Q&A 7-11-2014


I have a question on which program to follow.  I have been doing the LE Athlete sessions (they are legit!) as I am preparing for a career in EMS and Law Enforcement (I am in the hiring process of a sheriff’s department who deputizes medics for flight and tactical operations).

I am also transitioning over to the Army Reserves from Active duty Infantry and will be going into an Infantry slot.  From what I have been told, the unit trains deploying reserve and national guard units that aren’t in combat arms jobs.  I will know more when I report.

I was going to drop into the  APFT plan 6 weeks out of my report date unless I find out when the first APFT will be.  While doing this should I do anything else?  Perhaps strength work?

I had also thought of just sticking with the LE Sessions if you think they would be enough to maintain a good APFT score.  I know you have mentioned that the APFT is a sport specific event so I wasn’t sure.

Also, should I keep my focus on the LE Sessions after the APFT or would the Operator Sessions be a better fit?


You should cancel your subscription (See how in the FAQ) and either do the APFT Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=30), or if you want a more comprehensive plan, the OCS (ARMY) Training plan which includes dedicated APFT work plus general work capacity, running and rucking. Here’s the link: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=131

If you do the APFT Plan, you could do some extra lifting – but I’d probably limit it to legs. You’ll be surprised at how intense the push up protocols are…..



What is the difference between a regular subscription and the trainer/ coach packages?


Noting, but the Coach/Trainer Subscription is designed for professional trainers/coaches who use our training sessions with their paying clients. It’s an honor system.



You have great programs….I am currently in week 3 of your Bodyweight program and enjoying it immensely.  Noticed the difference on a quick Colo Fourteener hike over the weekend.  I have occasional low back issues (not shocking for a 49 year old guy, I guess), but have not had any issues with your Bodyweight program and indeed have felt much better than usual.  That said, I did something unrelated last week that torqued my low back.  I can do all the exercises in the program, but my PT is urging me not to do the situps for a while…..any substitute?


Substitute a 20/20/20 Bridge Complex …. 20 second side bridge, directly to 20 second front bridge, directly to 20 second side bridge (other side).



Question about the sessions, I noticed that there are sometimes 3 to 4 days off between some of the sessions. Is this part of the programming or do I need to start at an earlier date and work up from there?


Most weeks are 4 days on, 3 days off. In general, I don’t want guys training on their off days. Here I have the lab rats go Mon-Thurs.



Just finished reading over your LE article about fitness tests for law enforcement, I like what you are suggesting.  It would require limited space, equipment and time to conduct, all issues admin and unions will complain about.  What are you thinking for scoring? Would your scoring differ for SWAT and Patrol (I am assuming so, but curious what you would consider good scores for either).

As a side note, I recently switched to leathlete from military athlete and immediately noticed an emphasis on explosive power, this I like and seems practical to me (although I do miss the rucking and vest work).  My only question regarding programming is that we do quarterly PT tests that mimic academy entrance testing where we do a mile and a half run for time (cooper standards).  Should I be supplementing in some runs occasionally to make sure my times stay up or do you think they really will not be effected?


Don’t assume the LE Athlete Officer Sessions will prepare you to perform your best on the run. These sessions are designed to prepare Officers for the day to day demands of their work – which doesn’t include a timed 1.5 mile run.

Like all our programming, the closer to the event (your assessment) the more sport-specifically you should be training. This means 2-3 weeks out from your assessment, you should be training the events in the assessment.



I work for Colorado Springs PD. So far it’s been a mixed pot of feelings on the fit test.  As you know by dealing with cops, our type A personalities and absolute hatred of change has made some of the older guys a little grumpy.

However, the test is so easy and manageable that it is almost impossible not to pass unless you are completely useless.

Anyways, as far as your idea for the LE Athlete fit test, what are you thinking as far as rep ranges and what is your ideas on percentage for passing (i.e. X amount of bench based on weight = 75% out of 100%). Are you going to go off of cooper standards or a different method?

I think overall the programming is good; it gives a solid balance of everything. As someone who is partial to oly lifting naturally I would like to see some of that in there (maybe cleans or even deads) nothing insane like snatches or heavy OH squats. But overall I dig it.

I’m getting ready to start taking on your programming and am excited to try. I have been searching for so long for LEO specific training and I am glad that you guys have figured out a good balance for strength, endurance, and explosive strength.

You need anything down here in Springs or need anything period don’t hesitate to get ahold of me, I support this programming and ideas 1000% and would be happy to promote and support LE athlete.


If I had to chose right now here’s the events I’d use for the LE Fitness Test

Upper Body –

Bodyweight Bench Press for Reps (Women at 75% Bodyweight)

Strict Pull ups for Reps

Lower Body

Bodyweight Front Squats in 1 Minute for Reps  (Women at 75% Bodyweight)


Box Jumps in 30 Seconds for Reps @ 20/24″ (Women 20″)

Work Capacity

2 Rounds, 60/60 25m Shuttle Sprint for Time

1 mile IBA Run for Time

From your note ….

Oly Lifts – The current strength cycle includes Hang Power Cleans, and the Hang Squat Clean is my favorite total body lift. I do program these for the LE athletes. We’ll also do Hinge Lifts – my version of the Romanian Dead Lift …. but I’ve moved away from snatches and jerks (I prefer the push press).

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