Need some suggestions on how to get back in shape after Covid. Finally got it. Basically slept for 2 days.
I was on week 12 of the run improvement. Which is interesting… I could complete a 10 mile run last week. And now I am huffing and puffing going up a flight of stairs.
Everyone is different, so I don’t have a specific plan for you. I suspect your fitness will recover relatively quickly, but I’m not sure.
So I’d start with walking – go for 1-2 miles. When this feels okay, proceed to a slow jog, for 1-2 miles, then to a moderate-pace run, …. then start increasing distance.
– Rob
Long time fan and follower… Thanks for all the hard work.
I have been program hopping for the last year even though I know better (I’ve lost muscle and gotten soft). I am now 40 and I am trying to find a better long term solution for training as a Fed LEO. I typically get up at 0430 and need to keep my sessions around 45 minutes to an hour in length. Currently I am on a national team where I travel and still need to be prepared for long days in full kit and possible rural operations. This said, I know you have the SF40 and other programs for older athletes as base fitness plans. Do you recommend cycling these long term and how, or would you follow the actual military program? I am trying to build out my next year of planning. Also, I do not have a sandbag at my gym greater than 30lbs. Is there a good substitute or would you just use the lighter weight bag?
There isn’t anything specific I am training for, just solid base fitness and capabilities.
Yes on
SF40 …. try S
F40 Alpha and see if the structure it brings to your programming improves things.
Sandbag? No substitute in equipment or weight. Many build their own and bring it to the gym. Be resourceful.
– Rob
I have been using various programs that you have written for a few years and am a huge fan. I am a medical professional who works a few long days a week. On my long days I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to a workout, but on my off days I have a longer time for a workout. Do you have a time constrainted plan that marries up as far as work emphasis with a longer workout plan? Basically I’m looking for a way to bounce back and forth between a 30 min workout and an hour workout while maintaining progressions. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Not right now … I can combine two plans but it messes up the progressions.
What I’d recommend is for your work days, you train strength, work capacity or chassis integrity, and on the weekends/off days, endurance.
SF40 Plans and SF45 Plans follow this general idea and are designed around shorter, 45 minute training sessions. If you had time on your days off you could easily just add time to the endurance work.
– Rob
I currently need guidance for an event I have coming up this spring. I will be attending a military style event where I will have to perform a 5 mile run, 13 mile ruck, as well as pushups/sit-ups/pull-ups all in the same day. It’s a 1 day selection type event. A gentleman’s even I am most concerned with the running and rucking aspect of this event as it has been years since I did either seriously.
I see that you have many selection based programs but at this time I don’t think any of those are appropriate. Of course at some later date (12-18 months from now) I will need to focus/specialize my training and complete one of those programs I am hoping there is a hybrid solution in the meantime.
I have currently been doing WSBB programs (upper heavy/lower heavy/upper dynamic/lower dynamic) and having good results. At this time I am rebuilding my body and trying to accomplish the following goals: getting from 160lbs to 170/175, hitting appropriate strength standards in bench/squat/dl for my weight, trying to stay well rounded (strength, endurance ,flexibility) since I currently engage in many sports/physical events, and maintaining a certain physique since I sometimes do photo/film shoots. In other words, I need to be a well-rounded generalist and have found my body has been responding well to weightlifting programs of the WSBB type.
I understand that you can’t train everything at once and that there are opportunity cost. But given the event metrics I provided could you all recommend or program a run/ruck plugin for me? Do you offer WSBB style programs with a Mountain Tactical twist? I am also open to hearing more about your nutrition programs.
Please advise and if its easier to talk about my situation/goals I am open for a brief phone call at any time just give me a heads up.
– Do pull ups instead of chin ups for the assessments and progressions
– use the same load for the ruck assessment and progressions as you’ll carry during the event.
Can you train with a heavy barbell and still train for this event? Sure …. on Tues and Thurs, but the plan is no joke and you may not want to. As well, heavy dead lifts and back squats and bench presses will not help you with this assessment – and a long ruck is no joke – you can’t fake it.
