolerance. This year I made one small technique change and one big programming change. For technique, last year I had athletes touch their outside hand to the ground each rep. I changed this to the inside hand this year to better reflect the actual weight distribution and edging technique in skiing.

The more significant change is the increase to 20 minutes straight of intervals, following the same interval progression as last year. First, on the progression – it’s a simple work/rest interval based on 1-minute rounds. We begin at 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest, and over the course of the cycle, advance to 30 seconds work 30 seconds rest.

Last year I split the 20 minutes of intervals in two – we did 10 minutes (or 10 rounds) at the beginning of the session, the took a break from the legs to train other stuff, and finished with 10 minutes of intervals at the end of the session.

This year I grouped all 20 minutes of intervals together at the beginning of the session. The effect is significant. Personally, by round 7 or so, I’m near panic breathing at the 20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest progression, and many of the lab rats are gasping for breath with me. Grouping the intervals together in one long, brutal, 20-minute effort has created a significant overall increase in intensity which pushes my professional skiers to their limit.

The first video below shows the lab rats completing 20-second intervals to a 17″ bench.

Next one shows Freeski Pro, Forrest Jillson, completing TJT to Boxes using a 20″ box.


3) Committed to Multi-Modal Uphill Endurance Events

Last year for one of the uphill endurance days I programmed straight step ups based on reps. The second endurance day I programmed a time-based multi-modal loaded endurance effort of step ups, 25m shuttles and in-place lunges wearing a 25# weight vest.

The training effect and honestly, the variety, of the multi modal event I found to be superior to straight step ups, and as a result, for this year’s cycle, I’ve programmed multi-modal events for both uphill endurance events. Tuesday’s event combines step ups at 25# and sandbag getups. Thursday’s event combines step ups, prone to sprints, and sandbag clean and presses. The time-based progression for both events began at 30 minutes, and will progress to 40 minutes – which is as far as I can push it and still remain within the 60-minute session length.


4) Eliminated Total Body and Lower Body Concentric Strength Work to Focus on Upper Body Hypertrophy and Chassis Integrity

Last year’s cycle included heavy front squats and hinge lifts (our version of the dead lift). I cut these this year to focus all of the “extra” cycle time on upper body hypertrophy and chassis integrity.

Why upper body hypertrophy for skiing? This is a good question, and the direct answer is impact resistance. A half dozen of the professional freeskiers I’ve worked with over the years have suffered shoulder separations eventually requiring surgery caused by violent skiing crashes. My hope is by building upper body mass and strength, we can provide some “armor” for the coming season for impact resistance.

The remaining “extra” cycle time is spent training chassis integrity with TRE circuits, each of which trains one total core, rotational core, and extension exercise. Chassis Integrity is MTI’s proprietary functional core strength methodology and perhaps our most impactful programming development.


Lessons Learned So Far

We conclude the 3rd week of this 7-week cycle today and already I’ve made some programming changes from the initial design. Specifically, for the loaded leg blasters, my progression was too aggressive. In the past for Leg Blaster progression, I’ve programmed three training sessions at the same level, before progressing to the next level. I’m not sure this is possible for the loaded Leg Blasters … and may need to extend to four training sessions before progression.

Likewise, for the Touch/Jump/Touch to a Box – last year I progressed after three training sessions. This year, with the increased intensity of the 20 straight minutes of work – I’ve decided to not progress to the next level until the Lab Rats have four sessions under their belt.

See the chart below for the Leg Blaster and Touch/Jump/Touch to Box Progressions:


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Arete 10.18.18

Military / National Security / Foreign Policy

America Is Winning in Afghanistan, War is Boring
The U.S. Navy Is Hiding Aviation Accident Data, Popular Mechanics
Air Force Eyes 1,600 Airmen for Possible ‘Deploy or Get Out’ Separation, AF Times
This new rifle optic basically guarantees ‘one shot, one kill’, Defense News
Almost 800 women are serving in previously closed Army combat jobs. This is how they’re faring., Defense News
Recon Shortage: Why These Elite Marines Are Facing a Manpower Crisis, Marine Corps Times
New Netflix series to tell Medal of Honor stories, Stars and Stripes
Mattis orders fighter jet readiness to jump to 80 percent — in one year, Military Times
Permanently Stationing U.S. Forces in Poland is a Bad Idea, But One Worth Debating, War on the Rocks
Has Combat Arms Gender Integration Been Successful?, Army Times
Why doesn’t Trump visit troops fighting overseas?, Military Times


