Q&A 2.1.24


I’m looking at going out for FBI SWAT selections in approximately 20 weeks or so.  When would you recommend doing the SWAT Selection plan, FBI SWAT PFT plan, or any other plans during that time period?

It’ll be a new selection process so I don’t know a lot of details, but will likely be 2-3 days starting with the FBI swat pft and quals. No rucking that I’m aware of but continuous bodyweight or full kit running/smoke-sessions in between scenarios. No details on the O-course but would be surprised if there wasn’t one, as the old selection had it.
The advice I’ve been given from a physical fitness standpoint beyond prepping for the PFT events is endurance with kit to handle the long days and still be mentally sharp for the scenarios, along with general bodyweight endurance for pushups/pull-ups etc.
Separately, I frequently go on ~1 week work trips that usually occur in the middle of a workout cycle. What would you recommend doing for that week and after – ie continuing the plan I was on when I get back, restarting, or continuing the cycle during the trip trying to modify the routine based on available hotel gym equipment?
Do Valor, then 4 weeks of Fortitude, full week off, then the FBI SWAT PST 7 weeks directly before selection.


Been using the app for some time but now becoming a K9 handler. Just wondering you there is a suggested program or if there is one I can’t find specifically for police K9 handlers


The Daily LE Patrol/Detective training is going to be your best option. We don’t have any K9-specific training, although we did create an assessment a few years ago. https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/mti-k9-handler-fitness-assessment/. If you decide to do the assessment, we’d love to see your results!


I started training with MTI this month. It has been a great fit so far for what I am looking for and how I enjoy training. I would have a few questions as an MTI newbie:
  • Rest between exercises: how long of a rest is recommended between 1) exercise circuits within a workout? 2) between rounds within a circuit (if not AMRAP or grind-type circuits)?
  • I am still recovering from a running injury. How do you recommend using a spinning bike, rower and/or treadmill (weighted vest / incline), standalone or combined, as substitutes for running sessions (easy sessions or intervals)?
  • Nutrition: reading through your nutrition guidelines (https://mtntactical.com/inside-strong-swift-durable/frequently-asked-questions/#nutrition), what sources of carbs would you recommend for the 6 days/week?
  • Do you foresee incorporating in the future an alternative to the climbing workout day in the mountain elite daily program?
  • I am currently using a pancake sandbag that I already have as part of my home gym instead of a “regular” sandbag with handles. Would you recommend investing in a regular sandbag with handles instead?


Glad you’re enjoying it!

This link will answer the first question –> https://mtntactical.com/inside-strong-swift-durable/frequently-asked-questions/new-athlete-training-faqs/

  • Running substitution –> https://fitness.mtntactical.com/exercises/details.php?id=test
  • Carbs –> This is fairly specific to the individual. Generally, we recommend a lower-carb approach, which you will get from veggies and fruit. This is a really good resource: https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/carbohydrate-deep-dive-qa/
  • Mountain Elite –> Yes, future cycles will have a climbing alternative. If you have any other feedback on the programming and your training needs, we’d love to hear it.
  • Sandbag –> Yes it’s a worthwhile investment. We sell our own (I’ve beat the crap out of mine for 8+ years and it’s still rolling), or you can make your own with an army/navy surplus store seabag and rubber mulch.


I’m a former Special Operations Forces operator recently navigating the transition to civilian life. Eager to maintain peak fitness, I’m looking for a training plan that helps me refine my tactical athlete physique for mountain adventure.

My priorities are staying sharp, increase health and performance for longevity, and building a leaner, more endurance-ready body for activities like trail running and climbing. I’m 6’3″ and 225lbs, I’m fortunate to have both gym and trail access near the Santa Monica mountains, and I’m already following MTI’s solid nutrition guidelines.

However, choosing the right training plan after years of military structure feels daunting.  It’s been difficult identifying a fitness goal after I’ve had a clear one for the last 10yrs. I’d be incredibly grateful for your guidance on:

  • Suitable MTI programs: Which program best blends strength, cardio, and mobility for my goals?
  • Tactician to Mountaineer: What adjustments can I make to my training and nutrition to optimize for endurance and fat loss?
  • Gym & Trail Synergy: How can I leverage both environments for a well-rounded, mountain-focused program?


Congrats on your transition from the military and staying goal-oriented.

The best plan is going to be our Mountain Elite daily training subscription. Year-round, monthly cycles, intended for multi-sport mountain athletes. When preparing for a specific excursion or season, email us and I can give you a sport/event-specific training plan recommendation. You can access this via the Athlete Subscription to seamlessly transition between plans, or sign up for the single Mountain Elite stream, and cancel if you need to jump to another plan.

Tactician to Mountaineer… you’re likely carry extra muscle weight that you needed in the military, but no longer need as a focused mountain athlete. Rob built this chart to help on this topic (https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/ideal-bodyweights-for-mountain-athletes-mountain-professionals-and-tactical-athletes/). Body composition of course has it’s variables, but it’s a good starting point. Dropping to ~200# would almost certainly make you faster in the mountains and decrease your sustainment requirements for longer expeditions.


