Q&A 3.4.21


I just completed the 6 week NTOA PFQ program, and screened for my Dept’s SWAT team yesterday, with great results! Great program…my question is, our SWAT school is scheduled for mid April. The school is pretty PT intensive, with a lot of calisthenics involved and a good amount of running, I believe up to 8 miles. Is there a program you recommend doing until then, or do you think I should repeat the NTOA PFQ? Thank you!


– Rob


Long time user of your training programs.  Used the pre-afg plan on my way to Afghanistan, it was certainly painful but it paid off.
Now that I’m out, i find my self training for endurance sports.  I have a half marathon in the north Georgia hills in April with about 3000 ft of elevation gain.  My runs are on trails similar to the terrain I’ll be in April. Is there any thing I can add to the plan for the gym based part to help train for the hills? I have a stair master in the gym. Assuming it might be some variation of more leg blasters.
Thank you for your feedback, love your training plans! Stay safe.


Yes – you could add in leg plasters. Work up to 5 Rounds with a 30 sec rest between, 1-2 days/week.
– Rob


I am a 25 year old who recently left the corporate life and am working to get back in shape. I’m in the federal law enforcement application process and also considering the military, planning to go 18X if I go that route.
My thinking is to train like I’m going 18X because that will have me in better than needed shape for any LE fitness tests / academy if I end up making it through the hiring process.
I saw you have a 52 Week SFAS program—I’m not sure I’ll have that long before. Plus if I do enlist the 18X pipeline involves both basic and AIT prior to SFAS (which is its own question—if I go that route, I’ve heard you should be doing extra training throughout basic and AIT as they alone won’t prepare you for SFAS).
Do you have any plans you would recommend operating on an ~6 month timeline? I have prior fitness experience, but have not been training recently.


Military OnRamp, then Fortitude, then Valor, the the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan directly before basic.
Each can be purchased individually and all are part of the Packet.
– Rob


I have not been lifting weights over the past few months. I have mainly been biking and running with a little bit of swimming. But I would like to incorporate a lifting program while still maintaining my biking and running. What plans would you recommend? Events on the horizon for me are the occasional virtual road races and both olympic and sprint triathlons. Also plan to do an ultra marathon later on this year.


Biking? – you can add in moderate to easy paced rides as 2-a-days on the running days in the plan. Run, then Bike.
– Rob


I am new to rucking hence wish to improve my performance as efficiently as possible. I am happy to purchase your training plan online, but wish to know if this is only available online for a specified number of weeks from the day of purchase or if this is available online via your website indefinitely or if this is downloadable or/and available. I wish to trek Mt Aconcagua in Argentina and will have to load bear approximately 20 to 25 kg Max uphill and 30kg downhill, this profile is over 3 to 4 hours uphill since this is a high altitude environment and like wise for the downhill section. So strength may play a big part also in the undertaking. Alternatively do you have other programs more specific to my needs.


Online – access via browser or our phone app.
– Available as long as we’re in business
I’d recommend the Big Mountain Training Plan for Aconagua.
– Rob


I just found out I will be able to go on a ski trip on Wednesday March 17th. I previously did the dryland ski training in November and then did sandbag pathos. Today I will be on week 4 session 20 of the Apache plan. Any suggestions for how I should approach the next two weeks leading up to the ski trip?


Weeks 3-4 of the Dryland Ski Training Plan.
– Rob


I have been a fan for a long time. I got first introduced with Marine Corps PFT several years back. Currently. I am a Fitness Coordinator for the my agency and I wanted to find out if you had any partnerships with LE agencies regarding fitness programs, and what they may look like?


No formal partnerships with agencies. Individuals use our programming.
Our Wilderness Packet of Plans are designed as day-to-day Base Fitness programming or wilderness professionals including Game Wardens, Rangers, Field Biologists, etc. These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, mountain endurance (run, uphill movement under load) and chassis integrity (functional core).
We do have unit-based pricing … let me know if you’re interested.
– Rob


I had some questions regarding your USAF training program. I strained my low back about 6 months ago. I am doing much better now and have been working on my core and regaining some strength. I have been doing glute lab programming for about the last 3 months.  I enjoy the strength aspect and focusing on hypertrophy in posterior chain because I am naturally pretty skronny. I like to challenge myself and have something to work towards I would like to get Warhawk at BMT. I do not currently have a date so I am a few months and would like your recommendations on achieving this goal while maintaining strength, size, as he avoiding injury. This is where I am currently

1/30/21 AFPT test1.5 mi 12:20

PU 38

Sit up 65

Pull up 5 *no time limit drop from bar after each can only do 2-3 linked together


I’m not sure I understand your question … but in general I understand you’re going into the Air Force but don’t have a report date yet.
I’d recommend now you start the Military OnRamp Training Plan, then 6 weeks out from the report date, and/or your official PFT, complete the USAF PFT Training Plan. 
– Rob


In regards to the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet, just wondering what you recommend if you have 44 weeks instead of the 52 needed.


Do the plans in the packet in order, but skip Resilience.
– Rob


Do any of your military plans include body weight only workouts?


– Rob


I’m a new subscriber. I have 2 strenuous trips planned –

April 4th – canyoneering Poe canyon – Day 1 Hike in 6 miles to camp with 50 lb pack. Day 2 8-12 hours running the canyon. Day 3 hike out.
May 28 – Bob Marshall Wilderness Open – hike+packraft 110 or so miles with 30 lb pack. Goal is 3 days but taking food for 4 – will have back to back 30+ mile hiking days. Day 3 should be mostly in the raft.
I haven’t been in a gym in years, but I’m in decent hiking/rucking shape. What plan(s) would you recommend?


