Q&A 10.26.17

…too much for you out of the gate. Prior to your backpacking trip, you’ll want to complete the Backpacking Pre-Season Training Plan. – Rob QUESTION I was planning on completing…

Q&A 6.21.18

…core work together, I was hoping for your recommendation on the best plan to complement the lower back workout. ANSWER Don’t double up. Complete the low back plan in isolation….

Q&A 9.20.18

…about 5 pounds. Week 1: Bodyweight- 171 FS- 175 PU- 14 PC- 155 BP- 175 Week 5: Bodyweight-176 FS- 225 PU-16 PC-185 BP- 195 Really enjoyed working through this plan!…

Q&A 1.3.19

…considering the 18x pipeline? And can you do the SFAS ruck based program while I’m at basic/AIT/airborne at fort Benning? I know you’ve designed to be completed about 8 weeks…

Q&A 2.7.19

…a rower/airdyne in some of our injured athlete plans – but only because they can’t walk/run. – Rob QUESTION I’m searching through various different military fitness preparation plans/companies, and I…

Q&A 5.16.19

…I have a background in Muay Thai 8 years, CrossFit 6 years, and most recently competitive Olympic Lifting for 2 years – I competed at 93kg / 205lbs in November…

Q&A 8.8.19

…program? If any of this helps with a baseline: -Starting Strength & Texas Method for past 10 months -squat 385 x 5 -bench 295 x 5 -deadlift 430 x 5…

Q&A 10.17.19

…the ACFT. However, my patients/soldiers are not so excited. I was looking at your recent study that compared hinge lifting versus KB swings to increase deadlift and think this will…

Q&A 11.7.19

…strength training program. What is the best program to complement with here? I’m thinking the in-season strength for endurance athletes. I’m at 185 and feeling good. I want to run…