Q&A 5.23.19


I have had achillies tendonitis for 4 months and it shows no signs of getting better. I am pushing my SFAS date back 6-12 months. Likely 12. I did the sfas train up through fortitude as prescribed, then had to replace all box jumps, burpees, running and rucking with biking and step ups. I am about to finish Resilience. The whole time I thought my ankle would be healed in just a couple weeks and thought I could jump back in to the program.
How do I train for SFAS or maintain this fitness with these constraints if I am to attend SFAS in a year?
Is it healthy to repeat the whole year long train up?
Should I get on the operator sessions until I am healed and coddle my ankle with the replacement exercises and replacement cardio/ fake distance training on the bike?
If so, which operator sessions should I do?
Should I instead go through all of the strength programs and find a separate bike program?
How should I train up for SFAS once I can run again after completing a doctor prescribed walk to run program (likely in 3-4 months)? Humility, fortitude, ruck based selection?
If you have totally different solutions, I would greatly appreciate them. As always, thank you so much.


Best would be moving into the Operator sessions, and then Humility, Fortitude, RBSTP directly prior to SFAS. Issue is the Operator Sessions are not rehab programming. They include running, rucking, sprinting, etc.
So I’d recommend the Notorious Prison Plans – for Correctional Officers – until your foot is ready for longer endurance. They also include some running and sprinting, but less than the military programming so your substitutions will be fewer.
For endurance, spinning, rowing, or better, step ups can sub for running. If spinning, double the prescribed distance. If rowing, 400m run = 500m row. If step ups, 400m run = 50 step ups.
For sprinting, substitute box jumps and think time for the substitution. 30-second sprint = 30-seconds of box jumps. Jump up, stand to full extension, step off.
Chin up.
– Rob


I’m looking at starting one of your programs but would like your opinion of where to start. Quick run down of where I’m at: 32 year old male, in law enforcement but drive a desk now instead of run and gun. I use to be really heavy into CrossFit and then transitioned into SealFit. Over the last 2 years, I’ve just let other things take priority over fitness and have gained about 30 pounds. I need to shed some weight and get back to it. I’ve gone to the gym and my strength is still decent but my endurance blows. I’m just in a weird spot. I’ve never been this out of shape and lost when it comes to fitness. What plan would y’all recommend to start with?


Start with the LE OnRamp Training Plan, then move into either the LE Daily Sessions with a subscription or the plans/order in the Spirits Packet for LE, starting with Whiskey.
Also – fix your diet. Here are our recommendations.
– Rob


I’m training for a Mt. Hood climb on May 18th and preparing for to take the MCAT the week before. I was using the Peak Bagger plan but found the time and mental toughness requirements to be too much. I’ve finished week 4, do you have advice on what I can do to maintain what I gained? I was thinking of trying to do one long vertical gain hike a week and then maintaining the strength days. Any thoughts?


I can’t do better than your plan.
– Rob


I will be attending IBOLC in the future, but will also be going straight to Ranger School right after….my question is what prep program should I do before attending? I’ve looked at both and doing The Ranger programming seems to have more merit…..you’ve created both, so what is your suggestion? For reference I have a large strength/work capacity/ strength endurance foundation…just looking for more SPP than GPP. Thank you.


Good luck!
– Rob


Two questions;
1. Do you have a mobility routine to work on flexibility and range of motion?
2. Is there anything I can do to strengthen the ligaments within the knee?


1. No – not a specific mobility cycle.
2. Get stronger and jump. The Leg Blaster Complex does both.
– Rob


My friend who is a follower of yours suggested I email you with a question and to see what you might offer for us.

My husband and I are going to Patagonia in November for 10 days of hiking.  we will be going up to 14 miles a day and I imagine most of it in fairly good altitudes. This is the NatGeo hiking in Patagonia trip.

I will be 72 and he will be 63 when we do this.  We are both fit, walk extensively in the city and at least once a week 6 miles.  We ran for years but our backs and feet have caused us to stop.  We both do weight training and belong to gyms.

The other day I went on the stair master and 15 minutes was about done in.

The goal is fitness to be able to vigorously tackle this trip with day after day of hiking.

Thanks for guidance in advance.


– Rob


I’m starting your civil affairs training program tomorrow and I can’t wait.  I have one question: do I continue session 7 on Sunday or is Sunday another rest day?


Sundays are rest days.
– Rob


I am looking at making my own sandbag. I have two old sea bags from my military days and would like to have them converted into the style that MTN tactical uses. Do you have any contact information for the company you use to make yours?


