Q&A 5.18.17


Hi Rob,

I wanted to send you a note thanking you for your article on what it means to be a quiet professional (http://mtntactical.com/military-athlete-articles/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-quiet-professional/).
I run an engineering company in support of SOF…..check it out if you are interested.  I am having a company wide meeting next week and I found your article “What Does It Mean to be a Quiet Professional?” and it immediately struck a chord with me.  I plan to read it to my entire company since I live by this same creed.  My husband is a retired Tier 1 SEAL, so we truly know what it means.
I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your article, and wanted to send you a note of thanks.


Good Evevening, I’m requesting some info about your programs.
Im a Marines and I’m trying to get in better shape.  wondering what you guys can recommend.


I’d recommend you begin our stuff with the Military On-Ramp Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/on-ramp-training-plan/
– Rob


Rob, a friend of mine showed me your article on strength relative to mountain and tactical athletes. The part I found the most interesting was that front squat and bench press 1RM will be similar in a balanced athlete.
I was hoping you could expound on this? My bench and FS 1RM have always been close, and I had always thought or assumed that meant my legs were weak. Any exercise with ‘squat’ in it seems like it should be one of an athlete’s strongest lifts. Just curious.


I first learned about the comparable between 1RM Front Squat and 1RM Bench Press from Dan John, when I spent a week working with him when he was still a high school strength coach over a decade ago and we’ve used it since I started my company.
We’ve found it consistent not only for 1 rep max, but also reps at a certain weight – for example, our Operator Ugly fitness assessment for military athletes includes front squat and bench press at 185# for max reps, and with balanced athletes, these numbers will be the same or close.
Understand the front squat is a different lift than the back squat. With the back squat, the weight is more centered over the body, and it demands less mid-section strength to come out of the ‘hole.’ This is one reason athletes can lift much more weight doing back squats than front squats.
The load on the front squat is more forward, and rarely do the legs fail on a missed lift – the mid-section fails and the bar falls forward.
– Rob


In my youth I was a very capable athlete and Marine.   After years of being at a desk, raising children and neglecting my fitness, I’m 49 years old and 350 pounds.  At 6′-5″ and being very mobile for a guy my size, I’ve rationalized my condition for quite some time.   I realize I have to unf**k myself something serious if I want to live very long.

My son used your OCS program and was very impressed with it, so I wanted to reach out to you for some guidance.  Since my old standard of running is out until I’m much lighter (and I have an arthritic left knee from injury and the weight), I’m looking for a beginning program to get me started without hurting myself, and to continue until I’m truly fit.  Do you have an existing program that would be appropriate?   Thanks.


Probably not. By my estimation, at your age and height, your at about 100 pounds overweight. From what I have, perhaps you could do the Bodyweight Foundation Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/
But even this is likely too intense. At the link above you’ll see a “sample training” tab – and it includes the first week of programming. You can try and see how you recover. Walk where it calls to run.
I’m nearly 49 and guys our age die all the time of heart issues related to stress and deconditioning. Fix it.
– Rob


Rob, I have been reading up on your LE training plans and have a question. Is there any distance running involved in these plans or is most of the running just short distance sprint work? The reason I ask is my agency still has a 1.5 mile run in our annual PFT. Would these plans still prepare me to run this? Thanks


Our day to day LE programming includes sprinting, shuttle sprints and often short, optional runs. You can access it via an Athlete’s Subscription (http://mtntactical.com/shop/master-subscription-plan/) or our LE Athlete Spirits Series: http://mtntactical.com/fitness/packet-focus-le-athlete-spirits-training-packet/
– Rob


I am going into marine boot camp in October and was wondering what is the best plan for me? I started working out in December 2016 just a few times a week and also never really do a lot of cardio


I’d recommend these plans in this order:
1) Military On-Ramp Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/on-ramp-training-plan/
3) USMC PFT Training Plan directly before bootcamp: http://mtntactical.com/shop/usmc-pft-plan/
– Rob


