Q&A 3.29.18


I am finishing the Bodyweight Foundation Plan tomorrow with the run. I have a few questions and am happy to share my progress through the plan if that is of any use to you.

I saw the greatest progress between Day 1 and Day 13 evaluations with an increase of 3-19.
However, on Day 31, my numbers went up or down by only a few. For example, my squats, lunges, pull ups, bench dips, and back extensions increased by 1-6, EOs by 16, and hand release push ups went down by 5, and pull up bar heel taps went down by 2.

Here’s my numbers if you are interested:

Day 1

Squat 47
Push up 40
Heel tap 18
Lunge 48
Pull up 15
EOs 42
Bench Dip 27
Back Ext 77
1.5 run 11:06

Day 13

Squat 56
Push up 43
Heel tap 24
Lunge 52
Pull up 19
EOs 40
Bench Dip 42
Back Ext 96
3 run 29:54

Day 31

Squat 58
Push up 38
Heel tap 22
Lunge 55
Pull up 20
EOs 56
Bench Dip 48
Back Ext 102
3 run 27:49

Throughout the daily workouts I noticed:

Workout days generally lasted 40-60 mins, and 60-75 mins on 60% days.

Squats, Lunges, EOs, Bench Dips (no bar available at the time), and back extensions seemed easy to moderately easy as in my muscles were still performing even if I was sucking wind during the exercises.

On the other hand, hand release push ups sucked every single workout. I could do the first set no problem, second set was tough but doable, but the third, fourth and fifth sets were brutal and I had to adjust the my hand positioning, drop to my knees, or plain take breaks during the set just to finish.

Going straight into pull up bar heel taps from push ups, I felt it in my shoulders and pecs which made them harder but doable. Generally I was able to do most, if not all of the reps per set but it was difficult.

Q: Any ideas as to why the pushups were so difficult comparatively and why I didn’t really improve in the reps for them?

Q: What is the benefit of ONLY doing hand release push ups? I get the point of them but if I’m trying to improve doing a pushup by going down to fist height from the ground and then back up, why not do that or touch chest to the ground without releasing the tension from the chest?

Overall, I liked the workouts. They were tough but doable. I’ve noticed my legs and lats bulk up a little and my core is more cut. I am definitely in better shape than when I started! Thank you!

One of my friends though he would just jump in and be gung ho about the “easy bodyweight workout”. I warned him to take it slow as I was on a 60% day in the earlier weeks. He about passed out and is getting blood work done to make sure he doesn’t have rabdo. I warned him haha.

Thanks again and I look forward to the military on-ramp plan.


It’s not unusual to see the greatest improvement at the mid-cycle assessment. We generally will see further improvement at the end-of-cycle assessment, but not as dramatic.
1) Push Ups? Some athletes simply struggle with these – often taller/leaner athletes with longer arms, or athletes who come from a leg-based athletic background – i.e. distance runners, soccer players, etc.
2) Hand Release Push Ups don’t allow you to take advantage of the strength shortening cycle, and are simply harder. We use them in this plan to increase raw upper body pressing strength, while avoiding gimmicks.
– Rob


I’ve recently secured an 18X contract, and will finish the Military On-Ramp Program in a week (fantastic program, it whipped me into shape). After that I will be left with 120 days until I ship out. I understand that the last 56 days I will be doing the Ruck-Based Selection Program, so I’m left with 64 days to play with. I’ve seen you recommend Humility to others in my situation, and the program looks great, but I’m also worried that I’m only hitting around minimums for my APFT push ups and sit ups (in the 50s). Would you still recommend Humility for my next program or should I look at another plan that has APFT specific events?


I’d stick with Humility. The Ruck Based Selection Training Plan includes focused programming for the APFT.
– Rob



BLUF: need an alternate exercise for those requiring cleaning movements.

Background: been using your body weight foundation and APFT programs for the last couple of months and am getting results. Want to improve strength so began your MTI relative strength program last week and am running into a problem.

Problem: my wrists and shoulders do not have the flexibility for the front squat and clean motions. Today my shoulder was in so much pain after front squats that I had to quit after my 75% power clean effort. Slashers are also giving me pain so I’ve pushed pause on the relative strength program to avoid injury and will probably go with the On-Ramp next.

Question: I am a fan of your programming and want to progress to the more challenging levels of fitness, but many of those programs require Olympic movements. While I think I can do cross-chest (bodybuilding) front squats after some practice, other cleaning motions will continue to give me problems. Is there an alternate exercise I can use when things like cleans, Craig Specials, etc. are programmed?


Do the cleans/front squats with dumbbells. Wrists won’t be an issue – and the movements are harder with dumbbells.
– Rob


Finishing up Big 24 and have made some significant gains. Next week I’ll transition to your run improvement program, but I don’t want to forfeit my strength gains. Should I modify/supplement the run improvement program and if so, how?


Sorry, you can’t go from a training plan concentrating on strength to one concentrating on running, and not lose some strength or vice versa.

