Q&A 5.2.19


Does MTI have a police version of the Busy Operator series? One that would train those attributes essential for law enforcement in a short training session.

Thanks for what you guys do and the training you provide. Keep on getting it!


No – but the training sessions in our day-to-day plans for LE Patrol/Detective are all designed to last 45-50 minutes. These are found in the Spirits Packet of plans.
– Rob


I’ve just discovered MTI, have read a few articles from you and about what you’re doing, and like the sound of it.
About me: I’m a UK firefighter (what you might call urban) and like spending my free time outdoors. I’ve summited the majority of the tall mountains here, some wearing a weighted vest, and have dabbled to varying degrees in different mountain sports. (Running/hiking/mountain biking/skiing/snowboarding/climbing)
On discovering CrossFit a few years ago it made perfect sense to me in improving my fitness and has indeed done so – to a point.
I’ve climbed sporadically, but have started going to the local gym more regularly and realised how bad my finger/grip strength is.
I would also like to train more actively/specifically for my job – I took part in the ‘British Firefighter Challenge’ last year and again where I thought I was pretty competant found myself wanting. Specifically in grip strength and odd object movements such as equipment carries and dummy drags.
I’m 6’3 and have always been on the skinnier side, around 160-170lb. I’m currently focusing on some core powerlifts along with CrossFit WODs and some running/rowing.
You guys offer 200+ programms, and I could follow multiple ones for each of the areas that I’m looking to improve. I guess my question is how do I get the most out of what you have to offer? How do you envisage someone like me best using your platform?
Look forward to hearing from you,


We believe tactical athletes should train for their job first. Our Big Cat series of plans are designed as day to day programming for full time urban firefighters – and these are what I’d recommend. These plans concurrently train:
  • Relative Strength – strength per bodyweight
  • Work Capacity – horse power for short, intense, dangerous events
  • Chassis Integrity – mission-direct midsection training which transfers to the job
  • TAC SEPA – Tactical Speed, Explosive Power and Agility
  • Stamina – Staying power, both mental an physical, for long firefighting or rescue evolutions or multiple missions over a long duty day. 
Start with Jaguar.
You can supplement this programming with time in bouldering gym. To start, I’d recommend completing a Bouldering V-Sum twice per week. More on the V-Sum, Here.
– Rob


I heard about your company through the Art of Manliness podcast a while back, and had some questions about getting back into fitness after a period of, uh, reduced activity.
I have a pretty robust fitness background- playing football in highschool, and was part of ROTC in college until I had to leave due to medical concerns. I stayed in shape mostly by lifting, swimming, rucking, and the basic conditioning we did for ROTC. I’ve never really had good cardio (linemen, after all), and have been away from regular lifting for a while and it been hard to find time to get to the gym. Due to a busy schedule, I haven’t been able to make working out a routine as much as I used to, and my fitness has definitely suffered.
To rectify this, I’m hoping to train for a pair of upcoming obligations- a GORuck Tough Challenge in May, and summer work at a boy scout camp that will be incredibly intensive with lots of rucking and labor. I’m somewhat lost as to what is a good way to orient my workouts, however- should I focus simply on rucking, or would a more well-rounded type of plan be suitable? I have somewhat limited time, and very much limited money, and want to really pick a plan that would work best for my near term goals.
Thanks for having a coaching contact available, and looking forward to getting back to the grind!


The 5 weeks directly before your GoRuck event, complete the GoRuck Challenge Training Plan.
Between now and beginning the GoRuck plan, work through the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan.
– Rob


I recently injured my low back, most likely a disc issue.  I see that you offer a low back injury plan for people like me.  My question is at what point should I jump into the plan? I still am in pain from the injury so I assume I should wait until the pain subsides significantly.  If waiting is the best option, is there anything I can do physically in the meantime? My plan was just to do some lower intensity stationary biking and yoga/stretching.


Yes – wait until the pain is gone and you’re back to normal activity.
Now? The only thing I would add is some easy walking with a 25# backpack.
– Rob


I have done several of your workouts and really enjoy them. I was wondering if you had recommendations or an ab workout to do in addition to your main plans. I am a 42 year old state trooper and as I get older it’s hard to maintain my mid section. Thanks


– Rob


Quick question about Operation Hector:

On strength days when doing workouts like 5 rounds of 2x power clean + push press @ 85% rep max, what would be a good average rest time between rounds?


Each circuit – including these, has a mobility drill or stretch. This is your “working rest” between rounds. Work steadily, not frantcially, but at the same time, this isn’t powerlifting – you don’t need 5 minutes between sets.
– Rob


Thanks for your guidance in the past.  Coming out of winter training and looking for suggestions.

Latest assessments:

5k Run – 24:20
Back Squat – 215lb
Deadlift – 280lb
Bench – 185lb
Press – 110lb
Height: 6’2
Weight: 180lb
Age: 34


Injury prevention and resilience to carry me through the first few years of starting a company
Half marathon in fall 2019
Rainier summit in June 2020

I took a stab at a sequence:

MTI Relative Strength
Whiskey V2
Run improvement
Wilderness Packet
Rainier Plan

Thanks for any input!


Plan is solid, but better would be use Country Singer Packet (1 & 2) plans as your day to day programming, then do the Half Marathon Training Plan, and then off again to do the Rainier-Plan prior to that climb.
– Rob


Where would I use the Running and Rucking Improvement plans if I am on track with using the USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Packet? I would like to improve my running and rucking but I am unsure if I need to vary away from the Packet to complete the Running and Rucking improvement plans first.


Not sure you need to add these plans, but if you do – right at the beginning, skipping the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
– Rob


Future (re)subscriber here looking for some plan advice. I just finished up the peak bagger plan to prepare for a 5 day, 3 peak mountaineering trip to Mexico (Nevado de Toluca, Iztaciuattl, Pico De Orizaba). The trip went off without a hitch, and my group smashed each of our objectives in great time, and with almost no soreness or recovery. Much of the trip was at or above 5000m and with no time to acclimatize it was important for everything else to be dialed. Needless to say I am very happy with my progress and the results of the preparation. I took a week off (ski trip) and now im ready to get back in the gym.
I need some help choosing a new plan. I am going to be leading a group (classmates, im not a guide) up several WA Cascade volcanoes over the next 2 months culminating with at least 1 climb of Rainier in mid June (have climbed all before). At the same time I have some (rock/alpine) climbing objectives im working toward and need to be able to work in some climbing training to prepare me for some easy/mod <5.8 multi pitch alpine climbing through the summer. (havent climbed in months to focus on peak bagger). So, essentially I want to maintain my current mountaineering fitness and be able to start working in some regular climbing/training. I am familiar with most of your plans but not sure which one might be best for this case.
Thanks in advance for the help and I look forward to more successful training. PS everyone who I have referred to MTN Tactical is super happy with their workouts and results.


I’d recommend the Alpine Rock Preseason Climbing Plan. This plan includes both climbing-focused training for finger strength/endurance, and aerobic work for approaches.
– Rob


I have started the army ocs application process but don’t have a ship date. I’m not out of shape, but compared to most of your programs I’m not exactly in shape. What program would you recommend to build a solid foundation before I go to basic training?


– Rob


I came across your website today. I am wondering which workout plan would be the best for me to start with.
1. I am essentially sedentary, but have begun rucking in the last month. I can do an 18 minute mile for 2 miles with a 5 lb ruck.
2. I have several goals…I want to do the GoRuck Light around September.
3. I am interested in disaster response and want to be able to do search and rescue and wilderness paramedic training.
4. I am about 100lbs overweight.
5. I do not currently have access to a gym, but may in a few months.
Thank you so much.


I’m sorry, but I’m afraid all our plans would be too intense for you at your current level of fitness. Our entry-level plan is the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, but even it could be too much to start out.
At the link above, click the “sample training” tab to see the first week of training. I’d recommend you try it out and see how you do before purchase. If it’s too much, come back to us after your fitness has improved and you’ve been able to cut weight.
– Rob


I am really loving the Bodyweight Foundation Plan.  I am totally new at strength training and it is kicking my ass proper.
One question: if the point of the session is strength endurance and I can’t complete the number of reps calculated in a particular set, would you recommend that I try to finish with eccentric or isometric movements to exhaustion (assuming I can do it in a controlled and safe manner) or to stop and rest until I can complete the set with the full movement of the reps?  I ask because when I stop to rest, it lowers my heart rate which makes it feel like I won’t get as much benefit from pushing myself to expand strength endurance and work capacity.
Thanks for your time!


Go to your knees for the push ups when you fail there, and do negative pull ups as needed. Stop and rest for the other efforts.
Let the running and work capacity in the plan address your heart rate and cardio.
– Rob


I was wondering what a good follow on program would be to the Body Weight Foundation?

I am on week 4 if it now and wanted your opinion on what to do next.

I am 40, former Marine, Fed LEO in NYC. I have limited experience with Olympic lifts and an irregular schedule. (Have access to a gym but can’t always make it there and have to make due with limited equipment).


Spirit’s Packet for full time LE Patrol/Detective. Start with Whiskey.
If you are full time SWAT/SRT, do the Gun Maker Packet.
– Rob


I’m currently in the middle of Ruck based selection.
My 2 mile time is regressing.  I’m good with the ruck times (13:30/mile).
I was thinking for the work capacity days I should just do the 200m runs without the sandbag.  Would that work to help my unweighted run time?  Any advice would be appreciated.
I can fit in workouts whenever I need to throughout the day.
Sleep 8-10hrs a night
Eat 2800-3300 cal a day.


No. Follow the programming as prescribed. Your body is likely responding to the high volume. It will accommodate.
– Rob


Thank you for your detailed and thorough workout plans. I work at Virginia Military Institute with the Army ROTC program and just utilized your Sandhurst Competition plan to prepare a team of cadets for the Sandhurst Competition next week at West Point. I will let you know how they perform.
I am a member of the National Guard, training for the Best Ranger Competition in April of 2020. As you probably know, the National Guard holds a tryout to assess potential competitors in the fall of year prior to the competition. So, for instance, I will go to Fort Benning in November of this year to tryout. The tryout consists of the RPFT, Obstacle Course, Land navigation, 2 mile run, Unknown Distance Ruck March and Land Navigation day/night. Its 36 hours for the tryout. From what I have been told, it is considered a point based, “mini-event”, with rucking and land-navigation the highest weighted events.
I have purchased your workout package and have access to the Best ranger Training Plan. I am wondering if you would recommend utilizing it in preparation for the tryout? If so, would you make any adjustments? If not, what program of yours would your recommend?
Thank you for your time and for equipping us to become the most physically prepared warriors for this Nation.


1) Add pull ups to the APFT.
2) Add a 3 mile night navigation rucking event to Saturdays – making these a 2-a-day.
– Rob


Just started Hector( I like the way it sucks lol) but I was curious if the stretches are part of the rounds or meant to be completed after all rounds are finished. Also if not prescribed, what’s a good hold count for the stretches per side? Thanks.


15-20 seconds.
– Rob

Seeking your expertise. I am currently in week 5 of BW foundation and struggling mightily with the strength progressions as of late. I have
been pushing through to get in all the prescribed reps, however, my recent strength sessions are eclipsing 1.5 hrs. Week 5, day 1 took about a 1 hr, 40 min this morning with many of the sets being completed in 1, 2, or 3 rep segments with long breaks (upwards of 1-2 min) in between.

