First off hello! I received your workouts for the recon challenge last year and we utilize your training at our unit. I had orthoscopic surgery on my rt knee last week. I had a tear in my meniscus. I have been looking around and trying to develop a program in order to maintain my strength mobility and flexibility. I’ve looked a bunch of things but know you are very knowledgeable. I see you have some programs on your website for injuries. Do you recommend the leg injury one or is there something else you offer? Prior to the surgery I was working out solid for 9 months, doing allot of Olympic lifts, metcons, and mobility. I just really want a program to follow and not make things up myself. Thanks Rob!

– G

Our Leg Injury Plan isn’t a re-hab plan for your injury leg – but rather works the rest of your body around your injured limb. It’s a way to keep training while you recover:

– Rob

   I’m a Navy pilot that routinely works with operator types.
I am 6’4”, about 230, and my preplan fitness level on my last Navy prt I ran 10:26 1.5 mile, 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 10 pull-ups. I used to lift routinely but in the past few years I’ve not kept up with it.
I am finishing up the bodyweight only program. I am deployed and where I’ve been for the past month and a half the program was a good fit. The goods on the bodyweight only program, my lower body strength has increased through the sheer volume of leg work. Plus, I realize now that my core strength has improved, especially my lower back. When I finish these last few workouts I’m gonna take a few days off and run another prt to compare before and after numbers.
The concerns I have is that I feel like I’m not getting as much upper body work, specifically chest. I’ve always been a decent sprinter but I also feel like my distance running has gotten slower.
I am not looking for bulk but strength. I also would like to keep my running level up.
Thanks, I appreciate your feedback.
– R

I’d recommend the Ultimate Meathead Cycle in the AM:

and the Run Improvement Plan in the PM:

– Rob


I am military cop and I’m preparing to attend a local SWAT course in April.
The minimum PT test requirements to start the course is 50 pushups, 50
sit-ups, 15 squat thrusts, 5 dead hang pull-ups, 8 min 1 mile run, and
obstacle course completion with a 5 minute time limit.  From what I have
heard is that the course itself is one of the most physically intense in the
state/region (MD/DC/NoVa).  Basically I was told the first week or is a
smoke-fest to weed out those that don’t want to be there.  The guys in my
unit that did the course said that they were PT’d all day non-stop. ..I just
started week 1 of your Rat 6 plan coupled with the Run Improvement plan.  I
am planning to start the Ruck Based Selection program directly after I
finish Rat 6, which would be 8ish weeks from the projected course start.  I
don’t think the course will have any legitimate rucking, but I’m sure there
will be lots of running around in full kit, likely carrying anything and
everything the instructors can find.

My question is do you think the Ruck Based Selection plan is a good route to
take to prepare for the course, or should I use a different plan? I have
already purchased the Ruck Based Plan, but was looking at the FBI HRT plan
also.  The course I am attending doesn’t have any swimming involved that I
know of though. Either way, I just want to be as prepared as possible for
anything they might throw at us.

Thanks for any info and for all that you and your coaches do for us in the

– K.

Looking at the plans, either will likely prepare you well. The HRT plan may be a little more specific, but I’m not sure it’s work the extra expense – the Ruck Plan is pretty awesome. 

If you stick with the ruck plan, you could skip the long weekend runs. If you move to the HRT plan, you can skip the pool work. 

– Rob

        I am currently going through your military athlete operator sessions & loving.  I just viewed your ‘Programming Theory’ that discusses Base Fitness vs Sport Specific Fitness.  I’m not scheduled to deploy or attend a specific school or training.  With that being said should I just continue to train via the operator sessions (base fitness) or should I mix it up & train via one of the programs (sport specific fitness) you offer?  Thank you for your time.


If guys aren’t facing a specific event (school, deployment, selection) I generally recommend the Operator Sessions. However, there’s no harm in stepping out of the Operator Sessions for a while and doing one of the other plans – esp. if you want to improve one fitness area or simply want the personal challenge of one of the selection plans. They are no joke. 


