Q&A 8.17.17


“Sitting here in the airport waiting to head back to NYC. I just wanted to say thank you. I used your plan to train for a climb on Mt. Rainier. While we did not summit due to conditions on our route, we made it to the top of disappointment cleaver just over 12,000 ft. Even though we did not touch the top. Not once did I feel like my physical ability would keep me from getting there. People were taken aback by the volume of step ups I was doing. They paid off both physically and mentally! I look forward to using that plan to train for my next attempt at it.
Thank you!”


Greetings from Camp Arifjan! You all continue to provide outstanding information and support to you clients. Keep up the great work! I have a couple questions:

1. I suffered a pretty bad knee sprain about a week ago. Do you have any plans / recommendations on what / how to train given my current condition? Something that doesn’t really utilize much leg training for the next couple of weeks?

2. On the Grunt PT, I am active duty but work in a Corps headquarters. Am I too far removed from the line to qualify for that subscription?

3. Could you please clarify one thing on subscriptions…does the monthly fee just give you access to all of your programs or do you provide individually-tailored programs as well?

Thanks again for your time and support. Love your plans–I’ve purchased three of them and they’ve really delivered. Appreciate your input.


1) Training Plan for Athletes Suffering Leg Injury – this plan works the rest of your body around the injured limb.
2) No – you can subscribe to Grunt PT.
3) Yes on access to plans. No on individualized programming.
– Rob


I just purchased a subscription. I am waiting on a BMT and TACP Schoolhouse date, which will be within the next 4 months. I have been doing multiple Crossfit WODs per day for the past 6-7 months, along with running and occasionally rucking. After looking at your programs and my goals, it looks like a good plan of action for me would be to do “Valor” and the “Running Improvement Plan” at the same time (Running in the morning, Valor in the evening).  And then once I get a confirmed school date, then I will switch over to the “USAF TACP” plan. Do you think this is a good plan of action? Thank you very much!


You don’t need to double up. Just do Valor – which includes both running and ruck running – and if you want, add in a long, easy run in the evenings 2-3 days/week – including Saturday. Long = 5+ miles, easy pace.
Yes on the shift to the TACP School Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before you report for the course.
– Rob


Coach, I’m a 45 yr old LE tactical TL that just went through ruptured disk surgery, L3/L4.  I have always stayed in shape, now I believe I have to focus more on my chassis especially after the surgery. What plan would you recommend I start, once I get the green light to start training again, to become overall stronger for the job emphasizing strengthing my chassis?


Start back with the Low Back Fitness Training Plan.
Check back on on the other side of this plan with how you’re feeling.
– Rob


I’m prepping for Pre Ranger Course/selection if my schedule works out. I’m limited on equipment and decided to take the time while training cadets at West Point to boost my APFT score with your program. I’ll be adding in my own limited workouts later in the day after first completing your workouts. I’d like to add pull ups to your program during the push/sit up days.

P.S. my other question is what do you suggest I do? – Once I get back from West Point , we will be starting our field/training cycle at Ft. Drum. I’m guessing I won’t be able to go to ranger school or selection until next year, and lose most of my gains. I want to do the on ramp training and then a RASP or SFAS selection programs.


Yes on the pull ups. Do an assessment and follow the same progression/protocol as the push ups.
I don’t understand your second question …. but in general, I recommend our military “base” programming via the Operator Sessions or the Greek Hero Series as your day to day programming, and then as you get closer to your course/school, complete the appropriate sport-specific plan.
After the APFT Plan, you don’t need to do the Military On-Ramp Plan. Move right into the plans in the Greek Hero series.
–  Rob


I was referred to you guys through a friend, who suggested that I take a look at your HRT plan to prepare for selection. I am still about 2 years away from trying out and to be quite honest, not physically ready to take on that plan. Can you suggest a plan or plans to build up to the HRT selection training plan?