Should I stick with the sessions in their current state and extend the workouts past 1.5 hrs? Cycle back a week or two? Change to modified versions (as possible) once

I cannot complete more than 1-2 reps at a time – pushups (go to knees), pull-up bar heel taps (situps), and pull-ups (negatives), etc. – to keep it moving? Thanks.
Push ups – go to knees
Pull ups – negatives
Pull Up Bar Heel Taps – Pull up your feet as high as possible
– Rob

I’m ready to start the dryland ski program, but need to buy sandbags. Where did you buy yours?  I searched google but couldn’t find any with the two handles.
We build and sell our own. Purchase here: https://gear.mtntactical.com/collections/gear/products/sandbag
– Rob

I am currently serving as an Army recruiter in New Jersey. I am 33 years old and have been in the Army for 11 years. I am currently working with a Special Forces recruiter to go to SFAS and I am looking into starting a training plan to prepare for it. I want to build my over all strength and get better at rucking and running. I have spoken with people who have gone through SFAS and have an idea on what needs to be done but I do not know where to start. I came across your website and was wondering which programs you would recommend for me? Thank you for any advice you can provide.
– Rob

I am starting the Big 24 cycle, but I am not comfortable enough with the squat clean movement. Would you suggest substituting it with either a straight or hex bar deadlift while keeping the squat clean rep scheme?
Hex bar dead lift. But it would be best to do the Hang Squat Clean as prescribed. You’ll get lots of hang squat clean practice during Big 24.
– Rob

Enjoying the On ramp course!  Wondering about rest periods during the the workout.  For example 6 rounds of squat clean, squat, the kneeling curl to press…increasing load as I go.  Should there be a rest period between rounds or is everything as fast as possible?
Each strength circuit includes a mobility drill or a stretch – this is your “working rest”. Work steadily through these circuits, not frantically. Goal is to lift as heavy weight as possible, but still be efficient with the time.
– Rob

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Q&A 4.25.19


I wanted to start by thanking you for your programming. I have seen great gains using the military on-ramp as well as the fortitude V2 plans. I am currently using your meathead marathon plan to work up to my first marathon which will be April 6th. After completion, my goals will be to increase my overall strength while improving times on my shorter distance runs (1 mile, 5k, 10k). I am looking at using the Big 24 as well as a running plan. I know you recommend not doubling up on plans but I am young and recover pretty quick. Thank you for any advice that you send my way.


Thanks for the note. If you are not making the progressions in either plan, add in rest days or drop one of the plans. Definitely drop the strength work from whichever running plan you chose – and the Running Improvement Plan will meet your distance goals fairly closely.
– Rob


Firstly, would like to express my continued appreciation for all you do! I have been using MTI for 18 months now and I have found the overall approach to be by far the best I have used.  Three key factors here – I haven’t injured myself once (I train alone), I have seen great results and have not been bored at all.  Thumbs up!

I am just finishing up the Super Squat Strength plan. While I haven’t been as consistent as I would have liked (have been training 3-4 days a week rather than 5), I have seen good improvements in my numbers.  Holding the bar for those 3 breaths for 20 reps is brutal at those percentages!

I have a couple of questions I hope you can help with. I am a 41 yr old general purpose athlete (not mil or LE etc although have been in military) and want to maintain a high standard of overall fitness. I really enjoy mountain biking and rucking as well as time with the bar. I struggle to keep weight on – especially when doing a lot of work capacity type training.  I enjoy work cap training though but have found, unsurprisingly, that I keep my weight near where I want it to be when I focus on strength training (my diet is pretty good). My goal is to keep an overall focus on strength throughout all of my training but find the right balance and diversity between strength training and work capacity and endurance type training (which I find good for my soul).

I have bought the Country Singers Packet 1 and the Strength Packet and want to maximise my value for money with these plans in line with the above goal. I have a couple of questions after reading your article on MTI’s Eight different Strength Progressions – most of the plans covered are in the Strength packet. The table in the article highlights pros and cons for each approach – some related to plans being easily implemented into a non-strength cycle or Generally only used during a strength focused cycle. https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/mtis-six-different-strength-progressions/

  1. I recognise that I am not a coach so pardon my ignorance but how long should a strength cycle be? Is there a standard approach or is it dependant on the individual and their goals?
  2. To add a strength emphasis to my overall training (while still providing variety), I am thinking that I could intermix the plans from both the Country Singer Packet 1 and the Strength Packet. To avoid too much focus on one strength training methodology, I have avoided coupling plans which use the same one (TLU and Johnny for example). I have already completed Bodyweight Foundation and Johnny from the Singers packet. My idea would be:
      • Johnny
      • Super Squat
      • Hank
      • Rat 6
      • MTI Relative Strength
      • Willie
      • TLU
      • 357
      • Big 24
      • Waylon
      • Eccentric
      • BW Foundation

Completing these plans in this way would keep me occupied for a while!!!  I’d be grateful for your views.


  1. 6-8 weeks is my approach – but other coaches may feel different. Understand that coaches who train powerlifters and Oly lifters train strength constantly. However, when it comes to fitness programming, “everything works, but nothing works forever,” – eventually the body accommodates to the stimulus and progress stops.
  2. I haven’t coached or done something similar, so I’m not sure the effect … but it’s worth a try. Our strength plans do include work capacity efforts, but little to no endurance. So your endurance will suffer (MTB, rucking).

– Rob


I have recently purchased the Whiskey LE program and I am shockingly pleased with the way things are progressing. I am a retired 15 year infanteer and I have recently started a career in LE. I am looking to begin training to push towards the Tactical team but I have some time before that. I am finding the Whiskey program maybe not quite as challenging as I had hoped and I am just wondering what is the next progression. I’m looking for a program to always improve or at least maintain my fitness level as a front line officer. I am roughly 35 years old 6’ and about 200lbs, run the 1.5 mile between 9:50 and 10:10 and can do 50 push-ups on the coppers test.

I am also quite pleased at the fact that you have taken the time to answer many personal questions. Thanks for the great programming and keep it up.


After Whiskey move to the plans/programs in the Gun Maker Packet for full-time SWAT/SRT. Start with Glock.
– Rob


Hope this finds you well! A bit ago you had suggested that I do the bodyweight foundation program. I completed that plan and have been hard at work on triathlon training which wraps up at the end of April. I am reaching out for a plan or series of plans that will support my goals for this year and build a foundation for next year. My athletic goals for this year are primarily focused around supporting SCUBA, moderate distance rucking, trail running, and preparing for wilderness first responder courses. Next years goals are similar with the addition of climbing. I can normally train 1-2 hours a day, 5 – 6 days a week.
I know the information above is very high level so let me know if you need any additional detail.
As a side note, the failure resume that you recently published really hit home for me and has prompted me to do some much needed life evaluation. I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time and courage to publish that for the MTI community.


I’d recommend the plans/order in the new Wilderness Packet for wilderness professionals. Start with Jedediah Smith.
– Rob


Do you guys still recommend the 25lb V-Force weight vest?  Seems to be the most cost effective; also for the vest utilization for your programming, do you recommend wider or narrow shoulder straps?


Here are the vests we use. They are several years old (5+) and I don’t think at that time we had a shoulder strap width option.
– Rob


My Chiro recommended your programs and I’d love to have some help figuring out what works for me….

I’ve gone through your site a fair bit but am a bit overwhelmed. Apparently I’m a fast twitch gal which is funny because I’ve geared my goals for yours to be LSD. Ironman, half and full marathons, etc.
I’ve struggled forever with glut/hip/hammie issues always on my left side, hence DrRobyn.

My goal is health, fitness, definition.
Could someone help me a bit?
Many thanks!
I’m 44, Mom of 2, Photographer, competitive and Type A personality, ha!
Thank you in advance


My recommendation for you depends somewhat on your current fitness, and age.
If you’re currently fit, and have been doing some strength training I’d recommend our SF45 Packet of Plans. These are designed for high impact tactical and mountain athletes ages 45-55, and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance, and chassis integrity, but have a more significant endurance element, and make some allowances for joint impact. At 44, your close enough to this age group. I’m 45, and this is the programming I usually do myself unless I’m testing out some other programming.
Start with SF45 Alpha.
If you are aerobically fit but haven’t been doing any weight or strength training, start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, then follow it up with the plans in the SF45 Packet.
– Rob


I’m currently trying to convince my command to allow me to use this program as a remedial PT plan for 2 soldier’s APFT failures. And they are willing to approve the plan if I can include another 1hr PT session. I tried to explain that this program is designed to work with only the training sessions that are included within the program and additional training sessions may adversely impact the results of the program. Even still they insisted on another session for each day of training for at least an hour so basically two-a-days. I really want to do this program because I’ve had a lot of success with it with previous soldiers so, is there any other light training I could do to add to this program that wouldn’t negatively impact their progress? I’d be willing to purchase other programs that include light workouts if that’s necessary.


That’s a tough one, as the only way athletes will be able to not be negatively impacted by 2 a days is if they are really fit – which isn’t your case.
Option for you would be light rucking …. 25-45 pounds, and just walk for an hour. It would help with weight loss which will help with everything.
– Rob


I am looking for a workout to get me in shape for tree felling and arborist climbing. If there is anything you can recommend for that please let me know. I’ll be lifting logs and climbing trees as high as 150 feet at times with my equipment on me adding an extra 50 to 75 pounds to my person.


I don’t have a plan specifically for your profession. From what I do have, I’d recommend the plans/order from the new Notorious Prison packet for correctional officers.
Why? These plans train strength, work capacity and chassis integrity, but also have a significant grip strength component, as well as an upper body hypertrophy component.
The strength, work capacity and chassis integrity work will be great general fitness for you, and the upper body hypertrophy and grip strength work should directly transfer to your work.
Start with Rikers.
– Rob


What’s the best way to integrate the body weight core plan with 2 mile run improvement plan?


The Core Strength Bodyweight Only sessions are only 20-30 minutes long, so you can do them directly after completing the sessions in the  Run Improvement plan.
– Rob


I am currently working through the SFOD-D selection packet and I am planning on going to selection in the fall (September timeframe). I am currently working through the Fortitude V2 portion of the program. I have to take a PT test as part of my application and I was wondering how to incorporate more running into the program without over training. Additionally, I am one of those guys that needs to run in order to be good at it. Unfortunately, I am not one of those genetically gifted runners. I am sure this plan has had fantastic success but I am concerned that I won’t get enough running in. Do you have any advice in regards to my situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Fortitude V2 currently has you running 2 days a week, plus a ruck run one day/week. You could and another run on the weekends.
– Rob


I know you get plenty of questions, this isn’t time critical, I just wanted your input as to how I am approaching completing your BRC preparation plan.

I am just wrapped up week 1 of your BRC plan, and got started on week 2. I’ve used your RASP, Ranger School, and Valor plans in their entirety, and gone through parts of several other MTI plans for different events/schools I was training for. With just one week of the BRC plan under my belt I can say with conviction that it is the most intense plan I have ever followed.

The problem is that I don’t know if following the plan as prescribed is sustainable. I understand this is for train-up immediately before BRC, but I have the time now so I am committed to going through it to get a heads up for what the 2020 train-up will be like. With the sheer volume of leg work I’m finding I am having to drop significant amounts of weight from normal lifts and take longer than prescribed rests in order to ensure I am using proper form.

I understand I am a grown adult and can make the decision to cut back on weight, training time, or add rest days. However I want to see if what is happening should be normal, because this hasn’t happened for me with any other MTI plan.

I  wanted to get your feedback on my approach. If I am having to drop significant weight on my lifts (i.e. ~70# drop in weight on squat cleans, 3×8) should I start cutting back on volume in order to maintain the higher lifts? Or should I keep to the amounts as written and just keep lifting lighter/take longer rests. Have other people had similar issues?

I really appreciate you, Rob. You’ve kept me motivated throughout my career and I love what you do man, keep it up.


You’re the first to report this issue – but know this plan is intense.
Drop weight as needed and don’t overthink it.
– Rob


If I have a facility where I can walk 200-300 steps for the step up work outs is that acceptable or does it need to be a static bench?


Vertical gain is important. A step up bench is 15-18″. The average step on stairs is 8″. So Steps are a subsitute, but if the session calls for 300x Step ups, you need to climb 600x Stairsteps.
– Rob


I am 12 weeks out from a GoRuck 26.2 mile Star Course. This is rucking a marathon distance with 20 lbs under 11 hours. Do you have a plan that would help me train? I am currently in week 2 of your Helena Dumbbell Program. I am a runner but have been doing more of your strength programs recently.


Bataan Death March Training Plan – use your 20# ruck load for the load in the plan.
Understand this is just the fitness side. Not sure if your event includes orienteering – but this plan doesn’t.
– Rob


Love the training plans so far. I plan to do the 8 week big game hunting program when the time comes, but I wanted to know what plans I should be doing in the meantime. Any direction would be helpful.


