Q&As 07/10/15


Questions include: Insight into Portion Sizes on Rob’s Diet, Our Current Training Plan ‘To-Do’ List, Best “Exercise”, New Changes to Our Subscription, Best Program for Building Overall Military Strength, What to do After Completing the “Einzelkämpferlehrgang”, What to Do After Finishing the SWAT Kickstart Program, How to Maintain Base Fitness for Alpine/Ice Climbing Through the Summer, Which Program to Follow To Train For the Grand Teton and more…


“You don’t earn your tab, your Ranger buddy earns your tab.”

Programming from the team at Military Athlete played a crucial role in laying the physical foundation for success at Ranger School. Supportive leaders, unbeatable Ranger buddies, and Military Athlete programming set me up for success as the first Army Reserve Civil Affairs Team soldier to graduate Ranger School, all without a recycle or a serious injury. Durability, endurance and clarity of purpose are hard to beat. Thanks for your dedication to developing proven methods for mission success.


I had a membership at one point, unable to do the program so I downloaded a few, heres the SITREP.
Current AF, Going Army – trying to secure an 18X contract.
I have a few broken pieces – Small groin injury, recovering from shin splints, Hip injury and a small knee injury. All of these I am A-OK to train, recovered from, but its pretty recent.
I tried the ruck selection program I got, great stuff – except I’m currently unable to run 5mi straight. I can finish the rucks, the strength workout is possible with some subs to the training regime because of the way the gym works. Overall – I’m just not in the correct shape to do the program without injury.
I have no ETS date, just looking to train – get in shape. Will the operator sessions get my running to where they need to be or will I need to sub my own runs? My only real concern is my run time.

We run regularly as part of the Operator Sessions, but these are also no joke, and may not be appropriate for you at this time.
I’d recommend you begin with the Bodyweight Foundation plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/).
This plan is assessment driven, and this way automatically scales to the incoming fitness of the athlete. As well, it has a strong running focus.


I’ve been doing your operator sessions for about a month now and I’m hooked man it’s hands down the best programming I’ve ever followed. I have two questions for you, I started the hybrid training about a month ago and am about to start the endurance phase in a couple of weeks and was wondering your thoughts on using trails instead of the road or track for the longer runs I’ve seen in the endurance phase? My second questions is my father would like to try the sf 45 programming where would you recommend someone to start that program?


I prefer a trail anytime. Absolutely run on trails.
Have your Dad start with CUB 1.


Haven’t had time to complete the LE Fitness Assessment yet, but will soon.
I am into week three of the SWAT/SRT Kickstart program and enjoying it.  Already seeing good improvements from week 1 and exposing areas that need more work.
I have about 18 weeks till our SWAT Selection and just purchased the 7 week SWAT plan as well.
My question is how to proceed.  My running (1.5 miles, longer distance) needs the most work, everything else is right where I want it to be.  I was wondering if I should repeat the SWAT kickstart program, maybe do the Cooper improvement program or do the SWAT Selection program twice with a few weeks of lighter training in between.  Or even just purchase the monthly LE Sessions until I can do the 7 week program.  My fitness is good right now and will improve up to selection but I am just looking to maximize my performance between now and then and improve the horsepower as much as possible.
Any advice would be appreciate – really enjoying your plans.  I am working on getting more people at my department on board!


By my count you have 17 weeks, post kickstart, to prepare.
Best would be to subscribe to the LE Officer Sessions until 7 weeks out and then complete the SWAT Selection Training Plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/swat-selection-training-plan/) right before selection.
Begin the Officer Sessions at the beginning of the most recent cycle.


Im looking through your military athlete programs and I’m having trouble deciding which would be best for me. I’m looking to increase all aspects of fitness for my military career. I’m currently an airborne infantryman so I’m looking for a programs that builds strength and endurance in regards to rucking, running, lifting, etc. what would be a good program for someone who is not going through a selection or school that is looking to just build overall military strength?