Yu know your current fitness level. One option would be the endurance cycle first:

You’ll need to eat lots to keep up during either of the selection plans – and supplement during many of the sessions. My diet recommendations are always consistent – pretty much stick to paleo. 

– R

Hey Coach, sorry to keep bothering you!  I have the new Ruck Program, and I have the PJ/CCT/CRO plan (I have had that one for a while).  Looking at both of the plans, I was wondering if you think I should just jump in, or should I do a build up for a month or two to get ready for these beasts?  I don’t know if a build up might look something like doing Operator Sessions with two of the run improvement workouts and two of the ruck improvement workouts per week, or if you have any better ideas.  I got on a strength kick for a little while and I have realized very quickly that my endurance, stamina, and everything else is nowhere near where it needs to be.  Do you have any ideas?  I also wanted to ask about diet, since right now I am sitting at 5’7 and about 172.  I would like to get down to 160ish, and I know you recommend the primarily Paleo with one cheat day a week.  Should I worry about grams of protein per day since I am trying to cut weight, and what do you recommend eating to keep energy levels up?  Thanks for all of the help and advice!!!!
– W

Coach, first off, I have to say that your workouts are by far the best.  I always stray away, but come back eventually.  Nothing else can really compare.  I am currently deployed to Qatar, and I am looking for a plan to be the ultimate badass (not really)  I am in the Army, and the PT test isn’t much of a problem for me.  I want to know what you recommend for someone who is looking to stay strong/get stronger, but maintain my run and ruck ability.  I will be here for about 7 more months, then when I go back to Fort Lewis I want to do the Tough Mudder and Spartan race, along with one of the 24 hour GoRuck.  What plan would you recommend for right now to help me maintain my run and ruck, and get stronger, but also lean out.  I am 5’7, and about 171 right now.  I would like to get down to at least 160, and I know your plans all work.  Let me know what you recommend, and thanks for everything you do!  Hope to hear from you soon!
– M

I’d recommend you do one of our selection prep programs to start. These things are really awesome – they start hard, get harder, include multiple assessments so you can see your improvement, and require intense commitment in time in effort. The plans include bodyweight work, multi-modal work cap smokers, running, loaded and unloaded, and short/fast, plus long distance rucking. They will get your head and body right and act like an overall character "cleanse." 

Completing one won’t make you feel like a "badass" – you’ll get humbled, and given the opportunity to persevere.  Opportunity for growth.

If you have access to a swimming pool, do the CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Training Plan:

If not, do the Ruck Based Selection Plan:

– Rob

Rob, quick question for you.
My goal is to eventually do the Operator Sessions.  However, I know that my weakness is strength.  I’m comfortable with high volume bodyweight stuff, but I’m still pretty far from the strength standards listed in your FAQ.
So (keeping in mind that my ultimate goal is to get to the Operator Sessions), what would you recommend that I do to get there?  Should I do something like the On-Ramp program or should I first do something more strength-focused such as 357 or Rat 6 Strength?  Or should I just go straight into the OS?
Thank you for your input and your hard work.

Start with Rat 6:

– Rob

Good day,
My name is Ray and I am a second year (20 year old) student at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I play varsity basketball and all my workouts the past four-five years have been directed towards basketball. This is my last year of playing basketball as I am going to be changing schools to the Royal Military College of Canada, to pursue a long career in the military (infantry). My goal is to serve two years after College and than apply to Joint Task Force 2. I am fit, but I do not believe I am "Military" fit, and I was wondering what one of your programs would be best for me? I have quite a few years before becoming part of the infantry and from there Joint Task Force 2, what should I be doing so my body is ready for this?
Thanks for your time,
– R

Hi Ray – 

After basketball season, I’d recommend you start with one of our strength programs, specifically Rat 6:

From there, I’d recommend the Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Training Plan:

– Rob


I have some questions regarding your PJ training program.

I’m interested in doing a run through of the program now to test my current abilities.  My running and finning conditioning should be adequate to get me through the program injury free while improving my scores.

I’ve never rucked before. I’m assuming jumping into the rucking in the program untrained for it would be a bad idea. Do you have any recommendations on any alterations to the program to account for this?

