Q&A 6.2.22


I recently purchased the FBI Special Agent PFT.  I’m currently applying to South Dakota’s Division of Criminal investigation.  The physical requirements are similar to the FBI’s process except there is not a 300m sprint.  Instead, there is a vertical leap requirement.

As an attorney, I worked primarily behind a desk and neglected my physical fitness for some time.  I’m looking for any advice to adapt the FBI Special Agent PFT  training to the South Dakota DCI requirements.  I thought the program would be consistent with SD DCI’s requirements, but would appreciate any advice.  Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


I’d recommend following the plan as prescribed and adding in 5 sets of 1x vertical leap, at max effort, after sprint intervals.
Take a good 60 seconds + rest between jumps – to fully recover.
Sprinting has proven to be just as effective as plyometrics for increasing power, and practicing the leap will help you become familiar with the event.
– Rob


I have been struggling with nutrition all my life. Do you have a complete list of foods what you can and can’t have? I am about to start the Firefighter Academy Workout and I read what is listed on the website, but just wondering what other foods are acceptable?


– Rob


I am going to have about 8 weeks to get ready for ranger school.  I purchased a plan that has the RASP and ranger school programs.  Which do you recommend doing?
Thank you for your time.


– Rob


I am reaching out to you and your team to see if there is a custom workout plan or recommendations for an older candidate (42 years of age).  I will be attending SFAS in 22 weeks and have a good foundation for what is needed physically, but I was hoping you could suggest, direct or outline an optimal plan for the next four months to help guide my training.
My current PT score is about 240
Pushups 62
Situps 62
Run 14 minutes
5 miler 38 minutes
14 pull ups
I know that with anxiety and adrenaline my scores will go up slightly the day of the testing at SFAS, but I would like to try and max the PT test now and really improve my core strength, back strength and shoulder strength to try and prevent injuries if possible.
My current plan is:
Ranger PFT improvement as my morning split for the five week course starting in two weeks in the AM (will be able to complete the cycle 4 times), keeping close tabs in my PFT score and improvement
For twenty one weeks I plan on utilizing the (1) the ultimate work capacity workout for the PM sessions (7 weeks), (2) SFOD-D at about 5 weeks and do this for ten weeks (3) SFRE training plan the last seven weeks.  Combining a good PT schedule with the ranger PT program four times and then transitioning from work capacity to more selection based training will continually increase my endurance and leg/back/shoulder strength.
However, I am open to modifications to this plan and hope you may have some tips or programs for an old dude trying to complete SFAS and make it to the Q course.


Here’s what I recommend.
Weeks         Plan
1-7              Fortitude
8-17            Valor
18-22          Ruck Based Selection Training Plan (our SFAS prep plan – complete the 8 weeks directly before)
Pls know this is what I’d recommend irregardless of your age. The demands/standards at SFAS are the same for everyone.
Good for you and Good luck!
– Rob


I am looking for a plan reccomendation to get my fitness on track and weight loss going.
I am 26 years old. I am 5’6″ and currently weigh about 185lbs. I have been decently fit in the past but have always been a poor runner with bad stamina. I am in EMS and typically work 48 hours at a time. I typically have access to a limited gym with a squat rack, bench, and kettlebells/dumbells.
My biggest concern is losing fat, however the fat loss program has me nervous because I have never ran that much before. What do you suggest?
Thank you for all your help and work.


Please email back when you’ve completed the plan.
– Rob


You guys have a great set of programs, so thank you.
Do you have any suggestions on which program to drop into next, to expand on the muscles building, to build off the programs you already suggested ( I just finished Tequilla) ? As I stated before, I usually have 45-55 minutes in the am to get a work out in before work.
Thanks for the suggestions.


Continue with the Spirits Packet Plans – Vodka next, then Bourbon and Gin.
– Rob


I am 40, a former Royal Marines Commando and reasonably fit still. I run 5/6 days a week, usually 7/8 miles with a long run one day of 10/11 miles. I do bodyweight work in the gym and did a little bit of weights in recent months but not too much.
I usually train for ultramarathons, the last one being November 2021.
I am 5’11”, 89kg so a little overweight. Next year, summer 2023 (no set date) I want to be fit enough (the fittest I have been) to complete a local 100 mile route (FKT, Unsupported) and do it fast to have the record (maybe 22 hours). Unsupported means carrying everything I need apart from water which can be collected from public taps if available, but otherwise I would carry it.
So I want to train hard, carrying weight but also covering long distances in a fast time. I thought about doing the year package for SFOD-D but without the helmet and dummy rifle? I looked at rucking plans but unsure if they will have the distance for me to build the endurance?
Would SFOD-D be best or do you suggest a different route?


