Packet Focus: Ruck Based Selection Training Packet

Team Week at SFAS.

by Rob Shaul

Designing a training plan to prepare Green Beret candidates for SFAS was where I began programming for military selections. Over the years I’ve improved and updated our Ruck-Based Selection Training plan multiple times – were currently on Version 6 – making it more transferable and “mission-direct” for SFAS.

In addition to SFAS, this training plan has been completed successfully for Civilian Affairs, Psy Ops, The Activity, Ranger School, IBOLC, and multiple foreign military special forces selections.

We created the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet in response to military athletes who had several months to train for their selection, beyond the 8-week duration of the final selection training plan.

The six training plans contained within this packet details 52 weeks (12 months) of training in preparation for attending a Ruck-Based Selection such as the U.S, Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) and “The Activity.” Start the plan exactly 52 weeks before your first week at selection.

(This packet is not appropriate for athletes attending SFOD-D selection (US) or SAS selection (UK). If you are attending one of those selections, please purchase the SFOD-D Selection Training Packet.

In March 2017 I updated the plans in this packet to the most recent programing methodologies of MTI.  I got rid of Garbage Reps and exchanged the Core Training for the latest Chassis Integrity Theory. The exercise and circuit menus are narrowed, and the progressions got tightened up. Finally, I replaced certain sessions with gym-based endurance efforts based on our new Program Theory

This packet builds upon itself.  It gets progressively harder each week and each plan will build your fitness for the next. The purpose is to build sufficient fitness to excel in selection regardless of your initial fitness level.



The six plans, in the order you’ll complete them are listed below. Note the rest weeks between plans:

Weeks        Plan
1-7               (1) Military On Ramp Training PlanEstablish base fitness for the follow-on plans
8                   Total Rest
9-15             (2)  Humility – Bodyweight Strength, loaded work capacity, IBA runs and long, unloaded runs
16-22           (3) Big 24 – Barbell based, total strength
23-29          (4) Fortitude – Gym based strength, distance running and rucking
30-36          (5) Valor – Gym based work capacity, short, intense running and rucking intervals
37-43          (6) Resilience – Gym-based Strength, Chassis Integrity, Heavy Rucking and distance running
44                 Total Rest
45-52          (7) Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan

It’s very important you complete the final, Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before you report for selection. This plan includes a taper, so there’s no need to take rest week after it’s completion.

The packet price of $229, represents a 30% savings over the combined price of the individual plans.

What Equipment is Required?
  • Fully equipped functional fitness weightroom
  • 40/60/80# Sandbags
  • Ruck for rucking and ruck running. 10# sledge/dumbbell.
  • Stopwatch with interval timer (Timex is best)
  • GPS Watch (recommended – will make measuring rucking distances and pacing much easier)

Can I see sample training?
Click the “Sample Training” tab at each individual training plan product page to see the entire first week of programming for that plan. 

What if I don’t have 52 weeks before selection?
Most athletes will want to begin training with the Military On Ramp Training Plan, and all will want to finish with the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan directly prior to selection. The order and selection of the plans in the middle depend on the time you have to train. Please email for specific guidance.

How do I access the plan? Pdf? Online?
Plan access is online, via username and password.

Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.




Customer Reviews on the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet



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