Q&A 9.15.22


Good afternoon, I was wondering what plan would be the best for Smoke Diver / Swat selection process as I am preparing for both, which are around the same time frame. Also out of pure challenge, what is your most difficult program.


We have a plan for both …. but because SWAT is a selection event, I’d recommend the SWAT Selection Training Plan.
Hardest Plan? Depends on what you’re good at. If you’re good at strength, the 100-mile Ultra Plan would be the most difficult. If you’re good at endurance, Big 24 Strength … get the idea?
– Rob


I was looking at your workout plans, because I am going to go to the Q course next year sometime. I am going to be 41 and want to be in shape so I can complete the Q course. Thanks for your time.


Work through the plans/order in the Greek Hero Series, beginning with Hector.
Then, six weeks out from the course complete the Special Forces Qualification Course Training Plan.
– Rob


I am interested in purchasing the Ranger PFT training plan.

I have my first diagnostic RPFT in November for Pre-Ranger but want to start training up for it now in order to avoid any possible injuries. I was wondering if there was a variation to the 5-week plan that would be better suited for my situation?

Thank you!


By my county you’ve got 16 weeks until mid November. Here’s what I recommend
Weeks       Plan
1-7             Valor
8-11           Fortitude – first 5 Weeks
12-16         Ranger PFT Training Plan – 5 weeks directly before reporting
– Rob


I’m looking for a workout plan that has cardio, deadlift, bench, squats kind of weekly training plan. Preferably 5 days a week also. I see a ton of plans on there but I can’t see previews of them or anything to try and decide. What plan would you recommend? Thanks!


Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the first week of programming.
– Rob


As someone in the Army Reserves, who works a very labour intensive day job, and who is trying to train BJJ/MMA 4-5 times a week, which program would you recommend? I’m trying to focus on endurance/work capacity and raw strength


Issue for you is time to train and overtraining – esp. with your BJJ work.
From our programming, I’d recommend our Big 3 Strength + 1.5 Mile Run Training Plan – but again the issue is scheduling. As prescribed, it’s a 5 day/week plan. I’d recommend completing this plan, but on a 3 day/week schedule – follow the programming as scheduled, but only do it 3 days a week – and see how you recover and if you’re able to make the progressions in the plan.
– Rob


I have gotten out of shape badly since COVID and would like to get back to a 36 minute 5 mile. I would also like to be ready for the DANCON (40k) they will be hosting this deployment. Could you recommend a solid 6-12 months of work I can do to ensure success in all faucets of life?


I’d recommend you work through the plans/order in the Virtue Packet, beginning with the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
8 weeks out from DANCON, switch to the Bataan Death March Training Plan and carry the same load in this training you’ll carry for DANCON.
– Rob


I am currently working through the SWAT selection training program. I’ve just learned there will be a water aspect to the selection, likely treading water. How would you recommend adding training for that into the program? Selection is about 3.5 weeks away.


Schedule-wise you could swimming/treading in on Fridays.
I’d recommend swimming/treading in your BDUs/Cammies, and completing a 500m swim, followed by our 1-3 rounds of our 10-minute Tread Drill:
(3) 10 Minute Tread Drill (no cammies)
– 30 Sec. Normal Tread
– 30 Sec. Tread with hands and elbows out of water
– Touch Bottom of Pool, retrieve Brick
– 30 Sec. Tread with Brick out of Water
– Drop Brick
– 30 Sec. Tread with hands behind head (prisoner position)
– Touch Bottom of Pool, retrieve brick
– 30 Sec. Tread with Brick out of Water
– Drop Brick
– Rob


I’m working through recovery from a past achilles micro-tear. This is an old injury (6 years old). But, I am noticing the achilles in my training. I’m seeing a doctor tomorrow.
My question for you regarding leg blasters:
Are the jump lunges going to do too much strain? Is it better to modify with regular lunges?


