Mr. Shaul, 
I am a longtime crossfitter who recently purchased your APFT plan to improve my APFT score. Do you think doing Crossfit in the AM and your plan in the PM is a good idea, or should only your plan be followed? Also, Should I go to my knees if i'm unable to complete the pushups each set or should I just do as many as possible per minute?
Very Respectfully,


Hi H-
You could try the 2-a-Days at first. If you find you're not making the APFT plan reps/intervals you'll know you need to drop the CrossFit to keep improving on the APFT progressions. 
Knees are Okay – but see above.
– Rob


Mr. Shaul,
     I was emailing to see if it was possible for me to come out for a visit and stay and train with you all for a while and learn your programming.  I have purchased several of your programs and assisted in preparing Marines for various courses with great success from your programming.  I remember you having an option on the website to do something like this but do not see it on there anymore.  Let me know the feasability of this when you have time.
Look forward to hearing from you,



Hi J-

We have a couple programs for this. 
If you're still in the service, you'll need to apply for our Resident Soldier Program (
If you're out of the service, you're welcome to apply for an internship here. We generally offer 1-2 internships over the summer. We usually advertise these through the NSCA website job board. 
– Rob



I'll keep this short, I know you get a billion emails with questions everyday…

What is your definition of "rucking"? Are you actually running, or steppin' it out? Just curious because there's a couple different trains of thought out there. I've got no problems rucking 4 miles an hour while at a fast walk with 60lbs, and I CAN run with that, but what's your stance on joint strain and degradation?

Thanks in advance. Love what you do; I wish I would have known about this type of training while I was in the Marine Corps…


Hi C-

We generally run or walk + run on an interval basis …. run 3 minutes, walk 1. 
It somewhat depends upon the distance, of course, and the athlete. 
Some taller guys can walk fast – 12-13 min/miles. I can't. I can barely walk 15 min/miles. 
Load matters too. We can easily run 5 miles @ 45#, and at selections, guys will run 10-12 at that load. 
Joint strain? We had heard this too – extensive rucking was hard on joints, backs, etc., this hasn't been proven for us, – even us older guys. We feel it "tighten things up" and overall makes us feel better and is a great break from the barbell. It did take us a while to learn to load the pack high. We started with old mountaineering packs, and the weight dropped to the bottom, just above our hips. Now we use old ALICE packs and keep the weight high, on our shoulders. Makes a huge difference. 



Hey Rob,
I recently got my contract to go to BUD/S following boot camp. I have ~150 days before I leave. I plan on completing your 8-Week BUD/S Training Program just before my 14-day PST prior to boot camp. My question is what should I do for the three months before this program? I am 6ft and weigh around 218 lbs as of now. As per your recommendation I am hoping to be around 195-205 lbs. Running is still my weak point in my overall fitness although it has improved tremendously over the past few months. My maximal strength began to suffer as I stopped most barbell work to focus on calisthenics and running. My last PST score is as follows:
Pullups: 16
Your PST Improvement plan helped out a great deal to get my scores up. The Bodyweight Program also was killer. The Leg-blasters often left my legs a trembling mess. NO JOKE. I highly recommend it to anyone.


Hi C-

Awesome! Congrats! 

I'd recommend Rat 6 (, 
plus the Run Improvement Plan ( now, 
then a week or two of the Bodyweight Plan you already have (, 
then the BUD/s Plan ( directly before selection. 
The Rat 6 plan now will add some strength, and more importantly, durability to you. 
Trust that at Boot Camp they'll know you're heading to BUD/s and will work to give the you extra training you'll need to be prepared. 
I'm jealous! 
– Rob




First off I would like to say that I really enjoy your workouts and training mentality.  I have been lifting from the time I was fourteen until now and for the past sixteen years I have been stuck in many of the old ways of being in the gym means lifting heavy things for about an hour.  My buddy Mike Deile was using your 357 program and wanted a training partner so I started training with him, and after the first day I realized just how much I enjoyed the challenge of olympic lifting.  I also realized that I had been neglecting my core and having to do explosive movements over my head was very challenging in the beginning.  I have always looked for ways to improve my fitness level and since that first day I have converted completely over to performance style training.  I subscribed to your operator sessions and started working into work caps and stamina workouts which again I found to be an eye opener, sprinting is just no fun.
My normal training routine is for five weeks I do a heave workout in the morning (I just finished 357 for the third time) and then a work cap or stamina in the afternoon, then maybe a run at night if I have the time.  Then for seven weeks it’s once a day operator strength,work cap, stamina, whichever comes up and a run maybe twice a week.   I just took your relative strength test and scored 4.58, it helps that I’m only weighing 169 right now.  I’m ok with those results but I feel I am losing some of that stamina and explosive capability; so I’m going to train for an operator ugly the next three weeks and see how my total fitness.  what I’m really looking for is a new challenge, the operator sessions really aren’t that hard anymore and even with adding weight to the 357 timed events I normally just do everything for time instead of on the minute or whatever it calls for.  I think getting back into more work caps will be painful but good for me, what do you think I could do to further improve my fitness pyramid?

