Rob’s Responses to the October 2023 Survey Suggestions

By Rob Shaul

Last month we sent a survey on MTI’s performance and asked for suggestions to our Beta newsletter subscribers. We had around 1,000 responses, and several hundred of the respondents added specific suggestions. Below are my responses to these suggestions and following are the dozens of kudos we recived from the respondants.

Suggestions are in bold. My response follows.

Occasional discounts would be nice
On rare occasions, we’ll offer code-based discounts to our Beta (newsletter) subscribers. 

Would love to be able to download the video since I’m currently forward deployed and do not always have cell service/wifi.
Sorry – we don’t have the functionality at this time and use YouTube. 

Would love to see programming for the weekend warrior/Guard SF/ reserve SOF guys. Trying to find the balance of staying in SOF shape for reserves.
You should be doing the Greek Hero plans or the Daily Operator plans. The mission-direct fitness demands of Guard/Reserve SOF are the same for active duty. 

I love your programs. I wish there was a feature to input the weight used, etc. You’re monthly cost was a little steep and forced me to pause my membership.
We’re continually improving our app and hope to add this functionality. Based on the quality and amount of programming, I feel MTI’s subscription price is a smokin’ great deal!

A conventional “quick” body building program with a focus on function
We have one… The Hypertrophy Plan for Skinny Guys. It’s been one of our most successful and best selling plans for over a decade now!

I’d like to be able to track my weights for a given workout in the app, and see how they trend over time across programs. This would help me with progression and show my progress over time. Right now I have to do it on paper and that is hard to show trends. Also, it would be a big value add to having the athlete subscription, as I’m basically just on the subscription model to support you guys. It would be way cheaper to just buy the plans since that’s what I use. Finally, adding more SF40 plans. I’m going to run out and then have to either recycle or do different stuff-which makes the subscription an even worse deal.
We’re looking to add this functionality to the app, and beginning in December, will offer daily programming for older athletes … SF40, etc. I’m not sure how I’ll break this out yet, but we’ll have something available. 

Programming for Urban Fire athletes at the end of their careers (50-60 y/o) and still riding out on the trucks.
Sorry, but there’s no “slow fire” for older firefighters. If you choose to stay on the tip of the spear, it’s your responsibility to have the fitness to perform, and you should be doing either the plans in our Big Cat Series or our Daily Urban Firefighter programming. The one caveat would be to do a 2 on, 1 off training schedule to allow for extra recovery. 

I run a lot but strength has been my weakness. I enjoy your big 24 and big 36 plans. I would love more plans similar to those.
We have 30+ strength focused training plans. Click the “Strength/Hypertrophy” tab HERE.

Zone 2 training
There is a lot of work that can be done on Zone two training, but currently I don’t have a Zone 2-specific training plan. I’ll add that to my list and get it designed. 

A program for urban firefighters that emphasizes endurance, ie running and rucking.
This is an interesting request. Single-mode endurance (running, rucking) is not a significant mission-direct, fitness attribute for urban firefighters. For Urban Firefighters, in their most dangerous mission situation (inside, fighting a fire), the ability to perform and not burn through their air prematurely is paramount. Pacing and experience is a huge part of this, but aerobic fitness is as well. The question is whether or not aerobic fitness develeped by running transfers to crawling on your hands and knees, in full bunker gear, searching for victims or manning a hose. My sense is that extended multi-modal “grinds” would be more transferable and these are what I’ve programmed into our urban fire programming. Another issue is the ability to do the programming, while on duty, at the station. Without a treadmill, running/rucking would not be an option … but the grinds are. 

More distance swimming and maybe a (where you should be aiming) performance tracker
Not sure the request here … we have a Swimming Improvement Plan which extends to 1500m, and three Triathlon Plans which include swimming over 1600m. I’ve never been asked for a swimming-specific plan that wasn’t based on swimming improvement, a military selection or school, or a triathlon. 

Pregnant and postpartum mtn athletes.
Our Prenatal Training Packet will work for mountain athletes.  This is by far, the most advanced and sophisticated program design I’ve ever done. Each session is scalable to how the expecting Mom feels that day. We don’t have a post-partum plan and I’ve been hesitant to design one because of the variation for women after giving birth … but I’ll consider it. 

An updated app that allows full tracking ability of MTI workouts. Ability to edit and modify programming to customize based on MTI’s database. In all videos rather than links to external videos. Specific conditioning workouts for BJJ competitions. Commercial gym specific workouts.
We are continuing to update our app and have a new update underworks now. It won’t however, have the ability to modify/customize the programming … our extensive programming library already has that feather. Bjj comps? Perhaps out of our wheel house as BJJ is so technique-intensive. Many of our plans can be completed in commercial gyms, and nearly all can be completed if you bring your own sandbag to the gym – which many do. 

Focus on some general fitness and its needs.
We already have multiple General Fitness plans, including an entire series for general fitness limited equipment and fully equipped gyms, as well as a Daily General Fitness Subscription offering. 

A workout plan that is high intensity training but for limited time like 30-45 min
Check out our SF40 plans

Plans that include vegan/vegetarianism for endurance athletes
I think this question is focused on nutrition plans for vegans/vegitarians and I’ve no experience there. 

4 workout/week plans for the over 40 crowd
You can do the SF40 plans 4 days/week …. Just push the calender to the right and follow the sessions in order.

Rehab from injury. Programs for old farts like SF60.
We already have Post Rehab plans for hip replacements and leg arm injuries as well as SF60 programming for athletes ages 60+

I saw that the MTI YouTube had some mobility/stretching added in. Perhaps a stretching supplement plan in addition to the workout? Maybe sport specific mobility training?
Over the years I’ve tried multiple times to develop an effective, functional mobility program …. But for many reasons, it’s never worked out. I’m looking to try again here in the near future. One of the issues is the lack of any link between mobility and durability. By far, fitness has a greater impact on durability than mobility. As well, in terms of aging, my sense is decrease in bodyweight has a greater impact on overall healthy feeling. I’m not sure why mobility is emphasized or is a concern …. But share it. Which is why I keep grinding on this idea. The “crux” of it however, is an assessment … and deciding on what that assessment involves has turned out to be much more complicated than I could ever imagine. I’m still grinding … 

Not so much programs but changes to the mobile app. specifically the ability to input the amount of weight lifted, reps, distance run, etc. as it stands now, it’s good but with the ability to input and subsequently track, it could be so much better. Thanks for listening!
Working on this …. 

Rehab training plans when you are recovering from an injury.
We already have Post Rehab plans for hip replacements and leg arm injuries

I am now retired and dealing with the multiple years of abuse and injuries.  Articles for us older folks that refuse to give up the fight and still want to be capable of responding when necessary.
I am a stunt man. The fitness needs of my profession are diverse and fairly unique. We are underserved in the fitness industry.
We offer several training options for athletes ages 40+

App improvements have been great! Would like to see more research / features on weight management. That post on the shake diet for slow metabolisms was helpful.  The research – in general – is very helpful to understand why programs are structured as they are. I find the research motivating during the repetitive days. Maybe program overviews should include a “Based on this research..” section.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Training specific for vertical kilometers and 29029’s. Thank you
First request for this. I’ll investigate

More Mixed Martial Arts packets like BJJ. I love Shaul’s fusion of MTI with MMA, beginning with BJJ. Still, I desire to see more, perhaps for striking. What I would give!
Perhaps … I just don’t have any direct experience working with boxers.

Retired law enforcement 49 year old just trying to maintain a standard of fitness in my life.  I like to train across all aspects while rucking 5-7 days a week.  Have a home gym in my garage.
Check out our SF45 programming.

I am 63 years old. Retired US Army Infantry after 34 years. Now hunting out west and competing in PRS. I need programs focused on 60+ who are trying to stay active while dealing with the wear/tear of long Infantry career
Check out our SF60 Programming

Not sure if you get demo info from our signups, but please continue to offer older guy 45+ programming. Maintenance programming.
We plan to

More swag!
We’ll investigate. It turns out I suck at designing cool t-shirts, so perhaps just a good shirt with the MTI logo is all we need…

I love the MTI programs I have but i often have to modify them as I have hurt myself on more than one occasion by trying to follow it strictly. I am a “high mileage” military athelete who has a lot of wear and tear. MTI may offer programs i am not aware of that would be more suitable for me and I will look for one. right now I have to do a mobilty program in the morning and an MTI in the evening which has worked well for the most part. Is there a general maintanence program? Im not exactly young anymore and I am a platoon sergeant, but I embrace the suck and hold to the same standards. I hopefully have several more years of the grind to experience and want to be combat effective to the end.  Love MTI and evangelize it to all my Soldiers.
I’d recommend our SF45 programming, or SF50 if applicable

I am. 45 year old civilian, most of your programs, for me are aspirational. Meaning I need to scale week 1 down to complete. I really enjoy the articles / content that describe how you program.
I’d recommend our SF45 programming,

Great offerings so far. I’d like to see more info about how to integrate different programs into a year/season and how to combine endurance training with the various strength programs.  I often have multiple goals or am trying, for example, to train for running while doing the strength programs or otherwise add more endurance than is included in a program like, say, SF45 packet, without overdoing it it being counterproductive.
We’re working on a series of articles addressing hypothetical athletes with similar goals/issues

Continued articles and / or training plans geared to older mountain athletes ( I am 66 years young).
Currently, our programming stops at 65 with our SF60 plans. I’ll consider building a SF65 packet and seeing the response.