You’re asking a medical question and I’m not your doctor.
The jump lunges are designed to train eccentric leg strength – which comes when you must forcefully slow yourself down before your knee hits the floor … this is the strength needed for the downhills on mountain events, but also we’ve found it’s a great way to train overall leg strength.
– Rob


I had a knee replacement about 5 years ago. I am 56 years old and a certified personal trainer. I have a pretty balanced plan right now. I lift 4 or 5 times a week , rotating upper body and lower body. I use dumbbells for all my strength routines (home gym) which includes squats, deadlifts, lunges, chest presses. etc. I finish with a 15 min kettlebell core workout on my strength days. I also spend 3 to 4 hours total of yoga, foam rolling, or stretching with a TRX a week. I have not run since my knee replacement. So for cardio I Mountain Bike, Ruck, or if its muddy Road bike or use indoor recumbent bike. The plan has been working well, it keeps me around 190 and I am 6’ft. However, I am looking for a progessive plan to really push me. I was looking at some of your plans, but I could not find one that did not include running. I do have certain recommendations from my orthopedic physician. Which include:

no running

35lbs rucksack limit

No heavier than 60lbs dumbbells on squats and deadlifts (120lbs)

I have been doing this for the last 5 years. I actually gave all my heavier dumbbells away so I would not be tempted to use them. There are no limits on duration of rucks, or mountain biking, so do you have any ideas for a progessive plan to maximize my results.



Ruck Improvement Training Plan – this plan is time-based, and without the ability to ruck run, to progress, you’d need to increase the weight of the ruck. I.e. start at 25#, go up to 30#, then up to 35# trying to maintain the same time. I’m not sure why you have that weight limit – but you do.
Dumbbell Moe – dumbbell and assessment-based strength programming, work capacity, and endurance. You can sub in biking/rucking for the running in the plan. There may be running included with some of the work capacity events – and you’ll need to modify these with either step ups, KB swings, or similar to get the same metabolic hit. Be resourceful.
SF55 Series, beginning with SF55 Alpha – Endurance is mostly “choose your mode” – so you could MTB/Ruck as needed.
– Rob


I am looking at completing the WURL-Wasatch Ultra Ridge Link-up

If you have not already heard of it. It is a ridgeline traverse of little cottonwood canyon in Utah.
32-35 miles
22,000’+ of elevation gain and just as much loss.
28+ peaks
Some exposed low level class-5 climbing.
Start at the valley floor, end at the valley floor.
Looking at your workout plans, I have loved the peak bagger and many others as they have been helpful completing segments of this route.
 It looks like the grand Teton plan is the closest in relation to the demands of the WURL but at a smaller scale. I am targeting sept of 2023 for my hard push at a sub-20 hour time.
Do you have any other recommendations on plans or ideas to prepare?


From what we have, yes – the Grand Teton Traverse Training Plan.
Technical-wise, obviously pre-completing the traverse over a few days (perhaps this year, and again mid-summer next year) prior to your hard push to familiarize yourself with the route and identifying the more technically difficult sections – and dialing them in – all this will help you with your sub 20-hour goal.
– Rob


I just got to my unit, and I noticed a couple people have sniper tabs.

I was wondering which plan would be best to get me, where I would need to be to pass confidently


Our understanding of Sniper School is the fitness element isn’t as demanding as the technical element. To that end, others have used our Virtue Packet of plans to prepare, completing Valor directly before the course. This is what I’d recommend – start this packet, beginning with the Military OnRamp Training Plan.

– Rob


I caught a nasty case of Covid and will have logged 1 training session in approximately 2-2.5 weeks once I get back at it (hoping to do so by the end of the week). Besides a few very easy walks to get some vitamin D I haven’t been able to do much. Currently wrapping up BW beginner, last session completed was 26 (week 5 of 6).

Once I resume training should I continue where I left off? Recycle back to the beginning of week 4 or go back a specific # of sessions?

Thanks y’all. Appreciate all you do very, very much. Always willing to answer questions and provide great insight.


Sorry About Covid … Re-start the program. You’re missed training, plus the impact of covid will have set you back.
– Rob


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