– Rob


I use a lot of your programs specifically skiing, MTB, and peak bagging.  I have a new home gym and was wondering what your dream (or realistic dream) equipment list would be for it.



– Rob


I am currently working in England and the GYM here on base does not have the sand bags for the Acteon Program that I have started.  I was wondering if you had a good option to supplement the sand bag get up with.  Would 10 minute burpees for reps work?  I have done a 10 minute challenge once for the burpees and was sore for a week LOL.  Just looking for some advice.  Thanks


No … there’s really no good sub.
Closest would be a Turkish Get Up at 16kg kettlebell or 35# dumbbell.
Best would be to build a sandbag and bring it to the gym.
– Rob


I purchased the dry land ski program though I haven’t gotten to it yet because three very young children and a shoulder surgery got in the way – so I cannot comment on it. Though, it looks like it’s going to be awesome… Anyway, I am writing a program to get me to this dry land phase close to ski season but I cannot determine how much eccentric strength and endurance to program this far out. I have no experience with eccentric strength and endurance programming in significant volume. Also, I cannot find an established decay rate. For example, certain types of strength or endurance will detrain in so many weeks, so if you are peaking for a competition or programming blocks then be warned…
Can you please point me to a source or share anecdotal information regarding eccentric strength and endurance? Specifically:
  • How far out would you start programming eccentric leg strength and endurance to be in good condition for ski season?
  • If I stopped this type of training, how long will the effect remain, provided I do not ski or perform eccentric-focused exercise?
Thank you for your awesome content! I look forward to hearing from you.


1) You’ll want to complete the training Plan directly before your season starts.
2) I’m not sure – which is why you want to complete it directly before your season starts.
What I’d recommend is doing the plan now, then repeating it again directly before ski season.
– Rob


I am attending the Green Beret Selection Course early next year and your expertise on training for courses like this have been highly recommended from the people I have talked to. I would greatly appreciate any information and recommendations on where I should start and the best programs/ nutrition plans that I should be following. Also if you have any reading recommendations that would be helpful, I would appreciate that as well. Please let me know any information you need from me as well as your prices for your services. Thank you for your time and I look forward to any information you can give me.


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet, timing it so you complete the final plan in packet, the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before SFAS.
I’m not sure your exact timeline – and this is a year long packet of plans – I can help with specifics if you don’t have that long.
– Rob


I am starting to train for Goruck Selection. I am 40, 250lbs and am not in the best shape at the moment. I have a fair amount of physical strength, can carry a 45lb ruck 12 miles at a 17 minute mile pace,I can occassionally get to a 15.3 minute mile but that isn’t sustainable for longer than 5 miles. Push ups and sit ups are 40 and 50 respectively. I’m around a 13 minute mile right now.
I plan to go to selection next year, as I don’t know that it is possible to ready by October of this year.
My plan is to start with the fat burner plan, the proceed through the body weight plans, and then go through the selection plan.
Is that a sound approach, or is there a better way?


Start with Bodyweight Foundation, then work through the plans/order in the Virtue Packet of plans until 10 weeks before your event, then complete the GoRuck Selection Training Plan.
– Rob


I am planning on participating in 2 events this year where my current training won’t be sufficient. I’m currently working on increasing my strength with linear progression of the basic lifts. In addition to performing a few CrossFit style workouts a week.
The first event is a Labor Day running race to the peak of Mount Baldy here in LA. The starting line is at 6,000ft and ends at an elevation of 10,000+. The length of the race is approx 7 miles. Currently I’m not running and live and train at sea level. I was looking to see if there were any programs that could help prepare me for this. I would like to maintain my strength gains but increase endurance and work capacity (which I think is the variable I can work that will be as close as I can get to simulate the demand by body will feel at higher altitudes).  Do you have any suggestions?
The second event is the Spartan Hurricane Heat in December. From the description it sounds like a combination of the short obstacle training program and GORUCK challenge program. As this is a team building event based around the Spartan obstacles.  I think my current training could prepare me for this fine (except I should increase my burpee count but that can always be true). The GORUCK challenge program interests me because I have completed a challenge in the past and am interested in doing it again. Your GORUCK program looks like it would really over prepare me and make the even a lot more fun and less grueling. I think I could use it for the hurricane heat with some tweaks like less rucking.


Memorial Day Plan? Alpine Running Training Plan.
December event? – yes on the GoRuck Challenge Training Plan.
– Rob


I have about 1 year before I depart as an 18 Xray special forces candidate. I am in decent physical shape. I was wondering what type of programming/training might be appropriate to use from your site. Or if you had any recommendations for a certain type of training to start implementing. Thanks!