More entry level. For example, maybe even more basic than your backpacking pre season training plan.(or maybe a recommendation on how to build up even to that level). Also, more older mountain athlete/backpacking training
We already have a Mountaineering and Hiking Prep plan which is designed for athletes not fit enough to complete our Backpacking Pre-season or other hiking/mountaineering plans. 

Some way to randomize workouts
Sorry … we don’t practice random programming. MTI programming is planned and mostly, progressive. 

Now 50 but have one more war in me. Want to be fit for it.
Look at our SF50 programming.

A more durable sandbag (thicker material and stitching).  Supplement lab rat studies (creatine and performance in older athletes 50 plus).  Continue focus and programming in elderly demographic.
Our sandbags are pretty damn durable. I use mine, daily, and it’s 7+ years old. After years of use sometimes the handle stitching will tear … but I think we’ve addressed that, and this only happens with daily, intensive use. Programming? We’re considering daily programming for older athletes …

I am a retired police officer who know works for school safety/security. More older athlete plans would be helpful. I enjoy the 40 and 45 age specific plans.
We’re considering daily programming for older athletes … 

CrossFit Open training program
Probably not … it’s out of my wheelhouse and my guess is Crossfit or several of the affiliates offer this already. 

Unconventional methods of training, not restricted by the age old rep / set mindset. I like the articles on various bodyweight and endurance methods that other members of the MTI community use
“Unconventional?” – by most typcial strength and conditioning standards, MTI programming is already very unconventional. This doesn’t mean we won’t try different approaches and methods. 

More plans focused on 2 days on, 1 day off.
You can easily modify any existing plan to this schedule … just follow the sessions in order. I generally don’t program this way as it involves training on weekends, and for most, plans, I like the weekends to be training-free. 

As an 18 year vet with many years of wear and tear, I always like ROM drills and injury prevention. Additionally, programming that compensates for routine sports/mil injuries for ~40 y/o’s (i.e. T-spine, arthritis in joints, impingements, etc…)  Your team is fantastic! Thanks for the support
Please check out our SF40 or SF45 plans

Home training with minimal equipment, with high crossover into sport, work, and life activities. Should also be very safe in order to minimize injury.
We have multiple limited equipment plans. Safe? Fitness training is exponentially safer than pick up basketball, soccer or alpine skiing. 

I think the current programming is spot on. Maybe consider some scaling of the daily general fitness for an older tactical athlete population. Those who got on board 15ish years ago are probably still using the programing but may be a little long in the tooth to keep up.
Best to transition to our SF40 or SF45 programming.

Mixed strength and endurance focused on health and performance
We have several strength, plus endurance plans. Start with the Max Effort Strength + Aerobic Base Training Plan.

Better pricing!!! Everything is too expensive now. Trying to be fit shouldn’t be a significant budget choice.  You guys are great but expensive!
We’ve had one Athlete Subscription Price increase in 18 years … from $29/month to $35/month. 

Programs that incorpoarte a variety of equipment to include TRX.
Our Bodyweight Suspension Program is designed around rings or a similar TRX system.

Dynamic combination- I’m a wildland fire fighter in the spring and fall but then a structural firefighter the rest of the year, so it is hard to prep for wildland and keep the over all strength during wildfire season and still be really functional as a structural firefighter coming out of wildland.
Your ability to train during the wildland fire season depends on the number of wildfires, and your training equipment. We have options for you … TLU Strength if you have access to a gym. Plans/order in the Great Plains Tribe Packet if you have limited equipment. However, you have identified a hole in our programming – In-Season Programming for Wildland Firefighters. I’ll add it to the list. 

More focus on athletes that are 60 and older.  Was involved in a mini-study for those who are older, but never saw any results of the study. Would be greatly interested in providing my experience in providing programs/suggestions for those over 60.
We built the SF60 Packet based on that mini-study, but over three years, we’ve sold just 32 of these. That’s not a lot of interest. 

A better app experience. Love the programming, but the app is clunky.
Copy … we made improvements earlier in the Summer and more are coming.

Endurance bicycle event info, training, exercises, etc.
We’ll likely keep all our bike-specific programming regulated to MTB, and currently have a 100-mile MTB plan, MTB Pre-season Plan, and Colorado Grand Traverse MTB plan.

MTI offers many interesting research ideas/articles. It would be nice to see those ideas on a larger scale with an n > single digit numbers.
Sure would, but attrition rates for our volunteer studies have a 50% attrition rate. Going to paid lab rats helped cut this down significantly, and these paid lab rats are vetted … i.e. they are experienced, fit athletes familiar with MTI programming. This is unlike most exercise science studies which involve untrained college students. As well, we don’t claim to do academic research … our focus is “mission-direct” research focused on programming improvement only. With my 2 decades of experience, I can see the differences in programming with 6 or so trained lab rats, and 4-6 weeks of programming. Many academics disagree … but again, our research is internal focused only. If others don’t like/trust the results that’s okay with me. 

I’m one of the more fit guys in my unit, however I have always found myself getting injured or burnt out on your guys programs. That may be the most useless, constructive criticism but I don’t have a CSCS, therefore I don’t feel qualified to critique the actual details. Just offering anecdotal examples. It’s also been the same with fellow operators who have used your programming, who I work with.
This is new feedback. Our day-to-day Operator-specific programming is 45-60 minutes daily, with weekends off. Some sessions go longer, but are generally endurance focused. As well, I completed our Operator Sessions personally until age 50 … and never had this issue. Beside me were several other 40+ year old lab rats. What I have seen is Operators double up our programming with other stuff … which isn’t sustainable. That being said, I’m looking to drop our daily Operator Sessions down to 45-50 minutes. In a previous mini-study, we found this drop in duration did not impact fitness gains. Understand MTI programming is mission-direct. The fitness demands of the tactical athlete’s mission-set determine the programming. Military Operators have very challenging fitness demands. 

I would like to see seasonal (winter sports and summer sports) training plans for multi sport mountain athletes.  For example, during the winter I will ski (back country and resort), hike, and ice climb.  A normal week might have me ski at the local Hill on Tuesday when my son is at ski practice, top rope ice climb at the quarry down the street on Thursday after work, spend a full weekend day skiing with the family, and spend a full weekend day with my buddies back country skiing or ice climbing ( both cragging and “full” day mountaineering objectives).  Unless I have a specific objective (i.e. winter presidential  traverse in a day), I am not pushing my limits in any of these sports, but they all require a solid level of specific fitness even at the intensity I usually do them at.
I can’t design a training plan that ensures athletes will be at peak fitness for every activity at any time. One of the programming challenges athletes like you present is not only the diverse sports and their fitness demands, but also mountain mission recovery time. Based on a busy week, and rest days, you’ll likely have 1-2 days/week, at most, to do any gym-based fitness training. The best bang for your buck could be to train strength …. Specifically the strength sessions in our TLU Strength programming, and/or our Efficient Strength programming. These sessions are not assessment-based, and can be plugged in to a schedule like this. 

I just did a quick scan of your programs and did not see anything geared to the more mature (55+) folks.  I am not sure if there is a demand for it, but might be something to look into.  Cheers!
Please see our SF55 programming.

Improving the videos of how to do the exercises, they’re rough and it’s a shot to the credibility and professionalism of the program.
Got it. We’ll re-do them.

And, I’m old.  I’m 56 and still have a couple more years before I retire.  A program for old military athletes would be awesome.
Please see our SF55 programming.

All the programmes are focussed on individuals. I wondered if there might be team/Coy collective programmes or ‘grinds’ for teams/pairs. Would love to see some good MTI t-shirts to help spread the word. It’s still fairly small in the UK.
That’s not true … several teams train together and do MTI programming. We’re working on more t-shirts.

More time constrained workout programs.
Our Busy Dad programs cover this currently.

Your programs have taken my abilities to a new level, and I think the only addition, though complicated, would be to offer your programs as classes open to your customers/clients.  If this is already happening please let me know!
I’m not sure the suggestion, here? But I assume you mean a programming course. I believe MTI programming courses are the by far the best educational material for strength and conditioning coaches and motivated athletes, available, but there was a never much of a market for them and I’ve since pulled back. We may offer a course next year and see the response. Perhaps things have changed and more are hungry for this advanced knowledge. 

Programming that adjusts based on data feedback (garmin, polar, etc)
Many devices already have this built in and this could likely only effectively be applied to endurance programming. 

Workout focusing on longevity and durability for beginners, intermediate, and the older operators. Diet and nutrition living out of a gas station, ICP, or deployed environment.
I believe MTI programming is already doing this …. Within the contraints of the mission sets. I.e. heavy rucking is not good for you, but neither is getting shot in the back because you were too slow … part of the impact comes with the job descriptoin. Nurtrition out of a gas station? Tought, but not impossible. Protein first (jerky, boiled eggs, rotissery chicken, etc.) Avoid sugar and bad carbs (bread, chips, etc.)