I recommend you begin our stuff with Fortitude: http://mtntactical.com/shop/fortitude/
Fortitude combines hard, heavy, classic, barbell-based strength training with military-specific endurance – running and ruck running.


Hi, thanks for the foundation plan, my wife is loving it and she is making great progress.

I have another question regarding my own training. A month ago i successfully completed the “Einzelkämpferlehrgang”


I guess it could be seen as a very easy version of rangerschool. I took a week of rest and then did your bodyweight training plan I.  I am now in the last week.  The last two weeks i did it while i was on an big NATO exercise so i was quite exhausted sometimes, and had to assist the jumpsquats by pushing me up with my hands on my knees sometimes during the Leg Blasters.  I’m now wondering how to continue afterwards. I want to do the operator sessions,  i do not consider myself unfit, but i did not train with weights for over a year. I dont know what is best, jump right into the sessions, do fortitude or maybe on ramp. On ramp might be a little to easy i’m affraid. Should i take a week of rest after the Bodyweight plan, like you recomend in the limited equipment package? Maybe with some running and swimming. Thanks in advance!


I’d recommend Fortitude for you now: http://mtntactical.com/shop/fortitude/
It will build some strength and includes military-specific endurance – running and rucking.

First a thank you! We followed the Pre-season Ice program last fall to prep for our ice season – which up here in starts in October – and then switched over to the Big Mountain program to prep for a trip up Mt Logan in the St. Elias this past May.
A big crevasse fall ended our trip prematurely, so sadly no summit pictures, but we did all make it home.  Thanks in no small part to the suffering we did in the gym with your two training programs.
Looking ahead, we’re looking at how we maintain and build base over the summer months.  Ice/Alpine season cometh and there is talk about another attempt on Logan too.  I’ve looked at mixing and matching elements from  the Body Weight workout and the Peak Bagger but I as they are pretty structured plans I thought I would get your thoughts.


A great plan for you now to build/maintain would be the Alpine Rock Climb Training Program: http://mtntactical.com/shop/alpine-rock-climb-training-program/
This plan includes Mountain Chassis focus (legs/lungs/core) as well as climbing fitness and technique.


Long time buyer/user of your programming. It rocks! However currently I’m deployed to a tiny base in Eastern Europe that has a small “globo” style gym. I have one of your body weight plans which is solid but I feel like I could do a little extra with access to the gear in the gym. They have no bumpers, no ropes and only one squat rack…all the benches and dumbells you could want though.
Training goals are military chassis but with limited mass gain. Still need to keep unloaded running and pull ups in there because I’m a Marine. I’m here for 3 more months.
Any guidance or programming would be awesome!


I’d recommend Valor: http://mtntactical.com/?s=Valor
You’ll need to substitute dumbbell versions of the barbell lifts in the plan – i.e. dumbbell hang squat clean instead of barbell hang squat clean – but it’s doable and where you need to go next.


I will be climbing the Grand Teton this summer and wanted to know which training program you recommend.  We are going with this company http://exumguides.com/ublminxportfolios/grand-classic/


I built the Peak Bagger Training Plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/peak-bagger-training-plan/) specifically for climbs like the Grand Teton.


I see that the AMGA Training Plans include a day of technical work.  Do the plans include recommended technical training for the respective courses or these just slated for practice days on our own accord?


Technical work on your own, at the crag. Our plans (http://mtntactical.com/shop/amga-rock-guide-course-training-plan/) include sport-specific climbing fitness training in a rock gym. You’ll need to practice anchor building, rope system work, etc. on your own on the real thing (rock).

