Q&A 5.19.22


I am looking to purchase the ACFT training plan so I can train for the ACFT before shipping to basic in June. I was wondering if I could use the program as a beginner to strength training? I have only done some steady-state cardio to lose weight for the past 4 months.


Not really – simply because the ACFT only includes one true strength exercise – the Hex Bar Dead Lift.
If you are wanting a more well rounded plan, I’d recommend the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
– Rob


Could you provide any suggestions to fill a gap between finishing the SWAT selection training plan and my SWAT tryout date? I just finished week 6 of the plan but I still have about a month until my tryout on 27-28 April. I purposely started the program early knowing that I wouldn’t be able to work out every single day, but I arrived at the taper week way faster than anticipated. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.


Take a full week off then repeat weeks 4-6 of the plan directly before selection.
– Rob


I live in Australia and came across your site and see that you have fantastic testimonials.

I realise that a lot of the subscribers are super fit. I’m aged 59 and a regular runner (half marathon in just over 2 hours). I have a skinny frame and weigh 55kg/120 lb and have very little strength – I can only do press ups with my knees on the floor. I have poor bone density and would like to do all I can to improve my strength before I turn 60!

Do you have any suitable programs please?

Keep up the great work!


Start our stuff with Bodyweight Beginner, then email back when you’ve completed it.
– Rob


I’ve been following MTI for a few years now. I was a Squad Leader in the 75th and have been out a couple years now but I had my squad on the work outs and got in the best shape of my life on it. I was actually introduced to MTI through a fellow platoon member who pretty much got the whole platoon on board. Long story short I’m up 40 pounds and have been searching for a plan for a completely out of shape start. Crawl, Walk, Run type. Yes it’s that bad but it won’t be that way for long. I was wondering if there was a plan you could point me too as I am already a monthly subscriber or if there were any plans in the works from a completely out of shape start. Any help is appreciated.


Just. Keep. Grinding.
– Rob


I am about to start the new Marine OCS Workout Plan on your MTI Program! I noticed that the “Rope Climbing” workouts are on Wednesday. Unfortunately, given availability of the facilities, I do not have access to a rope until the weekend (Sat and/or Sunday).
What do you recommend doing to alter the schedule? Which day (or days) should I move forward or back in the schedule to be able to hit the rope workouts on the weekend.
I truly appreciate the assistance.


Do the alternate rope pull ups on wednesday – use a towel if needed, then do the 5 rounds of rope climbs after your Saturday run.
– Rob


I am looking to get into a good workout program. I am currently training in the military for a special operations group. Here is my calisthenics routine:
-Mon 250 push, 100 pull, 300 situp, 100 dips, swim
-Tues 125 push, 50 pull, 300 situp, 48 dips (35lbs), 2mile run
-Wed repeat monday
-Thurs repeat tuesday, 4 mile run
-Fri repeat monday, bay fin
-Sat 6 mile run
The high volume is to prep us for later stages in training. But I am looking to incorporate a secondary workout in the evenings that will add strength and endurance. I was looking at the busy operator plans and they look like a good match.
But do you have any recommendations on any program(s) that you think would match well?


I’d recommend the strength sessions from Valor. The barbell complex is simple, and efficient – do these as 2 a days, 3x/week.
But better would be to replace your current routine with the plans/order in the Pirate Packet of plans – there are designed as day to day fitness for military SOF with water-based mission sets.
At a minimum, you need to add rucking to your current routine.
– Rob


Currently in the Navy at Dive school but I’m on hold waiting for a new class to start next month. I was looking for a program to help with the following.

Running – we do a moderate amount at a fast pace runs in dive school.  Several miles at a time. Then dropped throughout the run for push-ups, flutter kicks, squat holds etc.

Bay swim – one evolution is 1000m bay swim with fins but the catch is it’s done one one’s back known as “turtle backing”.

One of the final tests at dive school is called the HPT (human performance test) it consists of a 800 m swim, 3 mile run, body weight bench press for reps, max deadlift 1 rep, 300 m shuttle run, max pull ups with 25# vest, standing long jump and pro agility shuttle.

What I struggle with the most are running/ conditioning, leg endurance/strength,

After browsing a lot of the programs I came across Big 3 strength + 3/5 mile and Body weight foundation but I wanted to pick your brain and know what you recommend based on the info I’ve provided.


I don’t have a plan for the Navy Dive Course – but do have a CDQC Training Plan – and it’s what I recommend.
Good luck,
– Rob


Love the programming, I just recently completed one of the “Busy Dad” programs and it was excellent. After leaving Active Duty last year, I struggled to maintain my fitness and suffered through alot of back pain. Your program helped me get out of the slump, rebuild my core, and return to healthy habits like training 5x a week.
Now that I’m back in a good routine, I’m looking for a more intense program to dive into. I looked through some of the Military Base Fitness programs (pirate series, greek hero, virtue series) but am struggling to narrow the choices down. I like the idea of incorporating swimming into my sessions, hence the Pirate Series. I still have some fat to trim down from all those months of bad diet/no training as well. I’m not much of a distance runner at the moment, nor do I really need to be, but I’d like to stay in fighting shape. If you have any suggestions for a program to try out, I’m all ears!


– Rob


I’m keenly interested in your HRT prep program but I don’t know where to start. I’m currently active duty Navy attached to a ship and at least 2 years out from getting out. I’m planning for a career in federal Law Enforcement and dream job would be FBI HRT. I want to setup my body in the best way to succeed in a physical career, but I don’t want to just do the selection course over and over. Do you have any recommendations for what I can do now to set myself up for the long haul? I plan on signing up for an athlete subscription, just don’t know what program to start with.

I know the basic answer is just do more. Life heavier, run faster, ruck more, and just do more, but I want to be as productive as possible with my time and make sure that I am making the most gains toward my goals.

Appreciate any advice you can give and looking forward to starting one of your programs.


Start by working through the Virtue Packet of plans, beginning with the Military OnRamp Plan if your current fitness is suspect.
If you’re fit now, start the packet with Humility.
– Rob


I was wondering if there is an alternative to the Swat Selection V2- Week 1- Session 6 Mini-event. I use the gym at my detachment and it does not have a sandbag- yet. Any ideas would help!


Others bring their own sandbag to the gym. My first sandbag was an old duffle bag filled with gravel and sealed with duct tape.
Be resourceful.
– Rob


I will be attending the A & S course in august. Do you have any recommendations on parts of the program to extend? I’m looking to start my prep early to give myself plenty of time to train.


I’d recommend completing Barbossa until you’re 11 weeks out, then drop into the A&S plan.
Barbossa is the first plan in our Pirate Packet of plans designed as day-to-day fitness for full time SOF with water based mission sets.
– Rob


I’m planning a 10 day trip to central Peru 5 months from now, in late August/early September 2022.  I will overnight at 11k feet for most of the trip.  I won’t be doing much hiking, but I live about 200 feet above sea level. I’m hoping that endurance-focused training will take some edge off the altitude change.
Before you ask, I will talk to my doctor before I travel.
I’m a 35 year old active duty Army officer, but I can’t call myself a tactical athlete.  I work at a desk at 3-letter agency.  The Army won’t make me put on a ruck or go to the range again for years, if ever again.
I’m 6’8″, 250 pounds, about 18% body fat.


Pivot to the Greek Heroine Packet – these are day to day fitness for multi-sport mountain athletes and have a significant endurance component.
Or .. if you just want a running plan, I’d recommend our 1/2 Marathon Training Plan.
– Rob

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