My buddy and I are both in the Military but in support roles, we are not operators.  My goal is just to be fit and healthy, I don’t need to impress anyone nor am I training for anything big.
We purchased your Strength & Honor program and are about to finish it up.  The question is what do we do next?  Should we repeat the program or should I subscribe to your site and follow the base fitness program? 
Neither of us are anywhere close to your strength standards, however we are both much stronger than before, and thanks to your nutrition tips my extra 5-7lb of belly is nearly gone.  
– B
Move over the, and purchase the Military Athlete for CrossFitters Plan:

This will take you through another strength cycle, but also includes a work capacity and stamina cycle. 

After this plan, you’ll want to subscribe to the Operator Sessions.

– Rob

Dear Rob,

I am a young 21 year old male, entering the Danish Army this february, giving me about 8 weeks to train. I have followed crossfit programming for a long while, and whilst enjoying it, I feel it doesn’t completely fill my needs when it comes to the army’s PFT. The Danish PFT consists of
A) A core test featuring side-planks, static leg-bridges, weighted lunges, 90 degree static ab position and a lying chest to bar pullup. (Link with pictures:
B) A coopertest with a minimum of 2600m (I would like to hit at least 3000)
C) A beeptest

I am fairly strong in the lunges, earning a top score of 60reps, and I am also fairly strong at the pullups hit a top score of 16 reps. The other I really am bad at and would like to improve. I believe I ran a 2800m Cooper last time I tried (about a year ago), but I would like to exceed the 3000m mark.
Besides these criteria we are going to be exposed to a, excuse my french, fuckload of pushups, situps and rucks.

I would greatly appreciate your 2 cents about which programme could be fitting for me, or a recommendation of any sort.


– J


I don’t have the perfect plan for you. Looking at your testing, closest would be our Ruck Based Selection Training Plan with some modifications:

This includes bunches of bodyweight work (push ups/pull ups/situps/burpees) running (it assesses a 3200m run and a 6-mile run) Also included is general strength work, work capacity smokers, and dedicated rucking. 

It’s likely overkill for your bootcamp and I’d make the following modifications: 
– Decrease the heavy ruck loading to 45#, and instead of a 10 mile assessment, do 8 miles.
– Add in dedicated plank work for your test in that area
– Substitute in weighted lunges for some of the strength work in the plan.

– Rob

Would you be able to recommend a training program for me?  I am set to undergo shoulder surgery to re-attach a tendon for a torn rotator cuff in 2 weeks (Dec. 12).  Should I start before or after the surgery?  My fitness level has dropped considerably since sustaining the injury.  I’m a 41 year-old male,  6’3” and 245 lbs.  I have no current pushup, sit-up or pull-up numbers at this time to share.  My cardio isn’t the greatest either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  My background is high school and college football.  Since then I have kept myself in shape with traditional weight-lifting and running (usually a mile).  I’m currently in LE and assigned to our SWAT team.  I’m looking for something new to break the stale mundane workouts of the past.          
Thank you
It would cost you $25, but I’d recommend our Bodyweight Training Plan now until your surgery:

After, I’d recommend our Arm Injury Plan – which will train around your shoulder while you recover:

– Rob

Coach, first off, I have to say that your workouts are by far the best.  I always stray away, but come back eventually.  Nothing else can really compare.  I am currently deployed to Qatar, and I am looking for a plan to be the ultimate badass (not really)  I am in the Army, and the PT test isn’t much of a problem for me.  I want to know what you recommend for someone who is looking to stay strong/get stronger, but maintain my run and ruck ability.  I will be here for about 7 more months, then when I go back to Fort Lewis I want to do the Tough Mudder and Spartan race, along with one of the 24 hour GoRuck.  What plan would you recommend for right now to help me maintain my run and ruck, and get stronger, but also lean out.  I am 5’7, and about 171 right now.  I would like to get down to at least 160, and I know your plans all work.  Let me know what you recommend, and thanks for everything you do!  Hope to hear from you soon!
– M

I’d recommend you do one of our selection prep programs to start. These things are really awesome – they start hard, get harder, include multiple assessments so you can see your improvement, and require intense commitment in time in effort. The plans include bodyweight work, multi-modal work cap smokers, running, loaded and unloaded, and short/fast, plus long distance rucking. They will get your head and body right and act like an overall character "cleanse." 

Completing one won’t make you feel like a "badass" – you’ll get humbled, and given the opportunity to persevere.  Opportunity for growth.

If you have access to a swimming pool, do the CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Training Plan:

If not, do the Ruck Based Selection Plan:

– Rob

Hello Rob,
My name is SSG Sumner, I am currently recovering from a shoulder surgery and I was told that you have a program that works around the injurys. What it is I am suppose to be going to ranger school early next year and I need a program that I can use to prep for the running and light weight rucking side of things for now till I heal a little more.
My PL highly recommended your web sight and I was wondering if you would be able to help me out. I understand that you guys are very busy and more than likely cannot tailor a program to a individual but I have been trying to get this school for 6 years now and would really appreciate your help on this matter.
Many thanks
– R

Our Arm Injury Program is what I’d recommend initially:

Understand this isn’t a rehab plan for your shoulder. It works the rest of your body around your injury. 

The plan is gym-based and strength and work capacity-focused. 

I’m a little surprised you can ruck and run with your injury – be smart. You could train in the gym in the AM and ruck or run in the PM as your shoulder comes along. 

When your shoulder is good to go I’d recommend our Ranger School Training Plan:

Good luck! 

– Rob 

Been hearing great things about your site from the guys here at Ft Bragg. I’m about 4 wks from SOPC and will probably start SFAS in February. I’m in great endurance shape (former triathlete) but want make sure I have the strength to carry weight and perform during team week. Any recommendations?

– A

I’d recommend our Ruck-Based Selection Training Program:

I built this plan specifically for SFAS and similar events/selections. 

– Rob

I hope all is well.  I left the mountain/military athlete community last year to pursue a full time competitive sweep rowing and sculling career. 
Therefore I only get a chance to lift during winter training, which happens to be once per week.  The other days I erg on a C2. 
In an effort to maximize this weight training day, I want to find a plan that I can periodize similarly to how you did with stamina work capacity and strength. 
With this goal in mind I had some questions for you.
Do you think this is the right approach?  If not is there a more effective plan?
Do have any 1 day per week weight plan?  If do, how much is it?  If not, how much would you charge to create one?
Thank you for your help,
– A

I’d recommend our In-Season Strength Plan for Endurance Athletes:

I designed this plan specifically for guys like you. The plan’s training sessions are designed to be completed 1-2x days/week. 

– Rob

I am interested in going to selection to become part of a female Cultural Support Team [(CST), formerly known as Female Engagement Team].  However, I will need to improve my physical training.  Which program would you recommend I follow for the best results?  I was looking at the ruck-based selection program but wanted to ensure that would be the best for my goal.  

Thank you,
– A

This has come up before and I’d recommend our Ruck Based Selection Training Plan:

You’ll need to adjust the ruck loading in the plan – two what you expect to see at selection – around 35# if I remember right. 

This plan includes dedicated APFT work, running, work cap smoke sessions, ruck running and distance rucking. It’s very intense.

Good Luck! 

– Rob

Hi Rob,

Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your program. My question is that I am nearing the end of the 8 week kettle bell training program and wanted to know which program I should purchase next. I stats are 5’7" 205 ( on the muscular side) my diet is fairly decent. I was kind of thinking maybe the work capacity program or the body weight training program. Your recommendation would be greatly appreciated.


I think you’d enjoy the Bodyweight Plan Don:

– Rob


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