First Responder / Homeland Security / Wildland Fire

ICE union calls for criminal investigation of Ore. mayor, Police One
Gloves produce a strong opinion, Wildfire Today
Marijuana OK’d for off-duty Canadian cops, Police One
Minneapolis Mayor, Officers Clash Over Displaying Signs in Patrol Cars,
Study: Marijuana arrests overstated to FBI by nearly 70 percent, Police One
Oregon City Ordered to Pay Officer Fired Over Facebook Posts, Police One
Female Officers Attend 2nd Annual ‘Back the Women in Blue’ Presented by GLOCK, Soldier Systems
Mission firefighter diagnosed with cancer wins long legal battle, Firefighter Close Calls
Technology increasingly being used by firefighters in Oregon, Wildfire Today
Report of “extreme spotting” 6 miles ahead of Klondike Fire, Wildfire Today
Cop Block, Police the Police and Hundreds of Other Pages Removed in Facebook Purge, LE Today
The FBI of the National Park Service, Outside



Surviving The Toughest Mountain Bike Race In The World, Forbes
How To Make A Ski Bum Hot Tub, Unofficial Networks
How to Do Everything: 9 Tricks Every Hiker Should Know, Backpacker
How to Do Everything: Stop Muscle Cramps, Blisters, Rolled Ankles, and More, Backpacker
How Caite Zeliff Became the Inaugural Queen of Corbet’s – This former ski racer has mastered the art of going full send, Powder Magazine
Storm Kills 9 Climbers in Nepal Including Korea’s Top Alpinist, Adventure Journal
Japanese climbers complete a new route on Cerro Kishtwar’s northeast face, Alpinist Newswires
9 Astonishingly Hard Hikes (That You Should Do Anyway), Backpacker
Cresting the Sierra in a Wheelchair? Bob Coomber Says ‘Why Not?’ Adventure Journal
Video: Jan Hojer Makes the Third Ascent of Es Pontas, Climbing Magazine
NEWS: Nick Bullock’s Tides wins in Banff Mountain Book Competition,
Winter ticks killing moose at alarming rate, Science Daily
Alpinist story receives Best Mountaineering Article Award at Banff Book Competition, Alpinist
Conflict On The Rise, Eastmans Hunting Journal
Hikers: Stop Hating on Hunters, Outside


Fitness / Nutrition / Health

How to Use A Foam Roller: Step-by-Step Guide, Nerd Fitness
Get ready for dietitians, physical therapists and more in every Army battalion, Defense News
Top Five Deadlift Mistakes, The Barbell Physio
Vigorous Exercise, Even a Trek Up Everest, May Be Safe During Pregnancy, NY Times
Millennials Kill Again. The Latest Victim? American Cheese, Bloomberg
The Company That’s Making Fitness Equipment Cool, Gear Patrol
What You Should Know About Intermittent Fasting, Outside
A List of Performance Enhancing Drugs and Their Definitions, Muscle & Fitness
Broken feet and bruised egos: Male Marines have far more injuries at Infantry Officer Course, Marine Times
Fix Your Broken Metabolism, Breaking Muscle
Measuring the Position and Mobility of the Patella, Mike Reinold
Nutrition has a greater impact on bone strength than exercise, Science Daily
It’s Okay to Be Good and Not Great, Outside



World has 12 years to limit catastrophic impacts of climate change, Homeland Security Newswire
Do fires produce more emissions than cars?, Wildfire Today
The Best Hammer, NY Times
The Next Big Thing Is Weed Beer, Bloomberg
Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot can now jump up stairs like a parkour pro, Business Insider
Cannabis Alcohol Is Here! These Are The Drinks You Need PLUS How To Make Your Own, Men’s Health
Nice people finish last when it comes to money, Science Daily
How to Get Better at ‘Back of the Envelope’ Calculations, Wired
Key facts about Latinos in the 2018 midterm elections, Pew Research Center
Email Mini-course on U.S. Immigration, Pew Research Center
I Ditched Google For Bing. Here’s What I Found—And What I Didn’t, Gear Latest

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Q&A 10.18.18


I have a pretty good understanding on nutrition as it relates to powerlifting and body building regimes. I am a former world class power lifter with world and national records and championships. I also did a body building show when i realized being a legitimate meatball wasn’t worth the damage to the body and health. So then I drastically switched and dropped 137lbs. Now I am a CPT in the Army and want to get a better balance overall for fitness in my military career and nutrition on point with the balance of military life/training and everyday life. My pt scores are passing but I don’t want to just pass I want to dominate at everything. I hate the height and weight standards and generally have to tape (which makes me feel like I failed bc it’s a scape goat). I run my 2mi 1530, 108 push ups, Situps (my weakest) right around 52-55. Any help on nutrition that can be put into an organized plan with your programs?


