Q&A 4.2.20


I am at a fork in the road of how to continue my training. I have 8 weeks before I go to Air Assault school and I plan on beginning the program here in two weeks. Prior to this I was working my way through Greek Hero, I was on week 2 of Ulysses. I had to divert my training to Willie for a 10K run and then changed it again when I was informed on short notice that I had to take a PTA for the DEA academy.
The two issues I have is what to do with the two weeks prior to beginning the Air Assault plan. I was either going to continue Ulysses for two weeks or work on my 5 mile run time since it needs work.
The other issue I have is that although I haven’t been given a definite yes, I may be inserted into the the next DEA Academy class. In your opinion is the DEA PTA plan a good prep for the rigors of the academy or just the initial PTA? The good thing is that the DEA PTA somewhat mirrors the APFT so the Air Assault plans segues into the DEA PTA plans.
I apologize for the long email, but greatly appreciate your knowledge as your advice in the past has aided my in performing well in events where I had to divert my training.


Do the DEA PTT Training Plan for 2 weeks until you get some clarity, then start the Air Assault Plan 6 weeks before your course. Assume the Air Assault Plan will prepare you both for DEA Academy and Air Assault School.
– Rob


BLUF: I need to mix workouts from the PAST Plan into the TACP V3 and I could use some guidance on the most effective way to do so.
I am training for TACP Officer and my application goes in sometime in late May. If I’m selected I’ll go to Phase II selection in late August.
The application still requires Officer candidates to take the standard USAF PAST and submit it with our package, additionally we take the PAST again at Phase II. I was using the TACP V3 plan but while it will definitely prepare me for selection, my PAST scores are still not where they need to be and that plan focuses more on the Tier 2 OFT.
I was hoping to get some guidance on how to mix workouts from the USAF PAST plan into the TACP plan. If I could get a recommended weekly schedule I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for your valuable time and assistance, have a great day!


One plan at a time. Now … PAST. After you submit your packet in May, pivot to the TACP Selection Course Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m a huge fan of your programs, and while I work with LE and military athletes, I am a government analyst during the day and attend law school at night. Unfortunately, between a very busy day job and school at night, I am pretty strapped for time.
Do you happen to offer any shorter programming options for (45 minutes or less) for general athletes? Or any recommendation on how to modify programs for shorter windows? I realize that what makes MTI so great is the work required in the programs so I understand if this is not possible.
Thank you very much for your time.


Not for General Athletes, but our Spirits Packet of Plans for LE Patrol/Detective have training sessions designed to last 45-50 minutes.
– Rob


I am currently starting the hypertrophy program for skinny guys this Monday 3/2/20 from your website. I am someone who previously liked to work out but felt as if I was stuck and couldn’t gain anymore size which is why I am trying your program! With this, the program is only 4 weeks long and once it is over, I want to continue to work out, so I don’t lose my size and/or strength. What would you recommend I do at the end of these 4 weeks to continue my physical health so I can keep my size and strength? Thanks for your time as I hope to hear back soon.


After the Hypertrophy Program for Skinny Guys, pivot to strength. I’d recommend Big 24.
– Rob


I was somewhere in the middle of your Humility plan when I hurt my shoulder playing sambo. I couldn’t lift my arm up past my collar bone so I assume it’s a rotator cuff. I’ve had issues before with it.

Took a few weeks off but now I’d like to get back at it. I’m starting your half-marathon plan to use this opportunity to concentrate on my legs, but I’m curious if you have some advice.
I’m guessing as an experienced coach you’ve seen a few shoulder issues before.
I can now lift my arm over my head and do a couple push-ups and pull-ups without crying, but I want to work on my shoulder to fix it for good. I used to think that military presses and dips and chin-ups or rows were all I needed to have healthy shoulders, but I’m wrong of course.
I’ve been practicing a few exercises from your library specific to shoulders, but I’m curious if you’d recommend any in particular, or even a shoulder-specific routine.
I’m aware you’re not a doctor and would probably hesitate to give advice over email, but I’m a fan of your practical approach and experience, and figured I’d reach out. Thanks much.


