Q&A 11.24.22


Two questions for you:

  • What would you suggest replacing the sandbag exercises with if I don’t have one handy? (Thought my gym had one but was wrong)
  • Can additional running be successfully integrated to the program? I’d like to run 3-4 times a week to build cardio but don’t want it to impede the success of this program


No sub for the sandbag exercises. Others make their own and take it to the gym. Be resourceful.
Extra running? This is an endurance-intensive program. Perhaps, depending on your fitness, but only after the first 4 weeks of the plan as prescribed.
– Rob


I’m going to start training for RASP selection next year. I am currently a civilian, with plans to enlist in September of 2023. Your website said to email with questions about training plans longer than 8 weeks. I have a year, or 50 weeks, to prepare. I currently sit at 6’4”, 260 lbs, 22% BF, 29 years old. I have been strength training consistently for 2 years now, but have not started to train for endurance/cardio. I currently deadlift 495, squat 365, bench 295. I realize that I will lose a considerable amount of size/weight over this training program and strength with that.


I’d recommend you complete the plans/order in the Virtue Packet of plans, beginning with Military OnRamp, then complete the RASP plan directly before reporting to Basic.
Timing should be just about right with your enlistment plans.
– Rob


I was interested in starting a few of your programs and wanted some advice on the timeline and layering of the programs.
I recently, in the last month, successfully completed a SFRE and an SFCP only a couple of weeks apart. I took a rest/deload week after the SFCP and am looking to ramp the training back up. I have been doing a custom program from a coach for a while now, but wanted to try some of your programs as I work my way into another SFCP and officially start my 18x contract.
SFCP is special forces candidate preparation. It’s a training weekend or series of weekends after a successful SFRE to test physical preparedness and used as a mock Star Course land navigation type test similar to SFAS. As for me, I am not sure what my timeline to basic would be after this next SFCP. I will need to taper for the event so I can perform optimally. Basic for me would probably be 3-5 months if I do not start my paperwork before the next SFCP.
I am currently 6′ 1″ 225-230lbs my current PT score are: 53 hand release push ups, 73 sit ups (both 2 mins max), 13:30 2 mile, 17 pull ups after the 2 mile. Both of my past 5 mile times on a road course have been in the 41-42 minute range after long days of training. My rucking has been solid. My goals are to shave as much time off the 5 mile as possible, but would like to maintain as much strength as possible. I am interested in dropping some weight as well to hopefully help with day in and day out endurance output.
I have 19 weeks from this upcoming monday till the weekend I start my next SFCP event. So that 19 weeks will need to include some taper into the event.
I was looking at completing the Big 3 Strength + 5-Mile Run Training Plan to focus on the 5 mile run time and then work into some progression of the Fortitude and Valor training plans. Leaving the potential to work in the Resilience and Ruck bases SFAS final plan before I leave for basic.
How would you structure the programs with the 19 weeks including a taper*** as I progress towards my next SFCP event? The SFCP will have all of the gate event, PT test, 5 Mile, timed Ruck, along with atleast 1 day of land navigation where the total mileage on a student is 25-30 miles.
I am open to any and all recommendations. If I can provide any further information please let me know.


Here’s what I Recommend:
Weeks.        Plan
1-7               Big 3 Strength + 5 Mile Run
8-14             Fortitude
15-19           Valor – first 3.5 weeks.
Taper? …. Take 2-3 days total rest before your next SFCP.
– Rob


I’m currently on week 4 of Ultimate Work Capacity I, and I’m really enjoying it. I’m not finding Part 2 on your website. Am I doing something wrong, or there is no part 2?

I wouldn’t mind just repeating the program again if there is not a part 2, but I would like to mix in some TAC SEPA. Any suggestions for which days to do that?  I’m assuming I would do at the beginning of the day before the conditioning. Thank y


This is the only Ultimate Work Capacity Plan I’ve built so far.
You can repeat the plan, but better would be to shift away from all work capacity for a cycle. I’d recommend a shift to strength and endurance – Options include Fortitude or the Big 3 + 5 Mile Run Training Plan.
Adding Tac Sepa? – Yes, after the warm up and before the intense work cap stuff.
– Rob


I emailed you before about k9 selection.
Over the summer i completed swat selection and swat beretta i believe the heavy endurance one. I did my knee in from the heavy endurance and had to take a couple weeks off to not do any more damage. What plan do you recommend now to get me to selection. I have made huge progress on the swat plans and love them but dont want to be too banged up for selection.

