Tools for Resilience

…the door always gets bloody. Expect the beating, but take pride in being the first through the door. This takes mettle.   Questions, Comments, Feedback? Comment below or email,

Q&A 9.23.21

…your 25k training plan 2x (without the calf injury) and have been able to run no problem and complete my 25k races. I’m coming to the conclusion that some lifting…

Q&A 9.30.21

…Problem is …. I have an OGA PT Test coming up in eight weeks. It includes: 1) 31 sit-ups in 1 minute 2) 1.5 mile run in 13:30 3) 25…

Q&A 10.21.21

…where to start. I’ll try to keep the recap of my background short and sweet… To start with, I’m a little older compared to my peers – 32, 5’8, about…

Q&A 11.25.21

…Rob QUESTION I am a cadet at west point, and I am training to cross commission into the Air Force as a STO. I am well into Pirate Training Pack…

Q&A 12.23.21

…Packet – which are designed as day-to-day programming for full-time LE SWAT/SRT. (Email me back when you’ve completed all of these plans.) Approximately 6 months out from BORTAC Selection, complete…

Q&A 1.6.22

…the Civil Affairs Selection plan, I sometimes run/ruck on an indoor track or treadmill when it is dangerously cold outside (below -20 for anything over 4 miles) When it’s -15…

Q&A 4.7.22

…can offer, thanks again for being open to questions. ANSWER I’d recommending combining the Beep Test and Fireman Combat Challenge Training Plan concurrently. Do the beep test programming first, then…

Q&A 8.4.22

…Thank you in advance. ANSWER I’d recommend completing the USMS Academy Training Plan now, then following it up with the plans/order in the Spirits Packet for Le Patrol/Detective. Then re-completing…

Arete 10.13.22

…‘guaranteed hit’ smart scope, Task & Purpose What the new “bat drone” means for the Air Force’s autonomous fighter plans, Task & Purpose What it might be like for Air…