Q&A 12.12.19

…a significant endurance component (run, ruck) and Fortitude has a significant endurance component. – Rob QUESTION Hey guys, I tore both of my meniscus on an airborne jump. Had surgery…

Q&A 1.16.20

…60 yo, 5’5″, 145 lbs, decent shape Military: USAF Pararescue Indoctrination training circa ’78, Army Airborne, Army SF Combat Diver School, washed out (blacked out) first week test Current training:…

Q&A 2.27.19

…about to start the virtue plans, starting with humility. With the army’s ACFT coming into effect later this year, I’d like to start training leg tucks, which are currently one…

Q&A 8.6.20

…live a feet of altitude with a 40 min 10k and decent leg strength at 5’11, 185. Woud you recommend Big Mountain v2 or Alpine Running? Completing all of Alpine…

Q&A 8.27.20

…your assessment. You could complete the plan exclusively now, then drop into some mission-direct base fitness programming, then re-complete the plan directly before your assessment. Given your questions, my guess…

Q&A 11.5.20

…movement/stretch. If you’re not able to complete that, adjust the reps as needed. Hope this helps, thanks for reaching out. -Charlie QUESTION I’ve done 2 HTL’s , a 50 Star,…

Q&A 11.19.20

…got a 12 day command post exercise coming up and I am looking for a program with short 30-45 minute HIT style workouts as i won’t have alot of time….

Q&A 4.22.21

…-80# Sandbag -TRX -2x Jerry Cans -Resistance Bands -70# Kettelbell -Pair of 25# Dumbbells -Pair of 53# Kettelbells -Body Armor Thanks for your time and consideration. ANSWER Sandbag/Weight Vest/ Dumbbell…

Q&A 7.1.21

…Here are our recommendations – they differ somewhat from Keto: https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/nutritional-guidelines/ Ideal Bodyweight – for you I’d recommend 185#. More here: https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/ideal-bodyweights-for-mountain-athletes-mountain-professionals-and-tactical-athletes/?highlight=ideal%20bodyweight – Rob QUESTION I’d like to thank you…

Q&A 7.15.21

…you should be able to complete it in a 50-60 minute evening gym session. 6 weeks out from IBOLC, complete the full IBOLC Training Plan – this will mean two-a-days…