Plans/order in the Backcountry Big Game Training Packet. Work backward from your hunt date.
– Rob


I am currently going through the training program for the PJ/CCT selection and I am about to start week 7. I wanted to ask for an opinion. I have been training sick for the past week hoping that it would eventually subside, but it has not. I have a cough that seems to be getting worse and I am not sure whether I should tough it out or relax. I appreciate any advice you can provide. Thank you.


If you’re preparing for selection, tough it out.
– Rob


I have a Athlete Subscription and have used your Fat Loss Plan followed by Big Mountain V2 plan to great success for summiting Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Elbrus this year and am very grateful I found your training plans.
I’m planning to attempt Mount Aconcagua (6962m) in January 2019 and this will be a big step up from what I’ve previously done. This gives me 16 weeks of training. Therefore I would greatly appreciate your advice on a suitable training plan:
1. Given I have 16 weeks, what combination of your training plans would you recommend? The Denali Training Plan appears to be harder than the Big Mountain V2 plan. My thoughts were to integrate both plans into a 16 week training plan but I’m not sure how best to do this.
2. If you recommend the Denali Training Plan, is there any alternative session to the Tire Drag session which would be equally beneficial as (a) I will not be using a sled on Aconcagua and (b) it is difficult for me to transport a large tire to the nearest dirt road?
3. The other training plan I was considering is the Uphill Athlete 16 Week Big Mountain Training Plan. If you have any knowledge regarding this training plan or any of other Uphill Athlete’s plans, how does it compare to your Big Mountain or Denali Training plans?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.


Others have used the Big Mountain Training Plan successfully for Aconcagua – but since you’ve already completed that plan, the 9-week Denali Training Plan would a great alternative. Replace the tire drags with a repeat of Wednesday’s step ups.
For the 7 weeks prior, I recommend you step drop the duration and increase the intensity with Valor. This plan comes from our military side, and has a work capacity emphasis, but also trains strength, work capacity and endurance via hard, fast, speed-over-ground intervals for running and ruck running. I would recommend one change to Valor – use 25# for your ruck runs, not 45#.
This is 16 weeks total of programming.
Uphill Athlete? I’ve read the book but am not super familiar with their programming. I would say in general their programming is much more endurance, heart-rate based, than ours, which is more sport-specific, and multi-modal.
– Rob
I made it to the summit of Aconcagua on X February 2019!
I wanted to thank you and your team for researching, designing and making available all these excellent training programs. I’ve used them for a few years now with great success – it really is an amazing resource. I’ve noticed you have a new Everest Training Program available – perhaps I’ll use that program one day. Most of all I wanted to thank you for answering my emails whenever I had questions about your programs and how I can tailor them to best suit my needs. It’s all very much appreciated.


I have been using several MTI programs for the last year to help prep for SWAT tryouts.

How long before the selection day should I begin tapering off?
Also, what should I be doing aside from very light cardio and stretching during the taper?


I’m assuming you’re completing the SWAT Selection Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before your selection. Week 7 in the plan is an unload/taper week.
– Rob


Had a question about loading for hypertrophy for Skinny guys. I decided to plug in 4 weeks of that before my big trip abroad. Context: I’ve just come off a pretty great stream of programs from you, Waylon & Hank, with pretty impressive results! So I started into hypertrophy using calculations for my weights based off of my 1RM. For the first day of hypertrophy, it was really rough, but I generally was able to hit the reps without much of a break except for maybe sometimes in between the last 2-3 reps of the last sets.
However today I did the chest and back one, and it was bloody rough! I tested a 1RM of Chest Press in Hank at 220, so I tried to do 175 for the hypertrophy 8×8. I only got 2 done, then dropped 10, then dropped 10 for another 2, and then dropped all the way to 135.
Across the board, this entire chest/back day was really rough, I even had to pause on the chin ups to allow my muscles to recover a bit to do the last few sets, which feels a bit crazy considering I just came off doing 8×3 with 60 pounds in Hank for a pull-up. The only thing I can really think of is that my muscles, after a strength and power cycle, weren’t really ready for the higher rep ranges and/or my muscles & liver are just lacking in glycogen storage. I usually train on a fast and eat relatively low carbohydrate meals, opting more for protein and fat + veggies.
Anyways my question to you, in this long-winded share, is if I should try to do my best to hit the % of my 1RM and just drop as need be, or should I just start at something a bit lower and try to avoid dropping weight?


The volume in the Hypertrophy Plan is much greater than the volume in the max effort focused strength programming in Waylon and Hank. The high volume, moderate weight is what makes muscles grow – hence hypertrophy.
Don’t worry about it.
– Rob


I appreciate the reach-out on programming. I’ve been cycling through a few of your programs with great results over the last few months and I’m trying to decide what to do next.  My goals are not sport-specific. I care about general fitness and durability with an emphasis on strength and building muscle.  I typically ski once a week in the winter and mountain bike once a week in the summer combined with water skiing and paddle board on the weekends.
I did Hypertrophy early winter – awesome strength and muscle gain that I combined with weekend Nordic skate skiing. However, my tendons were ready for a break by the end.
Followed with Waylon to redevelop work capacity and work some barbell lifts I hadn’t done for a long while. Great progress on all three lifts and a marked improvement on cardio.
I’m currently on week 2 of the kettlebell working strength program just to mix it up with new movement patterns.
Looking towards summer, I was thinking of cycling through another strength/hypertrophy program followed by another general fitness “Waylon”-type program to continue my strength gains while balancing with work capacity.  I love strength programs the most, but I also know my 40yr old body needs to mix it up every 6-8 weeks.
Any recommendations?


Tracie – Follow the country singer packet 1, then 2 plans in order …. they rotate between plans balanced programming, to a plan with a strength/work cap emphasis, back to balance, then to an endurance emphasis, etc.

This will give you the mix/variety you want, and add some higher level progressing and planning to your fitness.
Start with Johnny.
– Rob


I’m looking to start one of the mountain base workout series. Reading the overviews, I like the strategy of the Alpha/Bravo/Charlie plans where you work out for 4 days and “spend the weekend playing outside.” I also like the overall strategy that they’re baseline fitness and then you do a targeted sequence before an event. I’ve got a couple questions:

– When I go into the ABC programs, each week shows 6 days of workouts. Are you just meant to do 4 then rest then pick up where you left off, meaning the division into weeks is arbitrary?
– Can the same philosophy be used to break the Greek Heroine series into 4 on, 3 off? It seems they have more of a weekly periodic cadence to the workouts.
Any guidance would be appreciated, I’m planning on starting the program in about two weeks.


The intent is you train 6 days in a row, however, if you’re playing on the weekends, take Friday off, then pick up again on Monday … but don’t skip ahead in the sessions. So week one, you train Sessions 1-4 on Mon-Thurs, rest Friday, play Sat & Sun in the mountains, and start back again with Session 5 the following Monday.
Same idea for Greek Heroine.
– Rob


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Equipment Recommendations for a Home/Garage Gym

By Rob Shaul
I receive this question often from athletes following MTI programming and frustrated with commercial gym choices or base gym overcrowding.
They ask for equipment suggestions to outfit a home/garage gym. Below are my recommendations.
Please note: This article includes affiliate links to Rogue Fitness for which MTI receives a small commission on any sales.
Squat Stand: Rogue Echo Squat Stand 2.0 $395
Barbell: Rogue Echo Bar 2.0 $265
Plates: Rogue HG 2.0 Bumpers or Rogue Iron Plate (Iron) $795 (350# Set)
Flat Bench: Rogue Utility Flat Bench $195
Sandbag: MTI Sandbags $65
Dumbells: Rogue Dumbbells $540 (25, 35, 45, 55 lbs.)
Pull Up Bar: Rogue P-3 Pull Up System $145
Weight Vest: 25 lbs V-Force Weight Vest $147
Plyo Box: Rogue Fitness Boxes $125
TOTAL: $2,672

1. Moveable, but solid, Squat Stand

When I first started Mountain Athlete years ago I spent thousands on full-sized Bigger/Faster/Stronger power racks. These were more like “cages”  – bug, overbuilt, heavy, and immobile.
The squat stands available at that time were sold in pairs – one stand for each side of the barbell. I found these far too unstable and dangerous.
I started before CrossFit became a rage, but when it did, equipment choice increased exponentially, and prices dropped significantly! Nearly 10 years ago I bought some simple, movable squat stands and we’ve used them ever since. They have been absolutely bomber!
For years I’ve used Rogue Fitness as my primary source of most fitness equipment. Rogue owes CrossFit for its success – but the company itself is solid, prices fair, and service great.
Rogue currently offers 20 separate styles of squat stands.
The one I recommend and purchased for my facility is the cheapest. I bought the Rogue Echo Squat Stand 2.0 for MTI.
The first power racks I purchased from Bigger, Faster, Stronger cost around $2,000 each!
The beauty of these rogue stands is how movable they are … we stack our 6 up together out of the way when not in use up against a wall. One person can move these – and for the home garage gym, they can easily be moved to the side when not in use or dragged outside to train in the weather when it allows.

2. Basic Lifting 45# Barbell

The barbells sold in big box sporting goods stores are made for powerlifting – bench, squat, etc., and don’t “spin” well for cleans. You’ll want a barbell that spins well.
Our first barbells at MTI I dug out of the trash bin at the Bigger Faster Stronger warehouse in Salt Lake City. A few years later I purchased some Oly Barbells from Rogue and they were like doing cleans with butter!
I’m not an Olympic Weightlifting coach, and have no idea of the various levels and quality of the higher-end Oly barbells. Rogue’s current barbell choices are head-spinning…. 43 choices by my count – of regular 45-pound barbells!
But, at MTI we’ve been using simple, cheap Rogue Fitness Oly barbells for 15 years now.
The one I recommend is the simple, base level, Rogue Echo Bar 2.0.

3. Bumper Plates, Iron Plates, and Pair of Collars

Bumper Plates:
Size      Number
45#          4
25#          2
10#         2
Iron Plates:
Size   Number
10#       2
5#         2
2.5#     2
The only change I’d make here is to add a pair of 45# plates if you are super strong … but for most male athletes completing MTI programming, this is all you will need.
I’ve bought most of our bumpers from Rogue Fitness – though others are out there. Rogue offers multiple levels of bumper plates … I bought their cheapest and they’ve been bomber. Specifically, the Rogue HG 2.0 Bumpers for the recommended list above.
Iron Plates: Rogue Iron Plate

4. Flat Bench

Used for Bench Press variations, Incline Press variations, Box Squats, and step ups in a pinch. (Step ups will eventually destroy the cover).

5. Pull Up Bar

Rogue makes squat stands that have pull-up bars, but I wouldn’t recommend one of these. Too many of our strength circuits pair a barbell exercise which requires a rack, and a pull-up version – for example pairing front squats and pull-ups. It would be a frustrating hassle to move the barbell each time to complete a pull-up.
Instead – purchase a pull-up bar you can bolt into the wall. Rogue P-3 Pull-Up System.

6. Sandbags

Made in the USA, and damn near impossible to tear. The newest version includes a liner to ensure nothing leaks out and buckle system similar to a water bag that keeps it all in there. Rubber mulch or sand from your local hardware store for the filler.
40-pound and 60-pound for women.
60-pound and 80-pound for men.

7. Dumbbells

Pair Size
For women, add a pair of 15’s.
Add $37 for a pair of 15’s if needed.
What about kettlebells? Not needed for MTI programming. They are nice to have, and fun to use.
If you want them, I’d recommend pairs of 12kg, 15kg, 20kg, 24kg, 28kg, and if you’re strong, 32kg.
Kettlebells are fun but expensive. This setup from Rogue Fitness would set you back $735.10! …. including a pair of 32kg.

8.  25-Pound Weight Vest

We’ve abused these V-Force vests from weightvest.com for over 8 years now and they have been bomber.

9. Old Backpack

Use it for step ups (dumbbells or plates for load), or weighted pull ups.

10. Step Up Bench

16-18″ bench or box. Ours are custom built and 17″ high. You can use your flat bench, but know you’ll eventually ruin the cover and will have to apply copious amounts of duct tape to repair …

11. Plyo Boxes

You’ll want two of them and we recommend 20″ x 24″ x 30″.