More content for us old guys! When I started these programs I was still in my 20’s on an ODA but I recently turned 40. I’ve had to accept some tough realities about conditioning! I loved the over 40 program and hope there will be more
We are considering a SF40 Daily Sessions

I’m completing the backcountry plan right now and finding the progression excellent: it is challenging, while still achievable. My biggest concern is transitioning from the training plan into the season without (a) detraining if snow arrives later than I’m expecting, and (b) overtraining, if it arrives earlier. Not so much a request for a product, but rather a request for you to post advice in your newsletter on how to manage the transition best.
Copy … if the season comes late, repeat the last two weeks of the plan. If it comes early, stop the plan and start skiing!

Programs for parents! It’s pretty difficult to commit to 6 days a week with young ones. Endurance Programs with a bit more lifting
Please see our Busy Dad programming. We offer several endurance plans paid with max effort lifting … check out the Big 3 Strenth + 5-Mile Run Training Plan

Focused posterior chain work as part of strength training.  The core circuits offered now might be a good model.
All of our strength plans include posterior chain work … via dead/hinge lifts, good mornings, walking lunges, etc. The only addition might be Nordic Hamstrings, but these are a very advanced exercise that I’ve deployed only with professional freeskiers. 

I know there are a couple of “time saver” type plans, but I’d like to see some more of those: 45 min or less with two longer sessions on weekend. Additionally, please take a look at some split two a day style programs: I can’t necessarily give a full 60-75 uninterrupted minutes, but could do it split in half: morning/afternoon or morning/lunch. That type of thing. Keep up the awesome work.
I’ll consider it … but we already have several plans with sub-60-minute training sessions. Two-a-days? Some of our school and many of our selection plans have 2-a-days, but for general fitness, it would take longer to go to the gym twice, change close twice, warm up twice, etc. than to just do the entire training session at one time. 

Perhaps offer a bit more variety in your courses. Some of them can be quite repetitive.
This is by design and reflects progressed programming. Not all plans are like this …. TLU Strength, Efficient Strength and some others are not assessment-based. 

50+ programming with minimal impact (i.e., running farther than suicide sprints)
I’ll consider this.

Connect to Apple health
Likely not, sorry. But you can wear your apple watch during training and see changes/impact there.

Follow-along kettlebell HIIT 30, 60, or  90day program Thank you.
Not sure I’m following this idea …. But we’ll likely never film ourselves training through a full session for others to follow along. Understand that most of our athletes “graduate” to MTI from other programs and come with a higher level of training experience … and don’t need hand holding. 

Limited equipment + limited space daily programming to compete with similar products such as Street Parking or MTNTOUGH. I travel a lot for work, often weeks at a time and I get bored of repeating ‘Stuck in a Motel’ and there is often not enough space for shuttle runs in hotel gyms to do any of the other limited equipment plans. I’d be more than happy to help develop or lab rat anything like this as I want to keep giving my money to MTI.
We have multiple limited equipment plans – including bodyweight. We always ran shuttles in the parking lot/grass outside the motel. And you can always replace shuttle sprints with Touch/Jump/Touch, Box Jumps, Jingle Jangles, etc. I answer these type of exercise substitution questions all the time … 

Continue improving plan packets. I like knowing what I should do next
Some, but not all, of our training packets are progressive at the plan level. This is a great idea and one I’ll consider in terms of designed progressive base fitness training packets.

Free nutrition plans either with purchase or with previous purchase of plans or just free in general.
We already have a free nutrition plan HERE.

This may already exist, but stand alone fitness tests to reveal weaknesses, and some context for their applicability to a discipline of interest.
We have multiple fitness assessments. Click HERE for a full list.

Different levels of monthly subscriptions would be great!  A level that gives you access to everything, a lower that only gives access to winter sports, another for only summer sports, another for only hunting, etc.  Or pick and choose, $10/month for access to 3 plans, $15 for 5, etc.
Interesting idea … the issue is our already confusing product lists. We did just launch Daily Programming for Base Fitness and plan to expand these. 

Also, “lower level” plans for athletes new to outdoor pursuits, like a “couch to 5k” but for outdoor specific pursuits.  For example, maybe someone wants to bag several 14ers in a season, but the Peak Bagger plan is way too much for them. A “build your strength and endurance with this Novice plan for 8 weeks, then jump into the actual Peak Bagger plan” approach.  Or like a Novice, Intermediate, and Pro level for the plans. Or alternatively, a guide on how to scale the workouts: “if you’re completely out of shape, cut the work load by 50%, if you’re in between, cut by 30%, etc” would be really useful.
We already have a Mountaineering and Hiking Prep Plan, but could expand this idea, and/or make more plans assessment-based and scale progressions based on the most recent assessment. 

Lastly, personalized plans would be nice, since different people have different goals, being able to request a plan would be great, and people would pay a premium for that.
I have offered personalized plans previously … and didn’t have a single taker. Most don’t need a personalized plan, but if you want one, the price starts at $500. This helps encourage our exiting plans!

I just keep buying programs and getting stronger! An agility/flexibility program might be a nice change of pace but that’s just where I’m weakest.
I’ve struggled for years to develop a solid mobility/flexibility plan, and am still grinding. It’s more complicated than you think to do well!

Training for unexperienced athlete.
Most of our athletes “graduate” to MTI from Crossfit or similar programs and come with some basic freeweight training knowledge. We do have a Bodyweigth Beginner plan for unfit athletes coming in. But even a fit, inexperienced athlete (weigth training) should be able to figure our stuff out. We don’t deploy complicated exercises. 

Less nutrition- Rob’s latest email was basically “here’s my disordered eating all for a few pounds!” Would love more no equipment training. Also wondering if the plans change year to year (ski plans for example).
Wow – less nutrition. We don’t have much anyway! And I’m 2+ months on the one-meal a day, rest protein shake diet, and have plateaued at 155 pounds (no more weight loss). It might be that my dream of getting down to my college freshman weight of 145 isn’t attainable! We have 6+ bodyweight strength plans … 

Plans that help build strength alongside cardio/endurance that are based more on barbell/ limited space. I don’t have a sandbag, and my gym equipment isn’t next to a running track. This makes it difficult to complete a lot of MTI’s multi-modal kind of plans where you’re super setting sandbag exercises with dumbbells and running and climbing over things.
I understand, which the equipment list is fairly specific about a fully outfitted functional fitness gym. However, our gym was never next to a running track, and we’d do the sandbag cleans, open the door and run on the road outside … even in the winter. Be resourceful!

I’m a typical busy cop with limited time to train.  I’d like to see more of the limited time training
Our LE Officer sessions are 60 minutes long, but I can decrease them to 45 minutes. I’ll consider it.

First of all I LOVE MTI, it’s the best stuff ever. I would love to see a bodyweight only BJJ/LE program. Or maybe just bodyweight, sandbags, & kettlebells only BJJ/LE program. I travel a lot for conferences & trainings & I don’t always have access to a full gym, I can always do bodyweight or I can usually pack a kettlebell or a sandbag. Thanks a lot, I appreciate what you guys do!
We’ve started a Daily Tactical BJJ stream – which Charlie (BJJ practitioner) programs. I’ll send your suggestion to him.

Improved integration of exercise demonstrations into plans. Maybe a timer/stopwatch integrated into the appPersonally, I struggle with maintaining muscle mass as soon as I start endurance and would like to see a mixture of your back country hunt program and the hypertrophy for skinny guys. I constantly switch between these two programs – love ‘‘em both but would like to see something that hits these two concepts. Maybe more programming that provides two-a-days (AM lift / PM run)  I love your stuff and look forward to my workouts everyday.
We’re working and app update which will increase some of the offerings. However, backcountry hunting and hypertrophy don’t mix … hypertrophy = mass for appearance = just extra weight you have to lug up the mountain. I want you strong, but not bulky, for bc hunting. 

I’ve used MTI as my primary fitness programming reference for ~3 years now and am a loyal customer. I use the app every day and appreciate the recent tweaks to improve it. As a new triathlete, I’d like to see a specific plan for triathlon off-season training as I work to improve my fitness heading into the spring season.

We already have an Off-Season Endurance Strength Training Plan – which is what I’d recommend for tri-off season. However, if you’ve already done this or want something more tri-specific (without running, biking, swimming)- email me

Rugby programming
I’ve only had one request for this and I’ll consider it, but it’s not a priority.

Basic mountain training for senior athletes (65+ y.o.).
I’ll consider building an assessment-based mountaineering plan that will scale to the athlete.

Extreme core for older athletes. I am a NP in Mass I refer clients to your site all the time. I have purchased several of the programs, and have participated  as a rat for several of the studies.
Interesting idea … I’ve struggled for years to develop a core assessment, from which an assessment-based plan would be developed. I’ll continue the work.

Not much on products. Your plans are premier, so I cannot offer anything there. Potentially more “swag” or “gear” to rep MTI to the public. The lab results from your studies are incredible and I appreciate any application to hunting/hiking as well.
Working on more “swag”…. 

Overall love the approach and programming. As a now 60yo mountain athlete I still go hard occasionally but certainly not like I did in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.  Would love to hear Rob’s thoughts on how/when/if to adapt/scale programming to accommodate slower recovery times, joint wear/tear, etc as we age.  Thanks! Keep up the great work!
 I plan on building an assessment-based mountaineering plan which should cover your suggestion.