Hi MTI, I’m doing a thru hike on the JMT this summer (4 days) & submitting Mt. Whitney.  I’m using your Bodyweight Training Plan & then Big Mountain Climbing training programs to get ready.  I’m in the midst of working through plantar fasciitis, (which the Dr. is recommending a period of rest from walking/running, although highly recommends weights & is fine with non load bearing cardio like rowing, biking, etc) & see a fair amount of running in your training programs.  I’m planning to substitute rowing & stair master for the runs.  Do you have a better recommendation &/or a plan already build with substitutes? Thanks,


o rowing … stair master and cycling are what I’d recommend. As you make the conversion think 1 mile = 10 minutes. So if the plan calls for a 5 mile run, stair master/cycle 50 minutes.
– Rob


Coach Rob. I’m set to start the Greek Hero training packet next week, but I had a question regarding the Tac SEPA portion of the plans. The gym I work out at is limited in regards to space and equipment so I doubt I would be able to do the Tac SEPA sessions as designed and was looking for a recommended sub. My running ability is not where I want it to be at the moment so I was thinking of subbing a moderate paced 30 minute run. Would this be acceptable or would you suggest something else?


TAC SEPA is not conditioning – it is agility and other work. Go outside if you need to to complete the drills. Be resourceful.
– Rob


Coach Shaul,

I have used your theories and programs and have great results. I am just coming off the grind of a grad school/ Army ROTC semester schedule and have suffered a little bit with overall strength, but have vastly in improved in my running and rucking because that has been my focus due to time constraints.

I will be attending Advanced Camp this summer. There is a 12 mile ruck (speed ruck with 35lbs.) and APFT test directly after we get back from a 14 day FTX.  I’m sure my body will be pretty worn down and would like to MAX the APFT and complete the ruck under 3 hrs for Recondo purposes. Obviously in the field I wont be doing much working out, besides push ups and situps. With all of this in mind, which plan would you suggest to help me prepare for worn down APFT/Ruck assessment and strength work?

A couple benchmarks for you to help gauge the type of shape I am in and direct me to  which plan may be best:

6 miles unloaded run in 42 minutes (7 min/mile pace)

12 Mile speed ruck 35 lbs: 2 hrs. 3 mins

12 Mile Tactical Ruck, (FLC, rifle, water, kevlar, etc)  60+ lbs. 2 hr 58 minutes.

300 APFT

After looking through some of the plans I came up with the Mil Athlete Endurance Cycle supplemented with some weightroom days, Gratitude, and Ulysses; but you are the expert.

Thanks for your time,


I’d recommend the Ranger School Training Plan:  http://mtntactical.com/shop/ranger-school-training-plan/
Use it prior to your camp, and then you can use it again in 18 months or so prior to Ranger School.
– Rob


Hello Ro, I recently got the SWAT Selection program and I had a few questions about the first week training program:

Session 2:
– For the warm up what does it mean by accel. every 25m?
– It says run 800m at “Hard” Run Calculator Pace, I can’t seem to figure out what that means?
Session 5
– For the 4 part of the training I don’t understand the instructions. Do we just do 8 rounds of what is listed, or do as much in 3 minutes and start back every 3 mins from the beginning 8 times? Thanks in advance


Session 2:
– Start the 100m slow and increase speed as you move to the finish
– Enter your Session 1, 1.5 mile time into the Running Calculator here: http://mtntactical.com/exercises/running-calculator/ – and run the intervals at the pace spit out by the calculator.
Session 5
– Set a repeating, countdown timer to 3 minutes. On “Go” sprint through the circuit, faster you finish, more rest you get before the next begins (at 3 minutes).
– Rob


Can you please point me towards your experienced workout plans (military or similar) that do not require barbells or CF gym?  I do have KB’s, DB’s, sandbags, weight vest, ruck, etc.  thank you



Good evening,

I am a Cadet at West Point who is cross commissioning into the Marine Corps. I have 15 weeks until I report for TBS (West Point validates OCS – lucky me) and have had great success with MTI plans in the past. I just completed the Sandhurst competition, where the squad I lead (USMA Black – our first West Point “all-star” team) actually won. To prep for that we’ve been rucking and running distance all spring  and winter. I definitely feel like I built up a strong rucking chassis and given the results of the competition, am in good shape. I’ve never been a big lifter, so I think now is a good time to focus on some gains on the barbell before getting back into the ruck game.  I also think building some strength would help me stay injury free and generally healthier through TBS. My thought is I will hit Rat 6 and then go onto the Valor program leading up to my report date. Thoughts?