Our approach for military athletes is not to be able to max out the APFT at all times, but rather to constantly build your combat/training related fitness demands of strength, work capacity, endurance (run, ruck), chassis integrity (core), and tactical agility. We call this “base fitness.”
Then, when you know a PFT, school or selection, is approaching, drop out of this base fitness programming and complete an intense, sport specific program directly before the event – examples include the APFT Training Plan, Ranger School Training Plan, etc. After the PFT/Selection/Course, drop back into the “base fitness” training.
For you now – if you’re super concerned about your APFT score, complete the focused APFT Training Plan. If you’re more interested in all around “base fitness” complete the plans/order in our Greek Hero series of plans – which is our “base fitness” for military athletes – until you have an APFT or school approaching, then drop out of these plans and complete one of our sport-specific plans.
Interested in how you test to our metrics. Complete these assessments:
– Rob


I have messaged you a few times regarding my favorable fitness results, I have much appreciation for everything you and your team do.  I recently ran your Marine Corp PFT program for the last 6 weeks.  I have seen a great increase in pullups as well as pushups by adding a voluminal program that is similar to the one you have.  I want to continue this excellent success, but I need your help.  I am actually waiting to get pre-screened to go to MEPs, an oxymoron perhaps, and I need your help.  I am well outside of an acceptable timeline to go to Marine Corp OCS, March minimum from what I am being told, and I need a program that will help me increase my reps further and lower my time while giving me enough.  I am at 12 reps for pullups, 98 crunches, 38 pushups, and a 25 minute runtime.

I would like to increase my upper body strength for the Marine PFT/CFT while concurrently training for anything specific I might see at OCS.

Thank you for all your help again, and I look forward to hearing from you.


I’d recommend the Marine Corps OCS Training Plan. This plan includes focused work for the PFT, while also training rucking, work capacity, etc for all-around military fitness and the events at OCS.
– Rob


With all the training plans you have is there any way you could make one for us reservists who have to workout somewhere, sometime after our jobs and before drill weekend?


Many reservists do our current programming – specifically the plans/order in the Greek Hero Series (Army). As well, much full time, active duty athletes do PT with their unit in the AM, and do our programming on their own, at a base, home, or commercial gym, after the duty day.
I’m not sure reservists need a special plan – unless your job has you traveling a lot and no regular access to a gym. In that case – we already have many limited equipment plans athletes use for these situations.
– Rob


I have two questions: do you have a postpartum plan to help get me back into a full balanced workout and is there a new ACFT plan in development to replace you APFT plan I can look forward to?


Postpartum? Not specifically – but I’d refer you to our Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan – which automatically “scales” to your incoming fitness and is a way to get started. Unless you had a C-Section .. in which case, I’d start with Core Strength, Bodyweight Only, and some walking – once the doctor releases you for activity.
ACFT? Yes – we’ve already built a plan for this: ACFT Training Plan.
– Rob


I am currently on rotation in Kuwait until March. Once I get back I plan to take the SFRE in May. I was released from physical therapy in November for a jacked up hip flexor and adductor I got during one of the 3 mile rucks in Humility but due to our training rotation (basically thrown out in the field for 3 months at a time leading up to us getting in country) I haven’t been able to build my rucking and running back up like i’d like to. Now that we are here barring any random training we aren’t told about till last minute (which is everything) I have plenty of time morning and evening to get to the gym.
I saw the SFAS training packet you have but noticed it is set for 13 months, I have 5-6 months. If you had to shave that package down to that time frame which programs would you keep?


6 months = 26 weeks. Here’s what I’d recommend:
Weeks    Plan
1-7          Military OnRamp
8-14        Fortitude
15-18      Valor
19           Total Rest
20-26      SFRE Training Plan
– Rob


I’m interested in your programming to help me get as prepared as I can for my job. Right now I’m coming out of a period of breakdown physically, and my upper body strength is very low, but my running and rucking stamina is pretty high. I’m looking to add size (I’ve lost a lot), strength, and explosive speed, but the priority is mobility and upper body strength as I’m a bit older in a young man’s world. I would like to possibly talk with one of your coaches over the phone and attempt to explain it better so that I can see if you have anything that can help me achieve these goals.


From what you describe I have a couple of program suggestions:
1) MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan – Focused, scaled, strength training plan focused on increasing your relative strength – or strength per bodyweight. It includes focused work on bench press and pull ups.
2) Hypertrophy Training Plan for Skinny Guys – You could be one of those tall, skinny guys who can run and ruck well, but perhaps struggle with upper body size/strength. This is a proven, intense, total body hypertrophy (muscle mass building) training plan which includes upper body work.
– Rob


I am 62 and have been a runner for 40+ yrs. Noticed some muscle imbalance and weakness in legs. Would like to transition into more hiking, rucking and become a Peakbagger. What plan would you recommend?


I’d recommend you begin our programming with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. Follow it up with the Peak Bagger Training Plan.
– Rob


I’ve slacked off a bit on my diet and working out  for the past three months.  I  am wanting to get back into it was looking at your plans to lose some extra weight around my midsection and get back into better shape.  I’m 38 and about 20 – 30 lbs heavier than I want to be and I just read through your nutritional guidelines.  I am going to do the Whole 30.  I recently purchased the Bodyweight Foundation and the Military On-Ramp to get me started.  I was looking through the Q&A’s and saw that you also had a Fat-Loss Training Plan.  Would you recommend I start there and then move to the Bodyweight Foundation followed by the On-Ramp?  Or do you think that they Bodyweight and On-ramp will be fine coupled with a better diet than I’m currently eating?
My second set of questions is I have a 75% thickness tear in my right elbow and the Ortho Docs told me I should let pain be my guide so pull-ups are OK so long as they don’t hurt.  On the Bodyweight Foundation you provide a modification to the pull-ups and I plan on starting there.  Would you recommend for or against the use bands mummy bands for assisted pull-ups?  Would you recommend for or against chin-ups?  Otherwise I will just use the progression prescribed in the Bodyweight Foundation and take it slow and if need be, run through the program again.


