Border Patrol Academy Training Plan
• 7 week, 5 day/week training plan
• Designed specifically for those preparing for the Border Patrol Academy.
• Includes focused training for the Border Patrol PFT
• This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription
This 7-Week Training plan is designed to prepare you for the Border Patrol Physical Fitness Test and build a solid level of “Base Fitness” for those preparing to enter the Border Patrol Academy.
This plan varies from our normal LE Athlete fitness attributes, as you are training specifically to meet and exceed the demands of the academy. Complete the plan in the seven weeks directly before your Academy start date… it includes a “de-load” week so that you are well recovered before checking in to the Academy.
Once you have graduated, we recommend you move on to our daily LE Athlete programming for job specific physical training.
The plan will train the following attributes:
- Border Patrol Physical Fitness Test II – 220 yd sprint, max sit ups in 1 minute, max push ups in 1 minute, and a 1.5-mile run.
- Lower and Total Body Strength – Trained 1x/week to develop durability and maximal strength in the recruit
- Work Capacity – Repeat sprint efforts and a short bodyweight work capacity effort
- Endurance – Work up to 5 Miles to develop aerobic endurance
- Chassis Integrity – Functional, transferable core/midsection strength and strength endurance for mission performance and overall durability.
- TAC SEPA – Tactical Speed, Explosive Power and Agility development for obstacle courses and confidence course
This is what your training week will look like:
- Monday: Border Patrol Physical Fitness Test Prep
- Tuesday: Strength, Chassis Integrity
- Wednesday: Aerobic Endurance
- Thursday: Border Patrol Physical Fitness Test Prep
- Friday: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity
Required Equipment:
- Fully Equipped Functional Fitness Weight Room including barbells, racks, bumper plates, dumbbells, plyo boxes, 25# weight vest, and sandbags (40/60#)
Common Questions:
How long are the training sessions?
50-60 minutes.
What if I miss a session?
Start again where you left off. Don’t skip ahead.
I don’t work a 5 on, 2 off schedule. How should I train?
Do your best to train 5 days every 7 day period. You may have to train on an off-duty day and rest on a duty day.
I work 10-12 hour shifts. When should I train?
Before your work day begins. This is the only time you can count on.
How do I know if I’m fit enough to start this plan?
Under the “Sample Training” tab, you’ll find Week 1 of this training plan. Complete this week of training. If you survive, you’re ready for the rest of the program.
But I’ve never lifted weights before….
Time you started! The weight lifting exercises in this training plan are not complicated or super unique. On our Exercise page, you’ll find videos and explanations of unfamiliar exercises … start there and also search youtube and other resources for exercise tips. Be resourceful. For the barbell-strength exercises, start light and be smart. Keep at it – you’ll get stronger. There’s no hurry.
What does 2/4x Pull Ups mean?
2x for female athletes, 4x for men.
What does 15/25# mean?
Female athletes use 15#, male athletes use 25#.
Unfamiliar exercises?
Click HERE.
I’m overweight. What about diet/nutrition?
Click HERE for our nutritional guidelines?
Some exercises call for kettle bells and some for dumbbells. What if I just have dumbbells?
Every exercise that calls for kettlebells can be completed with dumbbells, and vice versa. You may have to convert the loading, so if the plan calls for kettlebell swings at 16kg, and you only have dumbbells, use a 35# dumbbell. Be resourceful.
This plan was built August 2017
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.
Required Equipment
- Fully Equipped Functional Fitness Weight Room including barbells, racks, bumper plates, dumbbells, plyo boxes, 25# weight vest, and sandbags (40/60#)
Sample Training
Below is the entire first week from this training plan:
Obj: Border Patrol Physical Fitness Test
3 Rounds
8x Push-ups
8x Air Squats
8x Sit-ups
Instep Stretch
(1) 220 yd Sprint for time.
(2) Max reps Push-ups in 60 sec.
(3) Max reps Sit-ups in 60 sec.
(4) Run 1.5 miles for time.
Focus: Strength, Chassis Integrity
4 Rounds
5x Push-ups
10x Air Squats
5x Horizontal Pull-ups
10x Sit-ups
Instep Stretch
(1) 8 Rounds
5x Bench Press
Lat/Pec Stretch
Use the below chart for loading ….
Round Reps %1RM
1 5 50
2 5 60
3 5 70
4-8 5 80
(2) 6 Rounds
5x Back Squat - increase load until 5x is hard, but doable.
3/5x Pull Ups
3rd World Stretch
(3) 12 Minute Grind
5x Cauldron @10/25#
5x Kneeling Slasher @ 16/20kg
3x Sandbag Getup and Run @ 40/60# (alternate shoulders each round)
(3) 3 Rounds
Lat/Pec Stretch
Hip Flexor + Pigeon Stretch
Foam Roll Legs
Focus: Endurance
(1) 3 Mile Run at a “Moderate” pace. Moderate = comfortable but not easy.
Obj: Border Patrol Physical Fitness Test
4 Rounds
Run 100m - easy to moderate pace as you warm up.
5x Lunges
10x Push-ups
10x Sit-ups
Instep Stretch
(1) 6 Rounds, every 75 sec.
Push-Ups 30% of your Max Reps Scored on SESSION 1 PFT
(2) 6 Rounds, every 75 sec.
Sit-Ups 30% of your Max Reps Scored on SESSION 1 PFT
(Example: If you completed 50 Push Ups on your SESSION 1 PFT, you will use that score to find your reps per round.
50 x .3 = 15 push ups per round. After completing 15 push ups, use the remaining time as your rest)
(3) Run 220 yd. for time.
Rest 5 min.
(4) 3 Rounds
Sprint 100m @ 100% effort.
Rest 60 sec.
Rest 5 min.
(5) 3 Rounds
800m Run @ Interval Pace using the MTI Running Calculator and your SESSION 1 1.5-mile run assessment time
Rest 3 Min
CLICK HERE for Running Calculator
Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity
Use SESSION 1 results.
4 Rounds
5x Push-ups
10x Air Squats
5x Horizontal Pull-ups
10x Sit-ups
Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds TAC SEPA - 75m Shuttle (unloaded)
Rest 1-2 Minutes between efforts
(2) 4 Rounds TAC SEPA - 75m Shuttle wearing 25# Weight Vest
Rest 1-2 Minutes between efforts
(3) 4 Rounds
30% max reps Push-ups
30% max reps Sit-ups
3x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25#
60 sec rest
(4) 10 Minute Grind
15/15 Standing Founder
15/15 Kneeling Founder
8x Good Mornings @ 45#
(3) 3 Rounds
3rd World Stretch
Lat/Pec Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
- Push Ups: 25
- Sit Ups: 36
- 1.5 mile run 12:12
- I also added Pull Ups following the same loading percentages as the Push Ups and Sit Ups: 6
- Push Ups: 46
- Sit Ups: 52
- 1.5 mile run 10:06
- Pull ups: 10
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