Right – I can’t give medical advice or diagnose your shoulder remotely.
Given that – a couple recommendations:
1) Purchase and use “Treat Your Own Rotator Cuff” or a similar book from amazon.
2) Try MTI’s Shoulder Blaster exercise (unloaded) and Y+L Exercise. Do both unloaded.
– Rob


I am currently training for the FBI academy which I will start in 4-6 months.  What training plan would you recommend to get the most improvement on these events and prepare me for being all around better shape.  At my last PFT my scores were as follows:
Sit-ups: 57
300m sprint: 48 seconds
Push-ups: 39
1.5m run: 10:48
Pull-ups: 7
Please let me know where you think I should be starting out in your programming.


Here’s what I recommend:
1) FBI SA PFT Training Plan
2) Whiskey, then part of Tequila – both plans from our Spirits Packet of plans for LE Patrol/Detective
3) LE Academy Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before the Academy.
– Rob


Peak Bagger Plan: While box steps are listed for the exercise, what is your thought on replacing (at times) just good ol fashion stairs or a nice long, aggressive hill?


Okay, but you have to do the prescribed vertical … so if the plan calls for 600x Step ups @ 17″ box, 600 x 17 = 10,200 inches = 850 vertical feet. (uphill only) … so you’ll have to somehow measure the vertical feet of the steps and get in 850.
– Rob


First and foremost, thank you so much for the phenomenal training plans you’ve generated over the years. I have the Greek Hero set, the LEO Spirit set, and the SWAT selection programs. They’ve been instrumental in helping me hit several milestones for my endeavors in the FL Army National Guard (I’m an Infantry Company Commander) and as a LEO for a local sheriff’s office.
The purpose of this email is to ask what recommendations you have for someone recovering from a leg injury. Long story short, I severed two tendons in my right foot (the tendons that connect my ankle to my foot), and partially severed another one (a tendon that connects the outside of your foot to the bottom of your calf). I had surgery to re-attach my severed tendons and fix the partially torn one. As of now, I have not begun physical therapy but am losing my mind at home (the doctors have placed me on a “no work status” until further notice). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Training Plan for Athletes Suffering Leg Injury. This will train the rest of your body around your injury.
I had foot surgery 14 months ago and this thing is amazing. Soon I was doing sandbag keg lifts and clean and presses wearing it … much better than crutches for training and everything else!
– Rob


I had read your ministudy on heavy barbell complexes, which followed a 2x/week protocol.  What are your current thoughts on the 3x a week that Gladiator prescribes? Would you recommend that for older ppls (I’m 53, but have been training for several decades).

Also, what are your plans for the mountainathlete.com domain? I see it points to mtnathlete branded clothing now. Are you going to add a link to mountain programming too? I still wear your old tshirts with the “Train Hard Climb Fast”  line, hah.


Gladiator is intense – and awesome. Too intense for a 53 year old? Could be … I’d recommend diving in and trying the first week (3x/week). If it’s going okay keep going, and if not, rest Wednesday, and do Wednesday’s session on Thursday and Thursday’s session on Friday and drop the Friday session.

Go for 3 weeks and do the re-assessment on week 4. Decide then if you want to continue.

I’m slowly working to move the mountainathlete.com domain to apparel …. having programming both there and at mtntactical.com was just too confusing for everyone.

– Rob


I got a connection with an active guy and decided to go active instead of Guard. That puts me at an estimate of July 01 being my basic training date. In time I have until then, I’d like to complete the SFAS training plan 8 weeks before, but I’m stuck on what plan to complete before that. I will say, coming from LEO, my distance running and rucking is lacking but I am still very strong.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for all you do!


– Rob


I was wondering if your program increases in difficulty as you progress or is it on the user to add difficulty? For example I have an app that has you start at a weight for bench press that I chose, but it only tracks the weight I lifted it does not tell me to increase the weight.

Secondly; after purchased do all the programs open up? As in my if I did a ACFT course twice but noticed my I am used to those movements and need a shock can I choose another program or do I have to stick with one program?

Third; is there any single workouts that I wouldn’t have to start a whole program to use. Sam example I’m bored or I have more energy and want to do something harder?

Hope that makes sence, if not let me know.


1) Most programming include progression across multiple modes …. i.e. the programming increases in difficulty as you work through it.
2) If you purchase a subscription, you have access to all the plans … you don’t get locked into one. If you purchase an individual plan, you cannot see the other plans.
3) No …. not exactly. MTI programming is all planned and progressed and the focus is to improve mission direct performance for mountain and tactical athletes. It’s not built around the idea of random programming or focused on just working out. It’s professionally designed strength and conditioning programming.
– Rob


What is the best preworkout to use while training. I am a sheriff deputy and often after a 12 hour shift I need a boost especially when running.


