Q&A 3.10.22


I am a professional lawn tennis player and would like to train for strength,  endurance, explosiveness,  agility and speed.

Due to covid I have no access to gym but have barbell, dumbbells, pull up bar, place to train for footwork exercises.

I have been following a navy seal wirkout from youtube and have been doing exercises since a year and half but with dumbbells of 7.5kg each .

I want a plan where I can have stamina and level of fitness like seal and fit athlete because I believe that Seals are at  the elite level of any task force in the world.


From our stuff I’d recommend Valor. You’ll need to make a 60 pound sandbag.

– Rob


I know that the guidance for your programming is to do the workouts in order and not skip a workout even if you miss a day of working out. What is your suggestion when using this routine during the ski season? I am a school teacher so have time to work out during the week but usually only go touring once a week mid week and either ride chairs or tour on both weekend days. Should I just continue with the programming in order of the workouts?


Swap to the In-Season Ski Maintenance Training Plan.

– Rob


I have a tactical EOD selection coming up that includes fitness grinder sessions and a ruck of unknown length. The day to day grind will include repeated half mile runs in full kit (approx 40 lbs) and carrying equipment backpack (approx 50 lbs). Lots of evolutions of making quick judgements under physical/mental stress. Length of selection is two 2-week sessions with a 2 week break in between.

Can you recommend a 4 to 6 week training plan?


First 6 weeks of the SWAT Selection Training Plan

Replace the SESSION 1’s, 1.5 mile run assessment with 3 Rounds of a 800m run at threshold pace in your kit, with equipment, and complete the follow-on 800m repeats in the plan the same. Don’t worry about the run interval calculator  – just run each 800m at threshold pace. Increase the rest between efforts to 5 minutes.

– Rob


What do you think of my work out plan to get ready for Ranger in 2023 while also attending schools?


On ramp 7 weeks (31 jan – 19 march)

ACFT ( 20 march – 29 April) *only 6 weeks*

ALC (3- 24 MAY)

Humility weeks 1-5 ( 30 MAY – 1 JUL)

Mountaineer program 6 weeks (4 jul – 12 aug)

Mountain warfare school (13-26 aug)

Humility weeks 6-7 ( 29aUG-9 sep)

Fortitude 7 weeks (12 SEP -28 oct)

Valor 7 weeks (31 OCT – 17 DEC)

Gratitude 7 weeks ( 19 Dec – 3 feb)

Ranger 8 weeks (6 Feb -31 mar)

RTAC/RANGER (March 31st – TBD)

Would you recommend doing the ACFT first or On-ramp? I would have to cut one of these a week shorter in order to finish all the other programs.

The ones underlined are schools im attending and i doubt that i will have time to keep doing the program.


All good except complete the Mountain Warfare School Training Plan prior to that school.

– Rob


I have thankfully been guided to your group and have greatly benefited from following your social media presence to learn and develop my approach to fitness and nutrition.

I would like to begin a proper plan to attack my goals in the Spring after I complete a focused weight loss plan through my nutrition program I am currently on. I am in the Maryland National Guard; Infantryman, with my sights set on SFAS. Everything the military wants me to be good at, I am naturally bad at. As a retired offensive lineman, I find myself constantly fighting my mindset of 5k cal, full plates and hydrating with protein shakes or I am not getting my fill. I am 6’6 and 264 lbs at 21% coming down from 283 because I can’t figure myself out. I can max out four of the six ACFT events currently and even score 85% on the two mile, but cannot do leg tucks/pull ups … at all. My deficiencies are astounding. I think I let my body overcompensate instead of attack weak zones so I have a weak core, back, shoulders; and constant lumbar pain, sciatic issues, and unreached potential ironically overperforming on an undeveloped platform.

I just turned 35 years old and appreciate time is now especially an issue. I spent the last 11 years just trying to even get into the military after having torn my pectoralis major tendon and blew out my ankle playing football. I could not get through MEPS as the two hospitals did not properly keep my medical records. Either way, we are here now and driving forward as the SAW gunner of 1/175 C. Co., 3rd. Plt. and loving it. I am thrilled. I just want more.

Any assistance or guidance would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Work through the plans/order in the Virtue Packet. Start with Humility.

– Rob


I’m from Egypt. I’m trying to choose between the bodyweight beginner program and the Mountaineering & Hiking Prep Program

I am not physically strong, not an athlete but I hike a lot. My knees started hurting when I’m going downhill because my legs aren’t strong.

