High Rep Kettlebell Snatch Training Plan
- Intense, 7 Week, 5 Day/Week limited equipment training built around the kettlebell snatch exercise
- This program is not appropriate for someone unfamiliar with kettlebell snatches and/or not proficient in doing them
- This plan has a work capacity and strength endurance focus
- This training plan is one of the 400+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
This is an intense 7-week, 5 Day/week training cycle built around the kettlebell snatch exercise – specifically high-repetition kettlebell snatches. The kettlebell snatch is a somewhat technical exercise, and athletes considering this training plan must be confident and proficient at performing kettlebell snatches. This program is not appropriate for someone unfamiliar with kettlebell snatches and/or not proficient in doing them.
This is Version 1 of this training cycle, built in February 2021.
This training plan is based on a mini-study we completed in January, 2021. The program is assessment based. You’ll begin by performing a 90-second kettlebell snatch effort for max reps and follow-on programming will be based on your most recent assessment results.
All female athletes will complete the initial 90-second assessment using a 12kg kettlebell and all male athletes will perform the initial assessment using a 16kg kettlebell.
If you perform 40+ reps in the 90 seconds, you’ll take a short rest, then re-assess using a heavier kettlebell. We’re aiming for loading which will cause the athlete to score 20-39 max reps in the 90-second assessment. For most athletes, this will be 12-16kg for women, and 16-20kg for men.
Work Capacity and Strength Endurance Focus
High repetition kettlebell snatches have primarily a work capacity and strength endurance focus. You’ll perform high rep kettlebell snatches 4 days/week in this training program. One day a week is set aside for bodyweight strength endurance plus a 2-3 mile moderate-paced run.
Hand Health
We highly recommend using some type of hand protection to complete this program – leather gymnastic straps or similar. Anecdotally we’ve found that Jerkfit Wodies work well to protect both hands and wrists from high rep kettlebell snatches.
- Monday – Kettlebell Snatch Assessment and/or Threshold Kettlebell Snatch Intervals
- Tuesday – High Volume Kettlebell Snatches (300-500 reps)
- Wednesday – Bodyweight Strength, Moderate-pace Run (3-5 miles)
- Thursday – Threshold Kettlebell Snatch Intervals
- Friday – High Volume Kettlebell Snatches (300-500 reps)
- 12-24kg Kettlebell for Women (based on your strength and Kettlebell Snatch proficiency)
- 16-28kg Kettlebell for men (based on your strength and Kettlebell Snatch proficiency)
- Pull Up Bar
- Smartphone with repeating countdown interval timer application
How long will sessions last?
These training sessions are specifically designed to be completed in 60-75 minutes. The Wednesday Sessions may push past 60 minutes depending on your running speed.
Any modifications for women?
These are prescribed in the training plan. For example, if the session calls for kettlebell snatches @ 12/16kg, the first load – 12kg – is for women, and the second load – 16kg – is for men. If the plan calls for 5/10x Push Ups, this means women do 5x push ups, men do 10x push ups.
What if I miss a day?
Begin where you left off when you return to training. This program is progressed – each session builds upon the prior session – so don’t skip a session or skip around. Follow the training sessions in order, regardless.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Run/Ruck Calculator is listed as an exercise.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
How do I access the plan?
Access is online, via username and password. You can log in either through our website or through our app (Mtn Tactical Fitness) available for IOS and Android.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.
More Questions? Email: coach@mtntactical.com
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.
Required Equipment
- 12-24kg Kettlebell for Women (based on your strength and Kettlebell Snatch proficiency)
- 16-28kg Kettlebell for men (based on your strength and Kettlebell Snatch proficiency)
- Pull Up Bar
- Smartphone with repeating countdown interval timer application
Sample Training
Below is the First Week from this Training Plan:
Obj: Kettlebell Snatch Assessment #1 and Intervals
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5x Kettlebell Snatch @ 12/16kg (5x each arm, 10x total)
5x Hand Release Push Ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
(1) Max Rep Kettlebell Snatch @ 12/16kg in 90 seconds
You can use your dominant hand for the entire 90 seconds, or switch hands as needed. Just work as fast as possible the full 90 seconds and count your reps.
If you scored 36+ reps on this assessment, rest 5 minutes, increase your kettlebell by one or two sizes and re-assess.
(2) 20 Rounds, Every 60 seconds ...
Kettlebell Snatch Reps @ you assessment size at your "Interval Pace" using Part (1) Assessment Results.
How to get your "Interval Pace": Take your max reps from Part (1) and divide by 3, then multiply by 1.2. Example: You scored 39 Reps in Part (1)'s assessment. 39 / 3 = 13 x 1.2 = 15.6 or 16 reps (round up)
Set a repeating countdown timer to 60 seconds. On "Go" complete 16x Kettlebell Snatches as fast as possible. The faster you finish, the more rest you get. Alternate hands each round.
(3) 2 Rounds
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Obj: High Rep Kettlebell Snatches
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5x Kettlebell Snatch @ 12/16kg (5x each arm, 10x total)
5x Hand Release Push Ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
(1) 15 Rounds
20x Kettlebell Snatches @ your SESSION 1 assessment size (10x each arm)
Rest 30 Seconds between rounds
(3) 2 Rounds
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Use the same size kettlebell for Part (1) that you used for the SESSION 1 assessment. So ... if you used a 20kg kettlebell for SESSON 1's assessment, use 20kg today.
Obj: Bodyweight Strength, Endurance
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunges
5x Hand Release Push Ups
1x Pull Up
Instep Stretch
(1) 20 Minute Grind ....
3x Push Ups
3x Hand Release Push Ups
3x Clapping Push Ups, then ...
1/2x Pull Up
1/2x Mixed Grip Pull Ups
1/2x Chin Ups, then ...
3x In-Place Lunges
3x Walking Lunges
3x Jumping Lunges
Grind = work steadily, not frantically, through these circuits again and again for 20 minutes.
(2) Run 2 Miles, Moderate Pace
"Moderate" = comfortable but not easy.
Obj: Kettlebell Snatch Intervals
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5x Kettlebell Snatch @ 12/16kg (5x each arm, 10x total)
5x Hand Release Push Ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
(1) 20 Rounds, Every 60 seconds ....
Kettlebell Snatch Reps @ your SESSION 1 assessment size at your "Interval Pace" using SESSION 1 Assessment Results.
How to get your "Interval Pace": Take your max reps from SESSION 1 and divide by 3, then multiply by 1.2.
Example: You scored 39 Reps on SESSION 1's assessment. 39 / 3 = 13 x 1.2 = 15.6 or 16 reps (round up). Set a repeating countdown timer to 60 seconds. On "Go" complete 16x Kettlebell Snatches as fast as possible. The faster you finish, the more rest you get. Alternate hands each round.
Use the same size kettlebell for Part (1) that you used for the Session 1 assessment. So ... if you used a 20kg kettlebell for SESSON 1's assessment, use 20kg today.
(3) 2 Rounds
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Use the same size kettlebell for Part (1) that you used for the Session 1 assessment. So ... if you used a 20kg kettlebell for SESSON 1's assessment, use 20kg today.
Obj: High Rep Kettlebell Snatches
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5x Kettlebell Snatch @ 12/16kg (5x each arm, 10x total)
5x Hand Release Push Ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
(1) 15 Rounds
20x Kettlebell Snatches @ your SESSION 1 assessment size (10x each arm)
Rest 30 Seconds between rounds
(3) 2 Rounds
Lat + Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Use the same size kettlebell for Part (1) that you used for the SESSION 1 assessment. So ... if you used a 20kg kettlebell for SESSON 1's assessment, use 20kg today.
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