Q&A 4.7.22


I am hoping that you can provide advice on how to run your Beep test prep program alongside either the CPAT or Combat Challenge programs.
On the weekend of April 9th I hope to be attending an occupational firefighter fitness assessment consisting of:
  • Beep test (level 6.5 to pass, increasing assessment score up to level 10)
  • Short rest period
  • York fitness test (8 timed pass/fail job skills while wearing a 30lbs vest and 5lbs ankle weights);
    • Claustrophobia test (not physically taxing)
    • Acrophobia test (not physically taxing)
    • Stair Climb (85lbs hose bundle up/down 4 floors)
    • Remove/replace 56lbs extension ladder from mounting hooks
    • Rope pull (50lbs bundle pulled up/lowered 65′ feet)
    • Hose advance (135lbs weight sled pulled 50′)
    • Victim drag (200lbs dummy dragged backwards 50′)
    • Sledgehammer (side hits on truck tire on table to move it 1′)
I have another very similar fitness test on Feb 27th, which leaves me a day shy of 6 weeks to prepare for the above. I have never failed the test, and don’t believe I would if I did it tomorrow but looking to improve my results/appearance.
Highest priority: Increased beep test for higher score
High priority: improved lower body strength-endurance, the 125lbs total load on the stair climb gasses my legs for the rest
Medium priority: increased upper body pulling, doing a dry run two days ago the rope pull felt harder than it should have
My thinking was to run the beep test prep twice, tapering the sixth week into my test day, and to insert some CPAT/Combat Challenge prep workouts into the days between the shuttle sprint workouts.
I have occasional access to the tower at the firehall, otherwise I workout in my garage with;
  • Power rack, barbells, plates, bench, landmine, and single adjustable cable stack
  • Plate-loaded endless rope pull
  • Weight vests up to 66lbs, 5lbs ankle weights
  • Sandbags (including a Rogue ‘Hasfael’ sandbag that works well to mimic picking up a dummy)
  • Treadmill
  • Spin Bike
  • Air Rower
Appreciate any advice you can offer, thanks again for being open to questions.


I’d recommending combining the Beep Test and Fireman Combat Challenge Training Plan concurrently.
Do the beep test programming first, then follow it up with the CCT programming.
You can probably do both in the same session.
– Rob


I had pretty significant knee surgery about 11 months ago (MCL and PCL repair) and was just released from rehab last week.  I was looking at the post rehab leg injury training plan but realized that it was only for lower body. Due to the significant time that rehab took each day that I worked out (4-5 days a week), I have done little to no upper body during this last 11 months.  I probably need a more balanced program to get back into full body shape or another program to mix with Post Rehab Leg Injury Training Plan to make sure that my upper body comes back as well.  For reference, I’m 44 and have pretty good cardiovascular as rehab included a bit of running and used to do Crossfit regularly.  Thanks.


Combine the Post-Rehab Plan with the 3-week Push Up & Pull Up Improvement Training Plan. You could run the push/pull plan twice.
– Rob


I was hoping to get some assistance from you on training selection since I am trying to get back into military special forces shape, mixed with mountain training, as well as being a back country hunter… Do you feel that my best bet would be to jump into the subscription so that I can feel out some of the training courses and see what best fits my needs? I am turning 40 this year, and consider myself as having a good base to work back into. I live in the mountains just outside of Estes Park with tons of National Forest around me as well as room to train on our property. 1400ft elevation gain behind the house with semi technical rock structures heading up to the summit behind the property. I shoot nature and wildlife photography with some fairly heavy equipment to lug around as well as guide back country hunts during hunting season. Looking to add some functional mass back onto my 6’2″ frame. I currently weight about 185-190lbs. I’d like to get myself back up to 200lbs or so to be able to handle slips and falls from time to time as that is bound to happen at some point. I appreciate your time and hope to hear from you soon. My body is chomping at the bit for a beating of a workout!


In terms of programming I’d recommend the plans/order in the Greek Heroine series beginning with Helen.
It’s up to you how you decide to purchase access to the programming. You can purchase just this plan, the packet, or a subscription, but I’d recommend you start with Helen.
– Rob


I would like to go to RASP 2 in September of this year. I think with a dedicated fitness program I can get there. I have a good foundation when it comes to strength training, but I’m most worried about improving my cardio and run times fast enough.