Possible Extras …

– Rubber Flooring. Not needed with bumper plates, but nice to have. We use 1/2 inch 4’x6′ mats in MTI. More horse stalls are 4’x6′ are 3/4″ high and you can purchase at a feed or ag store. Rogue sells 2’x2′ rubber tiles which would be super simple to move but seem explosive.
– Wall Mounted Interval Clock – so nice, but definitely not a necessity. Here’s one off of Amazon for around $50.
– Exercise Mat – needed for sandbag get ups, kettlebell floor presses, etc. if you don’t have rubber flooring. $15 and up.

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Arete 4.25.19

Military / National Security

Hungry for change, Ukrainians tipped to elect comedian as president, Reuters
Russia Has Won the Information War in Turkey, Foreign Policy
Contractors are giving away America’s military edge, Stars & Stripes
USAF Fleet Structured For The Wrong War, CSBA Warns, Aviation Week
This two-star Marine general has turned micromanagement into an art form, Task & Purpose
China’s Theft & Espionage: What Must Be Done, Breaking Defense
Pompeo dismisses North Korea’s rejection of him as US negotiator, Stars & Stripes
Sri Lanka bomb attacks were revenge for New Zealand mosque killings: minister, Reuters
Lyra McKee: woman, 57, arrested over journalist’s killing, The Guardian
‘Operation Blackout is underway’: Russia blames US for Venezuela power crisis, The Guardian
Merit over seniority: Army revamping 50-year-old centralized promotion board, Stars & Stripes
Army Green Uniform, Soldier Systems


First Responser / Homeland Security

Two rescuers drown after boat flips over off Australian coast, Reuters
FBI arrests leader of armed group stopping migrants in New Mexico, Reuters
Mexico warns of ‘deep concern’ over armed groups on U.S. border, Reuters
Say Freeze? FBI’s Facial Recognition Accuracy Unmeasured For Three Years, Warns Watchdog, Defense One
Portland county pays $100,000 in lawsuit over Blue Lives Matter flag, The Guardian
El Paso Sector Border Patrol Encounters New Tactics as Smugglers Keep Sending in Families and Felons, Small Wars Journal
Syrian Refugees Won’t Be Going Home Any Time Soon, Rand Org.
Forest Service Chief issues Letter of Intent for Wildland Fire, Wildfire Today
Off-Duty Idaho Tribal Police Officer Wounded in Ambush at His Home, Officer
Coast Guard servicemembers face drug charges in Alaska, Stars & Stripes
How Columbine became a blueprint for school shooters, Homeland Security Newswire
Suspect Uses Police Taser on Three Officers During Brooklyn Robbery, Officer
The Media Says One Thing About “Hate Crimes”. The FBI Says Something Else., LE Today



Ice climbing in Val Pramper, Dolomites: new mixed route La Piccola Sgualdrina, Planet Mountain
Bear Cub Filmed With Snowboarders May Now Have to Be Euthanized, Unauthorized Networks
Top 15 American Ski Resorts That Received The Most Snow In 2018/19, Unofficial Networks
Pro Skier Dave Treadway Dies in Skiing Accident – Treadway is survived by his pregnant wife, Tessa, and their two sons, Powder
4 Ways To Progress As A Climber, REI Co-Op Journal
What The North Face’s Earth Day Petition Tells Us About Brands Taking a Stand, REI Co-Op Journal
Bodies of David Lama, Hansjörg Auer, and Jess Roskelly Recovered in Canada, Adventure Journal
The Thousands Of Colorado Ski Injuries That Resorts Don’t Tell You About [NPR], Unofficial Networks


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

Huge Review of More Than 300 Studies Reveals Whether Caffeine Can Really Boost Your Workout, Science Alert
What Do Foam Rollers Actually Do?, Outside
New Research Links Marijuana Use to a Healthier Weight, Muscle & Fitness
5 At-Home Cardio Workouts for Fat Loss, Muscle & Fitness
8 Things You Need to Know About Male Birth Control, Muscle & Fitness
Exercising in the evening is better for weight loss than a morning workout, The Sun
The Best Exercises for Your 50s, 60s, 70s—and Beyond, Wall Street Journal
Can CBD Improve Your Athletic Performance?, Gear Patrol
Premium New Zealand honey producer admits adding chemicals: media, Reuters
Many ‘Gen Xers’ Despair as They Navigate Adulthood, Web MD
Why Traditional Grip Training Can Sabotage Baseball Player’s Elbows, Stack News
Why Science Can’t Seem to Tell Us How to Eat Right, Web MD
Why You Don’t Have to Slash Your Mileage to Cure Shin Splints, Men’s Journal
Larry Wheels Just Benched Two 245-Pound Barbells for a Ridiculous PR, Muscle & Fitness
Shoulder Work: Self-Assessment and Development, Breaking Muscle
Artificial intelligence can diagnose PTSD by analyzing voices, Science Daily
Lack of Water Consumption Tied to Kids’ Obesity, WebMD



SpaceX capsule suffers ‘anomaly,’ smoke seen for miles, Air Force Times
Half of England Is Owned by Less Than 1% of Its Population, Researcher Says, NY Times
Vermont passes bill abolishing Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Washington Post
Brains of blind people adapt to sharpen sense of hearing, study shows, Science Daily
How do we decide which species are endangered or threatened?, National Geographic
Harley-Davidson’s profit plunges as Trump’s tariffs bite (HOG), Business Insider
‘There’s zero chance that 5G is a ubiquitous technology’ by 2021, CNBC
These Are The World’s Most Hacked Passwords — Is Yours On The List?, Forbes
Twitter still has a growth problem, Endgadget
Here are all the winners of the 2019 Webby Awards, The Verge



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Tactical Agility Program Design, V2.0

Tactical Athletes Chris (military) and John (LE) finish the TAC SEPA Tactical Pro Agility to Stacked Box Drill last week during the MTI Advanced Programming Seminar.

By Rob Shaul

MTI began thinking about, and programming for Tactical Agility on 2019. I’d been exposed to the agility drills being promoted/recommended from the National Strength & Conditioning Association, and realized immediately they were simply re-tread agility drills and methodologies developed for stick and ball athletes. 

We could do better.


MTI’s Tactical Agility Evolution

MTI’s Tactical Agility programming is still evolving. Ultimately we hope to develop tactical-specific agility standards, exercise methodologies, and programming.

MTI’s Tactical Agility drills and programming has always been aimed at improving tactical athlete’s speed and coordination for jumping over obstacles, crawling under obstacles, and movement under fire. By incorporating these drills and movement into our Base Fitness programming for Military, Law Enforcement and Fire/Rescue athletes, we ensure that the first time our athletes have to move like this in a dangerous, real-world situation, won’t be the real thing.  

We called our first approach, “TAC SEPA” – which was an acronym for Tactical Speed, Explosive Power, and Agility, and many of our tactical agility drills still begin with that acronym. Last year I simplified this to simply “Tactical Agility.”

The drills we’ve developed still apply, but our drill categorization and programming application have evolved.


Drill Categories and Programming

When designing Tactical Agility drills, we aim to train and improve the following agility attributes:

(1) Basic Short Distance speed – both lateral and linear. Drills in this category are aimed at improving the tactical athlete’s ability either to quickly close the distance to a threat or quickly escape a threat. Video below of the 50m Down/Back/Down Shuttle is an example:


(2) Explosive Power and Speed – both lateral and linear. Goal is to prepare train the tactical athlete for quick movement under fire. Video below of the Tactical Pro Agility Drill is an example:



(3) Agility focused on developing faster, more fluid movement with direction and level changes. Both lateral and linear movement. All-encompassing drill aimed at training movement under fire, movement over/under obstacles, etc. Video below of the Stacked Box Agility Drill is an example: 


(4) Unloaded and loaded drill execution. Unloaded to introduce athletes to the drills/movements/skills and loaded (body armor, duty belt, bunker gear) to practice the movements in a mission-direct manner for better transfer to the field.

When comparing MTI’s Tactical Agility drills to typical stick-and-ball sport agility drills two differences stand out: (1) Level Change, and (2) Loading.

Most, if not all, of MTI’s Tactical Agility Drills involve some type of level change – from prone on the ground to standing, from standing to prone, from standing up and over and obstacle, and from prone to standing to up and over an obstacle.

The chart below breaks down MTI’s Tactical Agility Drill Categories, and examples of corresponding drills:




Short Distance Speed Development

TAC SEPA – 10 Yard Sprint from Perpendicular Prone
TAC SEPA – 50m Down/Back Shuttle
TAC SEPA 5/10/15 Sprint Complex

Explosive Power + Speed

TAC SEPA – Half Box Agility Drill
TAC SEPA – Lateral Hop to Sprint Drill
TAC SEPA – Tactical Pro Agility Drill
TAC SEPA 4-Corner Plus Drill

Overall Agility with Level Changes

TAC SEPA – Crawl/Sprint/Crawl/Sprint Drill
TAC SEPA – Stacked Box Agility Drill
TAC SEPA – Under/Over/Under Drill
TAC SEPA Tactical Burpee Box Jump Drill


Tactical Agility Programming In Base Fitness Cycles

We currently deploy two general programming methodologies for Tactical Agility:


(1) Alternate Tactical Agility Drill Category by day, based on Tactical Agility days in the cycle:

Day 1 – Short Distance Speed Development

Day 2 – Explosive Power + Speed

Day 3 – Overall Agility with Level Changes

See the example below of the first 3 weeks of a 7-week Base Fitness cycle – where we train Tactical Agility as a 1/2 session on Tuesdays and Thursdays:


2) Focus on one Tactical Agility Drill Category for the entire cycle. Every drill in the cycle will fit into the appropriate drill category: 

7 Week Cycle 1 – Short Distance Speed Development (all drills)

7 Week Cycle 2 – Explosive Power + Speed (all drills)

7 Week Cycle 3 – Overall Agility with Level Changes (all drills)


Tactical Agility Drill Deployment In the Training Session

Our current approach is to deploy Tactical Agility drills as the first approximately 30-minutes of a 60-minute training session, including the warm up. 

The warm up is designed to prepare the athletes for the Tactical Agility drill which follows. After the warm up, we use Parts (1) and (2) of the session for the individual drill.  We only complete one Tactical Agility Drill per training session, but complete it first unloaded, then loaded:

  • The Tactical Agility Drill is completed first unloaded (Part 1), for 5 rounds, with the first round completed at half-speed.
  • The same Tactical Agility Drill is then completed loaded (Part 2), for 5 rounds, with the first round completed at half-speed.
  • Athletes are given plenty of rest (45-60 seconds) between rounds. Tactical Agility programming isn’t conditioning – we want the athletes as fresh as possible between individual efforts so they can focus on speed, coordination, and agility.

Finally, we complete the Tactical Agility portion of the training session first.

See the Training Session below for an example of a combined Tactical Agility / Strength training session:


Obj: Tactical Agility, Strength

Warm Up: 

3 Rounds

    • 10x Goblet Squat @ 12kg
    • 5x Box Jumps @ 20″
    • 5x Hand Release Push Ups
    • 4x Prone to Sprint
    • Instep Stretch


(1) 5 Rounds

    • TAC SEPA – Tactical Pro Agility to Stacked Box Drill
    • Rest 45 Seconds

** Complete Round 1 at half-speed, and Rounds 2-5 at full speed

(2) 5 Rounds

    • TAC SEPA – Tactical Pro Agility to Stacked Box Drill wearing 25# Weight Vest
    • Rest 45 Seconds

** Complete Round 1 at half-speed, and Rounds 2-5 at full speed

(3) Work up to 1RM Front Squat

(4) 5 Rounds, Every 90 Seconds ….

    • 4x Front Squat @ 80% 1RM

(5) Foam Roll Legs, Low Back


Final Thoughts

Tactical agility, though 3 years old now, is still the “youngest” fitness attribute in MTI’s Base Fitness programming for tactical athletes, and the theory is still evolving.

Response from athletes we work within the gym and remotely has been positive. If not made to train Tactical Agility in a MTI training session, few would move like this in training on their own. From MTI’s perspective, with our primary goal to improved Mission-Direct performance, the last thing we want to happen is to have the first time one of our athletes has to move from prone, to a short sprint, to over an obstacle to prone again, in kit, be during the real thing.

We want them to know what this feels like, and have some experience/agility on how to execute this type of movement during their day-to-day, Base Fitness training.


