USMC The Basic School (TBS) Training Plan
- 6-Week, 6x/week training plan designed to prepare new USMC Officers for the rigors of The Basic School
- TBS Plan includes specific programming/progression for the graded events: PFT, CFT, Double O-Course, E-Course.
- Assessment-based training plan automatically scales to the initial fitness level of the individual
- This training plan is one of the 450+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
The USMC TBS Training Plan is intended for newly commissioned Marine Corps officers preparing for the physical demands of The Basic School
The TBS plan is six weeks, with training sessions 6x days/week. It should be completed six weeks directly before the TBS check-in date.
The TBS plan is intended to:
- Prepare athletes for the graded events at TBS (Double O-Course, E-Course, PFT, CFT)
- Improve/Increase Rucking Performance
- Increase overall strength and durability for the duration of the course.
Weekly Schedule:
- Monday: PFT Assessment/Progressions
- Tuesday : O-Course Improvement, Chassis Integrity
- Wednesday: 6-Mile Endurance Assessment/2 Mile Intervals at 25# load
- Thursday: CFT Work
- Friday: PFT Assessment/Progressions
- Saturday: Long Ruck
The following program is designed to prepare an athlete for successful completion of the physical requirements associated with the Marine Corps – The Basic School.
It is an intense 6-week program designed to be employed exactly 6 weeks before your check-in date. It’s designed specifically to improve results on graded events at TBS as well as overall physical performance.
The program is progressed to get harder as you go along. Do the sessions in the order written. Don’t skip ahead. If you’re less than 6 weeks away from TBS, start at Session 1 and progress as far through the program as you can.
You’ll Train 6 days a week during this program. Sunday or Day 7 is total rest. Here is a outline of the schedule:
- Monday: PFT Assessment/Progressions
- Tuesday : O-Course Improvement, Chassis Integrity
- Wednesday: 6-Mile Endurance Assessment/2 Mile Intervals at 25# load
- Thursday: CFT Work
- Friday: PFT Assessment/Progressions
- Saturday: Long Ruck
Required Equipment:
- Ruck w/60# Load
- 10# Sledge or Dumbbell
- 60/80# Sandbags (60# for women, 80# for men)
- Box or Bench @ 20-24”
- 2x 5.56mm ammunition cans weighing 30# (a combination of sand and water can be added to reach the required weight) – 2x 30# dumbbells can be substituted if necessary
- Cones, pylons, utility flags, sandbags or other visible markers for the CFT course
- Tape measure of at least 100 feet (or another way of measuring a 25-yard course)
- Pull-Up Bar
- Course or track of known distances (220 yards, 440 yards and 880 yards)
- Timepiece or stopwatch
- Optional: If you have access to the USMC O-Course, use it for the Tuesday sessions. If not, use our substitute listed in the programming.
Combat Fitness Test (CFT)
Due to the complexity of the USMC CFT MANUF event we think it is impractical to require you to set-up and complete the entire MANUF multiple times throughout training. Instead we have designed a simplified MANUF assessment which we have substituted and will use to progress your training. The simplified course allows you to train for each event in the MANUF without the burden of a complicated set-up. We call it the Devil Dog Assessment.
While the Devil Dog Assessment tests all the same physical aspects as the actual MANUF event, we still recommend that you complete at least one trial run of the USMC CFT MANUF course prior to your test. Being familiar with the actual MANUF course will all you to better transfer the skills you gain during this training plan.
Your training for the USMC CFT will be divided into the three separate components: (1) MTC, (2) AL and (3) MANUF.
(1) Training for the MTC will consist primarily of speed endurance runs of 220 yard and 440 yards.
(2) Training for the AL will consist primarily of upper body strength endurance events.
(3) Training for the MANUF will consist primarily of sprints, agility drills, high crawls, modified high crawls, dragging objects, carrying objects and body weight exercises.
Note: We will not train for the grenade toss portion of the MANUF event. If an athlete wishes to train for this event they will need to prepare on their own.