Perfect world, back country climbing. Endurance focused. 70 yr male still climbing high Sierra. Plus trans continental solo bike touring.
Not sure what back-country climbing is … long hiking or trad climbing with a long approach? Likely not on trans continental solo bike touring … little out of our wheel house. Email me, with an explanation of back-country climbing.

I’d love to see more programming for athletes like myself who are pushing 50 that can be done alongside my activities. As a mountain athlete I have a lot of different interests and sports and let’s face it, injuries. A lot of my fitness come from doing the thing but I really need some good fitness plans for a strong durable body. Oh, and do it from home with limited equipment like sandbags, dumbbells, etc.
Please see our SF50 Programming for now. I’m not sure what changes I’d make for a mountain athlete … especially an active one. In general, being sport-specific fit is the best thing you can do for durability. Next is a high relative strength (strength per bodyweight). 

Maybe one request – I frequently have both the MTI app and a clock/timer app open at the same time.  It would be nice to have a single interface. Perhaps an integrated stopwatch and/or countdown timer?  E.g. if the routine is a 35 minute grind, I just hit “start” within the app… Or if there is a 60 second rest between sets … etc.  It wouldn’t have to be too intelligent — just removes the interrupt of toggling between the workout and whatever time-dimension I’m currently tracking.
Hoping to add this functionality to our app!

Maybe a short 20-30 minute podcast once or twice a month highlighting a general interest topic related to training, nutrition, recovery.
We’re considering this, or something similar. However, I have no interest in being a celebrity strength coach of fitness “influencer”! 

Really pleased so far with the job specific articles and studies you post. Also the training calendar geared towards firefighter shift schedules is really cool. Keep up the great work! There’s nothing else like it out there! Also….any idea if there will be a reissue of the big cat series shirts?!
Big Cat series shirts?   Whoa .. we’ll consider this!

Programs with increasing strength and endurance simultaneously.
Already have several of these including Big 3 Strength + 1.5/2/3/5 and 6-mile run plans, Max Effort Strength + Aerobic Base, etc. Email me,, for a specific suggestion.

56 year old USMC Veteran that needs to maintain functional fitness and stay in shape for hunting.  The cartilage in my knees is nearly gone, and they painfully and sickeningly grind side to side when I attempt lunges.  I need to keep what is left of my knees, and so many of the plans are heavy on lunges.  I need a base program similar to Pat Mac’s CST plus rucking for functional fitness year round with a slow ramp up to hunting season.  Recovery is a real challenge for me – when I ramp up on most programs I simply can’t recover fast enough.  Interested whatever would be best suited for that.
I’ve been investigating and trying the Knees Over Toes guy and prescription for knee pain. In my limited work with this so far, it’s helped. Search for him on YouTube.

More programs for beginner level fitness/ intermediate level fitness plans for military athletes.
Many of our plans are already assessment-based, and automatically “scale” to the incoming fitness of the athlete. 

What weight training would help with endurance running and how would I work weights into all phases of a well-designed plan, i.e. Base Plan, Build Plan, and Specialty Plan
Several of our Base Fitness plans concurrently train multiple fitness attributes – strength, work capacity, chassis integrity, endurance.

Variations for the sake of variety of ski prep plans
This is an interesting idea …. The specific exercises/progression in our dryland ski programming was A/B tested over 15 years … and it’s the best we found. Should we change it to add variety? I’m not sure if you are only doing it once per year – directly before ski season. However, this raises an interesting accomodation question … i.e. even though you do this only once per year, do your yearly gains from the programming decrease because you’re body is used to the stimulus? I’m not sure … and need to investigate this. If not … this is proven programming and I’m hesitant to change it to keep the athlete entertained!

Trades worker – Carpentry (I am currently going into carpenters apprenticeship in 1 year and looking for training/conditioning from zero upper/lower body endurance but background in powerlifting)
Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan

An app with better tracking of workouts
Working on it!

Now that Rob is getting old(er), how about programs for old(er) athletes… please.
We already have programming for 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+ and 60+ and are considering adding older-athlete daily streams.

I am 3rd service EMS so still government but not Fire Based.  My job doesn’t have the same physical demands as fire rescue however it does when it come to patient movement.
I don’t have an EMS-specific plan, and until I do, I’d recommend our General Fitness programming via the General Fitness Daily Sessions or the Country Singer Plans. 

More training plans for ultra endurance that include both strength and endurance programming. Or, plans for specific events like UTMB, Western States, Leadville 100, etc.
The issue with Ultra programming is the training time needed for the mileage volume – this doesn’t leave much time for strength training and/or recovery from it. I will consider building race-specific ultra plans – this is a great idea!

The notes function needs some more work to be intuitive or if there was a way to make it so that for exercises that say “hard as possible” or 1 rep maxes you could just type in a box by it and enter the data.
We’ll consider this in our upcoming app update

Single sign on for the app so users don’t have to input their passwords every few weeks.
I’m not sure the standard, but it seems for most websites/apps I need to enter my password every few weeks. 

Standards scoring on the app to compare quickly. Option to click explanations or YouTube link for exercises. I just want a reminder not a full video.
We’ll look to add verbal descriptions if possible

More water based training. To improve water confidence.
We already have several water-based course plans that include water confidence – including Combat Diver, Rescue Swimmer, etc. 

It would be awesome to have some kind of continuous programming recommendations that cater to the specific athlete that I am. For example, being a climber/mountianeer, sometimes I struggle between expeditions: what kind of training do I do to maintain my fitness level? How and when do I transition to a more specific training plan when I have an objective ahead of me? I know MTI has mountain specific plans like the Denali one, which is great just before the objective. But what do I transition to after, and how do I ensure I have the relevant periodization and progression and sport specificity in between objectives? Kind of like the daily operator series but more sport focused. I think the building blocks are there already – but how do I combine them is the question.
Our Greek Hero plans are desgigned to do this – base fitness mountain athlete programming between event-specific train ups. We are also considering adding a Daily Session stream for multi-sport mountain athletes. 

Mountain Athlete – Endurance Focused (Bike) programmes
Other than our MTB Plans …. I’m not sure I’d program for road cycling. 

Nutrition! More mode specific nutrition information.
Nutrition can be a minefield … but we’ll consider it. Overall, it’s not complicated to eat “clean” and our nutritional guidelines are solid and simple. 

I typically only have 45 mins to workout each day, so I benefit from those workouts.
Copy … lots of requests for shorter sessions.

I have a buddy training on his own to be a “lineman”. They have to shimmy poles and stuff like that. Idk may be something to co spider putting a plan together for. I pointed him your way. Otherwise I really appreciate your well rounded programs.
First request for something like this. Not sure it’s in our wheelhouse.

Training plan for 20to50km trial runs , long thru hikes and half marathons
We already have plans for all of these. Check the mountain plan library and search for “half marathon”.

Updated exercise demo videos & app interface improvements for a cleaner more modern look
Working on both of these

Any circuit-style workouts in multiples of 4 that we could do as a crew/shift at work.
You can compete any of our training plans as a team and several tactical teams do.

I’d  enjoy research beyond the “mini studies”. These are my favorite MTI articles to read and have shaped much of my fitness approach. I value tested performance and continued refinement. While publication is not a goal, this step helps hone in on mission-direct solutions and dive deeper. Expanding these mini studies, obtaining peer reviews, and publishing final research products would be a feature I’d love to see.
We’ll likely never pursue academic research … it’s too constrictive for practical application. But I’m glad you appreciate the mission-direct research we do.

Might be time to do an app. Site navigation is a bit jangly on my iPhone for some reason. I can never seem to find the sandbags and other gear for some reason
We have had an app for several years! Click HERE.

The app can be a little wonky (i.e. have to reopen the plan again instead of toggling back to it from the exercises menu). Would love to see some quick warm-ups/mobility drills for before/after my long runs when I’m not necessarily in a strength phase. Thanks for doing what you do!
Copy … we’re working on the app

Meal plans
We’ll consider these and already have one available HERE.

I’m about to retire and become a full time airline pilot. I want to stay in shape for hunting and hiking. Being on the road half the time will be a challenge. I want to continue training on the road. Hotel gyms are very limited and terrain varies greatly. Is there any programming that has a combination of full gym and hotel gym (basic free weights) for off season Mountain activities? As a military pilot I’ve had to deal with traveling frequently. And so far I’ve done combinations of two trainings at a time. An example is Big 24 and 2 mile improvement. I’ll do Big 24 at home when I have access to a gym and 2 mile improvement on the road.
I’ve developed something like this called the Traveling Agent Training Planfor federal agents with similar travel schedules. See if it will work for you.

Specialized programming/equipment, personalized plans, mobile app, discord support groups.
We already have a mobile app, and not sure many need a personalized plan as many of our plans are assessment-based or event-specific. Discord? Tried this, but it never gained traction.

Ultra programs with Olympic lifting/CrossFit workouts to maintain strength
Issue here is training time given the volume needed to train for the ultra. That being said, all of our Ultra plans do include strength training – though it may be bodyweight strength.

Some workouts for older, broke-down, former SOF athletes that can no longer deadlift or BB squat because of spine damage, but still want to maintain their fitness.
Please see our Bodyweight training.