I would like to do the 8wk RASP 2 prep but I have a lot more than 8 weeks to get in RASP shape. Are there any other programs I should preface the RASP 2 program? Thanks


I’d recommend starting with the RASP 1&2 Plan now,
Follow it up with the plans/order in the Greek Hero Packet until you’re 8 weeks out from RASP, then repeat the RASP II Plan directly before RASP.
– Rob


Do you have any programs for kettlebell sport training?


You could apply this plan to the snatch event … you’ll need to choose the load you’d use for your weight class.
What’s unique about this plan is it’s assessment based …. so the programming/progression will automatically “scale” to your incoming fitness.
– Rob


I have a couple questions about your program.  So I just recently started your DEA PTT training program.  I finished day 2 of week 1 today, so I’m in the very early stages of it.  So I have about 5 weeks to train using your plan. I would’ve started the program earlier to fully complete it, but had a problem with my right quad after doing the first test a couple week ago.  Would you recommend just sticking to the program as written, or modifying it in later weeks?
Second question is, I also do Crossfit workouts, which before this test was my primary fitness regimen.  Is it ok to continue with these workouts along with your prescribed PTT training? Thanks for your help sir.


Leg? I’m not a doctor and can’t diagnose you from afar. In general, I recommend athletes train “injured” but not “hurt”. Injured = training won’t make it worse. Hurt = training will make it worse.
CrossFit too? I’d recommend against it if you want to maximize your score on the test. You can try, but if you’re not making the progressions in the plan, stop the CrossFit.
– Rob


I’m looking for a fitness program that would get me ready for the canadian pathfinder course and was wondering if there were any recommendations for a program.


– Rob


I’m looking into your programs and have a few questions. I’m 43 out of shape, diabetic and unable to run do to a foot injury. Can I still do your LE weight loss work out?


– Rob


I got out of the mil a little while back, and am currently in the bureau pipeline.
That application process takes forever, and I am sick of running PFT programming back-to-back-to-back while I wait. You have any suggestions for programs to get after fitness, while maintaining (or not significantly sacrificing) the SA PFT gains I’ve made recently?


Plans/order in the Spirits Packet for LE Patrol/Detective now, then re-completed the PFT plan the 6 weeks directly before your assessment.
You’ll lose some PFT fitness doing the Spirits Plans, but doing the PFT plan on repeat means you’re losing max effort strength, chassis integrity, sprint-focused work capacity, etc.
You’re PFT fitness will come back quick and be there when it counts – for the assessment.
– Rob


After three months of training and prep, the DEA finally conducted my PT Test on Friday and I passed.  My numbers were:
51 sit-ups
48.2 seconds/300m sprint
45 push-ups
10.05/1.5 mile run
I now have an undetermined amount of time while I continue through the remainder of the process before being selected for an academy date.  I want to continue to improve my overall fitness level before I head to the academy.  I am 35 years old, I’m 5’7″ and I weigh 165 lbs..  I want to ensure that I am over prepared physically for the demands of the paramilitary style DEA Academy.
With that said, I have a desire to take the upcoming week off for total rest and let my body recover, as I never took a week off over the past three months.  Since I do not have a solid timeline yet, and I have limited equipment at my disposal (60# sandbag, various kettlebells, pull-up bar, plyo-box, and rower), I wanted to complete Humility and then slide into the DEA Academy Prep Plan.  I wanted to run this by you and see if you would advise otherwise.  Again, thank you for all of your assistance so far.


Plan is solid … just don’t run the Academy Plan on repeat until you go. After the Academy plan, work through the limited equipment plans/order in the Great Plains Tribe Packet, then repeat the Academy plan directly before the academy.

– Rob


I have recently gotten my diet squared away. Not grains or processed sugar, some fruit. Lots of protein. Because of that I have lost almost 10 pounds presumable of fat. I look and feel leaner and stronger.

I’m 5’10” around 155. I was 165 when I started getting the diet in check.

I would like to try and get back closer to 160 building muscle.

My question is what kind of diet recommendations would you make to do that? I don’t count calories. I just eat when I am hungry. I do eat mostly protein and a good bit of healthy fats. Should I just up my protein intake and eat even when I am not hungry?

Other half of the question is what workout program could I do to build muscle/ My workouts primarily consist of calisthenics or limited equipment. I have 2 sandbags (60 and 80), ruck, pull-up bar, suspension system, 25# dumbbells and a place to run. I don’t have access to a full gym at this time.

I’ve already purchased sandbag package, Great Plains package, Body weight foundation, and Gym Closure 1-2.

Thank you for your time.


Diet? Cut all fruit and cut back on fats.
Plan? Great Plains plan in order.
– Rob

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