I’m working on the Peak Bagger program for a Mt. Elbert climb. I love those sandbag get ups! Just two quick questions for you:
First, I’m having trouble executing the ankles-to-bar exercise.  I can only bring my legs up about half way so they are parallel to the ground (my body forms an L.) What are some ways to improve my form and actually get my ankles to the bar?
Second, a year ago I sprained my MCL and developed chondromalacia in my left knee. Since then, I’ve notice my left thigh is somewhat smaller than my right one. And my right calf is somewhat smaller than my left. What advice do you have to correct this muscle imbalance to prevent further injuries?
Thanks so much for your time and for what you do for us military folks.

Ankles to Bar – keep fighting it. You’ll improve as you get stronger. Bring your ankles as high as possible and don’t swing.
Left Leg – generally over time the training will even things out. One option you could consider is our Post-Rehab Leg Injury Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/post-rehab-leg-injury-training-plan-ssd/

You mentioned that your breakfast consists of salami, hard cheese and an apple.
Could you possibly provide a little insight into portion size, proportion of the different ingredients and brands/types?
As a repeat customer of your workout plans I have been more than satisfied and would like to add your dietary guidelines to my fitness regimen.
Many thanks in advance and keep up with the great programming!


It doesn’t really matter in term of brand or type.
I like Gala apples, provolone or Swiss cheese, and hard salami.
Portion? – usually 1 apple, around 1.5 pieces of cheese and 3-6 slices of salami.
But portion isn’t super important. Avoiding bad carbs is.

I’m in the Q course and am starting SUT in about 8 weeks. I had only been doing calisthenics, running and rucking for the past 3 months to get through the IUW/SFOC gates. I’m trying to choose the right plan now to maximize my fitness for SUT. I have done the ruck based selection program and running improvement plans in the past. SUT if your not familiar is relatively like ranger school, without gated events (a ton of patrolling with the occasional smoke session). My goal would be to maximize the strength of my combat chassis as you call it with out rucking too much and crushing my joints. I’m a little bit older than the norm (34). After reading your recent article about lungs and core I’m hesitant to go back to my previously purchased programs. What do you recommend?


I’m not sure you can prepare for long patrols without long ruck training – this is one of the things we hope to research and learn as part of our Ruck Deep Dive initiative.
Given that, you want to avoid long rucking, I’d recommend Valor: http://mtntactical.com/shop/valor/
Valor includes plenty of combat chassis work, as well as short, but hard, and fast, 1 mile ruck and run repeats. It would be an interesting test so see if hard, short ruck training transferred to the long patrols you’ll face at SUT. You’ll still be training rucking, smoke sessions, etc., but short and hard without the long volume.


I’m a huge fan of your military and le selection programs. I have finished almost all of them. What new ones (aside of the ones that are posted on the site) do you guys have in store for us this year?

You’re a glutton for punishment!! Those selection plans are terrible!
I’m not sure which one’s we’ll get done, but here is our current Training Plan To Do List!
We’re open to suggestions.
Mountain Athlete

– Mountain Base Blocks 1-3

– West Butress of Denali

– Fitz Roy

– Xterra

– AFA Training Plan

– Grip

Combat Chassis Training Plan

– Canadian JTF2 and CSOR

– PSYOPS selection

Air Assault School

– Women Upper Body Strength

– Female Ranger


– US Marshal’s SOG selection

– F/R OnRamp

– F/R Blocks 1-4

Civi Swim Improvement


Work Cap Training Cycle based on Power

Sandbag Only Plan

Roller Derby

SF45 Series of Training Plans

Spartan Beast Training Plan

Now that I have a concrete objective I have trouble selecting the right plan.
Objective: 2-week long climbing trip in the Bugaboos (Canada) in August 2016 with an attempt on the mega-classic 15-pitch long Beckey-Chouinard on the South Howser Tower.
Due to a lack of long multipitch in Quebec (Canada) I mostly train on single pitch so I know that endurance is something I’ll hae to work on.
Current skills: Competent single/multi pitch sport climber. I onsight consistently 5.10 an generally need 2 tries for a clean send of a 5.11 during the same climbing session. I can work out 5.12 in 6 – 10 tries over the course of 3-4 climbing sessions.
I trad climb 5.8 consistently but already know that it’s an area that needs improvement.
I had a major accident during an expedition 5 years ago and that’s why I stayed away from expedition-type climbing during that period. I feel the need to get out in the wild again.