Programming/nutrition advice for athletes in their 50’s who want to maximise health and longevity but also keep up with the young studs when necessary
Please see our Nutrition Guidelines and SF50 and SF55 programming

Exercises are to big somedays. Being wrecked with no strength from yesterday’s work and workout, then going on a call can be very difficult/dangerous. A hey if you need to do a lighter workout section would be helpful. I love the workouts I just don’t have a job where I can just sit and recover for the next workout.
Recovery improves with improving fitness. Stick with it and trust the programmng.

Info that talks about working programming around mandatory unit PT.
This is a tough one, as mandatory PT varies greatly. But in general, unit PT is focused on bodyweight strength and running. What’s missing is focused max effort strength training. If you can do a two-a-day, I’d recommend supplementing Unit PT with the strength sessions from TLU strength, 3 days/week, to start.

More “Efficient Strength Training” circuits, hypertrophy, and work capacity sessions that are time-efficient (30-45 minutes) and can be done with limited equipment!
Several of our Base Fitness cycles deploy Efficient Strength programming. See our Busy Dad, Full Gym Plans. 

A more interactive App that allows me to check off my exercises while I do them. Or if the app fed directly to Garmin, that would be awesome
We’re working on an app upgrade, but this next one doesn’t include integration with Garmin.

How about cross-training plans for cyclists?
I yet to delve into road cycling beyond our Triathlon Plans and our Power-Based Training Plan. 

Love the product; is it possible to get pdf versions of the programs?
Sorry, no. We went online several years ago via the website and app.

Plans are great and cover what I need as an old guy.   might be useful to have a searchable database of your training recommendations and answers to questions.  Perhaps this is already available like a FAQ.
We use our Search Function on the site for this. It accesses our Q&As …. And you can also just email a question

A little more attention to detail in some of the plans and exercises. Leaving out sets and n some of the plans. SF50 A

I would like to see an expanded SF45 and up age group workouts. I am not the tip of the spear anymore at 48 having retired but I still enjoy staying fit. I find the volume is what gets me on the daily operator sessions but the SF45 and older ones are perfect.
We’re considering Daily Sessions for our older-athlete programming.

Help stringing together plans for year round training
Email me,

Overall, I love all that MTI has to offer.  The one thing I would be happy to see in the future though is a resource for exercise substitute. For example, if we don’t have immediate space to do a 150m shuttle sprint during our training set, what would you prescribe to supplement that movement in a more confined space.  Thanks for everything you guys do!
Interesting idea! We’ll consider it. However, unless it’s frigid outside, you can do these on a street.

Endurance bikepacking, Endurance Fat biking,
Interesting. Haven’t had this request before. 

More limited equipment programming

We have plenty currently, including the 5 Great Plains Tribe Plans, 4x Bodyweight Plans, and Busy Dad Limited Equipment plans, to name a few. 

Flexible base programming similar to the “in-season endurance” packet that allows for 2=3ish days per week of whatever activity is seasonally appropriate.

I get asked this question frequently, and the general answer is to do the sessions in order, but just go for 2-3 days/week instead of the prescribed 5 and shift the calendar to the right (i.e. extend the time to complet the plan.) But we can do better and specify this. 

Post injury/rehab conditioning. “Getting back in the game”
We already have a Post-Rehab Leg and Hip Replacement Recovery training plans. My general answer for other injuries is to start with a bodyweigh strength plan or one of our single limb strength plans, so you can use lighter weight on your recovering limb.

I have used your 1/2 marathon program (4 times) with great results. I have been a runner my whole life (40y/o) and this program dropped my mile times by over 3min. I also used the strength training for endurance athletes during off-season program (just started it again for the third time). I would love a 1/2 marathon training program that builds on the current one. I have a goal of running a sub 1:45hr 1/2.
Thanks! Because this plan is assessment-based, it should work, but the issue for you is that you’ve run the plan 4 times …. And likely accommodated to the stimulus. I’d recommend trying another coach’s plan and see if you get a bump. 

More plans for those focused on combat sports/martial arts and other technical elements, like shooting.
This is a little tricky as there is such a technical element to MMA/BJJ. We do have a Tactcial Shooting Competition Training Plan which includes fitness and shooting drills. As well, our Range Fitness Mid-Range Carbine plan is all shooting under stress programming. Click HERE.

Maybe some guidance on meal prep. I like the study articles we receive too. If there were some programs more geared towards attaining combat sports fitness, that would be cool, thank you!
We do have one Meal Plan, HERE.

More ice climbing.
I’ll consider this. Issue is the sport is so early-season focused I’m not sure we need more than our current Ice/Mixed Climbing Preseason Training Plan.

Paddlesports programs
We have a Kayak/Paddling Pre-Season Training Program.

More “crushed for time” plans. The greatest challenge I find is finding time to squeeze in the training I want to/should so. 35-45 minutes is about the max I have time for.
Please see the Busy Dad plans

A training program for mixed mountain activities. I live in Italy and take a few trips into the Alps each year. A weeklong trip (average trip is from 5-10 days) may consist of days with just long hikes, or full days climbing on a Ferrata with a hike to and off the route. Or even more than one Ferrata in a day with lots of trekking thrown in. Other days might see a trek up and down a summit. If the terrain is doable you can have some off trail exploring that entails strenuous movements across different terrains with even some scrambling involved. Literally you could even do all the above in one day if the situation is there.
Our Greek Heroine Plans are designed to build “base fitness” for multi-sport mountain athletes and are what I’d recommend.

Would love to see coach training offerings.  , develop coaches to train with their units using MTN programming and theory.
Copy … I’ll consider offering a programming course and gage the interest. 

Pull ups are an integral part of most of your program. It would be nice to include an alternative exercise for pull ups.
Negative pull-ups are what I recommend for those who can’t do a pull up.

Remove the multifactor authentication to login…it is difficulr to access my account while overseas where personal phones arent taken.
I’m sorry … we do our best with this but have people share passwords/accounts and steal from us. If it’s a major issue, pls email us and we’ll consider doing it temporarily while you’re deployed. 

Tactical training with some traditional bodybuilding would be fun.
Our Base Fitenss programming for LE Patrol/Detectives includes upper body hypertrophy work. See the Spirits Packet plans. 

Not sure what I would add. I like your stuff and I like that the app is simple, though I’m old school and like to print out.
Copy. You can print out programing by the week using a web browser on a lap top and a printer.

Would love to see some mountain options that target 50+/60+ athletes. As our country ages, those of us who are turning gray are becoming an ever growing demographic. Lots of businesses are now realizing that. Thanks for great programming!
Copy …. This is a common request and I’ll consider this programming.

I’d like to see an application where videos are included with the workouts. The Train Heroic app really works well for this.
Copy …. Working on this.

Raw strength training. Body composition
We have multiple strength plans, but no body composition plans. Not our focus. 

It might seem silly, but a hero based program based on civilian overall general physical preparedness similar to the BJJ program. For example, Ethan Hunt could have an endurance/chassis integrity focus. Jason Bourne could have a strength focus. James Bond could have a bodyweight and work capacity focus. Just thinking that those would be popular and sound interesting from a marketing perspective. Overall, the programs I have bought have been excellent. My next purchase will be SF 50, Gladiator, then Resilience for the summer. Thank you.
We have this already, but I named it after Country Singers …. Our Country Singer Packet. 

All of programs are awesome.   I’d like to see some resources on moving programs that require fully functional gyms to home based gyms.
A home gym with a rack, barbell, plates, bench, plyo box, sandbag and set of dumbbells is nearly the same as a fully functional 

In person coaching groups- for running,  skimo, even hunting training
In-person means zoom/remote? I’m not following.

I just retired as a Correctional Officer at a prison. I backpack and hike primarily. I would be interested in modified programs for older adults.
Copy … pls see our SF40, 50 etc. programming for older athletes. 

Long term post-partum plans to get back into the gym for real
I’ll consider this, but have been hesitant previously.

Bring back the squad Pt rotating programming. Awesome and easy for squads to manage
I’d love to, but overall Sqad PT was a business failure for us. I thought it was awesome, but it never gained traction. 

Programming focused on weight loss/body composition, but also improvement for general warrior tasks and battle drills. Squad/platoon holistic health plans would be great too.
We have a Fat Loss Training Plan, nutrition guidelines, and several options for military athletes – look at our Virtue Packet to start. 

More gear, clothes, etc.
Considering it … on the clothes, but likely not the gear unless we can set up a curated store. 

Data on strength/conditioning relating to injury prevention. View of some admin is that those who workout the most have been more likely to be out due to injury than less active officers. I can attest that anecdotally this seems to be true, and 4/5 last officers on light duty go to gym regularly.
Hmmm …. This is interesting, and counter intuitive. 

Thanks for asking.  am a senior outdoor athlete and a NASM- certified personal trainer. I would like to see training programs that specifically focus on improving, not just maintaning, dynamic balance.
Not seeing the end point here for general “balance” – other than for seniors concerned about falls and hip breaks. In my experience, sport-related “balance” can be very mode-specific, i.e. a pro skier can’t slackline, and a climber who slacklines, can’t stay out of the “back seat” while skiing. 

A recovery plan you can do concurrent with whatever other plan you decide to do. I find when I do a “recovery” session I stretch/roll out, look at bullshit on my phone, and call it good. Even single sessions (instead of a week’s long plan) for after a lower, upper, push, pull, or long distance day would be cool.
“Recovery” and stretching/mobility/foam rolling aren’t the same. As well, there’s not a lot of evidence that increased flexibility/mobility leads to fewer injuries and/or increased performance. Many of our training sessions include just two rounds (about 5 minutes) of foam rolling/mobility at the end. I found that for myself and athletes, more than that and they lose interest. 