Backpacking Preseason Training Plan the 7-weeks directly before the Poe Canyon trip.
After Poe, I’d recommend the 8-week Ultra Pre-Season Training Plan, and completing all the prescribed running in the plan with a 25# pack.
– Rob


I hope this email finds you well. I’m sure you get tons of emails and won’t remember our last exchange, but after initially deciding to cancel my annual subscription, and then staying with the programming, I’m happy to report this mid-40s Field Grade Officer has absolutely loved the sand bag programming.
I am stationed in Korea, and for a number of reasons, I am unable to train at the PT Field/Track in the mornings now. No biggie, as I have a pretty large space to do work at home. I am running into a couple issues I hope you can help with.
The first is subs for running – specifically weighted runs. I just don’t put my body through that anymore. I’ve got old guy issues with my knees, and it’s  just not worth it to me. I typically sub rowing for distance runs, but knock out things like prone to sprint, 300m shuttles, etc when on turf.
Looking at programs like Humility and the Indian Nation packages, what would you give as some options for days when the programming calls for ruck runs, weighted jumps, etc?
The second issue is gear, and the programming best suited for what I have. I’ve a number of sandbags, from 40lbs to 100lbs, 35lb and 53lb Kettlebells, a plying box, and pull up bark. I’ve also got multiple rucks (Army) and weight plates. Finally I also have steel clubs.
I’m transitioning to the BDE OPS Officer (S3)  position this summer, and the majority of my training will continue in and around my home.
Thanks for all you do. Looking forward to your reply.
Have a great day!


Loaded running? Just do the running/exercises that concern you, unloaded.
I’d recommend Tribe Plans.  The only equipment issue with these for you might be a pair of 25# dumbbells. You can use your 35# kettlebell and do one-arm version of the exercises …or pick up a pair of dumbbells.
– Rob


I am a 24 year old male police officer in Australia. Been using your LE and BJJ programs for a while now.

Yesterday I was involved in a apprehension of an offender. During the scuffle I torn 3 ligaments in my left ankle and significant bone bruising. Fought through the pain. Handcuffed the bastard and got the job done.

I am currently doing physio exercises as prescribed by the Emergency Department Physio/Doctor.

I will be out of action for up to 2-4 weeks.

My strength will dwindle from ankle. I am going to do the “Leg Prehab” Program after I’m cleared to exercise.

I was wondering what will I do after that to get back into shape?

I have a PFT coming up with Beep Test/Bleep Test (shuttle run) which I normally smash and other exercises (I will smash them no worries) at the end of May which times well with the end of the Leg Prehab program. What program would you recommend after leg Prehab?


I’m reading that you aren’t looking for a plan to prepare for your PFT – so after the Post-Rehab Leg Injury Training Plan I’d recommend dropping back into the Spirits Plans for LE Patrol/Detectives – where you left off. Whiskey is a great plan.
– Rob


BLUF:  what plan to sustain fitness between Summer mountaineering objectives?

Background: I am Ramping into spring/summer volcano climbing in Pacific Northwest.

My intent is accomplish “Helen” plan followed by “Rainier” plan prior to first climb- (Mt Hood) in late May.

I want to sustain fitness over the summer for possible Mt Rainier push in late July. My Rock climbing season will follow in Aug/Sep.

After initial Mt Hood climb, would it be Better to go back to base training?  Or repeat Rainier plan?  Also considering alpine rock to maintain while prepping for follow on activities.

Thanks for everything you do!


In-season programming like this depends on how much time you spend in the mountains. The goal is to both maintain your fitness, but not negatively impact your mountain performance because of fatigue/soreness.
If you’re a weekend warrior, taking one mountain trip/week, I’d recommend the Alpine Rock Pre-Season Training Plan … but take rest days on the Friday’s before and Mondays after your weekend stuff. Don’t skip training sessions … follow them in order but just extend out the plan.
If you’re in the mountains a lot over the summer …. 4 days/week – let the mountains keep your legs fit and focused on your rock climbing with the Rock Climbing Pre-Season Training Plan.
– Rob


I own a hunting outfit in New Zealand.  I am wanting to increase strength and endurance for my hunting.  What plans and programs do you have available and would you recommend


My answer depends on your current fitness level, and your season schedule.
My understanding is big game hunting in NZ is year round  … and if so this means you’re in and out of the mountains now. If this is the case, I’d recommend the plans/order in the Wilderness Packet of Plans. These plans are designed for full time wilderness professionals and concurrently train strength, work capacity, mountain endurance (running, uphill movement under load), and chassis integrity (functional core). Start with Jedediah Smith and follow the sessions in order … but being sure to take rest days before mountain trips, and not skipping any sessions when you return.
If I’m wrong and you have a specific season you want to prepare for, I’d recommend plans/order in the Backcountry Big Game Hunting Packet … depending on how much time you have until the season. At a minimum, you’ll want to complete the last plan in the packet, the Backcountry Big Game Hunting Preseason Training Plan, the 8 weeks directly before your season starts.
Want a test of your current backcountry hunting fitness? Complete the MTI Backcountry Big Game Hunting Fitness Assessment.
– Rob


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