What programs do you suggest following completion of BW beginner? Primary restrictions (medical) are no running (used bike erg, row erg and walking for BW beginner) and no barbell squats/lunges due to neck/shoulder injuries. If you need an equipment list or anything else, please let me know. As always, appreciate the help.
Substitute running as needed.
– Rob
I just finished up the Ultra Running pre-season plan and am transitioning into the Alpine Running program to train for a couple trail races with some vertical gain. I am going to be participating in a weeklong selection process the first week of May 2023 that mirrors HRT assessment and selection. In the intro to the program it says to reach out for guidance if the selection is more than 9 weeks out….so I’m looking for recommendations.
My last scheduled trail race is December 3rd so I have the rest of December through the end of February to fill with a complementary program. Any thoughts?
By my count you’ll have 12 weeks to train. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks Plan
– Rob
Thank you that I have confidence you give that I can expect a thoughtful, prompt answer about my training goals.
My plan is to train for the Moloka’i to O’ahu 32 mile paddle race (SUP and/or prone) next year.
It looks like I can use your ultra plans and sub in the paddle.
- Run improvement
- Ultra Running Pre-season
- 50K Ultra
Do you have any suggestions on the strength training sub, since I’ll need more shoulder/arm/chassis focus than legs?
I looked at the strength sessions for kayak and surf pre-seasons, 6 and 5 weeks respectively.
The Ultra packet comes out to 36 weeks; In-season Endurance is 11 weeks and Off-season is 6 weeks.
(Maybe Grease the Grooves, 5wks?)
Thanks again for your time and all the work y’all put in.
I’m a little concerned about doing too much upper body strength work in conjunction with all the paddling you’ll be doing. I’m not sure I’d recommend much high rep (hypertrophy) work –
I’m also concerned about doing these three running plans in a row (substituting SUP/Paddling). Unlike the hips and legs, the shoulders/elbows aren’t necessarily designed for this much volume … and I’m concerned about overuse injury. As well, adding unnecessary upper body mass will only slow you down on the water.
So … what I’d recommend is working through some of our general fitness plans, and subbing SUP/paddling in for the prescribed endurance, until you’re 12 weeks out, then dropping into the 50K Ultra Training Plan directly before your event.
The first week of the 50K plan has you paddling 30K total. So, directly prior to beginning that plan, I’d recommend the 7-Week Big 3 Strength + 5 Mile Run Plan (subbing in paddling for running).
So … this gets you to 19 weeks directly before your event.
Prior to beginning the Big 3 Strength + 5 Mile Run Plan, I’d recommend working through the plans/order in the
Country Singer Packet, beginning with Johnny. Sub in paddling for running in these plans, and add in a long 90 minute paddle on Saturdays.
This way you’ll go into the event-specific programming with a solid base of all around strength/work capacity/chassis integrity, but will also have solid base of paddling to begin the more intense paddling work in the Big 3 plan.
– Rob
I’m working up to do a month long remote emt course up in Washington state and was looking for some workout plans that might help me get ready. I do alot of workouts from the Horseman Workout plan focussed on mainly deadlifts, front squats, pull ups, rowing and running. I’m from Texas so not sure I’m ready for the mountains yet. It is a wilderness EMT course. The req’s arnt very clear other than be able to deadlift 250 and be able to handle hiking with steep inclines carrying kit. I think I will be good to go, but wanted to see if there is anything else that would give me a better edge. Open to any suggestions since there are so many workout plans on your site. Also can the full plans be printed out? Im overseas half of the year with limited internet access.
Weeks Plan
1-5 Jedediah Smith
6-12 Frank Church
13-19 Wrangell – St. Elias (7 weeks directly before your course)
– Rob
I’m working my way through your Max Effort Marathon Plan in advance of running the “Authentic Marathon” (from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens).
I’m wondering if you have any guidance on pacing during the actual race. From my training runs (now up to 18 miles), it seems I could run a bit faster than the “moderate” pace outlined in the plan for the long training runs. I’m also wary, however, of blowing out the race by going too fast. Recognizing there’s variation from course to course, do you have any data that would help plan for the race?
Appreciate any help.
Determine your goal finish time …. i.e. 4 hours. Run that pace the whole time until mile 22 or 23. If you feel good, speed up to the finish. You’ll need a GPS Watch to do this … but you likely already have one.
Don’t have a goal finish time …. I’d use your 18 mile pace, run it to 20 miles, and if you feel good, speed up to the finish.