6 months ago I started doing squat and deadlift again to strengthen my legs/feet back (among all the injuries I had ankle fracture and 3 hip bone fractures) . I can now walk / run up to 5km pain-free
I am more worried about the walking with heavy loads during the approaches than by the actual climbing although I know I’ll need endurance for the long multi-pitch days. The standard Bugaboos approach is supposedly around 5km with 900m of vertical elevation gain.
I use the Rock Climber’s Training Manual (Anderson’s brothers) for my rock climbing training and I have also Training for the new Alpinism by Steve House.
If I was anywhere near your gym I’d go directly there, we don’t have such specialized gym where I live nor personnal trainer with that type of expertise.
I also think due to my previous injuries I might take more time to complete a given plan.
The good thing is that it gives me a year to dial in my fitness.
Which plan would you recommend ?


I’d recommend you start our stuff with the Alpine Rock Climbing Training Program (http://mtntactical.com/shop/alpine-rock-climb-training-program/).
This plan is designed for alpine climbs like the one you’ve got planned – and it’s “sport specific” to prepare you for the approach and the climbing fitness work. It’s no joke, and would be a great plan to give your training some sport specific focus and kickstart you in the right direction.
At 115 pounds, your a tiny guy, but the mountain doesn’t care. I’m thinking a 45-55 pound pack for a 2-week climbing trip.


I’ve been introduced at a very basic level to the THOR3 program by a friend. What is your opinion on this program? Having used Military Athlete for some time, I do see some similarities between your Operator sessions and the THOR3 program. I’m seeking to improve fitness overall, but focusing on strength.
Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.


I’ve visited some of the THOR 3 facilities and spoken to some of the coaches – who at that time were all contractors.
It could be different now, but my understanding of the program at that time was it’s focus was rehab – bringing back guys who were injured. The program included PT’s, and others, as well as strength coaches.
The Rand Corporation wrote a white paper which seemed to indicate the program worked for this purpose, but not for increasing overall SOF fitness.
AP/EXOS had the contract for these coaches at the time, and my impression of their tactical programming is it is simply re-tread programming they use for team sport athletes like baseball players.

In my visits to the THOR facilities, when I asked questions such as their strength standards, work capacity standards, current cycle, etc., – basic stuff – the coaches struggled to answer. Their programming also is dominated by the AP/EXOS prehab/rehab, mobility stuff we’ve experimented with, but haven’t seen success with.
We’ve had some influence on some of their programming, I’ve noticed, over the years. We’ve also experienced hostility from their coaches and program directors. It’s tricky.
The deal is, every coach is different and some are awesome. I’m not sure individual THOR 3 coaches have the liberty to design their own programming, but they might. And you could have access to a good one. As well, their programming could have evolved and improved from last I saw it.
I’d recommend you try their stuff and seeing how it works for you. If it does, keep doing it!


I’ve been a subscriber on and off for the past couple years and I own a few of your programs sir. I love your material and it has helped me personally and professionally. I had an associate recommend that I get on Gym Jones and then combining it with a 10k program. I’m a Military Athlete loyal so I was wondering if you could shed light for me on this Gym Jones system and the difference from the MA way.

Right now my goals are as follows

Max the APFT, get ready for Ranger School which is in approx 12-18 months (I own the APFT and Ranger programs)

Increase muscular strength endurance and endurance, I feel this is my weakest area

Increase strength

Train the core

I was planning on doing the Ranger trainup, switching to the operator sessions, and then doing the trainup before going to IBOLC/Ranger.

I met with the GJ guys several years ago, and attended one of their seminars. But I haven’t kept up with their work since then … so I can’t give you the differences between our two approaches.
I’d recommend you try their stuff and then you compare first hand.