Is the substitution for body armor a 25lb weight vest?

Would you be able to include an example of what an average training day and Saturday "mini-event" looks like?

– N

Nick – 

I’d recommend our Ruck Improvement Training Plan before attempting this the CCT/PJ/CRO Plan. Here’s the link to the Ruck Improvement Plan:

Yes on the weight vest sub. 

Mini Event Example:

Obj: Mini Event

(1) 6 Mile Heavy Ruck (60#)
Travel to pool …. 

(2) 15 Rounds Swim PT
Swim 100m
10x Push ups
20x Situps
30x Air Squats
10x Flutter Kicks
Change Clothes …. 

(3) Ruck Run 5 Miles, 45#, then ….

(4) 10 Rounds
Run 100m
5x Burpees
10x Flutter Kicks
– Rob

Im an 03, Im used to doing hiking and sprints with heavy lifting. I want to change up my program and work on my core and plan on doing your ruck program along with another program of yours. i cant decide on one though. id like to get ready for marsoc and do the one you have made, but it calls for 5 days with some 2 a-days and with paramedic school, work, and clinical, im not gonna be able to do it yet. Can you suggest an ass kicker program, preferably  a 4 on 2 off. 

– K

Best Option: Subscribe to the Operator Sessions
Another Option: Stamina Cycle:

– Rob


First off, thank you for all you do for our troops and other professional athletes.

My question(s). I’ll be accepting a commission into the United States Army next summer. I will attend BOLC at Fort Sam Houston, which will be followed by my studies at USUHS in Bethesda (where I will be attending medical school). I have a few goals throughout the next year. First, I’d like to score above a 270 (ideally a perfect 300) on each and every PFT I take. I believe that an officer, and a physician, should lead by example, and I would like to ensure that I exceed the Army’s physical fitness standards. I also plan on joining my classmates in rucking the Marine Corps Marathon in October of 2014. Looking ahead, I plan to attend either Airborne or Air Assault school in the summer of 2015.

A little about me. I’m a competitive powerlifter in addition to a dedicated cyclist. 1RMs are as follows: 365s/250b/510d. My front squat single is probably sitting at 265/270, so according to your balance standards I may be slightly weaker in my upper body. I can bang out 18-20 deadhang pullups at any time of day and I’d consider my abs to be quite strong. I ride anywhere from 65-150 miles/week (depending on weather) and I’ve slowly but surely added runs in to my schedule on my non-lifting days (I follow a M/W/F/Sa 5/3/1 template). Because of powerlifting I’ve been hovering right around 198-200, but I consider that weight to be too heavy for rucking/running and even cycling, to be honest.

I used to do your operator sessions with my good friend A (a scout sniper who I believe may have just been asking you about rowing, but I may be wrong) so I know that I can handle the punishment from those.

Ideally I’d like a training plan that would prepare me for the demands of military fitness i.e. pushups, situps, rucking, running while keeping me strong. I’m a tab over 6′ and weight right around 195-200 lbs. My goal weight is 185-180, which will allow me to compete in the 181 weight class and make carrying myself across the ground easier and less stressful. I would also like a plan that would keep my strength up. I understand that I may lose some off of the top end of my lifts, but I can accept that. I’d also like a plan that I could run throughout the year while in medical school that won’t eat up that much time while also keeping my fitness near it’s peak.

In short, I’d like to focus my strength towards APFT maximization while remaining strong and efficient. I’d love to continue training in my gym (since it’s a small garage gym that I consider a second home), so something gym based would be great. I’d like to be able to ruck 26 miles at a good pace by next October. I’d like to become a better runner. I’d like to start focusing my training so that I could comfortably complete air assault or airborne school in the summer of 2015. I know that they have offered slots for medical officers in Ranger School, so that would also be a distant goal of mine. My diet is relatively in line with your dietary guidelines; I just eat a lot.

I appreciate any advice you can offer me in these regards.

All the best,


I’d recommend you leave the barbell alone for 6 weeks and complete our APFT Training Plan:

And supplement it with a progressive long ruck on the weekends – 60# ruck + 10# weight/sledge hammer. Start at 6 miles, and add 1-2 miles/week. Aim for a 13-14 min/mile pace.