Start our stuff with the Military On-Ramp Training Plan, then complete the Virtue Series of plans in order.
After the Virtue Series, complete the Gun Maker series of plans for full time SWAT/SRT, into the FBI HRT Selection Training Plan.
– Rob


I have used some of your training plans over the last few years and love them they are exactly what I’m looking for in a work out. My goal has always been speed and strength I’m not into bulking up and losing my mobility. The question I have is do you have a strength plan for tri athletes? I have been dabbling in triathlons the last few years and I was wondering if you had any type of program that is specific to that type of endurance competition? I see your strength program for endurance athletes for strength training during season. Do you have something for preseason? I’m deployed now but when I return home it will be the beginning of my base training for next summer and I’m looking for a strength program that works with all the triathlon disciplines.


Not specifically for triathlons, but we do have a general In-Season Strength Training Plan for Endurance Athletes which is designed to be completed concurrently with your endurance work.
– Rob


I’ve looked through most of your plans and can’t seem to find one that fits quite what I’m looking for. I primarily run trail races ranging in distance from 5k to 50k. I’ve done both the big mountain training plan and the ultra preseason training plan. I’m looking for something in the middle of the two plans. I was thinking Helen and extending the run segments or a plan from the virtue series and also extending the runs. Or maybe there’s a strength plan I could do concurrently with the ultra preaseason plan. Thanks for your input.


Nothing perfect for you – you’re essentially asking for an In-Season trail run racing plan – but from what I do have I’d recommend the Alpine Running Training Plan. This plan covers the distance and strength work.
You’ll want to complete the prescribed vertical gain and running work unloaded – not loaded as completed in the plan.
– Rob


Is Perseus the updated methodology for Valor?


In a general sense, the plans in the Greek Hero Series, including Perseus are the next evolution of my Fluid Periodization theory. The way to think of the difference between the Greek Hero plans and the Virtue Series (including Valor) is to compare a NFL receiver and tight end.
Greek Hero plans are the Julio Jones, Terrell Owens, Randy Moss plans – fit, athletic, strong, fast, finesse, fluid.
The Virtue Series are Tony Gonzales and Rob Gronkowski – still awesome, but a more direct, blunt tool – not quite as fluid.
We just updated Valor last month.
– Rob


Quick question. In November I’m doing an 18.5 mile ruck (Norwegian Foot March).  Do you think I can apply the “4-WEEK RUCKING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM” to that, or do you recommend something else?


The Rucking Improvement Training Plan is a focused, 4-week quick-hit program which pushes to 12 miles. It deploys a 5-mile assessment, threshold intervals based on the assessment, and longer rucks at the end of the week. It would work for an 18.5 mile one-time hit.
If you have more time, I’d recommend the Bataan Death March Training Plan. This 8-week plan pushes to 18 miles.
– Rob


I wanted to inquire on your training programs.  I am going on a 5 day hike in  Yellowstone. We are going to climb Electric Peak.

On average we are going to cover 10-12 miles per day over the 5 days and our packs will weight roughly 50 lbs. I am the founder of Evryman we are focused on male personal development and this trip is a first for us. I need to be fit enough to complete the hike but also need to be able to facilitate a group who is doing deep personal development work. I’ve done this work without the hike and it’s tiring so I want to be sure I am extra fit.

I am a 38 year old male. I weigh 210 lbs. I live in New York City. I have access to a gym during the week and can get to mountains / hills on the wknd. I am relatively fit a tad overweight but I do get to the gym for weights or cardio at least 3 times a week. I also do yoga at least 1 day a week. I ran the NYC marathon 2 years ago.

I am excited to use this trip as something to train for this summer. I was wondering if you all could suggest a training program or put a custom plan together.


– Rob


I just had I quick question for you. I just signed up for the Petawawa IRONMAN for 7 Sept 17 which is about 8 weeks away. I’m finishing up the big 24 strength training program this week and I’m looking for an appropriate training plan for the IRONMAN. I have the SFOD-D training packet and I was looking over the SFOD-D plan itself, Valour and Fortitude V2. Which would you advise?


Copy  – Valor.

– Rob


Good evening, I’m unfit at the moment and a bit overweight. My bodyweight exercises are crap and I start the police academy in a little less than three months. I can’t decide between bodyweight foundation and add sport specific running, the Le police academy or Le onramp. Thank you in advance.