I’m searching for a program that will build my body, strength, cardio, and endurance to do more hiking and mountaineering.

I won’t be able to work with a 40 Pound sand bag, I think a 20 pound would be okay.


Start with Bodyweight Build, then follow it up with the Mountaineering & Hiking Prep Plan.

– Rob


I have the MTI Half Marathon training plan and plan to run late March. However, the six days a week training sessions will not work with my schedule. (Can train 4x a week without question).

Is there a way to still ensure my endurance is trained for the race while still not missing out on the other exercises provided in the program?

What modifications can I do?


There’s no short cuts …. and running is most important – so either do two-a-day’s or prioritize the running in the program with your available days to train.

– Rob


For the ranger school program: how much water do you suggest taking on the rucks?

Some of my  guys said you carry 7 qts on you at the school, so that’s what I started the program with. Ontop of the 60# dry I am getting my ass kicked without mercy.

Just wanted to clarify if the 60# dry is to account for the extra wet weight they throw ontop of you at school, or if 85# wet was the intended training weight and I just need to suffer through it.

Thanks guys,

Humility was a game changer for me.


1) From a hydration perspective, this otally depends on where your training and how hot it is. Start with 1 liter and adjust. However, you likely won’t need any for efforts less than 5-6 miles.

2) 7 quarts? Haven’t heard this …. and I assume if so it’s just for the 12 mile effort. Verify and if 7 quarts is required, carry 7 quarts. Train with what you’ll face at school.

– Rob


I just sent this e-mail this morning but since I just received this I figured I would also reply to this email as I am interested in your programming but unsure what would be my best option.

I found your site when trying to find training plans to help improve my climbing and overall fitness. I try to climb 4x a week and my goal is to get into alpine climbing.

I started a desk job about a year ago and in that time I’ve gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of mobility, and I really need to lose weight while at the very least maintaining the strength I do have.

I have been looking into your programs and I am trying to find one that will increase my overall fitness, help me cut weight, while allowing me to still climb 4x a week. Do you have any recommendations?  I am a 34 year old female and I am 198 when I really want to be at 155 as I noticed that is where I performed my best.


Start our programming with Bodyweight Beginner.  You can do your rock climbing as 2-a-days.

Follow it up with the Fat Loss Training Plan.

and, fix your diet. Here are our recommendations.

Email back on the other side.

– Rob


Appreciate your programming and the guidance you provide. I have 15 weeks to prep for a 1 day Grand Teton climb objective. What would you have me do? It is flat where I live and step ups can be a substitute. Thank you sir.


Here’s what I recommend:

Weeks    Plan

1-8          Helen – repeat week 6 to stretch this to 8 weeks.

9-15        Peak Bagger Training Plan

– Rob


So I’ve been through a lot of the virtue series and loved most about of it. During the resilience I believe I have bad form and developed some right patellar  tendinitis which is still lingering the some. Humility and gratitude was really in my wheelhouse. I work out at the Y so it’s hard to do some of the tactical training. And have been jumping around in different programs trying to find something that works well. I have a high level and fitness am a  paramedic. I recently started Johnny of the singer programs. It looks and feels great so far. A bit simpler which is welcomed. Liking the strength part but the volume of the work capacity and endurance seems low compared to the virtues that I’m used to. I’ve been thinking mabey I add a burpie ladder assent  session (20 every 90sec for 8 rounds) or find some core circuits to add in from the cassi integrity programs.

My main goal is athleticism. Squat 2x my weight , DL 3x my weight, bench 1.5, and run a 21min 5K.

I’m short on all of those. Am 41 and have significant L wrist pain. So all my bench, and press are DB. I can do a BBQ upto 95-115 with the bar it’s really hard not to agervate my wrist on the press part though……I’ve had X-ray, mri, dry needling ext. ext. the only thing that seems to help is traction and manually moving it under traction. Has been going on for over 18mo.

Thank you sir for your impact on my family’s life and patient’s lives through your massive overall contribution to my fitness and mindset.


Didn’t see a question in your email.

In terms of programming, I’d recommend the Big 3 Strength + 3-Mile Run Training Plan.

After, drop into the SF40 plans.

Wrist? if tight wrapping doesn’t help, you’ll have to use dumbbells.

– Rob


I just started a new subscription to mti and I was wondering if you could recommend a good plan to follow. I am currently starting to train to enter a state police academy and need to be in very good shape as it is very paramilitary based. Any advice on which program would help me be ready for training and the day one pft retest would be awesome


LE Academy Training Plan

– Rob

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