Q&A 11.15.18


Which plan would you recommend for pure strength maintenance?  I’m at a point now (365# front squat, 255# push press) where I don’t really desire to focus on strength and get a whole lot stronger, but know if I don’t train strength I will lose it.  I’m looking for a plan that has minimal time commitment to strength training to leave time for my conditioning goals.  
For reference, I used to be an infantry officer and am now in law school, so I don’t have any particular goals to train for, just much less time than I used to have!


I’d recommend the strength sessions from the MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan. You could swap the bench press in the plan for the push press if you wish.
– Rob


Hello. I would like to enlist in French foreign legion but couldn’t find a relevant training program. So what do you advise?


I’d recommend Humility.
– Rob


I´m an old guy (58) from Sweden.
I have been training whole my life and is still in pretty good shape.
I run 10k trail sub 60 and 5k trail sub 29. 
I´m a RKC II and PCC (Dragon Door) and familiar with the barbell. I have experience from crossfit, weightlifting and some strenghtlifting 
For a couple of years ago I also run a couple of mountain marathons.
I´m also a dog officer in the military (Home Guard).
My goal for 2019 is:
– More allround strength
– June: Run Keb Classic again (3 years ago)
– Oktober: Participate in the Swedish Nationals and run 3,3k trail with a dog.
I don´t have a dog so I need to borrow one 🙂
What program do you recommend for me, SF45 Packet 1 or do you have a better one for me?
What´s in the other programs (Echo, Foxtrot, etc) in SF45 Packet II? 


Yes – I’d recommend the plans/programming in the SF45 1 packet to start. Start with SF45 Alpha
The SF45 Packet II is simply a continuation of this programming methodology for all the athletes who have worked through the SF45 Packet 1 Plans.
The Charts below shows the general approach for each SF45 Plan.
– Rob


I have 12 weeks until I go to Air Assault training (07Jan2019). I plan on completing the Air Assault Training plan the 6 weeks immediately before Air Assault. What should I do for the first 6 weeks? 


Fortitude – weeks 1-6.
– Rob


I am currently on week 1 of the run improvement plan, and had a question about the longer runs. I live in a hilly area and the only track i can access is on base which is a bit of a commute for me. Most of the week I can go straight to the track from work and perform the 800m repeats and other exercises. I wanted to know if I could perform my distance runs in this hilly area and how i should adjust my pace or distance. Also can some of the repeats be performed on the hills here by my house in combination with some lifting/calisthenics? I ask because I have a garage gym with the works. I have done this plan in the past and my times improved a lot however, at the time I was living a short walk from the track. Just want to know what adjustments you recommend for me now that I live around lots of hills.


Yes on the distance runs – run at an “easy” pace – you can speak in full sentences. 
No on the interval repeats. These must be at the track or a flat area.
– Rob


Just heard your podcast with “The Art of Manliness” and I am very stoked after listening to it. Could you recommend a package for someone that would like to become an industrial athlete (construction) but who travels very extensively and would probably have limited access to equipment?

Thank you…Very exciting.


Given your travel, I’d recommend beginning our programming with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan
Don’t be fooled by “bodyweight” – this plan is no joke and a great place to start our programming. Email back after completion.
– Rob


Finally got through Moe at prescribed weights etc after some delays from moving into/working on a new house. Looking to see which program I should hit next. With snow already falling here in Colorado and resorts opening I am thinking of doing the dryland skiing program (as skiing is my favorite activity). Would you recommend that as my next program, and if so should i do the 30 min or full version. Or is there a better program i should do next to continue building my base.


Yes on the Dryland Plan – do the full version here: http://mtntactical.com/shop/dryland-ski-training-program/
– Rob


Thanks for all the great programming up to this point. I will be wrapping up Whiskey in a few weeks, in Mid November, which is the same time I ETS from the Army. That is around the same time I wont have access to a full gym.
While I move I will have a 65# Sand Bag, a weight vest, and 20,30,40 Dumbbells in the back of my vehicle.
I am looking for a plan similar to the Sandbag/Weight Vest/ Dumbbell plan I see as part of a packet, but I cant find it stand alone.   
I will report to the Coast Guard DCO School on 24 January.  Directly before school I want to do a PT Test focus plan for the PU(Cadence), SU, and 1.5 Mile Run I will be tested on. (Similar to the DEA plan I used)
What plans do you recommend?


