Q&A 9.9.21


Sir, our SWAT selection is 16 weeks out. I’ve been following the gun maker series, do you have any further recommendations?


What I’d recommend:
Weeks.      Plan
1-4            Weeks 1-3, then week 7 of the SWAT Selection Training Plan – Don’t do the whole plan, just weeks 1-3, as prescribed, then jump to week 7.
5-9            Drop back into the first 5 weeks of Sig Sauer from the Gun Maker series
10-16.       SWAT Selection Training Plan – 7 weeks directly before selection
– Rob


I am a few weeks away from graduating OCS, and I don’t report for IBOLC until next July. With that said, I want to take full advantage of the time in between to get in the best possible shape for these schools. I was looking at the Ranger School Training Packet program, and it looks awesome. Would you recommend doing this full program leading up into IBOLC and then supplementing IBOLC PT with further workouts from the program?
I’m also planning on becoming a firefighter when I finish these schools and return home (National Guard). These programs sound like they would do a great job of preparing me, but I see that you have Fire Rescue specific programs as well. What is the major difference between the two sets of programs?


The Ranger School Packet will likely overprepare you for IBOLC – but it’s okay to go in overprepared.
What might be better is to complete the plans in the packet in order, but swap out the final plan, the Ranger School Training Plan, with the US Army IBOLC Training Plan to prepare specifically for the event.
The difference between MTI’s programming for structural firefighters and military infantry has to do with the mission-direct fitness demands of each profession. The major difference is on the endurance side – i.e. the military athlete plans include much more running and rucking than the Fire Rescue plans as captured in the Big Cat Series.
– Rob


  1. No access to area where sled drag possible for 45 minutes. Alternatives to this?
  2. Alternatives to sand bag get ups since no sand bag, assume DB work?


1. Do 60 seconds of max effort Jingle Jangles for each sled push.
2. No good sub for a sandbag. Many build their own and bring it to the gym. Be resourceful.
– Rob


I’d like to purchase a training plan but want to make sure I’m making the right purchase and using it at the right time. I’ll be climbing Mt. Kili in February 2022. The Rainer Plan looks appropriate, but is it too early for me to start training? Is there a better plan for me? I’m pretty fit, but this will be my first big climb. I’m 69 years old.


By my count, you have 30 weeks.
Weeks.     Plan
1-4           Mountaineering and Hiking Prep – Drop prescribed step up load to your Kili daypack load, and step up height to 12 inches
5-11         Bodyweight Foundation
12-14.     Atalanta – First 2 Weeks, but follow a 3 on, 1 off schedule.
15-18       Repeat Mountaineering and Hiking Prep– Drop prescribed step up load to you Kili daypack load, and step up height to 12 inches.
19-30       Big Mountain Training Plan  – with a couple modifications: (1)  use the load you expect to carry up Kilimanjaro (day pack, I suspect) for the prescribed step ups,  and drop the step up height to 12 inches.
At  69, I’m not sure you’ll be able to keep the 10 week, 5 days/week schedule because it will take you longer to recover. I’d recommend you complete the plan sessions in order, but train 3 days on, 1 day off. This will stretch out the plan a couple weeks at least. 
– Rob


Looking for a new plan recommendation.  I’ll be honest, I’ve been feeling bit burned out lately and due to timing, travel and life I haven’t worked out in almost 2 weeks.  I feel like doing some old school lifting. Chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/legs type of plan.  I want to feel the “pump” with some longer runs mixed in.  I avoid cleans these days to keep the back feeling healthy.
Any recommendations?


Enjoy ….
– Rob


I am looking into doing the SF 45-55 program I. I am 50 years old. I am n the description it is pointed that at this age we should be doing 1-4 reps with heavy loads instead of 8-12 reps in order to protect the joints. Can you give me some more detail on this. the reason being is that some trainers ask for people my age to do low weight with more reps. I had thought as your program that it should be as your program details.


low weight, high reps = adding mass
high weight, low reps = adding strength
Older people don’t need to add muscle. We (I’m 53) need strength.
– Rob


I will finish the Ultimate Meathead program in the next 2 weeks. I have a SWAT selection course tentatively scheduled for mid-October or early November. The PFT for SWAT selection is similar to the MTI SWAT selection training program obstacle course but includes an 800m run to start the course. Any programming suggestions to prepare for selection?


You have 14 weeks until Oct 15, here’s what I recommend:
Weeks.   Plan
1-4         First 4 weeks of the SWAT/SRT Selection Training Plan
7            Total Rest
8-14       Repeat the full SWAT/SRT Selection Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before selection.
Not sure I understand the concern/issue with the 800m. This plan includes multiple 800m repeats.
– Rob


I am searching for guidance on a 12 month training plan.  I am an early 30’s grunt on active duty, and have spent a year (and will eventually be 2 years) out of the field and in the A/c… getting kind of soft and not in the best if shape.  Im in first class pft/cft condition but would like to get better. I have order to embark on in 12 months and would like to gradually build up for something comparative to basic recon course or ranger school, with a goal of excellent cardio and endurance, better combat fitness, and increased pull-ups and get closer to 18 min 3 mile.  What programs would you suggest progressing through over the next 12-11 months?


I’d recommend the Ranger School Training Packet.  (10 months) or the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet (12 months).
– Rob


I purchased your Greek Hero Series Packet and loved it. I just graduated IOC and I’m headed to 29 Palms. I have my eyes on putting in a packet for BRC or A&S in the future and I want to begin preparing right away. Coming out of IOC I feel strong and in “combat shape” but the last few weeks of running, swimming, and lifting have definitely been a bit of shaking off the rust. I was looking at your A&S prep packet, but I figured I would shoot you an email with recommendations since I have an entire work up and deployment before I submit any paperwork. Thank you!


Seems early perhaps to complete the A&S training packet without orders or firm plans – but it’s up to you.
Alternately, you could complete the plans/order in the Pirate Packet which is like the Greek Hero packet, but includes swimming/finning, etc.
– Rob


Just have a quick question about managing missed training days. Tomorrow will start the second week on this plan and with this being a six day a week program, I can usually swap a day or two here or there to get everything done. Between now and the completion of the program/beginning of archery season there are going to be two weeks, the first being next week, that I won’t be able to do anything other than bodyweight work due to work travel. How would you recommend I manage this? Come back and pick up on week three or do what I can for the week and pick up on week two when I get back? Thanks in advance for your help.


The program is progressive – i.e. it builds upon itself. But it’s also fairly limited equipment. By far, the step ups, leg blasters and rucking are most important – and you can do this anywhere. Get those sessions in and keep grinding through during your travel week. I advise you get up early and train first thing.
– Rob


Bought to buy the sandbag training packet and curious if it is foolish to pair that with training for marathons? Have ran a few marathons but also want to build muscle and not sure how working them together would be safe.


Depends on your fitness and training age. I’ve you’ve done a lot of distance running you should be able to manage 2-3x sandbag sessions/week.
– Rob


Starting bodyweight foundation and seeking advice for substitution for the running portion of the exercises. I suffered a lower back disk injury and my doctor and PT both don’t recommend running or riding an upright bike for exercise. I do walk regularly for exercise and can walk a mile in about 15 minutes. Should I just walk for the running part? Other low-impact options I’ve considered are: Split Shuffle, Total Body Extensions and riding a recumbent bike. Maybe one of these would be better than walking to replace the running?


Recumbent bike – you need to get your heart rate up.
– Rob

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