Questions, Comments, Feedback? Email rob@mtntactical.com



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Q&A 4.18.19


I am a Federal Probation Officer in Texas, and I noticed that you have worked with other federal LE agencies. I was wondering if you have any plan recommendations. I am particularly interested in strength and endurance training. I am a member if our agencies health and wellness team and would like to pass along some recommendations at our next meeting.


For Patrol/Detective Officers I recommend the plans/order in the Spirits Packet. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, upper body hypertrophy, tactical agility and chassis integrity (core).
For full time SWAT/SRT, I recommend the plans/order in the Gun Maker Packet. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance including rucking, and chassis integrity.
If your specific job description includes making arrests, I’d recommend the Spirits Packet. If not, and you’re mostly interested in a solid plan which trains both strength and endurance specifically, I’d recommend Patsy.
– Rob


I am training for SWAT school coming up in November. Part of the process is a high volume stress or hell day. I have completed the day before but need to improve on my performance.

I have been browsing through the programs on your site including the LE SWAT type stuff, Rangers, and PJs. All of them have movements similar to our process but I am unsure about how best to train for the volume required during the day. It doesn’t seem like I’m doing enough. I’m familiar with the idea that short burst of high intensity work can improve your ability to do endurance work.

How can I best prepare myself for a day of high volume training with push ups (400+?,) running, air squats, flutter kicks, pool work, and a few hours of obstacle course work…..without overtraining? (I have access to an obstacle course and I’m thinking of training on it twice a week.)

I believe it was one of the BORTAC programs that had mini events built in every two weeks. That seemed to be a good idea and I am going to do one tomorrow.

I am unfamiliar with how to train for high volume endurance work without just doing high volume all the time and without injury. I’m 36. Any help or direction you can offer would be appreciated.


1) We’ve had success with the mini-event days for those events. Others have used our SWAT Selection Training Plan as well, successfully. It doesn’t include mini-events, but does include lots of volume.
However, most SWAT selections don’t include pool work. You may want to look at the BORSTAR STC Course Training Plan – which does include swimming, and mini-events with pool work.
– Rob


Been awhile since I’ve sent you anything, but reading your “Failure Resume” was eye-opening to say the least.

So on to the technical stuff, one of the links at the bottom was the FMS and prehab, rehab, etc.  So, being a lifelong athlete, wrestling in junior high, Cross Country, Swimming and Triathlon in High School, and then Triathlon in college, I’m tighter than an old iron dog.  I work on my flexibility but I get to a certain point and it just doesn’t get better.  I rarely get injured to the point that I can’t continue.  That being said, I’ve often wondered how much power I’m losing by not being able to move through or in a full range of motion.  Maybe it’s negligible, but I don’t know.  Seems to me that would be a good reason to focus on that stuff.  But I do tend to agree with you, and even pavel said that you should be flexible enough to do your sport or activity and no more.

On the programming side, I’ve been following your programming for (gosh, I don’t know, seems like 2 years but probably more, I keep thinking I’ve been doing jiujitsu for 12, but it’s really 18!) and recently developed bicep insertion pain and pain in my right neck (Levator Scapulae) and the PT said more pulling was the fix, rows, pull ups, all the variations, to get things back in balance.  My arms are so internally rotated from swimming that’s what’s causing the bicep pain and contributing to the levator pain.  I know you’ve said that it’s less of a requirement for tactical athletes than pushing, but any suggestions for getting more pulling in?  I’ve been subbing rows for push-ups, mostly in the warm up, (I don’t worry too much about my push ups, since I did a lot from swimming, and I can do a lot now) is that the best way to handle it?  We’re finishing up Law Enforcement Seiko, huh, looking at Rolex now, I guess that’s gonna be a moot point with the pull up variations.  Ha. Okay then.  Hope this finds you well!!

By the way, I want to bring my family out to Wyoming in the next few years and do a dude ranch vacay for a week or so.  I was reading about the 7D ranch, do you have a favorite or a place you’d recommend?


Thanks for the note and kind words.
Flexibility – difficult to find any links between flexility and durability.
Mobility – better mobility can lead to stronger athletes. Think about the front squat …. the legs are always stronger than the core. The core fails first on this lift and most lower body strength exercises. This means the more vertical the back can be in the bottom of the squat, the more load is on the skeleton, and the less is on the midsection musculature. This, athletes with better mobility, who will have a more vertical back in the bottom of the squat, can in theory, lift more weight, and so I can get their legs stronger than athletes with less mobility. You won’t find an Oly weightlifter who doesn’t have a nearly vertical back in the bottom of the squat, or hang squat clean. However, mobility seems to be as much about patterning – and movement in space – as flexibility. I’ve found in my work that hours spent stretching and practicing patterning leads to minimal gains mobility for most athletes. If I were training Oly lifters it would be more important …. but I’m not.
More pulling? Seems to me every freestyle swim stroke is a 1-arm vertical row at least for the first 1/2 of the motion. I think your PT is wrong and you should see another PT.
Dude Ranch? Can’t help much here other than to say you should skip the dude ranch and go on a pack trip in the Bridger Wilderness. Search for outfitters and guides in the Pinedale area. Schedule the trip as late in the summer as possible before school.
– Rob


I purchased the Low Back program and I plan on start it on Monday. I have a couple questions. 1.) I’m terrible at pull ups, what if I can’t do all of them? 2.) When it says ruck, am I running, walking, or combo of both? and 3.) Are the squats weighted or just body weight squats?
I know you’re probably swamped with questions, just wanted to say thank you and I’m looking forward to knocking this out and doing more programs.


1) Do negative pull ups. Set up a box/bench below the pull up bar – jump up until your chin is above the bar, and lower yourself down slowly to full elbow extension on a 5 second count.
2) Rucking in this plan = walking.
3) “Squats” = unloaded.
– Rob


I’m just getting back into the swing of things and doing the on ramp. After on ramp I will have 6 or 7 weeks before robin sage. What plan do you recommend?

Also, after sage, do you recommend I on ramp again?


Pre Sage: Fortitude.
After Sage? Hector.
– Rob


I’m emailing to ask about plan recommendations and customization.

My situation:

*Active duty Army

*I have four months before I report to Airborne Division, and I need to be AASLT School-ready by then

*I can do pretty much any plan I want before then. I’m in grad school right now so my PRT is my own

*I’m also in physical therapy for Achilles tendonitis, left foot – I have some training restrictions, and the plans I saw would violate them

*I need to get a plan/recommendation that will fit within my restrictions and get me ready for AASLT school

*I would also like to improve two things in these four months: my short-to-mid run times (2-8 miles, priority #1) and bodyweight/gymnastic performance (priority #2)

*I have access to a functional fitness gym, including ropes.

*I’m already following the diet y’all recommend

My physical therapy restrictions:

*No rucking until I recover. My PT defines “recovered” as noticing no difference between left and right legs after a run

*No running two days in a row. At least one day off between run days. I can do any other kind of aerobic training on those days

*On run days, I can do sprints/HIIT/endurance – no restrictions on type of running

I hope to hear from you soon – I’m a fan of what y’all do and I’d like to give you some business.


Weeks    Plan
– Rob


Would you recommend executing the FBI SA PFT  program by itself or in conjunction with another plan?


By itself is you’re really interested in maximizing your score.
– Rob


I only made it through the first three weeks of this plan before I was laid out with salmonella (it’s far worse than I could’ve imagined) but I’ve since started from zero and I’m into week 4 today. I’ve dropped 13 pounds and 2:50 off my 1.5 mile run. I’m feeling really good about it.

It’s been going so well, I’ve been thinking I might repeat this plan in an effort to drop even more fat before moving into something more advanced. Do you find that beneficial, or do people tend to plateau if they repeat a plan?

Notably, I see a lot of the other plans include pull-ups, which I’d like to be able to do, but I can’t yet, so I feel those plans would be wasted on me. Also, I generally exercise alone (I’d rather that was different but it’s not), which is to say I can’t plan on having a spotter at the gym. Those factors accounted, I’m very open to recommendations.

Thanks very much for your time. I appreciate any feedback you might be able to provide in the next couple weeks.


Repeat & Plateau? Eventually, but it all begins where you start. You should be fine to repeat.
Spotter/Lift alone? This shouldn’t be much of an issue if you know your way around the weightroom. Two exercises can be troublesome – the bench press and back squat. When I bench alone I don’t put collars on the barbell so I can dump the weight if I can’t lift the bar. This has happened several times.
Back Squats – when I lift alone I’m really cautious for loading. Use common sense and you should be okay.
Pull ups? Do negatives – jump up, let your self down slowly to a 5 second count.
After Fat Loss, I’d recommend Johnny.
– Rob


I intended to start down the Backcountry Hunter Packet path, but I’m already a couple of months behind. In a past life I was an army infantryman, but I got out in 20147 and have let myself get out of shape. My hunt is in late September chasing elk with a muzzleloader.
I need to do the body-weight foundation twice, which puts me a couple of months behind schedule. Does it make sense to just get as far through the program as possible leading up to the hunt, or should I consider an alternative such as the Afghanistan pre-deployment? I’ve made the necessary tweaks to my diet and have lost 15 lbs since late January, but now need to start on the physical portion.


You can make modifications until your 8 weeks out from departing for your hunt, then you have to start and complete the last plan in the packet – the Backcountry Big Game Training Plan, directly before your hunt.
This plan is no joke, and the lead-up plans prepare you for this plan.
– Rob


I’m coming off a knee injury (both knees) and was going to start with the Post Rehab Leg Injury Training Plan.
Do you have a recommendation for incorporating running and weight loss into the routine (gain about 10lbs and lost a lot of cardio-strenght)
FYI I’m a federal LEO


90-95% of weight loss is diet related. Here are our recommendations.
Running: The Post Re-Hab Leg Injury Training Plan does include a 1 mile run, plus step ups on Wednesdays. You could add in another run on Saturday. The plan is strength and proprioception-focused.
– Rob


So I’m looking to improve my overall strength, primarily my core lifts. I get plenty of cardio and running with unit pt, I’ve been consistently in the gym but had no luck improving my strength over the last couple of weeks.


– Rob


I’m a fairly recent college graduate and my goal is to become an FBI agent. My approximate timeline before attending the academy is 2-3 years to obtain my CPA license and get through the application process.
My prior fitness experience has mostly been bodybuilding-style workouts, with a major in hypertrophy and a minor in strength, with little cardio. Given that I have so much time before I would be able to attend the academy, I want to build up a strong base level of fitness so I can ace the PFTs and be as fit as possible going in. I’m looking at the Spirits pack of programs to start with, and I know I would need to do the FBI selection plan right before going in, but I’m wondering what you would recommend in between those plans? Would I repeat the Spirits pack until time to train for the PFT or is there a different program you would recommend?


Yes on starting with the Spirits Plans. You can repeat them, or move to some of our other LE programming – such as the Gun Maker Packet for SWAT/SRT.
– Rob


I ordered your USMC PFT plan and I am very pleased with. One question: would it would be counterproductive if I prepared for both the pullup and pushup element simultaneously? Would I also be able to do some ab circuits and some light weight training at the end of a few of the workouts each week, or would that also potentially be counterproductive to achieving my desired score on the PFT?


You can certainly do both pull and push ups. Do a max rep push up test and follow the same programming as the pull ups.
You can add extra training – as long as you’re making the progressions in the plan. Once you stop making the progressions, pull back on the extra training.
Understand that if you are focused on improving your PFT score, follow the programming as prescribed and don’t add stuff.
– Rob


What is the proper order for conducting the Greek Hero Series?


This order:


I recently completed one of you plans, thanks.  I’m looking at the short duration obstacle course plan and the back county big game plan.  If I do the short course obstacle will I be able to jump into the backcounty plan without starting from the beginning?  The reason being is once I finish the obstacle course plan (for a set event date)  I will not have 8 weeks  to finish the big game plan before I take my hunt trip.