80-90% of weight loss is diet related – so stick with the plan – Whole30 plus Bodyweight Foundation and Military OnRamp.
Pull ups? We like negative pull ups better than bands, – jump up, let yourself down slow – over banded – but it’s up to you. Protect your elbow as needed – including chin ups.
– Rob


I am looking for a program to help with cfa prep
Not interested in running portion since i train with a track coach
Need to help with current scores
17 pull ups
71 pushups
73 situps
(My situps need the most work of all of them)


– Rob


I am starting your USCG rescue swimmer plan this week, with boot-camp beginning in late October.
A couple quick questions about the plan:
1. Are there any resources you would recommend for helping improve on the underwater test? I saw all the drills you included in the plan, but didn’t really see anything specific to improving the underwater swimming, so just wanted to double-check if I missed it.
2. If I can currently only continuously do 3-4 pull ups and chin ups, would you suggest doing banded pull ups instead? Like for session 2 of week 1, if I didn’t use a band, would that mean I would just do 1 pull up 5 times (w/ 90 seconds rest), and then max pull ups (3-4)? So that portion of the workout would only be 9 pull ups before going onto part 2, with the sit up rotation? It seems like such a short workout, so just wanted to make sure it’s enough. I’m used to ironman triathlon training, so time-wise it’s just less time than I am used to putting in, but understand solid effort is more important than just time alone!


Underwater Test? I think you’re asking a technical question – and we’re not the best source for this. Technique matters – I’d recommend research there.  Pull ups? We’ve had better luck with negative pull ups (jump up, let yourself down slowly to a 5-second count) than banded pull ups.
– Rob


I am an Australian Army Officer and was recommended your website and programs by a senior officer at work in order to assist me getting prepared for my next posting. I have already conducted the ADF SFET and been selected for a SOCOMD unit next year. Obviously I want to be in the best condition for when I conduct my REO cycle starting in Jan.
I have had a look at your programs and believe Humility is probably the best starting place. Just looking for some advice on whether this is an appropriate fit or if another program may be more suitable noting I only have about 3 months before I start at the unit.
I’m 30 yrs old, 6’4” tall, weigh 90kgs (190# approx) so I am quite tall and lean. I’m a decent long distance runner but struggle a bit with high intensity, short duration cardio training. I have been running a lot of beep tests in order to improve my VO2 Max. I also tend to work upper body with either body weight circuits or standard gym weight sessions. I’ve never been good at maintaining any regular lower body training so my legs are definitely in need of improvement.
I need a program/s that will increase endurance overall especially with high intensity training, increase strength both upper and lower body (and some muscle mass too so I’m not so skinny), improve my ability to recover quickly and basically keep me competitive with the 20 yr olds I’ll be training with next year.
My work schedule is fairly busy and inconsistent. I generally conduct PT in the morning and then am stuck in the office all day. I am often out field on exercise or away support training courses and other activities so I need a minimalist equipment program/s that I can conduct where ever, when ever.
I appreciate any advice you can provide and look forward to getting started with MTI.


I’d recommend Fortitude, followed by Valor.
– Rob


I have another question for you as well. I am currently active duty and deciding between Rangers or SF right now. My questions for you would be up until I have a class date which program would you recommend doing ( I am currently on week 3 of operator Hector and loving it). My strength fitness wise is mainly power from playing rugby and football in my youth, and my running is not awful. My army 2 mile time is 12:30 which is 100 to the regular army, but of course I want to get faster given the nature of both selections. My other question for you would be how would decide between them, my chain of command has been of little to no help in advice on what decision to make, so I was wondering if you had any insight into it.


Programming? Continue with the Greek Hero series of plans, then complete either the Ranger School Training Plan or the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan directly before your school/selection.
Rangers vs. SF? Whoa …. that’s a question I’m not the one to ask! I was in the Coast Guard! However, there are some pretty hilarious youtube cartoons about which is best! See HERE!
– Rob


I wanted to reach out with some kudos and a question. I’m wrapping up the TLU cycle and have thoroughly enjoyed it. As a former rower turned military athlete, I was used to having very structured endurance plans but felt like my strength training wasn’t deliberate enough. TLU has fixed that and provided the variety and progression to keep me hooked. That said, some lower body stress injuries earlier in the year really cut down on my endurance and distance training. As I plan for the next training cycle, I’m looking to maintain the strength gains I’ve made during TLU but safely build my endurance back. Does starting the virtue series seem like the right fit?