– Rob
Thanks for all the programming – been doing MTI for over a decade. And I’m enjoying the expanded written stuff lately!
Been working through hip arthritis and just learned I also have a labral tear and osteitis pubis. I can still perform pretty well but I haven’t been able to get back to running in any meaningful way for the past few months. Lots of the inflamation is worsened by sports – which I’ve since stopped. I’ve been doing the SF40 programming (A/B/C) and I’d like to try to everything before turning to any kind of surgery (likely arthoscopic).
Looking through MTI programming, it looks like the pre-hip surgery plan might be a good thing to try, and then jump back into SF40.
Basically, I’m looking to see how much I can squeeze out given where my hips are at to delay getting surgery – if possible.
So I’m thinking:
Pre-Hip Surgery Plan
SF40 series
My goal would be to see how I feel after that as a gauge. Is that what you would recommend?
Hip labral tears don’t heal by themselves … so keep going until it’s unbearable, or suck it up and get surgery sooner rather than later. I’m not a doctor so I can’t give you medical advice. Fitness-wise – plan is solid – you may need restrict range of movement for squats/lunges, and take up swimming …
– Rob
I’ve been working out with the UBBR program for a few months now. I am using it to lose weight and get into better shape. My question is regarding the bench press. Should I stay at 80% of my body weight on bench permanently, or can I increase the weight on bench after a certain amount of reps I can complete on test days?
None of our plans are designed to be completed again and again … if you do, eventually you’ll plateau like it seems you have here. So – yes, you can increase the percentage, but better would be to complete another plan. The
Ultimate Work Capacity Cycle is killer.
– Rob
Planning a multi climb trip this summer. Looking at Piz Bernina, Piz Palu, and Piz Roseg over the course of a week. Looking at 16 hour days in a alpine environment. Will also do 2 in Austria and Germany prior or after but unsure of right now. Looking for a plan suggestion. Thank you
– Rob
All the best from the UK!
I aim to do 3-4 sessions a week of CrossFit but my strength is letting me down (particularly overhead work and pull-ups). If I did x2 strength sessions a week what plan or programming would you recommend?
The only issue here is that this plan’s programming is progressive, and it’s unclear now if your crossfit programming would mess with your ability to make the progressions.
– Rob
If you had to put together a plan packet for GoRuck Selection that is 38 weeks long what plans would you choose?
Plans/Order in the
Virtue Packet, beginning with Humility … see below:
Weeks Plan
1-7 Humility
8-14 Valor
15-21 Fortitude
22-28 Resilience (Weeks 1-5, then skip to week 7)
– Rob
I just graduated from the DEA academy a week ago and I wanted to thank you for your programming and advice over the past year as I planned for my training. I showed up in excellent shape, and as the academy weeks wore on, staying with your programming not only allowed me to maintain, but ultimately improve my base fitness level. I can confidently say that because of your programming I graduated from the academy in better shape than when I arrived.
After training almost exclusively with the DEA PTT and the DEA Academy prep plans, once down at the academy, I transitioned to your daily operator Adze plan. It was awesome and left me over prepared for the daily grind; which is exactly what I wanted.
Now that I’ve graduated, I’m looking to finally get back into some more strength focused plans after doing almost bodyweight workouts over the past year. For me, being over prepared for my job is what I strive for and I am currently looking at beginning the Gun Maker Packet or the Greek Hero Packet. Do you have any advice on which plans might help push me further regarding relative strength and overall base fitness level? I’m also open to other plans you may prefer to recommend.
Again, thank you for all of your help and advice. Your plans work and I will be keeping them as a part of my daily routine throughout my career.
– Rob
I am an Army Infantry Officer looking for a program rec. I can program aerobic endurance on my own (running and ruck mileage around 20 miles/week) but want a program as a base to improve all-around “grind” strength and functional ability. I want my Big 3 lift numbers to increase, because I think that will make me more able overall. But I also think training functional movements with sandbags, metcons, kettlbelts etc is very important. Which program would you recommend?
Hector – including the ruck programming.
– Rob
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