I am looking at attempting the Australian 2 commando selection at the beginning of 2017.  The entry test for selection (SFET) consists of:

– Max cadence pushups:

Benchmark: 60

– Max cadence heaves:

Benchmark: 10

– 3.2 km run in 8kg webbing plus rifle:

Benchmark: less than 16min

– 1 hr 30 min pack march max distance with 28 kg pack + rifle

Benchmark: 10 km

– 400m swim in cams and shoes

Benchmark: less than  16 min

I wish to be well prepared physically and mentally to achieve a high standard on this test, however being that the test is 18 months away how would you best prepare so far out to achieve a high standard in all these disciplines?

Any help you could provide is much appreciated.

In general, the farther the way you are from a competition, selection, event, school …. the more general you training should be. This far out, I’d recommend you begin with some general training focused on building overall strength, “Combat Chassis” strength, military-specific endurance, work capacity and mental fitness.
From our stuff, the place for you to begin is the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/
This plan is no joke, and is a great introduction to our approach and a great way for you to start your fitness build.


I’m a civilian working in Afghanistan. On my last hitch here, I tried out your Rat 6. I had pretty noticeable results on 4 out of the 6 movements. I have just gotten back into theatre and was looking for something that includes snatches/overhead squats as I try to get better at those lifts. I think 357 Strength could be one. Are there any others you recommend? If it matters I’m a 42 year old male.


“The Exercise” (http://mtntactical.com/exercises/mnt321-the-exercise/) is my second favorite total body exercise. 1x “The Exercise” = Hang Squat Snatch plus Overhead Squat.
I’ve moved away from snatching in our programming not because the movement is ineffective, but rather, too many military athletes I work with have shoulder mobility issues that prevents them from snatching, makes it painful when they do, or makes it dangerous for them.
Other exercises can train total body strength and power just as well, without these issues.
“The Exercise” used to be one of the major components of my Big 24 strength methodology and this is where I’d send you now.
I’d recommend Big 24 (http://mtntactical.com/shop/big-24-strength-training-program-v3/) and replace the back squat in the program with “The Exercise.”


I noticed from your website you’ve started training with your freeskiers and it got me thinking about my own season. I left it a bit late last year. I’m UK based so skiing for me is a series of trips to the alps. I’ve a week with my family (on piste) at new year 26/12 and again six weeks later at February half term 13/2(mixture on/off piste). Then a long weekend(3days on snow) off piste/day tours 11/03 and finally a weeks hut to hut ski touring 16/04.

My last triathlon is the beginning of August, I’ve been doing in season strength for endurance alongside my tri training. I plan to do monster factory strength then dryland ski before my first trip. Backcountry ski before the feb week, I then have a three week gap and a four week gap to fill.

My questions are what do you think I should be doing in between August and starting Monster factory? How should I handle the short periods between trips towards the end of the season?
Couple options before Monster Factory ….
1) Subscribe to the Website and follow the SSD Sessions

2) Bodyweight Foundation: http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/
Periods between Trips ….. In-Season Skiing Maintenance Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/in-season-ski-maintenance-training-program/

I wanted to get in touch as I have been following your site off and on for a few years, and of recent myself and 2 others (also team members) have taken over the role of revamping the S&C capability for the area. This comprises of approx. 70 Operators. My focus at this point is to establish specific testing and standards taking into account current demands for the tactical athlete, and present to management to be signed off.

I would like to have 2 tests over a 12 month period, 1 being operationally specific (dummy drag, obs course, boots and vest worn etc) to which I also wanted to have a 3 rep minimum of pull ups with 17kg for several reasons and management has asked for more scientific data on why 3 reps and why 17kg. I understand why (grip, shoulder stab, relative strength, 17kg avg load of kit, vest and weapon, 3 reps providing more specific/consistent measure of strength as opposed to 10 at b/w), however putting this to paper where management can enforce is a little tougher as I have not found any good studies on why certain reps are the minimum req’d for the pull up in the tactical space. Are you able to steer me to any good data on this?