I’d recommend Fortitude from the Virtue Series, next. This plan includes focused, gym-based strength, endurance (run, ruck), chassis integrity and some work capacity.
– Rob


I’m a big fan of your work, I’ve been following your articles for some time and completed a few of your programs with good results.

Now I’m looking for some advice for choosing my next program. I started training in Muay Thai recently, so I’m busy Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening (1,5h each). The focus there is mainly on techniqe with some conditioning thrown in, so I’m looking for a program to supplement that, preferably with a big focus on strength/ explosive work (since that’s not a priority in Muay Thai) for balance. I can workout almost every evening, but I won’t be able to put in 2 workouts a day. I have access to a standard commercial gym.

My best guess would be the TLU Strength program and doing the strength Workouts on the „off-Days“, while skipping the Work-capacity/ Core Workouts and instead adding some of the corework on Muay Thai days/ strength days for a total of 6 days per week.

Is that a reasonable approach or do you have another recommendation?


Your plan is solid. TLU strength sessions on the off days, skip the work capacity sessions.
– Rob


Thanks for all you do.
  Just staring out with a subscription. “Briefly” – who I am, what I’m doing, then questions.
  47 year old Caucasian male (5’8″, 200 lbs). Beginnings of garage gym with sandbags, treadmill, plyo-boxes, kettlebell and some assorted dumbells.
  In moderate fitness (at least that was my belief before starting MTI)…
Goals: Long term – Overall fitness that will help with quality of life in advanced age.
   Short term – Spartan Race (I’ve done a Sprint), GoRuck event (eventually Heavy), 1/2 Marathon (I’ve completed one, not great), better 5k – 10k times. Eventual return to Krav Maga and kickboxing classes.
  Currently doing:
    1) 10 minutes Yoga first thing in morning
    2) Ruck with 30# pack alternate days during lunch break – 14:50/min miles, usually 3 – 4 miles total.
    3) Climbing rope work (it was my weakest point during the Spartan Sprint) alternate days (currently plank-form lowers and “pull-ups”)
    4) MTI – Limited Equipment Training Pack – currently on Bodyweight.
    5) MTI – Chassis Integrity Training Plan – concurrently
    6) Indoor soccer league (goalie) and occasional runs with my wife.
   1) I’m not recovering as well as I used to so I’ve added an additional rest day into the plan between day 4 – 5 (or as needed). Am I sabotaging the plan by doing so (will this cause me to plateau I guess I’m asking)? I’m in no rush.
   2) I’ve replaced the pull-ups in the Limited plan with the rope work. My max was one pull-up so I thought I needed to improve this before switching (and I’ve no easy place to do horizontal pull-ups at home). I was doing assisted pull-ups (with band), but figured the grip strength and rope would be better long term. Agree? Disagree? Add it back in assisted?
   3) I’m doing Bench Dips instead of classic because I don’t have the equipment at home. Acceptable?
   4) Occasionally I’d like to switch to a Zercher Goodmorning during the Chassis plan. I’ve got some neck and lower back issues that make me cautious. Acceptable?
   5) Nutrition – I’ve watched the MTI video. As I’m married and the house cook, I’m a little less flexible for meals. I avoid processed foods and sugar. My wife is a vegetarian so I consume more carbs than you recommend. I do add animal protein where possible. I know I can’t out-train a shitty diet, but will the diet hold back muscular/fitness gains or just lower my power-weight ratio?
   6) I’m thinking about adding in some footwork mobility drills (looking at your Operator Agility Complexes with an agility ladder in lieu of hurdles). As you may have noticed, I can overtrain on occasion. I’m looking to develop footwork speed for eventual kickboxing/fighting ability. Too much?
  Sorry for the length. I appreciate any advice you can offer.


1. No. Take another recovery day if needed.
2. I’d rather you do negative pull ups (jump, up, let yourself down slowly). Also – I’d like you to lose 25 pounds, which will help.
3. Ok
4. Ok
5. See above – I’d like you to lose 25 pounds, even if it’s all muscle. 200 pounds at 5’8″ is too heavy – esp. for someone 47 years old. At 175# everything will feel better.
6. yes – if on top of training. Train just once a day – so if you get into MMA or something similar – your work there is your training for the day.
You’ll want to move to the SF45 programming for your day to day programming.
– Rob


I had a question when it comes to nutrition. And Is peanut butter bad for you during the selection training plan.  I love eating peanut butter and I know it has a lot of fat in it. So I was wondering what your advice is.


Peanut butter is ok. Better would be almond butter. Here are our nutritional guidelines:

– Rob


I am a recent graduate of OCS. I performed pretty well physically at OCS, but still do not have a max PFT score. I am looking to do the PFT program in order to get to the first class PFT category. I was wondering if you think it is a bad idea to incorporate other lifts into the plan, I do not want to lose strength in other areas of my body.


You could add to it, but stop if you aren’t making the progressions in the APFT Training Plan.
– Rob


I’ve heard great things about your programming and have enjoyed (and seen good results) from the couple of plans I have done.