In terms of next year’s 100-mile effort, I’d recommend, depending upon your weekly mileage prior, the 100-Mile Ultra Training Plan directly before. The SFOD-D Selection Training Plan doesn’t have the mileage to prepare for a 100-mile effort.
I’d recommend the plans/order in the Greek Heroine Packet. These plans are designed as day to day programming for multi-sport mountain athletes, and have a significant endurance component … but also train relative strength, work capacity, chassis integrity and mountain endurance (trail running, uphill movement under load).
Start with Helen and follow the plans in order.
Next year, 17 weeks out from your FKT attempt, drop out of the Green Heroine plans and into the 100-mile Ultra plan.
– Rob


I’m starting the plan today and I had a question for you about the Meathead Cycle. I still want to train running to keep my run time down for Army, is it ok if I do a LSD run on Tuesday’s and 200/400/800 intervals on Thursdays? Thanks


Okay, but extra running will work against the mass-building goal of the programming.
– Rob


I’m just wrapping up Johnny. In 12 weeks I’m doing the Surly Pika 6 hour adventure race in Pinedale. Events will include running, mountain biking, and kayaking. What plan do you suggest?


Closest I have right now would be following the basic programming in the Olympic Triathlon Training Plan.  – and if local terrain allows, substituting trail running and MTB for the moderate/easy paced efforts in the plan.
Paddling – you could do the swimming assessments/intervals for overall fitness – and if you have the equipment/resources, kayak for time for the prescribed distance swimming efforts.
– Rob


I want to let you know that I have enjoyed your plans. I have seen results just in the past 2 weeks I have followed Ruger. I do have some bad news though and I need your advice in two areas.

Back in January, I tore my rotator cuff and labrum in my right shoulder. I tried physical therapy but it did not help with the chronic pain. I’m going in tomorrow for surgery.
I will be down for awhile but I have some questions:
1) I start physical therapy 10 days from tomorrow. Do you have any recommendations for plans after I can run again? Not sure when that will be allowed by my doc. He said I can go for walks right away.  I guess it would be exclusive to running and lower body workout but with going to FBI HRT selection next April in mind.
2) When I get back to full abilities (in 6 months, according to the doc), what plan should I start with? I would have about 6 months before selection. I know that 2 months will be the HRT selection prep so I would have roughly 4 months to work up to that plan.
Thanks for all your help and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and advice.


Recovery Programming:
1) Training Plan for Athletes Suffering Arm Injury – trains around your injured arm. You can supplement this with additional running.
2) Full Ability:
Humility then Valor then Fortitude into the HRT Plan.
– Rob


I am an athlete subscriber with course attendance on the 11 week long UK’s All Arms Commando course booked for September this year (currently 23 weeks out). The course contains all of the expected elements with a strong emphasis on Obs course, rope climbing (with load) and loaded running in boots (21lb plus weapon at sub 10 min mile pace) in addition to performance under significantly heavier loads in the field. However the entry test day (conducted the week before) is based on a PFA format of push ups / pull ups / sit ups, rope climbing and a 1.5 mile best effort run in boots (unloaded) plus Obs course run through. Ultimately, if you don’t score highly in these tests, you won’t be allocated a place on the main course.

From answers to others questions in the past, the Ruck based selection plan is a decent fit for the main course, but the Potential Royal Marines course obviously the best fit for the selection day.

In trying to prepare as best as possible, should my focus be on the longer term demands of the course for the majority of the time I have to prepare and then complete the PRMC programme in the final weeks running up to the selection day or the other way round, i.e work on the key PFA elements first and then try and maintain this pace whilst progressing through the Ruck based progression?

As a bit more information, I am likely to be one of the older candidates attempting the course, and thus injury resistance, robustness and recovery between hard efforts will be key to any chance of success.


You need to focus on fitness for the longer course – not the entry PFT. However, you can’t ignore the entry PFT.
The Ruck Based Selection Training Program currently includes focused training for the APFT – push ups, sit ups, 2-mile run. What you can do is add in pull ups and follow the same progression as the push ups and sit ups.
Also – change the 2-mile run to a 1.5 mile run, and perform 3-4x 800m repeats using the MTI running calculator.
Rope Climb? This is mostly technique … so prior to the course make sure your technique is solid and you have not weaknesses here. If so … add them into your programing and focus on technique.
O-Course …. again, the issue is generally isn’t fitness, but obstacle technique. If possible (it may not be) run the course prior .. make sure you understand the obstacles and the best technique to tackle each one.
– Rob


I just finished the Big 3+3 program.  Went up 150 lbs between the three and shaved 6 minutes off my run. I’m only 30lbs shy of the 1200 club. Many thanks.  I’m doing my yearly 75 Hard cycle starting on the 19th.  Right now my plan is to run through the Top 5 program until May 9, the Murph until Memorial day and then work my way through the Virtue Series until July.  What would the best way for me to maintain my strength gains from Big 3 during this, or at least not lose everything?  I appreciate your time and any advice you want to pass on.


Expect to lose some strength, but it will come back fast when you return to this focus. The Virtue series includes solid strength training.
– Rob

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