Q&A 1.4.24


I am applying to the Air Force Academy, West Point, and the Naval Academy. I currently am in decent shape, but am definitely not going to show up off the couch. My parents were smokejumpers and hotshots, so they are telling me I need a targeted training plan geared toward the PT test. Which plan would you suggest I pick. I have done CrossFit and am not interested in going back. I also lift weights and play Rugby. Also if I am not accepted into one of these programs, I am going ROTC, then Military. Thank you for any information you can provide. Best Regards, Maloi Lannan


With your training and sport background, I’d recommend starting our Daily Operator Sessions to develop military-specific base fitness. When you’re approaching your Candidate Fitness Assessment as part of our application process, complete the Service Academy Candidate Fitness Assessment Training Plan directly prior to the test to ensure your most competitive scores. Goodluck!


IBA run?


IBA = Individual Body Armor
I am looking for a program, that combines, strength training, running, rucking, sandbags, metcons all into one program. What do you all recommend? Thank you!
Hi Jeremy, Check out our Virtue Series Packet and our Greek Hero Packet. The plans within include all of the training you mentioned in a balanced structure.


I’m doing the 45+ athlete assessment to submit for the lab rat and to start the training plan (I assume that’s the plan?) how do you count the sandbag leg lifts? I know for regular exercise counts on your example video you show one lift each side is one rep. Are the reps listed on the assessment chart a total number or “1 each side equals 1 rep” number? Ie, I did 28 total—15 one side and 13 other side—so is that 28 reps or 14 reps for points calculation? I alternated every 5 lifts.


For the keg lifts in this assessment, every time you lift the sandbag is one rep. So you’re counting the 28 total that you completed.


I was looking at a couple of the mountain plan packages (mountaineering, Nordic ski prep, mountain base plan), and the daily subscription (Busy Dad). I’m retired Air Force and have somewhat always kept myself in shape doing my own workouts (functional fitness with mix of endurance basics). I live up in Fairbanks now and am looking for something to fit sheep/Moose/caribou hunting to Nordic skiing to normal hiking/backpacking to downhill skiing. I really like what y’all have built and will end up with some semblance of a package or subscription.


We just launched Mountain Elite, which is year round base fitness programming for multi-sport Mountain Athletes like yourself. That’s going to be your best bet before jumping into a event or pre-season specific plan (https://mtntactical.com/shop/mountain-elite-daily-training-subscription/). Hope this helps, and Happy New Year!


I am 7 months post partum and have been out of shape for a while. This mama needs to get it together. Which program do you suggest? And I have had a cesarean.


We don’t have any specific plan for postpartum at the moment (we do have a ton of prenatal… too late!). I’ve recommended the Bodyweight Foundation (https://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/ plan to several women in the same general postpartum stage as yourself. The only consideration, dependent on your current fitness level, is the run assessments and follow intervals. Consider replacing that with a easy form of aerobic conditioning (run, bike, swim, etc) for 30-60 minutes.


I’m training for a half marathon, but I also want to build my strength at the same time.


Our In-Season Strength Training for Endurance Athletes would be a good place to start while balancing your half-marathon training. https://mtntactical.com/shop/in-season-strength-training-plan-for-endurance-athletes/

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