here are some of my numbers if that helps.

power clean 225
front squat 275
rear squat 360
benchpress 275
hang squat snatch 180
hang squat clean 205 (needs work)
60lb sandbag getups 15 minutes 178
60lb ruck mile is 10:15

I haven’t timed/counted shuttle sprints but I have been doing a lot lately so I will maybe tonight or tomorrow morning.

any ideas you have for me would be greatly appreciated, again thanks for changing my idea of fitness, I am now in the best shape I have ever been in.

R/ S


Hi S-
I'd recommend you get away from the gym and the barbell completely – the weight room has become stale for you. 
1) Military Endurance Training Cycle:
Rucking, Running, some pressing and pull ups. Great stuff!! We really enjoy our endurance cycles and find they make us hungry to get back into the weight room. 
2) One of the Selection Plans…. Ruck Based Selection (, or if you want to also spend some time in a pool, the USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Training Plan:
Both these plans are full on, 6-days/week, multiple 2-a-days. – A great way to break out of a rut and focus.
– Rob



Hi Rob,
I've just downloaded the On Ramp program and have a quick question for you.
How long should I rest between rounds? I did Session 1 with a 30sec rest period between each round and this felt ok but wanted to get your recommendation.


Hi J- 
Follow the programming as prescribed. Many of the strength circuits include a stretch or mobility drill. This drill is your "working rest" for the circuit. 
The Work Capacity circuits have it all spelled out.
– Rob



Hey Rob, I was looking at your programs and saw that you have the ruck-based training packet would you  recommend this training schedule for BUDS?



Hi B-

No. We have a BUD/s specific training plan here:



Hi Rob, 

I’m a PJ currently deployed and prepping for our tier one group the 24sts selection. I was looking into the programming and a lot of my buddies who are at the 24 used the ruck based selection program to prep themselves for the selection. I wanted to see if you have had any feedback on that vs the DEVGRU selection programming since from what I have heard is close to our selection but i can’t get anyone to reveal which is better. It does have a lot of rucking in it mixed with lots of scenarios to push us to the limit. Just seeing if you had any suggestions. Thanks for your help.


Hi D-

We've had several guys use the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan ( successfully for 24 STS. Don't over think this – this is the plan I'd recommend.
– Rob




Just started the current endurance cycle.  I'm at Ft. Knox for three weeks and didn't bring my ruck (bad planning), but I brought my vest and 60lb sandbag. To substitute for the ruck I was going to do the stair master with 25lb vest. Do you think this is ok or do you suggest something else?



Hi W-

That will work!




Hey Rob,
So I currently have these programs by you:
RASP 1&2
Ruck Based Selection
Ranger School
Basic Recon School
I was thinking that this year I attempt each program with a week break between starting the next program. However I need the most logical order so that I don't hurt myself. What do you recommend?



Hi R-

Each of these plans is full on – 6 days/week, multiple 2-a-days, huge volume, intense. 
I'd recommend 3 weeks between – one week of total rest, then 2 weeks of low volume, high weight strength work at just 3-4 days/week. 
In terms of order – some of the plans have a swimming component, so you could alternate these with the ruck-intensive and non-swimming plans:
Ruck Based Selection Plan
Ranger School
RASP 1&2
Basic Recon
– Rob



First and foremost, I wanted to thank you for programming such excellent operator sessions. I really love the blend of durability, strength, mobility, and endurance. My question concerns your PT plan. I've been doing the PU/SU portion of the plan for around 3 weeks now and I find that by the 3rd set, I'm a little smoked and I MIGHT reach my number within the minute. I've received the same feedback from guys who are also in the 70s on their numbers but want to get into the 90s. We don't have low numbers, we just want higher. Does this leave us with a problem of relatively high percentages for our PU/SU, making it difficult to complete the required reps within the minute? I don't think a 12 minute AMRAP of PU/SU is what you had in mind when designing the plan. I appreciate your time and I look forward to your response.



Hi D-

Everyone is a little different in how they respond to the plan. 
I personally responded different to the push ups and sit ups.
Push up progressions were tough for me, and and the first couple weeks, like you, by the 4th set, I struggled to get all the reps in and ended up going over my time. 
Sit ups were no problem. 
One think you can do is when you start to fail on push ups, go to your knees and finish there for that set. 
If this doesn't work, increase the interval to 90 seconds. 
– Rob



Coach whats next? 🙂 

To refresh your memory ( i do know I am not your only client lol).  I needed to gain weight back after season of endurance events, GORUCK, Mudders, runs etc etc. 