Biggest mistake is starting out too fast. The adrenaline and natural competition instinct will kick in at the actual event. You’ll have to fight against it and keep to the plan for the first 20-23 miles.
– Rob
I am about 9 months from civil affairs selection. I was wonder what plans you would recommend leading up to actual selection. My weaknesses are running and probably smokers/muscle endurance. Thank you.
9 months = 39 weeks. Here’s my recommendation:
Weeks. Plan
1-7 Military OnRamp
8-14 Humility
15-22 Valor – Repeat week 6 to stretch to 8 weeks
23-30 Fortitude – Repeat week 6 to stretch to 8 weeks
Military OnRamp, Humility, Valor and Fortitude are all part of the
Virtue Packet of Plans. Each can also be purchased individually.
– Rob
I am writing with a couple of questions. For both, myself, and my son. 2 go, you helped me pick a work out plan for him. You helped adjust the body weight foundation workout for him. We did it that first year and last year and he was 2nd overall in the series both years. He is now on a team, and has more support at races and is getting more serious.
I was curious about your thoughts as far as a pre-season workout for downhill mtb. I was thinking we would stay with the Body Weight Foundation work out, but he is a little more dedicated and is more willing to work out when it comes to accomplishing his goals for winning the series. He is very curious about lifting. Which comes from the other kids he rides with, but they are 16 and up. What are your thoughts on lifting at 13? It seems like a highly debatable topic. I want him to get stronger and faster, but more importantly, want him to develop good habits for a whole life of activity. I would appreciate and respect your opinion.
As far as I am concerned, I am 3 weeks from turning 50. I am looking at one of the SF 50 plans and wondering about moving that direction. I can say that goals of mine aside from general fitness are protecting my lower back, gardening and chopping wood cause more tightness and aches than ever and keeping my thighs strong to protect my knees. I am the director of an outdoor program and teach adventure recreation classes in the P.E. dept. I am also one of the coaches for the youth downhill team.
I’d recommend
SF50 Alpha for both of you. It includes lifting and lots of chassis integrity work, and training together will allow you to watch his lifting and loading. For the sandbag work, I’d recommend starting him out with a 25# sandbag and seeing how he manages. You can increase the load if needed after the first week.
If he does good he can follow you into SF50 Bravo and Charlie.
– Rob
I’ll be subscribing to your athletic subscription package later today. I do not have a military/first responder background. However, I enjoy pushing myself and training like one. I have a lot of military veterans in my life. We like to do tough mudders, runs, training together. I recently started dated a special forces veteran and my goal is to at least be able to hold my own around him.
He mentioned doing a GORUCK event with me, which I heard is hellish. So I’m in. I’m curious which programs would be best to use in preparation for this event. My fitness level is athletic, but I’m looking for it to become beast mode. Thank you for your time and hanging with me through my back story. Have a great day. I look forward to hearing from you.

– Rob
v There was a switch for the 3rd segment from Big 24 to Big 3 to 5 mile run. I was really fast by end of Humility and gaining strength like a mofo. Any suggestions? I’m 42 prior service Marine w 10 year break in service who’s trying to get into the SF pipeline wether it’s in aviation or grunt.
I hold the highest ACFT score in my company and was 2nd fastest in boot cam
Stick with the plan and keep grinding. You could have just had an off day.
– Rob
I plan to go through the SERE Specialist pipeline eventually in about 4-5 months, and this is far greater than the 7 weeks the SERE program is, so I was wondering what other plan would be good to cycle with the program or would it be better to run it back to back?
I’d recommend the
SERE Plan now, then a drop into the plans/order in the
Greek Hero Series beginning with
Hector, then re-do the SERE Plan the 7 weeks directly before your course.
– Rob
I’m currently doing the 30 min ski training program for getting ready for the mountains and it’s been working great! I’m almost done.
I was interested in getting the in season skiing maintenance program for the rest of the season, but my gym doesn’t have sandbags, and I see that they are extensively used.
Would it be possible to replace the sandbag exercises with exercises more common to a regular gym using bars and weights for the same effect ?
Sorry, no. Others build their own sandbag and take it to the gym. Be resourceful.
– Rob
I am looking at getting involved with a Search and Rescue team and was wondering which program(s) you would recommend. This team primarily operates in the mountains and would require hiking, climbing, to include ice, and loaded carries. I was looking at potentially the Alpine Rock Climbing Pre-Season or the Mountain Guide Pre-Season. Thoughts?
– Rob
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