Do the running program as prescribed, it will be a good break from the weightroom and the bodyweight/dumbbell-based strength training in the running plan is no joke.
If you want a plan that combines both, do SF45 Alpha.
– Rob


I have a question about selecting the right plan for me and my goals. I’m currently in ABOLC down at Fort Benning, GA. I’m slotted to go to the ranger training assessment course and follow that up with ranger school immediately after. I was looking at the 8 week ranger prep plan on the MTI website and I noticed a good amount of 2 a days. This is where my dilemma is, we do organized PT in the mornings every single day which would get in the way of doing the 2 a days for the ranger prep. Is there another program(s) you would recommend that would have me working out once a day in addition to my mandatory morning PT? Thank you very much.


I’d recommend Fortitude, but watch for overtraining. Fortitude combines heavy, gym-based strength, running endurance, rucking endurance, work capacity and chassis integrity.
– Rob


I need some help! Let me start by giving you some background:
I am a 35 year old female serving in the US Army. I am a Civil Affairs NCO, which I assume you are familiar with because you offer a selection program for CA. I am currently deployed, but aside from some mission constraints, I generally have access to a fully-equipped gym. I have already completed the military on-ramp program and half of the weight loss plan. My schedule got messed up when we were away for a week, so I think I want to transition to something new.
I spent some time going through your plans, but there is so much to look at so I am hoping you can help to point me in the right direction. Basically, I am somewhat of a distance runner. I have completed several half-marathons and 10-milers, but am not quite ready to train for the full marathon yet. During the weight loss plan, I was running an average of 25-30 miles a week to fulfill the evening walk/run requirements. After completing the CA qualification course I took months off from training so now I am trying to get back to where I was while losing a bit of weight and getting toned. I looked at some of the operator stuff, but do not want to get too bulky and would also like to have enough energy leftover for my running.  Additionally, I do not have the ability to do a lot of the ruck runs as they are prescribed. During the on ramp I used my vest and a small Oakley backpack with weight in it, but it tore up the skin on my back as it is not designed for that purpose. Four weeks later I still have large red marks where my skin was rubbed off, so I would prefer to avoid that again if possible.
Basically, is there something you can recommend that incorporates running or other cardio with lighter lifting. I really loved the variety of the two programs I have already done and I can add in some running on my own as long as these workouts do not destroy me. I think I have provided enough information, but feel free to hit me up if you any further information.
Looking forward to your advice! Thank you in advance for your assistance!


Couple choices:
1) Actaeon from our Greek Hero Series – running, lifting (density strength), work capacity, chassis integrity, tactical agility. 5 Day/week plan.
2) SF45 Alpha – Running, lifting, work capacity, chassis integrity – 6 day/week plan.
Both are awesome, and of the two, I’d recommend SF45 Alpha for it’s increased running.
– Rob


I am a 31 year old man who has been in the military for 12 years. I noticed I am getting roundness in my upper back. I have read how it’s due to pecs being too tight and how I need to tighten and strengthen my upper mid back. I was wondering if you guys would be able to make a plan of stretches that I could do before or after my work outs and what would it cost. Love your guys program. I always end up coming back to you guys.


I can’t help you here – other than the obvious – more horizontal rowing (bent over barbell row, 1-Arm Dumbbell Row, horizontal pull ups), foam rolling your upper back, and shoulder dislocates with PVC.
– Rob


In January 2018 I purchased your Air Assault School and can’t thank you enough on how much it helped me. Although I did not complete every exercise and routine to the exact layout due to time and not the right equipment. I did not finish your program but made it week 4 almost 5. But I did achieve a score of 310 on my APFT and came in top 4 in the 12 mile ruck march for time(2 hrs and 39 min) out of my entire company. This was my first 12 mile ruck for time in under 3 hours and my first 300 on APFT. It was the air assault program that helped me.
Now my company wants to send me to Ranger school this summer. This is if I pass air assault school in mid April 2018. But I have to go to Joint readiness Training center first in March for the whole month in a tactical setting. Once I pass Air assault school, I will soon after at a unknown time go to a pre ranger course at ft campbell and if i pass that I will secure a seat for ranger school.
With such little time how would you recommend me preparing for pre-ranger and ranger school?
I know your ranger plan is somewhere around 6-7 months long, I just did not expect to go this soon as I just got my unit after basic in late January 2018.
Thanks in advance


Do your best to complete the plans and sessions in the Ranger School Training Plan.
The major initial hurdle is the push up assessment on Day 1. This plan includes focused training for the RPA.
– Rob


Does Mountain Tactical have a barbell-single kettlebell and bodyweight program that would be good for a 48yo firefighter? I have a rack with a pull up bar for squats and bench and a full set of bumper plates. I also have singles of 12, 16, 20, and 24kg competition kettlebells. If needed I could get more kettlebells.


We don’t do much single kettlebell stuff. From what we do have, I’d recommend you look at the SF45 plans, specifically SF45 Bravo.
– Rob


Finishing the first week of Big 24 V4 and I love it!  Looking for some guidance on the stretching / mobility work done in between sets.  For the static stretches how long should I be doing them?  I normally rest for 60-90 seconds between lifts conducting the stretching/mobility work during that time.  Thank you for your time.