I’d recommend Humility
3-4 weeks out from DCO school, re-complete the DEA PT plan to prepare for the PT test
– Rob


I am looking for a new fitness plan. I have done strict weightlifting, CrossFit, functional fitness but I have not been getting the results I want. I am in the Army and while I like the aesthetic aspect of being fit I also need to be able to perform certain activities at any moment. I am also wanting to be prepared for the new army PT test. I want to be strong but also run faster and longer and also be able to ruck like I need to and also have the strong fit aesthetic that I see in women who do a lot of CrossFit. Any recommendations you could make would be greatly appreciated. 


I recommend the plans and order in the Greek Hero Packet. These are designed as day to day programming for military infantry and land-based SOF and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run, ruck), tactical agility and chassis integrity. Follow the plans in order – beginning with the Military OnRamp Plan, (first plan) and following it with Hector, etc. You can purchase these plans as a packet, or individually. 
ACFT – 6 weeks prior to the test drop out of the Green Hero programming and complete the ACFT Training Plan. After the test, drop back into the Greek Hero plans. 
– Rob


I just got this email and was so excited to see your Wildland Fire Fitness Assessment! It’s so much better than what we do on our crew. I’m going to take it to overhead and see if they’d be willing to implement it.
One question though:  We usually do our Pack Test on the same day we do our Fitness Assessment Testing.  So our candidates will have done a 3 mile walk with a 45# weight vest before they would take this Assessment. Is there any way to scale the Assessment to take that into consideration?  It seem that candidates would obviously perform substantially better on the Assessment if they hadn’t just rucked three miles.  Due to time constraints, we really can’t do them on separate days.
Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much for designing such an awesome Assessment!


Best would be to do these on separate days. The pack test is an agency requirement – and not strenuous for most athletes – it’s almost an administrative requirement. 
Another option would be to replace the 1/300/1 final event with the pack test
– Rob


I’m trying to find a plan that will help me continue my training for 19D osut I’m scheduled to reclass at the end of March and want to be at the same level or better as the males I’ll be in school with. Thanks in advanced. 


By my count you have 22 weeks before OSUT. 
Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks    Plan
1-7          Military OnRamp
8-13        Fortitude (first 6 weeks)
14           Total Rest
– Rob


2 yr+ subscriber and loving your plans! I’m currently coming off a summer of training for mountain running with the Alpine Running plan and then utilized the inseason endurance strength training program for the last 1.5 mo to keep me busy/strong before shifting to training for ski season. I’m entering a season that will be skate ski/down hill heavy with some backcountry days depending on conditions/avy activity. I need to keep some hard aerobic days (1-2)/wk during the work week and then ski what conditions will allow on the weekends. In the past I’ve only lifted 2-3 days/wk and it’s never held me back during the season. Any thoughts as to what program to transition to in the next week or so and then any recommendations for the ski season itself? I have a couple 50k skate ski races planned for the winter but still want to be ready for a big day in the backcountry or resort.


In Season: In-Season Ski Maintenance Training Plan – follow the weekend warrior programming.
– Rob


I am emailing because I have no idea where to start!  I was a college athlete yada yada yada,dabbled in Crossfit 7 years ago. Now I just turned 47 and I am out of shape, still have a little strength, no muscular or cardio respiratory endurance. I am 6’2 down to 290lbs from 330 with diet changes alone. I can do 1 pull-up. I would like to know where to start. I have access to a rower, quite a few free weights,sand bag, and weight vests.
Which program would be a good starting point for me that I could complete and make some changes in body composition and overall endurance. I have no specific category I just want to get in great shape.


Start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan. Don’t be fooled by “bodyweight” – This plan is no joke, and automatically scales to your incoming fitness. 
Follow it up with the plans/order in the SF45 Packet 1. The SF45 plans are designed for tactical and other high impact athletes ages 45-55.
– Rob


I worked through most of the Fat Loss Training Plan a few months ago to get myself out of the funk that comes with now being mostly in a desk job, and it worked to good effect.
A few months on and I’m now on the road in the Middle East as opposed to at a desk, which has it’s own share of challenges for staying fit.
Do you have any training plans designed to fill in the gaps for travellers? I can usually secure space – I have a clear rooftop for the next month – but I have pretty much no equipment that I would normally use for a workout. Once home I will repeat the fat-loss then do the mil on-ramp to get back into that groove.
Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!