Nope. Sorry … unless we can offer curated suggestions/goods.

Overall phone app improvements. The app has gotten better over the last year I’ve been using it, but there’s still some UI/functionality issues. Example: When inputting notes into the Notes section of the app, when you save, and then come back to the note to update it during your workout you’ll find a ton of space randomly in between the lines of text you placed. When you go in to edit the note, the symbol(s) “” appears. I don’t code, I don’t know what this means….BUT, it signifies an entire of your entry has been spaced out. Don’t delete the and when you come back to the note there will be even more space and when you go to edit there will be more of these ’s around. Now yeah, you can delete each one and your note will go back to looking how you originally formatted it. BUT, save and leave the note and then come back to update it again and the spaces reappear. So now you have to edit your note every time to remove the spaces and redundant code. So obviously this frustrated me this morning. But literally, that’s my only gripe and it’s about app functionality which I’m assuming you guys contract third party. So as far as improving the programming, I’ve got nothing. I love the workouts and how distinct/dynamic they are. Working through the Greek Hero set rn, just started Ulysses this past Monday and I’m loving it.
My apologies. Working on another upgrade now.

I wouldn’t change much with your products and services. One idea more along the mini study and newsletter side of the house that I think would be interesting is if MTI picked an athlete and follow them from day one of a program, to their sport specific event, then afterward. I feel like this would work best with a tactical or mountain athlete familiar with the structure and programming of MTI who is already reasonably fit or possesses a strong base at the start. An example might be SGT Smith. 6 years as an infantrymen with a future date to attend SFAS or Ranger School. Maybe SGT. Smith emailed MTI asking “Which plans for SFAS in 10 Months?” Coach then responds with the recommended plan(s) for the individual’s timeline and specified event like usual.This is where MTI asks SGT Smith if he would be willing to let MTI Track and follow him to, through, and after the event. Posting his training progress and assessments and maybe writing a short summary at the end of each training week. This could be published in the weekly newsletter. Something like this rolling feature profiling someone start to finish would be pretty cool. It’s just a silly idea. Anyway I love what MTI does and more importantly I love what MTI DOESN’T Do. Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t fix anything that isn’t broken. It’s what I love about MTI. It evolves, studies and assesses their own approach, and strives to bring programs that have what athletes need most and not garage fillers and fads. You’ve had my respect and trust for over a decade now. Thanks for all your hard work!
Interesting idea to follow one athlete through to selection an event. We’ve tried this before with poor results, but could revisit it. 

Stretching routine, 10-15min/day.  Currently using pliability. Rucking routine.Adaptations for bodyweight, limited time, limited equipment routines while traveling. Adaptations to ski dryland preseason training v5 for athletes over 50. Tennis program.
We already have several rucking plans, and will consider a mobility supplement. Sorry, no on tennis – a little out of our wheelhouse (mountain tactical)

I ordered one of your mountain fitness programs a few years back and found it too intense for an old backpacker like myself, especially when it came to the step-ups with load.  I have never been as worn out on a trail as I have been after trying to complete a step-up session, and I regularly hike and backpack the Rockies and Grand Canyon (over 125 days below the rim on 21 multi-day backpacks).  Hey!  When the program states 300, 400 or 500 step-up, are the supposed to be done continuously or can they be broken down into sets? I noticed you had some programs geared toward working in federal prisons.  I think there was one for Leavenworth or Lewisburg, and one for ADX Florence.  During my career Zi worked all of those pens and also USP Marion, Lompoc, and Florence, and I doubt there are fifty correctional officers in all those pens combined who could complete that program!  Sad…but true. The above being said, I think the program I purchased was well structured and helped me improve my fitness level.
Copy … you may need to do our Mountaineering and Hiking Prep plan first. 

More gear/merch to purchase! Also, it might be nice to come out to your HQ for a 2-4 day training forum. I’ve seen one announced before that seemed to be for a selective group of athletes/coaches, but maybe something for average dudes?!
We’ll look to increase our t-shirt/hat offerings, and perhaps offer another programming course.

I was introduced to your programming in 2010 while deployed. I’ve since left the army and I’m currently in an investigative position in a municipal police service (detective). I am working through the Greek Hero package (starting the fourth plan). I’ve previously completed the LE spirits package, but found there was not enough cardio for my desired fitness as well as personal enjoyment. I enjoyed the shorter sessions and after the heroes package may return to LE with 2-a-days which include runs (I enjoyed the hypertrophy) and alternating with military programming. I haven’t looked into Swat programming so not sure if that might be a better option. Selfishly, I’d also like to see an update to the Heroes and Spirits programming to reflect the most up to date programming. Overall, I’m very happy with the quality of programming. I’ve traditionally purchased plans, but I’d like to see other options for subscriptions including daily programming offered as as a stand alone at a cheaper rate. If that were an option I would consider that instead of recycling through plans. Alternatively, if you offered revolving discounted plans, I’d also look at that as a way to continue to support you (I purchased the BJJ plans previously with no real intention to follow them: I wanted to see your programming and support you because of all you do for the community). I know this might be long winded, but thought it would give you a snapshot of an athlete competing your programming. Thank you for all you do.
Thanks for the note, we do have several Daily Programming Streams available now and may be adding more. 

Cardio and fitness programs for wrestling/grappling
Closest we have now is Bjj …. But might offer this as a Prep-Strength pre-season plan. 

I’d like it if the app exercise library didn’t take you straight to YouTube. Could be just the written instructions with a link to the video at the bottom. The new function to save progress in a plan is very nice thank you for that. Keep up the great work it’s life changing stuff.
Working on another app update now

I think some scaling options for movements or equipment would be great!
This can get very complicated, really fast – best to email me a direct question. 

Updated goruck plans and updated BJJ plan. I first joined MTI years ago for the goruck training, which was fantastic. Recently have gotten into BJJ.
Our BJJ plan is new and we just offered a BJJ/Grappling stream. Goruck is a little tricky as Goruck seems to keep adding events and changing cadre….

It would be nice to have a printer friendly version for each workout by day and/or week. I’m currently having to use my phone which locks out or is not conducive to carry while running or inclement weather (my gym is outside).
You can print training by the week using a web browser and a printer. 

SF55 winter/ski version
Copy …. The idea of an assessment-based mountain programming has been a theme in these comments from older athletes. Being assessment-based would mean the plan would automatically “scale” to the individual athlete.

I have a lot of the purchase plans and really like them. I would like to be able to test in a maybe 30 day trial the actual subscription plan…not a “sample” but what that day’s actual workout is. It’d give me a sense of my fitness level to do the daily workouts and where the focus is right now for the daily subscription. Also, make an easy way to print the daily and weekly workouts from a plan. Make it compact and easy to take with you and the physically check off “complete.” Online version for plans are great but there’s something about having a hard-copy to post to keep you committed and something to carry if not taking electronics with you. Finally, maybe consider suggesting where to purchase or make equipment. I’m having a hard time finding a climbing rope set-up for home use. (Mount outside to home, stand alone, easy rope removal for weather, etc)
Copy all … you can print a week at a time using a web browser and a printer. Just hit “print”.

I would be interested learning a conversion for using a vertical climber as a mode of cardio, that is, if the call is to run 200m but I don’t have space, what would that translate to on a climber (versa climber or equivalent)?
Go as hard as possible for 45 seconds. Do the conversion in time. 

Improvement in the app. It’s still clunky to use, especially the daily operator programming. The bookmarking doesn’t really seem to work.
Working on it.

Training plan for Norwegian Foot March.
I’ll consider it

I’m a helicopter rescue swimmer in the USCG, I wasn’t sure what category to put that under. I would like to see a program that focuses on improving cardiovascular performance whilst concurrently working on hypertrophy for muscle growth (looking the part)
You should be completing our Pirate Packet of plans for tactical athletes with water-based mission sets. Hypertropy? Not needed for your mission set. 

Plans with a balance of mobility, strength and endurance.
We have plenty of strength and endurance plans, but have never prioritized mobility.

More running programmed into the training.
We have multiple running-focused plans. Pls email for suggestions

Strength, Running, and Rucking program for Army SF. Q-course prep, with the addition of weight training would be great.
We already have a Q-Course Prep Plan

Good substitutions for equipment or exercises. Alternatives. Sometimes I’m working through an injury but have to make up a substitute. I’m satisfied, just something to consider
Best to email

More content on YouTube.
Likely not …. sorry. We aspire to be quiet professionals. 

I’ve done your program on and off for years.  Im an older athlete who always has an injury or two.  Currently just trying to maintain strength until the end of my career (urban firefigjter).  I’m currently 51 and retire in 5 years.  Mitigation of sleep deprivation is my main difficulty with training on a regular basis. Or training hard. I find that after my shift I can either do an easy ruck or easy cardio.  The next day I’m still dragging.  At this point in my career I’m happy if I don’t get injured or decrease in performance too much.
I’m 55 and understand!