I have been implementing the fluid periodization principle mainly with our energy system/ work capacity modes and allowing the boys to base their regime of a solid strength program until we are at a level successfully implement and maintain an effective training regime.

Will definitely be in touch in the new FY to request a quote for you to come and run certification programs for our S&C team as I do have a ridiculous amount of questions while working through this, and know your course will help establish solid direction, and I believe at this point without S&C professionals, building our knowledge base and embedding coaches within teams is key.

3 Rep Weighted Pull Ups ….. The issue for government agencies is creating a fitness assessment with jeopardy (if you do poorly, you are disciplined and can be ultimately terminated) can lead to issues with unions and lawsuits.
Generally, a study needs to be completed, or previous data compiled which identifies the fitness demands of the occupation and how the assessment exercises and requirements match these fitness demands.
Where I’ve seen weighted pull ups as part of a fitness assessment has been either for a special unit selection (SWAT) or a fitness assessment without jeopardy.
I have not seen a study which I can point you to which demonstrates weighted pull ups are part of a fitness demand.
Through the Mountain Tactical Institute, we’re able to provide this occupational demands assessment service, and will be doing so for a city-wide fire department this summer.
If you could find another special Law Enforcement Unit which includes weighted pull ups as part of it’s fitness assessment you may be able to use that to make an argument with your command. However, the similar units we’ve completed selection plans for – Border Patrol BORTAC and BORSTAR, FBI HRT, and DEA FAST don’t include weighted pull ups.
The US Navy DEVGRU does have a “Legacy Test” which includes weighted pull ups at 40#, but I’m not sure you could use this.
If your unit’s selection test includes weighted pull ups … you may be able to use it as justification also.
I’m sorry …. I wish I had more for you.
We would love to come and teach you and your team a programming course. We seem to work with more and more Aussies every day!

Love all the FREE advice you share in your newsletters. I have many of your plans and LOVE them.
I saw the question about the Chasis Integrity program you are developing. That sounds perfect for me.
I know you said you are still lab/testing it. Do you think that will be late 2015 or 2016
You ROCK and thanks for all you do


We will deploying the theory in the next cycles for our online programming – Operator, LE and SSD – which will begin in a couple weeks. Based on what we learn with these cycles, I’ll design a “Combat Chassis” plan for sale through the website store …. likely Fall 2015.

I am a CF-L1 at a local crossfit box in Syracuse NY. I got a quick question for you. The operator sessions that you guys have if I were to buy that, it says that I would get 4-5 sessions a week, now does that get sent out once a week or is a whole month of programming set to me?


It’s a subscription service and you access the sessions online. You have access the daily sessions, plus the Operator Session archives which we leave on the site for 12 or so months.


I will be starting the Q course in a few weeks and just wanted to thank you again for the great programming and operator sessions. I’m currently using the 357 plan and it’s made quite a difference after I lost a good deal of strength at sfas. I wanted to ask about step ups and weighted step ups as a cardio option. I typically try to run 3x per week and ruck 2x per week in addition to strength training and work capacity work. I like to try and switch modalities up on occasion to avoid stagnation and repetitive use injuries. Are step ups and weighted step ups a good equivalent and alternative to running? For example, would 30 minutes of step ups or weighted step ups at a moderate pace roughly be the equivalent of a 30 minute jog? Do you see any aspects of the step up being a better or worse option to substitute for running? I’m just curious as to how the movement specifically translates into real world applications for tactical and military athletes. Would it improve rucking and climbing ability? Does it improve running times/efficiency?
I also ask because our office gym is very limited in space and often times its impractical  to do a 400m run or long shuttle run. So would performing step ups for the same time be a good alternative? Do you feel step ups would be a more appropriate and “sport specific” form of cardio for those needing to improve rucking and running than swimming or rowing?