– Rob


My wife and I are following the Chassis Integrity Plan an add on to our CrossFit training.  We both are really liking it and it has been a bit of a stretch (especially for my wife) when it comes to some of the new exercises/ movements that have been included.  I am really liking using the sandbag on these circuits.  In addition, I really like the grind circuits, especially in comparison to the AMRAPs we are used to with CF.  Also, while we both knew that our chassis need some work, this training has shown us that our backs really needed work and they really seem to be strengthening well.  We are currently on Week 3 and I will probably do this another time between now and first of the year.  
Thanks a ton Coach.  


Thanks for the note. Chassis Integrity has proven to be one of the most impactful evolutions of our programming theory. 

– Rob


I’m looking for a 4 day a week, 45-minute general fitness program. I really like the 1-lift per day plan.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I have the time.  Is there a similar program that is slightly less time-consuming?


– Rob


Looking for a PT plan for my dad before he starts dive school; He’s an FBI Bomb tech who will have to collect evidence and do other basic law enforcement tasks underwater. Any plan in particular you suggest for him? Thanks!


– Rob


I’ve completed Alpinist Fitness Assessment, Helen and Artemis and am starting pre-season training for ski season.  The goal has been to get into alpinist/“guide” shape for this season and be able to comfortably do 10k+ vertical touring/alpinist days.  I was going to now do pre-season backcountry touring and add a deep endurance day on Saturday’s.  What should I be doing for my deep endurance day to most effectively reach my goals?  I was thinking something along the lines of the biggest endurance day in the alpinist assessment which was 1000 40lb step ups followed by a 15k run, or should it be step ups followed by weighted uphill hiking for several thousand vert like Artemis.  Let me know thoughts?


I’d recommend an easy, but long trail run – 90 min to 2.5 hours. Easy pace – the BC Ski Plan has plenty of hard, intense, loaded vertical.
– Rob


I am starting the application process for Marine OCS. I am trying to discern which program would be best for me, and then steps after that.
Currently, I am undertrained and I need to prepare for the PFT. Any help in picking a plan would be appreciated. All areas need improvement, including hiking.
Workouts I understand I need to include:
-Endurance (Rowing)
-Base Fitness*
-Sandbag work
-Explosive-HInge movement
Upon clearance, I would be shipping out in June. I am 155lbs at 5’10.5″, 24 years old. 
Athletic history: Swimming, wrestling, hockey, lacrosse in high school, Rugby, 4 years in college 


I’d recommend you begin our stuff with the Military OnRamp Training Plan
Follow it up with focused programming for the PFT – the USMC PFT Training Plan
Then, the 6 weeks directly prior to OCS, complete the USMC OCS Training Plan.
– Rob


I have an APFT in 6 weeks. Should I begin the APFT improvement plan or do you think the Run Improvement Plan would be good?

I’m planning on doing the run improvement plan after the APFT plan, and was wondering what your thoughts were about just jumping into the running improvement plan right off the bat.

I like the idea of training leg/upper body strength in the run improvement plan. Opposed to just doing sit-ups and push-ups. I know it’s sport specific but I’m wondering if I’d get similar APFT benefits with the run improvement plan.

I also thought about jumping into week 6 after APFT plan but I think I would miss out on the majority of the leg blasters and the strength that come with them.

The end goal is to attend WOCS at the end of March. I’d like to jump into the OCS plan just prior to attending that. The timeline would workout if I jumped into the run improvement plan now.

Just curious what your thoughts are on that. You know better than I do about the results that your athletes have gotten from the run improvement plan. Great looking plan by the way. 

Side note…any plan on updating the Army OCS plan? I’ve done it before and love it as is, I’ve noticed in the past year you’ve gotten away from programming 400’s and have just gone straight to 800’s.

Thanks for all you guys do!


If your APFT score is important, do the APFT Training Plan. 
– Rob


I am currently going through the USMC Officer recruitment process, and am looking to score a 300 PFT. I just finished week 1 of the USMC PFT plan. However, being that I will likely take my official PFT in early January and OCS starts in early June, I was curious as to how I should train after the USMC PFT plan and before the OCS plan? Also, is there a plan/program that I can do concurrently with the USMC PFT plan so that I am building overall general fitness to prepare me for OCS and the Infantry Officer Course down the line?


You don’t want to double up with the PFT plan if your focus is on the PFT – extra training will retard the effectiveness of the PFT Plan. 
Between the PFT Plan and OCS Plan, I’d recommend Fortitude, Valor, and Resilience, in that order, from the Virtue Series of plans. 
Good luck!
– Rob


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