No. You’ll want to start at the beginning of the Backcountry Hunting Plan and proceed as far as you can prior to your hunt. The programming in the plan is progressive – and you need to start at the beginning.
– Rob


I am about to start Big 24 but have a couple questions.
1.) I’m a little confused on how you record the 3RM. As the training is concerned, there’s 8 rounds to work into your 3RM and it says record final load. Does this mean record the last set of 3 after taking 7 other sets build into it or does it mean take the average of 5 working sets after taking 3 sets to warm-up?
2.) Is there a reason why hang squat cleans are programmed in instead of full squat cleans? I go to a gym that has oly lifting platforms and a decent training background with full cleans so normally I do full cleans for working sets in programming.


1. Record the load of the 8th round of 3 Reps.
2. Less technically difficult than full squat cleans.
– Rob


I see for the Greek Hero plans there is a certain order recommended.  Is this the case for the Busy Operator plans as well?

When there are specific focuses or interest areas, is it better to purchase packages or utilize the subscription?


No order for the Busy Operator Plans … you can complete them in any order you chose.
Below is the difference between purchasing options. It’s really up to you.
– Rob

What is the difference between purchasing an individual training plan, packet of plans or an Athlete’s Subscription?

  • Plan – Like purchasing the DVD of the first Star Wars movie. You own it forever, including any updates we make to the plan.
  • Packet – Like purchasing the DVD’s of all the Star Wars movies. You own them forever, including any updates we make to the plans.
  • Athlete’s Subscription – Like subscribing to Netflix. You get access to all 200+ plans in our library, but lose access if you unsubscribe.


Firstly, would like to express my continued appreciation for all you do! I have been using MTI for 18 months now and I have found the overall approach to be by far the best I have used.  Three key factors here – I haven’t injured myself once (I train alone), I have seen great results and have not been bored at all.  Thumbs up!

I am just finishing up the Super Squat Strength plan. While I haven’t been as consistent as I would have liked (have been training 3-4 days a week rather than 5), I have seen good improvements in my numbers.  Holding the bar for those 3 breaths for 20 reps is brutal at those percentages!

I have a couple of questions I hope you can help with. I am a 41 yr old general purpose athlete (not mil or LE etc although have been in military) and want to maintain a high standard of overall fitness. I really enjoy mountain biking and rucking as well as time with the bar. I struggle to keep weight on – especially when doing a lot of work capacity type training.  I enjoy work cap training though but have found, unsurprisingly, that I keep my weight near where I want it to be when I focus on strength training (my diet is pretty good). My goal is to keep an overall focus on strength throughout all of my training but find the right balance and diversity between strength training and work capacity and endurance type training (which I find good for my soul).

I have bought the Country Singers Packet 1 and the Strength Packet and want to maximise my value for money with these plans in line with the above goal. I have a couple of questions after reading your article on MTI’s Eight different Strength Progressions – most of the plans covered are in the Strength packet. The table in the article highlights pros and cons for each approach – some related to plans being easily implemented into a non-strength cycle or Generally only used during a strength focused cycle. https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/mtis-six-different-strength-progressions/  

  1. I recognise that I am not a coach so pardon my ignorance but how long should a strength cycle be? Is there a standard approach or is it dependant on the individual and their goals?
  2. To add a strength emphasis to my overall training (while still providing variety), I am thinking that I could intermix the plans from both the Country Singer Packet 1 and the Strength Packet. To avoid too much focus on one strength training methodology, I have avoided coupling plans which use the same one (TLU and Johnny for example). I have already completed Bodyweight Foundation and Johnny from the Singers packet. My idea would be:
      • Johnny
      • Super Squat
      • Hank
      • Rat 6
      • MTI Relative Strength
      • Willie
      • TLU
      • 357
      • Big 24
      • Waylon
      • Eccentric
      • BW Foundation

Completing these plans in this way would keep me occupied for a while!!!  I’d be grateful for your views.


1. 6-8 weeks is my approach – but other coaches may feel different. Understand that coaches who train power lifters and oly lifters train strength constantly. However, when it comes to fitness programming, “everything works, but nothing works forever,” – eventually the body accommodates to the stimulus and progress stops.
2. I haven’t coached or done something similar, so I’m not sure the effect … but it’s worth a try. Our strength plans do include work capacity efforts, but little to know endurance. So your endurance will suffer (MTB, rucking).
– Rob


I’m 45. I’m a doctor and have no prior military experience.
It looks like I’ll get to work with a range of NATO special forces. While I won’t have to pass any serious type of selection I don’t want to embarass myself too much.
I ruck twice a week, I run once or twice a week, I do kettlebells and sandbags and barbells 3 times a week. But nothing major. I’ve never been much the endurance star so I feel like I should be out on the hills everyday, but in my heart of hearts I know I need to get a lot stronger before I push the endurance side of things.
Where do I start? I’ve been looking at the on ramp plan. Is that a good beginning assess where I stand?
Your help would be much appreciated.


Yes – start with the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m not sure you can help, but if anyone can it’s you.
I’m an LT in the Guard and have a number if schools and events on the horizon.
On the civilian side, I’ve signed up for competitions in a couple different sports. Mostly for fun, but I want to make a serious showing.
However, I’m overwhelmed on how to train for them all efficiently and without an unacceptable level of risk of injury.
The schedule is;
Winston P Wilson marksmanship competition – April 6-12 (not much can be done here, but if I get top marks there is a follow on competition early May)
Kayak race – June 1
APFT – June 8/9 (currently at 248, want 300)
Sprint triathlon – June 29 (750m, 12mi , 5k)

German proficiency badge – late Aug/ early Sept
New Army APFT
Military Police SRT school – likely OCT or NOV.
As you can see, I’m a little over committed. Many of these events have overlapping areas to train on, but I don’t feel capable enough to put together a comprehensive plan.
Do you have any thoughts?
Thanks in advance for your guidance.


I’d focus on the APFT and the SRT School.
Use the APFT Training Plan the 6 weeks directly before your test, and the SWAT Selection Training Plan prior to SRT School.
Prior to starting these event-specific plans, and between them, I’d recommend the plans/order in the Gun Maker Packet for full time SWAT/SRT.
– Rob


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Arete 4.18.19

Military / National Security / International Relations

Generals can’t fix what ails North Africa, Stars & Stripes
Florida senator calls for military involvement in Venezuela, Stars & Stripes
A former top Navy official took personal trips — including 2 vacations to Hawaii — on the taxpayers’ dime, Task & Purpose
‘We were treated like second-class citizens’: Female Marine reflects on her 20 years in the Corps, Stars & Stripes
The Revolutionary Guards Are Ready to Strike Back, Real Clear Defense
5 Reasons U.S. Pacific Maritime Supremacy Might Be Doomed, Forbes
The Limits of ‘Embracing the Suck’, War Room
Rebuilding America’s Military: The US Marine Corps, Heritage Foundation
Next Marine Commandant Defends MARSOC After Call to Disband It, Military.com
Cuban Doctors Abducted in Kenya, and Officials Point to the Shabab, NY Times
France reports major security operation in central Mali, Long War Journal
Steve Bannon Declares War On China, Hoover Institution
China Enlarges Its Circle in Europe, and Tries to Convince Europeans It Comes in Peace, NY Times
New Pentagon policy aims to ensure heroic US service members get the valor awards they deserve, Task & Purpose
USSOCOM Selects Ops-Core FAST SF Helmet for Family of Tactical Headborne Systems, Awards $95 Mil Contract, Soldier Systems
USMC preparing for series of urban combat technology experiments, Jane’s 360
The United States Will Be Shocked by Its Future, Foreign Policy
Hard Truths in Syria: America Can’t Do More With Less, and It Shouldn’t Try, Small Wars Journal


First Responder / Homeland Security

It is safer to be a cop today than 50 years ago, Homeland Security Newswire
Profiles In Courage – Dispatcher Diana Register – The Most Dreaded 911 Calls., LE Today
We Can No Longer Rely On Others To Tell Our Stories., LE Today
British Columbia may expand firefighter occupational disease coverage to wildland firefighters, Wildfire Today
Border Patrol to Carry 5th Generation Glocks, Police Mag
South Carolina DNR Selects FN 15 Patrol Carbine, Tactical Life
The Coast Guard officer who stockpiled arms and compiled a hit list of politicians isn’t facing domestic terrorism charges, Task & Purpose
American Flag Design on California Patrol Vehicles Sparks Backlash, Police Mag



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Quiz: Can You Tell Black Bears and Grizzlies Apart?, Backpacker
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Marco Pedrini, Cumbre and the first solo ascent of Cerro Torre in 1985, Planet Mountain
Heliskiers Die In Couloir Fall, Unofficial Networks
Skier spots ‘Snow Devil’ in Idaho Springs, Colorado, KLEW
Tension Training Center: The Spartan 24-Hour Gym That’s Churning Out Top Climbers, Climbing Magazine
Want To Climb In Patagonia, But Feel Intimidated?, REI – Co-Op Journal
The Best Hike in Every State, Outside
Trading a Large Salary for Bigger Mountains, Outside


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

The Running Boom Isn’t Going Anywhere, Outside
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The disturbing links between too much weight and several types of cancer, Washington Post
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People with a sense of oneness experience greater life satisfaction, Science Daily
Jack Dorsey and the Cult of Bro Science, Outside
Marijuana may improve women’s enjoyment of sex, Reuters
How to Cancel Your Gym Membership: 11 Things to Know About Contracts, Men’s Health
New climate models predict a warming surge, Science Mag
Employee Wellness Programs Yield Little Benefit, Study Shows, NY Times
The 6 Worst Exercises for Heavy Lifting, Muscle & Fitness
Abnormal Levels of a Protein Linked to C.T.E. Found in N.F.L Players’ Brains, Study Shows, NY Times
The Truth About 6 Common Workout Myths, Muscle & Fitness
Phys Ed: Sitting for More Than 13 Hours a Day May Sabotage the Benefits of Exercise – NY Times Health, Science News
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Don’t Count on 23andMe to Detect Most Breast Cancer Risks, Study Warns, NY Times



Homeless veteran gets probation, mandatory rehab for $400,000 GoFundMe scam, Task & Purpose
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Patagonia Sues Anheuser-Busch Over New Beer, Unofficial Networks
Rethinking conservation efforts for improved biodiversity, Science Daily
Yukon warmest it has been in 13,600 years, Science Daily
If you are a ‘Game of Thrones’ fan, this app will teach you how to speak in High Valyrian, CNBC
After nearly 10 years of testing tools and apps to track my money, I keep coming back to an old-school system for 3 reasons, Business Insider
Millennials are building multimillion-dollar beauty empires on their massive Instagram and Snapchat followings, and it’s disrupting a centuries-old industry, Business Insider
Why Female Surfers Are Finally Getting Paid Like Their Male Peers, The Atlantic
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Here’s The Shocking Reality Of Completely Blocking Google From Your Life, Forbes
6 online companies that make custom and made-to-measure men’s clothing for cheaper than you’d expect, Business Insider
Baby T rex goes on sale on eBay, sparking paleontologists’ outcry, The Guardian


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6 Significant Ways MTI Programming Differs from Conventional Wisdom

By Rob Shaul, Founder


(1) CW: Multi-Modal Training Cannot be Done Concurrently, Well

      MTI: Yes it can, using Fluid Periodization

Importantly, unlike team sport, or competing individual athletes, many tactical athletes can’t program their training calendar around pre-determined off-season, pre-season and in-season periods. Because of the unpredictable nature of tactical mission-sets, many tactical athletes have to be fit across a wide spectrum of fitness attributes at all times. 

The programming challenge presented by Tactical Athlete programming is how to concurrently train multiple fitness attributes in the same cycle and steadily improve or maintain fitness across all the attributes.

Conventional wisdom in the strength and conditioning world is this cannot be done, well. Conventional strength and conditioning programming sees only the two extremes of programming, “linear” or “random”.

At one end is linear periodization, where we could train just one fitness attribute at a time including detailed progression. For example, typical football-based strength and conditioning starts with a Hypertrophy Cycle, followed by a Strength Cycle, followed by a Power Cycle. During these cycles, the set/rep and loading/volume schemes are manipulated specifically to increase that cycle’s focus. So moderate loading, high volume for Hypertrophy, low volume, high weight for Strength, and lightweight, low volume and high speed for Power. 

Similar approaches are seen in endurance programming – where a “base” cycle of long, slow work is followed by a “build” cycle combining moderate distances and slow paces with short distances and faster paces, which is then followed by a “speed” cycle of short, fast work.