These are my current scores for the SEAL PST:
1.5 mile run in 20+ minutes
4 mile run in 60 minutes
0 push ups
0 pull ups
23 sit ups in 2 min
I’m 5’8″ and 168lbs. Which workout program of yours would you recommend doing? How long would it take to reach my goals? I’ve done knee push ups and incline push ups but I don’t feel them make a difference.
My goals are to do a 1.5 mile run in 9 min, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 30 pull ups and run 4 miles in 27 min.


First – fix your diet. At 5’8″ I’d like to see you at 155#. Losing 13 pounds will make everything better – you’ll run faster/easier, and your bodyweight strength numbers will automatically improve. Here are MTI’s Ideal Bodyweights.
Here are our nutritional recommendations. Cut sugar/carbs and you shed fat.
Know that you can’t outwork a shitty diet.
Start with our Bodyweight Beginner Training Plan. Do the push up assessment on your knees.
Email back on the other side of Bodyweight Beginner.
– Rob


Good evening. BLUF – I used to have 60-90 minutes to train a day, now I only have 30. Do you have training programs targeted for 30-minute training sessions?
Additional details: I train BJJ 2-3 times a week and I love bow hunting white tails down in Florida. Other than having the endurance and grip strength for jiu jitsu, I’m just looking to maintain a general state of fitness.
Please let me know if you have programs because I’d love to offset the planning to further save time. Thanks!


Our Daily Tactical BJJ sessions are designed to last 30-45 minutes. (Plan Packet or Daily Stream)
Our Busy Dad programming (full gym, and limited equipment) are designed to last 45 minutes.
– Rob


I’m doing daily operator. Currently we do 2 cardio days. One light. One moderate. I live in Iowa and its well below freezing temperatures so the icy sidewalks and roads are preventing me. I’d like to replace running with rucking because I really enjoy it. But I believe it would be wiser to probably hop on the bikeerg or echo bike at my local gym in terms of best replicating the running endurance stimulus. Thoughts?


Similar conditions up here in Montana. No issue with replacing rucking with running if you can find a spot to safely do it. When everything is frozen over, the echo bike is likely the way to go.


I’ve been following your articles for a while now and am stuck in a training rut and was hoping for some help. I’m 53, ex police detective and military reservist but been a civilian for 5 years. I need an all round fitness routine, but would like an emphasis on strength and hypertrophy but don’t want to be gassed on a 5 k run. I have access to a good gym. What programme of yours do you recommend? 


The best plan for you is our MTI 45+ programming. It’s built for guys just like you. https://mtntactical.com/shop/mti-45-daily-training-subscription/


I need a good plan to train up my endurance but also my strength, i need to get better at rucking but still be able to throw weight around in the gym. i also need to be able to still be quick for 5 mile runs and 3 mile runs


Got it, the best option is a base fitness approach, unless you’re severely lacking in one of the fitness traits you described above. The Operator Sessions is the best bet to accomplish your goals with well-rounded training. (https://mtntactical.com/shop/daily-operator-training-subscription/)


I purchased the STO/CRO IFT improvement plan. I’m currently assessing for the to be a TACPO which shares sto and cro standards with the exception of only having to do a 500m swim and not 1500m. is there a way to translate the requirements in the STO/CRO plan to a 500m swim?


Replace the 1500m assessment with the 500m swim. Use the same rounds as prescribed for the swim intervals, but replace the distance to 150m when the plan programs 500m intervals, and 250m when the plan programs 750. The Swim Calculator has a 500m assessment distance built, so you’re all good to use that to get your interval speeds.


I was looking at your body weight foundation plan, and was wondering if you had recommendations for translating the run portion to either a road bike in a spin stand or preferably the C2 rower. We just moved to a more rural setting and my at-home training is now longer easily accomplished with runs


Here’s our resource for substituting running with rowing/biking. https://fitness.mtntactical.com/exercises/details.php?id=test


I’m 39 years old and I’m planning on attending SFRE in 3 months and hopefully selection in 6 or 7 months. I purchased the Military OnRamp program already. I see there is a SFRE program and a 52 week program available for purchase. What programs do you recommend I purchase for my 3 month and 6/7 month timeframe? Thanks and I love what you guys are doing!


Do the first 4 weeks of the Military On Ramp plan, then transition to the SFRE plan. That will be match up with 3 months of training preparation. Assuming you have 7 months afterwards to prepare for selection, do these plans in order: Fortitude (http://mtntactical.com/shop/fortitude/) Valor (http://mtntactical.com/shop/valor/) Resilience (http://mtntactical.com/shop/resilience/) 1-Week Total Rest Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/ruck-based-selection-training-plan-v5/) If your timeline changes, shoot us a message and we will get it figured out together. Good luck!

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