Q&A 3.4.21

…I have a PFT coming up with Beep Test/Bleep Test (shuttle run) which I normally smash and other exercises (I will smash them no worries) at the end of May…

Arete 2.2.17

…Weekend – In Michigan!, Outside Online Races to Run Before you Die, Outside Online Why Are Adventure Sports So Boring to Watch?, Outside Online Choosing Ice Screw Length, Rock &…

Arete 6.3.23

…Colorado Competition, Military.com US Bombers Fly over Bosnia in Sign of Support Amid Continued Secessionist Threats, Military.com Army Secretary to Remind Commanders They Can’t Deny Soldiers’ Parental Leave, Military.com Shabaab…

Arete 11.15.23

…JPost.com IDF confirms soldier held hostage by Hamas killed in Gaza, Jpost.com Jordan conducts second air drop of medical supplies to Gaza, JPost.com Flood the Gaza Tunnels, RCD Israel’s Intel…

My Favorite Fire Service Mistakes

…was a young, taking classes and pouring over trade journals, while assigned to a company mostly populated with older, and apparently less ambitious firefighters. We conducted a company drill in…

Arete 4.16.20

…To A COVID-19 Vaccine?, fivethirtyeight 9 Free Online Courses You Can Do During Lockdown, Men’s Health If a coronavirus vaccine arrives, can the world make enough?, Nature Come Out Of…