Group, unit physical training plans that can be completed by small unit leaders with minimal equipment. More variation in plans or an article explaining the philosophy. And the philosophy of ruck intervals. Is there a point of no return for injuries or maybe as previous endurance athlete when I hear intervals I run them at 7:30-7:40 pace, is that rucking or is rucking slower?
Small Units with limited equipment? Interesting idea …. Ruck intervals …. 1/3 the distance, 20% faster than the assessment pace.

MTI is always publishing studies but they’re ALWAYS with a small sample size. That’s not descriptive of every weight and body type. I want to see research studies uses a larger varied sample size with different individuals from all walks of life.
All walks of life? No …. We’re focused on research using fit, trained athletes. More subjects? I wish, but It’s not that simple or easy. 

I’d like to see a bit more functionality with the app; I love having the workouts on my phone but it’s pretty bare bones. Would be nice to have the calculators embedded in the workouts to know what splits I need to run, ruck, or swim, and would love to be able to record max weights for lifts and have them automatically calculate my working rep weights. Keep the awesome programming coming! I’ve been a “Military Athlete” with you guys for 10 years now. I have switched it up with different programs here and there but always keep coming back to you guys!
Copy … working on the app always

Mountain rescue
See our Wilderness Packet for mountain professionals, including mountain rescue.

I would like to see a post season recovery 4 week training block for wildland fire. A block that helps a wild land firefighter transition from the season (alternating schedules, tough to plan PT) to getting back into a routine that looks more like a Mon-Saturday routine, that is light to moderate in intensity. Focus on Hip and Shoulder mobility, while reintroducing strength training and aerobic base.
Great idea, as well as an In-Season Training Plan. I’ll Consider it. 

Something similar to the Tactical BJJ plans, but for Muay Thai.
We’ll consider it, but that’s a fairly narrow request.

I wish I could log my weights in the app itself for each workout.  I used to use an analog product, but my phone is always with me.  Being able to prepare weights going to be used inside the app would save seconds and eventually minutes when my time is limited.  It also allows me to plan my workout for a group setting ie unit fitness.
Working on adding this to the app.

A single 12 month cycle for a multi sport mountain athlete with programming that accommodates recreation. I often fail to finish MTI cycles because I burn out, feeling like I’m spending more time training for the activities than doing the things I love.
Copy …. In general fitness training should not impact mountain performance because of fatigue and/or soreness. Complete the sessions in order, but spread them out as needed … so if you’re hitting the mountains hard on the weekends, take Friday off in preparation, and Monday off for recovery. Train Tues/Wed/Thurs … or less, to recover. 

I would like to see an MTI interrupted training plan where I can expect that I will only be able to exercise 3-4 days each week, but I do not know which days I will be available. Both full gym and limited equipment versions of this program would be very helpful.
This is possible with several of our plans … by pushing the calendar to the right and stretching out the programming. However, we can make it a little more intuitive and I’ll consider it … specifically a plan which can be completed 2-4 days/week.

Personal coaching for reservists and national guard members.
We can do personal coaching, but it’s expensive …

Anything that will help a 50+ broken veteran who used to have “it” and wants to get some of “it” back!
SF50 Plans

Running, kettlebells,
Have plans for both already …

I personally would like like to see more six day a week programming. As an athlete that takes his profession seriously, is able to maintain a high degree of fitness, and has the time to train a lot, I find five days a week to not always be enough for me.

I don’t like to design 6-day/week base fitness plans for tactical professionals … I’m concerned about the long term effect of the “burden of constant fitness” and the idea that your weekends should be work-free.

Serving as an Air Force Pilot flying high performance aircraft on a daily basis. I would like to see and invest in an expanded fitness packet based on the “Fighter Pilot Fitness Assessment” as a product / service / feature to be offered.  

I’ll consider this, although I’ve found the fitness culture for military pilots to be very uneven. But we could design a plan and offer it to see the response/interest. 

Now that I am in my forties, I have found that I have to train in waves of lower to higher intensity. Having 1 to 2 weeks of lower intensity “recovery” work available for insertion in between or during programs would be useful.
The final week in most of our programming is an “taper/unload” week now. You could run that week twice if one week wasn’t enough. 

I’m an over 45 military officer. Your programming often is more than I can handle day to day; instructions on how to scale and or extend would be helpful. I often do the SF programs, but also need the Army specific programs (ACFT) too. Scored a 573 at BCAP this week.
45 isn’t old … your recovery should increase with increasing fitness. Until then, cut rounds from circuits to decrease the volume. 

Do a prenatal and postnatal focused workout pack. I had to get a dedicated trainer for this- she helped me maintain my fitness throughout the process but i think there are many mountain/ military/ leo athletes that would benefit.
We already have an extensive Prenatal Training Packet of plans … but it’s not been a big seller for us. It was some of the most difficult design I ever build, however!

Focus on the military guys that aren’t infantry or sof
Our Country Singer plans work for this demographic supplemented with PFT-specific plans when the PFT’s roll around each year.

This is my second survey answer. I thought of something after filling it out the first time. Olympic weightlifting. The old version of 357 Strength had “The Exercise” and snatches. I found that performing those correctly greatly improved my upper torso, neck, shoulder resilience for rucking. I know the Olympic lifts are highly technical, but I’d like to see more included in programming or perhaps an “option” on plans if you possess the skill. An Oly lifting plan that includes outdoor / tactical functionality would would be excellent. Thanks!
We moved away from the snatch because so many men have shoulder mobility issues.

I’m a 54 year old man who is probably best described as a weekend warrior.  I have a full time desk job and kids at home.  I have an hour to exercise in the mornings and sometimes more on the weekend.  I have purchased some programs in the past but sometimes find the time commitment to be a little unrealistic and am usually OK with self modifying.  It would be nice to see some programming specifically for folks like me.
See our SF50 programming.

Maybe offer “weirdo” event preps; looking at doing the Texas water safari (280 mi canoe race) & a couple of adventure races (multi-event:  run, bike, canoe, climb, orienteer, mystery events) for nostalgia’s sake.  Would like to know how to train for these events.  Just had kids as well; maybe some form of “accountability” on the app for when it is easier to turn the alarm off than get out of bed b/c I was up with the kids last night.  Maybe a “bad night” 30 workout series that you can sub into your normal programming when I am up for several hours trying to get them to sleep.  Idea is that you are working on whatever you are working on (peak bagger, dryland ski, backcountry hunting, etc) and you have a “bad night.”  Would like a short workout to sub into that programming since the day is not going great and then I can pick up the regular programming the next day once I can get some sleep. How this helps,

Thanks …. I’ll design event-specific plans but generally for more well known events, or… if I find the event super interesting and good programming challenge. 

Maybe integrate a 1RM and running calculator into the plan itself, as opposed to directing you to a new page?  Like you plug your 2-mile (or whatever distance) pace into the top of the page, and the math tells you what to aim for.  Also, with winter coming up, running indoors might become more necessary, so like, in addition to “Hey run 400m in 47 seconds”, it might be useful to have “Run 400m in 47 seconds/11mph” for folks using a treadmill. Side note, have cycled through ACFT Improvement a couple times, and got one of the top scores at my unit.  Now if I can just force myself through Ultimate Work Capacity…
The running calculator should be already integrated, and working on the videos. 

I know you’ve been gradually adding programs for older folks. Now that I’m 70+ I’m finding that I can’t do most all of your programs without major adjustments while 10 years ago that wasn’t so much of a problem. Anything you might offer for your aging customers would be appreciated.
I’ll consider SF65 and SF70 programming. Currently our top is 60-65 years old. 

I am an older (60+) Search and Rescue volunteer and would be interested in training targeted to my age group. Currently I sometimes have to scale activity/workouts from your programs for my older body…
See our SF60 programming.

Your app sucks. It always logs me out and I have spotty service at my gym. Your app is the biggest reason I have not bought more of your products. It would be great if (1) the app didn’t sign me out every week and (2) the app could track my workouts (i.e. squatted x on an eval day and then instead of saying do 8 reps of 50% my max, it just tells me what to do).
Working on this

Keep the post tactical career programming growing. We need to stay fit and deal with injuries and aging.
Plan to

Shorter daily workouts about 30 minutes a work out.
I’ll add these to the list

It may be there and i just havent looked, but a general maintenance plan could be nice if you dont have it already.
See the Country Singer packet of plans

Mountain biking program not necessarily geared toward racing
We have a Mountain Bike Preseason Training Plan.

Beginner exercises for older women who are aerobically fit but not that strong
See our Bodyweight Beginner Plan

More app development to track assessments and maxes to auto-calculate loading.
In process…

Longevity exercises would be nice. Some of us retired veterans love your stuff, but as we get older it’s more about general fitness and health. We still give your mainstream stuff a go, but it’s getting harder. Still a huge fan though. Love the essays and the general knowledge page. Thanks.
See our older athlete programming based on your age …. 

Individual tailored/customized programming.
We offer this, but it’s expensive (starts at $500/plan). 

I really appreciate the level of academic rigor applied to MTI’s programming. As a SOF veteran turned Executive Protection operator who works in the mountain west, I appreciate the focus across the span of the worlds I reside within. I’ve toyed with the idea of being a contributor in order to share my experiences. If I can suggest some training program, I’d like to see range stress-shoot training programs or drills added (i.e., perform a dummy drag 50m, followed by servicing two targets with two rounds each). Perhaps you already offer them and I haven’t seen them, but I think this would be beneficial for personnel in military, LE and EP professions.
Please see our Range Fitness Mid-Range Carbine and Tactical Shooting Competition plans. 