It’s true that linear progression concentration is the best way to improve fitness in that one attribute, but while training was focused on it, the other fitness attributes would decline. So, while the football players are training Strength, they are losing some of the mass they built during the Hypertrophy cycle.

At the other end of this balance is random programming, where all the fitness attributes are trained, but without a systematic approach or any type of progression. Random programming leads to all the fitness attributes being trained, but without any system or progression, gains within each are suspect, and overall improvement in Base Fitness is limited.

This has been one of the key criticisms of CrossFit by academics …. that because of random programming and without attribute focus, CrossFitters never get really good at anything – strength, work capacity or endurance.

MTI developed and practices “Fluid Periodization” – which sits in the middle of these two extremes.  Through MTI’s Fluid Periodization methodology, all the fitness attributes which make up Base Fitness are trained, but the approach is methodological and includes deliberate progressions both within each cycle and overall throughout the macrocycle.

See the diagram below:


Years ago I developed Fluid Periodization to tackle the tactical athletes’ Base Fitness programming challenge and while the details of its application have evolved, the principle is still the same. 

Using Fluid Periodization we are able to concurrently train the multiple tactical athlete Base Fitness training attributes. The detailed application of Fluid Periodization is the subject of a 4-5 hour lecture at our Advanced Programming Course – and too much for an in-depth analysis, here. In general, Fluid Periodization concurrently trains multiple fitness attributes during the same Base fitness cycle, with either a balanced emphasis across all the attributes or a cyclic emphasis on one or two attributes. 

Fluid Periodization has two goals: (1) build and maintain the athletes “base” fitness across multiple fitness attributes, and; (2) lay the fitness foundation for more intense event or sport-specific training which builds upon this “base”.


(2) CW: Movement and Mobility Comes First

       MTI: Fitness Comes First

Conventional Strength and Conditioning Wisdom practiced daily in the sports performance world, and more and more in the tactical fitness world, is that proper movement and unrestricted mobility must be achieved before intense strength or any other fitness training because of risk to the athlete.

So … no back squats if your squat form isn’t perfect; no push presses if your overhead shoulder mobility isn’t perfect, etc., no heavy rucking unless you have perfect mobility, etc. …

I’ve described this approach before as The Tyranny of the FMS, and how especially in the military strength and conditioning arena, the emphasis on movement and mobility not only has had limited to no effect durability but because it comes at the cost of fitness training, can actually be dangerous.

There’s a disconnect amongst the Conventional Wisdom practitioners who seem to confuse the realities of tactical occupations with middle school football and volleyball players. Coaches and PTs can hold back kids from the field of play if their movement isn’t perfect. But tactical athletes are thrown into the fray mobility or not.

I can’t tell you how many times a tactical strength coach and/or a military physical therapist has criticized MTI programming, or asked for programming advice by wondering how we could have athletes out rucking if they had trouble completing a simple bodyweight squat with proper form.

My answer is that I’ve yet to find a single, repeated study which showed a definitive link between proper movement/mobility and durability, but I’ve seen several, and anecdotally have seen in my own work, that mission-direct fitness leads to mission-direct durability.

So … for that young military athlete who can’t do a proper bodyweight squat – the best thing we can do to prepare him for heavy rucking in training or deployment is to get him rucking heavy. We can do this smart – keep the distance the same and progress the load, or keep the load the same and progress the distance – but the best way to prepare him for the fitness demands of rucking is to have him ruck. Simple as that.

Would it be best to have both perfect movement/mobility and great mission-direct fitness? Absolutely. The problem is, developing perfect movement/mobility is very individualized, and MTI’s experience with the current methodologies has been disappointing. We’ve conducted multiple mini-studies on patterning, stretching, combining the two, and results have been spotty at best.

The bigger idea here is a strength and conditioning coach can spend a lot of time on movement/mobility, for little actual improvement. And, in the big picture,  that time would have been better spent from a mission-direct performance and durability standpoint, training mission-direct fitness.

We still deploy mobility/flexibility drills and exercises, and foam roll in MTI training sessions. We see some utility in them, especially when deployed as “working rest” for athletes between rounds of a strength circuit, or as a simple “cool down” at the end of the session.

But we believe strongly that the best way to make an athlete durable for his mission is to build his mission-direct fitness. Further, strength coaches and tactical leaders who don’t do this are sending their athletes or subordinates into harm’s way, recklessly unprepared.


(3) CW: Diet is Most Important.  Supplements can Help.

      MTI: Diet is important but not nearly as much as Fitness. Supplements are largely a waste of money.

I developed MTI’s Nutritional Guidelines over a decade ago, and nothing I’ve seen or read on nutrition or supplements since has caused me to change them.

I’ve also seen fit athletes with shitty diets crush unfit athletes with squeaky clean diets.

I’ve come to believe the focus on diet and supplements is largely driven by the human tendency to look for shortcuts. It’s much easier to spend for organic food, cut out ice cream, drink protein shakes and take BCAAs than it is to suck it up and train hard in the gym or in the field once a day.

This is the reason the nutrition and supplement industries are so huge, and fad-driven. When the organic food item of the month – beets, for example, doesn’t result in magically improved fitness, it’s quickly onto the next nutrition/food fad.

Will a clean diet help fitness performance and gains? Absolutely! But it doesn’t replace the work.

Often new athletes will ask me for a training program recommendation, and then after I send it, ask further for a personalized nutrition plan. When I refer them to our Nutritional Guidelines, they seem disappointed. I can understand why – it’s in the interest of the nutrition industry marketers to make this stuff as complicated as possible, as a way of making their knowledge or products seem more valuable or needed.

But the fact is eating clean isn’t complicated, it’s just hard. I know … I love sweet grains … toast & jelly, chocolate croissants, granola … I could eat this stuff every meal, every day, and have demonstrated discipline not to.

But, eating clean, and taking every fad supplement available isn’t as hard as dedicating yourself to a programmed and periodized, long-term fitness training regimen.


(4) CW: Gentle “Prehab” Warm Ups are essential to prepare the Athlete for Training and Avoid Training Injury.

      MTI: Gentle “Prehab” Warm Ups, in fact, don’t do a good job at preparing athletes for training, and can create a “training scar” which can lead to injury during the real thing.

Years ago I visited Fort Bragg and met with a Green Beret stationed there. He shared his THOR training plan with me and took me over to visit the THOR3 facility and visit with the coaches. His warm up for every session came right out of the “prehab” theories popular with the sports performance world – including time on the bike gently spinning, lots of mobility and stretching work, etc. Looking at the warm up, it alone would take 30 minutes to complete.

MTI warm ups are more intense and direct. Often, before a strength session, we’ll program the session’s exercises in the warm up … so if the athletes is doing back squats, power cleans and a bench press in the training session, the warm up will have him doing light back squats, push ups, and box jumps to prepare.

I’m not a very smart strength coach, but it seems to me the best way to prepare an athlete for intense training exercises in a training session is to have him complete the same or similar exercises at a lighter intensity in the warm up. It’s not rocket science.

As well, sometimes on both our Mountain and Tactical sides, I’ll have athletes go right into the session, without a warm up. Why? Because that’s the way it works in the real thing. The pro freeskiers we work with don’t get 15 minutes to warm their legs up after the helicopter drops them on the top of the knife’s edge to ski down for a ski film. They have to step in and perform.

Likewise, SWAT/SRT team members can spend hours sitting in an SUV or armored vehicle then be called to action at moment’s notice. No time for a gentle warm up. It’s go time.


(5) CW: Program for the Athlete

     MTI: Program for the Event

Several times a week I’ll receive an email from an athlete wanting an individualized program to prepare for a regular PFT, mountain sport season, or common military selection or course.

Less often, but also common, I’ll receive a question from an older athlete asking how to modify one of our training plans for age.

I disappoint these athletes when I reply that MTI doesn’t do any individualized programming. But rather, our fitness programming is designed around the fitness demands of the specific event, not the incoming fitness or other issues with the individual athlete preparing for the event.

Conventional Wisdom in the fitness industry is to start with the individual athlete, often with some gentle initial testing, then program based on the results.

At MTI, we generally don’t care much about the individual athlete – not because we’re cold-hearted strength coaches, but rather because the event or mission doesn’t care. There is no “special” summit of the Grand Teton for 65-year-old climbers. It’s 8,000 feet and about 5 miles from the parking lot to the summit regardless of the athlete. The mountain doesn’t care, and our Peak Bagger Training Plan prepares athletes specifically for this type of event.

When asked how to modify our Peak Bagger Training Plan for elderly athletes, my answer is simple – spread it out and take more time completing the sessions – as you’ll recover much slower …. but still do the prescribed work. The work in the plan was determined by the climb, and as the mountain, is uncompromising.

Likewise, there’s no special Ranger School for 120-pound female candidates. The Fitness Demands of Ranger School and other military/LE selections and courses are the same for everyone. And there are no “slow fires” or “slow bullets” for “legacy” first responders well into their 50s or 60s. The dangerous fitness demands of LE and fire/rescue work are unrelenting. Same demands for everyone.

Personal trainers, especially, are in the game of designing individualized training plans and are perhaps responsible for developing the sense amongst individuals that they are indeed special, and therefore need a special plan.

Not true.


(6) CW: Mass Effort Strength is Most Important

      MTI: Relative Strength is Most Important

Mass Effort Strength = The most an athlete can lift for a particular exercise or exercises.

Relative Strength = Strength per Bodyweight.

Conventional Strength and Conditioning prioritizes mass effort strength, and its strength progressions, linear periodization, and overall time given over to strength training reflects this.

MTI’s strength programming is focused on relative strength. Simply put, a tactical and/or mountain athlete can be too strong – to the detriment of other fitness attributes.

One way this can happen is excess muscle mass. While not always true, for many athletes, increasing strength levels comes with some level of increasing muscle mass, which for most tactical and mountain athletes, simply means they have more unnecessary weight to move around. Our goal is to get athletes strong but without significant weight gain.

This isn’t true for all the athletes we work with. Our base fitness programming for LE Patrol/Detectives and Correctional Officers actually includes upper body hypertrophy training. Big biceps and chest can act as a deterrent for these athletes. As well, in the past, we’ve deployed upper body hypertrophy work for our pro freeskiers to help make more durable for hard crashes on steep slopes. Many pro freeskiers, especially women, suffer shoulder injuries from crashing.

Second, the time it takes to get an athlete super strong takes away from time which needs to be spent training other fitness attributes, which means those attributes are undertrained. I see this often with tactical athletes returning from deployment where all there was to do was lift weights and play violent video games. They’ll write, “I weigh 180 pounds, and can deadlift 600#, bench press 400#, and Snatch 225# but my cardio sucks. I need a plan which will maintain or increase my strength, and get me down to a 30-minute 5-mile run time. What do you have for me?”

My answer … unless you are a genetic freak, “nothing.” First, to train work capacity and endurance, the athlete will have to cut back greatly on strength training simply due to time available. And, even if he did have time to train all day, work capacity and endurance training negatively impact strength gains.

More importantly, tactical and mountain athletes simply don’t need to be super strong, but they do need work capacity and mode-specific endurance. These other fitness attributes can be as important as strength for mission performance and survivability.

It took me a while to realize this. When I first started programming, conventional wisdom influenced me more than it does now, and too much of the focus was on strength programming – to the detriment of these other attributes. I realized my mistake and the programming evolved and along the way the MTI strength standards for tactical and mountain athletes have decreased.  Today, it’s fair to say that in the pure strength world, our strength standards are not impressive ….



LIFT                                 MEN              WOMEN
Front Squat                 1.25x BW           1.0x BW
Hinge Lift                     1.75x BW          1.25xBW
Bench Press                1.25xBW             .8xBW
Push Press                  1.0x BW              .6xBW
Hang Squat Clean      1.1x BW               .9xBW
Pull Ups                            15                          5



LIFT                                                 MEN               WOMEN
Front Squat                                   1.5x BW            1.0x BW
Dead Lift                                        2.0x BW            1.5x BW
Bench Press                                  1.5x BW            1.0x BW
Push Press                                    1.1x BW              .7x BW
Hang Squat Clean                        1.25x BW         1.0x BW
Squat Clean+ Push Press            1.1x BW             .7xBW
Pull Ups                                             16                      8


…. But professional tactical athletes and mountain professionals are not strength athletes. The fitness demands of their occupations and mission sets are multi-modal and over the years I’ve found these strength standards high enough for mission-specific performance and durability, but still manageable for most athletes who must concurrently train a wide array of other fitness demands.