Start with Bodyweight Foundation. This plan includes running – you don’t need to do extra.
Also – fix your diet. 80% of fat loss is diet related. Here are our nutritional guidelines.
– Rob


I’m slated to start Sapper School October 19th. By my count I have 19 weeks to prepare. I just finished Hector and plan to start Achilles this week, followed by an off week. That puts me at 11 weeks from school. Does it make sense to do two or three weeks of ulysses before starting the 8 week sapper program?

Additionally, I still have to conduct unit PT, but I have some flexibility in what I do. Is it too much to try to work in grunt PT or ruck/run improvement during that time?


Yes on 3 weeks of Ulysses prior to the Sapper School Plan.
Not sure what you’re asking with your second question, but in general, our stuff is no joke and I don’t recommend doubling up.
– Rob


Given the wide swath of contact you’ve had with people, is there an optimal body composition/lean mass ratio relative to size that you have found?

I ask because I am currently away at a long school and want to spin myself up for the RBSProg for SFAS and have at least 5 months before I would start the program since I finsh the school late next year (having the program finish and my school finish coincide). On that note, at 5’10”, 165, apprx 8-10% BF, what program would you recommend?
I am okay with gaining size/weight. In fact, I figure having a bit more would injury-proof me, so to say, and give me more strength potential.


At 5’10” I’d like to see you around 180# – but there’s not hurry.  I’d recommend you start our stuff with a focused strength plan, specifically Super Squat Strength, and then roll into the Virtue Series of training plans.
– Rob


I recently learned about your company from an LEO fitness group on FB. I discovered you guys offer a fitness prep program for those who are looking to join the field. The Cooper Prep program struck my eye because my local PD just announced they’re going to be opening applications for 29 new officers. I applied the last time but unfortunately failed the fit for no other reason than just not preparing correctly. I’m  ready to get serious, put my college degree to use and get as prepared as I can for the their upcoming test. I’m  ready to  pull the trigger on the program but had a few questions. Here in CT we don’t have the Cooper Test. It’s similar, but only consists if pushups, situps, sit and reach, 300m run, and 1.5 mile run. Is there anyway to modify the program(or create a new one) to emphasize on those specific tests? Also, is there anyway to develop a regiment to help with flexibility in regards to the sit and reach? If so please let me know what you guys at Mountain Tactical can do and we’ll take it from there. Thanks.


The FBI SA PFT Training Plan will sport-specifically prepare you for everything but the sit and reach. For that I’d recommend actually testing/practicing the specific event, and also the 3/3/3 Toe Touch Complex.
– Rob


I’m interesting in training for my agency’s special response team Indoc. It consists:

1.5 mile run for time

Obstacle course

60 push ups

60 crunches

Which would be the best course for me? Thank you for your time.


I’d recommend our SWAT/SRT Selection Training Plan. This plan will prepare you for these specific events and the other team and other events you face at indoc.
– Rob


I purchased your FBI PFT prep guide and have some questions for you if you don’t mind.
Specifically, I believe my endurance is my biggest weak point. As a result, do you believe the FBI PFT prep guide as laid out is best suited to shore up my weakness?
Below is further detail on my training and results to date:

I took the FBI PFT 6 weeks ago. I failed the 1.5 mile run (12m45s). I scored an average of 3 points per event on the other 3 events.

By the time I got to the 1.5 mile run, I was still huffing a bit from the prior events and I just continued to deteriorate during the run. I’ve run the 1.5 mile run sub 12 minutes on it’s own, but the cumulative fatigue from the other events made that too hard.

The test came up quick and I only had about 3 weeks warning. Pre-warning, I was running 4 x LISS sessions, for about 30-45 minutes per session, for only 2 weeks. After warning, for 3 weeks I ran 2 x 3 miles, 1 x 600m resets (4 resets) at max effort, and 1 x 60 minute LISS, each week leading up to the test.

For the past 5 weeks after the failed PFT, I’ve been running a basebuilding program and am up to 5 x LISS sessions per week, with this week including 300 minutes total running time and accumulating ~28 miles.

I believe another PFT will be coming up in the next 3-4 weeks and am considering following your guide, but am worried that the focus on sprints and intervals might not be addressing my core endurance issue. My belief is based on the thought that aerobic endurance is best trained via LISS.