If you’re asking about a supplement – caffeine.
– Rob


I would like to first say thank you for your services and knowledge. My brother used your programs over the course of about 10 months following up to his selection for CCT selection, to which he graduated 1st in his class. All we both can say is that we are both very much believers in your methods and programming.
Now for as for myself. I am currently 25 serving in the United States Marine Corps as an 0331(Machine gunner). I am currently in the process of attempting my hand at MARSOC A&S. I have about 9 months until I would be attending the course. I was wondering what yout advice would be for programs to follow from now until selection? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the note!
Follow the plans/order in the Pirate Series of plans between now and 9 weeks out from selection. Exactly 9 weeks before selection, drop out of the Pirate Series and complete the MARSOC A&S Selection Training Plan. 
The Pirate Series Plans are designed as day to day programming for SOF with water-based mission sets and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run, ruck, swim), chassis integrity, and tactical agility.
– Rob


I will be attending the Florida smokediver course at the end of the year and wanted to go ahead and start preparing. I am unsure what program to select considering it is a very physical intense program. On the first day of class I will have to complete a fitness test consisting of 50 push ups in 2 min. 70 sit ups in 2 min. And 1.5 mile run in less than 11:15. After that I must compete for a spot by doing an obstacle course race consisting of wood chop, 50m hose drag, 5 pull ups, 5 story stair climb with 50ft of 2.5 inch hose and hose hoist 50ft of 2.5 inch hose up 5 floors the 24 foot ladder raise. This obstacle course will be done in full gear on air and you complete as many rounds as possible on a tank and individuals with most completions get selected. Any advice will greatly help. Thank you very much.


Between now and exactly 14 weeks out from your course, complete the plans/order in the Country Singer Packet I, beginning with Johnny. This programming concurrently trains strength, work capacity, endurance and chassis integrity (functional core).
At 14 weeks out, drop out of the Country Singer plans and complete Valor (7 weeks), followed by the SWAT Selection Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before your event.
The SWAT Selection Plan will prepare you well for the fitness assessment and obstacle course work you’ll face in Florida.
– Rob


I’ve been following you guys for a bit and have a question on a long term plan for pursuing FBI Academy.
Do to current work commitments, I will not be able to apply for the FBI for 1 year. In the meantime, I am studying BJJ/Muay Thai 4x per week. These sessions are typically 2 hours long.
What would be a good long term plan? I want to focus on building strength and fighting ability as I expect there to be less time for this as an agent. However, I know that moving closer to the application the PFT will become a priority.
I have access to standard gyms, but there aren’t any functional gyms in my area outside of CrossFit, and they do not allow outside programming unfortunately.
As background, I did pursue Marine OCS and attended OCC in 2017 with a 285 PFT (max pull-ups, crunchies, 19:45 run). I was pretty successful in the physical components, especially the rucking and endurance, and decent on the running but never faster than 6:45’ miles. I was injured out of the program half way through. Since then, I’ve bulked up and am about 205 with 21% body fat.
Happy to provide more information, but the main question is what would be a good long term plan to build technical fighting ability/strength right now and then phase into PFT specific and academy specific training in the next year.


Now? I’d recommend the Big 3 + Run Training Plan. My concern with your current 4 day/week, 2-hour/day training program is overtraining, and the Big 3 + Run plan will complement the work capacity you’re getting in your fight training by adding in max effort strength and endurance. How to schedule is tricky. You could try 2-a-days, but that would depend on your fitness. If your fight training is most important, you’d want to do it first before anyone  other training. Better might be to alternate sessions so, Day 1 – fight, Day 2 Big 3 + Run, Day 3 Fight, etc., but take at least one full day off weekly.
Follow the Big 3 + Run Sessions in order.
Long Term? I don’t have a long term training plan for athletes focused on fight training. We do have a BJJ Training Plan which would complement your fight stuff, but it’s not a long term plan. Again, the issue is over training and avoiding fatigue which would impact your learning during your fight training. So, if you continue with the fight stuff, after Big 3 + Run, I’d recommend another of our strength plans – specifically Big 24, following the same alternating schedule.
FBI Academy? Not sure if you’ve taken the FBI SA PFT yet, but if not, complete the FBI SA PFT Training Plan the 6 weeks directly before your test.
Seven weeks out from the Academy, complete the LE Academy Training Plan.
– Rob

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