I was wondering if you have a plan that would help prepare me for USAF EOD training. I’ve seen articles that they will be going from the current PAST (pull ups, sit ups, 1.5 mile run) to a new Tier 2 standard.

From what I’ve read on USAF websites the new Tier 2 standards include the following:

EOD Tier 2 Physical Test components:

• Run, 1.5 miles

• Row Ergometer, 1,000 meters

• Grip Strength

• Medicine Ball Toss, Back, Side and Log 20 pounds

• Trap Bar Deadlift, five repetition maximum

• Pull-up • Extended Cross Knee Crunch, metronome 56 beats per minute

• Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 25 meter, 100 meters

I could not find any information on what an airman would need to do to pass the standards but I would prefer to exceed them. Here’s a link to the most recent article I could find about the new EOD Tier 2 standards.


Quite honestly it’s been difficult for me to keep up with all the AF fitness assessments. Not only is there a shift for their battlefield airman, but each job category (TACP, CCT, EOD, etc.) seems to have their own test in development. Closest I have to what you describe is a specific assessment for the TACP test:



**Rest 5-10 Minutes Between Events except as noted. Scroll down for event explanations and scoring

(1) Med Ball Toss Sum Total:______________

(2) Three Cone Drill Time:______________

(3) Grip Strength (Dynomometer) Total:______________

(4) Trap Bar Deadlift (5RM) Total:______________

(5) Weighted Lunges Total:______________

(6) Max Pull-Ups Total:______________

(7) Ext Cross Knee Crunch Total:______________

(8) Farmer’s Carry Time:______________ 

(9) 1,000m Row Erg Time:______________

****** Rest 15 Minutes *****

(10) 1.5 mile Run Time:______________

Once all this settles I’ll develop individual plans for each job category.
– Rob


I am thinking of doing the super squat online course, instead of just buying the program.   What’s the difference between them, online course and program?   I’ve completed the one lift per day and the 45 alpha.

Didn’t care for the Alpha.  Too much running.  Messes with my hip.
My goal is to gain strength.  I like your combination of strength building and chassis work.


The course is for coaches who want to understand/implement Super Squat progression and how to program it into their own training sessions. It’s not a training plan.
The plan is for athletes.
– Rob


I’m interested in competing in the backpack trail race at the sheep show in Reno this year. It’s about 6.5 miles, with 1200′ elevation gain, 50 lb pack.

I have until Feb 7 to train for it.
What plan(s) do you suggest Ruck Improvement and do the rucks on hills?


I’d recommend the Peak Bagger Training Plan the 6 weeks directly before the event- with the following modifications:
Use a 50# pack and 12″ step for the step ups in the plan, and do the prescribed rucks with a 50# pack.
– Rob


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MTI Initiatives Which Never Gained Traction: Part I – Range Fitness

LEOs conduct a Range Fitness Drill as part of a mini-study we completed in 2015.


By Rob Shaul

The beginning of MTI’s Range Fitness effort began with a comment from a USAF Combat Controller at the first tactical programming course I taught in 2010.

The programming course only addressed fitness and at its conclusion, this individual stated, “it would be great if you could design programming to improve accurate marksmanship under stress.”

My military time post Academy was in the Aids to Navigation branch of the Coast Guard – my first duty station was a buoy tender in Oregon, so while I had some shooting experience growing up as a kid in Wyoming, my military shooting experience was minimal.

Nevertheless, I was intrigued by this idea and began earnestly thinking about and developing programming, and more broadly, a system, for training accurate marksmanship under stress.

I called this system “Range Fitness.”

It’s hard to describe the huge investment in time and resources I deployed to develop MTI’s Range Fitness programming. We began with the purchase of a couple assault rifles, EO Tech sights and thousands of rounds of .556 ammo. As well as a couple Glock 17s, and a bunch of 9mm ammo.

We spend hours at the local shooting range in Jackson testing different targets, fitness stressor events, shooting positions. Myself and my interns/coaches were the initial lab rats. As well, when I would go to teach fitness programming courses to tactical units, I’d try to schedule in an afternoon at the range to test our developing theory, events, and system on actual tactical athletes.

We attacked Range Fitness in typical MTI fashion … research, design, test, evaluate, fix and re-design, re-test, re-evaluate, and on and on.

Early on we discovered that paper targets were not efficient. Athletes could not identify hits and misses at the time of the shot, and putting up new targets between shooters was a major time suck. We needed “reactive” targets and went cheap at first … pieces of wood, used frying pans, balloons, and cardboard, etc. and finally migrated to metal, reactive targets.

At first, we purchased simple round targets and jury-rigged frames with wire to hold them up … only to find that the shrapnel from target hits chewed through the wire – causing the targets to fall. Eventually, I bit the bullet and purchased high quality but expensive, reactive metal targets with durable frame holders.