I did the hypertrophy plan then the RAT 6 plan as per your advice, now….i am a believer Sir.  I gained 15lbs and all my PRs during the RAT 6 increased, some 30% with 2 weeks to go. 

So here is were i need your help again; I am 2 weeks from completing RAT 6, i will complete it as Rx'ed.  Next, I have a half marathon, i want to keep muscle mass/strength i worked so %(&#$)&# hard for and improve my running.  I was thinking; one of the Strength plans, (meat head, hypertrophy, RAT 6) with the run improvement plan?  And if you agree, how would i incorporate the 2.  Thanks in advance.   

Sir I would like to say again, thank you, i am a classic hardgainer, your well thought out plans+advice+hard work worked perfectly, 

I am in your debt.  



Hey W-

You're not going to be able to keep all the strength/muscle while you train for the 1/2 marathon – if you want to do as well as you can in the 1/2 – which should be your aim. 
What's important is performance, not appearance – so keeping strength is more important than keeping mass. 
I'd recommend Ultimate Meathead 2-3x/week(, in conjunction with your 1/2 marathon training. For that, I'd recommend you search for a good 1/2 marathon training plan and follow it … our Run Improvement is specifically designed for a 1/2 marathon – and you should follow a plan that is. 
On the days you lift, you should be able to do a 2-a-day and run. Lift in the AM, run in the PM. However, running takes precedence, so if you have to chose, or your lifting is hampering your running because of fatigue or soreness, cut back on the lifting. 
If you don't already own Ultimate Meathead, don't buy it. Just do Rat 6 instead. Don't do the hypertrophy cycle – it's way too much volume to train in conjunction with your running. 
After your 1/2, you can go back and re-do the Hypertrophy cycle. 
– Rob



Just started the first week of the Endurance cycle and the matter of hydration came up after the 90 minute 'tactical triathlon' of 30 minutes rucking, 30 minutes run with 25 lbs weight vest, and 30 minutes normal running. I used the transitions for quick water drinks to stay hydrated during the session.
Before the session I generally drink water throughout the day, but I'm also curious if drinks like Gatorade and the like are ever used for hydration during Operator Sessions as well as just water?


I'm prone to cramping so I generally take some electrolyte pills prior to our endurance and stamina sessions, then drink water. The lab rats mostly just drink water. 
It's up to you. 
– Rob



Hey Rob,

I've been doing your program for close to a year now and I've loved every single minute of it. I'm a veteran myself and I am now a personal trainer at our local gym here in town. I would love to attend one of your programming courses for designing workouts for your athletes, but unfortunately that's easier said than done. I was curious if you had the material of your courses available for purchase. I have been wanting for some time now to learn the philosophies of your program design. I am hoping to start a program here at the gym for the LE/EMS/Military community out here, as well as for my individual clients. Thanks again for all that you do.



P.S.  I've been doing your Sandbag workout plan and that thing is kick ass.


Hi N- 
No, not right now. We are investigating video courses, but haven't gotten there yet. 
– Rob



I have been a military athlete guy for the last 2 years. First I love the stuff and thanks for the hard work to help us all be safe.

I am a Police Officer in Arizona and just noted you started

What is the difference between the two, I looked around the leathlete website but could not look at the workout sessions?

If you need more lab rats let me know I am sure some of the guys on my team would be interested.

Have you ever looked into going to the National Tactical Officers Association Conference to get your stuff out there? Just a thought, I have been a member for years and started as an instructor last year, it is every September.




Hi J- 
Fitness demands for LE Athletes differ from the military in a few significant ways: 
– No need for endurance or extended stamina
– Upper body mass can be a professional advantage (intimidation) 
– Greater focus on sprinting, and explosive power
– Day to day tactical load is lighter, and with few exceptions, rucking isn't necessary
– Athletes, in general, are older – extending into late 40s and 50s

A great way to get a taste of the focus is the SWAT/SRT Kickstart Plan:
We deployed this plan while working with several Border Control BORTAC and BORSTAR officers at El Paso in December. 
Hadn't heard of the Tactical Officers Association Conference. Thanks! – I'll look into it. 
– Rob



