…progression based on 1RM assessments. This is Version 3 of Resilience, Update September, 2024. WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Monday: Strength, Chassis Integrity Tuesday: Strength, Chassis Integrity, Bench Press Wednesday: 1-Mile Assessment or…
Search Results for: chassis integrity
Plan Focus: Resilience
…to strengthen their combat chassis and complete which builds integrity across the entire “combat chassis” skeletal/muscular system. Resilience strengthens the combat chassis and builds Chassis Integrity in three distinct ways:…
Rob’s Personal May/June 2020 Programming
…possible. First, I eliminated the warm up, and replaced it with a 20 minute, 4-exercise Chassis Integrity grind, which always included sandbag get ups. We initially tested Chassis Integrity grinds…
Mountain Athlete In-Season Training Plan Sessions
…with 4 sessions each week: 2x Strength, 1x Work Capacity + Chassis Integrity, and 1x Aerobic Base Maintenance. The strength and work capacity/chassis integrity sessions are designed to be completed…
Q&A 2.2.17
…(3-5 min), Chassis Integrity Tuesday: Speed over Ground (running) development using assessments scaled 400m/800m repeats Wednesday: Gym-based strength, short gym-based work capacity (3-5 min), Chassis Integrity Thursday: Multi-Modal Endurance –…
Q&A 2.9.17
…a multi-modal training program from our military side. You’ll concurrently train strength, work capacity, tactical agility, chassis integrity and military endurance. It will definitely introduce a new programming methodology to…
Q&A 4.4.19
…Wilderness Packet of plans for mountain professionals (rangers, game wardens, etc). These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, mountain endurance (running, uphill hiking under load), and chassis integrity (core). –…
LE On-Ramp Training Program
…– Bodyweight Strength, Work Capacity Tue -Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity Wed – Rest Day Thu – Short Endurance, Chassis Integrity Fri -Bodyweight Strength, Work Capacity Weeks 3-4 Mon – Bodyweight…
Plan Focus: LE OnRamp Training Plan
…1-2 Mon – Bodyweight Strength, Work Capacity Tue – Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity Wed – Rest Day Thu – Short Endurance, Chassis Integrity Fri – Bodyweight Strength, Work Capacity Weeks…
Q&A 8.29.19
…work capacity, chassis integrity (core), climbing fitness (rock), and mountain endurance (run, uphill hiking under load). Start with Helen. – Rob QUESTION I’m pretty interested in your alpine and backcountry…