Questions? Email coach@mtntactical.com

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Q&A 4.11.19


Can you tell me what the difference is between the sfas program and the cag program? I’m either going to sfas this summer/fall or the long walk next year so I may just hedge it by doing the cag program if it’s not vastly different.


The programming difference reflects the primary fitness demands of the events. As I understand it, there are few, if any, team events at CAG. The focus is on rucking. SFAS has plenty of team events, work capacity smokers, etc.
– Rob


I just bought the Bodyweight Foundation workout and was hoping to integrate a solid diet with it.
Do you have an example of what a typical day should look like as far as breakfast/lunch/dinner? Always struggle with good breakfast ideas.
I am former military and an active LEO and my days are anything but normal so was looking to see if you had any good ideas.
Also, what are your thoughts on taking a whole food multi and fish oil. (I just hit 40 and heard they could have some benefits). Could they? If so, any recommendations of which brand?
Really appreciate the help and look forward to getting started with this workout.


Our nutritional guidelines are simple, and direct.
We don’t offer individualized nutritional plans, and don’t endorse any supplements. In general, I feel supplements are waste of money and good nutrition simply isn’t that complicated. The hard part is sticking to eating clean.
– Rob


I have a question about choosing a program. My fitness is already high and I am not injured.
I am going to be deploying and then immediately going to Ranger School when I return. I am wondering if you have a recommendation for which programs I should run leading up to deployment and then on deployment to be ready for Ranger once I am home.


– Rob


I am looking for the next training phase for me. I came back last week from a week of ski touring in the Selkirks and took a week to offload. I had done the Backcountry prep and then Artemis.
Spring is coming soon here in the Northwest, so that means I need to prep for mountain biking and surf ski paddling.
I am open to suggestions for the next program.


I don’t have a plan which trains for both surf paddling and mountain biking.
Or… you could do one of our training plans designed for tactical athletes with water-based mission sets (SEALs, Dive Teams, etc.) and complete Captain Morgan. If so – one change would be to change the 6-mile run assessment to a 12-mile bike assessment and do 4-mile threshold intervals.
– Rob


I am starting week 5 of your off season strength for endurance athletes plan.  I am feeling stronger each week, thanks for the program.  Over the past two weeks my joints have been popping and at week 2 strained my abductor muscles in my right groin area.  This has hindered lifting heavy weights especially squats.  I am now having less severe pain but with similar motion in my left abductor muscle group in left groin as well.  I understand that you are not a medical professional, but wondered if you had any insight on how to adjust the programming.  It’s been a few years since I have been very active and several years since I spent much time in a gym consistently.  I think it is just my joints, tendons and ligaments adjusting to the increased workload.

I thought about doing the remainder of the 10 workouts (weeks 5 and 6) over 3 weeks and adding in a resting with some low intensity aerobic work and stretching 2-3 times a week.

I’d love to hear your thoughts as I’m sure I’m not the only guy going through this and writing you about it!


Options are (1) skip all squatting, (2) decreasing the loading significantly to avoid pain, (3) Both decreasing loading and decreasing the squat depth to avoid pain.
– Rob


I just completed my first Monday morning workout with the DEA PTT program. My initial score was a -4. I expect to take the physical test assessment at the MAC on April 7th, 2019. Do you feel by following this program religiously I will be able to improve my score enough to pass? Or is there something more I could be doing? Thank you for your time.


1) No idea. In general, we’ll see a 10-25% overall score improvement with our PFT programming. As well, the worst shape athletes are in at the beginning of the cycle, the more they improve.
2) Cut weight. Losing weight will increase everything.
– Rob


I’m trying to find a workout plan that will help me build strength but also build stamina and endurance.  Any plans you recommend?


– Rob


First some back ground on me and my fitness goals. My age is 51, height 5’-11”, weight 175 pounds. I currently train 6 days per week at my home gym. My goals are to maintain my current weight and increase my mobility and core strength. No major injuries to speak of except the occasional low back pain when my back squat form is bad. I am committed to a healthy lifestyle of outdoor activities and flexible dieting and have been the past 3 years.  So knowing this, what program of yours would you recommend? My thoughts were the ones for the “older crowd”.


Look at the plans/progression in our SF45 Packet I. These plans are designed for tactical athletes ages 45-55 – and have modifications accordingly. However, they are still intense.
Start with SF45 Alpha.
I’m 50 and this is the programming I generally do.
– Rob


I am still highly interested in the Spirit Series for LE.
I started with the first week of Whiskey. After the first training days I ask myself if there is enough volume for strength-gains and upper body hypertrophy. Coming from ‚Tactical Barbell‘ I used to squat and bench several times per week and had a pretty high volume and high frequency in those big compound exercises. This week, there are only one time heavy squats and once bench. Is there a reason for this low volume and low frequency approach? I am a little bit afraid to lose some muscle mass and some max strength, following this template.
By the way: I love those TAC SEPA sprint protocols. I had so much fun in training yesterday (until burpees were thrown in!!).


You’re one week in. Complete the plan then judge. I just updated Whiskey.

– Rob


Your passion for theory and approach for fitness has been something I’ve identified with since I’ve found you guys. You’ve never let me down and I’ve always known which direction to go under your guidance. So props.

My question is this. I’m a light infantryman in the Colorado National Guard. We are just about 7 weeks our from a JRTC rotation lasting about a month. My squad, weapons squad more specifically are some pretty fit dudes all having a solid base built up. That being said, even though JRTC is flat, we still decided to start the Afghanistan pre deployment plan to over prepare for our rotation.

My dilemma stems from the fact that immediately returning from the 4 weeks at JRTC, myself and one other soldier will be starting our summer positions as wildland firefighters. Both of us as members on busy hand crews as well.  Obviously we have sport specific demands we need to account for there in order to perform such work all summer and into the fall fighting fires out west.

Do We need to drop/sub anything from the plan? Does the Afghanistan pre deployment plan have the carryover necessary that we’ll work ourselves into specific condition during fire season?
Or do we forgo that Afghanistan plan, and complete the wild land pre season plan and hope for enough carryover to perform our light infantry duties during a long month simulated combat at JRTC.

Being that the jobs are similar, I trust your ability to take what I perceive as a complex dilemma and help me work backwards to find a simple solution.

Thanks and keep up the solid work!


The Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plan is likely the best, limited equipment training plan I’ve got to train for both of your mission sets. I would recommend you and the other soldier heading into the wildfire season add in a long trail (preferred) or road run on Saturdays Start at 7 miles and work up to 12.
– Rob


I’m working through Virtual Packet toward my goal of a Run N Gun event in Sept. I’m ½ way through Humility and am loving the improvements that I’m seeing in my endurance and work capacity.

I have a new goal in June where I’ll be climbing obstacles, running with a rucksack, and carrying heavy things. I worried that my strength is not be where it can be since I haven’t hit the barbell in a while.

Can you recommend a plan that continues the endurance program of Humility and focuses on rapid strength improvement?


– Rob


I’m interested in your hypertrophy routine but I’m not a skinny guy. I’m actually a little bulky. Will this routine work well for me as well as a skinny person or should intry something else?


The plan is designed to add muscle mass, no matter the athlete. So, Yes.
– Rob


I’ve been reading about hybrid training between hypertrophy, strength, and endurance.
If you had to narrow down your programming to one program that will benefit Hypertrophy, Strength and endurance…what would It be?
I know a book could be written on each one a mile long, but if you wanted growth, strength, and endurance/agility without sacrificing “too much” of one individually.
Which program would you recommend?


None of the athletes we work with have both a fitness demand for both hypertrophy and endurance.
We program upper body hypertrophy for both Law Enforcement Patrol/Detective and Correctional Officers, but neither athlete population has a mission-direct fitness demand for endurance.
And the athlete populations we work with which do need endurance, (mountain, military, etc.) don’t have a need for hypertrophy.
So – I don’t have a plan for you. What you could do is Rikers, from our packet of plans for correctional officers, and add in some endurance – I’d recommend moderate distance runs (4-6 miles) as a PM session on Monday and Wednesday, and a long run (7-12 miles) on Saturday. Rikers already trains strength and upper body hypertrophy.
Understand, however, that endurance works against strength and hypertrophy gains.
– Rob


What’s the difference between the Officer Sessions and the other plans in the LE category like the spirits packet?
Also I noticed you retooled Whiskey, will you be retooling the others in the spirits packet?


When we began programming for LE athletes, we began with the daily officer sessions. Then we had officers who wanted to do the programming, but didn’t want to subscribe – so we built the Spirits Packet of plans – so now we have both.
From a programming perspective, there is no overall difference, but in general, the daily officer sessions are our most up to day LE patrol/detective programming.
Yes, we will be updating the rest of the Spirits plans in the coming weeks/months. I’m actually at work updating the military Greek Hero series, mountain Greek Heroine series and LE Spirits series concurrently.
– Rob


I traditionally have done triathlon exercises (swim, bike, run) in preparation for Ironman races…I’m not planning on racing an Ironman this year and would like to work on building some muscle, but also want to still be able to swim, bike, and run to maintain a base level of fitness in those disciplines.  Would the Hypertrophy Program for Skinny Guys still allow for some of that (basically doing a morning strength session and then swim, bike, or run after work) or will it completely wipe me out?


It will wipe you out. Look at the Pirate Series Plans – these are designed for tactical athletes with water-based mission sets – and include swimming, running and rucking. You could sub biking in for the rucking.
– Rob


Do you think it would be detrimental at all to repeat the APFT 6-week program back to back? Just finishing week 3 and my results are killer so far but I’m not sure if I’ll be allowed to take my APFT in 2 weeks. Just want to make sure I won’t be overdoing it or risking injury by repeating the program.


Eventually, you’ll plateau and burn out – so I don’t recommend it.
– Rob


I am doing the Navy PST plan but would like to add to it. Could I add one day of a LSD run and/or ruck march on the weekends? How about If i added some dips, shoulder exercises and the 10 minute sand bag get ups to a few of the days throughout the week? Im also thinking of adding the air dyne. What is the best way to add some assistance exercises or corrective exercises without sacrificing the plan?


It’s okay to add extra stuff, but know that it may decrease your gains from the PST plan. As well, if you’re not making your progressions/intervals in the PST plan, cut back on the extra work.
– Rob


I am a combat engineer in the USMC and recently was selected at Assessment and Selection for MARSOC. I will be going to ITC in January of 2020.
Unfortunately I tore my pectoralis major in November of 2018, got surgery to fix it in February and just got my sling off a week ago. I am still going through ROM drills to loosen and assist with the recovery process.

I am hoping to get a personal workout plan from y’all to start in early May that would start me near the end of my rehab process and take me into the beginning of my ITC intensive training. Roughly a 2-4 month training regime would be preferred.

Until then I’m getting back in shape with running and some moderate workouts, staying away from chest strengthening exercises until I am allowed to start by my physical therapist.

Is this something that y’all can/would do? If not, due to medical reasons I understand, if so, what would the cost be? And specifically, how personal could a workout be if you’ve never seen me or know my caps/lims?


We don’t do individualized training, and you don’t need it.
Our Training Plan for Athletes Suffering Arm Injury has been used by dozens of athletes in your situation. This isn’t a rehab plan for your injured side, but rather trains the rest of your body around your injury.
– Rob


I just purchased your apft training plan to try to score a 300 on my next apft. I was wondering if I can run any other programs in conjunction with this one. I was thinking about also doing humility but wasn’t sure if it would take away from the goal and results of the apft program. Thank you.


If you’re focused on the APFT, don’t add extra training. Regardless, Humility is far too intense to double up with any plan.
– Rob


Could you direct me to the most basic plan that you have?


Not sure your incoming fitness level, but we don’t have programming for seriously deconditioned athletes. What I’d recommend is you try the first week of this plan (click the “Sample Training” tab at the link above) – and see how it goes before purchase.
– Rob


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