As far as the k9 selection: No rucking, there is not fitness test either, ive completed the only fitness test. Each k9 guy makes up a workout for the candidates so they will mostly be body weight exercises and running is my guess. All they want to see is that you dont give up not that ur the fastest or strongest. The workouts can last up to two hours.


I’d recommend Humility. Take 2-3 days total rest before the event..
– Rob


I just wanted to touch base with you I recently just got finished doing the whiskey program and also completed US marshal prep. I’m still in the Marshall process. Wanted to see what plan you could recommend for me to complete next? Thanks for your time.


Continue to work through the plans in the Spirits Packet following Whiskey.
Next up is Tequila.
– Rob


I’ve used multiple MTI plans in the past with success. I’m planning an attempt on “The Shiled” on Huascaran Sur, which is a technical 22k mountain this summer. Suggestions on which plan might be best? I’ve already purchased Exped ice/mixed and was thinking of using that and maybe augmenting some of the lungs/legs bit.


Looks gnarly. Be safe!
– Rob


I am currently using the Mountain Tactical plan to train for the FBI Special Agent PFT.
I just completed week 2 of the plan. I have 6 months until the official PFT.
The two areas that I need more focus on is the 300m sprint and pushups. During my last practice PFT, I ran the 300m in 58 seconds, and only did 13 push-ups. For your information, I am 25 years old and 122 pounds.
Do you have any tips or exercises that I can do to supplement the PFT plan in these two areas? Any advice or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you!


I’d recommend completing the plan as prescribed. The push up volume is substantial, and the sprint time will develop with both fitness and technique improvement – which comes naturally from threshold running.
Not sure your height/weight, but if you’re carrying around extra fat, losing with will help with both push ups and 300 run speed. Here are our recommended bodyweights based on height, and here are our nutritional guidelines. If you’re not eating “clean” now, do so.
See how you do on next Monday’s Re-assessment, then again on week 5.
– Rob


I am a 54 year old male. Active lifestyle (Ops Mgr at pest control company, already doing light load of resistance training, endurance runner for 10+ years), but ectomorph, and definitely fit the “skinny guy” category. 5’8″ and 130 lbs. Dexa Scan a month ago, and registering 9.6 % body fat.
Diet situation. Read your review of Ted Naiman’s diet protocols. Already following a very similar diet regimen. Currently zero alcohol (for 2 months) and consuming zero carb bread but about to ditch that shortly. Otherwise, I have been through various forms of low carb since 2004, including the Protein Power Lifeplan, Keto, Carnivore, Paleo/Mediterranean, and now a P:E – ish diet.
My objective with the resistance training part of my overall training is to add muscle before too much more time goes by and it becomes a super limited prospect.
I am very interested in the Skinny Guy Hypertrophy program. However, before going forward, I have a couple of questions:
1) How does the program work? I think I understand the description on the website, but is there a coaching or accountability element? In other words, after ordering, what exactly do I receive and how does it work?
2) Already putting in a significant volume of workload in my occupation, do you have any recommendations for how to pull off 60-70 minutes a day when it’s already a grind and long hours at work? Do most people do better in the morning or evening, or does it matter? I understand this is more of a personal matter, but is it necessary to spend that much time to realize reasonable muscle gain? I don’t mind the investment of time, and whatever program I dive into, I will make it happen. But I also don’t want to spend more time than is necessary.
3) Joint stress. Being 54 brings up injury concerns, especially in the joints, for me. I’m used to a certain volume of pushups, pull-ups, etc, but don’t want to enter a scenario where I’m sidelined due to injury. Is this program I’m looking at the right one for me considering my age and current activities?
Any insights would be much appreciated.