Another issue was the target distance. Through hours at the range and focused trial and error, we settled on 1 MOA target distance, which meant we were using 8″ round targets at 80 yards for our mid-range carbine Range Fitness events – or 10″ targets at 100 yards, etc.

I read everything I could about marksmanship, fine motor skills, and the impact of stress and increased heart rate on fine motor skills. Physical stress was the first stressor we put on athletes and our initial physical stress events included sandbags, barbells, kettlebells, and complicated mixes of sets and reps between shooting efforts.

We started cutting stuff and eventually settled on two types of fitness modes – simple burpees and shuttle sprints. As well, we learned we could also add additional stressors – a time limit, ammo limit, “hit” standard for marksmanship, and by running athletes side by side – a competition stress element.

Our initial range fitness events would run for 4-8 minutes, and soon we learned this was way too long, and began to cut duration significantly to where our longest event lasted 2:30.

We learned that by using a set time for each event, limiting ammo load, and manipulating the number of hits for each level of progression, we could run expert marksmanship alongside rookie shooters at the same time and have each pushed to his/her limit.

In our own testing, we found we would quickly plateau in Range Fitness achievement simply by doing the events. We had to step back, identify the marksmanship fundamental skills which counted most …. trigger control, follow through, and develop events to train and develop these. Ball and dummy drills became a key way we saw improvement.

Through our own testing, and attending other shooting courses we found that longer than 90 minutes of intense, focused shooting we became mentally exhausted and stopped learning and improving. We attended a tactical shooting course in North Carolina which boasted that students would shoot 1,000 rounds over two days, and discovered the same thing there …. after about 200 rounds, we stopped learning.

Eventually, we were able to put all of this together into focused, efficient training session which included a stress event ‘warm up,’ fundamental shooting drills including ball and dummy drills and follow through work, and concluded with an efficient, progressible Range Fitness Event. The entire effort could be completed in 60-75 minutes, and take just 100-120 rounds per shooter.

We then took what we learned shooting mid-range carbines (70-100 yards) and applied it to pistols and CQB Distance Carbines. We couldn’t use metal targets for our CQB distance carbines and actually designed and had printed custom paper targets which could be used by multiple shooters for several events so inefficient target change out was minimal.

Finally, after all this, we asked our community for unit volunteers who we would visit for free, and demonstrate our Range Fitness system in return for feedback. Over three weeks one October we worked with an FBI SWAT Team, Rangers at Fort Benning, a USMC MARSOC unit in California, and a full company in the 82nd Airborne at Fort Bragg.

Range Fitness worked awesomely! Excellent, experienced shooters in SOF and SWAT were all pushed by the system and training sessions and provided glowing feedback. They reported the system alone identified “holes” in their shooting/marksmanship fundamentals in everything from equipment choice to shooting positions to mental approach. Likewise, new shooters at line units saw first hand the application of marksmanship fundamentals to shooting success, and across the board, they reported a preference for the Range Fitness system over their typical range training.

I was proud of building this system from scratch and thought we really had a solid, successful product on our hands.

We offered the Range Fitness Course on our website, and I build out an entire Range Fitness training cycle and waited for the orders to roll in.

Then …. crickets.

This was near the height of the Iraq Surge which was quickly followed by Obama’s Afghanistan Surge and units were flush with money for shooting courses, just not ours. We never sold a single Range Fitness specific course.

When I would go out to teach programming courses to active units I’d always try to schedule in an afternoon at the range to teach the system, and several units took me up on this – but it was essentially a free add-on.

Unit shooting instructors who participated loved Range Fitness! Several told me they planned to add the system to their own range instruction. The only negative comment I received came from a Border Patrol BORSTAR team leader who said the 1 MOA target distance was too hard.

But regardless, Range Fitness never gained traction. Why? It could be tactical athletes aren’t interested in learning marksmanship from an old Coastie – especially when it seemed at one time every retired Delta force or DEVGRU operator was starting their own shooting schools.

It could be our system didn’t have the “whiz-bang” of the slow motion, weapons manipulation Magpul videos at the time.

Honestly, I’m not sure.

I still own three assault rifles, three Glocks and thousands of rounds of .556 I’m not sure how to dispose of. But overall, have no regrets. I learned so much about testing, system design, and overall project completion from developing the Range Fitness system which I’ve subsequently applied to new projects within and without MTI.

As well, through our Range Fitness testing and work with tactical athletes, I got to meet and work with front-line individuals in LE and the military I may have never encountered. Those relationships have continued and we’ve relied on them for follow up research.

Finally, if you’ve followed MTI for some time, you know my interests and our work extend beyond physical fitness. Developing Range Fitness was my first concentrated effort to move outside fitness programming, and I’ve followed up most recently with our work in mission-direct research and Quiet Professionalism, both of which have enriched my work life, and enhanced our value to MTI followers.

For old times sake, below are some of the Range Fitness events and fundamental drills we developed.










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MTI Wildland Fire Fitness Assessment

By Rob Shaul

We’ve worked with committed Wildland Firefighters for several years and previously developed the MTI Wildland Fire 3/600/3 Endurance Assessment.

