Ranger Physical Assessment (RPA) 2.0 Training Plan
- 5 weeks, 6 days/week training plan designed specifically to maximize your performance on the proposed RPA 2.0
- Assessment-based training plan that Individually scales to your current level of fitness
- This training plan is one of the 450+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription
This 5 Week, 6 day/week training program is event-specifically designed to prepare for and improve your results on the proposed Ranger RPA 2.0:
Uniform: Cammies and Boots
- Run 1 Mile
- 6x Strict Chin Ups (Palms toward face)
- 100m Farmer’s Carry with 2x 40# kettlebells or dumbbells
- 100m Individual Movement Techniques**
- 100m Skedco Drag @ 185#
- Run 2 Miles
NOTE: We understand that the RPA 2.0 has been proposed but is still under testing as of August, 2023. So it’s possible this assessment won’t be implemented, and/or there will be changes to the events or 27 minute standard. See above …
This is version 1 of this plan, built August, 2023.
This training program has 3 specific objectives:
(1) Familiarize yourself with the RPA 2.0 including multiple efforts at the full assessment. You’ll complete the RPA 2.0 every Monday during this 5-week plan.
(2) Increase speed over ground and running-specific fitness. Your running speed for the 3 miles total run in the proposed RPA 2.0 will largely determine your finish time as by time, running will make up most of your finish time. In addition to threshold 800m and 1-mile repeats, you’ll run 4-5 miles at a “moderate pace” on Saturdays.
(3) Improve your max rep Chin Ups. While as proposed the RPA 2.0 requires just 6x chin ups, Ranger School Cadre are notorious for super strict interpretation of “good” reps, and there’s a likely chance you may need to more than 6 chin ups during the assessment.
Weekly Schedule
- Mon: Ranger RPA 2.0
- Tue: RPA Field Work repeats (Farmer Carries, IMT, Skedco Drags)
- Wed: Speed over Ground Intervals
- Thu: RPA Field Work repeats (Farmer Carries, IMT, Skedco Drags)
- Fri: Speed over Ground Intervals
- Sat: Chin Up work and Moderate Pace Run (4-5 miles)
Required Equipment
– Known 800m and 1-mile distances
– Stopwatch with repeating countdown Timer
– Skedco and 185-Pound Load or substitute
– 2x, 40-lb dumbbells or kettlebells
– 100m Known Distance
Common Questions
What if I miss a day?
Don’t skip ahead. Start where you left off. The plan is progressive, and its training sessions designed to be completed in order.
What if I have less then 5 weeks before my Ranger RPA 2.0?
Still start at the beginning of this training plan anyway. Don’t skip ahead.
Can I see a sample of the training?
Click the “Sample Training” Tab to see the entire first week of programming.
What if I have more than 5 weeks?
Email coach@mtntactical.com with the time you have and we will advise.
What if I can’t handle the training volume at first?
Building stamina and resilience is a key training goal of this plan, and physical and mental stamina is also key. If you can’t handle the training volume at first, it’s better to cut training sessions short, rather than take unscheduled rest days.
What if I can’t make the prescribed reps for the bodyweight exercises, or the prescribed interval times for runs?
Do your best, and be sure to do the total number of rounds, even if you can’t make the reps or the time. Don’t quit.
How do you count reps for lunges?
5x Lunges = 5x Lunges each leg, or 10x lunges total
What about nutrition?
Here are our nutritional recommendations:
More Questions?
Email coach@mtntactical.com
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.
Required Equipment
Required Equipment- Known 800m and 1-mile distances
- Stopwatch with repeating countdown Timer
- Skedco and 185-Pound Load or substitute
- 2x, 40-lb dumbbells or kettlebells
- 100m Known Distance
Sample Training
Below is the entire First week of programming from the plan:
Obj: RPA 2.0
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Uniform: Cammies and Boots
(1) Start a Stopwatch, then immediately do these events back to back:
- Run 1 Mile
- 6x Strict Chin Ups (Palms toward face)
- 100m Farmer's Carry with 2x 40# kettlebells or dumbbells
- 100m Individual Movement Techniques**
- 100m Skedco Drag @ 185#
- Run 2 Miles
(2) 2 Rounds
100m Individual Movement Techniques - it's still unclear what this will be, so for the purposes of this assessment and rest of the training plan, start prone, then jump to feet, sprint 10m, and go prone again. Repeat this for 100m .... So essentially 10x up downs with a 10m sprint between each.
No Kettlebells? Use two 5-gallon cans filled with water
No Skedco? Do your best to rig something similar .... Weighted Sled. Drag an old pallet with sandbag or rocks on top. Drag a tire .... Be resourceful.
Obj: Run Intervals
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
- 10x Squats
- 5x Hand Release Push Ups
- Run 100m
- Instep Stretch
- Uniform: Cammies and Boots
(1) 3 Rounds
- Run 800m at Threshold Pace
- Rest 8 Minutes between efforts
"Threshold Pace" = Fastest Possible
(3) 2 Rounds
Obj: Field Work Repeats
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Uniform: Cammies and Boots
(1) 3 Rounds. Rest 8 Minutes Between Efforts:
- 6x Strict Chin Ups (Palms toward face)
- 100m Farmer's Carry with 2x 40# kettlebells or dumbbells
- 100m Individual Movement Techniques**
- 100m Skedco Drag @ 185#
(2) 2 Rounds
Obj: Run Intervals
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
- 10x Squats
- 5x Hand Release Push Ups
- Run 100m
- Instep Stretch
Uniform: Cammies and Boots
(1) 2 Rounds
- Run 1-Mile at Threshold Pace
- Rest 10 Minutes between efforts
"Threshold Pace" = Fastest Possible
(3) 2 Rounds
Obj: Field Work Repeats
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Uniform: Cammies and Boots
(1) 3 Rounds. Rest 8 Minutes Between Efforts:
- 6x Strict Chin Ups (Palms toward face)
- 100m Farmer's Carry with 2x 40# kettlebells or dumbbells
- 100m Individual Movement Techniques**
- 100m Skedco Drag @ 185#
(2) 2 Rounds
Obj: Moderate Pace Run, Chin Ups
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
- 10x Squats
- 5x Hand Release Push Ups
- 1x Chin Up
- Run 100m
- Instep Stretch
- Uniform: Gym Gear
(1) Max Rep Chin Ups
Be super strict ... full elbow extension at the bottom, chin fully over the bar with a short pause at the top.
(2) 5 Rounds
30% Max Rep Chin Ups every 75 Seconds
So ... if your Part (1) Max Rep Chin Up score was 15x chin ups, 15 x .3 = 4.5 or 5 (round up). Set a repeating countdown timer to 75 seconds. On "go" complete 5x strict chin ups. Faster you finish, the more rest you get between rounds.
(3) Run 4 Miles at a moderate pace.
"Moderate" = comfortable but not easy
(4) 2 Rounds
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