Q&A 2.25.22


Simple question. I am back again and do not have to train specificity as I have more than a year from projected selection ship date. This is a bit for fun and mental toughness but why programs would you recommend for some brutal character building. Some real gut checks if you’re ill sir.


– Rob


I am a SOF soldier, long time listener, first time caller.  I wanted to see if you all had a recommendation on sport-specific auxiliary work for tactical athletes specifically targeting assaulters who are carrying a 8-10lb rifle?
The need here is driven by mission requirements for both explosive but controlled/repeatable shouldering of the rifle for rapid target engagement during CQB (close quarter battle) and also isometric (relatively static) holds of the rifle while pulling security or engaging targets in certain shooting positions.
When wearing armor and holding the rifle up, it seems to drive a sport-specific need to target muscle groups in the shoulder and back that I don’t typically find I work unless doing the activity (CQB) itself.
Any recommendations on targeted gym work that might help complement the movements used on mission?
Much appreciated on any feedback you all have!


  1. Search the exercises library for TAC SEPA – these are tactical agility drills which can be completed wearing body armor and carrying your weapon, rubber rifle or a 10 pound sledge hammer.
  2. Shoulder Blaster Exercise
  3. Rifle Rob Shauls
  4. Gorilla Complex
– Rob


I am currently making it through the last hurdles of the process trying to get a job with the Marshals. The background will be submitted by the investigator tomorrow. I have no idea how long it would take for an academy to open up and background to be completed. Earliest likely 6-8 months, but likely longer. I purchased the USMS pft test guide and it said to contact this email if it would be longer than 6 weeks out.


I’d start with the USMS PFT Training Plan now … follow it up with the plans/order in the Spirits Packet. These plans are designed as day to day fitness for full time LE Patrol/Detective and concurrently train relative strength, work capacity, short endurance, chassis integrity, and tactical agility.
Re-complete the PFT test plan the 6 weeks directly before you take the PFT as part of your application process.
When you get accepted and get an academy date, complete the USMS Academy Training Plan the 7 weeks directly before reporting to the Academy.
Good luck!
– Rob


I’m just curious how the subscription works. I know that it gives access to all the programs and it is cancel anytime and lose access when canceled.

My question is with regards to how things are made available while the subscription is active.
Do I have to choose a program to do and not have access to any of the rest until I’ve completed the selected one? Can I see the whole program or do I have to complete a training day in order to see the next? Or do I have access to all the programs complete at all times as long as the subscription is active?


You’ll have access to all the programs complete at all times as long as the subscription is active.
– Rob


I’m 37 y/o male.  I asked for programming recommendations for getting back to Ranger Regiment standards after 18 months of injuries.  I’m on the last 3 weeks of resilience now and you asked me to check back in.  Thank you for the first recommendations and I’m enjoying the athlete’s subscription.
I’d like to re-do standards in March (12 mile and rpft/5 mile).  I’ve made good progress and feel but I’m most worried about my 5 mile at this point.  Admittedly I’ve never been faster then a 37-39 min but think I’m more like a 41-43 right now. Where do you think I should go from here?.  I’m addition to the programming I’m also doing a couple days a week if light BJJ/MMA.


Achilles Next.
Running and rucking, and bodyweight strength …. get away from the barbell for a while.
– Rob


I recently purchased the Ranger School Training Packet. I have 6 months until Ranger school starts. Can you help give me some guidance as to which plans to complete with the packet during this time?
I understand that the Military On-ramp and Ranger school plan should be complete but wondering what else you would suggest to add?
I feel like I already have a pretty decent base and am looking to step up my effort.


6 months = 36 weeks:
Weeks.      Plan
1-7            Military On-Ramp
8-14          Humility
15-21        Valor
22-28        Fortituide
29-36        Ranger School Training Plan – 8 weeks directly before the course starts
– Rob


I honestly don’t know what program to go with. I like the military and LEO programs (as I’m a Corrections Officer and in process of getting potentially in the military), but everything I looked at I wouldn’t be able to do at a conventional gym. I have access right now to a CrossFit style gym but I’m in transition back to a traditional gym that has basically everything except the space for unconventional lifting and WODs; think more one machine or exercise at a time instead. If there’s a program like that, I’m interested. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.


– Rob


I’m looking at hiking the “4-state challenge” a 42.5 mi, relatively flat section of the AT in 3-4 months. Would you recommend your Backpacking Preseason Training Program or another program?


– Rob


I am looking at getting an Athlete’s Subscription as I have a couple big things coming up this summer. Planning on climbing the Grand Teton mid August (Exum Ridge, 2 days) and running the Rut 50k at the beginning of September. I am not exactly sure where I should start training wise. I am very active but was sick this winter and have not been running/lifting as much as I was.
I know that training for the ultra will be a great crossover for the Grand Teton, but I want to be prepared for carrying a climbing pack (I also backcountry hunt – so want to be packout ready come archery season).  Was looking at possibly doing the 25k plan and the 50k plan – but what would you suggest doing prior to that?