The assessment described below is a comprehensive assessment across several fitness attributes. We consider Wildland Firefighters “Tactical Athletes” with the same fitness demands as military infantry and land-based special forces:

  • High Relative Strength (strength per bodyweight)
  • High Multi-Modal Work Capacity with a sprint emphasis
  • Endurance (uphill hiking under load, rucking)
  • Chassis Integrity (functional core strength and strength endurance)
  • Tactical Agility

While the mission-direct fitness demands of Wildland Firefighting include work capacity, rucking, high relative strength, rucking and hiking under load, few Truck Crews, Hotshot crews and Smokejumper teams train to reflect this. Similar to line unit military, in our experience most wildland firefighter unit training revolves around push ups, sit ups and unloaded running. This test is a step away from that tradition and step toward assessing the true fitness demands of fighting wildfires.

A couple of notes on this assessment

  • Equipment is minimal by design. There is no standardized fitness equipment at Wildland Firefighter bases.
  • Same loading for men and women. Both sexes use the same weight – for fit women, it is more than manageable.
  • Grip/”tactical chassis” focus. This assessment will really test your grip and tactical chassis strength. Tactical Chassis = legs, lungs and core.
  • No Joke. This assessment is difficult. So is fighting wildfires.
  • This assessment also tests stamina. By design, this assessment lasts 90+ minutes and is designed to test not only the individual fitness demands, but also the overall physical and mental stamina of the athletes, and hopefully reflects a long multi-hour shift on the fireline.

 Required Equipment

  • 80# Sandbag
  • 16-18” Bench or box for step ups
  • Marker Cones and 25m of open, flat ground for the Work Capacity Assessment
  • 48” Ledge
  • Stopwatch
  • Backpack or Ruck with 45 Pounds of loading.


  • Shorts, T-Shirt, Sneakers

Questions?  Email me:


3 Rounds
10x Air Squats
10x Push ups
5x Walking Lunges
Run 50m
Instep Stretch


(1) Max Reps Strict Pull Ups

Protocol: Dead hang, to chin fully above the bar. No kipping. No time limit, but you cannot change your grip, or touch your feet. You can “rest” at the full hang position, but cannot touch your feet. No time limit – athlete goes until failure.

Record total reps.

→ What this event assesses: Upper body pulling strength.


Rest 3 Minutes before next event


(2) Max Reps Hand Release Push Ups in 90 Seconds

Protocol: Athlete begins lying prone on the ground, hands near his/her armpits, and up off the ground. On “Go” athlete completes as many Hand Release Push Ups as possible in 90 seconds. When the athlete pushes up, his/her torso/butt must rise up in line with his/her chest. The chest cannot rise first, followed by the butt/legs. Athlete must come to full elbow extension at the top of the push up, and his/her hands must come off the ground at the bottom. Athlete may stop and rest in the down position (lying on the ground) as needed.

Record total reps.

→ What this event assesses: Upper body pushing strength.


Rest 3 Minutes before next event


(4) 60/10/60 Sandbag Keg Lift for Reps @ 80# bag, 48” Ledge

Protocol: Sandbag must move from ground at athlete’s side, across his/her body, to a 48-inch Ledge.

Start with the sandbag on the left side, at 60 seconds, switch so sandbag is on the ground on the athlete’s right side. You’ll have 10 second to make the switch. Then, on “go” – continue with max reps for 60 seconds with the sandbag on your right side.

Count the Max Reps for the entire 120 seconds of work . Entire bag has to be on the ledge for the rep to count. The clock does not stop for the switch. 

Record total reps.

→ What this event assesses: Chassis Integrity, functional core strength, Grip Strength, Work Capacity.


Rest 5 Minutes before next event


(5) Modified MTI Tactical Athlete Work Capacity Assessment 

Protocol: Modify this event so the athletes wear a 25 pound backpack, instead of a weight vest or individual body armor. Total, this is an 11 minute event. Each completed 25m length counts as one rep.

Record total reps.

→ What this event assesses: Sprint-based work capacity, recovery, level change, tactical agility, mental fitness.


Rest 10 Minutes before next event


(6) 1/300/1 Ruck Run, Step Up, Run

Protocol:  On “go” athlete runs one mile wearing a 25# back pack, returning to the start.

He/she then completes 300x step ups to a 16-18 inch bench or box wearing the 25# backpack.

Once the step ups are completed, the athlete runs one mile, wearing the 25# backpack

Record the total finish time.

→ What this event assesses: Mission-direct endurance (ruck running, step ups, running), stamina, mental fitness.


– 50 Points Total (see chart below)

General Score    Total Points
Poor                     0-20
Good                    21-35
Excellent              36-50


Pull Up Reps

Hand Release Push Up Reps

Sandbag Keg Lift Reps

Work Capacity Assessment Reps

1/300/1 Finish Time






43:00 +

























































Questions, Comments, Concerns? Email

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