I appreciate any feedback you would have and am happy to purchase other programs that you have, which may be better suited at attacking my weak points.


You’re not training general endurance, your training to run a 1.5 mile run. Our FBI SA PFT Plan prepares you specifically for that event in an individualized, progressed manner. Also – the plan deploys the actual PFT day 1 … so you get experience moving to the run after the other events.
We’re on Version 3 of this plan, updated in March.
– Rob


I am 16 weeks out from attending the initial fitness testing for the British Royal Marines- the Potential Royal Marines Course. I was wondering if you had a school or selection plan that would prepare me for this?


We don’t have a specific plan for the Royal Marines yet – it’s on our list but we haven’t gotten to it. From what we do have here is what I’d recommend:
Weeks   Plan
1-9         Humility (Bodyweight Strength, and military endurance – running/rucking) – This is a 7 week plan, repeat weeks 5 and 6.
10          Total Rest
11-16     Marine Corps OCS Training Plan  — with a few changes, see below.
Changes to the OCS Plan … Drop the ruck from 12 miles to 6 miles and use our Ruck Interval Calculator and 2 mile repeats.
Note that you’ll repeat weeks 5 and 6 of Humility. This will save you from purchasing a 3rd plan.
There is no swimming in either of these plans and I know there is a short swimming test. Practice it and make sure your good there.
– Rob
UPDATE: We just published the Potential Royal Marines Course Training Plan


I am doing a swimrun competition in Europe early October that consists of 33km trail running (flat ground) and 10km swimming in open water. The swim and run are intersped, ie we run a few km, then swim, then run. Water is cold (around 15 C) so people swim and run in modified wetsuit (cutting the suit below knees). There are 11 swim sections with the longest swim being 1500m and longest run 8000m. The fastest team finishes the course in 5h30 and the slowest in 8h+.
What plan(s) would you recommend for the preparation of this race ? The run looks comparatively easier than the swim.
Thank you !


I don’t have a good plan for this event. You’re moving into triathlon programming here and we haven’t programmed for triathlons.
From what I do have I’d recommend the Operator Pentathlon Training Plan, with a change. Replace the rucking with running.
– Rob


First off, thank you for all that you and the team do.  I’ve benefitted from following various Mountain Athlete programs for about 7 years on and off and now turning to you guys yet again for the next goal.
I’m slated to start EOD Selection and Training at DEVGRU next winter (~6 months out from now).  I was wondering if you could offer advice on what programming to follow for the next few months prior to starting your DEVGRU S&T Plan for the last two months?
I had reviewed your different improvement and military plans but didn’t know what would be the best foundation/progression to lead up to the end and figured I could use some expert advice to fit my long term goals rather than just me “picking and choosing” a program or running multiple iterations of the DEVGRU plan which I think would be rough on the body long term.
-I just signed up for a 6 month subscription last night
-I am on the road with my current job upwards of 50% of the time right now but still strive to have 5-7 sessions in the gym each week
-I did the DEVGRU S&T plan after returning from my last deployment to prepare for screening and was really impressed with my physical readiness going into the week (snapshot of the HP results attached)
Truly appreciate your time and consideration and any feedback you can provide.


Got it. You’re 6 months out and will be completing the DEVGRU Plan the final two months.
6 months = 24 Weeks. Here’s what I’d recommend:
Weeks    Plan
1-7          Humilitybodyweight strength, dumbbell/sandbag, multi-modal work cap. Unloaded and IBA Running – Great “hardening” cycle.
8-15        Hector – Great Balanced Plan from our Greek Hero Series – will increase your rucking load and train gym-based strength. This is a 7 week cycle – Repeat week 6 to make it 8.
16           Total Rest
The only caveat I’d add is we’re currently describing a series of “Blue” training plans for military athletes with SCUBA mission sets. What this practically means is these balanced plans include 1 day/week in the pool. We hope to have these out in the next couple weeks – and if so, will announce them via the Beta newsletter. I’d recommend you swap out Hector for the first plan in the Blue series – just to get back in the water.
Good luck!
– Rob

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