Step ups I feel transfer better to running and rucking than swimming or rowing.
They are not totally interchangeable with running however. So don’t substitute them all the time.
For a running sub, use 40x step ups (unloaded) for 400m run, 20x for a 200m run.
You could also load them, but don’t go heavy – we’ll use 25#.

I love your stuff and I have a few questions I would love ask. Current Army Reserve O, and I am employed as a Crossfit Coach in between bouts of nursing school(I am on break). I just got hooked on your stuff, and some of it is coming in to me programming my WODs around things I learned in Valor. So yeah it has been kicking my butt. 30 years old, 6’1 and 244 lbs or so down from 259 since I started doing your programs(I was gaining weight for the Crossfit Open). Deadlift 495, Front squat 285, Push Press 240, Power clean 256, Snatch 185, Bench I did 235*4 last time but I never really had a history of benching much, Military Press I can do 175.

I am currently doing Valor after doing the Army APFT Plan and I love it but I can’t complete a lot of the Wednesday work due to my all of a sudden tennis elbow last week. Mondays work I can finally complete with no issues, but the 17 minute EMOM kills me and I can’t make it through any of them so far. I am halfway through week 4 and my assessment reveals 20->30 chest to deck pushup, 26->28 situp, 10-12 pullup, and the ruck was 43:11->42:38 I haven’t check a 3 mile run but it went from ~30 to about ~28 and it is freaking hot here.
Here are my goals in order of priority.

1)Get faster on the runs, I would like to be back to running 6 minute miles and I know a lot of it is because I weigh so much now and the heat is killing me on runs. Usually I can bust out a 7:40 to 8:30 mile without any issues and my 200m time is close to 45 seconds, I just can’t seem to hold it together at the end of a run like I used to, my pace will start great and then slip.

2) Lose weight so that I can do the above, I would like to get down to 215 and I seem to be below the plateau that I have been trying to get underneath recently(244)

3) Maintain strength on the Olympic lifts, etc because I coach CF and yeah next year I would like to be in shape to do some CF events and smash them(like the Open)
I was intending to do a week of testing maxes, then The Bodyweight program I or Bodyweight Foundations after Valor is over in 3-4 weeks because I will be away on an exercise during that time and it lines up with my training schedule although I don’t know how much time if any I will get to complete anything, I may not have time and then I would start after a 3 week break. Then I intend to go back and do Fortitude and Valor again(then test maxes again), then get back into Olympic lifting with some SSD programming underneath that, with an eventual goal of getting a 230+ Snatch and 300+ C&J or just go and do the Operator Sessions, depending on how I feel then.

So my question is

 1) What is the difference between MA Bodyweight program I or Bodyweight Foundations & should I pair the run improvement plan with either

   2) Should I be taking more of a break between programs

   3) If I can’t finish a WOD due to tennis elbow should I back it down a bit(Specifically those Wednesday EMOMs), load less, etc ?


1) Bodyweight Foundation (http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/) uses an assessment and progressions based upon the assessment. Bodyweight I (http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-training-program-i/) jumps right in. Both are no joke, but because Bodyweight Foundation uses an assessment, it is more appropriate for most athletes. Bodyweight Foundation includes more running, so I would recommend Bodyweight I and the Running Improvement Plan. Best way to do this is to alternate sessions – not do 2-a-days.
2) A week rest between cycles is best. An unload week at a minimum.
3) Once it flares up, stop. Best to begin at a lighter load. We’ve had luck with the Arm Aid (http://www.armaid.com/) and the Ultimate Elbow Stretch (http://mtntactical.com/exercises/mnt2324-ultimate-elbow-stretch/) for Tennis Elbow.
6 minute mile – this might take you losing some mass – but you know this. You may lose some strength too. Focus on it first, then worry about the CrossFit comps after you get your 6. You’ll need to build back strength for the Open.

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