You’ll lose some strength, but also some weight. Keep your eye on the ball and don’t let your ego get the best of you. You’re strength will come back fast. 

– Rob 

I am currently deployed to Afghanistan doing mostly office work, I’ve been trying to get in shape for an operator assessment in March.  I’ve been making some progress towards my goals but I haven’t had a very focused program.  I’m looking for something to focus my efforts and ensure I get to where I need to be with the 90 days I have left.  From the sounds of it your "busy operator training plan" would be a good option, what would you recommend?

Thank you,

– J

I’m not sure what selection you’re facing. We’ve written sport-specific training plans for several. I’d recommend you click the "Selections" link under the "store" tab on the site, and see if there’s one that fits. 

The Busy Operator Plan is great general fitness training, but I wouldn’t risk that it will prepare you for selection. 

– Rob

Sorry Rob, emailed you before, will the bodyweight program keep me fit and strong until I go back to doing crossfit box stuff in FEB?, I need something fresh when I cant get to a gym here, also I have a torn right bicep tendon and right rotator tear partial the MRI says, but I’m barely ever in pain, and again 41 also, Maybe this will keep me injury free for six weeks and prepped for the intense xfit stuff? Any thoughts, thank you again

– J

I’m not doctor. I can’t advise you on your shoulder. 

The plan includes bunches of upper body work and it’s no joke. In general, our programming has more volume and intensity they typical crossfit wods.  Another option for an austere location is the Sandbag/Weigthvest/Dumbbell Plan:

– Rob

I have almost completed the  DEVGRU plan. I only have one week left. I would like to not only maintain what I have gained this last 8 wks but would like to continue to keep improving. What program would you recommend to do next.
Very Respectfully,
– S

You need to unload for a week. Or better yet – take a week of total rest. That plan is no joke. 

Next, I’d recommend joining one of our strength plans, specifically Big 24:

– Rob

Hey Rob-

I was hoping to pick your brain on the next couple programs I should do. Before deployment, I was in constant training and was only able to do about 70% of the low back program and didn’t get to start the Afghan Deployment program until I was in country. My back started feeling a lot better so I went for it just making sure to maintain good form and constantly roll and stretch. I have exactly 2 weeks left on the program and it’s been great- I am at about 8,000 ft so the altitude benefit feels like an added bonus.

I looked over the programs on the site and having 5 more months to move through these, I am just not sure which one to hit next. I would like to keep up some of the functional leg and core training but also want to transition to more upper body strength and stamina. Also, probably not getting into any heavy deadlifting or squatting just yet. I want to give my back maybe another 8 weeks before I hit that too hard.

Thanks in advance and I hope all is well back in the states. 

Take care,

– J

Hi John – 

I’d recommend the Ultimate Meathead Cycle:

Be smart with lower body loading. 

– Rob

Hey Rob, my name is Harper and I’m a tabbed E4 at 2/75. My buddy gave me some advice about CAG and mentioned your site. Could you build a workout/ruck schedule for CAG selection along with maybe a diet plan for me? I’m planning on going to Selection next fall. Please email me back, and thanks!

– H

I’ve built a plan for CAG selection, here:

Pls see the FAQ for our dietary guidelines. Also, pls click the "Start Here" button on the site to see how best to use our stuff. 

– Rob

Rob, what size weight vest do you recommend for operator sessions? Will a 25lb vest be adequate?

– K

We use the 25# "Box" vest from

– Rob

 I am scheduled to attend SFAS on Jan 31st. It will start a couple days after that. With that being said I really want to purchase the ruck based selection program, but I was concerned about there being a window to taper off my workouts. Is it even necessary to taper my training at the end? I would start it on Monday and that would leave one week left before I had to leave. If you could give me any suggestions on how to plan this accordingly it would be greatly appreciated.
– N

The 8-week plan includes a 2-week taper. 

If I’m reading the calendar right, you should be good to start the plan Monday.

Link to the plan:

– Rob

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