Q&A 1.25.24


Absolutely loving the programming so far, am into week 6 of the military on ramp following the SFOD-D packet. A weak point of mine is swimming and curious as to how to integrate some more swimming into the programming? looking for specific event being Australian SFET. 2 minute tread water and 400m swim. Would following the swimming improvement program on top of the other programs be your recommendation? Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you


Got it. I see you have the Athlete Subscription, so this is going to be your best option:

Pull the swim training from ‘Pirate – Barbossa’ in your account, which is on Wednesdays. It includes a 500m swim assessment and follow on progressions, and a 20 minute water tread test. The water tread will be overkill for what you’re describing… simply do a 2-minute tread once you’re done with the swim work. Make sure you’re matching the uniform (slick, cammies) that is prescribed in SFET.

Since Humility is the next plan up for you in the SFOD-D Packet, I would recommend integrating the swim programming on Wednesday’s or Friday’s.


I just purchased your Peak Bagger Training Plan as a base for an upcoming alpine climbing trip I have to the Winds this summer. However, due to a climbing accident about 5 years ago, I do not have the ankle flexibility to run without a significant limp. Since the accident, I’ve climbed Rainier, Baker, and many other objectives—so I can still do the objectives, I just can’t train by running. What do you recommend that I replace the running with in this training plan?


A few options.

For standalone running sessions, like Session 2 PM Session, you can simply get a weighted hike in with 25 lbs. If you’re snowed in like me, getting on the treadmill for the hike with a 2-3% grade at a moderately challenging pace.

For the multi modal sessions (step ups + rub + step ups), any form of conditioning will work. Bike, row, versa climber, etc.


We’ve switched to Stuck in a Motel for the winter based on our available equipment and space.   Moving to dumbbells really highlighted the difference between my dominate/non-dominant sides strength-wise.  In the mirror it’s obvious as well.  Before Motel we were in SF40 Charlie, will return to this program in the Spring.
Are there preferred ways to achieve more balanced strength?  Corrective actions?  Better form?
Always grateful for the input, thank you, Sir!
P.S.  I’m loving the quiet professional related articles!!  Thanks!


If you wanted to target this for a cycle I’d recommend our Single Limb Strength Training Plan. This essentially separates the limbs … and each is treated as it’s own “body” … so you’ll start out lifting more weight with your dominant limbs. If you do this plan, don’t go easy on your dominant limbs … push those too.
However, being one side dominant is natural and I’m not too sure you should worry about it much. I don’t.
All that matters is outside performance.
– Rob


Good evening, I’ve came across your website for a workout plan for a smoke divers course. Your plan is for a 7 week course. Before I pay for you program I was wanted to ask if there was any plan you have for more than a year out. I wanna take this year to prep and take the smoke diver course next year. Any further questions feel free to contact me.


You’re correct, the Smoke Diver plan wouldn’t be appropriate this far out from your course. I’d recommend signing up for the Daily Urban Fire/Rescue Programming until you’re 7-weeks out from the Smoke Diver course, and start the event-specific plan.


I am a somewhat novice runner looking to improve my minute per mile. I am 57 years old and have very good strength. I can run 3 miles at a 10:30 min/mile pace and 6 miles at 11.10 min/mile pace. I am looking to focus on bringing these laces down to 9:00 min/mile.
Which program, or combinations of programs, would be best? Would they be available in PDF/offline format?


The best plan would be our Running Improvement Plan, which will work for both your 3-mile and 6-mile run objectives. You can download the programming for offline access via our app.


I’ve been following your programming for about 10 years now. Friggin top notch! I have a Himalayan Tahr hunt coming up in end of May. This hunt is gonna require massive amounts of steep climbing under load for multiple days. Probably followed by a 12-13 mile ruck out of the valley. The vert will be in the ballpark of 4500-5000ft of elevation gain
I was curious if you guys had a training plan recommendation, or training plans, that align with this type of output? I know there are a multitude of plans and I had considered just doing the SmokeJumper plan again to train for this.
In any case, thanks for your time!


The best option based on that vertical gain, hunt duration, and your timeline is going to be the following:

These two plans are 15 total weeks of training, so you could start in two weeks for a perfect build up to the hunt (assuming you leave the last week of May).


I’m looking for some advice on which mountain tactical programs to do next.
Stats: 30yrs old, 6’0″, 225 lbs. 3-mi run 22:00mins, 20 pullups, squat 305, bench 275, deadlift 465. My strength levels and conditioning are admittedly not great right now. I’m a pilot in the Marine Corps currently and my main focus is scoring well on the PFT/CFT. My priorities after completing my PFT in March are as follows, and I’m looking to change my normal routine to achieve this:
1. Get down to 200lbs bodyweight and stay there.
2. minimizing loss of running speed, since this is my biggest weakness.
Weight has been always been a huge struggle , with high optempo frequently leading to bad eating choices. My only limitation is time; usually I have 1 hour a day to work out.
Any suggestions for a program and follow on programs are greatly appreciated. I have done Humility and Valor in the past and loved them, and every year I run your CFT program with great results.


You can’t outwork a shitty diet. First thing is to fix your nutrition. HERE are our recommendations. These are sustainable …. prioritize protein … and snack on protein and/or protein shakes. You should cut fat. If not, cut out the cheat day.
Programming? Plans/order in the Busy Dad Full Gym Packet. These are designed to last 45 minutes … so you should be able to get them in. You can also do the Busy Dad Daily Stream.
– Rob


Hey good morning, I just graduated a special operations pipeline and will be headed to my first unit shortly. I’m looking for a plan or subscription that will allow me to a functional tactical athlete (ie a level of fitness that will directly transfer to tasks required in a combat environment). What plan or subscription would you recommend? I was looking at the SOF daily operator subscription, how does that compare with the other training packets? Thanks for the help.


Congrats on making it through! Yes, the Daily Operator Subscription is going to be your best bet to maintain a high level of military focused fitness. The training packets follow the same methodologies, but many folks want a option to purchase and repeat plans over time instead of subscribe. The subscription includes the latest monthly cycle, and the previous 4-5 cycles.


Hey. I’m a 31 year old male looking to train more intentionally. Most of my lifting experience is from sports (football and track), and I’ve been in the military for the past 10 years maintaining my fitness. I’d like to train in BJJ, and eventually compete. Will the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Plan be a good supplement for me to get ready for competitions?


The best option for you is either the Daily BJJ Programming (https://mtntactical.com/shop/daily-jiu-jitsu-grappling-fitness-subscription/) or the Tactical BJJ Action Hero Packet (https://mtntactical.com/shop/tactical-bjj-action-hero-training-packet/). If you’re in a operational unit and have significant military fitness demands, the Tactical BJJ Action Hero plan is going to be the way to go, as it balances strength and conditioning for the demands of the military and BJJ.


Good afternoon, what would be an appropriate substitute for sandbags in the fat loss program?


You can find our sandbag exercise substitute chart here: https://fitness.mtntactical.com/exercises/details.php?id=-sandbag-exercise-substitutes–9256 Not trying to upsell you, but the sandbag is a incredible training tool. You can purchase one of ours (https://gear.mtntactical.com/collections/gear/products/sandbag-2), or make your own from a old seabag commonly sold at military surplus stores.


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