Devil Dog Assessment (Modified MANUF):
The total assessment distance is 400 yards. The assessment consists of 16 x 25 yard continuous shuttles. The shuttles are designed to simulate the events in the MANUF event and are divided into four parts:
(1) 125yd Shuttle (0-125 yards)
(2) 25yd Crawl (125-150 yards)
(3) 12.5yd High Crawl / 12.5yd Mod. High Crawl
(4) 100yd Simulated Casualty (150-250 yards)
(5) 12.5yd SC Drag / 87.5yd SC Carry
(6) 150yd Shuttle w/ 2x 30# Ammo Cans or 30# Dumbbells
The assessment is actually very simple. Watch our video HERE.
To complete the assessment all you will need is: 2x cones (to mark the 25 yard course), a partner (or dummy or 80# sandbag) and 2x 30# Ammo Cans or Dumbbells.
The run intervals work off of your most recent PFT and 6-mile run results. You can find the Links to the Calculators under FAQs at the bottom of this overview.
How long do the training sessions last?
Training sessions are designed to last 60-75 minutes. Endurance events may take up to 2 hours.
What does “4/8x” mean? How about “15/25#”?
First number is for women, second is for men, both for reps, and loading. Examples:
4/8x Chin Ups = Women do 4x, Men do 8x
15/25# = Women us 15#, Men us 25#.
What does “Grind” Mean?
Work briskly, not frantically. Keep moving and work steady through the circuit.
What if I miss a training day?
These sessions do not have to follow a standard Monday to Friday schedule. You can have multiple days between training sessions if in the field or otherwise occupied with training at The Basic School. Complete the sessions in order – don’t skip around.
My gym doesn’t have sandbags. What should I do?
Make one and take it to the gym when you train … a sandbag is required for this program. We sell sandbags at, other venders sell them, and you can make your own. Be resourceful.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
More Questions? Email
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.
Required Equipment
- Ruck w/60# Load
- 10# Sledge or Dumbbell
- 60/80# Sandbags (60# for women, 80# for men)
- Box or Bench @ 20-24”
- 2x 5.56mm ammunition cans weighing 30# (a combination of sand and water can be added to reach the required weight) – 2x 30# dumbbells can be substituted if necessary
- Cones, pylons, utility flags, sandbags or other visible markers for the CFT course
- Tape measure of at least 100 feet (or another way of measuring a 25-yard course)
- Pull-Up Bar
- Course or track of known distances (220 yards, 440 yards and 880 yards)
- Timepiece or stopwatch
- Optional: If you have access to the USMC O-Course, use it for the Tuesday sessions. If not, use our substitute listed in the programming.
Sample Training
Obj: O-Course Prep
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10x Squat Jumps
1/3x Pull Ups
6x 25m Shuttle
Instep Stretch
(1) 3 Rounds for Time
USMC Obstacle Course
Rest 30 Seconds
No O-Course? Do this instead…
(2) 3 Rounds
4x40ft Shuttle
10x Burpee Box Jump @ 20-24”
10x Pull Up Bar Heel Tap
1x Rope Climb (No Rope? Do 3x Tarzan Pull Ups instead)
Rest 30 Seconds
Rest 5 Minutes
(2) 10 Rounds every 60 sec.
4x Sandbag Get Ups @ 60/80#
(3) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch + Pigeon Stretch
Lat + Pec Stretch
Obj: Endurance Assessment No. 1
Warm Up:
200m Run, moderate pace
10x Lunges
10x Push Ups
Instep Stretch
(1) 6 Mile Run Assessment wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA
Obj: CFT Assessment No. 1
Run 440 yards (1 lap), then...
4 Rounds
Run 110 yards
5x Push-Ups
5x Lunges
5x Sit-Ups
Instep Stretch
(1) Modified USMC CFT Assessment
(A) MTC: Run 880 yards
Rest 5 Minutes
(B) AL: Max Reps 30# Ammo Can lift in 2:00
Rest 5 Minutes
(C) Devil Dog Assessment
(3) 10 Rounds every 20 seconds
Ammo Can Lifts @ 10% of your assessment score
(4) 10 Minute Grind
20/20 Standing Founder
10x Face Down Back Extension
20/20 Kneeling Founder
8x Single Leg Deadlift @ 30# Ammo Can
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