60-90 seconds is about right. As you work through Big 24 and the top of the progressions, you’ll need more rest. At the beginning of the cycle, our sessions will take 50-55 minutes. At the end of the progressions – 70-75 minutes…. it’s so intense.
– Rob


I’ve got a week long mountaineering seminar starting August 5th on and around Mount Baker. I was planning on doing the Big Mountain plan but I have a conflict. I’ll be on a study abroad trip from May 20th-June 20th, during which my time for working out will be very limited and so will access to equipment. Do you have any thoughts on what I can do on my study abroad trip to maintain my fitness and what I should do leading up to both trips?


Look at the Peak Bagger Plan.
– Rob


I’m interested in purchasing a program from you guys. I have an end goal of attending selection in Spring 2019 and the SF Op pre selection fitness test some time around Sept-Nov 2018. I recently completed the PT test so I know more or less what base line I’m starting at.
I am a reservist with a full time civillian job which can limit my PT time to no more than two hours a day on average. However this will obviously change to accomodate longer training sessions closer to selection phases.
Please let me know what kind of packages you can provide. There are a lot of options on your site. I was looking at the BUDS 52 week plan, but I’d want to tailor the training more towards the specific PT test and selection requirements. I see there is also a CSOR plan, but I want I be able to start training much earlier than 6 weeks out of the entry test.


Follow the plans and progression in the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet – and finish with the CSOR Plan directly before your pre-selection.
– Rob


Thanks for everything you do, best fitness resource bar none. Attempting Para’s 10 what plan and how far out do I begin? Cheers.


– Rob


I happened to find your website and I am really drawn to the workout plans that are offered. While looking at through your military and LEO plans I noticed that a lot of the gym workout plans included free weights. My question is are there any plans that do not include free weights? The gym I am currently using does not offer free weights, but they do have a ton of pin based machines.


None are designed for universal machines, but we do have several bodyweight and limited equipment plans HERE.
I’d recommend you start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan.
– Rob


I am a grunt (0331, Sgt) in the USMC and I’m good with basic PT, I’m 30 and still crush pull ups and 3 mile runs, did a scout sniper indoc and passed all the events. I was a little weak strength wise but not in my runs. I want to become stronger and still have stamina, I do the MARSOC prep program’s workouts but I do not know what type of weight training to incorporate, I do powerlifting type workout but I am looking for something more funtional, can you recommend one of your programs?


Programming? I’d recommend the plans from the Greek Hero Series, beginning with Hector.

– Rob


I am relatively new to MTI.  I am on Week 5 of the Military On-Ramp and have loved it so far.  I signed up for a half marathon to run with my wife when I get back from deployment.  I did a lot of distance running in the past but over the last 2 years focused solely on strength training using Starting Strength Programming.  I became a lot stronger but my endurance suffered.  Your programming peaked my interest because I have always wanted to maintain strength plus endurance and speed.  The half marathon is in 11 weeks.  What are your thoughts?  I am 33.  I can currently run 4-5 miles before hitting a wall.
I have a half marathon training plan but what do you recommend as far maintaining or increasing strength during the running training?  Inseason Strength Training for Endurance Athletes or something else?  I want to build toward a high level of multimodal fitness/athleticism. What would you recommend for training post half marathon to build a high level multimodal fitness base?  Your guidance is much appreciated!


– Rob


Love your site and was just wondering what your recommendation would be for a training plan to prepare myself for a Spartan Ultra Beast.

I’m doing the Ultra in Breckenridge CA .  I live near the coast in Florence SC which has virtually no hills.

So I’m looking for a plan to prep me for the mountains while living at sea level.  Currently following a marathon running program that I’ve modified towards  the end to adjust for the 30 mile Ultra. See attached.   I’m also weight training 2 time s a week and doing a boot camp workout 1-2 times a week.   I think my running program may be too aggressive once I hit the 20 mile mark.  Thinking frequency of those long runs are too often.


It’s difficult for me to analyze just one element of our programming. Our Spartan Ultra Beast plan is to train the different fitness demands concurrently in an integrated way.

– Rob


First, I am sorry yall probably get thousands of emails like this. But I have IBOLC in August and I am looking for some programming so I am in the best shape of my life by the time I get to IBOLC. Yall have a lot of programming and I am not really sure where I should start. Thanks.


I’d recommend our US Army IBOLC Training Plan beginning the 6 weeks directly before reporting.
Between now and starting this plan, I’d recommend the plans and progression in the Virtue Packet.
– Rob


I’m about a year out from a team selection. It runs two days and is heavy on cardio, with hill and track sprints, lower leg endurance (squats/lunges), but also has a weighted tower climb, weighted pull-ups, and a pool/water confidence portion involving treading water while holding objects. It also includes rucking from event to event.

Also, I have an event in four months involving back to back 14er climbs in Colorado.

What plan(s) would you recommend?


After the PAST Plan, complete the Peak Bagger Training Plan prior to your Colo climbs, then drop into the packet plans.
– Rob


Do you have a program to prepare an athlete for a Spartan Super or Beast? Thank you



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