No equipment restrictions – full gym and tons of mountains to train in.

23 years old, 5’7″, 130 lbs
Thank you so much!


You’re focus needs to be on the Rut. Training for it will do an adequate job of preparing for the Grand.
Here’s what I recommend…. you’ve got 32 weeks until the race:
Weeks.       Plan
1-7              Mountain Base Helen
8-14            Mountain Base Artimes
15-20          Mountain Base Danae
21-32         50k Ultra Training Plan – Total days 2 days before the Grand, and for 2 days after
– Rob


I’m transitioning over to MTI from Atomic Athlete. I’m 43 and relatively fit (just under mountain athlete standards), but lack running endurance speed. I started Bodyweight Fundamentals and wanted to understand my continuation protocols.
I’m training for life and to be active with my growing kids. No competition or races. I prefer sessions of about an hour but can flex longer occasionally. I’ve noticed that I may need an extra rest day after 3 consecutive days to stay optimal.

Should I continue with Country Singers? I’ve also seen the SF40 and SF45 packets. When is that transition the right one to make?


Lots to think about there, Scott.
I kept hammering all the way through my 40’s … keeping up with my local lab rats.
But … started feeling my knees at 44, and which I had pulled back. I’m 53 now, with 60-year old knees, and a hip replacement, and even my shoulders are stiff in the morning. What this means practically is my ability to do real world stuff – backcountry hunting, jiu jitsu, even playing soccer with my young kids, is limited.
Did my hammering through my 40s contribute to this? Not sure – could be genetic. But, in hindsight, I’d wish I’d been smarter about “base fitness” and saved my joints for real world stuff. Understand that programming for real world stuff – climbing the Grand Teton, for example, is the same despite age. The modification we’re making is with the base fitness programming.
You? Try the first week of SF40 Alpha … see what you think.
– Rob


Is bodyweight beginner a new or old program? Is it meant as a segue into bodyweight foundation, humility or similar programs? Looking for a starting point for someone who is fairly unfit, unconditioned.


New program, specifically designed for deconditioned people.
Follow it up with Bodyweight Foundation, or one of our freeweight strength plans, like the Big 3 Strength + 2 Mile Run Training Plan.
– Rob


A few lines from over here in the UK to add to your knowledge bank.
I came across your stuff 6-7 year ago and have dipped in/out since then according to need and want – I like the thought and testing that goes into your work and the simple effectiveness of the exercises and combinations.
Thank you: Keep doing what you’re doing
I’m 55 and have been training and racing endurance sport since my mid-teens – first running, then triathlon then ultra running
There’s always been and s&c thread throughout – inc a few years to scratch a CrossFit itch in my 40’s –  in part because I started by professional practice that way
I’ve run my own business since 2000 working across sport, education, business and for the last decade more and more in criminal justice
I’ve had v few soft tissue injuries which I put down to the conditioning thread and nearly 20 years in triathlon mixing up the training stressors
Your Loaded Step Up, Get Up and sandbag work have been my go-to fixe-breakthrough tools for myself and the group of ultrarunners I coach for a number of years now
I’ve added my own twist here and there too, as you do – but the foundations are yours
One exercise gives me everything I want as a long distance runner in his 50’s who competes on road and mountains: Single Rep Very Heavy Sandbag GU (clean from floor)
I’m 5’11” / 73kg and am now using a 60kg bag for these: Movements are v slow and controlled especially on descent (risk of injury high!) and effort is max getting back up. Rest till everything settles and repeat
I’ll do at least 2 – one each shoulder – and so far I’ve never been beyond 8. And weekly seems enough
I’ve made the most progress with this during lockdown – and here’s the bit for your knowledge bank:
I decided to really work on my mobility as part of a revised start of day routine as the world shut down – and put together a 30-45min routine combining yoga, animal flow movements and callisthenics and some old faves
There’s nothing static – I’m moving pretty much continuously – and I’ve now had nearly 2 years of that 4-6 times a week
ROM much improved AND i’ve found that my need to warm up for run training – even reps – is much reduced or I just don’t need to AND I’m just not as sore by a long way
No surprise that my V Heavy GU has improved with my mobility given the flexibility ask of lower body especially in this exercise
So…for me it’s been the discipline and frequency of new lockdown mobility that’s making the biggest difference to my capacity to keep playing hard in my 50’s
That and a very heavy bag!


Thanks for the note.
I’ve done those heavy SBGU before – not as heavy as you – we used a 100 or 120# bag. Awesome, but a little too dangerous, I decided.
Moblility/Movement – I’ve never thought much of this stuff, but for the past few months have been beginning my day – once I roll out of bed while my first cup of coffee is brewing – with a series of stretches and mobility drills – simple stuff like instep stretch, arm swings, hip rotations, etc. I can’t say my mobility has improved, but my mornings have greatly improved!
– Rob

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