Thank you!


Congrats on Sandhurst!
I’d recommend Operator Achilles now: http://mtntactical.com/shop/operator-achilles/
This plan is more balanced than Rat 6 – but includes a solid strength component around our Super Squat progression. Simple, direct and hard.
Follow it up with Valor.
Good luck!


Hello, I will be attending West Point next year. I am trying to be in the best physical shape that I can be by the time I get there, so I started to look at your military fitness plans. I wanted to get your opinion on which fitness plan would best fit someone training for West Point/ Army. I am already in pretty good shape, but I could always get better. I thought the APFT plan looked pretty good but just wanted to get your opinion, as well. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!


The APFT Training Plan would be a great place to start our stuff for you: http://mtntactical.com/shop/apft-plan/
– Rob


Sir, I am considering purchasing the Air Assault Training Plan to prepare to attend Air Assault School in June/July.  I have a few questions about the training plan: How is it delivered?  Are there videos or descriptions of the specific exercises/stretches?  Is 6 weeks the minimum train-up or could the program be completed in an shorter period of time?

Thanks for your assistance.


– Access to the plan is online via username and password.
– Unfamiliar exercises are found here: http://mtntactical.com/category/exercises/
– Shorter? Depends upon your fitness going in. Prep includes focused APFT work and focused work for the 6 and 12 mile rucks.
If you haven’t been rucking, don’t short cut the plan.
– Rob


About the grunt pt program. What is the consensus on additional cardio? Is the run and ruck days enough to improve running or should one add some additional runs in the AM or PM of the strength and work capacity days


Grunt PT does not neglect running and rucking. If you want to do more, watch for over training.
– Rob


Hi, I was recently tasked with creating the PT program for my platoon up until deployment,  and heard that this company works with active duty soldiers on the payment plans. I just wanted to touch base and see if there was anything that you could help me with or point me in the direction of.


We’ve created a Grunt PT program as day to day programming for military line units. More here: http://gruntpt.com/
If you’re deploying to Afghanistan, we recommend our Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plan here: http://mtntactical.com/shop/afghanistan-pre-deployment-training-plan/
We are also developing an Iraq/Syria Pre-Deployment Training Plan which we should have out this week.
– Rob



Just a little curious.  Is Grunt PT just one cycle (Michael) or are there others that will appear/be added later.

Very Respectfully,


We will continue to add cycles – the first 11 or so will be named after the Archangels – beginning with Michael. Next cycle should be up around the first part of May.
– Rob


Hi there,
I’m purchasing a weight vest for husband (firefighter and climber who follows your programming).  What would be the most useful weight for me to get for him?


– Rob


Hi Coach,

I just came off the BUD/s V2 program and did fairly well, wondering whether I should repeat the program or try another that you recommend?
Goal is to progress as a tactical athlete
Thanks love all the programs and information


Pivot to the Greek Hero plans – starting with Hector: http://mtntactical.com/shop/greek-hero-training-packet/
– Rob


I’m a snowboarder and have used several of your plans over the years (monster factory, preseason dryland, in season ski maintenance).  These plans have served me well. But I’ve always wondered if you modify or add any snowboard specific exercises to your plans. I know your snowboard athletes train alongside the skiers, but I’m wondering if over the years you’ve identified any training modifications for the snowboarders.  Thanks,


Nothing stands out but I always re-evaluate our programming between seasons and generally update our ski-specific programming in the summer.

Our Dryland Ski Training hits the same eccentric, chassis integrity (midsection stuff), and leg lactate tolerance needed by snowboarders.
– Rob


Good morning,

My wife is looking for a weight reduction program. Is that something that you offer. She is very active and attends group classes at our gym, as well as working out with me about 4 days a week.  She also eats a very healthy.  Her favorite meal is a huge green leafy Salad which she complements with protein.  For all her activity she feels she should have better results .  I don’t want her to lose her motivation, so I popping a flare for help.

Thank you


We have a Fat Loss Training Plan Here: http://mtntactical.com/shop/fat-loss-training-program/
– Rob

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