Thanks for putting together great programming and responding to questions so quickly.  I have two more when you can get around to them.
I am currently doing your Rat 6 program and geting great results.  I upped my maxes for bench by 5 lbs at the halfway point and my front squat by 10 lbs.  My goals are strictly number based.  Trying to achieve a 315 bench/405 back squat/500 DL.  What are your thoughts on leg presses as an augmentation exercise for lower body?  I'm typically inclined to make fun of dudes that do leg presses due to the lack of core strength used in comparison to a back or front squat, but I'm wondering if there is value for when your core fails and your legs can still keep going and therefore it's a good way to get more volume.  Just wanted your opinion.
Also curious on what you would recommend for someone looking to get the biggest gains possible for back squat?  The Rat 6 is great, but I'm curious if I should be squatting 2x a week since my primary goals are 315/405/500, and if I had to choose one of those that I want to get the strongest the quickest, it would be my back squat.  I'm also the furthest from the mark on my back squat.  I love doing squat cleans and power cleans, but those lifts aren't my primary goals right now.
Thanks again for all the great programming and I'm hoping to stop by sometime if I can make it through Wyoming.



Answers Pat – 
Leg Presses – Not sure if leg presses will increase your squat and dead lift. I know squatting and deadlifting will.
Back Squat Gains – You're asking a power-lifting specific question here. I'm not an expert on back squatting or power lifting – I'd recommend you move in that direction. The power lifters are back squat experts, (along with bench and dead lift…).
– Rob



Hi Rob, 
I currently subscribe to the Operator Sessions and am planning on doing them until I'm six weeks out from my FBI Phase II PFT evaluation (which is when I would begin the FBI PFT plan I purchased a few weeks ago). My plan was to purchase the HRT Selection program from the site after that and see how I stand (figured it wouldn't hurt to be at that level prior to the Academy). 
Is this HRT plan still available for sale? I noticed it has been removed from the Mil Athlete store. If not, which do you recommend in place of it? 
Thanks for the great programming! 



Hi M – 
Yes – we started programming specifically for Law Enforcement Athletes at Here's the link to the FBI HRT Plan:
– Rob



Hey guys,
   First of all thank you for the great programming and information.  I have been utilizing the various Military Athlete programs for a year or so and they have worked great.  My question concerns combining the 8-week SFAS prep plan with other high volume forms of Special Operations crossfit type programs such as Sealfit and Military Athlete's Operator Sessions.  Would combining the two programs lead to overtraining and a decrease in performance and preparedness for SFAS? Or is there a way to balance the two.
   I hope to be attending SFAS within the next year and have purchased your 8 week SFAS prep plan.  I'm currently performing the Operator Sessions and would like to see if there is a way to use both programs during the final 8 weeks leading up to Selection.  I only ask because I noticed that the 8 week SFAS prep plan has very little traditional "weight-lifting" sessions and movements.  Thanks guys!



Hi E – 
It would likely lead to over training. The Ruck Based Selection Plan ( is "sport specific" to selection – the focus is on the events you'll face there. It's not designed as a Base Fitness training plan. 
One option is to complete the Operator Sessions and combine with additional rucking/running. 
– Rob


Thanks Rob! I really appreciate the response.  I'm looking at enlisting in SF Group in the coming weeks.  I'm currently a Deputy U.S. Marshal and have previously served in the Marine Corps.  Joining SF has been a lifelong dream and goal of mine so I'd really like to ensure I prepare as thoroughly but intelligently as possible.  I was thinking of continuing with the Operator Sessions and just sticking to the 3 days of running/2 days of rucking from the SFAS 8 week prep plan.  
Also, one more question regarding rucking.  I've been doing one ruck a week for now as I just want to get my body acclimated prior to jumping into the SFAS prep plan.  I've got a very good base for running.  I can knock out 2 miles in under 13:00 and can easily handle longer distances of 8-16 miles.  I've been trying to find a good "pace" and rhythm for my rucks.  I've been alternating running and walking fast for the rucks so far.  Last week I completed 6 miles in about 1:25 minutes (including a 5 min break) with a 65 lb load.  Do you recommend running with the ruck and/or alternating running with fast walking? I've heard pros and cons regarding running with a heavy ruck sack so I was interested in your opinion.  Thanks again Rob, I really appreciate it.
Very respectfully,



Hi E – 
We run with 60# – and have gone up to 3-5 miles, but for much longer I would have to split running/walking, like 3 min run, 1 min walk. 
I can barely walk 15 min/miles with a ruck – but I'm a short guy. 
Overall, we haven't been hurt running with a ruck. We actually like it, a lot!
Good luck to you and good for you on following your dream.
– Rob


Thanks for the advice Rob, I figure if you ruck and run intelligently you can avoid injuries, just like any other form of training.  I actually did my first 10k ruck run this afternoon with a 45 lb ruck.  Just about 1:13 with a 5 min break after 4 miles. Not where I want to be at but not to bad for the first time! Thanks for all you and the Military Athlete guys do, we all really appreciate it.  I know a bunch of other U.S. Marshals and military guys who use your programming and swear by it.  Please keep up the good work!






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