Rob Shaul’s Initial thoughts on a Strong Swift Durable Fitness Assessment

I was recently asked by a journalist for my opinion of some basic fitness standards for an “Adventure Athlete” – which I understand is a driven recreational athlete who has many interests and wants a base level of fitness for fun, performance and health. Sounds like the type of person who uses our Strong Swift […]

Q&A 7-11-2014

QUESTION I have a question on which program to follow.  I have been doing the LE Athlete sessions (they are legit!) as I am preparing for a career in EMS and Law Enforcement (I am in the hiring process of a sheriff’s department who deputizes medics for flight and tactical operations). I am also transitioning […]

LE Athlete Fitness Test – Initial Thoughts

By Rob Shaul I’ve been programming for Law Enforcement Athletes for about 5 months now and my thoughts on an LE Athlete-appropriate fitness assessment are starting to come together.  Before describing the events, some administrative stuff …. First, this assessment reflects what I feel are appropriate for the potential fitness demands of LE Athletes. I […]

MTI’s Top 5 Exercises for Law Enforcement Athletes

By Rob Shaul These are our top 5 exercises we’re using in our programming for law enforcement athletes.   1. Standing Sandbag Halfmoon This one exercise trains the legs, core and lungs (Tactical Chassis), plus grip strength and total body power and explosion. Perfect for a Law Enforcement Athlete.     2. Walking Lunge Loaded walking […]


By Rob Shaul We’ve had some questions about “Strong. Swift. Durable.” as athletes have seen this programming on, and also this name at the website store. To explain, I need to start with some history. I founded and opened Mountain Athlete in Jackson, Wyoming in early 2007, with the clear focus of programming […]

One Officer at a Time

By Rob Shaul   I’ve been working primarily with military athletes for almost a decade now. During those years isolated law enforcement officers and departments found us, started asking questions and providing feedback and jumped in to start doing our stuff. Unlike the military, there is no established tradition for fitness in the law enforcement […]

Fitness Tests for LE Athletes

By Rob Shaul I’m currently developing strategies and ideas to develop a fitness test for LE Athletes, along the lines of what I’ve done for Military Athletes. My initial thoughts include a mid-distance shuttle sprint component, upper body strength, explosive power, and core strength. The idea of a fitness test for LE Athletes has been fought […]

The Burden of Constant Fitness

  By Rob Shaul I was first introduced to “The Burden of Constant Fitness” concept by a Green Beret several years ago. Ben explained that soldiers never had the opportunity to be out of shape. Their work requires that they always be fit, and this “constant” fitness requirement can become a “burden” as soldiers struggle […]