1) Purchase is the programming – no additional coaching/accountability. I answer dozens of email questions daily – so you can always email, but we don’t hold your hand through the training. The programming is solid, and has been proven, and it’s not complicated. It just takes commitment and work. Also – if you’ve never done a hypertrophy plan before, plan on being sore as hell for while as you adapt. You’ll never make fun of bodybuilders again …
2) Train first thing in the morning, before work. The volume in the plan is a lot … and it takes time to do all the reps.
3) I’m 54 and my joints hurt too … but high rep, moderate load is the way to increase muscle mass.This plan is full body hypertrophy – including the low body, so expect sets of squats/lunges in the 6-15 rep range. It will stress your joints and plan on sore knees, elbows and shoulders, esp. initially. However, not sure your weekly running mileage, but if your joints are doing okay with that, they might be in better shape than mine and you won’t suffer as bad. I’ll take some advil before training, suffer through the warm up, and my joints warm up and I’m usually ready to go.
Couple notes …. (1) endurance running will absolutely limit any mass gains from this programming. Stop your running while completing the plan.
(2) We’re actually starting a mini study Monday where 1/2 the lab rats are drinking 1/2 gallon of whole milk/day during the plan. I’m 5’7″, 155# – so I’ve got 25# on you – but have always had a stocky build. I’d recommend, if your digestive system can take it, drinking 1/2 gallon of whole milk/day for the training days … and seeing if the extra calories, protein and fat help you put on some mass.
– Rob


I have been enjoying working through the AMGA Mountain Guide
Pre-Season program, but I had a few questions about the programming if
you had a minute or two?

1.  During the training sessions, several separate multi-round
doublets/triplets are programmed – but no mention is made of the rest
time between these.  What is the intent here?   Move directly into the
next event?   Or rest between events?

2.  When stretches are programmed immediately following a movement as
part of a doublet/triplet, how long is the stretch intended to be held?
Or is the intent to do more of a dynamic stretch for reps?

Any information you could provide would be helpful,



1- move directly to the next event or “Part” … i.e. (1), (2), (3)
2 – 30-60 seconds. The stretch is “working rest” between efforts.
– Rob


I’m about to complete the final week of the military on ramp program, I’ve really enjoyed it and I feel like I’ve made significant progress. My goal is to retrain into TACP from aircraft maintenance, with a rough timeframe of completing a competitive IFT in the summer of next year and leaving for the schoolhouse in May 2024 (my DEROS). I’d like some guidance on some plans that I could do after On-Ramp that I  could feasibly complete while also working full time on the flight line. I will also be deploying to Poland for a unspecified length of time during the winter, and will be signing up for a membership at a commercial gym when I get there so I can keep training. I’d rate my fitness as being able to easily pass an IFT (albeit not with competitive numbers) right now, except for the run which I still need to knock another 45-60 seconds off of to even make the minimum score. MTI programs all seem excellent, there are just so many I can’t decide which ones are best for my progression. Any help pointing me in the right direction for my training would be greatly appreciated!


Now …. follow up the Military OnRamp Plan with HumilityFortitude, then Valor from the Virtue Packet of plans.
Email back as you get closer to next summer and your schoolhouse date and get a better idea of your training equipment available in Poland.
– Rob


A few years back I purchased your big mountain program and used to get in shape for event to cross Ireland from coast to coast in 24 hours by running , biking , kayaking , biking then the last 35km was across the mountains of mourne to the waterline on the east coast , I found it a great help , I felt I got stronger as the event went on !  I have used it a few times since but had recently lost my iPad I had it stored on and was looking to find the program again
Last year I undertook the 7 peak challenge in the mourne mountains, not high by your mountains in any sense but it’s a challenge the mountains rise from the shore line so you climb from the beach,  all the peaks are 700m and above you must reach its 35km in length it took me 11.5 hours it was great but exhausting, I know I can do better , train better, I’d like to be better prepared,  it is not till august 2023 , I was wondering if you could advise me on a good program that may help ?
Iam 52 years old , commercial diver , ex police diver , Royal Irish rangers etc etc so used to a bit of suffering and hard work  , I have access to a gym and live local to some little hills and woods that I use as my outdoor gym , I road bike , sea kayak , dive and hike when ever I can
Looking forward to hear your advice
Many thanks for your time


For your day-to-day training, I’d recommend our SF50 Programming … beginning with SF50 Alpha.
For your 7 peak challenge, I’d recommend the Peak Bagger Training Plan – complete it the 7 weeks directly before the event.
– Rob


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