More graduated plans for events like the marathon – having only the Max Effort and Meathead is a little constraining in terms of how much time one has to train and methods available for doing it.
I’ll consider this …. But there are already plenty of distance-based marathon plans available online for free.

Upgrade the MTI app, so that an athlete can log reps/weights/completed training, etc. like other strength training apps. Give your athletes the ability to track their progress and progressive overload, etc.
On it …

The forums were pretty nice.
But not very popular … so we tried them and decided to cut them.

Love the specificity of your programming. What about a program design class? Or a class to teach on how to coach within your framework? Like a CF L-1 style course?
We’ve done this in the past and will consider it in the future.

A wrestling program for my sons. Football put on size and strength. Your programs for leo/milt look great. How about expanding towards the kids and teens and broadening the base?
Perhaps … not many requests for additional teen programming, but will consider it. 

Sell your OG sandbag, new one is two compact when loaded
Our new design is a significant improvement in dust, compactness, and durability

Short workouts of strength and work capacity with some tactical sprinkled in and a good amount of Zone 2 training. Probably a 6 day a 6-day-a-week program with some 2-a-days.
Pls, investigate our selection plans. Most are six days/week and include 2-a-days

Female get lean ripped. Age 40-45.
Look at our SF40 Programming and fix your diet. 

Customizable workout plans where we can provide info regarding what equipment we have, fitness goals, and how often we would like to train and the app can compile the data and create a fitness plan based off user input
Interesting idea, but there’s an art to programming, and not AI can replace that. 

Rob! I hope all is well! I have enjoyed many of the programs over the years and often cycle back through them. Recently I’m interested in Zone 2 training as my endurance, while maintaining work capacity and strength. Additionally over the years I’ve had some wear and tear so I also value mobility and flexibility mixed into the training. I also enjoy the lab rat reports/results and the news letter with highlighted stories. Thanks for all you and the MTI team do!
We don’t currently have an Aerobic Base (Zone 2) only training plan, but do have a Max Effort Strength + Aerobic Base Training Plan. I’ll add an Aerobic Base plan to my list.

I really like the new daily programming subscription that’s less expensive and just provides a workout each day. If there was a version provided for Feds/Detectives I would definitely consider subscribing. Additionally, I don’t know if this is true of most agencies, but I would guess it is…we have a gym at work, however it is not a “fully equipped functional fitness” gym. It’s a really nice setup compared to a lot of our field offices, however it’s primarily “traditional.” Dumbells, barbells, plates, and racks…as well as a number of machines (and no momentum to change how it’s setup). There is VERY limited space to do any sort of runs or sandbag get ups, etc that a lot of the LE plans include. More plans focused on traditional gym setups would be a nice addition.
We considered adding an LE Patrol/Detective Daily Stream and may do so in the future. Copy on the space/equipment restrictions.

Maybe someday, live events along the lines of GoRuck, 20X, etc. Small groups, nimble locations nationwide with trusted/certified coaches, affordably priced? But the extant programming is great, thank you.
Likely not – our primary market is mountain and tactical professionals – not civilians.

The programs are great. I wish there was a spot in the app with a calendar to record the workouts. To be used as a fitness journal all in one spot.
Looking to increase app features

Body weight / low equipment with regressions to allow development.

More teaching on MTI’s methods, like what Rob did a couple times, having Zoom meetings teaching program design. Maybe even a coach’s webinar on how to coach athletes.
We’ll consider this

It may not be possible but I would like to see a program that is 4 days a week. Something that is a M,W,F, and Sat schedule. It might just be a maintenance program but when ever I miss a day on a 5 or 6 day a week program I feel like I wasted the whole week because it usually throws off the longer day on Saturday. It’s probably more of a me issue but that is what I’d like to see.
You can modify any existing program to this schedule, but I will consider designing a 3-4 day/week, shorter session plan or series.

Bit of a stretch on this one, but I’m looking for some parental leaves programming. I’m just at week 2, so maybe it gets better and I can drop into something normal soon anyways. If so, ignore my request  My thought is some programming that with three primary goals, in order of primacy: 1. No equipment, this needs to happen when and where baby falls asleep. Also needs to be relatively static to be able to watch the child. 2. Scalability, there are good days and bad days, it would be nice to get some work in on bad days and good work in on good days. 3. Interruptible, the work can get interrupted at any time, it would be nice to able to drop back in. Obviously I don’t expect there to be any improvements on a program like this; it’s more to stop myself from atrophying over my 6 months of parental leave.
Email for programming suggestions.

I would love to see a TRX work out. I’m on the road A LOT. I can toss the straps in my go bag and bring my gym with me. But I don’t have a program to go with it that is as great as your programs. I would love to see more plyometrics programs.
Please see our Bodyweight Suspension Training Plan

Tactical striking / explosive strength. A program similar to the tactical bjj packet but for strikers, i.e a program for military/first responder / leo that focuses on the physical requirements of the job but that also helps for mma/muaythai/kickboxing/boxing athletes
We may consider this, but it seems BJJ is far more popular today and not many do Muy Thai, etc.

More features for us “older female athletes”.  Over 60.
See our SF60 programming. It’s for both men and women.

I’d like to see plans with progressions through different plans
Copy. I’ll consider designing a packet or two for this.

I’m currently doing the ranger prep program. If you don’t know the RPAT is changing. If you haven’t already you need to evaluate if the program will still be effective when the new test goes live on January 1. Additionally, several of the links within the workout do not work. The videos are marked private. This means I have to find a secondary source to see how to preform an exercise. Overall, the program seems solid. I’m starting week 2 today and have been very diligent about tracking my progression. I’ll send more feedback at the end of the program.
We’ve heard the RPA was changing, but have nothing official for Ranger School. I have already develoed an RPA 2 Training Plan. Copy on the videos …. We’ll look to get these fixed. 

Swimming based programs.  Also more KB programs for training while deployed/on the road.
We have the Swimming Improvement Plan and our Pirate Plans all have a swimming component. We already have several KB plans … but perhaps you’re looking for a plan with a single KB? If so, look at our High Rep Kettlebell Snatch Training Plan

A few more articles on women’s health, fitness, sports, etc.
We add these in Arete frequently. 

I miss the LE/Patrol programming.
We still have it in the Spirits Packet – but not a Daily Stream … yet!

I work in a Reconnaissance and Snipers Platoon, so would be great to have a training program with primary attention on high endurance capacity(multi-day activity) under a heavy pack with strength work to complement – like single leg focused movements. Very similar to your SASR program but scaled back given you’re not peaking for a specific event per se, but general pack fitness and strength to support capacity for multiple 72hr tasks with days recovery between.
I’ll consider this, but until then, I’d recommend the plans/order in the Greek Hero Packet or the Daily Operator Sessions. 

The plans that I have used have provided positive results when time permits for me to implement them. If it were possible to achieve the same results in less time, it would be awesome, but I can’t see how to do that without putting in the work and time.
We’ve studied this and found that 45-minute sessions lead to the same improvement as 60-minute sessions, and 3-day/week, 60-minute sessions lead to the same gains as 5-day/week, 60-minute sessions. However …. Many athletes simply like the 5-day/week, 60-minute sessions.

Anything geared specifically toward Correctional Officers would be an added bonus!
Please see our Correctional Officer Training Packet – these plans are specifically built as “base fitness” for correctional officers

A good dive into nutrition and us retiring “semi-broken 11b paratroopers” that wanna keep the last we have going or to get to the next level. Also, any guide to older dads on a 12+ hr/6 day week schedule?
Please see our Busy Dad programming

A little cheaper and better organization of the plans. Some can be a little hard to decipher on the phone. Great stuff other than that
Copy. We’ve only had one price increase for our Athlete’s Subscription in 18 years!

Kettlebell + Run Program
I’ll add it to the list. Until then, see our  Single Kettlebell or Dumbbell Training Plan and our High Rep Kettlebell Snatch Training Plan. 

Weekly/Monthly MTI podcasts
Considering this …

Information on training around lower back, shoulder, and knee injuries as a veteran
Please see our Leg Injury, Arm Injury, and Low Back Fitness plans.

Nordic Ski content
I’ll add it to the list…

Kettlebells are great, but in general I haven’t seen a lot of clear, simple, and direct programming done for kettlebells, so I think that’s a gap y’all could fill. I think especiallly as a complement for trail running, a kettlebell strength program would be great, because you can take a kettlebell with you in your car to the woods, if you’re running 3-4 days a week you don’t have to pay for a gym membership, and if you’re running a lot, I think there’s value in toning down the intensity of your strength training, and a kettlebell strength plan helps with all that. I did y’alls 50 miler program this past winter/spring and didn’t really lift much at all between 3-4 runs/week and life. But I think I can definitely keep a kettlebell in my car this year and just knock out 20 minutes or so of swings, squats, presses, and rows before or after a run and that would be a solid complement to all the running. That’s my ode to kettlebell training, with simple, thoughtful programming y’all do, as an add on to running programs. Thanks.
Please see our Single Kettlebell or Dumbbell Training Plan and our High Rep Kettlebell Snatch Training Plan. 


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