Complete the plans/order in the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet – finishing the final plan in the packet directly before Basic.
– Rob


I’ve been taking my wife through this plan as an “introduction to lifting”. This is her first time doing something other than cardio/work capacity with free weights in her life and she’s doing great. I’m not sure which program to take her through next. She likes the results she’s seeing from HSG and wants to build on that. Should we go through another cycle or “graduate” to a plan with lower reps/higher weight?


If you want to solely focus on strength, move to Big 24 Strength.
If you want to complete a multi-modal plan, which includes focused strength work, but also work capacity and endurance, do Waylon.
– Rob


My family and I made the decision to pursue Special Forces in the National Guard.
I have been speaking to a recruiter and he had some interesting things to say, and I wanted to get your take.
He is saying that there is no physical fitness test for me to take due to the pipeline that I will be pursuing. He makes a judgment call on my fitness level, and then gives me the green light to attend basic, AIT, and then the prep course before SFAS.
That being said, I haven’t worked on my endurance (at least by physically running) in over a year as I have been trying to gain mass. I am 6′ 0″ and weigh 225. I have also never rucked in my life.
Failure is not an option for me and my family, and I just want to ask what you would recommend for me going forward. Thank you so much,


Ruck Based Selection Training Packet before Basic. Complete the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before.
– Rob


I recently purchased the meathead marathon programming packet and have really enjoyed the program as a whole. I am using  it to train for a half marathon as opposed to a full.  I’m looking to find another program once I finish up the M.M. Program and am seeking some direction on what to choose. A little background and rough overview.

  • 29 years old, 6’1″, 208lbs
  • Firefighter & outdoorsman
  • For the first 10 years of my fitness journey I would consider my routine strictly traditional weight training. Hated running.
  • Over the last 5 years I have
    started crossfit, continue to do some traditional weight training, have grown to love distance running and trail running. Began rucking and discovered I move very well over distances with weight.

I’m looking for a well-rounded plan that translates well into my daily life and hobbies. I’m not looking to go through a selection process anytime soon, I just want continue to gain strength, run some half marathons and move well in the mountains with a meat pack, I.e. a well-rounded athlete. A 5/2 day type program works best with my schedule.

I appreciate any help and direction you can give me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks again!


– Rob


Thank you for your rich content as far as research and programming, really top of your industry. I’m excited about your athlete subscription package and have questions about your guidance.
–  I am a national Guardsman (Non-Combat MOS), and I rotate through Powerlifting and bodybuilding competitions every 6 months. My cardio and work capacity has really taken a dump (16:45 2-mile, Was destroyed at a random CrossFit workout and same for simple rucking)as I’ve focused gaining weight for bodybuilding. I have accumulated too much fat in the last bulking Hytroperphy cycle, for which I bought nutritional coaching.
Ht: 5’7
Wt: 205lbs
BF%: 24
Bench Press: 345lbs
Barbell Squat:425lbs
Deadlift: 475lbs
2-mile: 16:45
Heart rate after a 20 min EMOM workout – 204bpm
 1. Maintain and/or improve 3-lift strength
2. Maintain Earned meathead muscle
3. Increased simple 2 mile endurance for military ACFT
4. Increased Work capacity
What would be your suggestion of plan rotations for the next 6th months? Obviously I’m good at power lifting and I like to stay strong for competitions and larger for bodybuilding shows, but that is my weakness. My cardio is crap and it definitely needs the love not only for my job but my BF%.


I don’t have a plan which will maintain your current strength while at the same time significantly increasing your work capacity and endurance. Work cap and endurance work negatively affect strength. As well – your excess mass – I’d like you 30-pounds lighter – negatively affect your work capacity and endurance. You’re essentially running and doing burpees wearing a 30# weight vest.
From what I do have I’d recommend Waylon. Waylon is a multi-modal plan which has a slight strength emphasis. It also trains work capacity (20-30 minute events), Endurance (1.5 mile assessment and hard 800m repeats) and chassis integrity (core).
The plan deploys our Density Strength Progression for the Box Squat, Power Clean and Push Press. You could swap these out for the Back Squat, Dead Lift and Bench Press if you’d like – just follow the same progression/programming.
– Rob


I have a 4 day 3 night trip in the Grand Canyon in October. It will be 30+ miles , 35-40 Lb. packs and the elevation change is 4000-6000 according to info I received. I have both peak bagger and pre season back packing programs. What do you suggest ?


Peak Bagger, and add in a 5-7 mile run on Saturdays. Ha. Ha.
– Rob


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